SO 101 Exam 2

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The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was also referred to as the:

"end of welfare as we know it."

Alfred Kinsey's 1948 study, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, is important because:

it viewed sexuality as falling on a continuum, thus challenging the psychiatric claim of homosexuality as abnormal.

Tina is a homeless mentally ill woman. Psychiatrist Sam Tsemberis recommends giving her a ________, because ________ is the most important first step toward well-being.

key; housing

David Rosenhan sent some of his students to a psychiatric hospital, saying they were "hearing voices." Each pseudo-patient was admitted and diagnosed with a mental disorder. He was illustrating ________ theory.


Which of the following is an example of a symbolic interactionist theory of deviance?

labeling theory

Which type of family has higher child mortality rates?


FBI consultant Robert Hare claimed that in the pursuit of profits for shareholders, corporations exhibit many of the same traits as:


Georg Simmel saw the development of monetary payment systems as part of a historical evolution leading to:

the depersonalization of exchange.

Eliana was given a ten-day course of antibiotics, but she stopped taking them once she started feeling better on day four. Eliana's decision seems to be personal, but it has social implications. What public health risk do we face if more and more people fail to complete prescribed courses of antibiotics?

the development of antimicrobial-resistant antigens

The student guards in Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment behaved the way they did because:

they experienced the Lucifer effect, in which they were affected by social surroundings and cultural expectations.

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that increasing numbers of women left their marriages. This was because:

they were less financially dependent on their (possibly) abusive husbands.

A stratification system with a governing elite—that is, few leaders who broadly hold the power in society—is called a(n) ________ system.

elite-mass dichotomy

In the modern United States, people see physical markers such as hair type or skin color and think of race. In ancient Egypt, physical markers were seen as linked to:


In general, a major goal of Clinton's 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was to:

get people back into the labor market as soon as possible.

What is the key that government could use to get low-income earners to commit to saving?

get them to commit to saving future earnings

An honorarium is similar to a:

gift for something you have agreed to do for someone, like giving a speech.

When token men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to leadership positions. This is referred to as the:

glass escalator.

Trade of goods and services across national boundaries, as well as the mobility of businesses and labor through immigration, is called:


In his book The History of Sexuality (1978), Michel Foucault contends that the classification of homosexuality as a kind of deviance was a result of:

government bureaucrats attempting to assert their power over people.

Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority was a class action suit that alleged that public housing was, in effect:

government-sponsored segregation.

Japanese internment camps resulted in:

greater wealth for white Americans

James Rosenbaum found that people who moved out of the ghetto and into low-poverty areas:

had a better employment situation.

The main problem with the fee-for-service model is that doctors have an incentive to:

have patients return for unnecessary visits.

Because the monetary system is increasingly depersonalized, George Simmel argues that it is now possible to:

have true friendships.

What effect did the agricultural revolution in Europe have on the transition to capitalism? The agricultural revolution in Europe:

helped capitalism develop.

A factory worker wins $10 million in the lottery. He doesn't know what to do with his life anymore or how to spend his time, so he becomes depressed and commits suicide. Émile Durkheim would say he has committed the ________ type of suicide.


The typical African American family has about ________ of the net worth of the typical white family.

10 percent

Consumers and advocates grew concerned about the plight of tomato pickers, an industry marked by exploitation and even slavery. What outcome fits with Hegel's theory?

A coalition of determined activists can break the dependencies between master and slave.

Each society has a type of social stratification. How does the United States ideologically justify its type of stratification system?

A person is in complete control over the class he or she is in. Hard work (or lack of it) determines class.

How does social context affect crime, according to the broken windows theory?

Evidence of disorder, such as broken windows, sends a signal that it's acceptable to engage in further deviant behaviors such as vandalism.

Emilia is studying global development, and in investigating underdevelopment in Africa, she turns to economist Jeffrey Sachs. She agrees with Sachs's point of view, that:

Africa's challenges include its geography and colonial legacies.

The rise of large-scale production, the influx of peasants to urban areas to find work, and the rise of a system of wage labor caused the ________ system to become obsolete in favor of a new system of legal currency.


Which of the following aligns with the arguments of black feminism?

Black women face unique oppressions that white women, and even black men, do not.

One of the things that may have led Dr. Paul Farmer's (cofounder of Partners in Health) continued commitment to helping the poorest regions of the world with regard to health care is:

his PhD in medical anthropology, which gives him experience as a social scientist.

