Seeley's Anatomy & Physiology Midterm 4 Ch 13-16

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25) Damage to the pulmonary plexus that result in breathing rates that are normal or increased, but never decreased below normally indicates A) the damage is most likely of the parasympathetic fibers. B) the damage is most likely to the sympathetic fibers. C) the damage is most likely to the sensory fibers.

A) the damage is most likely of the parasympathetic fibers

51) A ringing in the ears is called ________. A) tinnitus B) trachoma C) nystagmus D) mydriasis E) otitis media

A) tinnitus

47) The sensory cells for hearing are located in the ________. A) spiral organ (organ of Corti) B) oval window C) middle ear D) vestibule E) semicircular canals

A) spiral organ (organ of Corti)

31) Cerebrospinal fluid fills the ________. A) subarachnoid space B) subdural space C) dural sinuses D) epidural space E) None of the choices are correct

A) subarachnoid space

13) Free nerve endings respond to A) temperature change and pain. B) pressure and vibration. C) light touch and two-point discrimination. D) temperature change and pressure. E) chemicals.

A) temperature change and pain

4) Which of the organs listed below is not directly innervated by the autonomic nervous system? A) Heart B) Sweat gland C) Arrector pili of hair follicle D) Pectoralis major E) Salivary gland

D) Pectoralis major

9) To which of the following substances would the taste buds be most sensitive? A) Syrup B) Vinegar C) Saltwater D) Quinine (tonic) water E) Jelly

D) Quinine (tonic) water

15) Which of the following receptor type is mismatched with its sensation? A) Merkel disks - light touch B) Pacinian corpuscles - vibration C) Meissner corpuscles - two-point discrimination D) Ruffini end organs - temperature E) Hair follicle receptors - slight bending of the hair

D) Ruffini end organs - temperature

2) Which of the following statements applies to the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? A) The ANS innervates skeletal muscle. B) ANS functions are consciously controlled. C) The ANS controls unconscious movement of skeletal muscles. D) The receptor molecules of the ANS may be muscarinic, nicotinic, or adrenergic. E) A single neuron from the spinal cord carries action potentials to effector organs in the ANS.

D) The receptor molecules of the ANS may be muscarinic, nicotinic, or adrenergic.

37) Cranial nerve functions include ________. A) somatic motor control B) sympathetic control C) cognitive skills D) regulation of emotions E) None of the choices are correct

A) somatic motor control

14) Which of the following structures is considered to be an accessory structure of the eye? A) Lens B) Retina C) Sclera D) Palpebrae E) Cornea

D) Palpebrae

45) Match Free nerve endings = ?

A - Free nerve endings

47) Match the function of the sensory receptor of the skin with the appropriate letter Responds to painful stimuli and temperature

A - Free nerve endings

44) Match the parts of the brain Primary motor cortex

A - Primary motor cortex

3) Which of the following statements concerning olfaction is true? A) Damaged olfactory neurons are replaced. B) Olfactory epithelial receptors are highly specific. C) Olfaction first goes to the thalamus and is then relayed to the cerebral cortex. D) Continued stimulation of olfactory neurons produces the same level of response. E) Replacement of neurons is a common phenomenon in the body.

A) Damaged olfactory neurons are replaced

16) Which of the following nerves has parasympathetic axons? A) Facial B) Trigeminal C) Hypoglossal D) Spinal accessory E) Abducens

A) Facial

22) Which of the following brain areas serves as the major control center of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system? A) Hypothalamus B) Midbrain C) Pons D) Thalamus E) Brainstem

A) Hypothalamus

8) Which portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord? A) Medulla oblongata B) Midbrain C) Pons D) Thalamus E) Cerebral peduncles

A) Medulla oblongata

23) Which of the following represents a local reflex? A) Motility of the digestive tract in response to stretch of the wall of the digestive tract B) Secretion of digestive enzymes under the control of the vagus nerve C) Parasympathetic stimulation causes the gallbladder to release bile D) All of the choices are correct.

A) Motility of the digestive tract in response to stretch of the wall of the digestive tract

4) Which of the following special senses is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without going to the thalamus? A) Olfaction B) Taste C) Vision D) Hearing E) Touch

A) Olfaction

8) Which of the following is a visceral sensation? A) Pain B) Touch C) Temperature D) Proprioception E) Balance

A) Pain

34) Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid? A) Provides oxygen to CNS tissue B) Provides nutrients to CNS tissue C) Provides a protective cushion around the CNS D) Protects the brain from rapid, jarring head movements

A) Provides oxygen to CNS tissue

26) Sally has just heard a strange noise in her basement. Which of the following is an example of normal autonomic nervous system function during this type of situation? A) Sally's heart rate increases preparing for possible activity. B) Sally's heart rate decreases to allow her to hear the noise better. C) Sally's breathing becomes slower to allow for better gas exchange. D) Sally's muscle tone increases as she becomes paralyzed with fear.

A) Sally's heart rate increases preparing for possible activity.

