Smart goals

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What does the A in smart goals stand for?

1. Attainable 2. It is within your capabilities and depends only on you A-"Is this goal within your capabilities? B-Is it reasonably possible?" C-"Are there any barriers or circumstances that preclude reaching this goal?" D-"Does this goal depend on anyone else's choices? E-How can we reword it so it depends only on you?"

Why is it important to set goals for trainers and clients?

1. For the coach, it's the mandate you coach the person toward. 2. Without a goal, it is easy to divert the client to whatever you think the agenda should be. A-For the client, it is an important touchstone for staying focused.

What does the t in smart goals stand for?

1. It has a deadline A-"By when will you reach the goal? (Or by when will this be an established habit) ?" B-"When will you start?" C-"What's your deadline?" 2. Time bound

What does the M I smart goals stand for?

1. Measurable 2. You've included a way to measure progress A- "How can you quantify this goal (put it into a number) so we'll know when you've reached it?" B-"You said you want a 'more balanced life': define what you mean by 'more.'" C-"How could you state this objective so your progress toward it is measurable?"

What are smart goals?

1. The S.M.A.R.T. format (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Specific) is one of the most widely used goal-setting tools. 2. Walking through it as you set goals helps maintain the discipline of developing clear, timed, important and reachable objectives.

What does the S in smart goals stand for?

1. You can state clearly where you are going A-"What exactly do you want to accomplish?" B-"What will it look like when you reach your objective?" C-"Choose a time frame that makes sense for this objective, and tell me exactly what you want to have accomplished by then." 2. Specific

What does the R in smart goals stand for?

1. You care enough about this goal to make it a priority A-"Why is this important to you?" B-"What are you willing to let go of or cut from your schedule to work on this goal?" C-"On a scale of one to ten, how important is it to you to reach this goal?" 2. Relevant

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