SOC 104, Exam 2

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Family and Medical Leave Act

Gives workers right to 12 weeks of leave for a new baby or a family medical emergency.

8. Going Public

"All my friends hated her" "There is something staggering about discovering that people who witness our relationships from a distance, exposed neither to our private thoughts nor intimate conversations, have knowledge we ourselves do not possess."

7. The Initiator's Advantage

"Although initiators and partners may vary in the extent to which they are prepared for separation, the typical situation is asymmetrical: the initiator is prepared and the partner is not"

10. Uncoupling

"Formerly participants in each other's life, they are now observers" and "...All contribute to each partner's redefining self and other as separate."

Slumming and the Myth of Invisibility

"Going slumming in the resorts of the Bowery and the Tenderloin was a popular activity among middle-class man (even among some women), in part as a way to witness working-class 'depravity' and confirm their sense of superiority"

3. Mid-Transition

"In the discovery and adaptation of an ideology of self, the initiator inadvertently creates an audience with incorporated moral standards that reinforce and rewarded uncoupling- thus pulling the initiator away from the partner and toward other with sympathetic orientations."

2. The Display of Discontent

"In the presence of others, the initiator may react to the partner in ways that reflect disinterest, disrespect or dislike. Some strategies are subtle- a failure to react, a frown displayed at the proper moment, innuendo, jokes, mimicry, hints- so subtle that the initiator cannot be accused of doing something unacceptable."

4. Signals, Secrecy, and Collaborative Cover-Up

"Ironically, through separated in many ways, the partners remain full-fledged partners in one endeavor: suppression information about the status of the relationship"

Bell Hooks

"No significant body of feminist writing addresses boys directly, letting them know how they can construct and identify that is not rooted in sexism." Need a transformative masculinity: patriarchal masculinity to feminist masculinity

9. The Partner's Transition

"Partners try to understand their present experience and prepare for their new life"

The Breakdown of the Cover-Up

"The initiator's certainty results not only from the recognition that he or she no longer belongs in the relationship, but also from a sense of belonging elsewhere." - Sometimes initiator may use indirect methods: o Fatal mistake o Decreased interaction o Rule violation o Playing detective

The Invention of the Closet

"The state built a closet in the 1930s and forced gay people to hide in it... gay life in New York was less tolerated, less visible to outsiders, and more rigidly segregated in the second third of the century than the first, and the very severity of the postwar reaction has tended to blind us to the relative tolerance of the prewar years"

George Chauncey on Hetero-homosexuality binarism

"This book argues that in important respects the hetero-homosexual binarism, the sexual regime now hegemonic in American culture, is a stunningly recent creation." Only in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s did the now-conventional devision of men into "homosexuals" and "heterosexuals" based on the sex of their sexual partners replace the division of men into "fairies" and "normal men"

1. Secrets

"Uncoupling begins with a secret" "This secret is different from other secrets... this secret is about the relationship" "The dissatisfied partner unwittingly creates a power imbalance"

The Looking-Glass Self

"the imagination people have of one another are the solid facts of society" 1. We imagine our appearance or image in the eyes of the other. 2. We imagine some judgement of that appearance. 3. Experience some sort of self-feeling such as pride or mortification aka 1. Imagine 2. Evaluate 3. Form Feelings

Signals, Secrecy and Collaborative Cover-Up (4)

(Chapter 4) partner doesn't ask too many questions about the initiator's hints or displays of discontent. Partner tries to save face and so the cover-up of problems becomes

Effects Seth's obsession with his career had on his family

1. He felt he deserved more nurturance than her 2. Emotional detachment from his children

7 Ways to be a Trans Ally

1. Learn basic vocab 2. Don't use certain terms 3. Don't ask about body 4. Don't ever out me 5. Don't assume we are all the same 6. Use cisgender power for good 7. Don't make me your "trans pet"

StageModel of Uncoupling (1-5)

1. Secrets 2. The Display of Discontent 3. Mid-Transition 4. Signals, Secrets and Collaborative Cover-up 5. The Breakdown of the Cover-up

Gender Socialization creates

1. Self-fulfilling prophecies 2. Institutional discrimination 3. Glass ceilings Sons described as bigger/stronger. By 6th and 8th grade, sons are described as having more natural talent in science in math.