36) Neuron cell bodies are in the cerebral cortex A) Somatic motor nervous system B) Autonomic nervous system C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems D) Neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

A) Somatic motor nervous system

37) Controls conscious movement A) Somatic motor nervous system B) Autonomic nervous system C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems D) Neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

A) Somatic motor nervous system

38) All axons are myelinated A) Somatic motor nervous system B) Autonomic nervous system C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems D) Neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

A) Somatic motor nervous system

7) When people smoke cigarettes, they damage some of their taste buds. Which type of sense has been damaged by the smoking? A) Special B) Somatic C) Visceral D) Autonomic E) Nonspecialized

A) Special

18) Which of the following is NOT a means of parasympathetic innervation of effectors? A) Spinal nerves B) Abdominal nerve plexuses C) Pelvic splanchnic nerves and pelvic nerve plexuses D) Cranial nerves to the head and neck E) Vagus nerve and thoracic nerve plexuses

A) Spinal nerves

22) Which type of nerve would be damaged if sympathetic innervation of the adrenal medulla was disrupted? A) Splanchnic B) Sympathetic C) Spinal D) Cranial

A) Splanchnic

27) Provides innervation to blood vessels in skeletal muscles A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

A) Sympathetic

29) Fight-or-flight response A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

A) Sympathetic

30) Thoracolumbar division A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

A) Sympathetic

31) Release of epinephrine and norepinephrine A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

A) Sympathetic

34) Effects are more general A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

A) Sympathetic

38) Which of the following cranial nerves is exclusively sensory? A) Vestibulocochlear (VIII) B) Hypoglossal (XII) C) Trochlear (IV) D) Facial (VI) E) Trigeminal (V)

A) Vestibulocochlear (VIII)

43) Lesions of the limbic system might result in A) a voracious appetite. B) enhanced fear and anger responses. C) decreased sexual activity. D) loss of coordination. E) loss of sensation.

A) a voracious appetite

20) Decreased sensitivity to a continued stimulus is called ________. A) adaptation B) projection C) translation D) conduction E) phantom pain

A) adaptation

41) The type of brain waves observed in an individual who is awake but in a quiet resting state with eyes closed are ________ waves. A) alpha B) beta C) delta D) theta E) gamma

A) alpha

2) Secondary olfactory areas A) are involved in emotional reactions to odors. B) is the site of conscious perception of odors. C) generates action potentials in olfactory neurons. D) modulates the sense of olfaction within the olfactory bulb. E) is the area where chemicals bind to receptors.

A) are involved in emotional reactions to odors

32) Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the ________ and is reabsorbed by the ________. A) choroid plexus; arachnoid granulation B) arachnoid granulation; choroid plexus C) dural sinus; dura mater D) dura mater; dural sinus E) septa pellucida; cerebral aqueduct

A) choroid plexus; arachnoid granulation

10) Mechanoreceptors respond to A) compression of receptors. B) irritation of nerve endings. C) light striking the receptors. D) binding of molecules to membrane receptors. E) a change in temperature.

A) compression of receptors

25) The gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum is called the ________. A) cortex B) pia mater C) reticular formation D) arbor vitae E) cerebral medulla

A) cortex

10) Following a stroke, Harriet has impaired sense of taste on one side of the tip of her tongue, indicating the part of her brain that was affected must communicate with the ________ nerve. A) facial B) abducens C) trigeminal D) glossopharyngeal E) vagus

A) facial

11) You taste a sauce with the "tip of your tongue." These taste sensations would be carried via the ________ cranial nerve. A) facial (VII) B) vagus (X) C) trigeminal (V) D) glossopharyngeal (IX) E) hypoglossal (XII)

A) facial (VII)

6) The central olfactory cortex areas are located in the ________. A) frontal and temporal lobes B) frontal and parietal lobes C) parietal and temporal lobes D) temporal and occipital lobes

A) frontal and temporal lobes

39) Damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve would result in some loss of ________. A) hearing and balance B) hearing and taste C) smell D) taste E) hearing and sight

A) hearing and balance

24) Due to dual innervation of the heart, A) heart rate can increase under sympathetic regulation or decrease under parasympathetic regulation, meeting the demands of the body. B) heart rate can increase due to sympathetic regulation and voluntarily through cerebral activity. C) heart rate can decrease due to parasympathetic regulation and voluntarily through cerebral activity. D) the autonomic nervous system and somatic motor system control heart function.

A) heart rate can increase under sympathetic regulation or decrease under parasympathetic regulation, meeting the demands of the body

26) Glaucoma can result from A) inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor. B) damage to the suspensory ligament. C) a decrease in the number of cones. D) opacity of the lens. E) increased amounts of vitreous humor

A) inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor

25) The taste area is located in the ________. A) insula B) parietal lobe C) frontal lobe D) temporal lobe

A) insula

33) Color vision A) is a function of cone cells. B) is most acute in dim light. C) is interpreted in the cerebellum. D) depends on the amount of available rhodopsin. E) is the interaction between rods and cones.

A) is a function of cone cells

9) A small lesion in the brainstem which resulted in a rapid heart rate, intense vasoconstriction, and elevated blood pressure would probably be located in the ________. A) medulla oblongata B) pons C) cerebellum D) hypothalamus E) cerebrum

A) medulla oblongata

16) Specialized muscle fibers associated with detection of muscle length are ________. A) muscle spindles B) Pacinian corpuscles C) Ruffini end organs D) Golgi tendon organs E) Merkel disks

A) muscle spindles

4) In the CNS, clusters of gray matter containing cell bodies are called ________. A) nuclei B) pyramids C) tracts D) peduncles E) ganglia

A) nuclei

52) Oscillation of the eyes during the tracking of something in motion is called ________. A) nystagmus B) vertigo C) scotoma D) ptosis E) otitis media

A) nystagmus

21) Blood vessels enter the eye and nerve processes exit the eye at the ________. A) optic disc B) macula lutea C) sensory retina D) fovea centralis E) pupil

A) optic disc

10) The nucleus for the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) is located in the ________. A) pons B) medulla C) mesencephalon D) cerebrum E) cerebellum

A) pons

38) The right cerebral hemisphere A) receives sensory input from the left side of the body. B) is the dominant hemisphere for speech in most people. C) tends to be smaller than the left cerebral hemisphere. D) contains no association areas. E) is not connected to the left cerebral hemisphere.