Pedro describes himself as mestizo, meaning that:

his ancestors include both Native Americans and Europeans.

If Country A has a Gini coefficient of .37 and Country B has a Gini coefficient of .49, which country has more inequality?

Country B has more inequality.

Violation of laws enacted by society is also known as:


Most Arabs in the United States are not Muslim but ________, and about 20 percent of U.S. Muslims are ________.

Christian; African American

The development of the American Medical Association was the beginning of the end (until very recently) of:

homeopathic medicine.

Akamai is a paralegal for a law firm in Manhattan. He gets a new job as a paralegal for a law firm in Boston. Sociologists see such a shift as ________mobility.


Enoch is an 80-year-old man who receives moderate Social Security funds and works part-time bagging groceries. Adolph, an 80-year-old man with more Social Security funds, has no need to work. Sociological research predicts that:

Enoch may live longer because of the social interaction benefits of working.

Comte de Buffon's classification schemes assumed that anyone who differed from the following group was abnormal.


If a label is said to be "sticky" when referring to deviance, it means that:

it is hard to lose that label.

Why is the official formula for calculating the poverty line outdated?

Housing now makes up a larger proportion of household budgets than in the past.

Which act formalized the exclusive definition of whiteness by imposing immigration restrictions based on a national origins quota system that limited the yearly number of immigrants from each country?

Immigration Act of 1924

A person who desires a big mansion and the perfect "American dream" lifestyle, but sells illegal drugs to achieve this, is known by Robert Merton as a(n):


An 1851 excerpt from Harper's Weekly magazine describes a certain racial group as lawbreaking, idle, thriftless, poor, and barbarian. What group is this excerpt describing?


If you are a salaried worker and you miss a day of work, how does your salary change?

It doesn't change.

What is one shortcoming of the current calculation of the poverty rate?

It focuses on income only and ignores wealth.

Which of the following was the result of medical licensing that began in the mid-1800s?

It gave physicians more economic clout.

John Gray's book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus was a number-one best seller for more than a decade. Which of the following is one of the reasons his book has been so popular?

It offers the appeal of easy-to-grasp, commonsense generalizations.

David Rosenhan sent some of his students to a psychiatric hospital, saying they were "hearing voices." Each pseudo-patient was admitted and diagnosed with a mental disorder. He was illustrating ________ theory


Which group argues that sexuality in America is an expression of the unequal power balance between men and women?

Marxist feminists

Martin decides to start a religious movement of people who both work and worship with intensity. He studies religious history and decides to create a theology that will make people feel insecure about their eternal destiny so that they will work hard in an attempt to prove themselves worthy. Martin's religious movement is an application of whose theory?

Max Weber

Which of Émile Durkheim's types of social solidarity characterized premodern life?


A government program that provides health insurance for the poor is:


Michael is a case manager for a group home. Stan is a man with severe developmental disabilities who lives at the group home. Michael needs to seek medical coverage for Stan. Which government program will Michael likely seek out?


After mental illness became "medicalized," what was one major change that occurred?

Medication replaced counseling.

What population was Oscar Lewis studying when he coined the term "culture of poverty"?


Physician prestige has been on the decline since the 1980s. Which of the following might be a reason?

More people in the medical community are being allowed to prescribe.

________ trade agreements, such as NAFTA, encourage business at a regional or worldwide level.


Which of Émile Durkheim's types of social solidarity characterizes modern life?


Which of the following is one of the reasons why sociologists view gender as a social construction rather than a biological given?

Our understandings of, categorizations of, and behaviors toward what it means to be a man or woman have changed throughout history.

What was the problem with the Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program?

Participants were self-selected.

Which of the following shifted more of the responsibility of running welfare programs onto individual states and mandated time limits for the number of months a person can receive aid?

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

According to Émile Durkheim's research, what is the primary reason that Protestants are more likely to commit suicide than Catholics and Jews?

Protestantism is based on the individual, which creates less social integration.

Which of the following is a major difference between the symbolic interactionist (SI) and functionalist perspectives on deviance?

SI takes a micro or close-up look at individuals; functionalism looks at macro-level social systems.

An entire caste in India may use language, education, or religion to shift its status in the hierarchy. Such a process is called:


What is one difference between street crime and white-collar crime?

Street crime usually occurs in public; white-collar crime usually occurs in private.

How does politics affect the level of inequality in the United States?

The U.S. political system is fragmented, making it difficult to establish a comprehensive safety net.

