Short Story

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Point of View - Definition

-angle from which author tells a story -perspective from which the reader observes the action and characters -Who tells the story? From whose eyes? Position?

Atmosphere - Definition

-atmosphere and setting are connected -setting creates a certain atmosphere (general mood, feeling, spirit of a story) -can make the story tense, fearful, happy, light, etc.

Atmosphere - Writers and Readers

-authors create atmosphere using images (words/phrases that make a picture/smell/sound in your mind) -subject of the story also matters atmosphere -authors use atmospher for a lot of purpose -describe the action of the story -create suspence/reflect changes in a character's mood -Can be hard to see, but EVERY story has a setting+atmosphere

Characters- Definition

-character is a make-believe perso/animal in a work of fiction

Point of View - Overall Observations

-every type of point of view has advantages and disadvantages -authors need to be careful with what point of view they choose -can be difficult -may change point of view during the story to get more info about something/someone -understanding the point of view is understanding the author's purpose in writing the story

Irony - Definition

-irony is literary term -implies contrast, contradiction, or discrepancy between what is expected and what results -usinf irony can help the authors show how inconsistent or contradictory humans/life can be -valuable tool writers can use to communicate complexity of the world and human experience -irony can suggest idead and meanings without stating them directly

Plot - Conflict

-makes story interesting -a situation that has a conflict or struggle -internal or external EXTERNAL: happens outside a character (ie. fight or disagreement with other character) OR struggle between character and the world around him/her INTERNAL: happens within a character (ie. to act selfish or not, to call another person or not) -Author hopes reader will be interested in conflict and continue reading to know the resolution

Plot - Events

-plot is the action of the story -not always physical action, but a series of event (physical or mental) -tell about a single situation -whatever the organization, there is always a beggining, middle and end -each event or detail has a purpose in the story -events usually follow a pattern: situation is established/characters are introduced problem/conflict arises (Rising Action) events bring a climax or a character takes decisive action. Point at which the story can be predicted (Climax) events begin to follow into place (Falling Action) conflict is resolved/tension is reduced (Resolution)

Plot - Overall Definition

-plot is what first claims your interest -want to keep reading to find out -author hopes you will like it -author hopes you will look for idea from the story that connects with real life and human behaviour

Characterization - Definition

-the device used by author to develop character trough: -what character says and does -what other characters say about him/her and how they react towards him.her -what the author himself reveals directly or through a narrator

Setting - Definition

-the time and place in which events occur -setting can be specific and detailled -introduced mostly at the beggining of the story OR -can be introduced everywhere throughout the story -in some stories, setting is vital to narrative -can have an effect on the plot or reveal about a character -creates a certain atmosphere (mood) OR -setting can be unimportant in some stories

Point of View - Different Types

1rs person narrative: -'I' is a character in the story -can only reveal personal thought/feelings -what he/she sees and does 3rd person narrative: -narrator NOT part of the story (outside obsever) -refers to characters by name/pronouns 3rd Person limited: -narrator is an outside -sees in mind of one character -often protagonist -reveal thought/feelings from 1 character -presents other characters from outside only

Point of View - Different Types

3rd Person objective: -narrator is outsider -report what he sees and hears -narrator like movie camera can go anywhere 3rd Person omniscient: -narrator is all-knowing outsider -can enter the mind of more than 1 character -can tell you the thought/feelings of every character -can pass judgment on characters or comment on the action of the story

Characters - Different Types

Major Characters: -story revolves around major character -called hero or protagonist -readers identify the major character and experience the story from his.her point of view -major characters always have a kind of change/development (change in attitude/understanding) Minor Characters: -minor characters help support the major character -minor characters are not developed as much (less deatils) -one-dimensial, showing a single trait

Plot - types of Conflicts

Man vs. Man (external) Person vs. One's Self (internal) Person vs. Nature (external) Person vs. Society (external) Person vs. Fate (external)

Irony - Different Types

Situation: -contrat between what appears and what really is OR -contrast between what you expect to happen and what actually happens -most common from of irony found in stories Dramatic: -occurs in fiction or drama -reader knows more about the true state of affair than the characters do -often used to create suspence

Irony - Different Types (2)

Verbal: -contrast between what is said and what is actually meant -Sarcasm falls into this category BUT... -sarcasm is more crudest and most obvious kind of Verbal Irony -hear someone's tone before you can determinate if it's ironic or not

A Short Story

exciting and dynamic form of literature -author uses symbolisms, irony, setting, characterization, plot, point of view and theme -readers need to read for purpose! -less complex than a novel -small number of character -single incident -single plot -single setting -reader has to move from the literal level (what actually happens) to the figurative level (the meaning behind what happens) -endings are sometimes abrupt/brutal -read in one setting

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