A) receives sensory input from the left side of the body

22) The only place in the body where blood vessels can be viewed directly is the ________. A) retina B) optic chiasm C) sclera D) cornea E) conjunctiva

A) retina

30) Rhodopsin is found in the ________. A) rods B) cones C) choroid D) pigmented retina E) amacrine cells

A) rods

56) Match the description of the disease or disorder of the eye with its correct name. Myopia A. Difficulty seeing distant objects B. A type of refractory error C. Clouding of the lens of the eye D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision E. Loss of acute central vision

A. Difficulty seeing distant objects

57) Match the structure of the ear with the appropriate description. Tympanic membrane A. Eardrum B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal D. Fleshy portion of the external ear E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

A. Eardrum

55) Match the structure of the eye with the appropriate description. Iris A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision C. The opening in the iris D. The innermost tunic of the eye E. A pigmented contractile structure

A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision

54) Match the structure associated with the eye with the appropriate description. Canthi A. The angle where the eyelids join B. The space between the two eyelids C. Another name for the eyelids D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

A. The angle where the eyelids join

46) Match the type of brain wave with its appropriate description. Theta waves A. Usually occur in children or in adults experiencing frustration B. Observed in a person who is awake, quiet, and resting, with eyes closed C. Occur in deep sleep, infancy, and patients with brain disorders D. Occur during intense mental activity

A. Usually occur in children or in adults experiencing frustration

47) Match the function of the sensory receptor of the skin with the appropriate letter Responds to light touch and superficial pressure

B - Merkel Disks

45) Match Merkel disks = ?

B - Merkel disks

44) Match the parts of the brain Primary somatosensory cortex

B - Primary somatosensory cortex

39) Target tissues may be stimulated or inhibited A) Somatic motor nervous system B) Autonomic nervous system C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems D) Neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

B) Autonomic nervous system

26) Which of the following activities is NOT associated with the cerebrum? A) Interpreting smell and taste B) Controlling the autonomic nervous system C) Initiating voluntary movements D) Making moral judgments E) Writing poetry

B) Controlling the autonomic nervous system

33) Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in Parkinson's disease? A) Norepinephrine B) Dopamine C) Serotonin D) GABA E) Acetylcholine

B) Dopamine

28) Which of the following is correctly matched? A) Sclera - ciliary body B) Iris - sphincter pupillae C) Retina - canal of Schlemm D) Vitreous humor - anterior chamber E) Aqueous humor - vitreous chamber

B) Iris - sphincter pupillae

6) Which of the following is correctly associated with the medulla oblongata? A) It gives rise to conscious thoughts. B) It contains nuclei for regulation of heart rate and blood vessel diameter. C) It contains enlargements called cerebral peduncles. D) It is the most superior portion of the brainstem. E) It relays sensory information.

B) It contains nuclei for regulation of heart rate and blood vessel diameter

39) Which of these activities is associated with the left cerebral hemisphere in most people? A) Motor control of left side of the body B) Mathematics and speech C) Spatial perception D) Recognition of faces E) Musical ability

B) Mathematics and speech

28) Functions at rest A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

B) Parasympathetic

32) Provides more extensive innervation of digestive tract A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

B) Parasympathetic

35) Effects more localized A) Sympathetic B) Parasympathetic

B) Parasympathetic

11) Which area of the brain contains areas that initiates REM sleep? A) Medulla oblongata B) Pons C) Thalamus D) Midbrain E) Diencephalon

B) Pons

34) To which colors are the three different kinds of cones sensitive? A) Blue, red, and yellow B) Red, blue, and green C) Red, violet, and yellow D) Violet, green, and blue E) Orange, indigo, and violet

B) Red, blue, and green

33) Sixteen-year-old Jake is diagnosed with hydrocephaly. What will this do if left untreated? A) The brain will shrink and shrivel. B) The excess fluid will exert pressure on his brain. C) The cerebral cortex will absorb the excess fluid and swell. D) The choroid plexus will enlarge. E) The arachnoid granulations will halt their function.

B) The excess fluid will exert pressure on his brain

39) The oculomotor nerve A) innervates all the muscles that move the eyeball. B) adjusts pupil size to the level of lighting. C) transmits action potentials from the retina. D) controls the organ of balance. E) innervates two of the six muscles that move the eyeball.

B) adjusts pupil size to the level of lighting

42) Brain waves associated with information processing or problem solving are ________ waves. A) alpha B) beta C) delta D) theta E) kappa

B) beta

31) A nurse is caring for a patient who exhibits the following symptoms: (1) Inability to maintain balance while walking (2) Normal intelligence (3) Can initiate voluntary movements, although they are somewhat uncoordinated (4) Decreased tone in the skeletal muscles The patient is probably suffering from a condition that affected the ________. A) midbrain B) cerebellum C) basal ganglia D) cerebral cortex

B) cerebellum

14) Changes in the blood concentration of glucose, oxygen, and hydrogen are detected by ________. A) baroreceptors B) chemoreceptors C) nociceptors D) proprioceptors E) thermoreceptors

B) chemoreceptors

27) Upper motor neurons A) are found in the visual cortex. B) control skeletal muscles. C) are responsible for planning voluntary movements. D) are located in the prefrontal area. E) control smooth muscle.

