Sex, Markets, Power

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"A Grand Gender Convergence: It's the last chapter" -firms disproportionately reward working long hours -when earnings are linear with respect to time worked the gender gap is low, when it is nonlinear, the gender gap is higher -high flexibility and high employee substitution is good for women -when women make less, there's less labor force participation

Michael A. Messner

"Chaning Men" and feminist politcs in the US - men are changing -new Man who is heavility involved in parenting- is this the wave of the future or a self serving and same as the traditional man


"Does anyone have the right to sex" -Elliot Rodger killed 3 women -Reddit incels support group -what would women's sexual choices look like if we were not merely "negotiating" but really free?

Bandiera and Natraj

"Does gender inequality hinder development and economic growth" -cross country study so it's hard to say for sure -less educational equality leads to a 25% lower GNP -but there could be omitted variables -so variation is driven by or correlated with the variation of other variables that directly affect economic growth ex. changes in the gender gap may be generated by a third variable such as health stats that may have a direct and independent effect on economic growth -could be fertility, health, savings, trade liberation


"Freedom's Law" No persuasive evidence that porn causes more incidents of assault You couldn't ban speech advocating women occupy inferior roles so then you shouldn't ban porn A lot of feminist think porn is bad bc show woman's role as providing service to men Counter: Mackinnon says since porn is used to stimulate masturbation it is itself a type of rape The Libertarian Defense of Pornography 1. The state is entitled to intervene only ▪ Likelihood of assault or safety valve? to protect individuals from harm. ▪ Evidence of harm? 2. The consumption of pornography is a matter of private as opposed to public morality. The Libertarian Defense of Pornography


"Woman's choices in comparitive perspective abortion policies in late-developing catholic countries" This study shows, first, that punitive laws can have ineffectual and often inequitable outcomes. Of the cases analyzed here, prohibitive laws on abortion correlate with high abortion and hospitalization rates. dangerous


"Women's politician engagement under quota-mandated female representation" -having quota mandated female representation either has no effect or actively reduces women's self-reported engagement with local parties -bc people feel like its a pity thing and that the women don't actually deserve it -quotas are more likely to be symbolically successful in the electoral system in which women cannot be uniquely identified as having benefited from the policy


"do men and women have diff policy preferences in Africa" - overall only modest difference between men and women for policy prioritization -women tend to favor access to clean water -men favor infrastructure investment -when men are more socially vulnerable, and less represented in govt, their policy preferences are the most different from men


"ending footbinding and infibulation" -FGM (Female genital mutilation) and foot binding were both defended by women -self-reinforcing - anti-footbinding reform has 3 aspects 1) modern education campaigns that explained the rest of the world doesn't do this 2) explain the advantages of natural feet 3) form of national-foot societies which member pledge not to bind daughters feet or let their sons marry women with bound feet


"gender stereotypes and vote choices" -argues that many voters have a baseline gender preference to vote for male over female candidates -voters perceive male candidates as better at handeling crime and foreign affairs and female candidates as better at helping the poor and protecting women's rights


"more than 100 million women are missing" -In Asia/north Africa, failure to give women medical catr similar to what men get results in there being more men than women -ultrasounds increased femincide -sex ratios are off when there is higher FLFPR, more respect for women and less femincide


"oil, islam, women" -Middle east has fewer women working than any other region -oil production-reduces number of women in the labour force which in turn reduces their political influence -challenges the idea that economic growth leads to gender equality -oil causes dutch disease - economy transforms away from traded sector (agriculture and manufacturing) towards non traded sector (construction and services) -women only work in the traded sector p much -oil makes men's wages increase and then a women's reservation wage increases


"ordinary democratization: the electoral strategy that won British women the Vote" -interest convergence -the largest group of liberal suffragists, the national union of women's suffrage societies, formed an alliance with the labour party that said women would vote for them - in France, women suffrage was delayed bc it wasnt clear which party would benefit from their voting, not unified


"powerful women know how to flip feminine stereotype" -women use softeners in conversations -what women need to do to survive in the world is the opposite of what we need to do to change it


"the Female pursuit of Good sex" -second wave feminism wasn't intersectional -early pro sex movement did not free women's sexuality enough, rather it just dampened men's