After a traumatic accident, a male baby is left with a micropenis that is badly damaged. Based on the case of David Reimer, what would likely be most helpful?

The baby should be raised as a boy and should participate in medical decision making in age-appropriate ways.

Anthropologist Don Kulick (1998) conducted an ethnography of the transgender prostitutes in Brazil, known as travesti. Which of the following did he find to be true?

The travesti think of themselves as men who emulate women but are not women.

Why is it so difficult to track the crime rate over time?

The way particular crimes are defined changes over time.

Sexuality refers to desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior. Which of the following is true about sexuality?

There is enormous variation in how humans have sex and what it means to them.

What characterized the "new markets" that are part of globalization?

They are primarily financial and not bound by geography; anyone anywhere with the proper equipment can participate.

In one study of television portrayals of Arabs, researchers found basic myths that continue to surround this group, such as:

They are uncivilized and barbaric.

What did Barry Bogin find was different in the Mayans' lifestyle that allowed them to grow 4 inches taller in the United States than in Guatemala?

They had access to a better diet.

It is argued in your text that gender structures social relationships by giving men the advantage in society. As a result, which of the following is LEAST likely to happen?

When men enter female-dominated occupations, they often become victims of sexual harassment.

What is one reason men have higher mortality rates than women?

Women are more likely to seek medical care.

An essentialist would argue which of the following for why women outnumber men in occupations that involve caring?

Women find occupations that involve caring more suitable to their nature.

Sociologist Cynthia Fuchs Epstein argues that deceptive distinctions are those sex differences that arise out of the roles individuals occupy rather than from some innate force. Which of the following is an example of deceptive distinctions?

a boy who is a football player and acts fearless and bold

Use Paula England's research to predict what incoming college students will find on campus.

a culture of hooking up

Samuel is a white Christian minister in 1830. Like most of his contemporaries, he believes in the biblical "curse of Ham." This means that when Samuel sees an African American, he sees:

a descendent of Ham, the original black man who was set apart as cursed.

Angela is writing a story about a "typical American family." She researches the work lives of the statistically typical family and concludes that her story will feature:

a husband and wife who both work.

Which of the following would be considered a positive trait or characteristic for a man within today's hegemonic masculinity?

a love of sports

Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it is:

a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences.

The Gini coefficient is:

a measure of economic inequality.

Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association listed homosexuality as:

a mental disorder

Tamara is a medical doctor who is driving to the park. On her way, she passes by the scene of an accident. In U.S. society, the expectation is that Tamara has:

a moral obligation to stop and try to help.

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work. This is also known as:

a perverse incentive.

Dr. Raman is a family practice physician with a degree from Sunshine University. He makes potions of sunshine and water in his kitchen and sells them as "Health, Guaranteed!" All the other medical doctors in town say Dr. Raman is no good, but he doesn't care. All he cares about is the happiness of his patients (and his sales). Because he serves clients at the expense of the esteem of his professional peers, Dr. Raman is known to sociologists as:

a quack.

In 1986, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) was passed, making it:

a requirement to treat even the uninsured at emergency rooms.

A family that cannot afford the basic necessities of life or purchase enough to physically sustain its members lives in:

absolute poverty.

In his book Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys (2011), Victor Rios questions whether:

aggressive policing in inner-city neighborhoods actually decreases juvenile crime.

What percentage of American employees work for an employer that does not offer a traditional pension or retirement plan?

almost 50 percent

"Majority minority" states, where whites are not the majority of the population, are:

already here; about four U.S. states have this dynamic.

A factory worker wins $10 million in the lottery. He doesn't know what to do with his life anymore or how to spend his time, so he becomes depressed and commits suicide. Émile Durkheim would say he has committed the ________ type of suicide.


Adam Smith argues that money is inherently social because:

any and all economic exchange requires two partners.

In the classroom, compared to boys, girls:

are expected to be better at reading.

When it comes to health care, Western societies:

are reactive; people tend to go to the doctor only when they decide they are sick.

Ugo's promotion to regional manager at Sears with a higher salary and more prestige is an example of what type of vertical social mobility?


Sheniqua is an African American girl. When she is at school, she speaks standard English. When she is at home, she speaks African American English. Her words, tone, and body language change in each setting. Sociologists call this:

code switching.

James is 6 feet tall. Leroy is 5 feet 2 inches tall. There are surely many individual differences between James and Leroy, but sociological research predicts that based on height alone, James is likely to have:

better health

Herrnstein and Murray questioned whether poverty was a result of ________ conditions or whether it actually caused limited opportunities for children.


