SM 340 Test 1

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Define 'Sport Management'

- "To handle carefully" - Performance driver mode: People, Strategy, Process, Structure, Culture to ensure customer needs/desires are being met - The ability to handle carefully the five processes driving a sports organization

Describe career opportunities in Sport Management

- Coaching, Recreational, Facilities, Tickets, Marketing, Administration, Agents - Billion Dollar Industry

Delegation and Flexibility

- Delegation involves assigning responsibility and authority for accomplishing objectives. - Flexibility involves understanding that there are often exceptions to the rule.

Delegating Priority

- Do I need to be personally involved - Is it my responsibility - Is quick action needed

Goals vs. Objectives

- Goals state general targets to be accomplished - SMART - Objective is a measure of the progress that is needed to get to the destination

Discuss the 4 Components of Organizational Resources

- Human: represent all people (as well as their qualifications and capacities) that cooperate with the organization and are currently their main asset - Financial: represent the monetary funds held by the organization (or the capacity to obtain them) and that can be used in the financing of the current activity or in the attainment of new investments - Physical: These are normally resources that are made by man and helps us do our daily activities much quicker and easier. Things like desks, chairs, floors and rooms. - Informational: is a program of activities directed at making effective use of information technology within an organization

Explain the factors included in organizations "Internal Environment"

- Management: how it works, and who is going to be running it - Mission: what is the purpose for this organization - Resources: huge part of its internal environment -Systems: how do we run it. Compliance - Structure: how it is step up

Explain the Importance of Planning

- Planning is one of the most important task managers do. "Failing to plan is planning to fail" - 3 major benefits to planning 1. Speedier decision making 2. Better management of resources 3. Clearer identification of the action steps needed in order to reach goals

Distinguish the difference between Decision-Making Styles

- Reflexive Style: shot from the hip- that is, make snap decisions without taking time to get all the information needed and without considering alternatives. -Reflective Style: take plenty of time to decide, gathering considerable information and analyzing numerous alternatives. - Consistent Style: don't rush and don't waste time. Know when more information is needed and when its time to stop analyzing and get moving

Unity and Command

- Responsibilities - one's obligation to achieve objective by preforming required activities - Authority - right to make decisions, issue orders, and use resources. - Levels of Authority - Informing Authority - Recommending Authority - Reporting Authority - Full Authority - Line vs. Staff Authority - Line Authorites: responsibilities to make decisions and issue orders down the chain of command. Operations and Marketing are usually line departments. - Staff Authority: responsibility to advise and assist other personnel. Human resources, Public relations, Management Information Systems

Explain "Situational Analysis" based upon its parts and competitive forces and develop a SWOT Analysis for your organization

- a situational analysis draws out those features in a company's environment that most directly window of options and opportunities.

Span of Management

- has to do with how many employees report directly to a manager. - Typically, lower-level managers have a wider span of control than higher level managers -Organization Chart: lays out the organizations management and departments and their wanting relationships.

Simon Sinek Video

- two things great leaders need to have: empathy and perspective Empathy -Leaders have to look out for there people that are working for them. -Most of the time its not the people its the leadership - Being concerned about the human being, not just their output at work - Parenting, Technology, Impatience, Environment -How do I help my people at their natural best Perspective - Finite Game- is playing to win - Infinite Game- is playing to keep game going as long as possible - There is no winning in the game of business, because there is no end. -Ex. of companies playing the infinite game are Apple, and Costco -Microsoft is a example of Finite Game by trying to find a way to always beat out Apple.

Write and essay explaining the aspects of organizing and Organization

- unity of command - Chain of command - Span of Management - Division of Labor - Coordination - Delegation - Flexibility - Deport mentalization - Integration

Ethical Concepts in Sports Management

-"Ethics"- moral principles to act in a way of right and wrong. And living by your moral principles.

