Smart Book : Chapter 8: The Debate over Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism seems faulty because it:

excludes backward-looking reasons

Classical utilitarians are most likely to :

consider pleasure as being inclusive of all mental states that feel good

A feature of the utilitarian doctrine is that it :

believes that right actions are the ones that produce the most happiness

Critics of Utilitarianism say that the theory :

cannot make sense of some of people's most important values

Which of the following is true according to Classical Utilitarianism?

Equal amounts of happiness always count equally.

Identify the obvious intrinsic goods suggested by G. E. Moore.

Friendship Pleasure Aesthetic enjoyment

Rules might be formulated so that violating them will never increase happiness.

If all rules are changed so that they always achieve the greater good, then Rule-Utilitarianism will be exactly like Act-Utilitarianism in practice.

Jane, a bank employee, siphons off a few dollars from everyday transactions and donates the money to a charity. She believes that her actions have good consequences and are morally right. This scenario illustrates the fact that Utilitarianism:

conflicts with the ideal of justice.

Identify a criticism of Utilitarianism.

It conflicts with the ideal of justice.

Identify a reason why Utilitarianism seems flawed.

It makes the past irrelevant.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about Utilitarianism?

It may require treating someone unfairly.

Identify a true statement about Utilitarianism in the context of the charge that Utilitarianism disrupts personal relationships.

It requires one to treat everyone impartially.

In the context of responses to anti-utilitarian arguments, identify an observation that forms the basis of the utilitarian response that people's gut reactions cannot be trusted when cases of injustice are exceptional.

Lying, promise breaking, and violations of privacy usually lead to unhappiness, not happiness.

Jin decides to buy himself a new television. However, his friend Malia, a strict utilitarian, tells him that he should forgo his entertainment and donate the money to charity. Malia believes that people should give away their wealth and engage in generosity that is beyond their call of duty. Identify a true statement about Utilitarianism based on Malia's beliefs.

Utilitarianism can be charged with being too demanding.

In the context of Classical Utilitarianism, the morality of an action depends solely on the :

consequences of the action

In instances specific to the criticism, rules may be violated.

The assessment of actions on a case-by-case basis is Act-Utilitarianism, not Rule-Utilitarianism.

Which of the following is not a Utilitarian notion?

The notion of an individual right.

A pharmaceutical company releases a drug into the market for patients suffering from cancer. Even though the drug has proven to improve the life expectancy of patients, it has long-term side effects on their vital organs. The company believes that the benefits of the drug outweigh the costs. Hence, it hides the information about the side effects of the drug from the public. Which of the following features of Utilitarianism is illustrated in this scenario?

Utilitarianism conflicts with the ideal of justice.

Which of the following is true of an advocate of Utilitarianism?

They are most likely unable to recognize certain actions as being supererogatory.

Identify a true statement about individuals who adhere to Classical Utilitarianism.

They assess the consequences of actions such that each individual's happiness gets equal consideration.

Which of the following is true of classical utilitarians?

They believe that an action's consequences matter as long as they involve the greater or lesser happiness of individuals.

Rules should never be broken, even to promote happiness.

This promotes an irrational form of "rule-worship." This version of Rule-Utilitarianism is not really a utilitarian theory.

True or False: Classical utilitarians believe that happiness is pleasure.


True or false: Theories like Utilitarianism are supposed to apply to all situations, including situations that are merely hypothetical.


True or false: Utilitarianism's requirement of "equal concern" for each person's happiness places too great a demand on individuals and may destroy one's personal relationships.


In the context of the responses to the criticisms on Utilitarianism, identify a true statement about the relationship between Utilitarianism and commonsense values.

Utilitarianism is not incompatible with common sense.

Which of the following statements supports the charge that Utilitarianism disrupts an individual's personal relationships?

Utilitarianism requires one to be impartial and treat everyone equally.

Which of the following questions is applicable to Rule-Utilitarianism?

What rules must be followed in order to maximize happiness?

Identify an instance when a problem arises with Rule-Utilitarianism.

When an individual asks whether the ideal rules have exceptions.

Proponents of Utilitarianism respond to anti-utilitarian arguments by saying that :

all values have a utilitarian basis

Utilitarianism is at odds with the idea that :

an individual's rights may not be infringed merely because one anticipates good results

Emily witnesses a robbery while shopping at a local supermarket. The robbery leads to social unrest and riots in her community. If Emily testifies in court, it will result in the conviction of whomever she accuses. Emily understands that a quick arrest will stop the riots and violence. Being a rule-utilitarian, Emily is most likely to :

avoid incriminating an innocent individual even for communal peace and harmony

According to English philosopher G. E. Moore, right actions are those actions that :

increase the world's supply of pleasure, friendship, and aesthetic enjoyment

Rule-Utilitarianism cannot be convicted of violating one's moral common sense because it :

judges acts based on their conformity to an optimal set of rules rather than their utility

A utilitarian is most likely to say that :

one must treat each person's happiness as equally important

Philosophers who adhere to utilitarian principles believe that :

people's gut reactions cannot be trusted when cases of injustice are exceptional

A feature of Rule-Utilitarianism is that it :

shifts the spotlight from individual actions onto types of action

Arguments against Utilitarianism say that it supports vile actions. These arguments succeed only if :

the actions they describe really do have the best consequences in a situation

In the context of the responses to the criticisms on Utilitarianism, philosophers such as Smart suggest that one should :

think about commonsense values one at a time and consider why they are important

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