SmartBook Ch. 3.1-3.3: Cellular Form & Function

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What are the membrane channels that allow the movement of water across a membrane called? Multiple choice question. Gap junctions Vesicles Aquaporins Ion channels


Water and electrolytes can cross a cell membrane through which of the following? Multiple choice question. Transporters Cholesterol molecules Vesicles Channels1


What is a protein that participates in transmembrane transport called? A carrier An enzyme A self-identity marker An MHC protein

A carrier

Water molecules can form a loose reversible relationship with a solute particle by assembling into what? Multiple choice question. A hydration sphere A macromolecule A salt An osmotic particle

A hydration sphere

The binding of a molecule to a cell-surface receptor may result in the activation of another molecule within the cell which, in turn, causes an alteration in cell function. What is this molecule within the cell called? A carrier A first order messenger A second messenger A kinase

A second messenger

The vesicular transport process of discharging material from a cell is called ____?

Blank 1: exocytosis or Exocytosis

A(n) ______ solution has a higher osmotic pressure than the intracellular fluid of cells and tends to cause the cells to undergo osmotic shrinkage.

Blank 1: hypertonic or Hypertonic

A(n) ______ solution has a lower osmotic pressure than the intracellular fluid of the cell and tends to cause osmotic swelling and lysis of cells.

Blank 1: hypotonic or Hypotonic

Cyclic AMP activates cellular enzymes known as _____?

Blank 1: kinases, kinase, or Kinases

The _____ of a solution is the number of milliosmoles per liter of solution.

Blank 1: osmolarity or Osmolarity

The movement of specifically water from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a semipermeable membrane is called .

Blank 1: osmosis or Osmosis

The process of engulfing particles (such as bacteria) by surrounding the particle and drawing it into the cell is referred to as ______?

Blank 1: phagocytosis or Phagocytosis

The process by which a cell can take in large droplets of ECF (water) is called ____?

Blank 1: pinocytosis or Pinocytosis

Mechanical pressure can be applied to one side of a membrane in order to drive water through the membrane against its concentration gradient. This process is called _____ osmosis.

Blank 1: reverse or Reverse

The type of carrier protein that moves two solutes, such as glucose and sodium, in the same direction across a membrane is a(n)____?

Blank 1: symport, cotransport, Symport, Cotransport, symporter, or cotransporter

The concentration of solutes in a cell affects the fluid volume and pressure within the cell. This is referred to as the of _____ the solution.

Blank 1: tonicity or Tonicity

A hydration sphere consists of a solute particle surrounded by molecules.

Blank 1: water or H2O

The heart generates pressure that drives fluid out of the capillaries and into the spaces between cells. What is this process called? Multiple choice question. Exocytosis Active transport Bulk transport Capillary filtration

Capillary filtration

In which process does a solute bind to a carrier in the plasma membrane that then changes shape and releases the solute to the other side of the membrane? Multiple choice question. Carrier-mediated transport Simple diffusion Reverse osmosis Secondary active transport

Carrier-mediated transport

Facilitated diffusion, primary, and secondary active transport are all mechanisms of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Carrier-mediated transport Passive transport Vesicular transport Energy requiring processes

Carrier-mediated transport Passive transport Reason: While facilitated diffusion is a form of passive transport, active transport require energy, and is therefore the opposite of passive transport. Vesicular transport Reason: Vesicular transport involves enclosing substances in a transport vesicle. Energy requiring processes Reason: Facilitated diffusion is a form of passive transport, and therefore does not require energy.

______ is formed from ATP and is the most common second messenger.

Cyclic AMP

True or false: Facilitated diffusion is an active process that uses cellular energy to move substances against the concentration gradient True false question. True False


Smaller molecules diffuse ______ larger molecules. Multiple choice question. faster than slower than at the same rate as

Faster than

Cell receptors are sometimes linked to which type of intracellular peripheral protein? G phosphatase GTP CAM


Which cellular structure is critical for identifying your body's own healthy cells from transplanted tissue? Multiple choice question. Smooth ER Glycocalyx Centrosome Mitochondrion


Which organelle plays a role in immunity, transplant compatibility, cell adhesion, and protection? Multiple choice question. Glycocalyx Nucleus Golgi complex Rough endoplasmic reticulum


Which of the following molecules can readily diffuse through a cell membrane? Multiple select question. Large hydrophilic molecules Hydrophobic molecules Lipid-soluble molecules Nonpolar molecules

Hydrophobic molecules Lipid-soluble molecules Nonpolar molecules

A cell placed into which solution will lose water by osmosis? Multiple choice question. Hypotonic Isotonic Hypertonic


When cells are placed in which solution, there is no change in cell volume or shape? Multiple choice question. Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic


As temperature increases, what happens to the rate of diffusion? Multiple choice question. It decreases. It increases. It stays the same.

