Security Licensing

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42. What is the best definition of "Duty of care"?

A person must act towards others with the care and thought that a reasonable person would employ in the circumstances.

8. Who is allowed to see the security guards license?

Anyone who asks

12. What is the best agent to extinguish a class C fire?

Dry chemicals

2. Section 10 under the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms states:

Everyone has the right to be informed the reasons for their arrest or detention without reasonable delay.

18. While working as a security guard, what authority must be given priority?

Federal and Provencal Law

41. You are the contract officer for an emergency situation and your dispatcher wants you to relay information over the radio in order to alert the proper authorities. What's the best way for the security guard to proceed?

Give brief answers providing only as much information as necessary. Wait until you hear confirmation before re-transmitting any further information.

38. Under the provincial offense Act if a private citizen makes an arrest, who must they deliver the arrested party to?

The police

9. When a security guard encounters an emergency situation, what is the MOST important thing to consider?

The safety of the guard

4. Who owns the memo book?

The security company

5. What terms best describe Para-verbal communication?

Tone, volume, cadence

29. What is the purpose behind smart serve?

Train a security guard how to prevent incidences of intoxication on our property.

31. What is the best way to secure a large area?

Volumetric sensors

22. On your site a witness comes forward to give a statement about an assault that occurred. The subject submits the report but it is written in purple ink. Can it be considered a legal document?

Yes. It can be submitted as a legal document.

37. What is the best agent to extinguish a class A fire?


6. If a security guard had trouble hearing a radio transmission and needed the dispatcher to repeat the message, what 10 code would the guard use?


1. What is the legal age of an adult in Canada?


47. According to the Liquor License Act, at what age are people allowed to purchase alcohol?


11. While working as a security guard working on private property, on whose authority are you enforcing the rules on the site?

As an agent of the owner of the property

21. You are checking the roof and find a contractor working. You were unaware that contractors would be working there today. What steps should the security guard follow?

Ask for identification and verify the contract's presence with your supervisor. Have the contractor stop their work until the supervisor returns with an answer. If the contractor is allowed to work, leave the area and document the incident fully.

30. A security guard receives dispatch from a remote monitoring company that indicates an intrusion alarm was received. What steps should the security guard take?

Ask the dispatcher for as many details as possible and call for back up. When your back up arrives, approach cautiously and investigate the apparent cause for the alarm. Call the police if necessary. Document the incident fully.

50. Under the liquor license Act, as an agent of the owner. What does a security guard have the right to do if someone appears drunk or intoxicated?

Ask the person to leave and /or refuse to allow the person to enter the premises.

13. As a security guard working outside an establishment licensed to serve liquor under the Liquor License Act of Ontario you witness someone leaving the establishment and they appear to be intoxicated. What should you do?

Ask them if they have a safe ride home

35. The client has enlisted you to escort a recently terminated employee to their locker to collect their things and return the company material. What steps should the security guard take?

Go to the locker with the employee with a checklist of the items belonging to the client. Check them off as you receive them. Have the employee sign off the checklist when the items have been collected.

23. While doing access control at a site a crowd starts gathering at your front entrance. What should you do?

Call for back-up, observe the actions of the crowd, take detailed notes but do not engage until back up arrives.

16. Where would a security guard find answers to questions regarding the correct handling of evidence?

Canada Evidence Act and Ontario Evidence Act

36. The security guard is working at the front desk when they receive a high temperature alarm in the boiling room. The security isn't permitted to leave the front desk. How should the security guard proceed?

Check the standing orders regarding who to contact when a boiler room alarm is received. Give the contact all the details of the alarm. Update your memo book and make a detailed report for the client

40. What terms would best describe the most effective way to retain or memorize information?

Concentration, Association, Prepetition

20. You are working at an industrial site that works lot of toxic chemicals. When you are patrolling you notice a container in the warehouse that is leaking fluid. What steps should you follow?

Cordon off the area immediately. When it is safe to do so follow W.H.M.I.S guidelines, check your site's M.S.D.S and call the company who is responsible for the product for safe handling procedure.

25. What is the difference between covert security surveillance and overt security surveillance?

Covert surveillance is where the security guard isn't immediately visible to the subject or the public while overt surveillance is where the security guard is an obvious presence in uniform.

14. Under the criminal code section 494, if the security guard sees someone committing an indictable offense and places the person under arrest, what should the guards' next step be?

Deliver them to a peace officer

32. What are some of the examples of motion sensors/detectors?

Infrared, ultrasonic, microwave

52. What is the most important role of the security guard while performing traffic enforcement on a private property?

Directing traffic on a private roadway or parking facility and monitor pedestrian safety

44. The security guard is working a busy retail environment when a woman comes up to you claiming that someone else stole her purse. As you are taking her statement she points at someone and says "That's my purse" How should the security guard proceed?

Discourage the victim for engaging because it isn't safe and call the police. Get a detailed description of the purse and its contents. Make a detailed description of what the subject looked like. Have the victim write a report on the incident.

26. When referring to a collective bargaining dispute or a strike that is occurring on your property, what would be the best example of an injunction?

Ensuring picketing workers do not obstruct other worker's from entering the site by making sure they stay back the required as made mandatory by court order.

19. You are performing access control at the front desk and a contractor who been working earlier in the day returns because he said he forgot some equipment upstairs. What should the security guard do?

Escort him upstairs and wait until he retrieves his items then escort him back to the front desk and document the incident.

24. While you are working at the security desk a woman tells you that she has just been sexually assaulted by someone known to you.

Give her a private area to write her report and keep her safe until the police arrive

27. You have asked the supervisor for more responsibility on your site and they ask to put together an agenda for you next meeting. You have no experience in the task. What should you do?

Go over the minutes of the last agenda and base your agenda around that. Submit it to your supervisor and ask for feedback.

15. If a security guard has been authorized to carry handcuffs with their security company, when should the security guard use them?

If the security guard has made an arrest and at their discretion

7. If a security guard needed to escort a large group of people through a high risk area, where should the security guard position themselves?

In Behind

39. According to the National use of force framework the use of force of a baton would fall under what force option?

Intermediate weapons

3. What is the Most common form of physical access Control?

Keys and locks

51. What does M.S.D.S stand for?

Material Safety Data Sheets

45. While the security guard is doing their floor by floor patrol the security guard notices that a extinguisher has a large dent in the canister and the gauge is cracked and broken. How should the security guard proceed?

Note down the time, location and the damages found in your memo book, Remove the canister replace it with an extra canister provided. Write a report about the incident and submit it.

28. What's the best way to describe the activity of a group of people who sympathetic to a cause and have gotten together in front of a property to voice concern without violence?

Peaceful demonstration

10. According to national use of force guidelines what is the first response option?

Presence of security guards

49. What is hierarchy of the court system in Canada?

Provincial court, Provincial superior, Court of appeal, Supreme Court of Canada

48. According to the Ontario courts, what are the 3 types of evidence?

Real, Documentary, Testimony

34. What would be the security guards first step if a criminal offense happened to them while on site?

Report the incident to the police immediately

33. What is the main purpose behind magnetic swipe cards?

Storing data about the individual such as a name, address and date of birth

53. The client has requested that all trucks/vehicles must be searched upon exciting the facility. Which area would least likely to be searched?

Under the hood

17. While doing a floor by floor patrol of the site the security guard comes across a small controlled fire contained in a wastebasket. What should the guard's next step be?

Use a fire extinguisher with the appropriate agent

43. what is the definition of positional asphyxia?

When the position of the body interferes with its ability to breathe.

46. What does W.H.M.I.S stand for?

Work place Hazardous Material Information system

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