Session 5

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Guide Right Programs

Kappa League Leadership Development Program; Kappa Kamp; Undergraduate Leadership Institute; Student of the Year Competition

Basic Types of Motions

Main Motions, Subsidiary Motions, Privileged Motions, Incidental Motions

Main Motion - 2

Motion that cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor, and yield to privileged, subsidiary, and incidental motions

Robert's Rules of Order

Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language

Privileged Motions

Purpose is to bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated to pending business

Subsidiary Motions

Purpose is to change or affect how a main motion is handled, and is voted on before a main motion

Incidental Motions

Purpose is to provide a means of questioning procedure concerning other motions and must be considered before the other motion

Elder Watson Diggs Award

SECOND HIGHEST award available to a member of the Fraternity for MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT

When was Coat of Arms completed

Summer 1913

Main Motion

This motion introduces items to the membership for their consideration.

What number Laurel Wreath Award recipient was C. Roger Wilson


When was Guide Right conceived and by who

1922 by Leon W. Stewart

Order of business

1. Call to Order, 2. Roll call of members present, 3. Reading of minutes of last meeting, 4. Officers reports, 5. Committee reports, 6. Special orders, 7. Unfinished business, 8. New Business, 9. Announcements, 10. Adjournment

At Which Grand Chapter meeting was Guide Right suggested

12th Grand Chapter meeting

What number Grand Polemarch was C. Roger Wilson


Ritual Completed


Purpose of Guide Right

Be Inspirational, Informational, and Directional

Individual Members can:

Call to order, Second motions, Date Motions, Vote on motions

Who completed Ritual

Diggs and Armstrong

Who created the Coat of Arms

Diggs, Armstrong and Lee

Purpose of C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference (CRWLC) training session

Disseminate information about the operations of the Fraternity to the members

Purpose of Guide Right (2)

Encourage high school and college students; Present the culture and future occupational outlook; Assist high school students, potential members, and undergraduate members to select appropriate careers; Developing leadership qualities; Achieve academic success; Secure employment consistent with their qualifications

National Service Program of Kappa Alpha Psi

Guide Right

Guy Levis Grant Award

HIGHEST AWARD available EXCLUSIVELY to UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS of the Fraternity for meritorious achievements

Byron Kenneth Armstrong Award


Laurel Wreath

HIGHEST award available to a member of the Fraternity for EXTRA MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS that is at least national and international in scope and effect

Toast Song

To burning sands and days of yore; To brothers dear we'll see no more; For those to come, we'll live and die, in Dear old Kappa Alpha Psi. So here we now rededicate ourselves to thee, o Kappa great; of all of this we proudly boast, in Phi Nu Pi we give this toast

Invictus - Latin For....


Invictus Poem Author

Written by William Ernest Henley in 1875


a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue

Parliamentary Procedure

a set of rules for conduct at meetings, that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion

Ensembles d'études connexes

Insulation, ventilation, and interior

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