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Steps to use Queueable Apex

1) create a class that implements the Queueable interface 2) implement the Execute(QueueableContext context) method 3) call the System.enqueueJob(myobject) method

3 Workflow Rules Fire Options

1) created 2) created, and every time it's edited 3) created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria

What is a Set?

A Set is an unordered collection of unique elements. There are no indexes assigned to elements in a Set, and therefore, elements in a Set much be unique.

What can be used to recalculate Apex managed sharing?

A batch job.

True / False You can throw custom exceptions?


How to optimize SOQL queries in Developer Console

Use the Query Plan Tool

How can you prevent a DML event from being completed for, or taking action on, a record?

Use the addError() method.


creates new records and updates records within a single statement. It uses a specified field to determine the presence of existing objects, or the ID field if no field is specified.

How to prompt the user to verify identity before viewing a custom Visualforce page that displays sensitive account details?

call the generateVerificationUrl() method of the SessionManagement object

What does the finally keyword do?

finally represents a block of code that is guaranteed to fire after a try block.

Name examples of Trigger Context Boolean Variables

isBefore isAfter isInsert isUpdate isDelete isUndelete

Key to writing optimized triggers

make sure they can operate in "bulk". This means making sure that they operate on sets of records, not one record at a time.

Approval History Related List

shows the status of each approval tied to the object. It DOES NOT contain all of the fields that display on the approval page.


used in Salesforce Classic to provide navigation

What does the COUNT_DISTINCT() function do within a SOQL query

COUNT_DISTINCT() returns the number of distinct non-null field values

What does DML stand for?

Data Manipulation Language

What is the return type for the Database.delete method?


What two commands are used to rollback transactions in Apex?

Database.setSavepoint() Database.rollback()

What is Debugging?

Debugging is the process of locating and reducing the number of defects or errors within our code.

Are Apex Arrays the same as Java Arrays? Why or why not?

The notation is the same for both, but only Apex Arrays can be dynamically resized.

What are two data types that are unique to Apex?

1.) sObject 2.) ID

True or False: Cascading execution of Triggers (i.e. firing another trigger as a result of DML within the current trigger) are part of the same execution context with respect to Governor Limits.


What is the default value of the allOrNone parameter of a Database method?


Describe a Left Anti-Join SOQL Query

Used to retrieve Parent objects that do not have any Child records. For example: SELECT Id, Name FROM Position__c WHERE Id NOT IN (SELECT Position__c from Job_Application__c)

What happens when you use the private access modifier?

When you use the private access modifier in a class definition of an inner class, the inner class is only accessible to the outer class.

How to reference child records in SOQL

nested select query

If you do not specify any objects or fields in the RETURNING clause...

The search will return the IDs for matching records across all searchable objects.

External lookup

links a child standard or custom or external object to a parent external object

Manual sharing

allows record owners to give read and edit permissions to users who might not have access to the record any other way

Test Class Suite

allows you to group test classes together so that they can be executed together

Controller Extension Class

an Apex class that extends the functionality of a standard or custom controller

Custom Controller Class

an Apex class that implements all of the logic for a page without leveraging a standard controller. Use custom controllers when you want your Visualforce page to run entirely in system mode, which does not enforce the permissions and field-level security of the current user.

Roll-Up Summary Fields

created on a master record to display summary data based on detail records using COUNT, SUM, MIN, or MAX

DON'T DO THIS when building Visualforce navigation in Javascript

set the window.location directly

Give an example of a standard static method.


What is sforce.one object ?

the object that is automatically added into Visualforce pages when they run in the Lightning Experience; it provides a number of functions that trigger navigation events.

Trigger Loop

the part of a trigger that loops over the affected records

How to reference Static Resources

use the $Resource global variable

Sharing Objects

used to access sharing programmatically

Static Resource

used to reference web content such as images, style sheets, JavaScript, and other libraries that is used in Visualforce pages

Test.startTest() AND Test.stopTest()

used within a test class to define a code block that gets a fresh set of governor limits

Common Global Variables

$User $Organization $Setup $ObjectType $Action

Components Included in a Lightning Bundle

- Application - Controller - Helper - Styles - Documentation - Renderer - SVG

Workflow Rules

- Good for same-object updates - Good for email notifications - Limited to the same object

Process Builder

- Good for updating related records - Good for creating records - Limited to related objects only - Will have Bulk Update issues.

Info about SOQL

- Only used to perform SELECT queries - will generate an exception if now records are returned - DOES NOT support INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE - DOES NOT support "SELECT * ". Instead, fields must be listed - WHERE clause is optional - DOES NOT SUPPORT JOINS. Instead, it utilizes Relationship Queries

Practices that cause poor SOQL performance

- Querying for values that are null - Querying for negative filter operators ( != 'some value') - Using leading wildcards ( = '%smith%' ) - Using comparison operators with text fields ( name > 0 ) - Querying for non-deterministic formula fields, whose value can vary over time

Apex Flex

- a tool introduced in Spring '15 that eliminated the limitation of 5 concurrent batch jobs and also allows for developers to monitor and manage the order of queued jobs

Role Hierarchies

- allow you to ensure a manager will always have access to the same records as his or her subordinates. - Each role in the hierarchy represents a level of data access that a user or group of users needs

OpenID Connect

- based on OAuth 2.0 - is build for social networks

Limits within a single transaction

- retrieve 50,000 records via SOQL - update 10,000 records (or approval process or database.EmptyRecycleBin) - execute 100 SOQL calls - 150 DML statements - 2000 records retrieved with a SOSL query - 20 SOSL queries - 100 callouts in a transaction - 120 second max timeout for all callouts - 50 max number of methods with future annotation - 50 max number of apex jobs added to the queue with System.enqueueJob - 10 max number of unique namespaces referenced - 10 max number of push notification calls per transaction - 2000 max number of push notifications that can be sent in each push notification method call

Organization-wide defaults

- specify the default level of access users have to each others' records - These are the most restrictive permissions needed on the object

Visualforce expression facts

- whitespace is ignored - result can be a string, integer, boolean, sObject, controller method, or more - Method calls CANNOT be used in expressions

List View Limitations

-can have up to 10 filters -can display up to 15 fields -will display text fields up to 255 characters -sorting can be enabled based on a single column -can be shared with particular groups, roles, or All Users OR can be hidden -Administrators can disable the ability for certain types of users to edit

Developer Pro Sandbox

-can host larger data sets than a regular Developer sandbox. -limited to 1 GB of data storage and 1 GB of file storage -can be refreshed every 1 days -can be used for larger development and quality assurance tasks and for integration testing or user testing.

Full Sandbox

-include all production data -same limits as production -can be refreshed every 29 days -used for testing -the only sandboxes that support performance testing, load testing, and staging. -the length of full refreshes makes it hard to use full sandboxes for development -all Salesforce editions (except Professional) allow for 1 full sandbox and 1 partial sandbox, but more can be purchased

Partial Copy Sandbox

-intended as a testing environment -limited to 5 GB of data storage and 5 GB of file storage -can be refreshed every 5 days -includes metadata and a sample of production data based on a defined sandbox template -use Partial Copy Sandboxes for user acceptance testing, integration testing, and training.

Lightning Framework - key info

-is a UI framework for building web apps for mobile and desktop -is used for building modern, responsive, single-page apps -offers many pre-built components that replicate the Salesforce look and feel -more mobile friendly than Visualforce

Developer Sandbox

-is intended for developing and testing in an isolated environment -includes a copy of the production org's metadata -limited to 200 MB of data storage and 200 MB of file storage -can be refreshed every 1 days

Managed Package Requirements

-only one managed package per Developer Org -Developer Org mus be namespaced

2 flavors of the formula editor

1) Simple 2) Advanced

Properties exposed by sharing objects

1) objectNameAcccessLevel (Edit, Read, or All) 2) ParentID 3) RowCause 4) UserOrGroupId

What does the COUNT() function do within a SOQL query?

COUNT() returns the total number of rows matching the query criteria

In what environments can you construct a SOQL query?

1.) the queryString parameter in the query() call 2.) Apex statements 3.) Visualforce controllers and getter methods 4.) Schema explorer in the Force.com IDE 5.) Query Editor in the Developer Console

What four keywords allow you to handle Exceptions in Apex?

1.) throw 2.) try 3.) catch 4.) finally

What are the two ways that you can use the "this" keyword?

1.) with dot notation 2.) with constructors

What are some optional definition modifiers for an Apex class?

1.) with sharing 2.) without sharing 3.) virtual 4.) abstract

Limit for synchronous DMS statements


What is the governor limit for DML statements in a single context?


To call the Component, use the tag


What is the size limit for a System Log?

2 MB

How many records can a trigger process at a time?


Max number of objects handled in a trigger


Static Resource - organization total file size limit

250 MB

Maximum Number of External IDs on an Object


True or False: Debug Logs capture different information than System Logs.


True or False: Governor limits are not applied to test methods.


Static Resource - single file size limit

5 MB

Each organization can retain up to [REDACTED] MB of Logs.

50 MB

True or False: To work with non-static methods or attributes within a class, you do not need to create an instance of the class.


Minimum level of code coverage required before production deployment


How many Log Filters exist?


Batchable Interface

A tool used to process large numbers of records, up to 50,000,000 records.

What access modifiers can be assigned to a top-level class?

1.) global 2.) public

Define a Database Transaction.

A transaction is a sequence of events based on the first event you perform.

True or False: You must specify a value for the allOrNone parameter when using a Database method.


What actions types should be configured to display a custom success message? A. Update a record. B. Post a feed item. C. Delete a record. D. Close a case.


What is an inner class?

A class within another class

What is a constructor?

A constructor is a special method that is used to create an object out of a class definition.

What's Controller Extension ?

A controller extension is an Apex class that extends the functionality of a standard or custom controller. Use controller extensions when: You want to leverage the built-in functionality of a standard controller but override one or more actions, such as edit, view, save, or delete. You want to add new actions. You want to build a Visualforce page that respects user permissions. Although a controller extension class executes in system mode, if a controller extension extends a standard controller, the logic from the standard controller does not execute in system mode. Instead, it executes in user mode, in which permissions, field-level security, and sharing rules of the current user apply.

Relationship Field

A custom field on an object that contains a link to another record

What is an Apex Trigger?

A procedure that automatically executes during a DML operation.

How can a developer refer to, or instantiate a PageReference in Apex? Choose 2 answers A. By using a PageReference with a partial or full URL. B. By using the Page object and a Visualforce page name. C. By using the ApexPages.Page() method with a Visualforce page name. D. By using the PageReference.Page() method with a partial or full URL.

A, B

Identify the field update limitations. (choose three) A. Read-only fields like formula or auto-number fields aren't available for field updates. B. The results of a field update can't trigger additional rules such as validation, assignment, auto-response, or escalation rules. C. In a batch update, workflow is retriggered on all entities where there is a change D. Field updates that are executed as approval actions don't trigger workflow rules.

A, C, D

You can create global actions to let users create which of the following records? (choose three) A. Question B. Chatter Posts C. Event (without invitees) D. Opportunity E. Users

A, C, D

If the IN clause is not specified, what is the default search scope of a SOSL query?


What permission enables use of the Salesforce APIs?

API Enabled

Aggregate functions supported by SOQL


What does the AVG() function do within a SOQL query?

AVG() returns the average value of a numeric field

synonym search in SOSL impacts which objects?

Account Contact Lead User

Example DML statement

Account acct = new Account() insert acct;

Naming scheme for standard object sharing objects

AccountShare, ContactShare, OpportunityShare, etc.


Accounts are the companies you're doing business with. You can also do business with individual people (like solo contractors) using something called Person Accounts

Where in the test method should you place the startTest() method?

After all of the test infrastructure has been set and just before the call to the actual methods to be tested.

What happens when the code executes in system mode?

All CRED, FLS, and sharing is ignored

What happens to database changes if the Apex script contains an uncaught exception?

All changes are rolled back.

What is an Apex Class?

An Apex Class is a template or a blueprint from which Apex objects are created.

List View

Are custom views that users can create to display filtered lists of objects

Which API cannot be used to create the data model? A. Force.com Single Sign-on API B. Force.com Metadata API C. AJAX Tookit for Force.com D. Force.com API


with sharing

By default, Apex executes in system context. Apex code has access to all objects and fields. Object permissions, field-level security, and sharing rules aren't applied for the current user. You can use the with sharing keyword to specify that the sharing rules for the current user be taken into account for a class.

A component bundle contains a component or an app and all its related resources. Which of the following resources do not belong to the standard components bundle? a. Documentation b. Renderer c. Image and Animations d. CSS Styles e. Helper


Which standard field needs to be populated when a developer inserts new Contact records programmatically? A. Accountld B. Name C. LastName D. FirstName


What is true regarding using the Force.com IDE for deploying code? a. The Force.com IDE cannot be used for deploying code b. The Force.com IDE can be used for deploying code but only from one sandbox to another c. The Force.com IDE can be used to deploy code to productcion d. The Force.com IDE can be used to selectively deploy metadata components to another org

C, D

What must a developer consider when inserting records using an API-based tool? Choose 2 A. Required fields on page layouts are enforced. B. Universally required field settings are respected. C. Apex triggers are ignored. D. Validation rules are respected.

C, D

What is the return type of a SOSL query?

A list of lists of sObjects.


A map of IDs to the new versions of the sObject records.Note that this map is only available in before update, after insert, and after update triggers.

What are Collections used for in Apex code?

Collections are used to store groups of elements, such as primitive data types, or sObjects.

A Lightning Component can have:

Component: The only required resource in a bundle. Contains markup for the component - sample.cmp Controller: This file contains the client-side JavaScript controller methods to handle events fired and handled by the components - sampleController.js Helper: This file contains JavaScript functions that can be called from any JavaScript code in a component bundle. This will be a Helper class to the Controller. It will be useful when we need to reuse the same logic somewhere else - sampleHelper.js Style: Creates CSS Styles to the particular components - sample.css Documentation: By adding documentation, we can easily determine the usage of the particular component. It's similar to comment - sample.auradoc Renderer: Client-side renderer to override default rendering for a component - sampleRenderer.js Design: File required for components used in Lightning App Builder,Lightning Pages, or community Builder - sample.design SVG: Custom icon resource for components used in the Lightning App Builder or Community Builder - sample.svg

What should you consider if you want custom logic to fire only via the UI?

Consider using a Visualforce Page and Apex Controller.

What if I exceed the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries?

Create selective queries that filter indexed fields, such as primary keys, foreign keys, names, audit dates, or external Id fields.

What does the Apex Profiling filter include?

Cumulative profiling information, such as SOQL queries that use the most resources, the number of Apex method calls, and the total time that each method called needed for processing.

A developer creates an Apex class that includes private methods. What can the developer do to ensure that the private methods can be accessed by the test class? A. Add the TestVisible attribute to the Apex class. B. Add the SeeAllData attribute to the test methods. C. Add the SeeAllData attribute to the test class. D. Add the TestVisible attribute to the Apex methods.


A developer has following query Contact c = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contact WHERE LastName = 'Smith']; What does the query return if there is no Contact with the last name "Smith"? A. A Contact with empty values. B. A Contact initialized to null. C. An empty List of Contacts. D. An error that no rows are found.


Universal Containers has built a recruiting application with two custom objects, Job Applications and Reviews that have a master-detail relationship. Users should NOT be allowed to delete review records after job application records have been approved. How would a developer meet this requirement? A. Change the interviewer's profile to Read-only for the review object B. Use workflow to change the page layout to Read-only C. Remove the Delete button from the job application page layout D. Use a validation rule in conjunction with a roll-up summary field


Where would a developer build a managed package? A. Developer Sandbox B. Unlimited Edition C. Partial Copy Sandbox D. Developer Edition



Describes metadata (object properties) for the specified sObject or array of sObjects.

True / False Triggers fire as a result of API calls?


True / False You can throw Apex exceptions?


Keywords used in SOSL queries


SOSL Example

FIND 'grand*' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(LastName, FirstName, Email)

What does the FISCAL_YEAR() function do within a SOQL query?

FISCAL_YEAR() returns a number representing the fiscal year of a date field

True or False: In the Query Editor of the Developer Console, after opening an object resource, you can click to select fields from the resource, and then click "Add Fields" to automatically build a default SOQL query that includes those fields.

False. After opening an object resource, you can click to select fields from the resource, and then click "Query" to automatically build a default SOQL query that includes those fields.

True or False: You can specify the User for which the anonymous block should be executed as.

False. Anonymous blocks are always executed using the full permissions of the current user.

True or False: In the Schema Builder, after adding objects to the workspace area, you must manually rearrange the objects if you would like the layout to better fit the viewing area.

False. Click "Auto Layout" to have the Schema Builder auto-arrange the layout to best fit the viewing area.

True or False: Custom Apex Sharing Reasons are available for Custom Objects and Top-Level Standard Objects.

False. Custom Apex Sharing Reasons are only available for Custom Objects.

True or False: All triggers run in User context by default.

False. Triggers run in System mode by default.

By default, SOSL returns only the [BLANK] of found records.


What is the difference between ISBLANK () AND ISNULL () ?**

ISNULL () works only for number data type fields, when there is no value provided for the number fields, it returns true. ISNULL () won't support TEXT data type fields because text fields can never be Null. ISBLANK () supports numeric as well as text data types.

Which fields are automatically indexed

Id Name OwnerId CreatedDate SystemModStamp RecordType Master-Detail Fields Lookup Fields Unique Fields External ID Fields

Where is Apex code unit tested?

In a sandbox before deployment, and in Production after deployment.


Leads are potential prospects. You haven't yet qualified that they are ready to buy or what product they need. You don't have to use Leads, but they can be helpful if you have team selling, or if you have different sales processes for prospects and qualified buyers.

In the Developer Console, where can you run a SOQL query?

In the Query Editor

Import Wizard

Is UI based: Can be accessed via Setup LIMIT - Can only import data. LIMIT - Can only import up to 50,000 records. LIMIT - Only works with certain objects: accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, campaign member status, and custom objects. LIMIT - Cannot delete.

What is the most efficient way to process bulk DML operations?

Iterate over lists of sObjects using a SOQL FOR() loop and process DML operations over chunks at a time. This helps to avoid heap limits. for(List<Position__c> myList: [SELECT Id FROM Position__c]) { for(Position__c p: myList) { //some logic here... } Database.update(myList); }

Junction Object

Junction Objects are used to create Many-to-Many relationships using the Master-Detail relationship type. A junction object is a custom object with two master-detail relationships, and is the key to making a many-to-many relationship. To create a many-to-many relationship, you first create the junction object, then create the two master-detail relationships for it.

