Section 3- Wave Interactions
Constructive Interference
- crests and troughs of one wave overlap the crests and troughs of another wave - energy combines creating new wave with higher crests and deeper troughs ( longer amplitude)
Destructive Interference
Crests of one wave overlap the troughs of another wave
What interaction causes a rainbow
Standing Wave
a pattern of vibrations that simulates a wave standing still the wave goes both directions
a reflected sound wave
why can we hear two people talking even after they walk around a corner
because of diffraction, it can go through holes in the walls
What are the 4 interactions waves undergo
diffraction, reflection, refraction, interference
How a rainbow occurs
light passes through a medium causing the light to refract and disperse into separate colors
occurs when a wave bounces back after hitting a barrier
occurs when two objects naturally vibrate, sound produced by one obje
2 wave interactions that occur when a wave hits a barrier
reflection and diffraction
the bending of a wave as the wave passes from one medium to another at an angle
the bending of waves around a barrier or through an opening
two or more waves overlap
What are the four properties of waves
wave length, wave speed, frequency, amplitude
wave travels through a substance
Part of Refraction
waves moving from one medium to another causes a change in wave speed and wavelength