SDI Basic Ballistics (BBS 100)

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Dummy, Drilled, Inert

Which cartridge is for non-fire training, demonstration, and instructional purposes such as the manual of arms, the proper loading and unloading of firearms, cartridge nomenclature, ammunition handling practices and procedures, and other similar purposes?


Which of the following are conical disks with a hole in the middle, like a very wide washer?

Pure Lead, Various Lead Alloys, Powdered Metals Pressed Together with or without a Jacket

Which of the following can be used to make swaged bullets?

Copper Strip; Tubing

Which of the following can jackets be made from?

Hollow Point

Which of the following is a colloquial term used to describe a projectile that is more formally defined as a controlled-expansion projectile?


Which of the following is a mainstay material used in the construction of cartridge casings:

Frangible Projectile

Which of the following is a projectile designed to disintegrate into inert dust upon impacting materials such as steel targets and backstops at gun ranges:

Jacket Separation

Which of the following is a significant issue with projectiles?

Self ejection on the back stroke, Self alignment of external punch and die, more strength/less effort

Which of the following is an advantage of the swaging press?

Ammunition loaded into a weapon where the projectile is independently loaded from the propellant charge

Which of the following is not a component of a self-contained cartridge?

Those associated with heat expansion, Swinging split section alignment, Time required to prepare

Which of the following problems are absent or minimized with swaging?

110 Grains

How many grains of black powder are used in the .50-110-300 Winchester Cartridge?

Have a fire extinguisher on hand, Wear glove and eye protection, Use appropriate respirator mask

Which of the following safety precautions should someone observe when casting bullets?

.22 Short

Which of the following was the first successful rimfire cartridge, introduced by Smith & Wesson?


Which term is used to describe leak prevention in a bore?


Which type of cartridge is marketed primarily for general target shooting and training applications:

Jacket is left with a Larger Opening

Why does a lead tipped bullet expand more quickly than an open-tipped bullet?

The Punch

With Semi-Wadcutter and wadcutter styles, the nose shape is controlled by what?

5 Inches

In a crosswind of 10 miles per hour, a .22LR bullet, with a muzzle velocity of 1335 fps will be blown downwind how many inches at 100 yds?

Core Bonding

What is the process of melting the lead, within a jacket, in the presence of the liquid core bond called?

15k-150k PSI

What is the range of pressure used during bullet swaging?

A Heat Treatment Oven

What is used to melt lead cores for bonding to the jacket and heat treating either jackets or lead itself?

Wood or Paper Projectiles

What type of projectile is used for firing rifle grenades, short-range training applications, or for drill, salute, and ceremonial purposes?


What was the early Greek term for ballistics, meaning "to throw"?


What year was the .30-06 cartridge modified and adapted by the U.S. Government?

Once it Expands to the Diameter of the Die

When is the jacket normally complete?


When the bullet goes _____________, it feeds energy to the air so fast that the base drag is a small portion of the total loss.

Sustain their Velocity longer than lighter ones

Heavier Bullets:

From Muzzle to the Target

The realm of the exterior ballistics extends:

Captain Tamasier

A French weapons designer named _________________ developed smaller groove depths in rifling. This advancement in rifling improved the overall accuracy and was later adopted by American manufacturers.

Minute of Angle

A ____________ is the term used in measuring bullet dispersion (1" @ 100 yds)


A centerfire cartridge uses a small explosive device called a:

Gas Check

A thin metal pod of copper, zinc, aluminum, or brass at the base of a bullet is called a _______________.


A very limited amount of WWII Japanese ammunition were fired with a ____________ projectile.


According to the author of the course textbook, an automated rotary caster is about ______ times as productive as manual casting.

Proper Function in Semi-automatic weapons

According to the text, round-nosed bullets with low velocities are specifically designed for:

Interior and Exterior Ballistics

As the study of ballistics progressed, the field of ballistics was broken into two differently phases:

The Science of Moving Projectiles

Ballistics deal with:


Bullet energy is normally expressed in:

Case, Primer, Powder, Bullet

Each cartridge is made up of 4 basic parts:

Diameter; Diameter

Each step in swaging increases the ________________ of the components until they reach their final ______________ in the last die.


Early lead bullets were cast ______________ then brought to more exact fit with patching.


In a ______________ cartridge, the primer is located in a small wall, or depression, in the center of the case head.

1. You will be pushing a larger part through a smaller hole 2. You always draw things down 3. In this process you will reduce the diameter of the initial object 4. In this process you will use a die with a ring type open end

In the process of bullet drawing, there are several notable differences from bullet swaging. Select all that apply to bullet Drawing:


Lead tip bullets require that the jacket be left ____________ sufficiently so that the tip is connected to the main core by a substantial stem of core material.

1. Large lead pellets used in shot shells 2. Refers to a centrally located primer. Most are reloadable. 3. Amount of work capable of being done by a projectile Foot/Pounds 4. Parallel spiral grooves cut into the bore 5. The path of the projectile in flight 6. The pressure exerted by a burning charge of powder in the gun. Expressed by PSI. 7. Radius of the curve of the bullet nose, usually expressed in calibers 8. Unit of Kinetic Energy to raise 1 lb up 1 ft against normal gravity.

Match the following ballistic terms: 1. Buckshot: 2. Centerfire: 3. Energy: 4. Rifling: 5. Trajectory: 6. Pressure: 7. Ogive: 8. Foot/Pound:

Non-Expansion, Controlled-Expansion, Fragmentation

Projectiles can be described as having an effect when they become terminal, including which of the following?