What are limit methods?

Limit methods are methods that can be used to help manage governor limits, and can be used for debugging and printing messages.

You use the RETURNING clause of a SOSL query to:

Limit the results to the specified object types, as well as the fields to return for each of the specified objects.

You use the IN clause of a SOSL query to:

Limit the type of fields to search.

2 Types of Custom Settings

List Custom Settings Hierarchy Custom Settings

What is the return type for the Database.update method when a LIST of records is updated?


What does the DEBUG Level include?

Lower level messages and messages generated by the System.debug() method.

What does the MAX() function do within a SOQL query?

MAX() returns the maximum value of a field

What does the MIN() function do within a SOQL query?

MIN() returns the minimum value of a field

Example of using Database.executeBatch

MyBatchableClass myBatchObject = new MyBatchableClass(); Database.executeBatch(myBatchObject);

alternatives to using ALL FIELDS in SOSL queries


Authorization types supported by the Salesforce APIs

OAuth 2.0 Session ID

How many member variables exist on the parent object to reference the child object?


What can access a protected method or attribute?

Only instance methods and member attributes can access a protected method or attribute.

What keywords can Trigger code contain?

Only those applicable to an inner class

After Trigger

PRO - System fields are available: -Record ID -Created Date -Last Modified Date CON - you need to explicitly save your changes CON - you can potentially create infinite loops

Before Trigger

PRO - no need to explicitly save your work, the save event is coming CON - System level fields are not yet available

Describe the format of Parent-to-Child relationships.

Parent-to-Child relationships use plural version of the child object name. Ex. Contacts If the relationship is a custom relationship, the relationship is appended with "__r" Ex. Interviewers__r

What if I exceed the number of DML operations?

Process DML operations in bulk.

What is the ProcessRequest class used for?

ProcessRequest is used to process the results from a workflow process.

What is the ProcessSubmitRequest class used for?

ProcessSubmitRequest is used to submit a workflow item for approval.

What is the ProcessWorkItemRequest class used for?

ProcessWorkItemRequest is used to process an item after it has been submitted

What happens when you apply the "without sharing" definition modifier to a class?

Record-level sharing is ignored. This is the default.

What happens when you apply the "with sharing" definition modifier to a class?

Record-level sharing is respected


Returns a DescribeSObjectResult object that contains methods for describing sObjects.

What is trigger.newMap?

Returns a map of IDs to sObjects for the new records

What is trigger.oldMap?

Returns a map of IDs to sObjects for the original versions of the records.


Returns a map of all sObject names (keys) to sObject tokens (values) for the standard and custom objects defined in your organization.

SOQL "ALL ROWS" keyword

Returns both active and deleted records.

What does the getCause() method do?

Returns the cause of the exception as an Exception.

What does the getMessage() method do?

Returns the error message that is displayed to the end user

What does the getTypeName() method do?

Returns the type of exception that has occurred.

What is the format of a SOQL query that returns an integer?

SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE FieldName[__c] = 'some_value'

What is SOQL binding?

SOQL binding is the act of referencing a variable or expression within a square-bracketed SOQL query.

What is the purpose of SOQL joins?

SOQL joins allow you to query data from two or more sObjects in a single query based on the relationships between them.

SOQL stands for what?

Salesforce Object Query Language

2 Apex objects that help when writing optimized triggers

Sets - used to isolate distinct records Maps - used to hold query results organize by record ID

What is a common use case for Sets?

Sets are commonly used to store values used to filter data queried by SOQL.

What does the initCause(sObject Exception) method do?

Sets the cause for the Exception, if not already set.

What are the two types of Logs?

System Logs and Debug Logs.

What does the Integrate step include?

Solution modules are tested as a group. All or most of the individual components are combined to form a complete solution, and are tested in another sandbox.

You use the FIND clause of a SOSL query to:

Specify the search string, surrounded by single quotes. Ex. FIND 'Acme'

What is the "this" keyword used for?

The "this" keyword is used to represent the methods and attributes of the current instance of the class.

Default Approval Submission Action

The default action locks the record. This action ensures that other users (except for approvers and administrators) can't change the record while the record is pending approval

Identity Provider

The provider that authenticates the user

Service Provider

The provider that is asking for the authenticated identity so that they can provide a service to the user

What is the sObject data type?

The sObject data type is a generic data type that is the parent class for all standard and custom objects in Apex.

Apex Hammer

The tool that runs all unit tests before each major Salesforce upgrade. It compares unit tests results before and after the upgrade, comparing results. Salesforce then strives to fix all issues that are discovered.

What is the trigger context?

The trigger context is the data available to the trigger

What happens if the number of records in the DML operation exceeds the number of records that a trigger can process at one time?

The trigger will process records in chunks of 200.

A transaction is controlled by:

The trigger, the web service, or the anonymous block that executed the apex script.

What is the default access level for top-level classes, also called "outer classes"?

There is no default access level for top-level classes. The access modifier must be specified.

What can an after trigger do?

They can access field values that are set automatically or affect changes in other records.

What do the compileClasses() and compileTriggers() methods do?

They can be used to just compile the code without tests being run in order to verify that the syntax and references of the code are correct.

What can before triggers do?

They can update or validate values before they are saved to the database.

What is a limitation of an AFTER UNDELETE trigger?

They only work with recovered records.

What can you use trigger.newMap and trigger.oldMap for?

To correlate records with query results. For example, use the keySet() of one of these maps to query for related records and then take some action, such as preventing Opportunities from being deleted if they have one more related Quotes.

What does it mean to "overload" a method?

To overload a method means to declare multiple methods with the same name, but with different signatures.

To preview your Lightning Components, use an App:

To preview your Lightning Components, use an App: 1. File - New - Lightning Application 2. Call the Component that we just made between the tags: <aura:application> </ aura:application>

What are Transaction Savepoints?

Transation Savepoints are steps in the transaction that specify the state of the database at a specific time.

True or False: The RETURNING clause is optional.

Trick question! It is optional via the API, but required via Apex code.

True or False: SOQL queries including aggregate functions do not support queryMore().

True. A LIMIT should be applied to these queries to ensure that an exception is not thrown by exceeding the limit of 2,000 rows for queries containing aggregate functions.

True or False: Classes have a default, no argument, invisible public constructor ONLY if no explicit constructor is defined.

True. The default constructor goes away when you define a custom constructor.

True or False: There are two versions of each limit method.

True. The first version returns the amount of a resource used, and the second version returns the amount of a resource left. Ex. getQueryRows Ex. getLimitQueryRows

True or False: Developers can create their own custom Exception classes.

True. These are called User-Defined Exception Classes.

How many member variables exist on the child object to reference the parent object?

Two. 1.) Foreign key ( record.relationship_field__c = '001234567891ABC'; ) 2.) Object reference ( record.relationship_field__r = new ParentObject__c (); )

When is trigger.old available?

UPDATE and DELETE triggers

What is a limitation of UNDELETE triggers?

Undelete triggers only work with top-level objects, although related records are also undeleted.

What are two ways that an Apex class can be created from the UI?

Under Setup > Develop > Apex Classes... 1.) Click the "New" button to enter the code manually. 2.) Click the "Generate from WSDL" button and upload a WSDL file.

If you still believe you will exceed governor limits on DML operations even after using best practices for your code, what other option may exist?

Use Apex asynchronous batch processing for DML operations.

How to debug Triggers in Developer Console

Use the logs tab

How can you create your own SOAP Web Service method?

Use the webservice keyword

SOQL "IN" keyword

Used for bulk queries. Uses a Set or List of sObjects as an argument. ... WHERE Id IN :accountIdSet


Used to allow test methods to access private or protected members of another class outside the test class


Used to generate test data that can be used across multiple tests

Describe a Right Anti-Join SOQL Query

Used to query for Child objects that do NOT have a Parent record. For example: SELECT Id FROM Job_Application__c WHERE Position__c = null

What does the WEEK_IN_YEAR() function do within a SOQL query?

WEEK_IN_YEAR() returns a number representing the week in the year for a date field

What is a Multi-Level Relationship?

When you chain relationships together to access Grandparent records, and beyond. For example: Job_Application__r.Candidate__r.Email

Why would a developer use a Database method instead of a standalone statement?

When you need to control additional features, such as: 1.) truncation behavior 2.) locale options 3.) triggering assignment rules

When should you use SOSL instead of SOQL?

When you need to search across multiple sObject types.

Declarative Process Automation Tool Comparison

Workflow Rules -Good for same-object updates -Good for email notifications -Limited to the same object Process Builder -Good for updating related records -Good for creating records -Limited to related objects only -Will have Bulk Update issues. Visual Flow -Good for unrelated object updates -Good for variables and loops -Bad because it has the same learning curve as code

Declarative Process Automation Tools (in order of complexity)

Workflow Rules Process Builder Visual Flow

Assume "c" represents an existing Contact, and "a" represents an existing Account. Are these statements valid? c.Account = a; c.Account.Name = 'Salesforce'; c.LastName = 'Smith'; update c; update c.Account;


Can you bind variables to a SOSL query like you can with a SOQL query? If so, is the format the same?


Do API calls require Authentication?


Do Transaction Savepoints (the setSavepoint() and rollBack() methods) count against the limit of DML statements?


In the Developer Console, is there a feature that allows you to view the details of an object, such as the fields that exist?

Yes, Choose File > Open Resource and select an object file (ex. Job_Application__c). The result is a tab that lists the available fields for the object. Great for running SOQL queries on the fly without having to dig for information manually through the native Setup menu, etc.

Can a Trigger be made to run in User context?

Yes, using the WITH SHARING keywords.

Can unit tests be run via a call to the API?

Yes, using the runTests() method.

Can you override the default Visualforce pages for an object?

Yes. You must use the Standard Controller for the object in the new page.

Data Loading Constraints

You can only export data every 6 days for weekly exports or every 28 days for monthly exports. Large exports are broken into multiple files, zipped, and emailed. Emailed files are then deleted 48 hours after creation.

What is an example of a SOSL query?

[ FIND 'Acme' RETURNING Account(Name), Opportunity(Name) ]

What is the syntax of an attribute?

[access modifier] [data type] [attribute name] [initialization] Ex. public Integer myInt = 0;

What is the format for a class definition?

[access modifier] [definition modifier (optional)] class [class name] [implements (optional)] [extends (optional)] { //class body }

What is the syntax for a method?

[access modifier] [return type] [method name] [parameters] { //method definition... }

What is the syntax for instantiating a class object?

[class name] [object name] = new [constructor()];

What is Lightning Out?

a feature that extends Lightning Apps and allows Lightning components to run in any remote web container, including Visualforce pages or an external site.

Salesforce App

a group of Tabs that makes it easy for users to access a set of related features.

What does a SOSL query return?

a list of lists of sObjects

Queueable Apex

a newer tool used to enhance the capabilities of asynchronous future methods

What does ALL FIELDS do in SOSL query?

all text-based fields are searched


allow you to create list controllers similar to, or as extensions of, the pre-built Visualforce list controllers provided by Salesforce

Approval Processes

allow you to define actions that are triggered when the request is either approved or declined

AppExchange UnManaged Packages

can be modified once downloaded

final keword

can be used with variables to ensure that the value is only set once, either in the declaration or constructor

AppExchange Managed Packages

cannot be modified once downloaded

Formula fields

custom fields that that can be added to any object that utilize expressions

Naming scheme for custom object sharing objects


What conditional statements does Apex support?


Indirect Lookup Relationships

links a child external object to a parent standard or custom object

custom Exception naming requirement

must end with the word "exception"

Default modifier for an Apex class


What is the default access level for inner classes?


What is the default access modifier for all methods and attributes across all Apex classes?



returned by the action methods of a standard VisualForce controller. Only apply to the server-side world, not to Javascript.

What can be used to properly test governor limits for your code?

startTest() and stopTest()

Preferred way to load test data for use in test classes

static resources

Trigger Example

trigger MyNewTrigger on Contact (before update) { for (Contact c: Trigger.new) { c.FirstName = "James"; c.LastName = "Bond"; } }

What is the format for declaring a trigger?

trigger [trigger name] on [object name] (trigger events) {//trigger body}

What does the try keyword do?

try indicates the block of code where the Exception may occur.

How does Visualforce manage navigation?

using PageReferences

How does Lightning manage navigation?

using events

When to use SOSL instead of SOQL

when you don't know the exact fields and objects in which your data resides

Syntax to access global variables



| Returns information about the standard and custom apps available to the running user.

Apex Constants

• A constant is a variable whose value does not change after being initialized once • Constants can be defined using the final keyword • Final keyword means that the variable can be assigned at most once: • Either in the declaration itself • With a static initializer method if the constant is defined in a class

What does the System filter include?

Information regarding calls to all System methods.

Describe static attributes.

Static attributes are accessed through the class itself, and not through an instance of the class. They are used to store data that is shared within the class. All instances of the same class invoked in the same context share the same copy of static attributes. They can be used to set recursive flags to prevent recursive logic from performing the same operation more than once.

Describe a static method.

Static methods do not require an instance of an object to run. They are accessed through the class itself. They are generally utility methods that do not depend on an instance of the class.

What are System Log Levels used for?

System Log Levels are used to control the amount of information returned in a Log.

SessionManagement Class

class that contains methods for customizing security levels, two-factor-authentication, and trusted IP ranges for the current session

How to reference parent records in SOQL

dot notation (parentObjectName.FieldName)

addError() can be applied to... (2 answers)

1.) An sObject 2.) A specific field

What is the value of trigger.old in the context of an INSERT trigger?


Can anonymous blocks include the STATIC keyword?


Can you directly create Apex code in Production?


Do anonymous blocks run in system mode?


Do constructors have a return type?


Does the name of a class need to begin with a capital letter?

No, but it is recommended (as is following all other Java notation conventions).

Are Lists also Arrays?

No. Lists are not Arrays, but they can be syntactically referenced as Arrays.

Can you have a private Web Service method?

No. Web Service methods are inherently global

What is the format to set the Row Cause for a custom object sharing record?

Object_Share myShare = new Object__Share(); myShare.RowCause = Schema.Object_Share.RowCause .Custom_Sharing_Reason__c;

What is the Name format of an object's sharing table in Apex?



Opportunities are qualified leads that you've converted. When you convert the Lead, you create an Account and Contact along with the Opportunity.

How do you apply the addError() method to an sObject?

Opportunity myOpp; //some code... myOpp.addError('You cannot do that!');

How do you apply the addError() method to a specific field on an sObject?

Opportunity myOpp; //some code... myOpp.myFieldName__c.addError('Do not touch this field!');

OAuth 2.0

Protocol that enables data sharing between applications. Allows other applications to integrate with Salesforce.

SOQL "GROUP BY" keyword

Provides summary data about selected groups. Example: List<AggregateResult> agr = [SELECT Zip_Code__c, COUNT(Name) FROM Account GROUP BY Zip_Code__c];

List of Salesforce APIs

REST API SOAP API Chatter REST API Wave Analytics Bulk API Metadata API Streaming API Apex REST API Apex SOAP API Tooling API

SOSL stands for?

Salesforce Object Search Language

What does SOSL stand for?

Salesforce Object Search Language

Environments that support writing unit tests

Sandbox Org Developer Org

Sandbox Orgs

Sandbox orgs contains the same metadata as the production org. Some types of sandbox orgs also contain a copy of data. There are 4 types of sandbox orgs.

What happens when neither the "with sharing" or "without sharing" definition modifiers are specified for a class?

Sharing is ignored - "without sharing" is the default.

What happens if a class is called from a class that does not have sharing enforced?

Sharing is not enforced for the called class as well.

How can you deploy org-specific data in metadata?

Switch to work-offline mode, remove the org-specific information from the metadata, and deploy that to Production.

What methods can be used to verify the results of a unit test?

System.assert(); System.assertEquals();

What method can be used to test record sharing and data accessibility?


What does the Production/Training step include?

The change control board approves changes for deployment to Production and/or Training following successful completion of testing.

What happens when you use the public access modifier?

The class will be accessible throughout the application, org, or namespace that comprises the class.

Where can a developer call external javascript? A. <link> B. <apex:define> C. <apex:includeScript> D. <script>

C, D

Hierarchy Custom Settings Methods

getInstance() getInstance(userId) getInstance(profileId) getOrgDefaults() getValues(userId) getValues(profileId)

When a DML standalone statement is executed against a list of records, if one record encounters an error, what happens?

All of the records will fail. None of the records will be inserted/updated/etc.

Database class methods

Allows access to the optional allOrNone parameter to specify whether the operation can partially succeed. When this parameter is set to false, if an error occurs on a partial set of records, the successful records are committed. Errors for the failed records are returned. Also, no exceptions are thrown with the partial success option.

Which method is defined in the StandardController class? Choose 2 answers A. Merge B. Save C. Undelete D. Cancel

B, D

What does the CALENDAR_MONTH() function do within a SOQL query?

CALENDAR_MONTH() returns a number representing the calendar month of a date field

What is the return type for the Database.merge method?


What do the ERROR, WARN, and INFO Levels include?

Error, warning, and information messages.

Two primary data import and export tools:

Import Wizard Data Loader

Are records created in test classes committed to the database?

NO, they are rolled back after execution.

What is a common use case for Lists?

Lists are commonly used to hold the results of a SOQL query.


Locks the returned records from being updated by another request. The records can only be updated within the current trigger context, and the locks are released when the transaction ends.

What do Log Filters do?

Log Filters determine the type of information returned in a Log.

What is a common use case for Maps?

Maps are commonly used as a cache of records that can be accessed by key/ID.

Can Trigger code contain the STATIC keyword?


Which protocols are used by Salesforce to implement identity solutions

SAML OAuth 2.0 OpenID Connect

What does the SUM() function do within a SOQL query?

SUM() returns the total sum of a numeric field

When is the global access modifier mainly used?

The global access modifier is mainly used when: 1.) You want to create an email service or a web service. 2.) You want to allow an API call to appExchange code or a managed package that is published to the appExchange. 3.) You want to allow users from outside the namespace to access the code.

What is the runtime context of a trigger called?

Trigger context

What is trigger.new?

Trigger.new returns a list of the new versions of sObjects.

Visualforce expressions

any set of literal values, variables, sub-expressions, or operators that can resolve to single value

What does the throw keyword do?

throw indicates that an error has occurred, and provides an Exception object.