"the backlash against african women" -informal article


"the female political career" -ambitition gap -while men get elected around 40, females get elected at like 45, 50 bc of children -women tend to enter careers later in SMD countries than PR bc seniority focused -selection effects- many women won't run at all bc they think they cant win

Edlund and Pande

"why have women become left wing, decline of marriage" -provide an explanation of why women are leaning left (with respect to politics) -as divorce increases/marriage decreases, women lean toward parties on the Left because they support redistribution (seeking social safety nets) -as women go into the labor force they support policies that support ability to women to enter the labor market

Gatekeeper bias

- In the US female candidates win as often as men in open elections - Gatekeeper bias causes females not to run for office, gatekeepers are party leaders who help bring someone into the party or suggest that someone run for office - Even educated and informed leaders may harbor implicit bias against women for leadership positions - Email experiment shows that electoral gatekeepers in US politics are not responsible for discouraging females from running for office as female students got more and warmer responses from politicians -men tend to be better connected than women

crirtique 3 of beckers model

- babysitters, appliances, ect. take out some of the work for childcare

why is PR better for women than SMD

- voting for parties not candidates - can do zipper quotas -smaller parties that represent niche interests


-biological lense -women are superior to men -superior judgments most trustworthy, live longer, lower mortality -best way in developing countries to help them grow is to empower and educate women -hunter and gathers more egalitarian than we have been

3rd wave feminism

-sexual and cultural values -rise of sex positivity

two paradigms for explaining forcible sex

1. men are hardwired for opportunistic sex 2. forcible sex is learned from patriarchy and domination

2nd wave feminism

1960's and 1970's - focus on rights and issues of equality; sought to end discrimination toward women -economic rights -double standards -betty Ferdinand -the feminine mystique

Gurven et al

A Bioeconomic Approach to Marriage and the Sexual Division of Labor a sexual division of labor can be a desirable enterprise because it results in comparative advantage, interdependence, and economies of scale in total production These findings support the notion that both husbands and wives benefit from each other's labor and that marital partners have incentives to optimize joint productivity


A HUMAN CAPITAL METHODOLOGY FOR ESTIMATING THE LIFELONG PERSONAL COSTS OF YOUNG WOMEN LEAVING THE SEX TRADE The empirical findings reveal that sex workers retain only a small portion of their earnings from prostitution after feeding drug addictions and third-parties extortions of net residual earnings. increased addictions, lower lifetime productivity, and threats to physical and mental health following transition from the lifestyle

bargaining power

Ability to extract favorable outcome from negotiations due to one party's strengths. for women it goes down with the possibility fo divorce (ott). High levels of household division of labor weaken women's bargaining power in the family by reducing her outside options

Burszlyn, Fujiwara, Pallais

Acting wife: marriage incentives and labour market investment -harvard business school experiment - women speak up less and want to seem less ambitious - labour market things not the same as marriage market things for women


Balls and Chains Basically saying why r we fighting for gay marriage when as a whole marriage is not really a valuble right and shouldn't be encouraged by the state People are advocating rights fpr Gay and lebsian couples but not for singles - wrong stop seeking special privileges for some same-sexers at the expense of OTHERS State should not have a say in favoring marriage and encouraging it and giving people benefits for it


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. is an international treaty adopted by the UN in 1979 that addresses women's legal rights, education, employment, health care and reproduction, and violence against women. Carter signed the treaty in 1980. The Senate has not ratified it. spread through globalization- gray et al

Alesina, Giuliano, and Nunn

Countries whose ancestors engaged in plough agriculture have greater gender inequality and less female employment -ploughing takes a lot of upper body strength vs hoeing or shifting cultivation -

Cunnigham and Shah

DECRIMINALIZING INDOOR PROSTITUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH -rhode island case study - Not surprisingly, we find that decriminalization increased the size of the indoor market. However, we also find that decriminalization caused both forcible rape offenses and gonorrhea incidence to decline for the overall population.

