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refuse to give Ian was accused of _________ing vital information from the police. Doctors do not have the right to __________ necessary treatment from a patient.


related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something: ▪ __________ psychology


relating to being a parent and especially to being responsible for a child's safety and development: ▪ _____________ responsibility ▪ Opening a new school will increase ____________ choice.


relating to studies done at a university after completing a first degree synonym graduate American English ▪ ___________degrees


relating to the production of medicines: the _____________ industry


remaining attractive and not becoming old-fashioned the ___________ beauty of Venice


resilient Type the synonym without the letter (A) bothersome (B) vital (C) unbearable (D) tenacious


resolute Type the synonym without the letter (A) determined (B) perfect (C) renown (D) perceptive

sensitive to

responsive to Synonym?


rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose: ▪ All rooms have private __________ (=private bathroom and toilet). ▪ The hotel has its own pool and leisure ____________. ▪ childcare ____________


the act of disagreeing; not giving approval syn. objection Their ____________ of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned.


the beginning of something, especially something bad the __________ of winter


the characteristics of a population with respect to age, race, and gender. The ____________ of the country have changed dramatically in recent years.

colour scheme

the combination of colours that someone chooses for a room, painting etc


the coming or appearance of something syn. arrival With the ___________ of computers, many tasks have been made easier. The newspapers announced the _______ of the concert season.


to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further OPP suppress ___________ growth/demand/the economy etc


to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings: I'm trying to _____ an interest in classical music in my children.


to endanger A scandal like this might ______________ his political career.

comb through

to examine or search sth very carefully The police __________ed _______ the surrounding woods for evidence.


to or in another country syn. internationally, abroad Louis Armstrong often traveled _______. Living ________ can be an educational experience.


to press something together in a tight and solid way: Cars had _________ed the snow until it was like ice.


to promote, help, or support syn. stimulate The government cut taxes in order to ____________ spending. The professor gave each student the ___________ment that was needed to learn the material.

meet a need for

to provide what is necessary for something _____ __ ______ ____


unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed __________ contrast/similarity/parallel etc ▪ a _______ contrast between wealth and poverty


unusual, extraordinary She has made _______ progress.


unusually, extraordinarily, abnormally She defended her position ____________ well. an ___________ talented player


use of force to get someone to obey (Syn.: force, compulsion, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, arm-twisting, pressure) They used threats and ____ to keep the others in line.

in stark contrast to

used to show that someone or something is completely different from someone or something else

vital for

useful/essential/important for Synonym?


useless; pointless a ____ attempt to escape

high achiever

________ _____________ a very successful person who achieves a lot in their life

immediate surroundings

________ _______________ the area that is closest to you

carbon dating

a method of calculating the age of extremely old objects by measuring the amount of a particular type of carbon in them

work of art

a painting, sculpture etc of high quality


a particular or special way of doing something There are various _____________s for dealing with industrial pollution.


a particular quality in someone's character personality/character _______s a mental illness associated with particular personality _______s genetic/inherited _______s


a particular type of colour ▪ a bright ________ of pink


a person or thing that is famous because it represents a particular idea or way of life a sixties cultural _____


an extra amount or part added to something vitamins and other dietary _______s The payments are a __________ to his usual salary.


an idea of how something is, or how something should be done: ▪ The idea of a soul is a religious ___________.


an illness that is not very serious minor ______________s


an invented story or idea syn. legend Throughout history _______s were created in an attempt to explain many common natural occurrences. ______ology is the study of legends and fables.


an object, especially something very old of historical interest ancient Egyptian __________s


an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time Roman _______s found in a field the books and photos, _____s of Rob's university days


an overall state of well-being or total health In Denmark, regular health visiting promotes ___________ by developing healthier children.


appeal Type the synonym without the letter (A) enrich (B) assert (C) petition (D) restore


arranged according to when things happened or were made We arranged the documents in _____________ order.

conceptual art

art in which the main aim of the artist is to show an idea, rather than to represent actual things or people


as a result ▪ Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. ________ it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. ▪ They also pointed out that they had studied only men, and ______ their findings might not apply to women.


attractive or interesting syn. alluring Working abroad is ____________ to many people.

conscious of

aware of Synonym?

sentimental value

be of great/little _____________ _______ place/put a high _____________ _______ on something (n) importance that an object has because it makes you remember someone or something and not because it is worth a lot of money


be or become completely proficient or skilled in ▪ the skills needed to _______ a new language


before All the arrangements should be completed ______ to your departure


done to keep something bad from happening _____________ health programs ______________ action/measure While travelling abroad, take __________ measures to avoid illness.


designed to be useful rather than beautiful or attractive OPP decorative buildings that are sensitively designed, not purely _________


difficult or painful to experience; not able to accept different ways of thought or behavior syn. unbearable Any opposition to the rules is ___________.


displeasing, objectionable, or bad syn. unfavorable ________ weather conditions made it difficult to play the game. His indecision _________ly affected his job performance.


using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people ▪ a highly __________ factory ▪ The production process is now fully _____________.


using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or knowledge _____-__-__-________ technology His new laptop is _____-__-__-________.


vague Type the synonym without the letter (A) intolerable (B) adverse (C) beautiful (D) ambiguous


value in doing something syn. rewarding It was ___________ waiting ten hours in line for the tickets. It's ____________ to prepare for the IELTS test.


variety The curriculum will take account of the ethnic ______________ of the population.


very bad or serious His injuries were quite ____________. She's suffering from __________ depression.


very brightly coloured in a way that is unpleasant to look at synonym brash; opposite subtle: ▪ Many of the rugs are too _______ for my taste.

burial site

________ ___________ (n) an area of land where dead bodies are buried


(____ on sth) to depend completely on something (Syn.: rest, be based, revolve around, be determined by) Her career ____s on the success of this project.


(adj.) persistent, stubbornly determined, refusing to give up Her ambition and ____ determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.


(formal) to become worse Ethel's health has ______________d. Living conditions here have ____________d in the past few years.

contract a disease

(formal) to catch a disease _________ __ ______________

administer treatment

(formal) to give medicine or medical help to someone or something ____________ _____________

plaster cast

(n) a hard covering that is put over a broken bone in order to support and protect it while it heals

sunken vessel

(n) a ship or large boat that has sunk below the surface of the water

a common desire

(n) a strong feeling of wanting to achieve or have something, felt by all members of a group We all share __ __________ _______ to master Engish.

graphic art

(n) art which involves drawing, painting, printing, photography, writing, etc.

conclusive results

(n) results from a test or experiment that prove something is definitely true ▪ The investigation failed to provide any _________ _________.

sleep patterns

(n) sleeping habits, for example, how much they usually sleep or when then they usually sleep

achieve an aim

(phrase) to succeed in doing something that you have been trying to do ▪ Teamwork is required in order to _________ __ ______

behind the scenes

(phrase) when something happens secretly A lot of hard work has been going on _________ __ ___________.