It increases.

A second messenger ultimately might activate an enzyme that adds a phosphate to yet another cellular enzyme. What is this enzyme that causes phosphorylation of others called? Multiple choice question. Catalase Phosphatase Kinase Cyclase


The number of milliosmoles of solute per liter of water is used to express the osmotic concentration of a solution, also known as what? Osmolality Conductivity Osmolarity Tonicity


At tissue capillary beds, fluid leaves the capillaries by filtration while it moves back into the capillaries by which process? Multiple choice question. Osmosis Endocytosis Bulk transport Active transport


What is the diffusion of water down its concentration gradient through a selectively permeable membrane called? Multiple choice question. Filtration Simple diffusion Osmosis Phagocytosis


Transport mechanisms like filtration, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis are examples of which of the following forms of transport? Multiple choice question. Idle Active Second messenger Endocytosis Passive


Neutrophils engulf bacteria by surrounding them with pseudopods and drawing them into the cell by which process? Multiple choice question. Facilitated diffusion Simple diffusion Pinocytosis Phagocytosis


Which process uses a carrier to move a substance against its concentration gradient using ATP? Multiple choice question. Osmosis Secondary active transport Primary active transport Facilitated diffusion Endocytosis

Primary active transport

What are the three types of endocytosis? Multiple select question. Diffusion Receptor-mediated Phagocytosis Osmosis Pinocytosis

Receptor-mediated Phagocytosis Pinocytosis

In which process do receptors bind their ligand, cluster together into a pit, and then taken into the cell within a vesicle?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Which type of carrier moves two solutes through a plasma membrane in the same direction at the same time? Multiple choice question. Uniport Antiport Symport


Which of the following correctly defines tonicity? Multiple choice question. The degree of permeability of a cell membrane, related to number of channels present The ability of a solution to cause osmosis, affecting volume and pressure in the cell The generation of hydrostatic pressure that drives the movement of fluid across a membrane

The ability of a solution to cause osmosis, affecting volume and pressure in the cell

As a solute concentration rises, its rate of transport through a membrane increases up to the point where all the carriers are saturated. This point of saturation is called what? Multiple choice question. The isotonic point Equilibrium The transport maximum

The transport maximum

When all carriers are saturated, the transport of the molecule levels off at a rate called what? Multiple choice question. Transport minimum Transport capacity Transport maximum Transport threshold

Transport maximum

Passive mechanisms of membrane transport ______. Multiple choice question. require ATP do not require ATP

do not require ATP

The greater or steeper the concentration gradient, the ______ the rate of diffusion. Multiple choice question. faster slower


The rate of diffusion across the cell membrane is ______ at high temperatures than at low temperatures. Multiple choice question. faster slower the same


Components of the plasma membrane called ______ help form the glycocalyx. Multiple choice question. proteins cholesterol lipids glucose glycolipids


The rate of diffusion is increased by ______ the surface area of the cell membrane. Multiple choice question. increasing decreasing


Consider two solutions of different sodium concentrations separated by a selectively permeable membrane. The net movement of water across the membrane will be from the area of ______ sodium concentration to the area of ______ sodium concentration. Multiple choice question. lower, higher higher, lower

lower, higher

The Na+-K+ pump moves ______ Na+ ions from the ICF to the ECF while simultaneously moving ______ K+ ions from the ECF into the ICF. Multiple choice question. 3, 2 1, 2 2, 3 2, 1

3, 2 1, 2 2, 3 Reason: This is reversed. The pump moves 3 Na+ out of the cell for every 2 K+ moved in. 2, 1 Reason: While there are more Na+ ions moving out than K+ in, this is not the correct ratio. Correct Answer 3, 2