Alain's daughter wears dresses, plays with dolls, and likes to pretend she is a princess. Alain does not think society has influenced her preferences or games at all. He views his daughter as evidence that human behavior is determined by genes and hormones. Which term best describes Alain's views?

biological determinism

The one-drop rule asserts that just "one drop" of black blood makes a person:


A sociologist studies the family dynamics of Marie, a transgender woman who was raised as a boy named Max. The sociologist notices Marie's father "deadnaming" her. What is he doing?

calling her "Max" even though she wants to be called "Marie"

Steve developed a mental illness in young adulthood. He seeks treatment but doesn't want to talk about his past. He says, "It's just genetic—nothing could have changed it." Influenced by Delores Malaspina's research, Steve's psychiatrist wants to know about Steve's past marijuana intake, because smoking marijuana could

change the way genes are expressed.

At Thanksgiving dinner, college student Janie expresses her dreams to her parents. Her aunt says, "I'm not sure that's realistic, honey!" Janie says, "I'm a postfeminist! That's why I expect to ________."

combine marriage to an egalitarian man with motherhood and a successful career

A researcher studies the effects of gender by comparing people's experiences before undergoing sex changes and then again after their sex changes (e.g., like the Donald to Deirdre case). The researcher uses a statistical technique called individual fixed effects, which involves:

comparing an outcome across time as some factor changes.

C. Wright Mills had a negative view of the elite-mass dichotomy. His view fits with the ________ paradigm.


According to Robert Merton, which of the following describes a person who accepts both the goals defined by society and the means to achieve them?


Due to both birthrate and the increased tendency among whites to embrace their Native roots, the Native American population is likely to:

continue increasing.

J. P. Morgan trader Bruno Iksil placed a giant risky trade and lost $6 billion for the bank. His boss and assistant conspired to cover up the losses by filing false reports. These crimes are known as:

corporate crimes

Which term refers to a legally recognized person who shares many of the rights of a human individual as well as the ability to act as a legal entity by entering into contracts or owning property?


How did the enclosure movement change the economy in the early Tudor period in England? The enclosure movement:

created a large, new pool of urban labor.

This figure shows crime rising and falling quite rapidly and drastically. A sociological interpretation of these trends would emphasize that:

crime rates fluctuate in response to changes in how society classifies deviance.

A politician who argues that poverty causes people to reject the practices of "mainstream" society is making a(n) ________ argument.

culture of poverty

You are dependent on your professor for your grade. Your professor, in turn, is dependent on you for his or her job. Hegel would call this a(n):

dialectic relationship

Phrenology was an early-twentieth-century pseudoscience that read people's intelligence, capacities, and race from:

differences in head formation.

Hippocrates believed that physical markers such as skin color were the result of:

different environmental factors.

After 1990, nurse practitioners began treating patients more widely and gained authorization to prescribe medications. This trend allows more patients to be treated more quickly, but what is one of its unintended consequences?

doctors having less authority

A man who commits a homosexual act within prison:

does not necessarily view himself as a homosexual.

Prejudice is to discrimination as thinking is to:


Anthropologist Michelle Rosaldo believed women were usually lower in the stratification system because of their identification with:

domestic life

Race, birth order, generational cohort, sex, and parental wealth are key sociological variables that are said to resist fixed effects because they:

don't change over time.

Hegel felt that the relationship between slave and master was dialectic. This meant that:

each was dependent on the other

Gated communities are an example of which factor that interacts with wealth inequality to increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

economic segregation

C. Wright Mills argues that there are three major institutions in the United States today that have the power to make decisions for the masses. What are they?

economy, politics, and the military

What were the types of suicide described by Émile Durkheim?

egoistic, altruistic, anomic, and fatalistic

Elaine is a sociologist joining a multidisciplinary international development team. The team wants to promote economic development in underdeveloped parts of the world. Their funds are limited, so they want to choose the intervention that will be most effective. Elaine turns to sociological research and concludes that the most important intervention will be:

eliminating malaria

The Moving to Opportunity study didn't show any change in which factors between the control and treatment groups?

employment and earnings

Although Indian castes historically have been ________, increasing rates of ________ have made classifying children more difficult.

endogamous; exogamy

Lisa Geesh is a U.S. senator who supports policies that give preferential treatment to disadvantaged groups in employment and education. She is concerned with:

equality of condition

Carrie, Max, and Lisa are friends in high school. Over the years, Carrie becomes a carpenter. Max becomes a computer programmer. Lisa becomes a physician. The government regulates salaries such that Carrie, Max, and Lisa are paid similar salaries, live in similar neighborhoods, and enjoy relatively equal standards of living. What standard of equality would this be an example of?

equality of outcome

When Marie becomes a medical doctor and sets up her office for the first time, she sets her desk in a manner so it is between her and the patient. It just seems like the right thing to do. Sociologists study this practice and see that it:

establishes the power of the doctor.

Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the American South before the Civil War?

estate system

Ontological equality is the notion that:

everyone is created equal by divine design.

The Moving to Opportunity study found that those in the group who received assistance in relocating and life-skills training in addition to housing vouchers:

experienced less stress and better health.

Using Émile Durkheim's definitions, many feminists would say that 1950s housewives were more likely to commit the ________ type of suicide.


Gender structures social relationships between people unequally. This is a statement that would be supported by which group?


In industrialized societies, social sanctions are most often:

focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.

A crime such as burglary is also known as which type of deviance?


Punishments that are overt expressions of official group sentiments toward deviants are also known as:

formal social sanctions

America's first naturalization law, passed in 1790, granted citizenship to:

free white persons.

A drug dealer stops selling drugs after learning on the street that another dealer was caught and punished. This is an example of which of the following?

general deterrence

The "drift explanation" of the relationship between health and socioeconomic status (SES) states that:

genetics and biology affect SES so that people who are healthier have an easier time maintaining a high SES.

While the notion of sex refers to biological characteristics, the concept of gender refers to ________ characteristics.


Jane is a single mother in poverty. She has intermittent, low-paying employment. Because she is forced to move a lot, she hasn't established a reliable social network for support or friendships for her children. To determine what effect this has on her children's outcomes, what factors would the parenting stress hypothesis examine?

household stress levels and their effect on Jane's patience and parenting style

When the official poverty line was first set, food made up the largest percentage of household budgets. In today's society, what now makes up the largest percentage?


Morbidity means ________; mortality means ________.

illness; death

One of the explanations of continued racism in America is that we have:

imported a colonized population (through slavery) and continued to exclude them.

A society is pluralistic if no distinct ethnic group is statistically:

in the majority.

What did the former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan say was one of the most important factors in defeating infectious diseases?

increasing access to clean water

Roman is an activist who would like to see humans live in a state of sharing, equality, and harmony. His friend Omar says, "But if everyone shared and everyone thrived, wouldn't there be too many people?" If Roman and Omar read Thomas Malthus, they would consider the notion that ________keeps the population in check.


Picking your nose in public is an example of which type of deviance?


Punishments that are based on the usually unexpressed but widely known rules of group membership are known as unspoken rules and as:

informal social sanctions.

What did Mechanic and Meyer find to be the most important factor for patients in rating their doctor?

interpersonal confidence

Similar to hegemonic masculinity, social problems that exist within a dominant group in a society tend to be:

invisible because they are regarded as the norm.

Amos Mac is a man who was raised as a girl. Which of the following describes Amos Mac's self-description? He:

is comfortable in his own skin and doesn't fully resonate with either "man" or "woman."

Suppose you are a policy maker who is interested in reducing behavioral problems among school-age children on Native American reservations. Based on results of a study of the Cherokee Nation, which of the following proposals will you make?

legalize gambling and allow the tribe to retain the profits

In the early days of the new monetary system, stockholders were more willing to invest in corporations because of ________, which limits their financial responsibility to whatever they invested in the company.

limited liability

Melinda is a woman with advanced diabetes who no longer works or performs household tasks for her family. Her husband and children work to support the household and care for her. She won't take insulin and won't change her diet because she says she is too sick. Using Talcott Parson's role theory, we can see that Melinda is:

living out part of the sick role, but failing to meet her obligation to comply with doctor's orders.

U.S. Senator Thompson proposes an "incentivized IRA" bill that would encourage savings among people who do not have an employer-sponsored retirement plan. One key incentive is:

making a single choice to automatically save from each paycheck rather than deciding whether or not to save when each paycheck arrives.

A Hegelian perspective shows that the ________ relationship is alive and well today in industries such as tomato picking.


Aroon is doing fieldwork on the topic of poverty in First World nations. Because he understands the difference between absolute and relative poverty, he expects that poor people in wealthier countries will have:

material goods such as flat screen TVs and cell phones.