(v) dig up, uncover, expose Farmers still sometimes _______ human bones here.

offer an incentive

(v) to offer something to someone that is worth having and will have the effect of making them work harder or behave in a way that you want

withdraw sponsorship

(v) to stop providing money for an event, program, etc. in return for advertising your own products or services


(v.) to produce or provide something to ____ a profit The investigation ____ed some unexpected results.


(v.) to think out, plan, figure out, invent, create ____ a system/plan/strategy/piece of equipment


1. large in size, amount, or degree: ▪ The house stands in _________ grounds. ▪ Fire has caused _________ damage to the island's forests. 2. containing or dealing with a lot of information and details: ▪ _________ research is being done into the connection between the disease and poor living conditions.

overlook fail to notice something; fail to consider someone or something, or to fail to recognize success Two important facts have been ____ed in this case. Sean Connery was once again ____ed in the New Year's Honours list.

promote support or encourage something; help something to develop a campaign to ____ recycling The intense light ____s rapid growth of weeds and algae.


=deal with all your problems ▪ I'm staying with a friend until I manage to _____ myself out.

in shape

=in a good state of health or physical fitness ▪ She's bought an exercise bike to keep __ _____.

ancient monument

________ ___________ a building or other structure from a very long time ago


A large stream of moving water that flows through the oceans Strong _______s can be very dangerous for swimmers.


A lot of students participated __ the job fair.


A place in the body where two bones come together


A scientist who studies fossils

abstract art

A style of art that does not show a realistic subject, usually transforming the subject into lines, colors or shapes.


A broad range of smth a broad _______ of environmental groups


A chemical that produces color


A contemporary issue among psychologists is the activation or cause of emotion, its structure or components, and its functions and consequences. Each of these aspects can be considered from a biosocial view. Generally, biosocial theory focuses on the neurophysiological aspects of emotions and their roles as organizers of cognition and motivators of action. The word contemporary in the passage is closest in meaning to - current - acclaimed - contemptuous - favored


A customs union is an organization of autonomous countries that agree that international trade between member states is free of restrictions. They place a tariff or other restriction on products entering the customs union from nonmember states. One of the best-known customs unions is the European Union, or EU. The word autonomous in the passage is closest in meaning to -massive -acclaimed -prosperous -independent


An animal that hunts other animals for food lions, wolves, and other ____________s

performing arts

Arts, such as theatre, music, opera, and dance, whose medium is an act performed by a person.


I got that job _____ the people at my homestay (=a type of holiday or visit in which you stay in the home of a person you do not know). = with the help of


I haven't actually had any experience ___/of/with business yet.


I want to concentrate __ getting my qualifications first.


I'll just ______ that into the computer =to put information into a computer


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter attractive (A) appealing (B) adverse (C) arbitrary (D) perfect


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter autonomous (A) independent (B) sudden (C) international (D) abrupt


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter chronic (A) famous (B) visible (C) constant (D) ordinary


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter constant (A) disruption (B) acceptable (C) abrupt (D) persistent


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter disapproval (A) attraction (B) attention (C) objection (D) persistence


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter haphazardly (A) suddenly (B) secretly (C) carelessly (D) constantly


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter postpone (A) respond (B) reschedule (C) assert (D) reveal


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter unfavorably (A) attractively (B) haphazardly (C) acceptably (D) adversely


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter valid (A) attractive (B) convincing (C) normal (D) abrupt


Choose the synonym and type it without a letter withdraw (A) extract (B) describe (C) copy (D) convince


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter advantage (A) benefit (B) persistence (C) nimbleness (D) allure


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter appealing (A) refmed (B) encouraging (C) alluring (D) popular


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter circumvent (A) celebrate (B) attract (C} evade (D) appeal


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter contemporary (A) timing (B) current (C) well-known (D) perfect


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter fragile (A) modem (B) famous (C) refmed (D) frail


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter heyday (A) agreement (B) acclaim (C) postponement (D) pinnacle


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter refine (A) persist (B) value (C) perfect (D) divide


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter renowned (A) unknown (B) celebrated (C) adverse (D) disapprove


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter vigorous (A) attractive (B) beautiful (C) energetic (D) advantageous


Choose the synonym and type it without the letter worthwhile (A) rewarding (B) acceptable (C) agile (D) permitted


Cognitive approaches to therapy assume that emotional disorders are the result of irrational beliefs or perceptions. The mind may interpret an event as scary or calming, happy or sad. The emotionally disordered person may perceive adverse events as personal failures. Cognitive psychotherapies seek to make the patient aware of the irrationality of this perception and to substitute more rational evaluations of such events. The word adverse in the passage is closest in meaning to -monotonous -threatening -inoffensive -unfavorable


I'm quite good __ cooking.


Doctor of Philosophy a university degree of a very high level, which involves doing advanced research ▪ He's got a ______ in Biochemistry.


Exchange goods without involving money. We spent a whole hour ________ing with stallholders for souvenirs.


Exercises that demand total body involvement improve and maintain fitness. The most effective way to feel more mentally alert and energetic is to engage in aerobic activity at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Such activities may include jogging, running, swimming, dancing, and fast walking. The word energetic in the passage is closest in meaning to - vigorous - frail - agile - appealing


Fans are used to circulate air in rooms and buildings, and for cooling and drying people, materials, or products. Even though air circulated by a fan is comforting, no fan actually cools the air. Only devices such as air conditioners can affect changes in air temperature. The word actually in the passage is closest in meaning to - legitimately - factually - truly - essentially


For women in the 1920s, freedom in dress reflected their new freedom to take up careers. Only a small percentage of women pursued such opportunities, but the revolutionary change affected the types of clothes worn by most warp.en. For example, trousers became acceptable attire for almost all activities. This milestone in the fashion world favored more stylish and comfortable clothing instead of more formal modes of dress. The word acceptable in the passage is closest in meaning to - usable - endurable - believable - permissible


Have you done any other work in the past that would be relevant __/for/in a marketing career?


Human populations are classified in terms of genetically transmitted traits. For groups that have lived for generations in certain locations, research illustrates the long-term genetic effects of environmental factors such as climate and diet. Ongoing investigations track the history of evolution and its genetic changes and help to explain the origin of genetically determined diseases and their long-term influence. The word ongoing in the passage is closest in meaning to - current - thorough - proposed - temporary

get to the top

________ ___ ____ ______ to be very successful in a job or activity

in leaps and bounds

If progress or growth happens __ ______ ____ _____, it happens very quickly. Lifeboat technology has advanced __ ______ ____ _____.


In modern manufacturing production facilities that produce equipment sensitive to environmental contamination, a dust-free working area with strict temperature and humidity controls is of vital importance. Seamless plastic walls and ceilings, external lighting, a continuous flow of dust-free air, and daily cleaning are features of this "clean room." Workers wear special clothing, including head coverings. When entering this room, they pass through a "shower" to remove contaminants. The word vital in the passage is closest in meaning to - indispensable - lively - extreme - dubious


In my job, I have to deal ____ many different types of people.


