Section 6 - Dangerous Driving Behaviors

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(BAC) breathalyzer

Drivers are considered to be driving under the influence of alcohol, in Maryland, when their blood alcohol concentration is .08 or higher.

Aggressive Driving (Road Rage)

Drivers demonstrate behaviors like speeding, tailgating, failing to obey traffic signals and devices, erratic or improper lane changes, failing to yield the right-of-way and improper passing.

preventing road rage

Drivers must respect and cooperate with all other road users and conform to specific rules iot maintain order and avoid crashes.

prescription drugs

Using directional drugs can also impair your ability to drive. It is important to pay close attention to both the directions and over the counter drug label warnings, which instruct individuals to avoid using certain drugs when operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery.

Encase you feel tired

while driving, it is best to rest, or change drivers. Being tired dulls your mind and slows down your reactions, making driving hazardous.

(BAC) drug disregard

this recommendation can lead to criminal penalties should your ability to safely operate a vehicle be impaired.

good general rule

to treat other drivers and road users like you would like to be treated.

Cell phones for under the age of 18

An individual who is under the age of 18 years may not use a wireless communications device (including a hands-free phone/device) while operating a motor vehicle, with the exception of a 911 emergency call.

(BAC) violation

A suspension or revocation for a violation of an Under 21 Alcohol Restriction or any violation of §21-902 of the MD Vehicle Law, (driving under the influence or impaired by alcohol) can result in mandatory participation in the Ignition Interlock Program.

(BAC) consequences

Any amount of alcohol can affect one's judgment and physical coordination and can lead to criminal charges.

Alcohol, Drugs and Driving

Drunk driving is a very serious threat to highway safety.

Transporting Kids

If you are convicted of a drunk or drugged driving offense with a child or children in your vehicle, your fine and jail time can be doubled by the judge in court.

Under 21 - Alcohol Restriction

If you are not yet 21 years of age, it is not legal for you to be drinking at all. If you are pulled over and you have been drinking, your license will be suspended or canceled (taken away).

(BAC) advice

If you plan on drinking, plan not to drive.

Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) - Illegal and Prescription Drugs

Illegal drugs, prescription medications, and chemical inhalants can severely impact a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

It is a measurement of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood.

Open Alcohol Container

It is against the law to operate a motor vehicle with an open alcohol container in the passenger area of the vehicle. For example; a six-pack of alcohol with an open or missing bottle/can or any empty bottles/cans that previously contained alcohol can be considered an open container.

Road Concentration

It is essential for safe driving. You should be constantly aware of the road and the other vehicles around you. Keep alert and you may be able to foresee a crash and avoid it. Constantly check the position of vehicles behind you, as well as those beside and ahead of you.

Beware of drowsy

It is important to be aware of the signs of drowsy driving and to take the necessary action to ensure that you do not put yourself and others in a situation that could result in a crash.

Cell phones

MD Vehicle Law (MVL) stops the use of hand held devices, including texting, while operating a motor vehicle. Although hands-free devices are permitted, drivers should minimize calls and focus on the following safe driving practices

Drowsy Driving

Not getting enough sleep is another cause of poor driving behavior. This slows reaction time, decreases awareness and impairs judgment, just like drugs or alcohol. A lack of sleep can significantly increase your chances of being involved in a crash. Some drivers are at a higher risk for feeling drowsy while operating a vehicle.

(BAC) Drugs

They have serious harmful effects on the skills required to drive safely: alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. [They can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road.]

passenger area

This is any place designed to seat the driver or a person or any place that is readily accessible to the driver or passenger from their seating position.

Distracted Driving

This term refers to anything that takes your eyes, hands or especially your mind, away from driving. This is the most common contributing factor in police-reported traffic crashes. Disorders of any sort cause drivers to miss key visual and audio cues needed to avoid a crash.

Road rage causes

crowded roads, unexpected delays, rushing, road construction, and stress.

Reduce Road Rage tips

• allow extra time to travel; • be patient; • be courteous; • concentrate on your driving behavior; • always signal your intentions; • obey all traffic laws, signs, signals and pavement markings; • yield the right of way; • avoid competing with other drivers.

Distracted Driving activitiy

• eating and/or drinking; • adjusting the radio and/or a portable music system; • adjusting or programming a GPS; • attending to children and pets; • loose objects moving in the vehicle; • talking and/or texting on a cell phone; • smoking; • putting on makeup; • shaving; • reading; • interaction with others in the vehicle.

Cell phone rules

• use your cell phone only in emergencies; if possible, have a passenger make the call; • if you must make a call, pull safely off the road and stop before making the call; • let your voice mail answer incoming calls; • keep your telephone conversations short.

Danger Signs for Drowsy Drivers

• your eyes close or go out of focus; • you have trouble keeping your head up; • you can't stop yawning; • you have wandering, disconnected thoughts; • you don't remember driving the last few miles; • you missed your exit; • you keep driving out of your lane; • your speed becomes variable.

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