Steps to use the Batchable Interface

1) have your class implement the Database.Batchable interface 2) then define the following methods: start() execute() finish() 3) invoke the batch class by calling Database.executeBatch()

Object Fields.

**Identity Fields**: Force.com automatically assigns an identity (called ID) to every object **System Fields**: All objects have a number of read-only system fields automatically associated with them 1. **CreatedDate**—the Date and time when the object was created 2. **CreatedById**—the ID of the User who created the object 3. **LastModifiedDate**—the date and time when the object was last modified by a user 4. **LastModifiedById**—the ID of the User who last modified the object **Name Field**: required field is intended as a human-readable identifier for a record. A name can be one of two types: a text string or an auto-number field **Custom Fields**: You can define custom fields, either to extend the functionality of a standard object, or when creating new custom objects **Relationship Fields**: Instead of having to deal with primary keys and foreign keys, to define relationships between data, Force.com uses relationship fields **(Lookup - Master-Detail)** **Formula Fields**: A formula is an algorithm that derives its value from other fields, expressions, or values. Formulas can help you automatically calculate the value of a field based on other fields. **Cross-object formulas** are formulas that span two related objects and reference merge fields on those objects. Cross-object formulas can reference merge fields from a master ("parent") object if an object is on the detail side of a master-detail relationship. Cross-object formulas also work with lookup relationships. **Rollup Summary Fields**: A roll-up summary field calculates values from related records, such as those in a related list. You can create a roll-up summary field to display a value in a master record based on the values of fields in a detail record. The detail record must be related to the master through a master-detail relationship. For example, you want to display the sum of invoice amounts for all related invoice custom object records in an account's Invoices related list. You can display this total in a custom account field called Total Invoice Amount.

Data loss can occur when converting which custom data types?

- Changing to/from type Date or Date/Time - Changing to Number from any other type - Changing to Percent from any other type - Changing to Currency from any other type - Changing from Checkbox to any other type - Changing to/from Picklist (Multi-Select) to any other type - Currently defined picklist values are retained when you change a picklist to a multi-select picklist. If records contain values that are not in the picklist definition, those values are deleted from those records when the data type changes. - Changing from Auto Number to any other type - Changing to Auto Number from any type except Text - Changing from Text to Picklist - Changing from Text Area (Long) to any type except Email, Phone, Text, Text Area, or URL

details of using 'with sharing'

- Inner classes DO NOT inherit the sharing setting from their container class. - Classes inherit this setting from a parent class when one class extends or implements another


- Stands for Security Assertion Markup Language - Enables single sign-on (SSO) - Is XML-based - based on OAuth 2.0

Custom Settings

- enable application developers to create custom sets of data, as well as create and associate custom data for an organization, profile, or specific user - exposed in the application cache, which enables efficient access without the cost of repeated queries to the database. - can then be used by formula fields, validation rules, flows, Apex, and the SOAP API.

Change Sets

-Change Sets contain metadata changes. They can be created in a sandbox then deployed to prod or any connected org. -Change Sets can be saved, reused and cloned.

Visual Flow

-Good for unrelated object updates -Good for variables and loops -Bad because it has the same learning curve as code

What can happen if you don't test changes before making them available in production?

1) A workflow rule or trigger accidentally creates an infinite processing loop. 2) A logic error in a validation rule that means you can never save a record. 3) Page layout changes confuse people instead of improving their experience.

Steps to make an Apex method asynchronous

1) Add the @future annotation 2) make the method static 3) make sure it returns void

4 Steps to Deploying Change Set

1) Authorize Deployment Connections in the receiving org (only needed once per org) 2) Create Outbound Change Sets in Sandbox 3) Upload from Sandbox to Production 4) Review Inbound Change and Deploy

Benefits of Queueable Apex

1) Can accept non-primitive types as parameters 2) Monitoring - a job ID is used to identify and monitor progress of the job 3) Chaining Jobs is permitted

2 types of API limits

1) Concurrent Limits 2) Total Limits

How can you iterate over a Map?

1) Create a set of the keys using the [mapname].keySet() method 2) Use a FOR() loop to iterate through the key set to access and work with each value in the Map.

Benefits of unit tests

1) Ensure that your Apex classes and triggers work as expected. 2) they provide automatic regression testing 3) they help to meet the code coverage requirement for deploying to Production 4) they improve the quality of production apps 5) they improve the quality of packages

Execution Order (complete)

1) Loads the original record 2) Update field values 3) If it's a standard UI update, perform validation using layout-rules, required values, valid field formats and lengths NOTE: When the request comes from other sources such as SOAP API, only foreign keys are validated 4) Executes BEFORE triggers 5) Reruns most validation 6) Executes duplicate rules 7) Save record, but don't commit 8) Execute AFTER triggers 9) Executes assignment rules 10) Executes auto-response rules 11) Executes workflow rules 12) If the workflow updated the record, BEFORE and AFTER triggers are executed along with standard validations. NOTE: custom validation, duplicate rules, and escalation rules are NOT run again. 13) Executes Processes 14) Executes escalation rules 15) Executes entitlement rules 16) If the object contains roll-up summary fields or is part of a cross-object workflow, it updates the summary field in the parent record. Then the parent record goes through the save procedure. 17) The same roll-up summary update procedures are applied to grandparents. 18) Executes Criteria Based Sharing evaluation 19) Commits all DML operations to the database 20) Executes post-commit logic, such as sending email

Ways to prevent open redirects (security vulnerabilities)

1) Only allow redirects to the local domain; requires code updates to all methods that return PageReference objects 2) Whitelist redirects only to known external domains

4 ways to apply record-level security

1) Organization-wide defaults 2) Role hierarchies 3) Sharing rules 4) Manual sharing

What are the 4 primary types of API in Salesforce?

1) SOAP API 2) REST API 3) Bulk API 4) Streaming API

Workflow rule actions

1) Tasks 2) Email Alerts 3) Field Updates to the same record 4) Outbound Messages

3 reasons to asynchronous programming in Apex

1) To process a very large number of records 2) To make callouts to external web services 3) To create a better and faster user experience

3 types of metadata export

1) Unmanaged Package 2) Managed Package 3) Managed Package Extension

Limitations of asynchronous Apex

1) You can't track execution because no Job ID is returned 2) Parameters must be primitive data types or collections of primitive data types 3) Future methods cannot be chained

Streaming API

1) a specialized API for setting up notifications that trigger when data changes 2) uses a publish-subscribe model 3) the pub/sub model eliminates the need for polling


1) allows you to access production data from within test classes 2) can be used at the class or method level 3) NOT RECOMMENDED

What are the 3 primary approaches to asynchronous Apex?

1) asynchronous Apex (@future methods) 2) Batchable Interface 3) Queueable Apex

2 ways to make DML calls

1) calling the commands directly (insert, update, delete, etc) 2) use Database class methods

Formula field facts

1) can reference fields from master-detail or lookup relationships 2) can expose data that a user does not otherwise have access to in a record 3) can reference fields from objects that are up to 10 relationships away 4) currency formula fields don't have a currency. In an org with multi-currency enabled, currency formula fields will display the currency of the associated record

Execution Order (shortened)

1) load record 2) Update field values 3) UI validation 4) BEFORE triggers 5) full validation 6) Duplicate rules 7) Save, but don't commit 8) AFTER triggers 9) assignment rules 10) auto-response rules 11) workflow rules 12) if workflow changed record, BEFORE and AFTER triggers and validation. 13) processes 14) escalation rules 15) entitlement rules 16) roll-up fields on parents 17) roll-up updates on grandparents. 18) criteria based sharing evaluation 19) commit to the database 20) post-commit logic, such as sending email

2 Rules of Salesforce Security

1) permissions on a record are always evaluated according to a combination of object-, field-, and record-level permissions. 2) When object- versus record-level permissions conflict, the most restrictive settings win.

Approval Submission Actions

1) sending an email alert 2) updating a field on a record 3) creating a task 4) sending an outbound message

Bulk API

1) specialized RESTful API used for querying and loading lots of data at once 2) can handle 50,000 records or more 3) is asynchronous


1) supports both XML and JSON 2) allows basic CRUD operations using HTTP 3) great for web and mobile apps

Limitations of the Batchable Interface

1) troubleshooting can be troublesome 2) jobs are queued and are subject to server availability 3) subject to certain limits


1) uses WSDL 2) supports only XML 3) most functionality is also offered via the REST API

Order Of Execution

1. Initiate 2. System Validate 3. Before Trigger 1. VD (Validation & Duplicate) 2. Save (Save Database not commit - Need ID) 4. After Trigger ------ 1. AA (Assignment & Auto Response) 1. WP (Workflow & Process) 2. EE (Escalation & Entitlement) 3. RC (Rollup & Criterial Sharing) ------ 1. DML Commit 2. Post Commit - Send Email

There are many ways to execute Unit Tests:

1. Via the Setup Page 2. Apex Test Execution page 3. Apex Classes page list - Run All Tests 4. Specific Apex Class - Run a specific Test 5. Via the Developer Console 6. Via Force.com IDE 7. Other IDEs like Mavens Mate

Web Contents

1. Different Contents can be used in a Visualforce page 2. To upload Contents to a Visualforce page, Static Resources are used! 3. Static resources allow you to upload content that you can reference in a Visualforce page 4. These Content include: 1. Archives (such as .zip and .jar files) 2. Images 3. CSS fies 4. Javascripts 5. Static Resources are the means in which Web Content can be added to a Visualforce 6. Static resources are referenced using the $Resource global variable 7. To reference Static Resources in a Visualforce page, use the below tags

What can instantiate a StandardSetController in either of the following ways:

1. From a list of sObjects: List<account> accountList = [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 20]; ApexPages.StandardSetController ssc = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(accountList); 2. From a query locator: ApexPages.StandardSetController ssc =new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Name,CloseDate FROM Opportunity]));

Many to Many Relationships

1. A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple records for another object and vice versa 2. To create Many-to-Many relationships, we can link Objects using a *Junction Object* 3. A junction object is a custom object that is *Child to both Objects* via *2 Master-Detail relationships* 4. To create a many-to-many relationship, you first create the *Junction Object*, then create the *2 Master-Detail relationships* for it

SOSL Wildcards

1. Just like SOQL, SOSL supports the use of Wildcards. But, the Wildcard use is different here 2. Wildcards can be used with SOSL query which are not supported by SOQL queries. 3. A wildcard is a keyboard character such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) that is used to represent one or more characters when you are searching for records. 4. SOSL supports two wildcards: *(Star): List<List<sObject>> results = [FIND 'Univ*'....]; ? (Question Mark): List<List<sObject>> results = [FIND 'Jo?n'....] List<List<sObject>> results = [FIND 'Univ*' IN NAME FIELDS RETURNING Account, Contact]; List<Account> accounts = (List<Account>) results[0]; List<Contact> contacts = (List<Contact>) results[1];

SOQL - Salesforce Object Query Language

1. Just like SQL, SOQL uses the SELECT statement combined with FROM and WHERE to return data 2. SOQL has no such thing as SELECT * (This could severely impact other tenants in your shared environments) 3. SOQL has *no equivalent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements**. **Only available is the SELECT statement* 4. Just like Apex, SOQL is case insensitive 5. SOQL can used within your Apex code (Classes, Triggers) and Web Services API

Lightning Component Framework

1. Lightning Components Framework is a UI framework for developing web apps for mobile and desktop devices. 2. It's a modern framework for building single-page applications with dynamic, responsive user interfaces for Force.com apps. 3. It uses JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side. 4. Lightning Components is the Client (JavaScript) - Server (Apex) framework and Multi-tier architecture 5. It is an event-driven architecture for better decoupling between components 6. Has many built-in components that replicate the Salesforce interface 7. Helps faster development with improved performance. 8. Uses responsive design and provides a great user experience. 9. Supports the latest browser technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, and touch events.

External Lookup Relationships

1. Links a child standard, custom, or external object to a parent external object. 2. The standard External ID field on the parent external object is matched against the values of the child's external lookup relationship field. 3. External object field values come from external data source

Where to write SOSL queries?

1. Salesforce Developer Console 2. Workbench 3. In your Apex code

Schema Builder

1. Schema Builder is enabled by default and lets you: 1. **Jump directly to Object page and Layout page that are in Setup** 2. **Create Custom objects** 3. **Delete Custom objects** 4. **Edit Custom Object properties** 5. **Create any custom field except: Geolocation (including Lookup and Master-Detail)** 6. **Delete Custom field** 2. Schema Builder automatically implements the changes and saves the layout of your schema any time you move an object. 3. This eliminates the need to click from page to page to find the details of a relationship or to add a new custom field to an object in your schema. 4. Schema Builder provides details like the field values, required fields, and how objects are related by displaying lookup and master-detail relationships. 5. You can view the fields and relationships for both standard and custom objects 6. Note: **Any field you add through Schema Builder isn't automatically added to the page layout!!** 7. **You will need to edit the page layout to specify where the field should be displayed.** 8. Note: **By default, the Field Level Security for custom fields is set to visible and editable for internal profiles.** 9. **Fields that are not normally editable, such as formulas and roll-up summary fields, are visible and read-only.** 10. **To manage permissions of a custom field, click the element name or label and select Manage Field Permissions**

Debug Log Level

1. Specify the *amount of information* to be recorded in the debug log for each category 1. *Categories* such as System, Workflow, Validation, Callouts, etc... 2. *Levels* are: None, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Fine, Finer, Finest 2. The Combination of category and level specify which events get logged. Changes to the filter only apply to future logged events

What if you want to search for strings that have these special characters?

1. To solve this, the special character must be preceded with a backslash character (\) 2. Use the backslash character in a search to escape a special character. 3. For example, to search for the string 'John's Bank', use: 'John\'s Bank'

What's Trace Flag ?

1. Traced Entity: can be automate process (Background jobs, such as emailing chatter invitations), Apex Class, Trigger or User 2. Start and Expiration Date: max for 24 hours 3. Debug level

Apex Unit Test

1. Unit test refers to a piece of code that tests a particular unit of Apex code and its functionality. 2. They are defined as methods in test classes which execute functionalities written in Apex Triggers and Apex Classes 3. Are Methods contained in separate Classes called Test Classes which are specifically created for that purpose 4. Don't commit any data to the database 5. Don't send any emails 6. Are always flagged with keyword **testMethod or @isTest annotation** at the method definition level 7. Must always be defined in a test class. This test class should be annotated with **@isTest annotation** 8. Are always defined as static methods 9. Test methods take no arguments

Apex Unit Test

1. Unit test refers to a piece of code that tests a particular unit of Apex code and its functionality. 2. They are defined as methods in test classes which execute functionalities written in Apex Triggers and Apex Classes 3. Are Methods contained in separate Classes called Test Classes which are specifically created for that purpose 4. Don't commit any data to the database 5. Don't send any emails 6. Are always flagged with keyword testMethod or @isTest annotation at the method definition level 7. Must always be defined in a test class. This test class should be annotated with @isTest annotation 8. Are always defined as static methods 9. Test methods take no arguments

When to use SOSL queries?

1. Use SOSL when you don't know which objects the data resides in, and you: 2. Want to retrieve data or from multiple unrelated objects 3. Don't need to count the number of records that meet specified criteria. 4. Need to retrieve data only from Text, Phone or email fields.

In SOQL, many characters are reserved:

1. the single quote character (') is used to specify the String - therefore it is reserved 2. the Backslash character (\), that is used to escape a special character 3. the Percentage character (%) and the Underscore character (_) in a LIKE statement, that are used as Wildcards

What are the two types of iteration variables supported by SOQL FOR() loops?

1.) A single variable. Here, one record will be processed at a time. 2.) A list of variables. Here, records will be processed in blocks of 200.

A SOSL statement specifies: (4 items)

1.) A text expression (i.e. what to search for) 2.) The scope of fields to search 3.) The list of objects and fields to retrieve 4.) The conditions for selecting rows in the source objects

From where can custom SOAP Web Service methods be invoked?

1.) AJAX Toolkit 2.) Custom client program (i.e. Java application, etc.)

Name 5 options for the search scope of the IN clause.


Describe the wildcards available in the FIND clause for SOSL queries.

1.) An asterisk (*) is a wildcard for one or more characters in the middle or the end of a search string. 2.) A question mark (?) is a wildcard for one character in the middle or the end of a search string.

What are Transaction Savepoints used for?

1.) Control the transaction level 2.) Define logic for rolling back a section or subset of the DML operation

What are some best practices for creating Apex unit tests?

1.) Create 200 test records to test that your code is properly "bulkified". 2.) Test your code using valid and invalid inputs. 3.) Do not assume that your record Ids are in sequential order 4.) Use the ORDER BY keyword to ensure that records are returned in the expected order

What do Merge events cause to fire?

1.) DELETE triggers for the unsuccessful records. 2.) UPDATE triggers for the successful records.

What are the different Log Filters that exist?

1.) Database 2.) Workflow 3.) Validation 4.) Callout 5.) Apex Code 6.) Apex Profiling 7.) Visualforce 8.) System

By default, SOSL excludes: (three answers)

1.) Dates 2.) IDs 3.) Numbers

Where can Logs be generated?

1.) Debug Logs in the Setup menu 2.) Developer Console 3.) Force.com IDE

What is the recommended approach for recalculating Apex managed sharing on a record?

1.) Delete all sharing for the record for the RowCause 2.) Calculate and add all sharing for the record for the RowCause

What is the pattern typically followed for Deployment?

1.) Develop 2.) Integrate 3.) Stage 4.) Training and Production

What does the Develop step include?

1.) Development in a developer sandbox 2.) Unit testing 3.) Integration testing

What are some system-defined exceptions?

1.) DmlException 2.) ListException 3.) MathException 4.) SecurityException 5.) NullPointerException 6.) QueryException 7.) SObjectException 8.) StringException 9.) TypeException

What does the FINEST Level include?

1.) Everything included in the FINE and FINER Levels 2.) Changes in the sharing context 3.) Variable declaration statements 4.) Start of loops 5.) All loop controls 6.) Thrown exceptions 7.) Static and class initialization code

Where can you create a trigger?

1.) Force.com IDE 2.) Developer Console 3.) UI - Setup > Build > Develop > Apex Triggers 4.) UI - Setup > Customize > Standard Object > Triggers 5.) UI - Setup > Create > Custom Object > Triggers

What are four ways that metadata can be deployed to an environment?

1.) Force.com IDE 2.) Force.com Migration Tool 3.) Change Sets 4.) Third party tools (likely at cost)

What does the Stage step include?

1.) Full regression testing 2.) Load testing 3.) UAT 4.) Specific new feature testing

Describe the three parts of a relationship field.