In part because seafood tends to spoil rapidly, in certain areas of the United States, shrimping is allowed only during specific predetermined seasons. For-example, in Mississippi tidal waters, shrimping is allowed only between October and May. In the past, this short season made it difficult to fmd shrimp out of season. However, the development of freezing techniques in the 1940s encouraged the shrimping industry to expand, making it a global industry. The United States now imports shrimp from over sixty countries and shrimp can be bought at any time of the year. The word encouraged in the passage is closest in meaning to - advanced - accepted - stimulated - wanted


In the 1890s, a rising generation of young antiorganization leaders came on the political scene. These leaders transformed the art and practice of politics in the United States, by exercising strong leadership and by bringing about institutional changes that helped revitalize political democracy. Most important was their achievement of economic and social objectives, such as legislation to prevent child labor, and accident insurance systems to provide compensation to injured workers. The word revitalize in the passage is closest in meaning to - intensify - establish - reform - restore

condemn or oppose their use

Increasingly, authorities are uneasy about teenagers who drive while talking on the telephone. For many, phone use and driving are perfectly compatible; others are more easily distracted, especially while listening to music. The growing number of accidents associated with phone use also supports this claim. Many communities now disapprove of these phones so much that they have forbidden anyone of any age to use them while driving. In stating that many communities now disapprove of these phones, the author means that they -fully endorse their popularity. -condemn or oppose their use. -favor their use only by adults. -agree to their unrestricted use.


Infrared light emission photographs are particularly helpful to astronomers. The composition and temperature of heavenly bodies can often be determined by analysis of photos taken with a camera that is sensitive to infrared light emissions. Using infrared detectors, astronomers can observe cooler celestial objects than they can with optical devices, since infrared radiation is less affected by interstellar dust than is light. The word analysis in the passage is closest in meaning to - intensification - examination - dispersion - production


It is important to have confidence __ your own abilities.


It is sometimes hard to get involved ___ your studies.


Managers have to be responsible ___ the staff below them.


Most people do not appreciate the importance of packaging. Packages maintain the purity and freshness of their contents and protect them from elements outside. If the contents are harmful, corrosive, or poisonous, the package must also protect the outside environment. A package must identify its contents, which facilitates distribution of the product. The word distribution in the passage is closest in meaning to - usage - disruption - dispensing - advertising


Nutritional additives are utilized to restore nutrients lost during production, to enrich certain foods in order to correct dietary deficiencies, or to add nutrients to food substitutes. Nowadays, vitamins are commonly added to many foods in order to increase their nutritional value. For example, vitamins A and D are added to dairy and cereal products, and several of the B vitamins are added to cereals. The word enrich in the passage is closest in meaning to - alter - enhance - produce - restore


Obviously our interest is related ___ the class of degree that you get.


Over the years, investigators have evaluated the local folklore of areas where sightings of the celebrated Abominable Snowman have been reported. The same scientists have collected physical evidence, such as footprints, body parts, and photographs, but this evidence remains unconvincing. In 1960 the renowned mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand conducted an investigation of the reports of the creature, but found no evidence of its existence. The word celebrated in the passage is closest in meaning to - elusive - ambiguous - renowned - indistinct


Passerines form the dominant avian group on Earth today. They are regarded as the most highly evolved of all birds and occur in abundance. Humans have long enjoyed passerines for their songs and their almost infmite variety of colors, patterns, and behavioral traits. Many passerines are considered to be quite agile. Among the most energetic of them is the swallow, whose small body is designed for effortless maneuvering. The word agile in the passage is closest in meaning to - nimble - detectible - broad - fast

are in opposition to

Scientific disciplines, such as genetic engineering, are exploding with possibilities. As a result of new technologies and procedures to treat health conditions, new treatments for many diseases have been developed. Although the development of advanced methods will continue to change the face of healthcare, moral beliefs often collide with scientific advancements, slowing down the progress of some healthcare treatments. The phrase collide with in the passage is closest in meaning to - are in opposition to - are absent from - are associated with - are concerned about


Seeking to take advantage of new economic trends of the late 1800s, Manitoba's leaders made important changes in economic policies. These changes, which anticipated new directions in economic development of the region, took advantage of the unique business attributes of the province. During the early 1900s, these policies gave the province an advantage over other prairie provinces. The word anticipated in the passage is closest in meaning to - encouraged - analyzed - modified - predicted


So when would you be available ___ an interview?


Some animals' coloration uses bold, disruptive markings to scare predators. Other animals have color patterns that blend with their surroundings. Such coloration serves for protection, to attract mates, or to distract enemies. Called cryptic coloration, it uses the animals' living place, habits, and means of defense. Cryptic coloration may blend an animal so well with its envirohment that it is virtually invisible. The word disruptive in the passage is closest in meaning to -disturbing -distinctive -brilliant -unfavorable


Some bosses are not very sensitive __ their employees' needs.


The National Film Board of Canada was established in 1939 to produce films that reflect Canadian life and thought, and to distribute them both domestically and abroad. By winning awards from film festivals around the world, it has earned international acclaim for the artistic and technical excellence of its work. The word acclaim in the passage is closest in meaning to - fascination - praise - acceptance - attraction


The company has a reputation ___ producing top-quality toys.


The construction of shelter, found among the first stable human societies about 5,000 years ago, is considered to be among the most important of all ancient human activities. The systematic placement of groups of housing marked a momentous cultural transition toward the formation of towns. It generated new needs and resources and was accompanied by a significant increase in technological innovation. The word ancient in the passage is closest in meaning to - old - actual - distinct - dated


The early artists of the Hudson River school were Thomas Doughty, Asher Durand, and Thomas Cole. They found the wilderness in the Hudson River valley appealing. Although these painters studied in Europe, they first achieved a measure of success at home, and chose the common theme of the remoteness and splendor of the American interior. The word appealing in the passage is closest in meaning to - annoying - ongoing - spectacular - alluring


The fact of surpassing all others; superiority. (Syn.: supremacy, greatness, excellence, distinction, prominence, predominance, importance, prestige) The Edinburgh Festival maintains its ____ because of the quality of its programming.


The government should pay more attention ___ the education of women.


The growing popularity of television in the 1950s marked an important turning point in the entertainment world. This development created vast new entertainment choices for people who lived within the signal areas of'IV stations. Later, with the advent of satellite and cable 'IV, almost everyone, regardless of location, was able to experience this entertainment medium. The word advent in the passage is closest in meaning to - dependence - allowance - explosion - arrival


The money spent ___ research was more than expected.


The point at which pain becomes intolerable is known as the pain perception threshold. Studies have found this point to be similar among different social and cultural groups. However, the pain tolerance threshold varies significantly among these groups. A stoical, unemotional response to pain may be seen as a sign of braveness in certain cultural or social environments. However, this behavior can also mask the seriousness of an injury to an examining physician. The word intolerable in the passage is closest in meaning to - elusive - altered - intensified - unbearable


The scientific study of population characteristics.