Which membrane transport process consumes ATP and uses a carrier? Multiple choice question. Diffusion Passive Active Osmosis


Which form of vesicular transport uses motor proteins to bring fluid and solutes into the cell? Multiple choice question. Secondary active transport Facilitated diffusion Endocytosis Exocytosis


Which are types of vesicular transport? Multiple choice question. Filtration and pinocytosis Active transport and osmosis Osmosis and diffusion Endocytosis and exocytosis

Endocytosis and exocytosis

Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of passive transport? Multiple select question. Pinocytosis Vesicular transport Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Passive diffusion Filtration

Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Passive diffusion Filtration

Which factors would increase the rate of diffusion? Multiple select question. Increased cell surface area Decreased temperature Decreased molecular weight of diffusing compound Increased concentration difference

Increased cell surface area Decreased molecular weight of diffusing compound Increased concentration difference

Which membrane type allows some things through and restricts the passage of others? Multiple choice question. Impermeable Passively permeable Permeable Selectively permeable

Selectively permeable

Plasma membranes are selectively permeable. What does this mean? Multiple choice question. No movement of compounds is allowed through the membrane. Some compounds can permeate (pass through) the membrane while others cannot. All compounds can freely pass through the membrane, but not all the time.

Some compounds can permeate (pass through) the membrane while others cannot.

A carrier protein binds and transports only its particular ligand. What quality does this demonstrate? Multiple choice question. Inhibition Saturation Specificity


The transport of material across a cell, with capture on one side and release on the other, is by which process? Multiple choice question. Phagocytosis Endocytosis Pinocytosis Transcytosis


Reverse osmosis uses a mechanical pressure to drive water through a membrane ______ its concentration gradient. Multiple choice question. along against parallel to


Most transmembrane proteins are ______. Multiple choice question. hemoglobin dipeptides cytoskeleton components glycoproteins


The greater the concentration of a nonpermeating solute present in a solution, the ______ the osmotic pressure of that solution. Multiple choice question. higher lower


Cells placed in a(n) ______ solution will swell and burst due to water moving into the cell. Multiple choice question. hypotonic isotonic hypertonic


Larger molecules diffuse through the cell membrane ______ than smaller molecules.

more slowly

Which of the following describes primary active transport? Multiple choice question. A solute is moved down its concentration gradient through channels in the membrane. A solute is moved down its concentration gradient using ATP. A solute is moved up its concentration gradient due to hydrostatic pressure. A solute is moved up its concentration gradient using ATP

A solute is moved up its concentration gradient using ATP.

Which carrier transports two or more solutes in opposite directions across a cell membrane? Multiple choice question. Antiport Symport Uniport


Which pressure allows for the filtration of fluid from blood vessels into the extracellular fluid? Multiple choice question. Atmospheric Osmotic Hydrostatic

Atmospheric Reason: Atmospheric pressure is the pressure of the air around us. Osmotic Reason: Osmotic pressure is the pressure that causes water to move against the solute's concentration gradient. Hydrostatic Reason: Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that a fluid exerts on the walls of the vessel in which it is contained. Correct Answer Hydrostatic

The movement of water in and out of the renal tubules can be increased or decreased. The tubular cells are able to do this, by changing the number of water channels, also called , in their membranes.

Blank 1: aquaporins, aquaporin, or Aquaporins

If an antiport carrier moves solutes in opposite directions across a cell membrane without requiring energy, this is called ______?

Blank 1: countertransport, Countertransport, or counter transport

Vesicular transport that releases material from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell is called ______?

Blank 1: exocytosis or Exocytosis

The process of using a carrier to passively transport a solute through a membrane down its concentration gradient is known as _________________ diffusion.

Blank 1: facilitated or Facilitated

In blood capillaries, blood pressure forces fluid through gaps in the capillary wall in a process called ___?

Blank 1: filtration or capillary filtration

A membrane coating called the _____ is chemically unique in everyone but identical twins.

Blank 1: glycocalyx or Glycocalyx

Coming from words that mean "sugar coat", the layer of carbohydrates coating a cell membrane is called the ______?

Blank 1: glycocalyx or Glycocalyx

When the concentration of a substance differs from one area to another, this creates a concentration _____?

Blank 1: gradient, Gradient, gradients, or concentration gradient

When the concentration of a substance gradually changes from one area to the next, we say it exhibits a concentration ___?

