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study of hiring preferences

High relative to low self-monitors (men and women) were more willing to hire attractive candidates and applicants whose gender matched the gender typing of the job (car sales supervisor- male vs. school social worker- female). Dossiers included name, photo, and 3 relevant test scores (differences across candidates were insignificant) that were counterbalanced across targets. 50% of men and women who were high self monitors chose equally between the 2 candidates if no photo was shown

who is better at thinking of words relating to self presentation? what happens with a cognitive load (distraction)?

High relative to low-self monitors can generate more words related to self-presentation, in a short amount of time or under cognitive load.High relative to low self-monitors also can identify words related to self-presentation faster for a reaction time task. High's have more stuff that comes to mind about how they will impress other people- more accessible Cognitive load- keep a set of numbers in mind- while distracted, highs can generate more words related to self-presentation (it is more accessible to them)

who are higher self monitors: professional actors or university students?


what type of characteristics do high self monitors rely on?

external characteristic (ex. membership in groups)

who is better able to intentionally express emotions?

high self monitors

who will talk first in an unstructured social interaction?

high self monitors - Lab study with undergrads asked to come to the waiting room at a given time. Other people are waiting- high's are not comfortable in these situations- need structure and don't know how to behave- high's will talk first and play a directive role in what is going on- seen as setting the stage when there is no stage

who will have better peer rating?

high self monitors. - learn quickly what is socially appropriate - can control their expressions of emotions - can create the impression they want

who will get divorced more? Is self-monitoring a good tool to predict divorce rates?

high self monitors. No! self-monitoring only accounts for 3% of the variance of a divorce rate- should look at other areas

who looks "always cool"

high self-monitors appear more friendly, outgoing and extraverted and less worried, anxious, and nervous

who is better at interpreting the emotions of others?

high self-monitors --> they are better at interpreting the non-verbal behaviour of people

who engages in more compartmentalization and why?

high self-monitors- because they behave differently in different situations, would be hard to have them all together

how will a high vs low self monitor react if they have the chance to observe someone before interacting with them?

high- pay more attention to the person if they will meet them later- better remember information and infer traits concerning another person they expect to meet

How stable is a high vs low self-monitors behaviour?

high- will not be stable across situations (specific to different situations), but will be stable across time low- stable across time and across situations

how does emotional and psychological closeness relate to sex? who has more sexual partners?

highs- dont need to be emotionally attached lows- must feel close highs have sex, lows make love highs had more sexual partners

what type of ads do high and low self monitors react best to?

highs- image ads- judge ads as better lows- quality oriented ads

self-monitoring and love

highs- love is a game (date widely) lows- intimate, long term relationships (look for practical qualities- will they be a good parent?)

how does culture impact self-monitoring

independent cultures are higher self monitors than interdependent cultures

what type of characteristic do low self monitors rely on?

internal characteristics (ex. feelings and emotions)

who has better marital satisfaction?

low self monitor

who will show more consistency in attitudes and behaviours assessed at a delay?

low self monitors -Undergrads fill out the self-monitoring scale -people report affirmative action- whether they're for women having equal access, should uni have 50% female profs -Then wait a few weeks and have them come back in the lab and give them a legal case where a woman is suing the university because she was discriminated against because they gave her job to a man. Was she really discriminated against? -(measure attitudes at one time, then they come back and you measure behavior at another time)- likely that expectations are probably different -Low vs high showed greater consistency between attitudes and behaviours

when will low self monitors feel depressed? When will high self-monitors feel depressed?

low- feel depressed when they are not meeting their own expectations (actual - own ought self-discrepancy) high- feel depressed when they are not meeting the expectations of others (actual self - ought from parents or romantic partner self-discrepancy)

distribution of power in relationships for low and high SM

low- more equal distribution of power high- unequal

who will disagree less in relationships

lows- less potential conflict; greater agreement on key relationship issues

how do lows and highs think of who would make the best couples?

lows- match people on personality highs - match people based on appearance

study self-image vs other image

participants are given a trait (independent, anxious, cautious...) are randomly assigned to: 1. self image group - think of a situation where you behave that way 2. other image group - think of a situation where others behaved that way low self monitor were much better than high self monitor at thinking of self situations high relative to low self monitors were much better at thinking of other people in these situations. why? - have a history of paying attention to how people are to know how to behave in a given context

low self monitors base their dating preferences on

personal attributes


personality trait that assesses the extent to which people's behavior is adjusted to fit a given situation

high self monitors base their dating preferences on

physical appearance (may serve as a status cue)

the typical self-monitor is

1. sensitive to other people's public behaviour in social settings 2. uses these other behaviours as guidelines 3. regulates his/her own public behaviour according to guidelines

the typical low self-monitor is

1. their public behaviour is more in line with their own private attitudes and feelings 2. Not as skilled at controlling their public behaviours (dont regulate it) 3. Not attending to other people so that he or she knows how to behave

how to measure self-monitoring

18-item-self-monitoring scale

are high self monitors extroverts?

No- they can be an introvert or an extrovert if the situation requires it. better at playing these roles than low self-monitors

perfume bottle study

Participants were provided 4 perfumes (for women) or 4 colognes (for men) The bottles were either attractive or unattractive. The fragrances were either pleasant or unpleasant. Results: High self-monitors liked the products in attractive bottles more than in unattractive bottles. Low self-monitors liked the better fragrance. Ask them "is this a good product" - high's take the attractive bottle and will say it smells good - but they really are being influenced by the bottle (they had previously rated the fragrances)

negotiating behaviours- selling books study

Undergraduates were randomly assigned to the role of a student selling books back to a bookstore or the role of the store employee buying back the books. High relative to low self-monitors reported being more committed to their goal. High relative to low self-monitors planned more before the interaction, in terms of how to interact with the other person. They generated more distinct strategies. High self-monitors were better able to reach their negotiation goals (that they had specified before), and this was associated with their greater amount of planning. -Have people write out what they will say

when does self monitoring develop

stable differences seem apparent at around age 6-7

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