Server-Side Multiple Choice Section

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· Which of the following CSS rules uses a CSS class selector?

o .MyStyle{color:blue;}

· Which statements are false about working with Web Services?

o A Web Service doesn't have a GUI o A Web Service can be the client of another Web Service o A Web Service has its own class o A Web Service can access a database o ** ALL TRUE** (None of the above would be the correct answer)

What is responsible for executing server-side code written in our ASPX page's codebehind?

o ASP.NET Application Server Software

· Which of the following makes a Custom User Control (ASCX) reusable?

o After compiling/building the control, it will show up in the Visual Studio Toolbox with all the other controls (btns, gridviews, labels, etc.) for later use o Creating and exposing methods and properties allow the programmer the ability to modify the control and access members of it o After compiling/building the control, it can be placed on multiple ASPX pages o **ALL the above**

· Which of the following are true about Web Forms and Controls?

o An ASPX Page can only contain one Web Form o JavaScript can be used to stop a Web Form from submitting; thus, stopping a postback from occurring.

· Which of the following should be used to store data that is shared between all the users of a web application, and the data exists across multiple postbacks and multiple pages?

o Application

· What will be the text color of the paragraph given below using the following CSS code? .body {color: black;} .TitleStyle {color: green; font-family: Verdana;} #LatestNews {color: blue; font-family: Verdana;} p {color: red;} <p id="LatestNews" class="TitleStyle">Here is the text.</p>

o Blue

· Which object was used to setup a call to a StoredProcedure?

o Command

· What property was used to specify the name of a StoredProcedure to execute?

o CommandText

· Which of the following is best used to store a user's product wish-list that exists across multiple visits to a web application?

o Cookies

· Which of the following is best used to store data that exists across multiple postbacks and multiple pages for a single user?

o Cookies o Session

· How can SQL Injection occur?

o Creating SQL Statements strings at run-time that contain form data o Weak server-side input validation o Using StoredProcedures without type-safe parameters o **ALL the above**

· What .NET class was used to perform the encryption/decryption done in the class example?

o Cryptostream

· Which version of symmetric encryption involves a chaining mechanism where the previously encrypted data block is used to encrypt the following data block?

o ECB - Electronic Codebook

· When does the ASPX Page Life-Cycle begin?

o Every time there is a request for an ASPX page

· Which DBConnect class method was used to execute a StoredProcedure and return the results of a SELECT query?

o GetDataSetUsingCmdObj()

· In our projects, which protocol was used to communicate between our ASMX (API) Web Service Client and Web Service?

o HTTP o **Non-API would be SOAP

· Which type of CSS selector has the highest precedence (most specific) regarding CSS Specificity?

o ID Selector

· Which set of styles are applied last in the CSS Cascade Order?

o Inline styles o Web Browser defaults o ????? Not sure which?????

What is the purpose of Global.asax?

o It contains the event handlers for session start and session end o Application start and application end also acceptable

· What is the purpose of WSDL?

o It is used to describe the Web Service class and build a Web Service Proxy Object o It defines the user-defined classes used as parameters and return types of Web Methods

What is the main purpose of the callback function when using AJAX?

o It is used to execute JavaScript code when the response is received from an asynchronous request.

· How was a Customer User Control used in the class examples demonstrated in lecture?

o It was used to display product info for each product in the DB

· Which of the following best describes the CSS Box Model?

o It's the boxes (margin, padding, border, content area) that wrap around most HTML elements

· Which statements regarding the serialization are true?

o It's used to send objects between an ASMX Web Service Proxy to Web Service (ASP.NET Core Web API to Web Client also correct) o It's the process of converting an object to a stream of bytes

· Which type of serialization was used in the class examples and in our projects when exchanging data between the Web Service Client and Web Service Method?

o JSON o Binary o XML

· What method is used to dynamically create a Custom User Control (ASCX)?

o LoadControl("some.ascx")

· What is the ASP.NET built-in security feature used to detect tapering with data stored in the page's ViewState hidden field?

o Machine Key

· Where is the session cookie stored when an ASPX consumes a Web Service using session state?

o On the hard-drive of the client (i.e. Web Browser) using the ASPX page

· What property of the XMLHttpRequest was used to specify a callback function?

o OnReadyStateChange

· What method of the XMLHttpRequest was used setup an AJAX request?

o Open

The Web Form Controls become available for the first time, but they only contain their default values (they don't have their postback values loaded form the ViewState yet) in what stage of the ASPX Page Life-Cycle?

o Page Initialization

The response is sent to the client in what stage of the ASPX Page Life Cycle?

o Page Unload

· Which collection or property was used to deliver input to a StoredProcedure?

o Parameters

· What AJAX pattern would CNN use to update the page with the latest news as it happens?

o Periodic refresh

· What property of the XMLHttpRequest stores the status of the request?

o ReadyState

· What property of the XMLHttpRequest stores the server's response?

o ResponseText

What stage of the ASPX Page Life-Cycle creates the Session, Request, and Response object?

o Start Stage (Instantiation)

AJAX design pattern involves buffering input data and sending it to be processed at certain time intervals like Google Suggest?

o Submission Throttling

· Which statements are true about working with a Web Service?

o The Discovery Process is used to locate a Web Service and create a Web Reference o A Web Service can use the Session object to maintain state of data, and allow it to persist over multiple calls to a Web Service for a given client

· Which statements regarding StoredProcedures are true?

o The SQL Commands are stored in the DB server inside the procedure o The SQL Commands are executed from within the DB server o It can return values using a return statement o It can return output from the procedure using an output parameter o It can execute transactions, which allow the DB to be restored to its original state in the event a problem occurs during the processing of a transaction

· From the Term Project, a request was made to get the restaurants from Web Service. Who is the Web Service Client I this situation?

o The server hosting the ASMX Web Service and executing the code inside the Web Method.

· A session ends when________.

o The user closes the browser o The user doesn't interact with the page for a long period of time (>20 min) o The server-side code executes the instruction Session.Abandon() o ***All the above***

· A session begins when_________.

o The user interacts with the Web Form on an ASPX page and it fires a server-side event for the first time o The web server first starts o The user requests a page for the first tie either by clicking a link or typing a URL in the address bar od the browser o ***All the above***

· Which of the following statements about Custom User Control (ASCX) are true?

o They have page-level events similar to an ASPX page o They have a codebehind class that gets instantiated and destroyed like an ASPX page o They are placed inside an ASPX page like all other Web Form controls

· Which intrinsic ASP.NET object is used to restore the values of Web Form Controls to their postback values instead of their default values written in the ASPX markup code?

o ViewState

· According to the security articles I posted, which of the following security measures is used to verify page data by storing the unique SessionID to stop one-click attacks related to XSS?

o ViewStateUserKey

· Which of the following security threats deal with the maliciously adding executable code to a page's data that gets sent in an HTTP Request?


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