1.) ID (position__c) 2.) Reference (position__r) 3.) Related List (job_applications__r)

What are the three methods of a SaveResult object?

1.) ID getId() 2.) List<Database.Error> getErrors() 3.) Boolean isSuccess()

How do you call a Web Service from the AJAX Toolkit?

1.) Import the apex.js library 2.) Use the execute() method and pass in the name of the class and method

What are the possible data types that a SOQL query can return?

1.) List of sObjects 2.) A single sObject 3.) An integer

What are the three types of Collection data types in Apex code?

1.) Lists 2.) Maps 3.) Sets

What two utilities are used for debugging?

1.) Logs 2.) Anonymous Blocks

What is the Execution Order after DML operations in SF?

1.) Original record loaded, or new record initialized for insert 2.) New record field values are loaded and override old values 3.) System validation rules 4.) BEFORE triggers 5.) Custom validation rules. Most system validation rules run again. Check for duplicates. 6.) Record saved, but not committed 7.) AFTER triggers 8.) Assignment rules 9.) Auto-response rules 10.) Workflow rules (if fields updated, BEFORE and AFTER triggers execute again, but only once) 11.) Processes 12.) Escalation rules 13.) Update roll-up summary fields and cross-object formula fields in parent records, repeat save process. 14.) Update roll-up summary fields and cross-object formula fields in grandparent records, repeat save process. 15.) Criteria-based sharing is evaluated 16.) All DML operations are committed to the database 17.) Post-commit logic (such as sending emails) is executed.

What are the three process classes?

1.) ProcessRequest 2.) ProcessSubmitRequest 3.) ProcessWorkItemRequest

What are the three access modifiers for an Apex class?

1.) Public 2.) Private 3.) Global

What are the three main components (or clauses) of a SOQL statement?


What are some differences between SOSL and SOQL?

1.) SOSL can search multiple objects at once. 2.) SOSL is used to perform text searches.

What are the two ways to insert SOQL within Apex?

1.) Square-bracket expressions 2.) Database.query() method

What are the two forms of DML operations?

1.) Standalone statements (insert myAccount;) 2.) Database methods (Database.insert(myAccount);)

What are two examples of system-delivered classes?

1.) System 2.) UserInfo

What does the Database filter include?

1.) System.debug() log messages 2.) DML statements 3.) Inline SOQL or SOSL queries

What do the FINE and FINER Levels include?

1.) System.debug() messages 2.) DML Statements 3.) SOQL and SOSL inline statements 4.) Entrance and Exit of every user-defined method

Where are the three areas where you can develop Apex code?

1.) The Force.com IDE 2.) The Developer Console 3.) The Setup menu

What are the two ways that you can annotate a Test Method?

1.) The annotation @isTest 2.) The keyword testMethod

What are two facts about Apex Unit Test Methods?

1.) They do not take any arguments. 2.) They do not commit any data to the database, even if DML operations are executed within the method.

What two requirements must User-Defined Exception Classes follow?

1.) They must end with the string "Exception". 2.) They must extend the system-defined Exception class.

What are the three types of FOR() loops that Apex code supports?

1.) Traditional FOR() loops 2.) List Iteration FOR() loops 3.) SOQL FOR() loops

Describe differences between Apex and traditional Programming Languages like Java.

1.) Traditional Programming Languages are fully flexible, and allow you to tell the system to do just about anything. Apex is governed, and can only do what the system allows. 2.) Apex is case-insensitive 3.) Apex is on-demand, and is compiled and executed in the Cloud (i.e. on the server) 4.) Apex requires unit testing for deployment into a Production environment 5.) Apex is not a general-purpose Programming Language. It can only be used on the Force.com platform.

What additional options does the Database.DMLOptions object allow you to control?

1.) Truncation behavior 2.) Trigger assignment rules 3.) Locale options 4.) Trigger email notifications based on specific events such as: - Creation of a new Case, Case Comment, or Task - Conversion of a Case email to a Contact - New User email notification - Password reset

When should you use SOQL instead of SOSL? (three reasons)

1.) When the sObject type is predetermined. 2.) When the result data needs to be joined. 3.) When you want to query beyond text, email, or phone fields.

What are the limits of Multi-Level Relationships? There are two.

1.) You can only reference a maximum of 5 child-to-parent relationships in a single query. 2.) You can only have one parent-to-child relationship in a single query.

What are the seven different trigger events?

1.) before insert 2.) after insert 3.) before update 4.) after update 5.) before delete 6.) after delete 7.) after undelete

What conditional statements are not supported by Apex?

1.) case 2.) switch

What are the three ways that anonymous blocks can be executed?

1.) executeAnonymous() web services API call 2.) Developer Console 3.) Force.com IDE

What are the 6 DML actions that you can execute?

1.) insert 2.) update 3.) upsert 4.) delete 5.) merge 6.) undelete

What are four access modifiers for methods and attributes?

1.) public 2.) private 3.) protected 4.) global

Limit for synchronous SOQL queries


To make your Components viewable from the Lightning App Builder, use the tag:

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">

Cross-Object Formula Fields

ormula fields on one object that reference related objects.

Length of the ID on Salesforce objects

18 characters

What are the supported content sources for custom buttons and links? (Choose 2 Answers) A. VisualForce Page. B. Static Resource. C. URL. D. Chatter File. E. Lightning Page.

A, C

How do you annotate a Test Class?

@isTest public class myTestClass {}

How should you annotate a method that is used to setup a test by creating test data, etc.?



rolls a transaction back to the point established by the Database.setSavepoint() call.

Which requirement needs to be implemented by using standard workflow instead of Process Builder? Choose 2 answers A. Create activities at multiple intervals. B. Send an outbound message without Apex code. C. Copy an account address to its contacts. D. Submit a contract for approval.

A, B

What difference exists when executing a SOSL query in the Query Editor of the Developer Console?

The search term must be enclosed in curly braces {} instead of single quotes ''.

A developer created an Apex trigger using the Developer Console and now wants to debug code. How can the developer accomplish this in the Developer Console? A. Open the Logs tab in the Developer Console. B. Select the Override Log Triggers checkbox for the trigger. C. Add the user name in the Log Inspector. D. Open the Progress tab in the Developer Console.


How many times will a trigger execute for 1,001 records?

6 times.

A developer created trigger with following code , list<Account> lstAccounts = new list<Account>(); for(order__c objorder:trigger.new){ account a = [select id from Account where id=:objorder.Account__c]; lstAccounts .add(a); } update lstAccounts; How many order will be load when developer attempts to load 150 records? A. 0 B. 1 C. 100 D. 150


Which trigger event allows a developer to update fields in the Trigger.new list without using an additional DML statement?Choose 2 answers A. Before insert B. Before update C. After update D. After insert

A, B

What capabilities are part of workbench? a. Interacting with REST API b. Executing SOQL and SOSL queries c. Describing Metadata and data d. Inserting but not deleting Data e. Restricting workbench access to sandbox environments only

A, B, C

A developer executes following code in Console. What will happen? list<Account> flist = new list<Account>(); for(integer i=1;i<=200 ;i++){ flist.add(new Account(name='Test Acc'+i)); } insert flist; list<Account> Llist = new list<Account>(); for(integer i=201;i<=20000 ;i++){ Llist.add(new Account(name='Test Acc'+i)); } insert Llist ; A. Error will occur B. Insert all records C. Insert 200 only D. Records inserted


A developer has completed work in the sandbox and is ready to send it to a related org, what deployment tool should be used? A. Change Sets B. Force.com IDE C. Unmanaged Packages D. Force.com Migration Tool


On a Visualforce page with a custom controller, how should a developer retrieve a record by using an ID that is passed on the URL? A. Use the constructor method for the controller. B. Use the $Action.View method in the Visualforce page. C. Create a new PageReference object with the Id. D. Use the <apex:detail> tag in the Visualforce page.


What percentage of Apex code must be covered by unit tests?


In which order does SalesForce execute events upon saving a record? A. Before Triggers; Validation Rules; After Triggers; Assignment Rules; Workflow Rules; Commit B. Validation Rules; Before Triggers; After Triggers; Workflow Rules; Assignment Rules; Commit C. Before Triggers; Validation Rules; ilter Triggers; Workflow Rules; Assignment Rules; Commit D. Validation Rules; Before Triggers; After Triggers; Assignment Rules; Workflow Rules; Commit


Objects of this Apex class allow developers to create list controllers similar to, or as extensions of, the pre-built Visualforce list controllers provided by Salesforce. A. StandardSetController Class B. StandardController Class C. Controller Class D. VisualforceSetController Class E. VisualforceControllerClass F. None of the above


What happens if you try to access a field for a record returned by a SOQL query that was not specified in the SELECT clause?

A system.sObjectException will be thrown.


A two-way association between two objects.

Which component is available to deploy using Metadata API? Choose 2 answers. A. Case Layout B. Account Layout C. Case Feed Layout D. Console Layout

A, B

Which developer tool can be used to create a data model? (Choose 2) A. Force.com IDE B. Schema Builder C. Application Data Model Wizard D. Force.com Data Loader

A, B

A developer is creating an application to track engine and their parts. An individual part can be used in different types of engines. What data model should be used to track the data to prevent orphan records? A. Create a junction object to relate many engine to many parts through a master-detail relationship B. Create a master-detail relationship to represent the one-to-many model of engine parts. C. Create a lookup relationship to represent how each part relates to the parent engine object. D. Create a junction object to relate many engines to many parts through a lookup relationship


A developer is creating an application to track engines and their parts. An individual part can be used in different types of engines. What data model should be used to track the data and to prevent orphan records. A. Create a junction object to relate many engines to many parts though a master -detail relationship. B. Create a master -detail relationship to represent the one -to -many model of engines to parts C. Create a lookup relationship to represent how each part relates to the parent engine object. D. Create a junction object to relate many engines to many parts through a lookup relationship.


A developer needs to create a Visualforce page that will override standard Account edit button. The page will be used to validate the account's address using a SOQL query. The page will also allow the user to make edits to the address. Where would the developer write the Account address verification logic? A. In a Controller Extension. B. In a Custom Controller. C. In a Standard Controller. D. In a Standard Extension.


A developer needs to create a Visualforce page that will override standard Account edit button. The page will be used to validate the account's address using a SOQL query.The page will also allow the user to make edits to the address. Where would the developer write the Account address verification logic? A. In a Controller Extension. B. In a Custom Controller. C. In a Standard Controller. D. In a Standard Extension.


A developer uses a before insert trigger on the Lead object to fetch the Territory__c object, where the Territory__c.PostalCode__c matches the Lead.PostalCode. The code fails when the developer uses the Apex Data Loader to insert 10,000 Lead records. The developer has the following code block: Line-01: for (Lead l : Trigger.new){ Line-02: if (l.PostalCode != null) { Line-03: List<Territory__c> terrList = [SELECT Id FROM Territory__c WHERE PostalCode__c = :l.PostalCode]; Line-04: if(terrList.size() > 0) Line-05: l.Territory__c = terrList[0].Id; Line-06: } Line-07: } Which line of code is causing the code block to fail? A. Line-03: A SOQL query is located inside of the for loop code. B. Line-01: Trigger:new is not valid in a before insert Trigger. C. Line-02: A NullPointer exception is thrown if PostalCode is null. D. Line-05: The Lead in a before insert trigger cannot be updated.


A developer writes a SOQL query to find child records for a specific parent. How many levels can be returned in a single query? a. 1 b. 3 c. 7 d. 5


A developer writes a before insert trigger. How can the developer access the incoming records in the trigger body? A. By accessing the Trigger.new context variable. B. By accessing the Trigger.newRecords context variable. C. By accessing the Trigger.newMap context variable. D. By accessing the Tripper.newList context variable.


A developer wrote a workflow email alert on case creation so that an email is sent to the case owner manager when a case is created. When will the email be sent? A. After Committing to database. B. Before Committing to database. Calculator C. Before Trigger execution. D. After Trigger execution.


A visualforce page has a standard controller for an object that has a lookup relationship to a parent object. How can a developer display data from the parent record on the page? a. By using merge field syntax to retrieve data from the parent record b. By using SOQL on the Visualforce page to query for data from the parent record c. By using a roll-up formula field on the child record to include data from the parent record d. By adding a second standard controller to the page for the parent record


An administrator needs to get records with locations saved in geolocation or address fields as individual latitude and longitude values. Which SOQL statement accomplishes this goal? a. SELECT id, Name, Location__latitude__s, Location__longitude__s FROM CustomObject___c b. SELECT Id, Name, Location_latitude__c, Location__longitude__c FROM CusotmObject__c c. SELECT Id, Name, Location__r.latitude__c, Location__r.longitude__c FROM CusotmObject__c d. SELECT Id, Name, Location__r.latitude, Location__r.longitude FROM CustomObject__c


Describe the ramifications of field updates and potential for recursion for the following scenario: If a field update for Rule1 triggers Rule2, and a field update for Rule2 triggers Rule1. A. The updates create a loop and the org limits for workflow time triggers per hour will likely be violated. B. When the second trigger is saved a Imminent Loop Error message will be displayed and the workflow rule update will not save. C. The updates create a loop and the org will be blocked until the admin resolves the issue. D. Loop is allowed to run 25 times within one hour. If it does not end on its own the process will be stopped by R&D.


How can a developer check if a user has read access to a field and the field can be displayed on a Visualforce page? a. Call the isAccessible() method of Schema.DescribeFieldREsult to verify field level read permission b. Call the isViewable() method of Schema.DescribeFieldResult to verify field level read permission c. Call the isReadable() method of Schema.SObjectResult to verify field level read permission d. Call the isAccessible() method of Schema.DescribeSObjectResult to verify field level read permission


In an organization that has enabled multiple currencies, a developer needs to aggregate the sum of the Estimated_value__c currency field from the CampaignMember object using a roll-up summary field called Total_estimated_value__c on Campaign. How is the currency of the Total_estimated_value__c roll-up summary field determined? A. The values in Campaignmember.Estimated_value__c are converted into the currency of the Campaign record and the sum is displayed using the currency on the Campaign record. B. The values in CampaignMember.Estimated_value__c are converted into the currency on the majority of the CampaignMember records and the sum is displayed using that currency. C. The values in CampaignMember.Estimated_value__c are summed up and the resulting Total_estimated_value__c field is displayed as a numeric field on the Campaign record. D. The values In CampaignMember.Estimated_value__c are converted into the currency of the current user, and the sum is displayed using the currency on the Campaign record.


On which object can an administrator create a roll-up summary field? A. Any object that is on the master side of a master-detail relationship. B. Any object that is on the parent side of a lookup relationship. C. Any object that is on the detail side of a master-detail relationship. D. Any object that is on the child side of a lookup relationship.


What determines whether a user can create a new record using a specific record type? A. Profile B. Page layout C. Field level security D. Sharing


What is a junction object? A. A custom object with two master-detail relationships. B. A custom object with one lookup relationship and one master-detail relationship. C. A custom object with two lookup relationships. D. A custom object with any number of lookup and master-detail relationships.


What is an accurate constructor for a custom controller named "MyController"? A. public MyController() { account = new Account(); } B. public MyController(SObject obj) { account = (Account) obj; } C. public MyController(List<SObject> objects) { accounts = (List<Account>)objects; } D. public MyController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { account = (Account)stdController.getRecord(); }


What is an important consideration when developing in a multi-tenant environment? A. Governor limits prevent tenants from impacting performance in multiple orgs on the same instance. B. Unique domain names take the place of namespaces for code developed for multiple orgs on multiple instances. C. Polyglot persistence provides support for a global, multilingual user base in multiple orgs on multiple instances. D. Org-wide data security determines whether other tenants can see data in multiple orgs on the same instance.


What is the minimum log level needed to see user generated debug statements? A. DEBUG B. FINE C. INFO D. WARN


What is the minimum log level needed to see user-generated debug statements? A. DEBUG B. FINE C. INFO D. WARN


What is the value of x after the code segment executes? String x = 'A'; Integer i = 10; if(i< 15 ){ i = 15; x = 'B'; else if (i < 20 ){ x = 'C'; } else { x = 'D'; } A. B B. C C. D D. A


What would a developer do to update a picklist field on related Opportunity records when a modification to the associated Account record is detected? A. Create a process with Process Builder. B. Create a workflow rule with a field update. C. Create a Lightning Component. D. Create a Visualforce page.


When creating a record with a Quick Action, what is the easiest way to post a feed item? A. By selecting create case feed on the quick action. B. By adding a trigger on the new record. C. By adding a workflow rule on the new record. D. By selecting create case feed on the new record.


Which Apex collection is used to ensure that all values are unique? A. A Set B. An Enum C. A List D. An sObject


Which data structure is returned to a developer when performing a SOSL search? A. A list of lists of sObjects. B. A map of sObject types to a list of sObjects C. A map of sObject types to a list oflists of sobjects D. a list of sObjects.


Which portion of the Model-View-Controller paradigm is represented in Force.com as a standard or custom object? A. Model B. Controller C. View


Which statement about the Lookup Relationship between a Custom Object and a Standard Object is correct? A. The Lookup Relationship on the Custom Object can prevent the deletion of the Standard Object. B. The Lookup Relationship cannot be marked as required on the page layout for the Custom Object. C. The Custom Object will be deleted when the referenced Standard Object is deleted. D. The Custom Object inherits security from the referenced Standard Objects


What is a capability of a StandardSetController? Choose 2 answers a. It allows pages to perform mass updates of records b. It allows pages to perform pagination with large record sets c. It enforces field-level security when reading large record sets d. It extends the functionality of a standard or custom controller


What is a List?

A List is an ordered collection of elements of a single data type. Elements added to a List are assigned an implicit index, and therefore, Lists can contain non-unique values (i.e. elements can be duplicated within a List).

What is a Map?

A Map is a collection of key-value pairs. Keys must be unique, but Values can be repeated. With Maps, we supply the index, unlike Lists, where the index is automatically applied when an element is added.

Describe a SOQL Left Outer Join

A SOQL Left Outer Join is when you pull in related child data via a SOQL query on a Parent object. For example: SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT First Name, Last Name FROM Contacts) FROM Accounts

Describe a SOQL Right Outer Join

A SOQL Right Outer Join is when you pull in Parent data via a SOQL query on a Child object. For example: SELECT Id, Account.Name, Account.Industry from Contacts

Where is a global class accessible?

A global class is accessible within and outside of the org or namespace.


A map of IDs to the old versions of the sObject records.Note that this map is only available in update and delete triggers.


