SO 444 Exam 2

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violent offenses

involve offenses committed agains other persons and include such crimes as homicide, robbery, assault and battery, and rape/sexual assault.

In 2012, Take Justice Back listed all the following except __________ as one of the 10 most dangerous toys of all time.

Barbie dolls

Offering money or gifts to a person in power to entice the receiver to do something on behalf of the giver is __________.


__________ are staged acts of violence in which homeless people are paid to fight one another.

Bum fights

Gary walks into an unlocked home and takes a laptop computer. Gary has committed the crime of _______.


Protestors that deviate from normal expectations of behavior and commit acts of violence are using violence as a(n) __________.


intimate interpersonal violence

Acts carried out with the intention of, or perceived as having the intention of, physically or emotionally hurting one's partner (in marriage, cohabitation, or dating); child; parent; sibling; or some other intimate person (e.g., close family member such as a niece or nephew, aunt or uncle, or grandparent).

Corporate deviance

Acts of immense physical, financial, and moral harm committed by wealthy and powerful corporations no longer being constrained by government in their relentless pursuits of profits.

simple assault

Acts of violence against a person that inflict less than serious bodily harm without a deadly weapon.

organized crime

Also known as syndicate crime, involves criminal activity committed by members of a criminal enterprises that exist to operate profitable illicit enterprises (e.g. insurance fraud, counterfeiting, tax evasion, and money laundering.)

Terrorists may be willing to kill themselves due to strong commitment to a cause and a belief of rewards in the afterlife. Such terrorists are said to engage in __________ suicide.


Illegal insider trading

Buying or selling a security, in breach of fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, while in possession of material, nonpublic information about security.

When taking race and ethnicity into account, which has the highest rate of violent crime victimization?

American Indians and Alaskan Natives


An act of violence that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful, unwanted, or offensive contact.


An all-encompassing term that covers silly, potentially risky, or degrading tasks as a means of initiating a person into a group, with or without the consent of the participants, that is required for acceptance by a group of full-fledged members.

aggravated assault

An attempt to purposely inflict serious bodily harm

street crime

An umbrella term used by sociologists criminologists, and law enforcement agencies to describe criminal acts committed in public outdoor places, including the streets, playgrounds, shopping areas, business districts, and residential neighborhoods, including private homes and encompasses violent offenses and property offenses.


Any deviant behavior or omission of behavior that violates a law of the land.

statutory rape

Any sexual contact with an underage person.


Any willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc.

occupational crime

Deviant or criminal behavior committed during the course of one's occupation for the purpose of seeking ill-gotten personal gain.


Involves the offering of money or gifts to a person in power, especially a public official in the discharge of his or her legal duties, in an effort to entice that public official to do something on behalf of the briber

workplace bullying

The repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators in the work environment.

Power elites

The set of people with a disproportionate amount of influence over public policy who are found atop the major power structure of American society - business, military, and politics.

motor vehicle theft

The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle; a motor vehicle is defined as a self-propelled vehicle that runs on land surfaces and not on rails.

Insider trading

The trading of securities or stocks by "insiders" with material, nonpublic information pertaining to significant, often market-moving developments to benefit themselves or others financially.


The unlawful compelling of a person, or persons, through the use of physical force, or the threat of physical force, or duress to have unwanted vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex, without the consent of the victim.

burglary (breaking and entering)

The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft.


The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, of riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another.


The willful or malicious destruction, damage, or defacing of public or private property.

unsafe products

Those products that cause undue r unexpected harm, including death, to those who use them.

Physical and/or mental pain and suffering intentionally inflicted to elicit a confession or information is __________.


True or false - Any acts perpetrated by or against a government or state are called political crimes.


True or false - Crimes that are perpetrated by or against a government or state are called political crimes.


True or false - Extortion may also be referred to a shakedown or a type of protection service.


True or false - Insider trading is considered legal when corporate insiders buy and sell stock in their own companies.


True or false - It is almost impossible to prevent identity theft.


True or false - Political torture against suspected 9/11 terrorists was sanctioned by the US government.


True or false - Property offenses include burglary, larceny theft, arson, and auto theft.


True or false - Voluntary manslaughter involves the killing of a human in which the offender had no prior intent or forethought of committing the homicide.


True or false - advanced technology in automobile design has made it more difficult for thieves to steal vehicles.


Negligence, child neglect, failure to disclose terrorist acts, and vandalism - which is not a crime of omission?


Criminal intent (mens rea, guilty mind)

Varies by degree, ranging from willful conduct ( the perpetrator had full intention to commit the crime, such as robbery, aggravated assault, and murder) at one extreme to negligence (meaning that the criminal act was not deliberated) at the other end.

interpersonal violence

Violence between individuals, individuals and groups, groups and individuals, and groups against groups.

collective violence

Violence committed by larger groups of individuals and political states.

self-directed violence

Violence in which the perpetrator and the victim are the same individual.