The search to hide natural body odors led to the discovery and use of musk. Musk is a scent used in perfumes. It is obtained from the sex glands of the male musk deer, a small deer native to the mountainous regions of the Himalayas. The odor of musk, penetrating and persistent, is believed to act as an aphrodisiac. In animals, musk serves the functions of defining territory, providing recognition, and attracting mates. The word persistent in the passage is closest in meaning to -attractive -disruptive -constant -pleasant


To be a leader, you have to compete ____/against your colleagues.


Tornadoes strike in many areas of the world, but nowhere are they as frequent or as devastating as in the United States. A vast "tornado belt" embraces large portions of the Great Plains of the United States and the southeastern portion of the country. Tornadoes pose the greatest threats to these areas, which are especially vulnerable to abrupt changes in weather conditions. The word abrupt in the passage is closest in meaning to - sudden - vivid - sharp - direct


Tray used by painters for mixing colors of paint


Type the synonym without the letter ascertain (A) delay (B) render (C) determine (D) assert


Type the synonym without the letter conform (A) annoy (B) divide (C) encourage (D) adapt


Type the synonym without the letter enrich (A) alter (B) dispense (C) disrupt (D) enhance


Type the synonym without the letter indispensable (A) abrupt (B) abroad (C) vital {D) frail


Type the synonym without the letter potential (A) attraction (B) possibility (C) anticipation (D) persistence


Type the synonym without the letter proposal (A) question (B) attention (C) benefit (D) suggestion


Type the synonym without the letter restore (A) appeal (B) revitalize (C) attract (D) disrupt


Type the synonym without the letter staple (A) essential (B) advice (C) fable (D) agreement


Type the synonym without the letter turbulent (A) chaotic (B) intolerant (C) annoying (D) adverse


Type the synonym without the letter unbearable (A) inspiring (B) unfavorable (C) intolerable (D) ancient


Universities should provide facilities ___ students.


Universities should provide students ____ the facilities they need.


Until the late ninteenth century all rubber was extracted haphazardly from trees found in the jungles of South America. It was expensive and the supply was uncertain. However, during the 1860s the idea of transporting rubber trees to the British colonies in Asia was conceived. This led to the larger-scale cultivation of rubber trees on organized plantations. The word haphazardly in the passage is closest in meaning to -carelessly -secretly -constantly -dangerously

film sequence

________ ______ = a part of a film that deals with one event (сцена)

instant access

________ _______= the opportunity to use or see something immediately Cats should always have ________ _______ to fresh, clean water.


Working environments in which loud noise is frequent can be harmful to the employee. Aside from simply being annoying, the most measurable physical effect of noise pollution is damage to hearing. This may be either temporary or permanent and may cause disruption of normal activities. In work areas where noise is a problem, care should be taken to protect the ears with earplugs. The word annoying in the passage is closest in meaning to - difficult - ongoing - bothersome - refmed


Working parents have little time to take care __ their children.


Youngsters today are better prepared ____ working life.

in vain

_ ___ = without any success Police searched _ ___ for the missing gunman.

to a degree

__ _ ________ also to some _______/to a certain _________ =partly: ▪ __ _ ________, it is possible to educate oneself. ▪ We're all willing to support him __ _ ________.

in essence

__ _______ = relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something ___ _______ his message was very simple.

in layman's terms

__ _____________ ______ phrased so as to be easily understood, without the use of technical or obscure terms. the seminar will be presented __ _____________ ______

by and large

___ __ _____ = generally ___ __ _____, the new arrangements have worked well.

die out

____ ____ to disappear completely; to become extinct The wild population of koalas could _____ _____. There will be outbreaks of rain, which will gradually _____ _____ later.

the extent of

____ ______ __ = the level, size or importance of something Considering ____ ______ __ his injuries, he's lucky to be alive.

cater to

_____ __ = to give people what they want, usually something that people think is wrong an LA bank ________ing __ Asian businesses

save the day

_____ __ ___ = to do something that solves a serious problem A local businessman _____d __ ___ by donating £30,000 to the school.

feature film

_____ ____ =a film that is usually 90 or more minutes long

get stuck

_____ ______ = to not be able to continue doing something because there is something you cannot understand or solve I usually ____ _____ on this algebra problem.

use jargon

_____ __________ to speak using words or phrases that used or understood only by people with special knowledge of a subject


______ = to show other people that you are a particular type of person She's _______d herself to be a very reliable worker.

break new ground

______ ___ ____ = to do something that is different from anything that has been done before

reach the point

______ ___ ____ = to get to a particular situation She had _____ed ___ ____ where she felt that she could not take any more.

keep themselves to themselves

______ ___________ _ ____________ live a quiet private life, not doing things involving other people

belong to a period

_______ _ __ ____ come from a particular time

turn the clock back

_______ __ _____ ____ to go back in time

identify with

_______ ___ = to feel that you are similar to someone, and can understand them or their situation because of this He didn't seem to be able to ________ ___ ordinary people and their aspirations.

invisible to the naked eye

_______ ___ ___ ____ ___ (phrase) unable to be seen without special equipment

remote area

_______ _____ (n) an area that is long way from any towns or cities


_______ up/down/back/forward, etc. = to move text or an image on a computer screen so that you can look at the part that you want

catch up on

________ __ _____ to do something that you did not have time to do earlier I have to ______ __ __ my reading.


________ something on something to use something as the thing from which something else is developed ▪ Their relationship was ________d upon mutual respect. ▪ an economy _______d on farming

highlight a problem

_________ __ ____________ (phrase) to emphasize or make people notice a problem

maintain links with

_________ _____ _______ keep a connection with

prehistoric creature

_________ _______ (n) an animal or bird from a time long ago before there were written records

fund research

_________ __________ to provide the money for research


_________ colours are light and pale: ▪ __________ blue ▪ The walls were painted in ____________ shades.


_________ furniture or equipment is designed in a way that makes it comfortable and effective for people who use it for their work: an ___________ chair/keyboard/mouse Office furniture must meet strict ________ standards.

award a degree

__________ __ ________ (phrase) to give someone a qualification for completing a university course successfully

fulfil a lifelong ambition

__________ __ _____________ _____________ to succeed in doing something that you have wanted to do for most of your life

irreversible damage

__________ _________ (n) harm that cannot be removed, repaired, or undone These chemicals have been found to cause __________ _________.

coastal erosion

__________ __________ (n) the gradual disappearance of cliffs, beaches, etc. as a result of the action of the sea

remain unchanged

__________ ______________ to stay the same, not changing in any way


__________ a task/a project/research/a study etc ▪ Dr Johnson was to _________ the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary. ▪ In an astonishing study recently ________n in Western Europe, the following facts emerged: ...