A set is an unordered collection of objects that doesn't contain any duplicate values. Use a set when you don't need to keep track of the order of the elements in the collection, and when the elements are unique and don't have to be sorted. Set<String> myList = new Set<String>(){"a", "b", "c"}; myList.add("c"); // nothing happen System.debug(myList);

Hierarchical Relationships

A special lookup relationship available for only the *User object*. It lets users use a lookup field to associate one user with another that does not directly or indirectly refer to itself

Lifecycle Milestones

A typical Salesforce Application Lifecycle include the following milestones: 1. *Discovery*: get the overall application requirement, features, testing, integration, import from the key stakeholders 2. *Analysis*: documentation created based on the Discovery phase 3. *Build*: create the metadata in the Sandbox 4. *Testing*: test the application to make sure that all Use Cases are covered 5. *Deployment*: getting the application installed into Production, Live environment

A custom exception "RecordNotFoundException" is defined by the following code of block. public class RecordNotFoundException extends Exception() which statement can a developer use to throw a custom exception? choose 2 answers A. throw new RecordNotFoundException("problem occured"); B. throw new RecordNotFoundException(); C. throw RecordNotFoundException("problem occured"); D. throw RecordNotFoundException();

A, B

A developer wants to display all of the available record types for a Case object. The developer also wants to display the picklist values for the Case.Status field. The Case object and the Case Status field are on a custom visualforce page. Which action can the developer perform to get the record types and picklist values in the controller? Choose 2 answers A. Use Schema.PIcklistEntry returned by Case Status getDescribe().getPicklistValues(). B. Use Schema.RecordTypeinfo returned by Case.SObjectType getDescribe().getRecordTypelnfos() C. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all the RecordType values available for Case. D. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all value for the Status picklist field.

A, B

A developer wants to display all of the available record types for a Case object. The developer also wants to display the picklist values for the Case.Status field. The Case object and the Case Status field are on a custom visualforce page. Which action can the developer perform to get the record types and picklist values in the controller? Choose 2 answers A. Use Schema.PIcklistEntry returned by Case Status getDescribe().getPicklistValues(). B. Use Schema.RecordTypelnfo returned by Case.SObjectType getDescribe().getRecordTypelnfos() C. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all the RecordType values available for Case. D. Use SOQL to query Case records In the org to get all value for the Status pickiest field.

A, B

An org has different Apex Classes that provide Account -related functionality. After a new validation rule is added to the object, many of the test methods fail. What can be done to resolve the failures and reduce the number of code changes needed for future validation rules? Choose 2 answers: A. Create a method that creates valid Account records, and call this method from within test methods. B. Create a method that loads valid Account records from a Static Resource, and call this method within test methods. C. Create a method that performs a callout for a valid Account record, and call this method from within test methods. D Create a method that queries for valid Account records, and call this method from within test methods.

A, B

How can a developer refer to, or instantiate a PageReference in Apex? Choose 2 answers A. By using a PageReference with a partial or full URL B. By using Page object and a Visualforce page name. C. By using the ApexPages.Page() method with a Visualforce page name. D. By using the PageReference.Page() method with a partial or full URL.

A, B

What is a valid statement about Apex classes and interfaces? Choose 2 answers: A. The default modifier for a class is private. B. Exception classes must end with the word exception. C. A class can have multiple levels of inner classes. D. The default modifier for an interface is private.

A, B

What is the accurate statement about with sharing keyword? choose 2 answers A) Inner class donot inherit the sharing setting from the container class B) Both inner and outer class can be declared as with sharing C) Either inner class or outer classes can be declared as with sharing but not both D) Inner class inherit the sharing setting from the conatiner class

A, B

What is the capability of Force.com IDE? Choose 2 answers A. Edit metadata components B. Run Apex tests C. Run debug logs D. Roll back deployments

A, B

What is true regarding executing an anonymous block of Apex? choose 2 answers a. If the APEX code completes successfully, data changes are automatically committed b. Anonymous blocks can include user defined methods c. Anonymous blocks always run in the system context d. Anonymous blocks can only be complied and executed using the Developer Console

A, B

What is true regarding how to display data in a Visualforce page? choose 2 answers a. Expression syntax is used to bind components to the data set available in the page controller b. Object data can be inserted but not global data c. Data context is provided to controllers by the id parameter of the page d. The component <apex:fieldValue> component can be used to display individual fields from a record

A, B

What is true regarding running tests from the Salesforce UI? choose 2 answers a. All classes can be selected b. Individual classes can be selected c. After tests are run, code coverage is available on Apex Test Execution page d. After test classes are selected, they are placed in the Apex Job queue and will always run in parallel

A, B

When loading data into an organization, what can a developer do to match records to update existing records? Choose 2 answers A. Match an external Id Text field to a column in the imported file. B. Match the Id field to a column in the Imported file. C. Match the Name field to a column in the imported file. D. Match an auto -generated Number field to a column in the imported file.

A, B

When should a system administrator consider using the Salesforce AppExchange? (Choose 2) A. When looking for pre-built custom applications and tools B. When standard Salesforce functionality needs to be extended C. To find answers to Salesforce application questions D. To submit ideas for Salesforce application enhancements

A, B

When the value of a field in an account record is updated, which method will update the value of custom field in related opportunities? Choose 2 answers A. An Apex trigger on the Account object. B. A Process Builder on the Account object. C. A cross-object formula field on the Account object. D. A Workflow Rule on the Account object.

A, B

Which component is available to deploy using Metadata API? Choose 2 answers A. Case Layout B. Account Layout C. Case Feed Layout D. ConsoleLayout

A, B

What is a capability of formula fields? Choose 3 answers a. Generate a link using the HIPERLINK function to a specific record in a legacy system b. Determine if a datetime field has passed using the NOW function c. Return and display a field value from another object using the VLOOKUP function d. Display the previous value for a field using the PRIORVALUE function e. Determine which of three different images to display using IF function

A, B, C

What is an accurate statement about variable scope? Choose 3 answers A. Sub -blocks cannot reuse a parent block's variable name. B. A variable can be defined at any point in a block. C. Parallel blocks can use the same variable name. D. Sub -blocks can reuse a parent block's variable name if its value is null. E. A static variable can restrict the scope to the current block if its value is null.

A, B, C

Which declarative method helps ensure quality data? Choose 3 answers a. Validation rules b. Lookup filters c. Page Layouts d. Workflow alerts e. Exception handling

A, B, C

Which statement about change set deployments is accurate? Choose 3 answers A. They can be used only between related organizations. B. They require a deployment connection. C. They use an all or none deployment model. D They can be used to transfer Contact records. E. They can be used to deploy custom settings data.

A, B, C

Test methods don't have access by default to pre-existing data in the organization except for which of the following? Choose 3 answers a. Record Types b. Users c. Custom Objects d. Profiles e. Custom Setting data

A, B, D

What is true regarding accessing sharing programmatically? choose 3 answers a. AccountShare is the sharing object for the Account object b. Account_Share is the sharing object for the Account object c. CustomObject__Share is the sharing object for a custom object d. Objects on the details side of a master detail relationship do not have a sharing object

A, B, D

What standard Chatter actions (Post, File, Link, Poll, and Thanks) appear on the user profile page, regardless of the actions in the User page layout? (choose three) A. Post B. Poll C. Create D. File E. Email

A, B, D

When a user creates a record by using an object-specific create action, what feed item for that record appears? (choose three) A. In the Chatter feed of the user who created the record B. In the feed for the record on which the new record was created C. In the user profile feed for all users who can view the record D. As the first entry in the feed for the new record E. In the Chatter feed of the first user who follows the record on which the record was created

A, B, D

When should a static method or variable be used? Choose 3 answers. a. To store information that is shared across instances of a class b. To use as a utility method c. When the static variable value should persist beyond the context of a single transaction d. A developer needs to access a method without instantiating a class

A, B, D

Which components can be added to a lightning app on custom Object? Choose 3 A. Standard Lightning component B. Custom lightning component C. Object specific actions on the custom object D. Global actions E. Visualforce

A, B, D

What is a capability of cross-object formula field? Choose 3 answers. A. Formula fields can reference fields from mater-detail or lookup parent relationships. B. Formula fields can expose data the user does not have access to in the record C. Formula fields can be used in three roll-up summaries per object D. Formula fields can reference fields in a collection of records from a child relationship E. Formula fields can reference fields from object that are up to 10 relationships away.

A, B, E

What is a capability of cross-object formula fields? Choose 3 answers A. Formula fields can reference fields from master-detail or lookup parent relationships. B. Formula fields can expose data the user does not have access to in a record. C. Formula fields can be used in three roll-up summaries per object. D. Formula fields can reference fields in a collect of records from a child relationship. E. Formula fields can reference fields from objects that are up to 10 relationships away.

A, B, E

What is true when a field update is set to re-evaluate the workflow rule? (choose three) A. Only workflow rules on the same object as the initial field update will be re-evaluated and triggered. B. Only workflow rules that didn't fire before will be retriggered. C. Cascade of workflow rule re-evaluation and triggering can happen up to ten times after the initial field update that started it. D. Any workflow rules whose criteria are met as a result of the field update will be ignored. E. In a batch update, workflow is only retriggered on the entities where there is a change.

A, B, E

What tools you need to use to migrate Metadata to Two Different Production Orgs? (Choose 3) A. Force.Com IDE B. Force.Com Migration Tool C. Change Set D. Data Loader E. Unmanaged Package

A, B, E

A developer needs to know if all tests currently pass in salesforce environment Which feature can the developer use? Choose 2 answers A. Developer Console. B. ANT Migration Tool C. Salesforce UI Apex Test Execution D. Workbench Metadata Retrieval

A, C

Controller in MVC architecture on the Force.com platform? Choose 2 answers a. StandardController system methods that are referenced by Visualforce b. A static resource that contains CSS and images c. Custom Apex and Javascript code that is used to manipulate data d. Javascript that is used to make a menu item display itself

A, C

Developer needs to automatically populate the ReportsTo field in a Contact record based on the values of the related Account and Department fields in the Contact record. Which type of trigger would the developer create? Choose 2 answers A. before update B. after insert C. before insert D. after update

A, C

Field type conversion. Which of the following are true? (choose 2) A. Data can be lost when converting from autonumber to text B. Information can be lost when converting from text area (rich) to text area (long) C. Data can be lost when converting from number to currency (assuming that field lengths are identical) D. Data can be lost when converting from simple picklist to multi picklist

A, C

Universal Container want to store an area code and wants to be able to search for it in searches. Which are possible fields to store the data? (choose 2) A. Phone B. Email C. Text D. Multi Picklist

A, C

What can a lightning component contain in its resource bundle? Choose two answers. A. Custom Client-side rendering behavior. B. Properties files with global settings. C. CSS styles scoped to the component. D. Build scripts for minification.

A, C

What is a characteristic of the Lightning Component Framework? Choose 2 answers: A. It has an event-driven architecture. B. It works with existing Visualforce pages. C. It includes responsive components. D. It uses XML as its data format.

A, C

What is a good practice for a developer to follow when writing a trigger? Choose 2 answers A. using the Map data structure to hold query results by ID. B. Using @future methods to perform DML operations. C. Using the set data structure to ensure distinct records. D. Using synchronous callouts to call external systems

A, C

What is a valid statement about Apex classes and interfaces? Choose 2 answers A. Exception classes must end with the word exception. B. A class can have multiple levels of inner classes. C. The default modifier for a class is private. D. The default modifier for an interface is private.

A, C

What is true about how Salesforce deals with cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks? choose 2 answers a. All standard Visualforce components, which start with <apex>, have anti-XSS filters in place b. Custom JavaScript is protected from XSS c. Salesforce has implemented filters that screen out harmful characters in most output methods as one of the anti-XSS defenses d. Escape shoudl be enabled for Visualforce Tags e.g. <apex:outputText escape="true" value="{!CurrentPage.parameters.userInput}"

A, C

When can a developer use a custom Visualforce page in a Force.com application? Choose 2 answers A. To create components for dashboards and layouts. B. To deploy components between two organizations. C. To generate a PDF document with application data. D. To modify the page layout settings for a custom object.

A, C

When would a developer use a custom controller instead of a controller extension? Choose 2 answers: A. When a Visualforce page needs to replace the functionality of a standard controller. B. When a Visualforce page does not reference a single primary object. C. When a Visualforce page should not enforce permissions or field-level security. D. When a Visualforce page needs to add new actions to a standard controller.

A, C

Which statement about record types is true? (select 2) A. The ability to create records of a specific record type is determined by the profile B. Users cannot view records assigned to a record type their profile does not have access to C. Record types can be used to define picklist values available for a given field D. Record types can only be assigned to one profile at a time

A, C

Which user can edit a record after it has been locked for approval? Choose 2 answers A An administrator. B. Any user who approved the record previously. C. A user who is assigned as the current approver. D. Any user- with a higher role in the hierarchy.

A, C

You have created a workflow rule to send an email in your configuration sandbox. For some reason it's not working, what should you double check? (Choose 2) A. You have the correct email address B. Look at the system audit trail C. Check the deliverability settings D. HTML does not work in sandbox, make sure your email has no HTML

A, C

Which statement about change set deployments is accurate? Choose 3 answers a. They require a deployment connection b. They can be used to transfer Contact records c. They can be used only between related organizations d. They use an all or none deployment model e. They can be used to deploy custom settings data

A, C, E

What is a valid source and destination pair that can send or receive change sets? Choose 2 answers: A. Sandbox to production. B. Developer edition to sandbox. C. Developer edition to production. D. Sandbox to sandbox.

A, D

What is a valid way of loading external JavaScript files into a Visualforce page? (Choose 2) A. Using an (apex:includeScript)* tag. \> B. Using an (apex:define)* tag. C. Using a (link)* tag. D. Using a (script)* tag. *For this question, replace ( ) with less/greater than symbols.

A, D

What is true for a partial sandbox that is not true for a full sandbox? Choose 2 answers: A. More frequent refreshes. B. Only Includes necessary metadata. C. Use of change sets. D. Limited to 5 GB of data.

A, D

What is true regarding a future method? Choose 2 answers a. Methods that are annotated with @future identify methods that are executed asynchronously b. Methods that are annotated with @future identify methods that are executed synchronously c. A method annotated with future can call another method that also has the future annotation d. Methods annotated with future can only return a void type

A, D

What is valid in the where clause of a SOQL query? Choose 2 answers. A. A geolocation field. B. An encrypted field. C. An aggregate function. D. An alias notation.

A, D

Where can debug log filter settings be set Choose 2 answers? A.The Filters link by the monitored user's name within the web UI. B. The Show more link on the debug log's record. C. On the monitored user's name. D. The Log Filters tab on a class or trigger detail page.

A, D

Where can debug log filter settings be set? Choose 2 answers A. The Filters link by the monitored user's name within the web UI. B. The Show More link on the debug log's record. C. On the monitored user's name. D. The Log Filters tab on a class or trigger detail page.

A, D

Which type of information is provided by the Checkpoints tab in the Developer console? Choose 2 answers. a. Time b. Exception c. Debug Statement d. Namespace

A, D

Which data type or collection of data types can SOQL statements populate or evaluate to? Choose 3 answers a. A single sObject b. A string c. A Boolean d. A list of sObjects e. An Integer

A, D, E

Which three use case requires a partial copy or full sandbox? Choose three answers A. Scalability Testing B. Development Testing C. Quality Assurance Testing D. Batch Data Testing E. Integration Testing

A, D, E

Which use case requires a partial copy or full sandbox? Choose 3 answers. A. Scalability Testing B. Development Testing C. Quality Assurance Testing D. Batch Data Testing E. Integration Testing

A, D, E

SOQL "LIKE" keyword

Allows you to select records using wildcards. ... WHERE Name LIKE 'Senior%'

What is an interface?

An interface is a class that only includes method signatures. The methods are not implemented in the interface. Another class must be created to supply the implementation.

What are the two primary components of Apex Code ?

Apex Classes and Apex Triggers

What are the two primary components of Apex code?

Apex Classes and Apex Triggers

What is Apex Sharing?

Apex Sharing is a way to create custom sharing reasons and control access levels for those custom reasons using Apex scripts.


Apex has a list collection type that holds an ordered collection of objects. You will use a list whenever you want to store a set of values that can be accessed with an index. You can access an element of a list using a zero-based index, or by iterating over the list. Here's how to create a new list, and display its size: List<Integer> myList = new List<Integer>(); System.debug(myList.size()); Integer[] myList = new List<Integer>(); System.debug(myList.size()); List<Integer> myList = new List<Integer>(){'one', 'two'}; System.debug(myList.size()); List<Integer> myList = new List<Integer>(){1, 2}; myList.add(3); System.debug(myList.size());

How to create a List View

At the top of any list page, click on CREATE NEW VIEW

A Developer wants to create a custom object to track Customer Invoices. How should Invoices and Accounts be related to ensure that all Invoices are visible to everyone with access to Account? A. The Account should have a Lookup relationship to the Invoice. B. The Invoice should have a Master -Detail relationship to the Account. C. The Account should have a Master -Detail relationship to the Invoice. D. The Invoice should have a Lookup relationship to the Account.


A Hierarchy Custom Setting stores a specific URL for each profile in Salesforce. Which statement can a developer use to retrieve the correct URL for the current user's profile and display this Visualforce Page? A. {$Setup.Url_Settings_c.Instance[Profile.Id].URL__c} B. {!$Setup.Url_Settings_c.URL__c} C. {!$Setup.Url_Settings_c[Profile.Id,URL__c} D. {!$Setup.Url_Settings_c[$Profile.Id,URL__c}


A Visualforce page has a standard controller for an object that has a lookup relationship to a parent object. How can a developer display data from the parent record on the page? A. By using SOQL on the Visualforce page to query for data from the parent record. B. By using merge field syntax to retrieve data from the parent record. C. By adding a second standard controller to the page for the parent record. D. By using a roll-up formula field on the child record to include data from the parent record.