5 things to know about Gender Identity

1. Sexual identity is different from gender identity 2. Not all transgender people transition 3. Not good data on this 4. It's no longer an official mental disorder 5. Nonconformity is common in kids

3 Types of Gender Ideology

1. Traditional 2. Egalitarian 3. Transitional

Sociology argues against these two models:

1. biology--gender--inequality 2. society--gender--inequality

Uncoupling Methods

103 interviews Recruited subjects through - Advertising - Divorces listed in the paper - Recruited from groups and organizations - Snowball sampling - Serendipity

Stage Model of Uncoupling (6-10)

6. Trying 7. The Initiators Advantage 8. Going Public 9. The Partner's Transition 10. Uncoupling

According to Chapter 1 of Uncoupling, all of these happen in the "Secrets" phase EXCEPT: a.The initiator tries to change him/herself to better fit with their partner. b. The initiator begins developing outside interests and relationships. c. The initiator tries to change the partner. d.The initiator tries to change the rules of the relationship.


According to Vaughn in Chapter One of Uncoupling, what is one of the first things the initiator tries to do in the uncoupling process? a. The initiator tries to tell the partner that something is wrong b.The initiator just ends the relationship c. The initiator tries to tell the partner that they no longer want to be in the relationship d. The initiator tries to tell others they have made a mistake


According to lecture, all of the following describe current trends of the household division of labor except: a. Men and women's roles have completely equalized b. Men are doing more chores, but they are not as time consuming or as stressful as the chores women did c. Most Americans still assign chores along gendered lines, even when the woman is the primary breadwinner d. According to 2015 data, women perform 87% of daily household tasks (housework, cooking, financial management). Only 67% of men perform the same household tasks.


According to the article, "5 Things to Know About Gender Identity," approximately what percentage of adults in the United States identify themselves as transgender? a. 0.3% b. 0.0% (no one) c. 5% d. 15%


According to the article, "5 Things to Know About Gender Identity," what is NOT one of the five things on the list? a. People usually change their gender identity just to be defiant b.Not all transgender people transition c. There is not a lot of good data on this population d. Nonconformity is common in kids


According to the introduction of Uncoupling, what must occur in order for two people to uncouple? a. They must redefine their identities as separate people b. They must fight over common friends c.They must never see each other again d. They must decide who gets to keep their pets


After the Stonewall Inn episode... a. Gay rights activists were able to transform the protest into a political cause b. The congress passed the famous "bottle bar" law to avoid hepatitis and AIDS c. The number of mafia-run gay bars multiplied in the city of New York d. Politicians inmidiately saw the gay movement as a potential source of votes


All of the following are aspects of Hochschild's argument in the Second Shift, except for a. One's gender ideology always matches his/her gender strategies b. one important cost of the second shift to women is that society devalues the work of the home c. pro family policies are an important part of alleviating the burden of the second shift for women a. One's gender ideology always matches his/her gender strategies


As discussed in The Second Shift, Congress passed legislation in 1993 that would give parents the right to take some time off of work after the birth of a child, although this leave is not necessarily paid. This legislation is called: a. The Family and Medical Leave Act b. Aid to Families with Dependent Children c. No Child Left Behind d. Parent's Bill of Rights


Frank and Carmen Delacorte would say that their relationship is_______ but it really seemed to be __________. a. traditional, egalitarian b. traditional, transitional c. transitional, egalitarian d. transitional, traditional


Hulk, Hogan, Rambo, and Rocky are examples of which sociological concept? a. Hegemonic Masculinity b. Socialization c. Gender Strategy d. Egalitarianism


In Uncoupling, Vaughan has a chapter on "Going Public" where she discusses how a couple presents their separation to family and friends. Vaughan explains how the initiator and the partner each try to present the separation in a certain way to different people by controlling what they say and how they act towards them. which of Goffman's dramaturgical concepts does this behavior show? a. Impression Management b. Civil Inattention c. Preparing for the performance in the backstage d. Anomie


In what phase of uncoupling has the initiator begun redefining him/herself as separate from the partner, even publicly, while the partner remains oblivious? a. Mid-transition b. The Breakdown of Cover-Up c. Secrets d. The Display of Discontent


What does it mean to say "gender is a social construction"? a. Masculinity and femininity are social agreements, not ontological facts b. Gender is constructed by the biological distinction between men and women c. Gender is essentially our sex d. Being a man or a woman has nothing to do with our physiology or our culture a. Masculinity and femininity are social agreements, not ontological facts


What is Carmen Delacorte's gender strategy? a. Feigned Incompetence b. She works outside of the home c. The Upstairs/ Downstairs d. She doesn't have a gender strategy


What is the strategy of "needs reduction" that some husbands employ to avoid housework: a. Claiming they did not need or care if certain household chores were done b. Living a simpler lifestyle c. Ignoring the needs of their wives and children d. Downsizing their homes so there was housework to do a. Claiming they did not need or care if certain household chores were done


Which sociologist first used ethnography to demonstrate the framework of symbolic interactionism? a. Herbert Blumer b. Diane Vaughan c. Emile Durkheim d. George Chauncey


Harry and Taylor are on their first date. Taylor thinks it went very well, while Harry can't wait to leave. At the end of the evening, Taylor leans in for a goodnight kiss while Harry quickly steps backward to avoid it. According to microsociologists, what has just occurred?