__________ people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else SYN native the many ________ cultures which existed in Siberia

anything but

___________ _____ (sophisticated) = If someone or something is ___________ _____ a particular quality, they are the opposite of that quality. Maria is ___________ _____ stupid!

interact with

___________ _______ to communicate (with)

archaeological remains

___________ ________ (n) the parts of ancient societies that are left, usually in the ground, when everything else has disappeared or been destroyed

highly gifted

___________ ___________ (adj) extremely intelligent or talented, or having a natural ability to do something extremely well

human potential

___________ ______________ people's ability to develop and achieve good things in the future

affect subconsciously

____________ _____________________ to influence in a way that we are not even aware of


____________ of something = someone who supports a particular idea or way of doing things She's a passionate __________ of natural childbirth.

complementary medicine

_____________ ___________ uses treatments that are not part of traditional Western medicine acupuncture and other types of _________ _______________

ongoing trials

______________ ______ (n) tests happening now of something new to find out if it is safe or works correctly


a _____-__________ building or object is old but still in good condition the remarkably _____-__________ ruins of the church


a __________ person is short and heavy and looks strong a _______ build


a ___________ event, meeting etc is one that has been planned to happen soon: ▪ the ___________ elections ▪ Keep an eye on the noticeboards for ________ events.


a book, poem, painting etc that is _________ is easy to understand and enjoy He wants his music to be ___________ to everyone.


a division of something into smaller parts: We asked for a ____________ of the accident figures into day time and night time. The rate of _____________ of muscle protein was assessed.


a drug that you take to treat or cure an illness Are you taking any ____________?


a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy We are responsible for the care and _____-_________ of all our patients.


a fundamental element or principal part of something syn. essential (n) Milk, bread, and eggs are _________s of most American grocery stores. The main _________ of Asian diets is rice.


a group of houses and buildings where people live, especially in a place where few people have lived before The railway stations created new ________s. an early Iron Age __________


a high point of success or abundance syn. pinnacle Many settlers became rich during the ____________ of the California gold rush of the 1800s. We are living in the _________ of digital communications.


a mental or physical illness a __________ of the brain/liver/digestive system etc He suffers from a rare ___________ of the liver.


a situation in which people are not at school or work when they should be: The high rate of _______________ is costing the company a lot of money. Students with chronic ______________ can pull down the school's performance.

health scare

a situation that causes a lot of people to suddenly worry that a particular thing might make them ill I had a _____ _________ last week.


a slight bother; disturbing to a person syn. bothersome Mosquitos can be an _________ part of a vacation at the beach.


a small piece of something that has broken off or that comes from something larger glass _________s _________s of broken pottery


a stone structure above or below the ground where a dead person is buried the family _______


a strong desire to have or achieve something synonym ambition: ▪ a high level of political _________ ▪ the ________s of the working classes ▪ their hopes and ___________s for the future


a subject of study an academic __________


a subject that people study or an area of activity that they are involved in as part of their work ▪ her work in the ______ of human rights ▪ Peter's an expert in his ________. ▪ He's the best-known American outside the _________ of (=not connected with) politics.


a subtle difference

insight into

a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea The article gives us a real ______ _____ the causes of the present economic crisis.


a sudden increase in a particular type of behaviour, activity, or feeling There was a _______ of public protest.

clinical trial

a test of a new medicine in which people are given the medicine


a tool, especially one used for outdoor physical work • agricultural _______________s • Art was therefore seen as an _______________ with which to improve, both morally and socially, the condition of humanity.


a type of drug that stops you from feeling pain (Syn.: painkiller, painkilling drug, pain reliever) Paracetamol is one of the most commonly used ____s in Britain.

profound change

a very great change

vast range

a very large number of different things ▪ a _____ _______ of services ▪ The drug is effective against a _____ _______ of bacteria.


a way of learning something by repeating it many times, rather than understanding it In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by ____.


abdicate Type the synonym without the letter (A) relinquish (B) alter (C) encourage (D) heighten


able to be seen ▪ There has been a ________ change in his attitude. ▪ The success of the campaign was highly _________.


able to make you believe that something is true or right ____________ evidence of his guilt


able to move in a quick and easy way syn. nimble Deer are very ____________ animals. She moved __________ly across the stage.


acclaimed; well-known and popular syn. renowned The ___________ pianist will be giving a concert this weekend. San Francisco is ____________ for its multicultural makeup.

have considerable influence on

affect to an important degree


allowable or satisfactory syn. permissible The idea was ____________ to everyone.


always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval ▪ She's the team's most ______ player.


always present; continual syn. constant The author's ___________ headache prevented her from finishing the chapter. He is _________ally late to class.


an _______ idea or way of doing something is new, different, and better than those that existed before an _________ approach to language teaching


an ability, happening, or opportunity that has not occurred or been developed syn. possibility The medical students have shown great ___________ to become doctors. Small space heaters are a _________ fire hazard.


an action or decision made with little thought, order, or reason syn. haphazard Her choice of clothing seemed ____________. The teacher __________ly decided to give the class a test.


an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy __________ of ▪ a superb __________ of African masks


an event or situation that is designed to show the good qualities of a person, organization, product etc The new musical is a good _________ for her talents.


being in existence, real or factual syn. truly They were ___________ very good soccer players.


being the only one of its kind: ▪ Each person's fingerprints are _________.


belonging to the present time SYN modern _______ music/art/dance etc


by itself; with no association syn. independent Mexico became an __________ state in 1817. Although working closely with the government, all businesses function __________ly.


calling attention to; pleasing; creating interest; pretty syn. appealing The idea of working four, ten-hour work days was _______ to the employees.


causing confusion and interruption syn. disturbing Frequent questions during lectures can be ___________. The storm caused a disruption in bus service.


causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy I find gardening very _____________. Synonym curative

alter a mood

change how sb feels


changed in colour or form over a period of time because of the effects of sun, wind, or other weather conditions : ________ stone/tiles His silver hair was cut short around his ________ face.


clearly having only one meaning The rules need to be ________________ clear.


common or routine syn. ordinary The student's __________ summer job frustrated her. His mother asked him to do all the _________ household chores.

convey an idea

communicate an idea

focus on

concentrate on Synonym?


connected with the Middle Ages (=the period between about 1100 and 1500 AD) These spices were first brought to Italy from the East in __________ times. a ________ castle


containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together ______ patterns


continuing syn. current The tutoring project is an __________ program of the school. Maintaining roads is an ___________ job.


continuing for a long time a ___________ disease or illness


continuous; refusing to give up; firm in action or decision syn. constant The attorney's ___________ questioning weakened the witness.

mainstream medicine

conventional medicine ______________ _____________

in the course of

during ▪ ___ ___ ______ ___ researching customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance.


elicit Type the synonym without the letter (A) declare (B) withdraw (C) confonm (D) extract


the ___________ of something = the start or arrival of something new Many more people died of infections before the _______ of penicillin.


embody Type the synonym without the letter (A) exemplify (B) entice (C) notice (D) enrich


the ability to do something well ▪ Students will gain _________ in a wide range of skills.


enthusiastic approval; applause syn. praise Isaac Stem has won _______ abroad. _______ed authors often win Pulitzer Prizes.


the ability to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it is like to be them She had great _________ with people.

to this day

even now, after a very long time ____ ___ ________ I don't know exactly what started the fight.


involving little exercise or physical activity: a ___________ job/occupation/activity/lisfestyle My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too ___________.