Blank 1: gradient, gradients, or Gradient

The physical force generated by a liquid, such as blood or tissue fluid, is known as____ pressure.

Blank 1: hydrostatic or Hydrostatic

A carrier that transports only one type of solute at a time is called a(n)_____?

Blank 1: uniport, Uniport, or uniporter

Cell receptors are sometimes linked to which type of intracellular peripheral protein? Multiple choice question. CAM G GTP phosphatase

CAM Reason: Cell adhesion molecules are found on the surface of the cell and help adjacent cells stick to one another.

Which of the following is a function of the glycocalyx? Multiple choice question. Transport of water Cell adhesion Transport of ions Protein modification

Cell adhesion

Which group of glycoproteins found on the cell's surface allow the body to recognize the cell as one of its own? Multiple choice question. Second messengers Cell-identity markers Cell-adhesion molecules Receptors

Cell-identity markers

Movement of gas molecules (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the air in the lungs and the blood or between the blood and the tissues is by which process? Multiple choice question. Diffusion Filtration Active transport Phagocytosis


What is the net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration called? Multiple choice question. Active transport Pinocytosis Phagocytosis Diffusio


Match the direction of particle movement with the term that describes this movement. Instructions Down a gradient Up a gradient

Down a gradient - From a region of high to low concentration Up a gradient - From a region of low to high concentration

In which process does a secretory vesicle fuse with a cell membrane and release its contents into the extracellular space? Multiple choice question. Exocytosis Transcytosis Pinocytosis Phagocytosis


What are three mechanisms of carrier-mediated transport? Multiple select question. Facilitated diffusion Simple diffusion Secondary active transport Primary active transport Endocytosis

Facilitated diffusion Secondary active transport Primary active transport

As the molecular weight of a substance increases, what happens to its diffusion rate? Multiple choice question. It decreases. It increases. It stays the same.

It decreases.

As a membrane surface area increases, what happens to it's diffusion rate? Multiple choice question. It increases. It decreases. It stays the same.

It increases.

What drives filtration through a membrane? Multiple choice question. Physical pressure Concentration gradients Electrical gradients ATP

Physical pressure

In which process does the plasma membrane dimple (or cave in) and take in droplets of ECF within a vesicle? Multiple choice question. Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Facilitated diffusion


The Na+-K+ pump is a good example of which type of transport? Multiple choice question. Secondary active transport Facilitated diffusion Primary active transport Simple diffusion Osmosis

Primary active transport

Which of the following is a form of vesicular transport in which receptors bind a ligand then cluster into pits that pinch off into vesicles? Multiple choice question. Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Facilitated diffusion

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

When all carriers have bound ligand and no further ligand can be transported they are said to be what? Multiple choice question. Permeable Saturated Activated


Cyclic AMP is an example of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Second messenger Protein hormone G protein Transmembrane protein

Second messenger

Sodium-glucose transporters do not directly use ATP. Their ability to move glucose is due to the previous active removal of sodium from the cell. The sodium gradient that resulted from active transport "drives" the transporter, bringing both sodium and glucose into the cell. This is an example of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Secondary active transport Facilitated diffusion Simple diffusion Bulk transport

Secondary active transport

Why is it critical that the extracellular fluid have the same total concentration of nonpermeating solutes as the intracellular fluid? Multiple choice question. To avoid changes in cell volume or pressure To allow easier diffusion of solutes across the membrane To assure that hormones and other signaling molecules can reach the cells

To avoid changes in cell volume or pressure To allow easier diffusion of solutes across the membrane Reason: By keeping the solution of nonpermeating solutes equal, osmosis of water across the membrane will also be equal, preventing changes in cell volume or pressure. To assure that hormones and other signaling molecules can reach the cells Reason: By keeping the solution of nonpermeating solutes equal, osmosis of water across the membrane will also be equal, preventing changes in cell volume or pressure. Correct Answer To avoid changes in cell volume or pressure

What is a carrier that carries only one type of solute called? Multiple choice question. Aquaporin Uniport Symport Antiport


Select all that apply Mechanisms for moving substances across the plasma membrane that require the use of cellular ATP include ______. Multiple select question. osmosis vesicular transport active transport passive diffusion

vesicular transport active transport

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