ServSafe Manager's Training - Chapter 4

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Clean and ____________ all work surfaces, equipment, and utensils after each task.


Clear ____________ on a thermometer reduce the chance that someone will misread the thermometer.


Food handlers must ___________ when the food temperatures were taken

internal temperature

Food is being temperature abused whenever it is cooked to the wrong ________________ ___________________.


Food is being temperature abused whenever it is cooled or _____________ incorrectly.

physical contaminant

Glass thermometers, such as candy thermometers, can become a _________________ _________________ if they break.


If food is held in the temperature danger zone for _____ or more hours, you must throw it out (provide the number, not the word).

air, internal

Infrared thermometers cannot measure ________ temperature or the ________________ temperature of the food.


Most foodborne illnesses happen because TCS food has been ______-_________________ abused.

70, 125

Most pathogens grow faster between ____ °F and _____° F.


One way to prevent cross-contamination is to use _____________ equipment.

41, 135

TCS food has been time-temperature abused any time it remains between ____ °F and _____° F.

time-temperature indicator

The ________ - _______________ _________________ (TTI) is a device to monitor both time and temperature. It is a tag attached to food packaging that changes color if the food has been time-temperature abused during shipment or storage.


The ________ is the mark on the stem that shows the end of the temperature-sensing area.

bimetallic stemmed

The __________________ ________________ thermometer can check temperatures from 0°F to 220° F by inserting the stem into the food.

temperature danger

The longer food stays in the _______________ __________ zone, the more time pathogens have to grow.


The most important tool you have to monitor temperature is the __________________.

Flow, food

The path that food takes through a restaurant operation is called the _________-of-_____________.


The sensing area on thermocouples and thermistors is on the tip of their _____________.

41, 135

The temperature danger zone is from ____ °F to _____° F.


The temperature danger zone is when _____________ can grow.

metal probe

Thermocouples and thermistors measure temperatures through a ____________ _____________.


Thermometers can lose their ______________ when they are bumped, dropped, or when they go through severe temperature change.


Thermometers must be _______________ regularly. Most important, they must be cleaned and sanitized before and after each use.

before, after

Thermometers must be cleaned and sanitized both _________ and _________ use to prevent cross-contamination.


Thermometers must be washed, rinsed, sanitized and then _______-_____________.

3, 1.5

Thermometers used to measure air temperature must be accurate to +/- ____ °F or +/- _____°C.

2, 1

Thermometers used to measure the temperature of food must be accurate to +/- ____ °F or +/- _____°C.


To keep food safe, you must control the amount of __________ it spends in the temperature danger zone.


To keep food safe, you must control the amount of time it spends in the temperature danger zone... this requires __________________.


To keep thermometers accurate, you should calibrate them regularly, before each _____________.


To prevent cross-contamination, you should prep different types of food at different times. Prep raw meat, fish and poultry at a different time than __________-_____ - ________ food.


True or False: Thermocouples and thermistors must be inserted as far into the food as bimetallic stemmed thermometers.


When a thermometer is bumped or dropped, it must be _________________, or adjusted, to give a correct reading.


When checking temperatures with a bimetallic stemmed thermometer, you must insert the stem into the food up to the ____________.

thickest, center

When checking the temperature of food, insert the probe into the _______________ part of the food. This is usually the _____________.


When using an infrared thermometer, there should be no _______________. Do NOT take readings through metal or glass.


When you cut up raw chicken, you cannot just rinse the equipment... you must wash, rinse, and then ____________ equipment.

color change

With a time-temperature indicator, a ____________ _____________ appears in the window of the device if the food has been time-temperature abused.

Calibration nut

You can adjust a bimetallic stemmed thermometer to make it accurate by using its _______________ _________ .


You should prep ready-to-eat food before _______ food to minimize the chance of cross-contamination.


You should use one set of cutting boards, utensils, and containers for raw poultry... another set for raw meat... and a third set for __________


__________ probes are used to check the temperature inside coolers and ovens.


__________-___________________ can happen at any point in the flow of food.


______________ cutting boards and utensil handlers can help keep equipment separate.


________________ thermometers are quick and easy to use because they do not need to touch a surface to check its temperature.


_________________ probes are used to check the temperature of flat cooking equipment, such as griddles.


_________________ probes are used to check the temperature of liquids including soups, sauces, and frying oil.


___________________ probes are useful for checking the internal temperature of thin food, such as hamburger patties.

maximum registering

A _________________ ______________ thermometer works well for checking final rinse temperatures of dishwashing machines.

maximum registering

A _________________ __________________ thermometer indicates the highest temperature reached during use and is used where temperature readings cannot be continuously observed.


A benefit of using infrared thermometers is that there will be less chance for _____________-__________________ because they do not need to touch the surface of the food.

large, thick

A bimetallic stemmed thermometer is useful for checking the temperature of ____________ or ___________ food.


A bimetallic stemmed thermometer should be scaled in at least _____-degree increments.


Allow at least _____ seconds after you insert the thermometer stem into the food for the reading to steady.


An infrared thermometer should be held as close to the food or equipment as possible without _______________ it.


Another way to prevent cross-contamination is by ___________ food at different times.


Another way to prevent cross-contamination is to buy food that doesn't require much ______________ or handling.


Before recording a temperature, wait for the temperature reading to _______________.

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