Division of Labor

-Division of labor occurs when jobs are organized by specialists: Accountants in Accounting, football players play offense and defense

3 Parts of a Situational Analysis

1. Analysis of the industry and its competition 2. Analysis o the company's particular situation 3. Analysis of the company's competitive advantage (or lack thereof)

10 Foundations of Leadership

1. Cast the vision by setting goals 2. Set the standards of principles 3. Know your strengths and weaknesses 4. Don't be distracted by the critics 5. Be enthusiastic at it all 6. Be interested in the people in your organization 7. Be active listener when talking to people in your organization 8. See other peoples point of view 9. Talk in terms of other people's interest 10. Give Appreciation - Never Criticize - Complain - Condemn

List the 5 Step Process to develop Strategic Planning

1. Develop a mission 2. Analyzing the environment 3. Setting Objectives 4. Developing strategies (corporate, business, and functional levels) 5. Implementing and controlling strategies

Delegating Work

1. Explain why you are delegating the task and the reasons you chose this person to do the work. 2. Clearly define responsibility, the person's scope of authority, and the deadline. 3. Plan the task 4. Establish control checkpoints and hold employees accountable

Explain the 2 Principles of Total Quality of Management (TQM)

1. Focus on the delivering the customer value. No matter what an organization does to foster quality improvement—training employees, integrating quality into the design process, upgrading computers or software, or buying new measuring tools—the customer determines whether the efforts were worthwhile. 2. Continue improving systems and processes. Continual improvement drives an organization to be both analytical and creative in finding ways to become more competitive and more effective at meeting stakeholder expectations.

List the 7 Step Rational approach to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem 2. Ge the facts (Paul Harvey) 3. List all courses of action 4. Pros and Cons 5. Slow Down!! Sleep on it! 6. DECIDE 7. Follow up and take responsibility, be professional

Explain the 4 Functions of Management

1. Leading- Managers must be comfortable and confident commanding their team members not only through daily tasks, but also during periods of significant change or challenges. This involves projecting a strong sense of direction and leadership when setting goals and communicating new processes, products and services, or internal policy. 2. Planning- Planning requires those in management roles to continuously check in on their team's progress in order to make small adjustments when necessary, while still maintaining a clear picture of the company's larger aims and goals. 3. Organizing- From establishing internal processes and structures to knowing which employees or teams are best suited for specific tasks, keeping everyone and everything organized throughout daily operations is one of the most important functions of management. 4. Controlling- To ensure all the above functions are working toward the success of the company, managers must be able to consistently monitor employee performance, quality of work, and efficiency and reliability of completed projects.

Explain the 3 Methods of Problem Solving

1. Mathematical/Quantitative Method (CDC)- This thinking method is based on analysis. It is the most conventional and logical of all the methods and follows a step by step pattern. 2. Intuitive Approach- This mode of thinking is based on hunches. It is not, as some think, irrational. Intuition or hunches are built on a strong foundation of facts and experiences that are buried somewhere in the subconscious. 3. Rational Method-

Explain the 3 Steps in Creative Decision-Making

1. Preparation: During the preparation step of the creative process model, an individual becomes curious after encountering a problem. During this stage, she may perform research, creates goals, organize thoughts and brainstorm as different ideas formulate. 2. Incubation/Illumination: While the individual begins to process her ideas, she begins to synthesize them using her imagination and begins to construct a creation. Illumination- As ideas begin to mature, the individual has an epiphany regarding how to piece her thoughts together in a manner that makes sense. 3. Evaluation: After a solution reveals itself in an epiphany, the individual then evaluates whether the insight is worth the pursuit. He may make changes to his solution so it is clearer.

3 Competitive Forces

1. Rivalry among competing firms 2. Potential development of substitute products and services 3. Potential entry of new competitors

Explain the 5 Management Skills

1. Technical- If you have the technical skills, you tend to get advanced 2. People- be able to deal with people 3. Communication- have to be able to talk and listen to other people 4. Conceptual- Notice the BIG picture 5. Decision Making- be able to weigh up several different options, make effective decisions and take appropriate action is all part of being an efficient Manager

Define Organizing

Function of management defined as the process of delegating and coordinating tasks and resources to achieve objectives

Define " System Process"

Method used to transform inputs and outputs. Managers knows how the organization works

Write a mission statement for your organization

Mission: reason or purpose for existence

Distinguish the difference between "Strategic Planning" and "Operational Planning"

Strategic Planning management sets short-term objectives and determines in advance how they will be accomplished. Operational Planning is where management sets long term goals.

Explain the stakeholders in the "External Environment"

are individuals or groups outside a business or project, but who can affect or be affected by the business or project. Arguably external stakeholders wield the most influence on the long term success of a business or project, because external stakeholders will often be the end users/customers.


coordination must be undertaken with the goal of meeting the needs of the members of the organization. They can be members of a fitness center, fans at an event, or student-athletes in a school.

Explain the difference between Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

problem solving is a method while decision making is a process. ... Problem solving is more an analytical aspect of thinking. It also uses intuition in gathering facts. Decision making, on the other hand, is more of a judgment where, after thinking, one will take a course of action.

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