Although women now outnumber men in terms of college enrollment, men still dominate which fields?

math and physics

By looking at anthropological findings in tribal societies, sociologists can see fluidity in gender, which helps us see that the boundaries within our own system of gender:

may not be stable

A society characterized by a high degree of sameness among the individual participants, in which participants perform largely the same functions, has ________ solidarity.


Which of Émile Durkheim's types of social solidarity characterized premodern life?


Denise, who comes from a lower-middle-class family, obtained a college degree, interned at a company, worked at that company for many years, and is now its CEO. Denise's experiences support the idea of:


Vilfredo Pareto believed in a society in which status and mobility are based on individual attributes and ability, called:


Jim gets a job in a group home for disabled adults. The executive director tells Jim that if he works hard and earns favorable reviews, he could work his way up to a position of greater responsibility and income. Such a system is referred to as:


Which group believed that humans were one species, united under God?


Jane does a study of illness rates and how they vary by gender. She is studying ________ rates.


A higher Gini coefficient score means:

more inequality

Many people believe sex to be an either/or situation (either male or female), but sociologists believe these pure categories are:

more of an ideal than an absolute.

In Navajo tribes, there are three genders. Which of the following is their third gender category?


Christoph Wilhelm Lucht is an American living in Chicago during World War I. Concerned about discrimination against German Americans, he makes choices that will help his family survive. Sociologists call his strategy "passing," citing as an example his choice to:

name his daughter Jane and to be happy when she marries and changes her last name to Jones.

John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1992), takes the position that the different temperaments, emotions, and languages of males and females are rooted in:

natural differences

Social deviance is a breach of ________; crime is a breach of ________.

norms; law

The comparison between the Burakumin and the Japanese shows that race is:

not just about physical or biological differences.

What is a social benefit of adopting the sick role? A person in the sick role is:

not looked down on or morally judged if he or she does not work.

The game of Monopoly exemplifies equality of:


Which of Émile Durkheim's types of social solidarity characterizes modern life?


Before Melissa's trip to India, she read a book that said India has four main castes. When she arrived, she asked Veda, an Indian woman, "Which of the four castes does your family belong to?" Veda smiled and corrected Melissa, pointing out that:

over time, the caste system has evolved into thousands of subcastes.

Max Weber said that a person who pursues profit removed from any sense of right and wrong has:

parceled out his soul.

Susan Mayer wrote What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances. Her findings were similar to what Marlin Card was suggesting would have helped his chances in life. Which of the following might have addressed this issue?

parenting classes

Reverend Samuel Stanhope Smith's proposal that skin color should be viewed as a product of climate and therefore not correlated to inner virtues (e.g., intelligence, character, personality) suggests that he felt:

people were all the same beneath their skin.

Karl has been hired to paint a house blue, but he mixes the color wrong, and it turns out purple instead of blue. Under which wage system(s) would he be responsible for paying for new paint?


Jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as:

pink-collar jobs.

Janet Lever found that boys and girls played differently on the playground. In comparison to boys, girls tended to:

play more cooperative and people-based games.

Some critics claim that the Carlyle Group uses insider political knowledge, or ________, to dominate heavily regulated markets.

political arbitrage

Which group believed that different races were distinct species?


From her research, Susan Mayer concluded that it was not poverty that mattered, but rather:

poverty in the midst of growing wealth.

When Shelly, a white American, sees a Middle Eastern man, she worries that he may be a terrorist. She would never say this and would never take action on these thoughts, but nonetheless, they come into her mind. Despite her commitment to fair treatment, she is harboring:


Jennifer goes out at night with a spray can and writes on a stop sign. She successfully vandalizes for the first time. Labeling theorists would call this ________ deviance.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that the source of all social ills was:

private property

Karl Marx and Jean-Jacques Rousseau tended to agree on at least one thing. They both saw the primary source of social ills in society as:

private property

What group sells its labor to the bourgeoisie to receive wages?


Under feudalism, lords exchanged land with the vassals in return for what?


Adam Smith, the father of liberal economics, determined that groups of individuals pursuing their own self-interest manage to stay intact and not fall into civil strife because individuals:

pursuing self-interest in an environment of others acting similarly will lead to healthy competition.

Marlin Card expressed insight also found in Susan Mayer's research when he said that even more than increased income, families such as his would benefit from more:

quality time between parents and their children.

In 1942, 120,000 Japanese Americans were sent by federal order to internment camps. Afterward, all Asian Americans (regardless of their country of origin and/or U.S. citizenship status) went from being a relatively unnoticed group to being singled out for discrimination. This is known as:


Which term refers to the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits?


