Shoulder and Arm Study Guide MC

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Which of the following is an action of the serratus anterior? a. abduct the scapula b. elevate the scapula c. downwardly rotate the scapula d. adduct the scapula

a. abduct the scapula

Which of the following is an action of all fibers of the deltoid? a. abduct the shoulder b. extend the shoulder c. pronate the shoulder d. medially rotate the shoulder

a. abduct the shoulder

Which is the insertion of the pectoralis major? a. crest of greater tubercle of humerus b. lesser tubercle of humerus c. shaft of the humerus d. intertubercular groove of humerus

a. crest of greater tubercle of humerus

Which of the following is an action of the teres major? a. extend the shoulder b. depress the scapula c. flex the shoulder d. laterally rotate the shoulder

a. extend the shoulder

Which of the following is an action of the biceps branchii? a. flex the elbow b. pronate the forearm c. depress the scapula d. absuct the shoulder

a. flex the elbow

Which is the insertion of the infraspinatus? a. greater tubercle of humerus b. head of the humerus c. spinous process of C-7 d. lesser tubercle of humerus

a. greater tubercle of humerus

Which is the insertion of the latissimus dorsi? a. intertubercular groove of the humerus b. crest of the greater tubercle of humerus c. shaft of the humerus d. angle of acromion

a. intertubercular groove of the humerus

How does one describe a structure further away from the midline of the body? a. lateral b. superficial c. angular d. superior

a. lateral

Which of the following is an action of the teres minor? a. laterally rotate the shoulder b. flex the shoulder c. supinate the shoulder d. horizontally adduct the shoulder

a. laterally rotate the shoulder

Which of the following is an action of the subscapularis? a. medially rotate the shoulder b. extend the shoulder c. laterally rotate the shoulder d. flex the shoulder

a. medially rotate the shoulder

Which is the insertion of the triceps brachii? a. olecranon process of ulna b. tuberosity of radius c. medial epicondyle of humerus d. shaft of ulna

a. olecranon process of ulna

Which is the origin of the subscapularis? a. subscapular fossa of scapula b. greater tubercle of humerus c. supraspinous fossa of scapula d. medial border of scapula

a. subscapular fossa of scapula

Which is the origin of the supraspinatus? a. supraspinous fossa of scapula b. lesser tubercle of humerus c. supraspinous crest of scapula d. greater tubercle of humerus

a. supraspinous fossa of scapula

The lateral border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscles? a. teres major and teres minor b. trapezius and levator scapula c. supraspinatus and infraspinatus d. rhomboid major and minor

a. teres major and teres minor

Which is a plane of movement that divides the body into upper and lower parts? a. transverse b. coronal c. sagittal d. medial

a. transverse

Which is the origin of the levator scapula? a. transverse processes of 1st - 4th cervical vertebrae b. spinous processes of 1st - 4th cervical vertebrae c. transverse process of 3rd - 7th cervical vertebrae d. medial border of the scapula

a. transverse processes of 1st - 4th cervical vertebrae

The rhomboids are superficial to the erector spinae and deep to which muscle? a. trapezius b. serratus anterior c. latissimus dorsi d. levator scapula

a. trapezius

Which of the following is the only muscle of the posterior arm? a. triceps brachii b. biceps brachii c. coracobrachialis d. brachialis

a. triceps brachii

Which of the following is an action of the trapezius? a. upwardly rotate the scapula b. abduct the humerus c. downward rotation of the scapula d. rotate the head and neck to the same side

a. upwardly rotate the scapula

Which is the insertion of the deltoid? a. greater tubercle of humerus b. deltoid tuberosity c. coracoid process of scapula d. lesser tubercle of humerus

b. deltoid tuberosity

A movement that bends a joint or brings bones closer together is called: a. abduction b. flexion c. pronation d. adduction

b. flexion

What bony landmark serves as an attachment site for three of the four rotator cuff muscles? a. deltoid tuberosity b. greater tubercle c. acromion d. lesser tubercle