B) control skeletal muscles

18) Pacinian corpuscles respond to A) an increase in tendon tension. B) deep cutaneous pressure and vibration. C) stretch and tension. D) temperature and pain. E) light touch.

B) deep cutaneous pressure and vibration

7) The pyramids of the medulla contain ________. A) ascending motor tracts B) descending motor tracts C) ascending sensory tracts D) descending sensory tracts E) None of the choices are correct

B) descending motor tracts

21) When acetylcholine binds with nicotinic receptors, the response is ________. A) inhibitory B) excitatory C) either excitatory or inhibitory D) both excitatory and inhibitory E) neither excitatory nor inhibitory

B) excitatory

27) The lens A) is biconcave. B) focuses light on the retina. C) floats in the vitreous humor. D) is attached to the retina by suspensory ligaments. E) is normally opaque..

B) focuses light on the retina

20) The area of greatest visual acuity is the ________. A) lens B) fovea centralis C) optic disc D) posterior chamber E) blind spot

B) fovea centralis

19) The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland is the ________. A) corpus callosum B) infundibulum C) insula D) intermediate mass E) Arbor vitae

B) infundibulum

13) The taste cortex is located in the ________. A) frontal lobe B) insula C) temporal lobe D) parietal lobe

B) insula

29) A lesion in the red nucleus results in ________ tremors. A) resting B) intention C) sleeping D) reflex

B) intention

29) The limbic system A) has recently evolved. B) is associated with basic survival instincts of nutrition, memory, and reproduction. C) controls voluntary movements of the arms and legs. D) is a memory area in the midbrain. E) includes the brainstem.

B) is associated with basic survival instincts of nutrition, memory, and reproduction

28) The extrapyramidal system A) controls the speed of skilled movements. B) maintains control of unconscious movements. C) interprets cutaneous perception. D) projects sensory information from the medulla to the cerebrum. E) control facial expression, mastication, and tongue movements.

B) maintains control of unconscious movements

20) Effector cells that respond to acetylcholine released from postganglionic neurons have A) somatotrophic receptors. B) muscarinic receptors. C) adrenergic receptors. D) nicotinic receptors. E) macrotinic receptors.

B) muscarinic receptors

23) Amputees frequently perceive pain in the amputated structure. This type of pain is called ________ pain. A) chronic B) phantom C) referred D) gate E) ghost

B) phantom

21) Receptors that in general produce an action potential in response to a receptor potential are ________ receptors. A) phasic B) primary C) secondary D) tonic

B) primary

19) All of the following nerve endings are found in the skin EXCEPT ________. A) Pacinian corpuscles B) proprioceptors C) Ruffini end organs D) Merkel disks E) Meissner corpuscles

B) proprioceptors

15) The sleep/wake cycle is influenced by the ________. A) basal nuclei B) reticular formation C) vermis D) thalamic nuclei E) cerebellum

B) reticular formation

6) If you feel someone touch you on the shoulder, the person has stimulated a/an ________ sense. A) special B) somatic C) visceral D) undifferentiated E) None of the choices are correct.

B) somatic

6) Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord are part of the ________ division of the ANS. A) central B) sympathetic C) somatic motor D) parasympathetic

B) sympathetic

12) Chain ganglia are part of the ________. A) central nervous system B) sympathetic branch of the ANS C) somatic motor branch of the ANS D) parasympathetic branch of the ANS E) spinal cord

B) sympathetic branch of the ANS

26) The auditory cortex is located in the ________. A) insula B) temporal lobe C) parietal lobe D) frontal lobe

B) temporal lobe

35) Wernicke area is necessary for A) motivation. B) understanding and formulating coherent speech. C) initiating the muscular movements of speech. D) processing visual images. E) smiling.

B) understanding and formulating coherent speech

29) Albinism in which there is an absence of melanin pigment would affect the individual's A) color perception. B) visual acuity and prevent scattering of light inside the eye. C) protection of the optic nerves from damage. D) ability to remove wastes from the eye. E) total vision, as it always results in blindness.

B) visual acuity and prevent scattering of light inside the eye

56) Match the description of the disease or disorder of the eye with its correct name. Astigmatism A. Difficulty seeing distant objects B. A type of refractory error C. Clouding of the lens of the eye D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision E. Loss of acute central vision

B. A type of refractory error

46) Match the type of brain wave with its appropriate description. Alpha waves A. Usually occur in children or in adults experiencing frustration B. Observed in a person who is awake, quiet, and resting, with eyes closed C. Occur in deep sleep, infancy, and patients with brain disorders D. Occur during intense mental activity

B. Observed in a person who is awake, quiet, and resting, with eyes closed

57) Match the structure of the ear with the appropriate description. Inner Ear A. Eardrum B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal D. Fleshy portion of the external ear E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing

55) Match the structure of the eye with the appropriate description. Cones A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision C. The opening in the iris D. The innermost tunic of the eye E. A pigmented contractile structure

B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision

54) Match the structure associated with the eye with the appropriate description. Palpebral fissure A. The angle where the eyelids join B. The space between the two eyelids C. Another name for the eyelids D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

B. The space between the two eyelids

45) Match Meissner corpuscles = ?