existing or happening in many places or situations, or among many people the ____________ use of chemicals in agriculture ______________ support/acceptance/criticism/condemnation etc


the way one holds one's body; a pose or position Poor ___________ can lead to muscular problems.

fall behind

fail to do something fast enough or on time: He used to ________ _______ with his schoolwork. I've _____en ______ on the mortgage payments.

has a reputation for

is known for Synonym?

available for

free for Synonym?


full of life, action, or power syn. vigorous Sam hasn't been as ____________ as he usually is.


judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something: It's impossible to _______ these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.

take care of

keep an eye on Synonym?

prepare for

get ready for Synonym?

give an opportunity

give a chance to do smth

worn down

gradually made physically weaker or less determined It was clear he was being ______ _________ by the rumours over his future.

high stakes

great advantages that could be gained in a situation and great disadvantages that could also be the result We're playing for _______ ______ here.


lack of the ability or skill to do a job properly managerial/professional etc ____________ ▪ The report blamed police _____________ for the tragedy.


largely; considerably; significantly The new rules will _____________ change how we do things.

enamoured with

liking or approving of someone or something very much You don't seem very _______ ____ your job.


made of clay and hardened by heat


made to look attractive: a ___________ display of plants and flowers a mirror in a _________ frame


happening at the same time or in the same way but separately There will be ________ announcements from both governments. _________ efforts by many groups aim to research how to use the Internet more successfully.


happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized a _______ way/manner/fashion ▪ I continued my studies in a rather ________ way.

exert influence

have an effect ▪ They _______ed considerable _________ within the school.

exert an influence on

have an effect on


having no order or pattern; by chance syn. arbitrarily; carelessly It was obvious that the house was built ____________ly. Susan completed the assignment in a __________ way.


having or expressing strong emotions She developed a ___________ interest in wild flowers.


having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react: ▪ an _____________ sense of guilt ▪ She found the city quite ____________ when she first arrived.


he state of being useless/pointless (Syn.: fruitlessness, pointlessness, uselessness, worthlessness, ineffectiveness, failure, unproductiveness) the horror and ____ of war


if a building, place, or container ___________s something, it is kept there ▪ The collection is currently ________d in the British Museum. ▪ the plastic case which ______s the batteries


if there is an _______ of fighting or disease in an area, it suddenly starts to happen a cholera ____________ ____________s of fighting the ____________ of World War II

wash away

if water ______es something ____, it carries it away with great force Floods in Bangladesh have ________ed hundreds of homes _______.


if you _________ a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you The country is ____________ing massive changes. He has been released from prison to _________ medical treatment in the United States.


imitate, take off He could ______ all the teachers' accents. 'I'm so sorry, ' she ______ked.


impossible to understand opposite clear: ▪ Eva muttered something ____________.


improve something Good lighting will ______ any room.


in an opposite way; on the other hand The staff of any organisation are its best ambassadors or ____________ may be its worst.

responsible for

in charge of _________________ ___


in spite of the facts, regardless of the fact syn. although His trip was successful, __________ tiring. _________ difficult at times, speaking another language is rewarding.


including every possible detail ▪ The doctor gave him a t_________ check-up. ▪ a __________ and detailed biography ▪ The police investigation was very ___________.


instigate Type the synonym without the letter (A) initiate (B) empower (C) intensify (D) restore


make (a liquid) less concentrated; reduce in strength (Syn.: make weaker, weaken, make thinner, water down; diminish, reduce, lessen) ____ the juice slightly with water. ____ the influence of the president.

make advances in

make smth develop or progress


making someone ill and weak He suffered from a _____________ disease


making something appear true or good when it is false or bad syn. misleadingly The magician __________ made the rabbit disappear. Richard deceived Joe about the cost of the coat.

all shapes and sizes

many different types: We sell __ _____ ___ _____ of teddy bear.


matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid =осадок a thick layer of ___________


misleadingly Type the synonym without the letter (A) abruptly (B) deceptively (C) progressively (D) truly


modem, up-to-date, or (n.) a person living at the same time as another person syn. current ____________ architecture makes very good use of space. Cervantes was a ____________ of Shakespeare.


money, property etc that you receive from someone who has died Lucinda has to fight for her life and her _________ in this gripping novel.


more powerful, important The _____ male gorilla is the largest in the group. Japan became ______ in the mass market during the 1980s.


mundane Type the synonym without the letter (A) celebrated (B) ordinary (C) astounding (D) alterable


new and original _________ idea/approach/method etc ▪ What a ____ idea!


not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention opposite obvious: ▪ The pictures are similar, but there are _______ differences between them.


of great importance; full of life syn. indispensable Money is _________ to the success of the program. His intense ________ity was easily observable.


of unclear meaning; something that can be understood in more than one way syn. vague The men received an __________ message from their boss. Her letter was full of ambiguities.


ordinary, usual, or happening every day: ▪ the problems of _____________ life


organized carefully and done thoroughly a __________ approach/way/method ▪ a ___________ approach to solving the problem


physical harm or damage to someone's body a head/back/knee ______ Several train passengers received/sustained serious _______es in the crash.


positive and making you feel that good things will happen opposite downbeat: ▪ an __________ message


pots, dishes, etc. made from clay


practical and direct in a sensible honest way: ▪ Fran's a friendly, _____-__-_______ person.


produce a strong feeling or memory in someone: ▪ The photographs _________d strong memories of our holidays in France.


producing a desired result based on truths or facts syn. convincing The students had a ________ reason for missing class. The professor questioned the _______ity of the test results.

open the door to

provide an opportunity to The changes have ______ed ____ _______ __ free elections in the country.


quick; without warning syn. sudden There was an ________ change in the weather. After the incident everyone left ___________ly. noun: __________ness

share the spotlight with

receive less attention as sb or smth else has started to be noticed too _____ __ ___________ _____


reduce _______ the risk/chance/possibility etc (of something) Exercise _______ s the risk of heart disease. _______ the impact/effect/importance (of something) The new project will _______ the effects of car pollution


sand, mud, soil etc that is carried in water and then settles at a bend in a river, an entrance to a port etc = ил Obviously, the same river flow that fills them with ____ also brings in minerals and organic materials from elsewhere.


shelter or protection from someone or something take/seek _______ (in something) During the frequent air-raids, people took _______ in their cellars.


showing very clearly what someone thinks or feels ▪ her wonderfully ___________ eyes


someone who does skilled work, making things with their hands SYN craftsman


someone who is ________ is completely certain of their beliefs and expects other people to accept them without arguing Her staff find her bossy and _________.


someone who is in charge of a museum or zoo He's _______ of Prints at the Metropolitan.


someone who lives in a house, room etc ▪ The furniture had been left by the previous _________s.


something from a long time ago; very old syn. old Archaeologists analyze __________ civilizations. Dave found an _________ Roman coin.


something that exists as a single and complete unit ▪ The mind exists as a separate _________.


something that gives you an advantage over others Companies are employing more research teams to get an ______. The next version of the software will have the _______ over its competitors.