After serving a long prison sentence for grand theft auto, Charles stole another car. This is an example of:


When a prison offers educational opportunities, mental health treatment, and job training programs to inmates, which response to deviance is it engaging in?


In addition to attracting new workers, Ford's payment system:

reinforced women's economic dependence at home.

A policy maker wants to recalculate poverty based on a set percentage of the median income for each metropolitan area in the United States instead of a national average. This is an example of ________ poverty.


It is sometimes difficult to determine whether large corporations such as the Carlyle Group, or Wall Street overall, are expanding the economy in ways that broaden the economic value available to everyone or just amassing money at other people's expense. Using Adam Davidson's framework, a company that doesn't add value but just rearranges existing dollars for its own benefit is called:

rent seeking.

Nathan is an upper-class man who enjoys a mansion, a pool, and a wealthy lifestyle. Most likely, the distinguishing characteristic of Nathan's class position is his source of income, which is:

returns on investments, not wages

When Susie takes up smoking, the cost of her insurance coverage goes up. This is a result of:

risk adjustment.

After a student drops out of high school, he becomes labeled a "drop-out," and his subsequent actions and choices are explained in terms of this label. Those subsequent actions are called:

secondary deviance

Shelly shoplifted once. Her peers on social media have labeled her "shoplifting Shelly," and this label follows her everywhere online and at school. She feels hopeless and shoplifts regularly now to alleviate her anxiety and because it is what everyone expects her to do anyway. Labeling theory would interpret her ongoing shoplifting as:

secondary deviance.

The 1896 Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson upheld:


The Supreme Court's landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education struck down what doctrine?

separate but equal

George lives in fifteenth-century England. He is bound to the land but does not own it. He works the land but must give a portion of his harvest to the landowner. In return, he gets protection from roaming bandits and thieves. George is a:


In Brazil, gender is determined by:

sexual practice.

Some people consider corporations to be "psychopathic" because corporations:

show little regard, remorse, or guilt for harming others.

When Blumenbach declared Caucasians the superlative of the races, he was following a popular line of thought that, in today's view, mistakenly assumed that:

skull size and shape indicated human worth.

The genetic variation that corresponds with geographic origins is much ________ than people commonly believe.


When Asians are referred to as "the model minority," this refers to their:

smooth assimilation

When Asians are referred to as "the model minority," this refers to their:

smooth assimilation.

When people in a society form social bonds and relate to each other on a daily basis, the society is said to exhibit:

social cohesion

The longevity discrepancy between blacks and whites may be a result of:

social inequality

Asians tend to have lower infant mortality rates than other minority groups in the United States. This is most likely attributable to:

socioeconomic status

A policy of imprisoning and monitoring criminal offenders for committing crimes in an effort to prevent them from committing more crimes is known as:

specific deterrence

The conflict between the Hmong family and their American doctors was over different understandings of seizures. The Hmong family viewed seizures as ________, but American doctors viewed seizures as ________.

spiritual; physical

What method is usually used to measure poverty?

statistical measures of income

When an elementary school student is labeled the "class clown" by his teacher and then adopts the persona and lives up to others' expectations by acting silly, the class clown label has become a:


When sociologists study how race and ethnicity affect income, they are studying the topic of:


Illegal drug dealing is an example of which of the following types of crime, as defined by sociologists?

street crime

Although deviant behavior can be threatening and damaging, paradoxically it also:

strengthens society by exercising mechanisms that preserve cohesion.

An elementary school isn't a total institution because:

students leave every afternoon and adopt different roles at that time.

Steve is a white American whose family has lived in the United States for 200 years. During the Olympics, Steve cheers for Britain in swimming, because, he says, "I'm British!" During soccer, he cheers for Sweden, saying, "I have some Swedish in me, too!" Steve is displaying:

symbolic ethnicity

Liam is a sociologist studying which factors determine health outcomes. He is doing a study that will refine the outcomes of the Whitehall Study. Thus, he looks at differences in health outcomes between the following groups:

teachers, lawyers, service workers.

Cho is working on poverty reduction in a Philadelphia public housing development. In the analysis he writes after the project, he uses Mario Luis Small's idea of "culture as frames" instead of Oscar Lewis's "culture of poverty" because the "culture of poverty" thesis:

tends to blame the poor.