C - Meissner corpuscles

47) Match the function of the sensory receptor of the skin with the appropriate letter Detects touch, involved in 2-point discrimination

C - Messner Corpuscles

44) Match the parts of the brain Motor speech area (Broca area)

C - Motor speech area (Broca area)

3) Which type of nerve would cause a blood vessel to constrict? A) Sensory B) Afferent C) Autonomic D) Somatic motor E) Cranial

C) Autonomic

40) Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter substance A) Somatic motor nervous system B) Autonomic nervous system C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems D) Neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

C) Both somatic and autonomic nervous systems

18) Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum? A) Coordinate control of voluntary movements B) Help in the maintenance of muscle tone C) Control the heart rate D) Control skeletal muscles to maintain balance E) Control of posture, locomotion, and fine motor coordination

C) Control the heart rate

3) Which of the following statements concerning the brainstem is true? A) The brainstem consists of the medulla, pons, and cerebellum. B) The brainstem is responsible for higher level thinking skills. C) Damage to the brainstem is usually fatal. D) All twelve cranial nerves enter or exit from the brainstem. E) The brainstem is a relay for sensory input only.

C) Damage to the brainstem is usually fatal

8) Where is the enteric nervous system located? A) Brain B) Heart C) Digestive tract D) Skin

C) Digestive tract

40) Which of the following would help to determine if the oculomotor nerve was damaged? A) Have the patient distinguish between green and red colors B) Determine if the patient can see anything C) Have the patient look superiorly and inferiorly D) Have the patient cry E) Determine if the patient still has night vision

C) Have the patient look superiorly and inferiorly

41) Which portion of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance? A) External ear B) Middle ear C) Inner ear D) Auditory tube E) Tympanic membrane

C) Inner ear

35) Damage to the left side of the brain near the visual cortex could result in which of the following visual changes? A) Loss of temporal visual fields from both eyes B) Loss of nasal visual fields from both eyes C) Loss of right visual fields from both eyes D) Loss of left visual fields from both eyes E) None of the choices are correct.

C) Loss of right visual fields from both eyes

38) Which auditory ossicle is attached to the tympanic membrane? A) Labyrinth B) Incus C) Malleus D) Stapes E) Oval window

C) Malleus

5) Which of the special senses contains receptor neurons that are the only nerve cells in direct contact with the outside environment? A) Equilibrium B) Hearing C) Olfaction D) Taste E) Vision

C) Olfaction

40) Which of these activities is associated with the right cerebral hemisphere in most people? A) Adding numbers B) Reciting the Gettysburg address C) Painting a watercolor landscape D) Using a calculator E) Making a household budget

C) Painting a watercolor landscape

12) Which two portions of the brain are involved in controlling respiration? A) Pons, hypothalamus B) Cerebrum, hypothalamus C) Pons, medulla oblongata D) Medulla oblongata, cerebral peduncles E) Pons, thalamus

C) Pons, medulla oblongata

24) Which of the following functions is carried out by both aqueous and vitreous humor? A) Cleanses the eye B) Nourishment of the eye C) Refraction of light rays D) Generation of a visual image E) Controls the amount of light entering the eye

C) Refraction of light rays

1) Which of the following is NOT an effector controlled by the autonomic nervous system? A) Cardiac muscle B) Glands C) Skeletal muscle D) Smooth muscle in blood vessels E) Smooth muscle in the digestive system

C) Skeletal muscle

46) Which of the following is part of the spiral organ (organ of Corti)? A) Modiolus B) Vestibule C) Tectorial membrane D) Scala tympani E) Chorda tympani

C) Tectorial membrane

5) Which of the following is a general sense? A) Smell B) Taste C) Touch D) Hearing E) Vision

C) Touch

31) Night blindness could be caused by A) a lack of cones. B) a lack of iodopsin. C) a lack of rhodopsin. D) too much vitamin A in the diet. E) a lack of vitamin C in the diet.

C) a lack of rhodopsin

36) Damage to Wernicke area would result in A) facial paralysis. B) facial tics. C) aphasia. D) "seeing stars". E) apraxia.

C) aphasia

17) The white matter of the cerebellum forms a branching network known as the ________. A) folia B) superior peduncle C) arbor vitae D) tentorium cerebelli E) vermis

C) arbor vitae

1) In order for a molecule to be detected by the olfactory neurons, it must A) be present in high concentrations. B) be one of the seven primary classes of odors. C) be dissolved in fluid covering the olfactory epithelium. D) interact with the mechanoreceptors of the olfactory hair membrane. E) enter the nose slowly.

C) be dissolved in fluid covering the olfactory epithelium

8) Taste buds A) can perceive seven basic tastes. B) are replaced approximately every 30 days. C) can only perceive taste if the molecules are in solution. D) can be found covering both the superior and inferior surfaces of the tongue. E) have axons and generate their own action potentials.

C) can only perceive taste if the molecules are in solution

53) Mechanical deficiency in transmission of sound waves to the spiral organ is ________. A) Meniere disease B) otosclerosis C) conduction hearing loss D) sensorineural hearing loss E) motion sickness

C) conduction hearing loss

5) The fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the A) division of the cerebrum into two hemispheres. B) division of the cerebellum into two hemispheres. C) decussation of the pyramids in the medulla. D) need for contra-lateral control of body function. E) brainstem being below the midbrain.

