Soc. 1000 Chapter 4

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Role-taking emotions

are emotions like sympathy, embarrassment, or shame, which require that we assume the perspective of another person and respond from that person's point of view

Feeling rules

are socially constructed norms regarding the expression and display of emotions and include expectations about the acceptable or desirable feelings in a given situation.


are the behaviors expected from a particular status.

Agents of socialization

are the social groups, institutions, and individuals that provide structured situations in which socialization takes place. The four predominant agents of socialization are the family, schools, peers, and the mass media. The family is the single most significant agent of socialization and teaches us the basic values and norms that shape our identity.

Erving Goffman

believed that meaning is constructed through interaction.

Charles Cooley

believed that one's sense of self depends on seeing one's self reflected in interactions with others

superego (Sigmund Freud)

composed of the conscience, which serves to keep us from engaging in socially undesirable behavior, and the ego-ideal, which upholds our vision of who we believe we should ideally be

id (Sigmund Freud)

consists of basic inborn drives that are the source of instinctive psychic energy

George Herbert Mead

expanded Cooley's ideas about the development of the self. Mead also believed that the self was created through social interaction and that this process started in childhood, with children beginning to develop a sense of self at about the same time that they began to learn language.

dramaturgy (Erving Goffman)

focuses on how individuals take on roles and act them out to present a favorable impression to their "audience."


is a position in society that comes with a set of expectations.

master status

is a status that seems to override all others and affects all other statuses that one possesses.

ascribed status

is one we are born with that is unlikely to change.

achieved status

is one we have earned through individual effort or that is imposed by others

Role strain

occurs when roles associated with a single status clash. Either of these may lead to role exit.

Role conflict

occurs when the roles associated with one status clash with the roles associated with a different status


our experience of a distinct, real, personal identity that is separate and different from all other people.

looking-glass self

refers to the notion that the self develops through our perception of others' evaluations and appraisals of us.

Emotion work

refers to the process of evoking, suppressing, or otherwise managing feelings to create a publicly observable display of emotion.

nature vs. nurture debate

the ongoing discussion of the respective roles of genetics and socialization in determining individual behaviors and traits. Ultimately both sides do play a role in making us the people that we are.


the process of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of our social group and the process by which we become functioning members of society. begins in infancy and is especially productive once a child begins to understand and use language, but it also is a lifelong process that continues into adulthood.


the process of replacing previously learned norms and values with new ones as a part of a transition in life

ego (Sigmund Freud)

the realistic aspect of the mind that balances the forces of the id and superego.

total institution

type of institution (a place such as a prison, cult, or mental hospital) cuts off people from the rest of society so that their lives can be controlled and regulated for the purpose of systematically stripping away previous roles and identities in order to create a new one.


when individuals are in one another's physical presence

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