Bargaining with Patriarchy

Deniz Kandiyoti coined the term "patriarchal bargain" in her 1988 article, "Bargaining with Patriarchy." The term refers to a woman's decision to conform to the demands of patriarchy in order to gain some benefit, be that financial, psychological/emotional, or social

sexual dimorphism

Differences in physical characteristics between males and females of the same species. ex. peacocks Relatively small canine dimorphism in humans suggests frequent and largely non aggressive social interaction between males and females divele: men better suited for war than women increase in sexual dimorphism in japan during war time

Dara Z. Strolovitch

Do Interest Groups Represent the Disadvantaged? Advocacy at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender issues affecting advantaged subgroups receive considerable attention regardless of their breadth of impact, whereas issues affecting disadvantaged subgroups do not.

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S. or by any state on account of sex. - strict scrutiny -Roe v wade- based on a right to privacy -if we had ERA it would be based on equal right to healthcare

D. Blau, M. Khan

FEMALE LABOR SUPPLY: WHY IS THE US FALLING BEHIND? "family-friendly" policies including parental leave and part-time work entitlements in other OECD countries explains 28-29% of the decrease in US women's labor force participation relative to these other countries. However, these policies also appear to encourage part-time work and employment in lower level positions US women are more likely than women in other countries to have full time jobs and to work as managers or professionals. entitlements to long, paid parental leaves and part-time work may encourage women who would have otherwise had a stronger labor force commitment to take part-time jobs or lower-level positions.v n the employer side, such policies may lead employers to engage in statistical discrimination against women for jobs leading to higher-level positions, if employers cannot tell which women are likely to avail themselves of these options and which are not. Part time work does not fix statistical discrimination and therefore the gender wage gap unless men are equally likely to work part time as well. Women in the United States are more likely to become managers and high- level employees. In countries where women work part time, women are less likely than men to become managers. Childcare subsidies and early childhood education do help women in lower-income jobs. These policies effect diff groups of women differently


Feminist Neo-classical economics -becker's model: specialization, women have a comparative advantage in housework. specialization maximizes utility -Ott's model- each partner maximizes his or her own utility and then there is a negotiation between them she urges economists to consider individual untility as the starting point


Geddes and Lueck principal-agent system in which the man legally owned his wife and her flow of value. chooses his own allocation of time and guides the woman's time allocation


How Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Pretty Much) Settled the Abortion Wars The point of this Essay has been to show that public opinion and state lawmaking have largely been in sync in the post- Casey era. Fast forward to today: pro-choice interests would accomplish much more by changing physician, medical school, and hospital attitudes toward abortion

The Weak Version of Adaptationism

Humans track their environments and behave in ways that maximize inclusive fitness but... • Cultural rules, once adopted, can have independent effects


NO WOMAN NO WAR: WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION IN ANCIENT GREEK WARFARE Greek women fulfilled valuable tasks in times of war, both at home and on foreign campaigns. by Athenian women, it would appear that women were not pacifist by nature; on the contrary, they were capable of voicing strong support for war.8 In general, women are often reported mourning the defeat or celebrating the victory with their men, as opposed to being grateful for peace per se, indicating that they had supported their men's action all along. The motivation, as well as emotional and spiritual support, which they provided their men, was invaluable. Women were also paramount in securing supplies - food in particular, but also arms and armour - for the armies


One female, several males.

Frederick Engels

Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State The introduction of private property was "the world historical defeat of the female sex. Engels argues that a relationship based on property rights and forced monogamy will only lead to the proliferation of immorality and prostitution. The rise in inequality came with the rise in private property, as men came to control the sphere of production. The monogamous family became the means by which property could be passed down from generation to generation. Marriage became little more than a property relationship.

Divale and Harris

Population, Warfare, and the Male Supremacist Complex warefare causes male supremeacy in band and village societies Thus patrilineality occurs five times more frequently than matrilineality (Table I). . Polygyny occurs 141 times more fre- quently than polyandry (Table II Brideprice occurs in 57% of the societies in the Ethnographic Atlas, but groom price, the logical opposite of bride price, is as nonexistent as amitalocality. Central to the sexual distribution of power is the fact that almost everywhere men monopolize the weapons of war as well as weapons of the hunt. The most obvious explanation is that institutionalized male supremacy is a direct product of genetically determined human sexual dimorphism which endows males with taller stature, heavier musculature, and more of the hormones that are useful for aggression During war, female infanticide goes up Contributes to the norm that men are superior to woman

