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to improve software quality

The purpose of reviews and inspections is

try block

To catch an exception, the code that might throw the exception must be enclosed in a

fixed state of a set of objects used as a baseline for running tests

What is a Test Fixture?


Which method of Thread class is used to temporarily release time for other threads?


Which of the following exceptions is a checked is a checked exception?

Exception handling can catch but not resolve exceptions

Which of the following statements is false?


__ Javadoc tag describes an argument of method or constructor


__ are the Testers of Unit Testing?

Black box testing

__ is a testing methodology that is not concerned with the inner working and implementation details of the application.

part-of and is-kind-of

2 important kinds of Hierarchy are __ and __.

Object Model

A kind of System Model that provides abstraction based on the structure of the system is called __.

Dynamic Model

A kind of system model that provides abstraction based on how the system reacts to external events/triggers and event flow in the system is called __.

gathers a limited group together from among the total set of reviewers

A limited logging meeting

class Throwable

All exception classes inherit, either directly or indirectly, from:

is an exception that occurs for which there are no matching catch clauses

An uncaught exception:

The program compiles and runs and displays test.

Analyze the following code public class Test implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); } public Test() { Thread t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } public void run() { System.out.println("test"); } }


Any deviation of the observed behavior from the specified behavior

Functional testing

Blackbox testing is also known as

no stubs need to be written

Bottom-up integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that __.

V-shaped Model

Choose the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following system: "A system to control anti-lock braking in a car"

Waterfall model

Choose the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following system: "A university accounting systems that replaces and existing system"

Incremental model

Choose the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following system: "An interactive travel planning system that helps users plan journeys with the lowest environmental impact"

if conditional is incorrect: it is testing for 0 as well

Code Analysis 1 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 1: a through d about this program. public int countPositive (int[] x) { //Effects: If x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the number of positive (non-zero) elements in x. int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] >= 0) { count++; } } return count; } // Test input: x=[-4, 2, 0, 2] // Expected output = 2 Identify the fault in the above program (Code Analysis 1).

Test input: x = []; Expected output = 0

Code Analysis 1 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 1: a through d about this program. public int countPositive (int[] x) { //Effects: If x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the number of positive (non-zero) elements in x. int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] >= 0) { count++; } } return count; } // Test input: x=[-4, 2, 0, 2] // Expected output = 2 If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault (in the above program Code Analysis 1).

Test input: x =[-4, 1, 5]; Expected output = 2

Code Analysis 1 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 1: a through d about this program. public int countPositive (int[] x) { //Effects: If x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the number of positive (non-zero) elements in x. int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] >= 0) { count++; } } return count; } // Test input: x=[-4, 2, 0, 2] // Expected output = 2 If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault, but does not result in an error state (in the above program Code Analysis 1).

change if condition to: x[I] > 0

Code Analysis 1 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 1: a through d about this program. public int countPositive (int[] x) { //Effects: If x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the number of positive (non-zero) elements in x. int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] >= 0) { count++; } } return count; } // Test input: x=[-4, 2, 0, 2] // Expected output = 2 Which of the following is a fix for the fault in the above program (Code Analysis 1)?

for loop is incorrect: it is iterating from low to high

Code Analysis 2 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 2: a through d about this program. public static int lastZero (int[] x) { //Effects: if x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the index of the LAST 0 in x. // Return -1 if 0 does not occur in x for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // Test input: x=[0, 1, 0] // Expected output = 2 Identify the fault in the above program (Code Analysis 2).

No test case possible

Code Analysis 2 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 2: a through d about this program. public static int lastZero (int[] x) { //Effects: if x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the index of the LAST 0 in x. // Return -1 if 0 does not occur in x for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // Test input: x=[0, 1, 0] // Expected output = 2 If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault (in the above program Code Analysis 2).

Test input: x=[0]; Expected output = 0

Code Analysis 2 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 2: a through d about this program. public static int lastZero (int[] x) { //Effects: if x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the index of the LAST 0 in x. // Return -1 if 0 does not occur in x for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // Test input: x=[0, 1, 0] // Expected output = 2 If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault, but does not result in an error state (in the above program Code Analysis 2).

change for loop to: for (int I=x.length-1; I >= 0; I--)

Code Analysis 2 Below is a faulty program. It includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions Code Analysis 2: a through d about this program. public static int lastZero (int[] x) { //Effects: if x==null throw NullPointerException // else return the index of the LAST 0 in x. // Return -1 if 0 does not occur in x for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // Test input: x=[0, 1, 0] // Expected output = 2 Which of the following is a fix for the fault (in the above program Code Analysis 2)?

/** prompts the user with a message and returns a string. * * @param scan Scanner used to read in user input * @param message message to prompt user with * @return returns a string from the user*/

Correct Javatags: @param @return

Defect Type Phases injected and removed Fix Time Description

Defect logging in PSP involves logging what kind of information about a defect?

manage the number of test cases run

Equivalence class partitioning is used to:

Activity diagrams may be used to describe the business processors in which the system is used and the other systems which are also used in these processes.

How are activity diagrams used in describing the context of use of a system?

State diagrams focus on set of attributes of a single abstraction whereas activity diagrams focus on dataflow in the system.

How is a state diagram different from an activity diagram?


How is complexity in Software Systems handled?

Assuming that similar objects have attributes and methods in common, these common attributes and methods are associated with a "super-class" which generalizes all of the objects sharing these attributes/methods.