C) decussation of the pyramids in the medulla

30) The most superficial meningeal layer is the ________. A) pia mater B) arachnoid layer C) dura mater D) epidural sinus E) skull

C) dura mater

13) Sympathetic stimulation of the postganglionic cells of the adrenal medulla causes the release of ________. A) acetylcholine and epinephrine B) norepinephrine and acetylcholine C) epinephrine and norepinephrine D) cortisol E) aldosterone

C) epinephrine and norepinephrine

12) The sense of taste is called ________. A) olfaction B) perception C) gustation D) tastant E) mastication

C) gustation

27) The corpus callosum A) consists of a broad band of gray matter. B) is found at the base of the transverse fissure. C) is a band of commissural fibers that connects the right cerebral hemisphere to the left cerebral hemisphere. D) connects the frontal lobe to the occipital lobe. E) connects the frontal lobe to the parietal lobe.

C) is a band of commissural fibers that connects the right cerebral hemisphere to the left cerebral hemisphere.

16) During an autopsy the brainstem was separated from the rest of the brain by a cut between the ________ and ________. A) medulla oblongata; pons B) pons; midbrain C) midbrain; diencephalon D) thalamus; cerebrum E) medulla; spinal cord

C) midbrain; diencephalon

36) A person loses all vision in their left eye. One possible cause could be damage to the A) optic chiasma. B) left optic tract. C) optic nerve in the left eye. D) right lateral geniculate nucleus. E) right visual cortex in the occipital lobe.

C) optic nerve in the left eye

1) The central nervous system develops from a flat mass of tissue called the neural ________. A) groove B) tube C) plate D) crest E) fold

C) plate

37) The age-associated changes that result in loss of accommodation of the eyes is called ________. A) myopia B) hyperopia C) presbyopia D) retinopia E) astigmatism

C) presbyopia

48) The attenuation reflex A) amplifies loud noises. B) enhances low frequency sounds. C) prevents damage to delicate ear structures. D) involves the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani. E) vibrates the tympanic membrane.

C) prevents damage to delicate ear structures

9) The perception of position and movement of body parts is ________. A) sensation B) kinesthesia C) proprioception D) All of the choices are correct.

C) proprioception

22) Receptors that in general do not produce an action potential but can release neurotransmitters in response to a receptor potential are ________ receptors. A) phasic B) primary C) secondary D) tonic

C) secondary

7) The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by A) the absence of preganglionic fibers. B) the absence of postganglionic axons. C) short postganglionic axons near the organs they innervate. D) short preganglionic axons near the spinal cord. E) long postganglionic axons.

C) short postganglionic axons near the organs they innervate

7) Sensory structures that detect taste are ________. A) palates B) papillae C) taste buds D) ciliary membranes E) thermoreceptors

C) taste buds

28) The limbic system involves various neural connections between ________. A) the medulla and pons B) the pons and cerebellum C) the cerebrum and diencephalon D) the diencephalon and midbrain E) the cerebrum and midbrain

C) the cerebrum and diencephalon

5) In the sympathetic division of the ANS, A) an important characteristic is convergence of neurons. B) preganglionic fibers are generally longer than postganglionic fibers. C) the preganglionic cell body is located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord. D) a single preganglionic fiber usually synapses with a single postganglionic fiber. E) preganglionic fibers emerge from the cervical portion of the spinal cord.

C) the preganglionic cell body is located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord.

42) A kiss on the cheek would be perceived by impulses from the ________ nerve. A) trochlear B) abducens C) trigeminal D) vestibulocochlear E) facial

C) trigeminal

42) The external ear terminates at the ________. A) pinna B) oval window C) tympanic membrane D) internal auditory meatus E) ossicles

C) tympanic membrane

54) Match the structure associated with the eye with the appropriate description. Palpebrae A. The angle where the eyelids join B. The space between the two eyelids C. Another name for the eyelids D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

C. Another name for the eyelids

56) Match the description of the disease or disorder of the eye with its correct name. Cataract A. Difficulty seeing distant objects B. A type of refractory error C. Clouding of the lens of the eye D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision E. Loss of acute central vision

C. Clouding of the lens of the eye

57) Match the structure of the ear with the appropriate description. External Ear A. Eardrum B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal D. Fleshy portion of the external ear E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal

46) Match the type of brain wave with its appropriate description. Delta waves A. Usually occur in children or in adults experiencing frustration B. Observed in a person who is awake, quiet, and resting, with eyes closed C. Occur in deep sleep, infancy, and patients with brain disorders D. Occur during intense mental activity

C. Occur in deep sleep, infancy, and patients with brain disorders

55) Match the structure of the eye with the appropriate description. Pupils A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision C. The opening in the iris D. The innermost tunic of the eye E. A pigmented contractile structure

C. The opening in the iris

17) Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT innervate extrinsic eye muscles? A) Oculomotor B) Abducens C) Trochlear D) Optic

D) Optic

45) Match Ruffini end organ = ?