A company has a custom object named Warehouse. Each Warehouse record has a distinct record owner, and is related to a parent Account in Salesforce. Which kind of relationship would a developer use to relate the Account to the Warehouse? A. One -to -Many B. Lookup C. Master -Detail D. Parent -Child


A company has a custom object named Warehouse. Each Warehouse record has a distinct record owner, and is related to parent Account in Salesforce. Which kind of relationship would the developer use to relate the Account to the warehouse? A. One-to-Many B. Lookup C. Master-Detail D. Parent-Child


A developer creates an Apex class that includes private methods. What can the developer do to ensure that the private methods can be accessed by the test class? a. Add the SeeAllData attribute to the test methods b. Add the TestVisible attribute to the Apex methods c. Add the TestVisible attribute to the Apex class d. Add the SeeAllData attribute to the test class


A developer creates an Apex helper class to handle complex trigger logic. How can the helper class warn users when the trigger exceeds DML governor limits? a. By using PageReference.setRedirect() to redirect the user to a custom Visualforce page before the number of DML statements is exceeded. b. By using Limits.getDMLRows() and then displaying an error message before the number of DML statements is exceeded. c. By using ApexMessage.Message() to display an error message after the number of DML statements is exceeded. d. By using Messaging.SendEmail() to continue the transaction and send an alert to the user after the number of DML statements is exceeded.


A developer creates a method in an Apex class and needs to ensure that errors are handled properly. Which three would the developer use? Choose three answers A. ApexPages.addErrorMessage() B. A custom exception C. .addError() D. Database.handleException() E. A try/catch construct

B, C, E

A developer in a Salesforce org with 100 Accounts executes the following code using the Developer console: Account myAccount = new Account(Name = 'MyAccount'); Insert myAccount; For (Integer x = 0; x < 250; x++) Account newAccount = new Account (Name='MyAccount' + x); try { Insert newAccount; } catch (Exception ex) { System.debug (ex) ; } insert new Account (Name='myAccount'); How many accounts are in the org after this code is run? A. 101 B. 100 C. 102 D. 252


A developer wants to list all of the Tasks for each Account on the Account detail page. When a Task is created for a Contact what does the developer need to do to display the Task on the related Account record? A. Create an Account formula field that displays the Task information. B. Nothing. The Task is automatically displayed on the Account page. C. Create a Workflow Rule to relate the Task to the Contact's Account. D. Nothing. The Task cannot be related to an Account and a Contact.


A developer wrote a workflow email alert on case creation so that an email is sent to the case owner manager when a case is created? When will the email be sent? A. Before Trigger execution B. After Committing to database. C. Before Committing to database D. After Trigger execution.


A salesperson at AW Computing only see's the Social Contact's link for Twitter and not Facebook on his records. Why would this be happening? A. Facebook is no longer supported by Social Contacts B. The administrator hasn't enabled Social Contacts for Facebook C. The salesperson's login with Facebook has expired D. None of his Facebook contacts have confirmed the nature of their relationship


Actions on a Lightning Page allow you to do which of the following? A. Send email and delete or clone records. B. Send email, create a task, and create or update records. C. Clone records, add users, and assign permissions. D. Send email, send outbound messages, and launch a flow.


An sObject named Application_c has a lookup relationship to another sObject named Position_c. Both Application _c and Position_c have a picklist field named Status_c. When the Status_c field on Position_c is updated, the Status_c field on Application_c needs to be populated automatically with the same value, and execute a workflow rule on Application_c. How can a developer accomplish this? A. By changing Application_c.Status_c into a roll -up summary field. B. By changing Application_c.Status_c into a formula field. C. By using an Apex trigger with a DML operation. D. By configuring a cross-object field update with a workflow.


Developer need to verify that the account trigger is working fine without changing Org data. What should the developer do to test the Account trigger? A. Use New button on Account tab to create new record B. Use the test menu on developer console to run all test classes for the account trigger. C. Use force.com IDE D. Use Execute Anonymous feature on developer console


Given the traditional FOR loop standard syntax: for(initialization; exit_condition; increment){ statement(s) } How does the for-loop sequentially perform its operation? I. The initialization expression initializes the loop; it is executed once. II. The code block will be executed III. Evaluate the exit_condition. If true, the loop continues. If false, the loop exits. IV. Execute the increment statement and evaluate the exit_condition again. A. I, II, IV, III B. I, III, II, IV C. I, II, III, IV D. III, I, II, IV


How can a developer determine from the DescribeSObjectResult if the current user will be able to create record an object in apex? A By using the hasAccess() Method. B. By using the isCreatable() method. c. By using the isInsertable() method. D. By using the canCreate() method.


How would a developer change the field type of a custom field on account object from a string to an integer? A. Make the change in the declarative UI, then update the field type to an integer field in-the apex code. B. Remove all references in the code, make the change in the declarative UI, and restore the references with the new type. C. Make the change in the developer console, and then the change will automatically be reflected in the apex. D. Make the change in the declarative UI, and then the change will automatically be reflected in the apex code.


How would a developer determine if a co__c created has been manually shared within the current user in APEX? A. by calling the profile settings of the current user. B. By querying co__share C. By querying the role heirarchy D. By calling the


How would a developer use Schema Builder to delete a custom field from the Account object that was required for prototyping but is no longer needed? A. Remove all the references In the code and then the field will be removed from Schema Builder. B. Remove all references from the code and then delete the custom field from Schema Builder. C. Mark the field for deletion in Schema Builder and then delete it from the declarative UI. D. Delete the field from Schema Builder and then all references in the code will be removed.


If a developer is required to create a page that will show and add actions on a set of records, what controller should a developer use? a. Standard Controller b. Standard List Controller c. Custom Controller d. Lightning Bundle Controller


In order to create an App Launcher component in lightning what must an admin do? A. Navigate to Setup-Customize-User Interface to enable the component for the Lightning App Builder. B. Contact Salesforce to have the component activated for the Lightning App Builder. C. Purchase a license for the Lightning App Builder. D. Join the pilot Lightning App Builder team


In the code below, what type does Boolean inherit from? Boolean b = true; A. Enum B. Object C. String D. Class


In the code below, what type does Boolean inherit from? Boolean b= true; A. Enum B. Object C. String D. Class


The sales management team requires that the Lead Source field of the Lead record be populated when a Lead is converted. What would a developer use to ensure that a user populates the Lead Source field prior to converting a Lead? A. Process builder B. Validation rule C. Formula field D. Workflow rule


To enable the Publisher Actions area on Page Layouts, navigate to: A. Setup | Customize | Feeds | Settings B. Setup | Customize | Chatter | Settings C. Setup | Customize | Actions | Settings D. Setup | Customize | <Objects> | Settings


To which primitive data type in Apex is a currency field atomically assigned? A. Integer B. Decimal C. Double D. Currency


Universal containers has included its orders as an external data object into Salesforce. You want to create a relationship between Accounts and the Orders object (one-to-many relationship) leveraging a key field for account which is on both external object and Account. Which relationship do you create? A. Master Detail Relationship B. Indirect Lookup Relationship C. Lookup Relationship D. Hierarchical Relationship E. External Lookup Relationship


Universal containers wants to rollout new product bundles with several pricing options. Pricing options include product-price bundles, account specific pricing and more. Which product satisfies the needs? A. Workflow on Opportunity/Opportunity Product B. Custom Appexchange-app for product-pricing C. Formula fields on Opportunity/Opportunity Product D. Lightning process builder


What is a capability of the Developer Console? A. Execute Anonymous Apex code, Run REST API, create/Edit code. B. Execute Anonymous Apex code, Create/Edit code, view Debug Logs. C. Execute Anonymous Apex code, Create/Edit code, Deploy code changes. D. Execute Anonymous Apex code, Run REST API, deploy code changes.


What is a valid Apex statement? A. Map conMap = (SELECT Name FROM Contact); B. Account[] acctList = new List<Account>{new Account()} C. Integer w, x, y = 123, z = 'abc', D private static constant Double rate = 775;


What is an important consideration when in a multi-tenant environment? A. Polyglot persistance provides support for a global, multilingual user base in multiple orgs on multiple instances B. Governor limits prevent tenants from impacting performance in multiple orgs on the same instance C. Unique domain names takes the place of namespace for code developed for multiple orgs for multiple instances D.Org-wide data security determines whether other tenants can see data in multiple orgs on the same inst


What is the benefit of the Lightning Component framework? A. Better integration with Force.com sites. B. More pre-built components to replicate the Salesforce look and feel. C. More centralized control via server-side logic. D. Better performance for custom Salesforce 1 Mobile apps.


What is the easiest way to verify a user before showing them sensitive content? A. Sending the user a SMS message with a passcode. B. Calling the generateVerificationUrl method in apex. C. Sending the user an Email message with a passcode. D. Calling the Session.forcedLoginUrl method in apex.


What is the name of the standard relationship from Account down to Contact? A. Accounts B. Contacts C. Account D. Contact


What is the result when a Visualforce page calls an Apex controller, which calls another Apex class, which then results in hitting a governor limit? A. Any change up to the error are saved. B. Any changes up to the error are rolled back. C. All changes before a savepoint are saved. D. All changes are saved in the first Apex class.


What is the result when a Visualforce page calls an Apex controller, which calls another Apex class, which then results in hitting a governor limit? A. Any changes up to the error are saved. B. Any changes up to the error are rolled back. C. All changes before a savepoint are saved. D. All changes are saved in the first Apex class.


What must the Controller for a Visualforce page utilize to override the Standard Opportunity view button? A. The StandardSetController to support related lists for pagination. B. the Opportunity StandardController for pre -built functionality. C. A callback constructor to reference the StandardController. D.A constructor that intrializes a private Opportunity variable.


Which Apex collection is used to ensure all values are unique? A. An Sobject B. Set C. List D. Enum


Which deployment tools will you use to deploy metadata from one organization to another organization? A. Change sets B. Force.com IDE C. Unmanaged Packages


Which is true about social accounts? A. You can use social accounts data even when you are not logged into the social account. B. You need a personal social account in order to see social account data C. You can use social accounts to import data into Salesforce D. Connection to social account is established through a company wide "named principal"


Which of the following class variable declarations best describes the statement below? A variable numberOfStudents with a constant value of 25 that is accessible only within the Apex class it is defined a. Global static Integer numberofStudents = 25; b. private static final Integer numberOfStudents = 25; c. public Integer numberOfStudents = 25; d. protected final Integer numberOfStudents = 25;


Which of the following is required when defining an Apex Class Method? A. Access Modifiers B. Return Data Types C. Definition Modifiers D. Input Parameters


Which of the following statements about defining an Apex Class is not true? a. An access modifier is required in the declaration of a top-level class b. A definition modifier is required in the top-level class c. The keyword [class] followed by the name of the class is necessary d. A developer may add optional extensions and/or implementations


Which of the following statements about defining an Apex Class is not true? a. An access modifier is required in the declaration of a top-level class b. A definition modifier is required in the top-level class c. The keyword[class] followed by the name of the class is necessary d. A developer may add optional extensions and/or implementations


Which of the following ways cannot be used to throw a custom exception? a. throw new customExceptionName() b. throw new customExceptionName().addError('Error Message Here') c. throw new customExceptionName('Error Message Here') d. throw new customExceptionName(e)


Which statement about declarations is correct? A. A developer can extend a class that is declared with Virtual keyword B. A developer can use define constant with final keyword. C. A developer can't use class or method using final keyword


A developer creates a method in an Apex class and needs to ensure that errors are handled properly. What would the developer use? Choose 3 answers. A. ApexPages.addErrorMessage() B. A custom exception C. .addError() D. Database.handleException() E. A try/catch construct

B, C, E

You have a requirement to display the total cost of products at the time they were added to an opportunity. The product cost is a custom field on the product object and is added as a formula field to the opportunity product object. How would you meet this requirement? a. Create a rollup summary field on the opportunity based on the product cost formula field b. Create a workflow rule that copies the product cost to a currency field and create a rollup summary field based on the currency field. c. A trigger is required to sum the values of the product cost formula field d. A trigger is required to query the product cost values and update the opportunity b. Create a workflow rule that copies the product cost to a currency field and create a rollup summary field based on the currency field


public class customController { public string cString { get; set;} public string getStringMethod1(){ return cString; } public string getStringMethod2(){ if(cString == null) cString = 'Method2'; return cString; } } <apex:page controller="customController"> {!cString}, {!StringMethod1}, {!StringMethod2}, {!cString} </apex:page> What does the user see when accessing the custom page? A. getMyString, B. , , Method2, C.Method2, getMyString D. getMyString„ Method2, getMyString


A PageReference is a reference to an instantiation of a page. Which of the following are valid means of instantiating a PageReference? There are 2 correct answers a. ApexPages.Page().existingPageName b. Page.existingPageName c. PageReference pageRef = newPageReference('URL') d. PageReference.page('URL')

B, C

A developer wants to display all the available record types for a case Object. The developer also wants to display the picklist values for the Case.Status field. The Case Object and the Case.Status field are on a Custom Visualforce page. Which action can the developer perform to get the record types and picklist values in the controller? Choose 2 answers. a. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all the RecordType values available for Case b. Use Schema.PicklistEntry returned by Case.Status.getDescribe().getPicklistValues() c. Use Schema.RecordTypeInfo returned by Case.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfos() d. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all values for the Status picklist field

B, C

What are valid use cases for using a custom controller in a Visualforce page? choose 2 answers a. A Visualforce page needs to add new actions to a standard controller b. A Visualforce page should run in system mode c. A Visualforce page should replace the functionality of the standard controller d. A Visualforce page should override the save action of the standard controller

B, C

What is a capability of a StandardSetController? Choose 2 answers A. It extends the functionality of a standard or custom controller B. It allows pages to perform mass updates of records. C. It allows pages to perform pagination with large record sets. D. It enforces field -level security when reading large record sets.

B, C

What methods can be used to get a list of all sObject in an organization and their fields? choose 2 answers a. describeObjects() b. describeGlobal() c. describeSObjects() d. describeSObjectFields()

B, C

What should a developer working in a sandbox use to exercise a new test Class before the developer deploys that test production? Choose 2 answers A. The REST API and ApexTestRun method B. The Apex Test Execution page in Salesforce Setup. C. The Test menu in the Developer Console. D. The Run Tests page in Salesforce Setup.

B, C

What statement should a developer avoid using inside procedural loops? Choose 2 answers. A. System.debug(); B. update contactList; C. List<Contact> contacts = [ select id from Contact ]; D. if(o.accountId == a.id)

B, C

Which code represents the Controller in MVC architecture on the Force.com platform. Choose 2 answers A. JavaScript that is used to make a menu item display itself. B. StandardController system methods that are referenced by Visualforce. C. Custom Apex and JavaScript code that is used to manipulate data. D. A static resource that contains CSS and Images.

B, C

Which statement should a developer avoid using inside procedural loops? Choose 2 answers A. System.debug('Amount of CPU time (in ms) used so far: ' + Limits.getCpuTime()); B. update contactList; C. List<Contact> contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email from Contact where account =a.id; D. if(o.accountid== aid)

B, C

Which trigger event allows a developer to update fields in the Trigger.new list without using an additional DML statement? (Choose 2) A. After update. B. Before insert. C. Before update. D. After insert.

B, C

You want to use an External Data Object Table from Heroku carrying Product Category information. The data need to be included in Salesforce and searchable. What do you have to do before you can use the connection? Choose two A. Choose "include as index field" B. Press "validate and sync" C. Choose "include in Salesforce searches" option D. URL / choose the URL (?)

B, C

Given the following options, what are the valid ways to declare a collection variable? choose 3 answers a. new Account(<Name = 'Business Account'>) b. new Map<Id,Account>() c. new Contact[]{<elements>} d. new List<Account>() e. new Integer()

B, C, D

What happens when a workflow is re-evaluated? Pick 3 A. Validation B. Cross-object sharing rules C. Other Workflow types D. Previous Workflows

B, C, D

What is a benefit of the Lightning Component framework? Choose 3 answers A. It uses client-side Apex controllers for logic. B. It uses a traditional publish-subscribe model. C. It uses an event-driven architecture D. It uses an MVC architectural design pattern. E. It uses server-side JavaScript controller for logic.

B, C, D

Which data type or collection of data types can SOQL statements populate or evaluate to? Choose 3 answers A. A Boolean B. An integer C. A list of sObjects D. A single sObject E. A string

B, C, D

Which of the following are true about cross-object formula fields? Choose 3 answers. a. For every object, cross object formula fields can be used in 3 roll-up summaries. b. Cross object formula fields can pull field values from mater-detail or lookup parent records. c. Cross object formula fields can pull data from a record even if the user does not have access to it. d. Cross object formula fields can pull field values from objects that are up to 10 relationships away. e. Cross object formula fields can pull field values from its child record

B, C, D

Where can custom roll-up summary fields be created using Standard Object relationships? Choose 3 answers A. On Account using Case records. B. On Account using Opportunity records. C. On Opportunity using Opportunity Product records. D. On Quote using Order records. E. On Campaign using Campaign Member records.

B, C, E

Which statements are true regarding Roll-Up Summary fields? Select all that apply A. Advanced currency management has no affect on roll-up summary fields. B. Because roll-up summary fields are not displayed on edit pages, you can use them in validation rules but not as the error location for you validation. C. Validation errors can display when saving either the detail or master record. D. Automatically derived fields, such as current date or current user, are allowed in a roll-up summary field. E. Once created, you cannot change the detail object selected or delete any field referenced in your roll-up summary definition.

B, C, E

A developer needs to provide a Visualforce page that lets users enter Product specific details during a Sales cycle. How can this be accomplished? Choose 2 answers provide Product data entry. A. Download a Managed Package from the AppExchange that provides a custom Visualforce page to modify. B. Create a new Visualforce page and an Apex controller to provide Product data entry. C. Copy the standard page and then make a Visualforce page for product data entry. D. Download an Unmanaged Package from the AppExchange that provides a custom Visualforce page to modify.

B, D

How can a developer avoid exceeding governor limits when using an Apex Trigger? Choose 2 answers a. By using a helper class that can be invoked from multiple triggers b. By performing DML transactions on lists of sObjects c. By using the Database class to handle DML Transactions d. By using Maps to hold data from query result

B, D

The following actions can be perfomed in the Before Update trigger except Choose 2 answers a. Change its own field values using trigger.new b. Modifying trigger.old values c. Create a validation before accepting own field changes d. Delete trigger.new values to avoid changes

B, D

What is a capability of the Force.com IDE? Choose 2 answers A. Roll back deployments. B. Run Apex tests. C. Download debug logs. D. Edit metadata components.

B, D

What is true regarding the runas method? choose 2 answers a. runas can be used in any APEX method b. runas can be used with existing users or a new user c. runas enforces user permissions and field level permissions d. runas ignores user license limits

B, D

Which of the following is not a valid Apex data type? Choose 2 answers a. Blob b. Currency c. ID d. Text e. Enum

B, D

When is trigger.newMap available?


What are the two types of triggers?