All the following are risk factors for suicide except _________. aMental illness bStrong family bonds cSubstance abuse dPrevious suicide attempts

strong family bonds

Deviant behavior that violates the law is known as __________.


true or false - According to the U.S. Department of Justice, in 2010, a violent crime occurred every 25.3 seconds.


true or false - All people are capable of engaging in deviant, criminal, and violent acts.


true or false - Parental abuse by a teen/young adult represents a play for power and control.


true or false - People who lack skills to express emotions and lack a strong social support network are more likely to self-harm.


true or false - The category of self-harm does not include suicide or attempted suicide.


true or false - There are instances when otherwise unlawful behaviors are considered excusable and justifiable, such as police officers in the course of their duties.


true or false -Economic forces controlled by the wealthy in a manner that best maintains the interest of the rich at the expense of the poor is known as the conflict perspective.



The offense of the betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.

product recall

The process of retrieving defective products from consumers with compensation (e.g. monetary compensation or product replacement)


A version of graffiti that involves using a sharp object like a knife to scratch painted surfaces, wood, and glass windows.


A violent public disorder involving a large number of people assembled together and acting with a common intent—the wanton destruction of human life and/or property.

What percentage of auto thefts are fraudulent?


Identity fraud

A crime in which a criminal uses a victim's personal data through fraud or deception for economic gain or other deceitful purposes.

Credit card fraud

A form of identity theft that involves the unauthorized taking of another's credit card information for the purpose of charging purchases to the account or removing funds from it.

suicide by com (SBC)

A situation where individuals deliberately place themselves or others at grave risk in a manner that compels the use of deadly force by police officers.


A state or period of collective fighting between large groups or countries via the use of armed combat.

securities fraud

A type of serious white-collar crime in which a person(s) of company misrepresents information that investors use to make decisions.

White collar crimes

Crimes that are typically nonviolent, non street crimes committed by someone, generally a professional of high status, in commercial situations for financial gain.

Stephen Kim was prosecuted for violating the __________ Act of 1917 for disclosing privileged information to a Fox News reporter.


True - False - Louis steals her room mates debit card and uses it to make several purchases. She is arrested but can only be charged with misdemeanor crimes.


True or False - The Russian Mafia has a major impact on American business or politics.


True or false - laws agains vandalism are the same in each state.


True or false - most victims of rape and sexual assault do not know their attacker.


One of the most common forms of vandalism is ________.


Ace is a first-year college student that is also an athlete. To feel like he belongs on the team, he reluctantly submits to an initiation that involves excessive drinking and physical punishment. Ace has been subjected to __________.


All of the following are accelerants used to intentionally set fires except ___________. hydrogen peroxide diesel fuel acetone charcoal lighter

Hydrogen peroxide

__________ happens when someone assumes your identity to perform fraud or commit some other criminal act.

Identity theft

noncriminal homicides

Include excusable and justifiable homicide wherein the death of another person was not the result of wanton disregard, malice aforethought, premeditation, or during the commission of a felony.

property offenses

Involve offenses committed against the property of other and include such crimes as burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and vandalism.

The __________ perspective of violence contends that a state may use violence to exercise power, gain or defend resources, or as a defense from attacking states.


The Enron scandal is an example of __________.

Occupational crime

self-harm (self-injury, self-mutilation)

Occurs when a person purposively inflicts physical harm to self via such methods as self-cutting, head banging, self-biting, and self scratching.

Application Fraud

Occurs when an unauthorized person opens up a credit card account in another persons name

__________ is a breach of public trust and/or the abuse of power by political officials and their private sector accomplices.

Public corruption

Political crime

Refers to acts perpetrated by, or against, a government or state.

__________ is taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force, threat, violence, or putting the victim in fear.


__________ includes such behaviors as smoking and drinking to excess.

Self- mutilation

Self cutting, branding, hair pulling, and bone breaking are all forms of __________.



The act of causing excruciating pain as a form of punishment or revenge or as a means of forcing someone to give up information or a confession.


The act of spying or of using spies to obtain, deliver, or transmit secret of confidential information, especially regarding a government or business, without the target's permission of knowledge.


The altering, copying, or imitating of something, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy of thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine.

drive-by shootings

The combined use of firearms and automobiles in a mobile attempt be assailants to kill targeted victims.


The completed or attempted theft, directly from a person, or property or cash by force or threat of force, with or without a weapon, and with or without injury.


The criminal behavior of trying to get money, property, or some other sort of favors from a person, entity, or institutions through coercive means.

crimes of omission

The failure to act when called upon to do so either by law or law enforcement representatives; such acts constitute an actus reus.

Identity theft

The fraudulent appropriation and use of someone else's personal identification information, personal data, or documents for the purpose of assuming that person's name or identity in order to make transactions or purchases.


The harmful or offensive touching of another.


The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.

felony murder

The killing of an individual(s) during the commission of a felony such as rape of robbery.


The killing of one human being by another. Homicides can be criminal or noncriminal.

true or false - Cultural and subcultural deviance theories discuss the importance of the influence of individuals.


true or false - Suicide is not considered a serious public health issue.


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