Leslie McCall

SOURCES OF RACIAL WAGE INEQUALITY IN METROPOLITAN LABOR MARKETS: RACIAL, ETHNIC, AND GENDER DIFFERENCES the large negative effect of immigration on the relative wages of Latinos and Asians and only a small effect on the relative wages of black women (and no effect on black men The industrial structure remains one of the most important sources of black/white wage inequality, while demographic structure emerges as the most import- the constant source of Latino/white and Asian/white inequality for men and women. gender and class inequalities don't move together changes in the economy implement benefits/cost to different groups fixes for white women may not be the fixes for everyone else


Scenarios for the Equal Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in the Transition to Parenthood in Germany Couples with educational homogamy on a high level express egalitarian values but not always able to implement them about the first child Hence, outsourcing work is one determining factor influencing the egali- tarian division of housework and childcare in a positive manner. very few instances of 50/50 division of labor women try to save the marriage by picking up more work they do this bc less exit options and are more hurt by a divorce


Studied by Napoleon Chagnon, they are farmers who live in small villages along the border between Brazil and Venezuela. Warfare and feats of male strength play an important role. Conflicts within the village causes groups to split off and for new settlements. Most instances of warfare occur between villages that were originally part of the sam settlement. Very violence towards females. When they raid another village they kill the children of the woman they want to mate with evidence showing male harwired to be aggresive maybe bc of males coercing women into mating with them oppostite of what Zilhman is saying


The homosexual lifestyle: time use in same sex households - gay men (parents) spend more time in household production than heterosexual men -gay men earn less than heterosexual men but lesbian women earn more than straight women

agrarian economies and patriarchy

The premium on male brawn in agricultural production and protection deepened the household division of labor

the strong version of adaptationism

The variety in human cultures comes mostly from the different environmental constraints on biological reproduction. Humans behave in ways that, given the environments they find themselves, maximize their inclusive fitness.

Gray et al

Women and Globalization: A Study of 180 Countries, 1975-2000 Economic aspects of globalization can bring new opportunities and resources to women. But equally important, globalization promotes the diffusion of ideas and norms of equality for women But the most consistently important factor across models is ratification of CEDAW. they in no way imply that globalization is good for all women everywhere. Where international trade and investment erode traditional local economies, or degrade the environment, women as well as men suffer.

reverse causality

a situation in which the researcher believes that A results in a change in B, but B, in fact, is causing A

percent of women congress

about 20%

omitted variable

an unobserved variable that, through its influence on other variables, creates the erroneous appearance of a direct causal relationship among those variables

Gary Becker

applies neoclassical reasoning to human behavior and to families in particular assumes the family is a utility maximizing unit where utility includes income and child wellbeing assumes couple with equal intelligence and education if a couple has a child, then the family maximizes its utility is one parent stays home and the other parent works the mother will increase her advantage in household production the more time she spends in this activity her investment in household-related human capital maximizes family utility The father will increase his productivity in market work the more time he spends doing market work because he • improves his skills with experience. • The household gains from each partner specializing in his or her task and then trading with each other

The weaker sex

badly educated men in rich countries have not adapted well to trade, technolgy, or feminism

implicit bias

bias in judgment and/or behavior that results from cognitive processes that often operate at a level below conscious awareness and without intentional control. ex. The same resume under the name Lakisha or Jamal gets fewer call backs than when the employer thinks it is Emily or Greg.

critique to how geddes and luek said women got property rights

collective action approach dawn teele on female suffrage

Why sex?

combines genomes to bring in more healthy genes

Sarah blaffer Hrdy

concealing ovulation to control reproduction


coordinated market economy govt provides worker protection. hard to fire workers less likely to hire females women have trouble competing for private sector especially managemnet jobs ex. Sweden, Germany In Sweden, govt jobs help boost female employment. daycare shift

Dependency theory

core is exploiting the countries in the periphery

in lower caste, make female ration is close to 1

daughters in lower caste families in northern india benefit from 1) being able to work 2) marrying up

Laura Betzig

everything we think, feel, and do might be better understood as a means to the spread of our own. the strong version of adaptationism

why did inheritance laws in India not work

females gained inheritance rights in the 1980s families reponded by systematically aborting female fetuses without first changing patrolocal living arrangements, giving land to daughter would impoverish the parents in their old age