D - Ruffini end organ

47) Match the function of the sensory receptor of the skin with the appropriate letter Detects continuous touch or pressure

D - Ruffini end organ

44) Match the parts of the brain Sensory speech area (Wernicke)

D - Sensory speech area (Wernicke)

32) Light and dark adaptation involve A) pupillary reflexes. B) variations in rod and cone function. C) changes in the amount of available rhodopsin. D) All of the choices are correct.

D) All of the choices are correct

9) The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS differ in the A) length of the preganglionic and postganglionic axons. B) location of the preganglionic cell bodies. C) position of the ganglia where preganglionic and postganglionic neurons synapse. D) All of the choices are correct.

D) All of the choices are correct

36) Which of the following arteries supply blood to the brain? A) External carotid arteries B) Internal carotid arteries C) Vertebral arteries D) Both "Internal carotid arteries" and "Vertebral arteries" is correct.

D) Both "Internal carotid arteries" and "Vertebral arteries" is correct

2) From which germ layer does the nervous system form? A) Endoderm B) Mesoderm C) Exoderm D) Ectoderm

D) Ectoderm

17) Receptors that detect stretch of a tendon and are important for control of muscle contraction are ________. A) muscle spindles B) Pacinian corpuscles C) Ruffini end organs D) Golgi tendon organs E) Meissner corpuscles

D) Golgi tendon organs

17) Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry parasympathetic fibers? A) Glossopharyngeal B) Vagus C) Facial D) Hypoglossal E) Oculomotor

D) Hypoglossal

14) What is the role of the red nuclei? A) Responding to loud noises and bright lights B) Part of the auditory pathways in the CNS C) Carries sensory information to the brain D) Unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activities

D) Unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activities

30) Lesion of the basal nuclei could cause A) loss of memory. B) uncontrolled rage. C) fluent but circular speech. D) a slight shaking of the hands or head. E) loss of sensation.

D) a slight shaking of the hands or head.

24) The pineal body A) connects the two cerebral hemispheres. B) modifies mood. C) causes hot and cold flashes. D) appears to play a role in controlling the onset of puberty. E) plays a role in the production of cerebrospinal fluid.

D) appears to play a role in controlling the onset of puberty

50) Damage to the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve would result in loss of ________. A) taste B) sight C) hearing D) balance E) smell

D) balance

16) Pinkeye is an acute inflammation of the ________. A) retina B) choroid C) sclera D) conjunctiva E) lacrimal gland

D) conjunctiva

25) Vitreous humor A) is produced on a daily basis. B) is less viscous than aqueous humor. C) does not contribute to intraocular pressure. D) helps to hold the lens and retina in place. E) is located in the anterior chamber.

D) helps to hold the lens and retina in place

37) If the Broca area is damaged, the result is A) loss of memory. B) impairment in the movement of the right leg. C) blindness. D) hesitant and distorted speech. E) inability to think of things to say.

D) hesitant and distorted speech

21) Anna has an eating disorder along with intense thirst and wildly varying body temperatures, which means she may have a dysfunction of the ________. A) pons B) medulla C) thalamus D) hypothalamus E) brainstem

D) hypothalamus

23) The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are separated by the ________. A) lens B) retina C) cornea D) iris E) optic disc

D) iris

18) The cornea A) is highly vascular. B) maintains the shape of the eye. C) is white like the rest of the sclera. D) is part of the focusing system of the eye. E) does not contain connective tissue.

D) is part of the focusing system of the eye

15) The blink reflex functions to ________. A) maintain balance B) regulate pupil size C) provide clearer vision D) keep the eyes moist E) orient the eyes

D) keep the eyes moist

35) Water-soluble molecules such as glucose and amino acids move across the blood-brain barrier by ________. A) diffusion B) endocytosis C) exocytosis D) mediated transport E) filtration

D) mediated transport

19) The membranes of all postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia have ________. A) somatotrophic receptors B) muscarinic receptors C) adrenergic receptors D) nicotinic receptors E) macrotinic receptors

D) nicotinic receptors

41) Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) of the left eye would be caused by damage to the ________ nerve. A) facial B) abducens C) trochlear D) oculomotor E) optic

D) oculomotor

24) The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the ________ lobe. A) frontal B) temporal C) occipital D) parietal

D) parietal

11) A state of conscious awareness of stimuli received by sensory receptors is called ________. A) adaptation B) projection C) translation D) perception E) inclination

D) perception

45) Sensory receptors for balance are found in the ________. A) pinna B) cochlea C) auditory ossicles D) semicircular canals E) auditory tube

D) semicircular canals

40) The sensation of hearing occurs when sensory impulses from the ears are transmitted to the auditory cortex in the ________ lobe from the ________ nerve. A) occipital; trochlear B) occipital; vestibulocochlear C) temporal; trochlear D) temporal; vestibulocochlear E) parietal; abducens

D) temporal; vestibulocochlear

14) Parasympathetic ganglia are called ________ ganglia. A) pelvic B) chain C) collateral D) terminal E) dorsal

D) terminal

15) The vagus nerve carries parasympathetic impulses to the ________. A) salivary glands B) lacrimal glands C) smooth muscle of the eyes D) thoracic and abdominal viscera E) thyroid gland

D) thoracic and abdominal viscera

10) Sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the ________. A) cranial and sacral regions B) lumbar and sacral regions C) cranial and thoracic regions D) thoracic and lumbar regions E) cervical and sacral regions

D) thoracic and lumbar regions

44) The malleus, incus, and stapes A) are parts of the cochlea. B) are located in the inner ear. C) are surrounded by endolymph. D) transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. E) are surrounded by fluid.

D) transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window.

57) Match the structure of the ear with the appropriate description. Auricle A. Eardrum B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal D. Fleshy portion of the external ear E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

D. Fleshy portion of the external ear

56) Match the description of the disease or disorder of the eye with its correct name. Glaucoma A. Difficulty seeing distant objects B. A type of refractory error C. Clouding of the lens of the eye D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision E. Loss of acute central vision

D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision

46) Match the type of brain wave with its appropriate description. Beta waves A. Usually occur in children or in adults experiencing frustration B. Observed in a person who is awake, quiet, and resting, with eyes closed C. Occur in deep sleep, infancy, and patients with brain disorders D. Occur during intense mental activity

D. Occur during intense mental activity

55) Match the structure of the eye with the appropriate description. Retina A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision C. The opening in the iris D. The innermost tunic of the eye E. A pigmented contractile structure

D. The innermost tunic of the eye

54) Match the structure associated with the eye with the appropriate description. Palpebral conjunctiva A. The angle where the eyelids join B. The space between the two eyelids C. Another name for the eyelids D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids

47) Match the function of the sensory receptor of the skin with the appropriate letter Detects deep pressure, vibration, and proprioception

E - Pacinian Corpuscle

45) Match Pacinian corpuscle = ?

E - Pacinian corpuscle

44) Match the parts of the brain Visual cortex

E - Visual cortex

32) Damage to the cerebellum is likely to cause A) decreased muscle tone. B) balance impairment. C) the tendency to overshoot when reaching for an object. D) an intention tremor. E) All of the choices are correct.

E) All of the choices are correct

34) The brainstem A) includes nuclei of cranial nerves II - XII. B) contains centers for several vital reflexes like heart rate and blood pressure. C) contains the reticular formation. D) contains nuclei for vomiting and sneezing reflexes. E) All of the choices are correct.

E) All of the choices are correct

12) Which of the following term and description is mismatched? A) Visceroreceptors - associated with organs B) Adaptation - decreased sensitivity to continued stimulus C) Projection - sensation is perceived at the site of the stimulus D) Proprioceptors - information about body position E) Cutaneous receptors - associated with the viscera

E) Cutaneous receptors - associated with the viscera

23) Thirteen-year-old Austin exhibits retarded growth, reduced metabolism, lack of normal reproductive gland development, inability to regulate water intake or water elimination from the body, and an uncontrolled appetite. Which part of Austin's brain is most likely involved? A) Reticular formation B) Primary sensory cortex C) Medulla oblongata D) Thalamus E) Hypothalamus

E) Hypothalamus

19) Which of the following are associated with the retina? A) Lens and cones B) Ciliary muscles and iris C) Pupil and cornea D) Suspensory ligaments E) Rods and cones

E) Rods and cones

20) Injury to the thalamus would A) cause us to stop breathing. B) affect body temperature regulation. C) affect pH regulation. D) prevent puberty. E) affect sensory projection to the cerebral cortex.

E) affect sensory projection to the cerebral cortex

49) The semicircular canals A) are parallel to each other. B) can detect movement in only one direction. C) have a base called a papilla. D) contain cupulae that respond to gravity. E) allow a person to detect movement in all directions.

E) allow a person to detect movement in all directions

11) Sympathetic preganglionic axons A) can synapse in terminal ganglia. B) must synapse in parasympathetic ganglia. C) can synapse with cells in the adrenal cortex. D) can synapse in the dorsal root ganglion. E) can synapse in either chain or collateral ganglia.

E) can synapse in either chain or collateral ganglia

43) Rapid changes in altitude can rupture the tympanic membrane. Symptoms that may occur include A) dizziness. B) lightheadedness. C) feeling of a "full" ear. D) ringing in the ears. E) hearing impairment.

E) hearing impairment

13) When you walk up behind someone and tap their right shoulder, they will reflexively A) raise their arms. B) hit you. C) turn their head toward the left. D) sneeze. E) turn their head toward the right.

E) turn their head toward the right

57) Match the structure of the ear with the appropriate description. Middle Ear A. Eardrum B. Part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing C. Includes the pinna and external auditory canal D. Fleshy portion of the external ear E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

E. Air-filled space within the temporal bone

56) Match the description of the disease or disorder of the eye with its correct name. Macular Degeneration A. Difficulty seeing distant objects B. A type of refractory error C. Clouding of the lens of the eye D. Increased intraocular pressure that can lead to loss of vision E. Loss of acute central vision

E. Loss of acute central vision

55) Match the structure of the eye with the appropriate description. Iris A. Photoreceptor cells that function in black and white vision B. Photoreceptor cells that function in color vision C. The opening in the iris D. The innermost tunic of the eye E. Pigmented contractile structure

E. Pigmented contractile structure

54) Match the structure associated with the eye with the appropriate description. Bulbar conjunctiva A. The angle where the eyelids join B. The space between the two eyelids C. Another name for the eyelids D. The membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

E. The membrane that covers the anterior sclera of the eye

1). True or False? All aspects of a memory are stored together in the brain.


3) True or False? Visceroreceptors are receptors associated with joints, tendons, and other connective tissue


2). True or False? The conscious awareness of stimuli received by sensory receptors is called perception.


4) True or False? The simplest and most common type of sensory nerve endings are free nerve endings.


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