b. greater tubercle

Which is the insertion of the supraspinatus? a. coracoid process of scapula b. greater tubercle of humerus c. lesser tubercle of humerus d. angle of the acromion

b. greater tubercle of humerus

Which of the following is an action of the pectoralis major's upper fibers? a. horizontally abduct the shoulder b. horizontally adduct the shoulder c. extend the shoulder d. laterally rotate the shoulder

b. horizontally adduct the shoulder

Which is the origin of the triceps brachii's long head? a. olecranon process of the ulna b. infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula c. posterior surface of distal half of humerus d. posterior surface of proximal half of humerus

b. infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

Which scapular fossa can be isolated by placing your fingers on the spine of the scapula, the medial border and lateral border? a. subscapular b. infraspinous c. teres d. supraspinous

b. infraspinous

Which of the following is an action of the infraspinatus? a. medially rotate the shoulder b. laterally rotate the shoulder c. abduct the shoulder d. flex the shoulder

b. laterally rotate the shoulder

Which of the following is a part of the origin of the pectoralis major? a. cartilage of ribs 7 - 12 b. medial half of clavicle and sternum c. sternum, xiphoid process and linea alba d. lateral half of clavicle and coracoid process

b. medial half of clavicle and sternum

Which is the insertion of the coracobrachialis? a. deltoid tuberosity b. medial surface of mid-humeral shaft c. lateral surface of mid-humeral shaft d. lateral epicondyle of humerus

b. medial surface of mid-humeral shaft

In anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which two muscles? a. pectoralis minor and biceps brachii b. pectoralis major and anterior deltoid c. latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior d. pectoralis major and minor

b. pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

A structure closer to the back of the body than the front could be described as: a. inferior b. posterior c. anterior d. lateral

b. posterior

Which muscle is located in the space between the vertebral column and scapula? a. serratus anterior b. rhomboids c. lavator scapula d. latissimus dorsi

b. rhomboids

Which muscle is a complete synergist with the latissimus dorsi and is sometimes called "lat's little helper"? a. teres minor b. teres major c. infraspinatus d. trapezius

b. teres major

To locate the superior angle of the scapula, you must palpate deep to which muscle? a. rhomboids b. trapezius c. teres minor d. supraspinatus

b. trapezius

Which is the insertion of the rhomboid minor? a. lower portion of medial border of scapula b. upper portion of medial border of scapula, across from spine of scapula c. entire length of medial border of scapula d. spine of scapula

b. upper portion of medial border of scapula, across from spine of scapula

Which of the following is an action of the pectoralis minor? a. elevate the scapula b. adduct the scapula c. abduct the scapula d. assist in forced exhalation

c. abduct the scapula

Which of the following is an action of the supraspinatus? a. adduct the shoulder b. medially rotate the shoulder c. abduct the shoulder d. elevate the shoulder

c. abduct the shoulder

What action can you ask your partner to perform at the shoulder in order to contract the entire deltoid? a. medial rotation b. horizontal adduction c. abduction d. flexion

c. abduction

What is the term for moving a lib laterally away from the midline? a. adduction b. circumduction c. abduction d. extension

c. abduction

Which of the following is an action of the rhomboid major? a. upwardly rotate the scapula b. horizontally abduct the scapula c. adduct the scapula d. laterally rotate the humerus

c. adduct the scapula

How is a superficial structure situated in the body? a. closer to the head b. further away from the midline c. closer to the body's surface d. further toward the front

c. closer to the body's surface

The biceps branchii and coracobrachialis muscles share what common attachment site? a. deltoid tuberosity b. greater tubercle c. coracoid process d. lesser tubercle

c. coracoid process

Which is the origin of the biceps brachii's short head? a. supreglenoid tubercle of scapula b. infraglenoid tubercle of scapula c. coracoid process of scapula d. acromion of scapula