Provide the name of the bullet nose curvature, stemming from the French word "Ogee", which is the bullet shaped curve over a doorway.

Powley High Velocity Chart

One of the more convenient devices for determining bullet drop is the:


Projectile mass, relative to the ______________________ powder charge, should not be confused with Magnum, +P, Proof, or otherwise heavy charged cartridges.

612 F

Pure lead melts at around ______________.

Lands and Grooves cut in a Rifle Barrel

Rifling consists of:

1. Runs at room temperature and does not contact hot metal 2. Flows the metal under tons of pressure, squeezing out air pockets and voids 3. Takes it shape from the diamond-lapped hardened surface of the die. 4. The die does not split in two to release the die

Select all that apply to bullet swaging: (p71)

8MM Mauser

The 8x57mm Cartridge- developed in Europe - is also known as the ______________ in America.

Black Powder

The earliest propellant used in firearms was called:


The empirically derived formula for best hardness is: (Brinell hardness in BHN) BHN= PSI/_________

Semi Rimmed

The designated "SR" identifier on a cartridge means:

6MM Lee Navy

The following line drawing depicts one of the first successful rimless cartridge designs in American History. What is the name of this cartridge?


The forward speed of a bullet, usually specified in feet per second, is called:


The material of choice in modern hulls for shot shells is which of the following:

Breech Pressure

The pressure exerted on the chamber walls when a cartridge is fired is called:

Lethal, Training, Less Lethal

The principle purpose of ammunition is:


The raised portion in the bore, between two adjacent grooves is called:

From the Breech of the Gun to the Muzzle

The realm of interior ballistics extends:

Land to Land, Groove to Groove, Cartridge Casing Neck Opening

The term caliber remains somewhat elastic and can be defined by which of the following different meanings:


The use of the imperial system, using fractions of an inch and designated as _______________ to indicate the interior bore diameter of the arm in question, originated with smooth-bore arms.


The words straight, tapered, cylindrical, and bottleneck are used to describe the shape of:

Lead Semi-Wadcutter

There is a type of swage die, having punches shaped for both the bullet base and nose, which is called "LSWC", which stands for:

Winchester Shop Superintendent, B. Tyler Henry

What does the letter H stamped on the base of Winchester's rimfire ammunition stand for?

The Pattern and Curved Path of a Bullet in Flight

Trajectory is best described as:


True/False: A blank cartridge, when fired, cannot cause serious injury because there is no projectile.


True/False: A feature of all projectiles is the cannelure, which is the groove that runs the circumference of a projectile.


True/False: A jacket isolates the lead core from contact with the barrel and allows the bullet to be shot much faster without friction melting the core and smearing it into the barrel, which is called "Lead Fouling".


True/False: Adding tin or antimony to pure lead increases the hardness of the mixture.


True/False: Ammunition is referred to in any number of different terms: cartridge, self-contained cartridge, bullets, shots, or rounds. Technically speaking, these terms are not all interchangeable, as they do not truly represent the same article.


True/False: Bullets that have a shoulder between the nose section and the shank can be made in a straight cylinder kind of die by using a punch that has the nose shape machined into a cavity.


True/False: Every gun this is fired has recoil.


True/False: Features such as the dual-diameter, serrated jackets, or cannelures can only be added to certain styles of bullets?


True/False: In European circles, the term bore is never used in lieu of the term gauge.


True/False: In swaging, the bullet takes its shape and finish from the diamond-lapped hardened surface of the die.


True/False: It is not unusual for cartridges to be named or to include an adjective as part of the cartridge identification.


True/False: Lead was introduced as a projectile material after the advent of the firearm.


True/False: Polymer-coated bullets do not emit smoke on firing.


True/False: Pure lead bullets are almost never used in casting a projectile; alloys such as arsenic, antimony, and tin often times are added as trace elements to improve performance.


True/False: Swaging is the process of applying pressure to get material to flow at room temperature.


True/False: Swaging lubricant is the same as bullet lubrication.


True/False: Thanks to ease at which the coating burns off, polymer coated bullets do not need to be sized before being loaded into cases.


True/False: The advantage of the S-Press over conventional reloading presses is the greater strength, up to 13000 PSI vs 35000 PSI.


True/False: The basic cylindrical-style casing can be of any proportion relative to it length vs diameter.


True/False: Under pressure of the powder gas, abduration takes place, in which the case expands against the magazine wall, making a semi-rigid seal and preventing gas from escaping to the sides


True/False: When melting lead, continue to increase the temperature after reaching the melting point to make sure you liquify any impurities in the metal.


True/False: With a serrator draw die, the distance the jacket is pushed into the die determines how much of the ogive will be serrated.


True/False: With manual operated molds, overfilling should be controlled to avoid extra waste.


What are the serrated grooves rolled into a jacket or lead bullet called?

Lethal, Training, Less Lethal

What are the three principle purposes of ammunition?

Serrate only the forward portion of the jacket

What can be done to make a bullet that opens quickly and reliably with good, even expansion, but then stops expanding about midway or just past the ogive?

Powder and Lead Ball Wrapped in Paper

What components made up the first muzzleloading cartridges?

Shapes of Punches

What do flat base, dish base, cup base, hollow base, or Base-Guard base describe?

Brinell Hardness Number

What does Bhn stand for?

Target Practice

What is the main purpose of using a wad cutter bullet?

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