Before and After triggers

A candidate may apply to multiple jobs at the company Universal Containers by submitting a single application per job posting, that application cannot be modified to be resubmitted to a different job posting. What can the administrator do to associate an application with each job posting in the schema for the organization? A. Create a lookup relationship on both objects to a junction object called Job Posting Applications. B. Create a master-detail relationship in the Job Postings custom object to the Applications custom object. C. Create a master-detail relationship in the Application custom object to the Job Postings custom object. D. Create a lookup relationship in the Applications custom object to the Job Postings custom object.


A company would like to send an offer letter to a candidate, have the candidate sign it electronically, and then send the letter back. What can a developer do to accomplish this? A. Create a visual workflow that will capture the candidate's signature electronically B. Develop a Process Builder that will send the offer letter and allow the candidate to sign it electronically. C. Install a managed package that will allow the candidate to sign documents electronically D. Create an assignment rule that will assign the offer letter to the candidate Install a managed package that will allow the candidate to sign documents electronically


A developer creates a new Visualforce page and Apex extension, and writes test classes that exercise 95% coverage of the new Apex extension. Change set deployment to production fails with the test coverage warning: "Average test coverage across all Apex classes and Triggers is 74%, at least 75% test coverage is required." What can the developer do to successfully deploy the new Visualforce page and the extension? A. Create test classes to exercise the Visualforce page markup. B. Select "Disable Parallel Apex Testing" to run all the tests. C. Add test methods to existing test classes from previous deployments. D. Select "Fast Deployment" to bypass running all the tests


Universal containers has a custom object "service" which has a lookup relationship to Account. Universal containers wants to enhance Salesforce1 with an action that allows account managers to enter a new service to an Account while looking at the account? A. Enter an object specific action to Service and put it in the Account Layout B. Enter an object specific action to Service and put it in the Service Layout C. Enter an object specific action to Account and put it in the Account Layout D. Enter an object specific action to Account and put it in the Service Layout


A developer creates a new Visualforce page and Apex extension, and writes test classes that exercise 95% coverage of the new Apex extension. Change set deployment to production fails with the test coverage warning: "Average test coverage across all Apex classes and triggers is 74%, at least 75% test coverage is required." What can the developer do to successfully deploy the new Visualforce page and extension? A. Create test classes to exercise the Visualforce page markup. B. Select "Disable Parallel Apex Testing" to run all the tests. C. Add test methods to existing test classes from previous deployments. D. Select "Fast Deployment'' to bypass running all the tests.


A developer has the following code block: public class PaymentTax { public static decimal SalesTax = 0.0875; } trigger OpportunityLineItemTrigger on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) { PaymentTax PayTax = new PaymentTax(); decimal ProductTax = ProductCost * XXXXXXXXXXX; } To calculate the productTax, which code segment would a developer insert at the XXXXXXXXXXX to make the value the class variable SalesTax accessible within the trigger? A. SalesTax B. PayTax.SalesTax C. PaymentTax.SalesTax D. OpportunityLineItemTngger.SalesTax


A developer has the following trigger that fires after insert and creates a child Case whenever a new Case is created. List<Case> childCases = new List<Case>(); for (Case parent : Trigger.new){ Case child = new Case(ParentId = parent.Id, Subject = parent.Subject); childCases.add(child); } insert childCases; What happens after the code block executes? A. Multiple child cases are created for each parent case in Trigger.new. B. child case is created for each parent case in Trigger.new. C. The trigger enters an infinite loop and eventually fails. D. The trigger fails if the Subject field on the parent is blank.


A developer is required to override the standard Opportunity view button using a Visualforce page. What should the developer do? a. Use the StandardListController b. Use a custom controller and replicate the opportunity detail page c. Use the Opportunity StandardController d. Use a controller extension


A developer needs to access private methods in a class from a test class. What should be done? a. Change the access modifier of the private method to public b. Change the access modifier of the class that private method is contained in to public c. Annotate the private method with TestVisible d. Annotate the class that the private method is contained in with TestVisible


A developer needs to create records for the object Property__c .The developer creates the following code block: 01 List<Property__c> propertiesToCreate =helperClass.CreateProperties(); 02 try { 03 04 } catch (Exception exp) { 05 //Exception handling 06 } Which line of code would the developer insert at line 03 to ensure that at least some records are created, even if a record have errors and fails to be created? A. Database.insert(propertiesToCreate, System.ALLOW_PARTIAL); B. insert propertiesToCreate, C. Database.insert(propertiesToCreate, false); D. Database.insert(propertiesToCreate)


A developer writes a SOQL query to find child records for a specific parent How many specific levels can be returned in a single query? A.3 B.5 C.1 D.7


A reviewer is required to enter a reason in the comments field only when a candidate is recommended to be hired. Which action can a developer take to enforce this requirement? A. Create a required comments field. B. Create a formula field. C. Create a validation rule. D. Create a required Visualforce component.


All of the following are action methods that are supported by standard controllers except? a. Quicksave b. Delete c. Select d. Cancel


How would a developer determine if a CustomObject__c record has been manually shared with the current user in Apex? A. By querying the role hierarchy. B. By calling the isShared() method for the record. C. By querying CustomObject__Share. D. By calling the profile settings of the current user.


How would a developer determine if a CustomObject__c record has been manually shared with the current user in Apex? a. By calling the profile settings of the current user b. By calling the isShared() method for the record c. By querying CustomObject__share d. By querying the role hierarchy.


In a single record, a user selects multiple values from a multi-select picklist. How are the selected values represented in Apex? A. As a String with each value separated by a comma. B. As a List<String> with each value as a element in the list. C. As a String with each value separated by semi colon. D. As a Set<String> with each value as a element in the set.


In a single record, a user selects multiple values from a multi-select picklist. How are the selected values represented in Apex? A. As a String with each value separated by a comma B. As a Set with each value as an element in the set C. As a String with each value separated by a semicolon D. As a List with each value as an element in the list Previous


The Sales Management team hires a new intern. The intern is not allowed to view Opportunities, but needs to see the Most Recent Closed Date of all child Opportunities when viewing an Account record. What would a developer do to meet this requirement? A. Create a Workflow Rule on the Opportunity object that updates a field on the parent Account. B. Create a formula field on the Account object that performs a MAX on the Opportunity Close Date field. C. Create a roll-up summary field on the Account object that performs a MAX on the Opportunity Close Date field D. Create a trigger on the Account object that queries the Close Date of the most recent Opportunities.


The initial value for a number field on a record is 1. A user updated the value of the number field to 10. This action invokes a workflow field update, which changes the value of the number field to 11. After the workflow field update, an update trigger fires. What is the value of the number field of the object that is obtained from Trigger.old? A. Null B. 11 C. 1 D. 10


Universal Container is using assignment rules to distribute cases to regional teams. Which of the following are true? A. It is possible to have multiple active assignment rules B. Cases may be assigned to public groups (if configured) C. Cases may be assigned to queues (if configured) D. A workflow field update can be used instead


What changes are safe in production?

Customizations that don't affect data are safe to do in a production organization, such as developing new dashboards, reports, and email templates.

Universal containers has a custom object that has a N:M relationship with opportunityLineItem carrying price and amount information. In order to compute total amounts and total prices per Opportunity using Rollup summary fields, what field type will you use? A. Crossobject B. Lookup C. Master-Detail D. Junction


Universal containers want an org for development which can be refreshed in every 5 days with all the configuration and some data. What org do you choose? A. Developer Sandbox B. Developer Pro Sandbox C. Partial copy sandbox D. Full Sandbox


What does a Helper in Lightning component contain? a. A description, sample code, and one or multiple references to example components b. Custom icon resource for components used in the Lightning App Builder or Community Builder c. Controller functions that can be called from any part of the controller in the component bundle d. Styles for the component


What is a correct pattern to follow when programming in Apex on a Multi-tenant platform? A. Apex code is created in a separate environment from schema to reduce deployment errors. B. DML is performed on one record at a time to avoid possible data concurrency issues. C. Queries select the fewest fields and records possible to avoid exceeding governor limits. D. Apex classes use the ''with sharing" keyword to prevent access from other server tenants.


What is a lightning page? A. A page you can access via a customer community. B. The new name for a Salesforce page layout. C. A custom layout for creating pages in Salesforce1. D. A compact, configurable, and reusable element


What is the correct way to describe how Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is implemented on the Salesforce platform? A. Model: Standard and Custom Objects; View: Visualforce Pages; Controller: s-Controls B. Model: Schema Builder; View: List Views; Controller: Setup Console C. Model: Standard and Custom Objects; View: Visualforce Pages; Controller: Apex Code D. Model: Apex Code; View: List Views; Controller: Setup Console


What is the proper process for an Apex Unit Test? A. Query for test datapsing SeeAllData=true. Call the method being tested. Verify that the results are correct B. Create data for testing. Execute runAllTests(). Verify that the results are correct. C. Create data for testing. Call the method being tested. Verify that the results are correct. D. Query for test data using SeeAllData=true. Execute runAllTests(). Verify that the results are correct.


What will be the result of running the following code? for(Integer x = 0; x < 200; x++){ Account newAccount = new Account (Name='MyAccount' +x); try{ insert newAccount System.debug(Limits.getDMLStatements()); } catch(exception ex){ System.Debug('Caught Exception'); System.Debug(ex); } } insert new Account(Name='MyAccount-last'); a. A limit exception will be caught and one account will be inserted b. 150 accounts will be inserted c. No accounts will be inserted d. 201 accounts will be inserted


When running an Apex test, which type of Apex syntax in tested code is counted in the code coverage calculation? A. A blank line. B. A System.debug() statement. C. A variable assignment. D. A comment.


When the number of record in a recordset is unknown, which control statement should a developer use to implement a set of code that executes for every record in the recordset, without performing a .size() or .length() method call? A. For (init_stmt, exit_condition; increment_stmt) { } B. Do { } While (Condition) C. For (variable : list_or_set) { } D. While (Condition) { ... }


Which of the following statements about setter methods is false? a. The [set] method is used to pass values from Visualforce page to controller b. Setter methods are executed prior to action methods c. It is necessary to include a setter method to pass values into a controller d. Setter methods must always be named setVariable


Which of the following statements is true about defining getter methods? a. The [get] methos is used to pass data from Visualforce page to Apex controller b. Use the name of the getter method in an expression to display the results of a getter method in a page c. Every value that is calculated by a controller and displayed in a page must have a corresponding getter method d. Getter methods are suggested to include logic that increments a variable, write a log message, or add a new record to the database.


Which permission is required to install and uninstall packages from Salesforce AppExchange? A. Manage Package Licenses B. Upload AppExchange Packages C. Download AppExchange Packages D. Create AppExchange Packages


Which scenario is invalid for execution by unit tests. A. Executing methods for negative test scenario. B. Executing methods as different users. C. Loading test data in place of user input for Flows. D. Load the standard Pricebook ID using a system method.


which statement would a developer use when creating test data for products and pricebooks? A.List objList = Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'myResource'); B.Pricebook pb= new Pricebook(); C.Id pricebookId=Test.getStandardPricebookId(); D.IsTest(SeeAllData=false);


A company wants a recruiting app that models candidates and interviews; displays the total number of interviews each candidate record; and defines security on interview records that is independent from the security candidate records. What would a developer do to accomplish this task? Choose 2 answers. A. Create a roll-up summary field on the Candidate object that counts Interview records. B. Create a master-detail relationship between the Candidate and Interview objects. C. Create a lookup relationship between the Candidate and Interview objects. D. Create a trigger on the Interview object that updates a field on the Candidate object.

C, D

A company wants a recruiting app that models candidates and interviews; displays the total number of interviews each candidate record; and defines security on interview records that is independent from the security on candidate records. What would a developer do to accomplish this task? Choose 2 answers A. Create a roll -up summary field on the Candidate object that counts Interview records. B. Create a master -detail relationship between the Candidate and Interview objects. C. Create a lookup relationship between the Candidate and Interview objects. D. Create a trigger on the Interview object that updates a field on the Candidate object.

C, D

In the Lightning Component framework, where is client-side controller logic contained? Choose 1 answer. A. Apex B. Visualforce C. HTML D. JavaScript


How can a developer avoid exceeding governor limits when using an Apex Trigger? choose 2 answers A. By using a helper class that can be invoked from multiple triggers. B. By using the Database class to handle DML transactions. C. By using Maps to hold data from query results. D. By performing DML transactions on lists of SObjects.

C, D

In the Lightning Component framework, which resource can be used to fire events? Choose 2 answers A. Visualforce controller options B. Third-party web service code C. Third-party Javascript code D. Javascript controller actions

C, D

Sending and receiving change sets can be done between all options except? Choose 2 answers a. Sandbox to Sandbox b. Developer Sandbox to Production c. Developer Edition to Production d. Developer Edition to Developer Edition

C, D

Universal Container want to store an area code and wants to be able to search for it in applications (apex). Which are possible fields to store the data? Choose 2 A. Email B. Multi Picklist C. Text D. Number E. Phone

C, D

What should a developer working in a sandbox use to exercise a new test class before the developer deploys that test class to production? Choose 2 answers A. The REST API and ApexTestRun method B. The Run Tests page in Salesforce Setup C. The Apex Test Execution page in Salesforce Setup D. The Test menu in the Developer Console

C, D

Which action can a developer perform in a before update trigger? Choose 2 answers A. Update the original object using an update DML operation. B. Delete the original object using a delete DML operation. C. Change field values using the Trigger.new context variable. D. Display a custom error message in the application interface.

C, D

Which of the following statements are true when defining Apex classes? Choose 2 answers a. It is optional to specify an access modifier in declaring a top-level class b. A top-level class can have multiple levels of inner classes c. It is required to specify an access modifier in declaring top-level class d. It is optional to specify an access modifier in declaring inner class

C, D

Which resource can be included in a Lightning Component bundle? Choose 2 answers A. Apex class B. Adobe Flash C. JavaScript D. Documentation

C, D

Which type of information is provided by the Checkpoints tab in the Developer Console? Choose 2 answers A. Exception B. Debug Statement C. Namespace D. Time

C, D

Identify the standard Lightning components. (choose three) A. List View B. Dashboards C. Rich Text D. Visualforce Page E. Reports

C, D, E

What is the capability of formula fields? Choose 3 answers A. Display the previous value for the field using the PRIORVALUE function. B. Return and display a field value from another object using a VLOOKUP function. C. Determine which of three different images to display using IF function. D. Generate the link using the HYPERLINK function using a specific record in a legacy system. E. Determine if a datetime field has passed using the NOW function.

C, D, E

Which declarative method helps ensure quality data? Choose 3 answers A. Exception handling B. Workflow alerts C. Validation rules D. Lookup filters E. Page layouts

C, D, E

Which declarative method helps ensure quality data? Choose 3 answers A. Exception handling B. Workflow alerts C. Validation rules D. Lookup filters E. Page layouts

C, D, E

Universal Container installs an unmanaged package. Which of the following are true? Choose 2. A. Tests are executed during deployment B. Unmanaged packages can be upgraded C. Unmanaged packages don't have a version number D. Unmanaged packages have a namespace prefix E. Components of unmanaged packages can be edited

C, E

What features are available when writing apex test classes? (Choose 2 Answers) A. The ability to select error types to ignore in the developer console. B. The ability to write assertions to test after a @future method. C. The ability to set and modify the CreatedDate field in apex tests. D. The ability to set breakpoints to freeze the execution at a given point. E. The ability to select testing data using csv files stored in the system.

C, E

Which features are available in the Force.com IDE? choose 2 answers a. Schema builder b. Process builder c. Schema Explorer d. Approval Visualizer e. Write and Execute Anonymous blocks

C, E

Which of the following are NOT valid use cases of Apex classes? Choose 2 answers. a. Triggers b. Multiple objects validation c. Visualforce pages with standard controllers d. Web Service e. Custom button with Javascript

C, E

Describe the format of Child-to-Parent relationships.

Child-to-Parent relationships use the singular version of the parent object name. Ex. Account If the relationship is a custom relationship, the relationship is appended with "__r" Ex. Position__r

What is a constant?

Constants are attributes that can be assigned a value only once. Constants are defined using the "static" and "final" keywords.


Contacts are the people who work at an Account. LastName is a required field.

What is trigger.old?

Contains a list of the original records

A company that uses a Custom object to track candidates would like to send candidate information automatically to a third -party human resource system when a candidate is hired. What can a developer do to accomplish this task? A. Create an escalation rule to the hiring manager. B. Create an auto response rule to the candidate. C. Create a Process Builder with an outbound message action. D. Create a workflow rule with an outbound message action.


A company that uses a custom object to track candidate would like to send candidate information automatically to a third-party human resource system when a candidate is hired. What can a developer do to accomplish this task? A. Create an escalation rule to the hiring manager B. Create an auto response rule to the candidate C. Create a Process Builder with an outbound message action D. Create a workflow rule with an outbound message action


A developer created an Apex trigger using the Developer Console and now wants to debug code How can the developer accomplish this in the Developer Console? A. Select the Override Log Triggers checkbox for the trigger B. Add the user name in the Log Inspector. C. Open the Progress tab in the Developer Console. D. Open the logs tab in the Developer Console.


A developer creates a Workflow Rule declaratively that updates a field on an object. An Apex update trigger exists for that object. What happens when a user updates a record? A. No changes are made to the data. B. Both the Apex Trigger and Workflow Rule are fired only once. C. The Workflow Rule is fired more than once. D. The Apex Trigger is fired more than once.


A developer creates an Apex helper class to handle complex trigger logic. How can the helper class warn users when the trigger exceeds DML governor limits? A. By using ApexMessage.Message() to display an error message after the number of DML statements is exce€ B. By using Messaging.SendEmail() to continue the transaction and send an alert to the user after the number umL statements is exceed C. By using PageReference.setRedirect() to redirect the user to a custom Visualforce page before the number DML statements is exceeded. D. By using Limits.getDMLRows() and then displaying an error message before the number of DML statements exceeded.


