SOC 101 Ch. 2

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A questionnaire with a set of predetermined responses is a)closed-ended. b) semistructured. c)nonstructured. d)open-ended.


Even if you pick your method carefully, you will still have to sacrifice some types of information in order to acquire others. a)true b)false


Researchers should try to avoid double-barreled questions, or questions that: a)ask about multiple issues. b)use emotional language that may bias the respondent. c)are vague or ambiguous. d)have a hidden agenda. e)allow for a wide variety of responses.


Sociologists try to follow the steps of the scientific method or approach to gather new empirical data that can change and deepen our understanding of human social life. a)true b)false


Which of the following steps might help a researcher avoid problems associated with reactivity? a)using secrecy or deception b)being totally ethical at all times c)using random sampling techniques d)using properly constructed questions e)being objective


You're doing a research project on the effects of contemporary media. If your hypothesis is that "watching violence on television causes an increase in violent behavior," then what are your variables? a)violence on television and violent behavior b)number of violent acts and age of television watchers c)watching television, violence on television, and violent behavior d)violent behavior e)violence in the media


Professor Johnson is conducting a sociological research study on the underground music scene. He has just finished collecting data for the study. What is the next step he should take in the sociological research or approach or method? a) disseminate findings b) analyze data c)form a hypothesis; give operational definitions to variables d)choose a research design or method e)identify a problem or ask a question


Which of the following is an advantage of using interviews as a research method? a)They allow the researcher to maintain strict control of the data collection process. b)They reveal attitudes and beliefs a researcher has no access to without talking to people. c)They can affirm preconceptions and stereotypes. d)They allow researchers to analyze data statistically and draw correlations. e)Finding respondents is fairly easy for most research topics.


Why is the use of existing data, especially in comparative and historical research, especially helpful to students? a)It allows them to explore new topics. b)It requires fewer resources than collecting original data. c) It eliminates problems with sampling bias. d)It lets them improve their interview and participant observation skills. e) It is usually more valid than collecting new data.


You want to conduct some sociological research on whether people on social networking sites are less likely to meet in person as a result of their online community participation. What is the next step in the sociological research method? a) identify a problem or ask a question b)conduct a literature review c)form a hypothesis; give operational definitions to variables d)choose a research design or method e)collect data


If you observe a group in order to determine its norms, values, rules, and meanings, then what kind of research are you doing? a)normative research b)quantitative research c)qualitative research d)natural science research e)geophysical research


The analysis of documents-such as medical records, photographs, diaries, letters, newspapers, and song lyrics-uses which of the following types of data? a)ethnographic fieldnotes b)interview transcripts c)existing sources d)experimental data e)statistical analysis


What is the goal of ethnographic research? a)to describe everything that the researchers observe, without making any inferences or interpretations b)to use existing records to better understand events from many years ago c)to describe the activities researchers observe and understand what those activities mean to the groups they are studying d)to show that processes observed in a particular group also occur in a larger, more generalizable population


When high schools want to ask students about sensitive subjects like drug use or sexual health, they often use surveys rather than a more direct form of communication like interviews. Why? a)Surveys allow respondents to speak in their own words; they can reveal their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. b)Surveys allow researchers to ask much more complex questions than they could with any other methodology. c)Surveys allow students to answer the questions in private and assure the confidentiality of their responses. d)Surveys are more expensive and allow for larger staffs and budgets. e)Surveys produce far more honesty and are almost always more valid.


To better assess how campers feel about their experiences in summer camp, the counselors pass out a questionnaire. The responses are either: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. This is an example of a)negative questions. b)open-ended questions. c)participant observation. d) a Likert scale.


What are the goals of ethnography? a)to explain ethnic differences using qualitative methods b)to develop quantitative data sets that allow researchers to discover correlations c)to conduct interviews with people who have very different ways of life d)to describe activities sociologists observe and to understand what those activities mean to the people involved e)to develop ethics and standards for sociological research


When conducting experiments, how is the experimental group different from the control group? a)The control group is not part of the experiment. b)The experimental group contains people who are different in many ways from the control group. c)The experimental group receives the dependent variable, and the control group does not. d)The experimental group receives the independent variable, and the control group does not. e)The control group receives the independent variable, and the experimental group does not.


Which of the following is not one of the advantages of survey research? a)Researchers can more easily generalize their results to the larger population. b)It is a more economical research method. c)There is less concern about interviewer bias. d)Extremely rich and varied responses can be elicited through close-ended questions.


Clifford Geertz coined the term "thick description" to define good ethnographic fieldnotes. Which of the following is NOT associated with thick description? a)sensitivity to context b)interactional details c)the meaning events have for those participating in them d)attention to tone of voice and facial expressions e)a comprehensive list of events


Marxists (conflict theorists) are among the strongest supporters of value-free sociology. a)true b)false


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