Seeing the Principles in our Government today: Each of the following phrases describes a situation dealing with one of the Principles of the Constitution. Next to each statement, state which Principle it relates to.

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People elect representatives to go to Congress on their behalf

Checks and Balances

The Supreme court has declared more than 900 state laws as unconstituional


In Kentucky, people pay both State and Federal Income tax

Individual Rights

"Congress shall make no law" denying individual freedoms of the 1st Amendment

Popular Sovereignty

"We the people of the United States"

Individual Rights

A person is allowed to walk down the street with a gun.

Individual Rights

A person is arrested for tweeting that President Obama is doing a terrible job

Checks and Balances

Congress overrides President Trump;s veto and the bill becomes a law

Popular Soverignty

Government can govern only with the consent of the governed


Government may excerise only those powers delegated to it.

Separation of Power

President Obama wants to declare war on Iran, Congress states only they can declare wars

Checks and Balances

President Bush's first nominee to the Supreme Court was not approved by the Sneate


Requirements of schools are different state to state

Limited Government

Supreme Court declares an action of the President Unconstitutional.

Separation of Powers

THe President orders a drone bomb strike against Syrian rebels

Popular Sovereignty

The people decide to recall a governor of a state because he is breaking the law.

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