Sense organ review

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what is the proper scientific name for each of the following -earwax -eardrum -auditory canal -hammer -anvil -stirrup -auditory tube - hearing sense organ -balance sense organ -visible outer ear

- Cerumen - Tympanic membrane - External acoustic meatus - Malleus - Incus - Stapes - Eustachian - Inner ear - Vestibular, semicircular canal - Pinnal auricle

* need to know the areas of sensitivity on the tongue*


how many of the chemoreceptors involved in smell does a person lose each year


at what range of vibrations per second is human hearing the most sensitive


at what temperature extremes does your body activate pain receptors

45° C

what is a sensation

A feeling that occurs when sensory impulses are sent to the brain

what specific type of nerve tissue does not contain pain receptors

The brain

why are otitis media or mastoiditis commonly produced by a sore throat

all the parts are connected

what portion of the eye is malfunctioning in glaucoma

aqueous humor

Name the two fluids that are inside the eye

aqueous, vitreous

how are the chemicals we taste placed in solution so that our chemoreceptors can detect them

by saliva

what are the seven primary odors

camphoraceous, musky, floral, pepperminty, ethereal, pungent, putrid

in what type of situations might the threshold of pain receptors to be lowered

chemical accumulate

name the five groups of sensory receptors

chemoreceptors, painreceptors, thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptor, photoreceptors

name the part of the eye that is responsible for contracting and relaxing in order to shape the lens

ciliary muscles

name the three parts of the inner ear

cochlea, vestibule, semi-circular canals

what is the difference between conductive deafness and sensorineural deafness

conductive- loss caused by simple plugging of external auditory meatus sensorineural- loss caused by excessively loud sounds

name the part of the eye that is important in seeing colors


name the part of the eye that is the translucent area of the eye which allows light to pass through


what portion of the eye is malfunctioning in conjunctivitis


what portion of the eye is malfunctioning in astigmatism

cornea of the lens

name three physical changes which can cause the sensation of a headache

dilation of cranial blood vessels, retention of fluid in the tissue, and muscle spasms of the neck, face, and scalp

what is the scientific name for the sense of taste


explain the most common form of mechanoreceptor

hair cells

what are the two functions of the ear

hearing and balance

what portion of your ear helps to equalize pressure between your inner ear and your throat

inner ear

explain what projection is and why is important

it allows a person to pinpoint exactly where the stimulation is coming from

explain what is meant when it is stated that sense organs actors transducers

it means they transform energy into another form

name the part of the eye that forms the colored portion of the eye


what portion of the eye is malfunctioning in presbyopia


where are the chemoreceptors involved in smell found

liquids c

What is anosmia?

loss of smell

name the three major sections of the ear

middle, inner, outer

name the 5 most familiar sense organs

mouth, ears, nose, eyes, and skin

name the two kinds of stretch receptors

muscle spindle, golgitendon organ

what portion of the brain is responsible for receiving impulses for sight


what is the proper scientific name for the sense of smell


name several ways in which your eye is protected

orbit cushions eyeball, eyelashes in eyelids, mucous and teas

what is referred pain? Give an example

pain coming from a different area; pancreas= in between shoulder blades

what is the only type of receptors in visceral organs which producing sensations when stimulated

pain receptors

what type of sensory receptors adapt VERY LITTLE

pain receptors

what are the visible bumps on your tongue called


what portion of the brain is responsible for receiving impulses for smell


what portion of the brain is responsible for receiving impulses for taste


name the part of the eye that is the hole in the center of the eye


what portion of the eye is malfunctioning in cataracts


name the part of the eye that is important in seeing at night


name the part of the eye that forms the white of the eye


name the three layers of the wall of the eye from the outside to inside

sclera, uveal, retina

when sensory receptors are subjected to continuous stimulation, what is the name of the adjustment that many of these receptors may undergo?

sensory adaptation

name the three types of receptors which are utilized in touch and pressure sensors. Give an example of where they may be found

sensory nerve fibers - epithelial tissue meissoer's corpuscles- hairless portion of skin pacinian corpuscles- subcutaneous tissue

name the two types of thermoreceptors

signal warm/ cooling

what are the 3 groups of somatic senses

skin, muscles, joints, visceral organs

what are the four primary taste sensations

sour, sweet, salty, and bitter

how are sensory receptors classified

stimuli that activates them

why do we not lose much of our sense of taste as we age

taste cells are constantly reproduced

what portion of the brain is responsible for receiving impulses for hearing


why are pain receptors thought to be protective in nature

they adapt very little

why are chemoreceptors involved in smell subject to damage

they are chemical and enter as gases

how are the chemicals we smell placed in solution so that are chemoreceptors can detect them

three different nerves

what is the function of a stretch receptor

to provide information to the spinal cord and brain; length and tension of muscles

where are taste buds located

tongue surface

what two test can be used to diagnose conductive deafness

webber, rinne

explain how eye color is produced in the human eye

when melanin is present the eye can be green or brown but without, the eye appears blue

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