something that is _____________ should be done in order to avoid problems or risks OPP in______ Regular medical check-ups are ____________.


something that is _______is extremely important, because everything else depends on it synonym vital ▪ This aid money is _______ to the government's economic policies.


something that may help one to be successful or to gain something syn. benefit Is there any ________________ in arriving early? He was _____________ously born into a rich family.


something that someone finds, especially by digging or by searching under water important archaeological ______s


something that you think is true without having any proof These calculations are based on the ____ that prices will continue to rise.


something you use to express and spread your ideas, opinions etc SYN medium The 1936 Olympics were used as a ___________for Nazi propaganda.


staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot SYN hard-wearing Wood is a _______ material.


strong and healthy a _______ person is strong and healthy a _________ man of six feet four


strong enough to recover from difficulty or disease; жизнерадостный, неунывающий syn. tenacious - упорный She has a ________personality and will soon feel better. The doctor was surprised by his patient's ________ce.


strong in one's opinion, firm in conviction, to find out syn. resolute They were ____________to go to graduate school. The judge ___________ that the man was lying.

take steps to

take an action in order to solve a problem The president _____ immediate _____s __ stop the fighting.

participate in

take part in Synonym?


teaching or relating to the skills you need to do a particular job ▪ __________ qualifications


the feeling of being very worried That explains his ____ about her health.


the number of times that something happens the ___________ of serious road accidents


the pattern or colour on top of which something has been drawn, printed etc: ▪ red lettering on a white ___________


the physical state of a person or animal, especially how healthy they are She's in excellent physical ____________.


the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill: ▪ the _____________ of language


the process of returning to a healthy or good way of life, or the process of helping someone to do this afterthey have been in prison, been very ill, etc.: Many amputees in the early stages of their ___________ feel despair. the _____________ of violent offenders a drug _____________ clinic


the quality of being clear and easy to understand: There has been a call for greater ______ in this area of the law.


the quality of being not very good A goal just before half-time rescued the match from _____________.


the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult ▪ Yuri shows great ___________ to learn English.

growth rate

the speed at which increases ▪ an attempt to slow down the economic _________ _____


the speed at which something happens The ______ of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster.


the state of being complicated There is increasing recognition of the ____________ of the causes of poverty. a design of great __________


the thing or things that someone owns: ▪ The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests' personal ___________. ▪ Some of the stolen _______ was found in Mason's house.


the total number of things that someone or something is able to do: ▪ the behavioral __________ of infants


the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society the importance of preserving the national ________ beautiful old buildings which are part of our ________


the way that the colour or shape of an animal protects it by making it difficult to see in the area in which it lives: ▪ The whiteness of the arctic fox acts as ____________, hiding it from its enemies.


the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because it is important: He has always shown great ________ to the cause. She thanked the staff for their _________ and enthusiasm.


things that exist or happen, usually things that are unusual Homelessness ad poverty are not new _________.


to add an extra amount or part to something Kia __________s her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings.

give a taste of

to allow sb to see or experience a little of smth ________ __ _____ ___


to attract someone or make them want to do something ______ somebody to something ▪ Beth felt strangely ________n to this gentle stranger. ▪ The festival is likely to ______ huge crowds.

gloss over

to avoid discussing something, or to discuss something without any details in order to make it seem unimportant She _____ed ____ the details of her divorce.


to be a good example of a concept or idea syn. exemplify type the infinitive The constitution is an _________iment of American ideals. Charlotte __________ies all of the qualities of a good leader.


to be in a disordered, disturbed or unstable condition syn. chaotic The ___________ crowd insisted on a meeting with the prime minister.

play a role in

to be involved in something and have an effect on it


to be more important than something: Parents' concern for their children's future often ________s all their other concerns.


to be one of the first people to do something It was universities that __________ed these new industries.


to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process - use this especially about natural things such as wood or plants, or about teeth The leaves __________ and enrich the soil. He had bad breath and __________ing teeth. The fabric slowly began to __________ .

take hold

to become stronger and difficult to stop (write the infinitive) They were fortunate to escape before the fire _____ ___.

wear away

to become thin and disappear after repeated use or rubbing The leather is starting to _______ _______ at the seams.


to bury or completely cover someone or something so that they cannot get out, be seen, etc. Burns' body was ________ed at Forest Lawn Cemetery.


to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device (Syn.: measure, calculate, work out, determine) Use a thermometer to ____ the temperature.


to cause a conflict or argument syn. initiate No one knew who had _____________d the demonstration. Dissatisfaction with government policies _________d the revolution.


to cause something to exist The program would _______ a lot of new jobs.


to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something the events that ______ to the start of the First World War A degree in English could _______ to a career in journalism.


to change or make different syn. modify Will the storm ___________ its course and miss the coast? Gloria hasn't ______ed her plans to return to school.


to change something in order to improve it The feedback will be used to __________ the course for next year.


to change to a later time; to delay syn. reschedule The referees decided to ___________ the soccer match. The ___________ment of the meeting upset the impatient club members.


to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time ▪ She plans to _________ a career in politics. ▪ Students should _________ their own interests, as well as do their school work. ▪ The program allows adult learners to _______their studies in their own time.


to copy a drawing, map etc by putting a piece of transparent paper over it and then drawing the lines you can see through the paper


to decide what will happen using evidence or facts; to discover the facts or truth about something A grizzly bear ____ when it's time to hibernate based on changes in the weather. The doctors are still unable to ____ what is wrong.

hinge on

to depend on A lot _________s ___ the result of tomorrow's match.


to describe only the most important ideas or facts about something He ____d the department's plans for next year.


to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc a book ________ing life in pre-revolutionary Russia


to develop well and be successful SYN thrive The economy is booming and small businesses are _________ing.


to discover; find out syn. determine I tried to __________ if he was telling the truth. The jury made a decision based on its ___________ment of the facts.


to divide among people or to give out syn. dispense Many publishers ___________ their newspapers directly to homes in their area.

go on to

to do something after you have finished doing something else ___ ___ ___do something ▪ She had to _______ ___ ___ become a successful surgeon.


to express or defend oneself strongly; to state positively syn. declare The government ________ed its control over the banking system. The company president is an _________ive individual.


to find out what illness someone has Joe struggled in school before he was _____________d as dyslexic.


to follow established rules or patterns of behavior syn. adapt You must _________ to the rules or leave the club. She has always been a __________ist.


to form part of a larger group of people or things synonym constitute, make up: ▪ Women ________ a high proportion of part-time workers.


to get ▪ Further information can be _____ed from head office. ▪ You will need to _______ permission from the principal. ▪ The drug was originally ________ed from the bark of willow trees.


to get the facts or draw out the truth syn. extract A lawyer will _______ all the facts necessary to prove her case. ________ation of the truth can be difficult at times.

receive physiotherapy

to get treatment for an injury which involves doing special exercises and movements


to give back or bring back something; to return to the original condition syn. revitalize He ___________d my confidence in him. It is a beautiful __________ation of the old table.


