Simple, Complete Subjects and Predicates--Practice

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What is the complete subject: Pink lemonade makes me happy.

Pink lemonade

What is the complete subject: The musical Mr. Frank plays guitar and sometimes performs.

The musical Mr. Frank

What is the complete subject: A giant squirrel ran right in front of her face.

a giant squirrel

What is the simple predicate: Acorn ate the mouse.


What is the simple subject: The loud blue jay was afraid of Acorn the beastly cat.

blue jay

What is the simple subject: Acorn's twitching ears pick up mysterious sounds that humans cannot hear.


What is the simple predicate: Acorn had a great adventure in the Marin wilderness.


What is the simple predicate: With fur that is softer than velvet, my cat is lovely to pet.


What is the simple predicate: Acorn lies on the couch like a princess with her paws folded neatly under her sleek body.


What is the compound verb/predicate: The musical Mr. Frank plays guitar and sometimes performs.

plays, performs

What is the simple predicate: A giant squirrel ran right in front of her face.


What is the simple predicate: Acorn's front paws were covered in mud.

were covered

What is the simple subject: Acorn ate the mouse.


What is the simple subject: Acorn had a great adventure in the Marin wilderness.


What is the complete subject: Acorn's front paws were covered in mud.

Acorn's front paws

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