In 1973, the governor of New York State enacted legislation mandating increased prison terms for drug possession and sale. This attempt to decrease drug-related crime operates on what premise?

that crime results from rational calculation of its costs and benefits

Susan Mayer, author of What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances, found in her study:

that the effect of income on children's outcomes has been overstated.

Which federal government program for children matches the state funding while still allowing states to set their own criteria for eligibility and control the disbursement of funds?

the State Children's Health Insurance Plan

People who are born into poverty and ultimately raise their own children in poverty learn how to live in poverty. They learn the norms and values associated with that particular way of life. Oscar Lewis called this:

the culture of poverty.

Which of the following situations provides an example of how the social categories of gender influence the biology of sex?

the decision to perform sex reassignment surgery on a male infant born with a micropenis (e.g., a phallus measuring less than 2 centimeters in length) and raise the baby as a female

College student Jerry says disease, natural disasters, and even war serve a greater purpose. His friends say his views are offensive, and Jerry replies, "But I'm a Malthusian!" Along with Thomas Malthus, Jerry believes that the benefit of problems that wipe out large number of humans is that:

the decreased pressure on the food supply reduces starvation and misery

In terms of the evolution of payment and exchange, wage labor is more developed than piecework payment because under wage labor:

the employer assumes responsibility for the quality of the raw materials, the technology, and the production process.

In our society, many people take for granted that sex has only two categories and tend to ignore facts that suggest sex itself is socially constructed. Which of the following is an outcome of this sexual dichotomization?

the exclusion of those who don't fit neatly into one category or the other

Which of the following examples calls into question the two firm categories of sex and gender that dominate our thinking?

the existence of more than two gender groups in other cultures

Neighborhood watch groups are examples of what urban theorist Jane Jacobs called:

the eyes and ears of the streets.

At the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, a massive transition was propelled by the development of new technologies, including:

the power loom and steam engine.

One of the major changes associated with the modern prison system is:

the shift from "violence against the body" to "reforming the soul."

Physicians in ancient Rome tended to have lower prestige. This was because:

the surgeons evolved from barbers.

The German Nazis identified Jews as a "race," and race was believed to be biological. Nonetheless, the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David because:

there was no reliable physical indicator of this supposed "race."

Around the 1990s, physicians' authority began to decline for several reasons, one of which was that more physicians were associated with health maintenance organizations (HMOs). This meant that:

there were changes in the way we paid for care.

Angie writes a college paper about the origins of patriarchy. Following Gayle Rubin's theory closely, she argues that:

trading women as property gave men certain rights over their female kin.

According to Nell Irvin Painter, author of The History of White People, white people:

typically just see themselves as "individuals."

One of the criticisms of the Whitehall Study is that the researchers did not adequately address the possibility that occupational and health differences were caused by:

underlying personality differences.

Under HMOs, doctors usually don't get more money each time a patient comes in, so the incentive might be to:

undertreat the patient.

In the one-sex model, it was believed that both a man's and a woman's orgasm were required for conception. When the two-sex model gained momentum, women and men were viewed as radically different creatures, and the female orgasm became viewed as:


The rise or fall of an individual (or group) from one social stratum to another is called ________ social mobility.


During the agricultural revolution, the enclosure movement caused many former serfs to move to cities in search of work and led to the rise of:

wage labor

A system of payment whereby workers are paid a set amount of money not tied to the quality of the raw materials, accidents, or other exigencies in the production process refers to:

wage labor.

Which of the following is one main reason why a Navajo person would identify as nadle? The person:

was born with ambiguous genitalia.

Income-based measurements are deceptive because they hide the real influence of:


Tax evasion is an example of which of the following types of crime, as defined by sociologists?

white-collar crime

Euripedes is a fictional student of Aristotle. Following his teacher's line of thought, Euripedes proudly declares his commitment to civic association, that the true test of a person's worth is in what the individual does, not in personal characteristics. Euripedes fails to examine the fact that the principle of civic association excludes:


Feminist sociologists claim that the family wage is a patriarchal bargain because it implies that:

women depend on a man's wage.

One good thing about a salary, according to Simmel, is that:

workers still get paid, even if the electricity goes out for the day and no work gets done.

In her study of real estate and inequality, graduate student Shania looks for the "Aspen effect." She is looking for:

workers who must live very far from their jobs due to real estate prices.

In political speeches about the poor, those who are believed to deserve assistance are often termed the:

working poor

According to Peggy McIntosh (1988), which of the following statements about "being white" is most accurate? If you are white,

you don't have to think much about your racial identity.

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