How is generalization used to simplify the models of s system with many similar objects?

try { // TO DO...} catch(ExceptionA ea) { // Handle ea } catch(ExceptionB eb) { // Handle eb } catch(ExceptionC ec) { // Handle ec } catch(Exception e) { // Handle e }

If ExceptionA is a subclass of ExceptionB, and ExceptionB is a subclass of ExceptionC then which is the most appropriate way to handle ExceptionA, ExceptionB, ExceptionC, and Exception?

Y describes an alternative route to X's main success scenario.

If a use case X has an extension use case Y, then which of the following is true?

the compiler will issue an error message indicating that the exception must be caught or declared

If the catch-or-declare requirement for a checked exception is not satisfied:


In the context of Integration Testing, a component that calls the TestedUnit and controls the test cases is called __.


In the context of Integration Testing, a component the TestedUnit depends on and is a partial implementation that returns fake values is called __.

pluralistic and cognitive walk-throughs

In the software development process, when the emphasis is on users' participation then what kind of inspection method is essential:


Javadoc comments begin with a special marker /**

Program Size Time Spent by phase Defects found and injected by phase

Select the basic PSP1 data measures that are tracked and estimate:

Writing/adding a test

Test-driven development starts with __.

TestID Description Expected Results Actual Results

The anatomy or format of a test case consists of which of the following:

Socket s = new Socket(ServerName, port);

The client requests a connection to a server using the following statement:

Socket s = severSocket.accept();

The server listens for a connection request from a client using the following statement:

specifies the exceptions a method throws

The throws clause of a method:

Static Analysis

Tools such as Eclipse, FindBugs, Metrics, CheckStyle, etc. cab be used for __ of code.

major decision points are tested early no drivers need to be written

Top-down integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that __.


Unit Testing is the same as Refactoring.

Activity diagrams Use case diagrams Class diagrams State diagrams

What UML diagram types may be used to represent the essential features of a system?

Process of reviewing one's own code using a well-defined and structured process

What are Personal reviews in PSP

Walkthroughs Full reviews Inspections

What are some of the different ways to conduct Peer Reviews

Design Review form Java Programming style Method header format

What are some of the product standards defined and used in software quality management?

Engineers can work at a high level of abstraction without concern for implementation details Errors are reduced and the design and implementation process is faster. By using powerful generation tools, implementation of the same system can be automatically generated for different platforms.

What are the claimed benefits of model-driven engineering?

The actors involved A description of the interactions Preconditions of the usecases Postconditions of the use case Special requirements and other information

What are the principal components of a textual use-case description?


What are the three steps in PSP

A computation-independent model (CIM) A platform-independent model (PIM) One of more platform-specific models (PSMs)

What are the three types of abstract system model that are recommended by the Model-driven Architecture (MDA) method?

Big Bang Testing Bottom Up Testing Top Down Testing

What are the types of integration Testing?

Identifying the classes in an existing system

What is Reegineering

A collection of techniques, methodologies and tools that help with the production of a high quality software system.

What is Software Engineering?

Process of checking for deviations between observed behavior of a system and its specification

What is Validation (in testing terminology)?

Mechanical or algorithmic cause of an error

What is a fault or bug?

An aggregate is an object (the whole) composed of different parts (other objects)

What is aggregation?

That the system can be represented as a model with a finite number of discrete states and external and internal events trigger a transition from one state to another

What is the basic assumption that underlines event-driven modeling?

assign null to Thread variable

What is the best way to release a thread object once you are done using it?


What is the most appropriate type of association for modeling different types of Doctors (HospitalDoctor, TraineeDoctor, GeneralPractioner, TeamDoctor, etc.) in a Hospital Management system?

c. Unit Testing a. Integration testing b. System testing d. Acceptance testing c, a, b, d

What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized

White boxing Blackbox testing

What is the opacity of Integration Testing?

Blackbox testing

What is the opacity of System Testing?

Whitebox testing

What is the opacity of Unit Testing?

ro evaluate the extent to which a user can learn to operate, prepare inputs for, and interpret outputs of a system

What is the purpose of Usability testing?

puts the thread to sleep for the specified time in milliseconds

What is the purpose of the sleep method of the Thread class?


When an exception occurs it is said to have been:

It is an open source framework Provides Annotation to identify the test methods Unit tests can be run automatically Unit tests can be organized into test suites

Which of the following are important features of JUnit?

Equivalence Class Partitioning Boundary Value Analysis Decision Table Testing

Which of the following are strategies of Black box testing?

Fault Detection Fault Tolerance Fault Avoidance

Which of the following are ways to deal with faults?


Which of the following exceptions is an Unchecked Exception?

Exception Handling

Which of the following is a fault tolerance technique?

/** Hello! */

Which of the following is a valid javadoc comment

Instructions on handling the exception

Which of the following is not included in an exception's stack trace?

a. Involves following simple process scripts b. Involves collecting 3 basic measures of the work (time spent, size of products produced, defects corrected) c. Involved performing a simple post-project analsis All three statements are true

Which of the following statement(s) about PSP0 are true?

The throw statement is used to throw an exception

Which of the following statements is true?

Branch Coverage Statement Coverage

Which of these are different types of code coverage?

Virtual Logging meeting Limited Logging meeting Pair review No-Logging Meeting review

Which of these are types of review meeting conducted for Software Quality?


Which one of the following SDLC models works well for high-risk projects with complex requirements?


Which one of the following SDLC models works well for repeatable processes and well-defined requirements?

Rational Unified Process (RUP)

Which one of the following is an Agile SDLC model?

looking under the covers and into the implementation details of the subsystem of an application

White box testing methodology involves __.

Structural testing

Whitebox testing is also known as


javadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in __ format from Java source code

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