c. coracoid process of scapula

Which is the insertion of the teres major? a. greater tubercle of the humerus b. head of the humerus c. crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus d. supraglenoid tubercle of the humerus

c. crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus

If you follow the fibers of the infraspinatus laterally, they converge underneath which muscle? a. trapezius b. teres minor c. deltoid d. latissimus dorsi

c. deltoid

When locating the proximal attachment of the long head of the triceps, you will be palpating deep to which muscle? a. infrapinatus b. teres major c. deltoid d. supraspinatus

c. deltoid

Which of the following muscles is completely superficial? a. supraspinatus b. rhomboids c. deltoid d. infraspinatus

c. deltoid

Which of the following is an action of the levator scapula? a. rotate head and neck to the opposite side b. upwardly rotate the scapula c. elevate the scapula d. depress the scapula

c. elevate the scapula

Which of the following is an action of the rhomboid minor? a. flex the humerus b. horizontally adduct the scapula c. elevate the scapula d. medially rotate the humerus

c. elevate the scapula

Which of the following is a part of the origin of the trapezius? a. transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae b. spine of the scapula c. external occipital protuberance and medial portion of superior nuchal line of occiput d. spinous processes of upper cervical vertebrae

c. external occipital protuberance and medial portion of superior nuchal line of occiput

Which of the following is an action of the coracobrachialis? a. medially rotate the shoulder b. abduct the shoulder c. flex the shoulder d. elevate the scapula

c. flex the shoulder

What is the shared attachment site for three out of four rotator cuff muscles? a. deltoid tuberosity b. acromion c. greater tubercle d. coracoid process

c. greater tubercle

Which is the insertion of the teres minor? a. lesser tubercle of humerus b. supraglenoid tubercle of scapula c. greater tubercle of humerus d. infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

c. greater tubercle of humerus

The three bones that make up the shoulder complex are the clavicle, scapula and __________? a. sternum b. rib c. humerus d. vertebra

c. humerus

Which is the origin of the infraspinatus? a. inferior half of lateral border of scapula b. spine of the scapula c. infraspinous fossa of scapula d. medial border of scapula

c. infraspinous fossa of scapula

Which is the origin of the deltoid? a. shaft of clavicle, acromion and superior angle of scapula b. medial two-thirds of clavicle, angle of acromion and spine of scapula c. lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula d. medial one-third of clavicle, lateral border of scpula

c. lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Which of the following is a part of the origin of the teres major? a. upper half of lateral border of scapula b. medial side of inferior angle c. lower half of lateral border of scapula d. infraspinous fossa

c. lower half of lateral border of scapula

Which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for both the rhomboids and serratus anterior? a. inferior angle b. supraspinous fossa c. medial border d. superior angle

c. medial border

Which is the insertion of the rhomboid major? a. lateral border of scapula between inferior angle and infraglenoid tubercle b. medial border of scapula between superior angle and inferior angle c. medial border of scapula between spine of scapula and inferior angle d. spinous processes of C-7 to T-5

c. medial border of scapula between spine of scapula and inferior angle

Which is the insertion of the levator scapula? a. superior angle of scapula b. upper region of lateral border of the scapula c. medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula d. acromion of the scapula and superior portion of spine of scapula

c. medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula

The anterior surface of the medial border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscle? a. supraspinatus b. latissimus dorsi c. serratus anterior d. rhomboids

c. serratus anterior

The lesser tubercle serves as an attachment site for which muscle? a. supraspinatus b. teres minor c. subscapularis d. all of the above

c. subscapularis

Anatomically speaking, the term "proximal" provides what directional information? a. the structure is further away from the trunk or the body's midline b. the structure is closer to the body's surface c. the structure is closer to the trunk d. the structure is closer to the knee