to give someone a sign that it is the right moment for them to speak or do something, especially during a performance: ▪ The studio manager will ____ you when it's your turn to come on.


to give someone the idea for something, especially a story, painting, poem etc: ▪ The story was _________d by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke. ▪ a range of designs _________d by wild flowers


to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way the importance of __________ing resources to local communities You should ______ the same amount of time to each question.


to give up control syn. abdicate The troubled executive ___________ed her control of the company. The _________ment of his claim to the building will allow the building to be sold.


to go around; avoid syn. evade The hacker attempted to _____________ the computer's security system. ___________ion of the freshman math requirement is possible.

come about

to happen, or start to happen How did the problem ________ ______ in the first place?

date back to

to have existed since a particular time in the past The church ______s _____ ___ the 13th century.


to have the same opinion or draw the same conclusion syn. agree The director _________red with the conclusions of the committee's report. Do you _______ with the details of the business plan?


to hit one object against another with violent force; to be in opposition syn. crash Moon craters were caused when large asteroids _______d with the moon.


to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty with it: ▪ the skills needed to ______ a new language


to live or stay in a place: ▪ He __________es the house without paying any rent. ▪ Many patients who are currently ________ing hospital beds could go home earlier.

make matters worse

to make a problem worse These new crops __________ _________ _______ by destroying traditional agriculture.


to make a request syn. appeal Canada _________ed the United Nations to consider its case. The student's __________ was denied.


to make important changes to a system in order to improve it A mechanic is coming to _______ the engine.


to make it attractive to do something, usually something not good syn. entice The idea of getting rich quickly _________ed him to invest his life savings. Desserts are more ________ing when one is on a diet.


to make or change something so that it is suitable Treatment is ______ed to the needs of each patient.


to make pure; to improve syn. perfect (verb) Factories must ________ oil before it can be used as fuel. A squirt of lime juice is the perfect _______ment to cola.


to make rich; to make something of greater value syn. enhance The fine arts _______ our lives. The discovery of oil was an _______ment for the country.


to make someone with an illness healthy again: At one time doctors couldn't ______TB.


to make something


to make something into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surfaces: Shall I _______ a little black pepper over your salad?


to make stronger in feeling or quality syn. heighten The importance of the test will sometimes ___________ the nervousness of the students.

take advantage of

to make use of; to benefit from _____ ________ __


to make you too ill or weak to live and work normally Her mother has been __________d by a fall.


to need someone to do something Regulations _______ that students attend at least 90% of the lectures.

take for granted

to not show that you are grateful for someone or something, and forget that you are lucky to have them One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you just ________ each other __ _______.


to recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people synonym differentiate ▪ His attorney argued that Cope could not ___________ between right and wrong.


to reduce someone's pain or unpleasant feelings Drugs helped to ________ the pain.


to remove, take out, or take back syn. extract The player will _______ from the competition. Gloria had to make a __________al from her savings to pay tuition.

call for

to say publicly that something must happen Several of the newspapers were ____ing ___ his resignation.


to say what medical treatment someone should have: The drug is often __________d for ulcers. [ + two objects ] I've been _________d painkillers.

make predictions

to say what will happen in the future ________ _________


to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, a rope, etc.); to free from complication or difficulty; make plain or clear; solve to ____ a situation; to _____ a mystery.


to show something that was previously hidden OPP conceal The curtain opened to ________ the grand prize.


to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof synonym prove; opposite refute: ▪ New evidence has _________ed the first witness's story.


to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof synonym prove; opposite refute: ▪ New evidence has ________ed the first witness's story. ▪ More tests are needed to ______ the initial diagnosis.


to specify, name, or select to do a task; to indicate syn. assign The president ____________d the vice president to represent him at the meeting. The __________d driver drove every one home after the party.

tune out

to stop giving your attention to what is happening around you A bored child may simply ______ _____.


to study something carefully; to separate into parts for study syn. examine Scientists must __________ problems thoroughly.


to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount SYN plunge ________ from something to something Profits ________ ed from £49 million to £11 million. House prices have ________ ed down.

take off

to suddenly start being successful Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started to _______ ___.


to suggest a possible explanation that has not yet been proved to be true: ▪ The children showed a wider range of behavior than we had ____________d.


to suggest or plan to do something syn. suggest The governor is going to _________ new taxes. Her _________al was well accepted.


to suggest without explicitly stating Cleo blushed. She had not meant to _____ that he was lying.

engage in

to take part in something Only 10% of American adults _____ ___ regular exercise.


to think about or prepare for something ahead of time syn. predict No one can __________ the results of the games. They planned their vacation with __________ion.


to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, operations etc It was difficult to _______ patients because of a shortage of medicine.


to try to discover all the facts: ▪ The state police are ___________ing the incident. ▪ The study ___________s the impact of violent TV programming on children. ▪ I heard a noise and went to ___________.

make use of

to use _____ ____ ____

channel resources into

to use energy and effort for a particular purpose ▪ He __________s ________ _____ writing and lecturing.


to vaccinate All the children had been ___________d against hepatitis.


to wear away gradually, eat away The cliffs are being constantly ______d by heavy seas. The rocks have gradually ________d away.


too much or too little in relation to something else: ▪ the ________________ amount of money being spent on defence


too slight or unimportant to have any effect synonym insignificant: ▪ The damage done to his property was ____________.

have confidence in

trust in Synonym?

in an effort to

trying to __ __ ______ __


two or more things that are ___________ are different from each other, especially in a way that is interesting or attractive: ▪ a blue shirt with a _____________ collar


unable to be healed or remedied She has a rare, ______________ disease.


unable to see the difference between all or some colours


very careful and thorough synonym meticulous: ▪ The work had been done with p____________ attention to detail. ▪ Chris described in p__________ detail what had happened.


very detailed work that has been done using a lot of skill, so that the result is beautiful The carving is a superb piece of ______________.


very intelligent, smart, clever syn. perceptive He was an _________ worker, finishing in half the time it took the others to finish. They _________ly determined that there would be no chance to finish on time.


very modern and with all the newest features: ________-______ design/technology


very strong or bright so that you notice them: ▪ _________ geometric shapes ▪ Stripes are __________, bright, and fun to wear.


very surprising syn. astonishing The scientists made an ___________ discovery. The fans were _________ed by their team's success.


very unusual or surprising: ▪ It took an _________ amount of work. ▪ It's ___________ that he should make exactly the same mistake again.


weak in health or in body syn. fragile The _________ wings of the newborn bird could not lift it off the ground. One of the ______ties of human beings is laziness.


when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant Prolonged ____________ to the sun can cause skin cancer.


when you do or make something which behaves or looks like something real but which is not real a computer ______________ used to train airline pilots

when it comes to

when you think about _______ ___ _______ __

practise medicine

work as a doctor __________ ____________

to all intents and purposes

фактически, в сущности, действительно, на самом деле ▪ The war was, to all intents and purposes, over.


▪ We are _______ing a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food. ▪ Hundreds of studies were __________ed by scholars interested in conservation. ▪ Is it really necessary to _______experiments on animals?

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