A developer has a block of code that omits any statements that indicate whether the code block should execute with or without sharing. What will automatically obey the organization-wide defaults and sharing settings for the user who executes the code in the Salesforce organization? A. Apex Triggers B. HTTP Callouts C. Apex Controllers D. Anonymous Blocks


A developer has a requirement to display a chart on the account page layout to help users visualize data. Which of the following statements is not true about how charts could be incorporated into a VisualForce page? a. A collection of standard components can be used to create VisualForce charts b. Javascript charting libraries can be used c. Google Charts can be integrated into VisualForce d. VisualForce charts will display in VisualForce pages rendered as PDF


A developer has a single custom controller class that works with a Visualforce Wizard to support creating and editing multiple sObjects. The wizard accepts data from user inputs across multiple Visualforce pages and from a parameter on the initial URL Which statement is unnecessary inside the unit test for the custom controller? A. public ExtendedController (ApexPages.StandardController cntrl) { } B. ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('input', 'TestValue') C. Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef), D. String nextPage = controller.save().getUrl();


A developer has a single custom controller class that works with a Visualforce Wizard to support creating and editing multiple sObjects. The wizard accepts data from user inputs across multiple Visualforce pages and from a parameter on the initial URL. Which statement is unnecessary inside the unit test for the custom controller? A. public ExtendController(ApexPages.StandardController cntrl) {} B. ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('input', 'TestValue'); C. Test.setCurrentPage(pageref); D. String nextPage = controller.save().getUrl();


A developer has the following code. try { List<String> nameList; Account a; String s = a.Name; nameList.add(s); } catch (ListException le) { System.debug('List Exception'); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { System.debug('NullPointer Exception'); } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Generic Exception'); } What message would be logged? A. No message is logged B. Generic Exception C. List Exception D. NullPointer Exception


A developer has the following code. try { List<String> nameList; Account a; String s = a.Name; nameList.add(s); } Catch(ListException le) { System.debug('List Exception'); } Catch(NullPointerException npe) { System.debug('NullPointer Exception'); } Catch(Exception e) { System.debug('Generic Exception'); } What message would be logged? A. No message is logged. B. Generic exception. C. List Exception. D. NullPointer Exception


A developer has the following requirement: Every time a record on Contact with isPrimaryContact field set to true is deleted, update the field hasPrimaryContact to false of its related Account. The developer should create a trigger in what event? a. Before Update b. Before Delete c. After Update d. After Delete


A developer needs to ensure there is sufficient test coverage for an Apex Method that interacts with Accounts. The developer needs to create test data. What is the preferred way to load this test data into Salesforce? A. By using Documents. B. By using HttpCalloutMocks. C. By using WebServiceTests. D. By using Static Resources.


A developer runs the following anonymous code block: List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10]; Delete acc; Database.emptyRecycleBin(acc); system.debug(Limits.getDMLStatements()+ 1, 1 +Limits.getLimitDMLStatements()); What is the result? A. 11, 150 B. 150, 2 C. 150, 11 D. 2, 150


A developer wants to list all of the Tasks for each Account on the Account detail page. When a Task is created for a Contact, what does the developer need to do to display the Task on the related Account record? a. Create a Workflow Rule to relate the Task to the Contact´s Account b. Nothing. The Task cannot be related to an Account and a Contact c. Create an Account formula field that displays the Task information d. Nothing. The Task is automatically displayed on the Account Page.


In Apex, an expression is a construct made up of variables, operators, and method invocations that evaluates to a single value. Which of the following is not a valid Apex expression? a. 3 + 4 b. newList<Opportunity>() c. myClass.myMethod() d. @future


The Review_c object have a lookup relationship to the job_Application_c object. The job_Application_c object has a master detail relationship up to the position_c object. The relationship is based on the auto populated defaults? What is the recommended way to display field data from the related Review _C records a Visualforce page for a single Position_c record? Select one of the following: A. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Job_Application_c object to display Review_c data. B. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and a Controller Extension to query for Review_c data. C. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and expression syntax in the Page to display related Review_c through the Job_Applicacion_c inject. D. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Review_c object to display Review_c data.


What is the preferred way to reference web content such as images, style sheets, JavaScript, and other libraries that is used in Visualforce pages? A. By accessing the content from Chatter Files. B. By uploading the content in the Documents tab. C. By accessing the content from a third -party CON. D. By uploading the content as a Static Resource.


When creating unit tests in Apex, which statement is accurate? A. Unit tests with multiple methods result in all methods failing every time one method fails. B. Increased test coverage requires large test classes with many lines of code in one method. C. Triggers do not require any unit tests in order to deploy them from sandbox to production. D. System Assert statements that do not Increase code coverage contribute important feedback in unit tests


Which code block returns the ListView of an Account object using the following debug statement? system. debug (controller. getListViewOptions ( ) ) ; A. ApexPages.StandardSetController controller = new ApexPages.StandardSetController([SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1]); B. ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages.StandardController(Database.getQueryLocator('select Id from Account Limit 1'); C. ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages StandardController ( [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1)); D.ApexPages.StandardSetController controller = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator('select Id from Account Limit 1');


Which code segment can be used to control when the dowork() method is called? A. for (Trigger.isRunning t: Trigger.new) { dowork(); } B. if(Trigger.isRunning) dowork(); C. for (Trigger.isInsert t: Trigger.new) { dowork(); } D. if(Trigger.isInsert) dowork();


Which of the following is not considered one of the security vulnerabilities in Apex and Visualforce Development? a. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) b. SOQL Injection c. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) d. SOQL Direct Insert


Which social networks are available in the Lightning Experience and Salesforce1? A. Klout B. Facebook C. LinkedIn D. Twitter


Why would a developer use Test. startTest( ) and Test.stopTest( )? A. To avoid Apex code coverage requirements for the code between these lines B. To start and stop anonymous block execution when executing anonymous Apex code C. To indicate test code so that it does not Impact Apex line count governor limits. D. To create an additional set of governor limits during the execution of a single test class.


public class myController { public string myString; public string getMyString(){ return 'getMyString'; } public string getStringMethod1(){ return myString; } public string getStringMethod2(){ if(myString == null) myString = 'Method2'; return myString; } } <apex:page controller="myController"> {!MyString}, {!StringMethod1}, {!StringMethod2}, {!MyString} </apex:page> What does the user see when accessing the custom page? A. getMyString, B. , , Method2, C.Method2, getMyString D. getMyString„ Method2, getMyString


What are the recommended tools for deploying metadata from one org to another? Choose 2 answers a. Unmanaged packages b. Data loader c. Metadata API d. Change Sets e. Force.com migration tool

D, E

What are the recommended tools for deploying metadata from one org to another? choose 2 answers a. Unmanaged Packages b. Data Loader c. Metadata API d. Change Sets e. Force.com Migration Tool

D, E

What does the DAY_IN_MONTH() function do within a SOQL query?

DAY_IN_MONTH() returns a number representing the day in the month of a date field

When using a Database method to execute a DML operation, and if allOrNone is set to false, how can you check the results of the operation?

Database insert and update methods return a SaveResult object that can be used to get the results of the operation.

What is the return type for the Database.insert method?


What is the return type for the Database.update method?


Example call using Database object

Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.insert(acct, false);

What is the return type for the Database.undelete method?


What is the return type for the Database.upsert method?


What approach must you use to implement a dynamic SOQL query at runtime in Apex?

Database.query() method

Which of the following fields are not available for record types? A. Opportunity Stages B. Case Status C. Solution Status D. Lead Status E. All of the above


When can a constant be initialized?

Either in the declaration itself, or via a static initializer method, if the constant is defined within a class.

Can unit tests be written in Production orgs?


Is Query Plan Tool enabled by default?


What is the difference between 15 digit and 18 digit id in Salesforce ?

Every record in Salesforce has a unique identifier also called as id. You can check record Id in the URL bar of that particular record. This is 15 digits unique case-sensitive id. First three characters represent the object. So the records which belong to the same object will have first three digits same. But if the user access the existing records through API (either from query tool or a program), it will return 18 digits id, which is case- insensitive. Last 3 digits of the 18-digit represent the checksum of the capitalization of 15 digit id.

What are Exceptions?

Exceptions are errors and other events that disrupt the execution of code.

True or False: Debug Log Levels apply to the entire Log, and cannot be granularly controlled at the class or trigger level.


True or False: The FIND clause does not support wildcard searches.


True or False: You can change the sObject that a Trigger is associated with after the Trigger is created.


True or False: You do not have to complete the implementation of all the methods of an interface class in order to implement the interface.


True or False: A global method or attribute can be declared within a private class.

False. If you declare a global method or attribute within a class, that class must also be declared as global.

True or False: When using Database methods, you can perform a DML operation on multiple sObject types at a time.

False. Like standalone statements, Database methods can execute on a single record or a list of records, but are limited to one sObject type at a time.

True or False: The BEFORE trigger can be used to access system-updated field values and affect changes in other records.

False. The AFTER trigger is needed for this.

True or False: The webservice keyword can be considered as an access modifier that enables the same level of access as the global keyword.

False. The webservice keyword can be considered as an access modifier that enables MORE access than the global keyword.

True or False: All Apex code executes in the system mode.

False. There are two exceptions that run in user mode: 1) anonymous blocks 2) Chatter in Apex

You use the WHERE clause of a SOSL query to:

Filter search results by specific field values.

How do you call a Web Service from a client program?

Generate the class WSDL and include it in the client program, at which point the client program can call the web service directly.

Visualforce Tag For Static Resource

Image file: <apex:image url="{!$Resource.TestImage}" /> Javascript file: <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.MyJavascriptFile}" /> Image file in an Archive: <apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.TestZip,'images/Bluehills.jpg')}" /> CSS file in an Archive: <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.style_resources, 'styles.css')}"/>

What are some ways that Apex classes are different from Java classes?

In Apex: 1.) Inner classes can only be nested one level deep 2.) Static methods and attributes can only be declared in a top-level class definition (i.e. an "outer class"). 3.) The system-defined "Exception" class must be extended in order to create new exception classes.

When can trigger.new records be modified?

In BEFORE triggers

When is trigger.new available?

In INSERT and UPDATE triggers.

When a DML Database method is executed against a list of records, if one record encounters an error, what happens?

It depends on the setting of the allOrNone parameter. If allOrNone is set to false, then Apex handles errors on a case by case basis. Even if an error is encountered with one record in the list, the operation will continue with the other records in the list.


Maps are collections of key-value pairs, where the keys are of primitive data types. Use a map when you want to store values that are to be referenced through a key. For example, using a map you can store a list of addresses that correspond to employee IDs. Map<Integer, String> myList = new Map<Integer, String>(){1 => "a", 2=>"b", 3=>"c"}; myList.put(5, "d"); // add more myList.set(2, "f"); // replace System.debug(myList);

What do classes consist of?

Methods and Attributes

What are Apex Unit Test Methods?

Methods that verify whether or not the code is working is expected.

When should you include DML operations within a FOR() loop?


Are Public or Private modifiers needed on test classes?


Can test classes make callouts to external services?


Lookup Relationship

This creates a relationship that links one object to another Lookup field created on the Child Object Related List created on the Parent Object The 2 Objects are loosely related Ownership and sharing is independent Record Deletion is independent Lookup fields can be optionally required on child records.

Master-Detail Relationship

This creates a relationship that links one object to another Master-Detail field created on the Child Object (Detail) Related List created on the Parent Object (Master) The 2 Objects are tightly related Ownership and sharing of detail records are determined by the master record When you delete the master record, all of its detail records are automatically deleted along with it | Master-detail relationship fields are always required on detail records.

What is trigger.size?

Trigger.size returns the total number of new and old sObjects.

What are triggers?

Triggers are the primary mechanism to execute code within Apex. Triggers execute code whenever a DML event occurs on a specific sObject.

True or False: A "with sharing" class still ignores all CRED permissions on objects and field level security.


True or False: Field History is not recorded until the end of a trigger event.


True or False: The IN clause is optional.


True or False: The WHERE clause of a SOSL query is optional.


True or False: Unless otherwise overridden, the Log Levels of a class called from another class will inherit the Level of the class that called it.


True or False: Upsert events cause Insert and Update triggers to fire.


True or False: trigger.old is Read Only.


True or False: Relationships in Apex are written in dot notation.

True Ex. myRecord.Position__r.Status__c;

True or False: User-Defined Exception Classes can indirectly extend the system-defined Exception class.

True public virtual class BaseException extends Exception {} public class OtherException extends BaseException {}

True or False: SOQL only returns data for fields that are specified in the SELECT clause of the query

True WITH ONE EXCEPTION: The Id field value is implicitly included for records returned in a SOQL query, even if the Id field is not specified in the SELECT clause.

To create Lightning Components

Use Developer Console, and note that you cannot create lighting components from the Salesforce UI! 1. File - New - Lightning Component 2. Type the Component code between the tags "<aura:component> </aura:component>"

Whats return value for "Schema.PicklistEntry" and "Schema.RecordTypeInfo" ?

Use Schema.PicklistEntry returned by Case.Status.getDescribe().getPicklistValues(). Use Schema.RecordTypeInfo returned by Case.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfos().

What is the syntax for binding a variable or expression to a SOQL query in Apex?

Use a colon. For example... [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Type = :myTypeValue] [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Type = :('Active' + 'Client')]

Describe a Right Inner Join Without Remote Condition SOQL Query

Used to query for Child records that have Parent records that meet certain criteria (i.e. certain Parent records only). For example: SELECT Id, Position__r.Name FROM Job_Application__c WHERE Position__r.Type = 'Technology'

Describe a Right Inner Join SOQL Query

Used to query for Child records that have a Parent record. For example: SELECT Id, Position__r.Name FROM Job_Application__c WHERE Position__c != NULL

Describe a Semi-Join SOQL Query

Used to query for Parent records that have at least one Child object. For example: SELECT Id, Name FROM Position__c where Id IN (SELECT Position__c FROM Job_Application__c)

When are User-Defined Exception Classes most handy?

When Developers need more control over the type of behavior performed by a program when handling Exceptions.

Do triggers fire regardless of how the triggering data has been saved? i.e. via the UI, API, Data Loader, etc.


Do you have to use startTest() and stopTest() together?


Is the access modifier portion of a method declaration optional?


In the Schema Builder, is a feature provided to allow you to clear the default layout?

Yes, Click "Clear All" to remove all objects and relationships from the workspace area.

In the Schema Builder, can you toggle between viewing Labels and API Names for Objects and Fields?

Yes, Under View Options, select "Display Element Labels" or "Display Element Names"

Stand-Alone app

application that can be used outside of Salesforce

Valid Trigger Events

before insert before update before delete after insert after update after delete after undelete

What does the catch keyword do?

catch identifies the block of code that can handle a specific Exception.

Sharing rules

enable you to make automatic exceptions to organization-wide defaults for particular groups of users, to give them access to records they don't own or can't normally see

How to optimize SOQL

ensure that indexed fields are referenced in the WHERE clause

without sharing

ensures that the sharing rules for the current user are not enforced. For example, you may want to explicitly turn off sharing rule enforcement when a class acquires sharing rules when it is called from another class that is declared using with sharing.


establishes a rollback point that can be used when calling Database.rollback()

static methods exposed by the SessionManagement object

generateVerificationUrl(policy, description, destinationUrl) getCurrentSession() getRequiredSessionLevelForProfile(profileId) getQrCode() ignoreForConcurrentSessionLimit(sessions) inOrgNetworkRange(ipAddress) isIpAllowedForProfile(profileId, ipAddress) setSessionLevel(level) validateTotpTokenForKey(sharedKey, totpCode) validateTotpTokenForKey(totpSharedKey, totpCode, description) validateTotpTokenForUser(totpCode) validateTotpTokenForUser(totpCode, description)

List Custom Settings Methods

getAll() getInstance(dataSetName) getValues(dataSetName)

Examples of methods exposed by the DescribeSObjectResult object

getName() getLabel() getSobjectType() isAccessible() isQueryable() isDeletable() isUpdateable()

What is "assertion" ?

information being sent between the providers, including user information

Valid DML commands

insert update upsert delete undelete merge

what does "insert(recordToInsert, allOrNone)" means ?

insert(recordToInsert, allOrNone) Adds an sObject, such as an individual account or contact, to your organization's data. Signature public static Database.SaveResult insert(sObject recordToInsert, Boolean allOrNone) Parameters recordToInsert Type: sObject allOrNone Type: Boolean The optional allOrNone parameter specifies whether the operation allows partial success. If you specify false for this parameter and a record fails, the remainder of the DML operation can still succeed. This method returns a result object that can be used to verify which records succeeded, which failed, and why. If the parameter is not set or is set true, an exception is thrown if the method is not successful.

Indirect lookup

links child external object to a Parent standard or custom object


merges up to three records of the same object type into one of the records. It then deletes the other records and reparents any related records.

What is the value of an attribute if it is not initialized?


What do vlookup function use for ?

vlookup function only used in validation rules priorvalue function is available only in: Assignment rules Validation rules Field updates Workflow rules if the evaluation criteria is set to Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and every time it's edited . Formula criteria for executing actions in the Process Builder.

Apex Variables

• A program in general, accepts input data, manipulates it, and generates output data • Data in any Programming Language can be numbers, characters, or other values • Variable: a place in your computer memory that is given a name and that is used to store data to be used in a program • Why we use variables: Make code easier to read and more effective - use variable as a simple easy-to-read word

Apex Expressions

• An Expression is an essential building block of any program • An expression is a construct made up of: • Variables • Operators • Method invocations that evaluate to a value.

Data Loader

• Can load up to 5,000,000 records. • You can insert, update, upsert, delete, and export data.. • Can be accessed via either UI or Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI allows you to automate import or export jobs. • Uses the SOAP API. There's also a Bulk API, which is faster.


• Creates a relationship between two objects. One object is the child and the other object is the parent. • When the parent is deleted, all child records are deleted. • The ownership and sharing rules for the detail records are determined by the master record. • The master record in a master-detail relationship can contain rollup summary fields based on the detail records. • You can create multi-level master-detail relationships in which the detail record in one relationship is the master record in a second relationship. Cascading deletes work from the highest level down to the lowest child. • When defining a Master-Detail relationship, you have the option to choose Child Records Can be Reparented. • To define a Master-Detail relationship, add a Master-Detail field to the child object and choose the parent object. • The number of Master-Detail relationships that you can have on each object is limited based on your edition of Salesforce. • You cannot set Profile level permissions on the Detail object in a Master-Detail relationship because the permissions are inherited from the Master object. • Child Objects can have a Maximum of 2 Master-Detail relationships.

Lookup Field

• Creates a relationship that links one object to another object. • Can be used to create one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. • Once defined, you can include a lookup field in page layout of one object and create a related list on the other object's page layout. • A special hierarchical lookup relationship is available for use only on the User object type. It can be used to define a hierarchy between user types. • To define a Lookup relationship, start with the object that needs to display the lookup list, then add a Lookup field and choose the object that will populate the lookup list. • commonly used to link multiple parent objects to a child object AND when permissions should not be inherited from the parent object.

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