c. the structure is closer to the trunk

On what structure could the pectoralis minor create a neurovascular compression? a. auxillary artery b. brachial plexus c. axillary vein d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which is the insertion of the serratus anterior? a. superior angle of scapula b. subscapular fossa of scapula c. lateral border of scapula d. anterior surface of medial border of scapula

d. anterior surface of medial border of scapula

Which is the origin of the coracobrachialis? a. acromion of the scapula b. anterior surface of 1st - 3rd ribs c. lateral portion of clavicle d. coracoid process of scapula

d. coracoid process of scapula

Which is the origin of the serratus anterior? a. lateral border of scapula b. surfaces of upper four or five cervical vertebrae c. sternum and costal cartilage d. external surfaces of upper eight or nine ribs

d. external surfaces of upper eight or nine ribs

Which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for the long head of triceps brachii? a. lateral border b. superior angle c. spine of the scapula d. infraglenoid tubercle

d. infraglenoid tubercle

Which is the insertion of the trapezius? a. shaft of clavicle, acromion and superior angle of scapula b. medial two-thirds of clavicle, angle of acromion and spine of scapula c. medial one-third of clavicle, lateral border of scapula d. lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

d. lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Which is the insertion of the subscapularis? a. greater tubercle of humerus b. coracoid process of scapula c. infraglenoid tubercle of scapula d. lesser tubercle of humerus

d. lesser tubercle of humerus

Which is the insertion of the pectoralis minor? a. greater tubercle of humerus b. medial portion of clavicle c. acromion of scapula d. medial surface of coracoid process of scapula

d. medial surface of coracoid process of scapula

Which of the following is an action of the latissimus dorsi? a. flex the shoulder b. elevate the scapula c. abduct the shoulder d. medially rotate the shoulder

d. medially rotate the shoulder

Accessing the insertion of serratus anterior by curling your fingers around the medial border of the scapula, your fingers will inherently have to work though the bellies of which two muscles? a. subscapularis and trapezius b. subscapularis and levator scapula c. infraspinatus and rhomboids d. rhomboids and trapezius

d. rhomboids and trapezius

The supraspinous fossa is located just superior to which landmark? a. inferior angle b. infraglenoid tubercle c. lateral border d. spine of the scapula

d. spine of the scapula

Which is the origin of the rhomboid major? a. lateral border of scapula b. spinous processes of C-7 to T-1 c. transverse processes of cervical vertebrae d. spinous process to T-2 to T-5

d. spinous process to T-2 to T-5

Which is the origin of the rhomboid minor? a. lateral border of scapula b. spinous processes of T-2 to T-5 c. transverse processes of cervical vertebrae d. spinous processes of C-7 and T-1

d. spinous processes of C-7 and T-1

Which of the rotator cuff muscles attach to the lesser tubercle? a. supraspinatus b. infrapinatus c. teres minor d. subscapularis

d. subscapularis

Which is the origin of the pectoalis minor? a. acromion of scapula b. first, second and third ribs c. costal cartilage of upper five ribs d. third, fourth and fifth ribs

d. third, fourth and fifth ribs

Which of the following is a part of the origin of the latissimus dorsi? a. lateral border of scapula b. anterior superior iliac crest c. greater tubercle of humerus d. thoracolumbar aponeurosis

d. thoracolumbar aponeurosis

To locate the supraspinatus belly, you must palpate through which muscle? a. deltoid b. infraspinatus c. levator scapula d. trapezius

d. trapezius

Which is the insertion of the biceps branchii? a. coronoid process of the ulna and aponeurosis of biceps brachii b. shaft of the ulna and aponeurosis of biceps brachii c. head of the radius and aponeurosis of biceps brachii d. tuberosity of radius and aponeurosis of biceps brachii

d. tuberosity of radius and aponeurosis of biceps brachii

Which is the origin of the teres minor? a. lesser tubercle of humerus b. inferior half of lateral border of scapula c. medial border of scapula d. upper two-thirds of lateral border of the scapula

d. upper two-thirds of lateral border of the scapula

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