Geddes and Lueck

growing demand for female labor increased the relative value of women's effort from which men hoped to benefit very rich women and very hard to monitor women were more likely to have property rights increases in wealth and economic growth corresponds to female property ownership -self-ownership is better for the fam bc the woman is maximizing her earning from market and household work -Shift in property rights from coverture (men controlled women + their property) to self-ownership (women control themselves + their property; contract freely with others) --> males benefit from enhanced property rights -Greater investments into female human capital (measured by greater rates in female schooling) are associated with the expansion of women's property rights -Market expansion and rise of female human capital are predicted to expand women's property rights across countries - as market wage increase, women's rights increase bc more gain from her working -as market work becomes harder to monitor, women's rights expand

the adaptationist position

humans do not consciously strive to maximize their mating opportunities. humans are drawn to things that make them feel good physically which reflects hard wiring

gender equality by type of economy

hunter gathers- very equal sedentary ag - very unequal industrial - fairly equal service sector- very equal

the critique of becker's sexual division of labor

is family utility the right measure


liberal market economy firms lay off workers according to productivity and when profits are low. less employer protection easier for a women to enter liberal market economy work force bc there is less of a cost in firing her many women are in low paying jobs and dont get to the very top jobs upward mobility but low floor LMEs reduce statistical discrimination by not providing security for males or females, thereby reducing the costs of career interruption. ex. the US

Nordic Model

makes sex work illegal to buy but not to sell 1999 Swedish law fines the john; no prison sentences.

trivers-willard hypothesis of why parents prefer males

mother in good condition should prefer the sex with the greatest upside reproductive potential

child care subsidies vs tax deductions for children

only child care subsidies raises the womens bargaining power or else husband can still controll the money

critique of becker number 4

people are assumed to make free choices to maximize family utility wht is preferences are contrained by power differentials or social norms

gains from trade

people can get more of what they want through trade than they could if they tried to be self-sufficient

1st wave feminism

political rights 1) right to vote 2) world wars - women stepped up and entered the work force

what do men want? adaptationist framework

prefer females with high reproductive value (youth, pretty, and chastity to ensure paternity certainty)


property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage. women dont work

substantive representation

representatives pass laws that benefit their constituents bc its so competitive they have to keep power

adaptationist framework

reproduction happens at an unconscious level. Biological drive and instinct

Blank Slate Theory- Durkheim

states that every newborn baby is born as if their mind were a blank slate onto which they right thoughts and experiences. critique of biological lense. culture and social factors matter more

inclusive fitness

the ability of an individual organism to pass on its genes to the next generation, taking into account the shared genes passed on by the organism's close relatives.


the ability of one person to get another person to do something they would not otherwise do

absolute advantage

the ability to produce a good using fewer inputs than another producer

political power

the ability to shape outcomes sources: economic resources, social norms, collective action, political institutions

descriptive representation

the representatives look like the people they are representing -gender quotas in parliament

bride price

the required payment by the groom's family to the bride's family. happens in areas where women work


the ritual removal of the clitoris, prepuce, and labia, and the sewing together of the vestibule

female choosiness

trivers's parental investment model higher minimal parental investment for females

what do women want? adaptationist framework

want mate that can fight for them and get them out of danger want someone caring who will invest in their offspring's survival

biological lense

we do everything in reproduce


when women leave the labor force to have children and return to the labor force, they do temporary/part-time work two peaked graph


with the possibility of divorce, a mother's bargaining power declines because her exit options deteriorate she would experience a sever drop in her standard of living if she left the marriage so she gives up more to stay in the marriage we should be looking at individual utility


women as shapers of the human adaptation -females didn't just have a reproductive role in hunter and gatherers society -mothers were actually super active -moving around infants and getting food -built tools to carry around the infants -female choosiness -female selectivity- women have chosen kind men -adaptationist framework

female choosiness

women have a higher minimal parental investment than men so they want to choose a worthy man trivers model

sexual power

women in their peak reproductive years have sexual power because of male demand for sex small scale limited time may act against female collective action

why might quotas be bad?

women shouldnt have to represent all women

critique 2 of beckers model

women's exit options decrease the longer she is in the marriage. gives up more over time to stay in marriage. she specializes in something not marketable

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