A conflict in the definition of the situation

Gender Strategy

A plan of action that is based on gender ideals and takes emotional preparation for pursuing it.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

A prediction that causes itself to be true "Girls are bad at math" -- "Studying math is futile" -- Poor scores in math

Laud Humphreys and the Tearoom Trade study (1970)

Acted as a watch queen. Studied male-male encounters in men's bathrooms and rest stops. Ethical problems with the study.


All the world's a stage and we are merely players performers and portrayers, each other's audience outside the gilded cage. To stay in one's room away from the place where the party is given, or away from where the practitioner attends his client, is to say away from where reality is being performed. The world, in truth, is a wedding

Norms of social intention

Always say "good" when someone asks how you are. Shaking hands

Cultural Change 1930s-1950s

Anti-gay laws and regulations passed McCarthy era- gay community as a nation security thereat

Traditional Marxist Model of Culture- Superstructure

Art, media, government, ideology

According to Hochschild, "supermoming" is a gender strategy that:

Attempts to reconcile the conflicting demands of work and home

According to Chapter 1 of Uncoupling, in what way does the initiator have power over the partner? a. The initiator tends to have more power in the relationship in the first place, and this continues. b. They hold information about the relationship that the other does not, and use that information to influence the situation in a way the partner cannot. c. The partner so badly wants the relationship to continue that they will do anything for that to happen. d. Initiators often become abusive in the first stage of uncoupling.


According to Hochschild, all of the following affect economic situation of women who are divorced except for: a. the belief that child care is female work b. the disappearance of the family wage c. higher male wages d. the failure of ex-husbands to support their children


According to the article, "Under the Skin: The Next Fight for Transgender Insurance Equality," why is it imperative that insurance companies cover transition costs? a. Insurance in most other developed countries already cover these procedures b. The procedures are life-saving in that they severely decrease risk of suicide among transgender individuals c. Public opinion is largely for covering these procedure d. Any cosmetic surgeries should necessarily be covered by insurance Ð transgender or not


Chauncey argues all of the following are myths of gay identity in the prewar years, except for a. The myth of invisibility b. The myth of persecution c. The myth of the closet d. The myth of isolation


Jessica Stein's gender strategy dictates... a. a devoted mother and wife b. Emotional absenteeism c. Abandoning her family for a full- time law career d. A hard-driving type-A worker b. Emotional absenteeism


The stalled revolution is the strain between changes in women, changes in the job marker, and... a. Notions of feminism b. Cultural understandings of marriage and work c. Cultural trends in the educational system d. Notions of childbearing


Through men and women may both contribute their time to housework, what does Hochschild NOT say is different about them? a. Women multitask more often than men and so theey end up doing more work b. Men don't know how to do housework c. Men get to choose when they participate in housework d. Women devote proportionately more of their time to housework


"I now see my break with religion as part of my developing individually. At the time, I was close friends with priests and nuns, most of whom have since left the church. I felt constrained toward a type of marriage that was not best for me" a. The Breakdown of Cover-Up b. The Display of Discontent c. Mid-Transition d. Uncoupling


Which of the following is UNTRUE, according to Chapter 1 of Uncoupling? a. Uncoupling begins when one of the partners starts to feel uncomfortable about the relationship. b. Both of the partners are "on the same page" or simultaneously recognize that the relationship is not well. c. By simply reflecting on the relationship, the dissatisfied partner initiates the breach between the two. d. Uncoupling begins as a secretive, quiet process with one of the partners.


Which of the following is the BEST description of what Arlie Hochschild calls a "gender strategy?" a. The difference in how men and women play board games b. A plan of action through which people try to solve a problem, given certain cultural and gender notions c. The amount of time husbands and wives devote to their work d. How one chooses to marry another person


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding socialization and gender? a. Gender socialization can be reinforced through toys and children's books b. The gender socialization does not have an influence on career choices c. It is possible for humans to be re socialized d. Gender socialization starts at an early age


Which of the following terms describe why some of the tension continues to build between Jessica and Seth Stein? a. The Upstairs/Downstairs Myth b. Scarcity Gratitude c. Workaholicism d. Labor Theory of Value


Which of the following would not be considered part of the early "Secrets" phase of a marital breakup or partner separation? a. The initiator quietly reviews the history of the relationship and reassesses its significance b. The initiator engages in deep emotional labor in an effort to re-frame the partner more positively c. The initiator makes an attempt to change the way household responsibilities have been divided d. The initiator subtly attempts to "reshape the partner to be a different person"


From a dramaturgical perspective, the secrets that Vaughan talks about in Uncoupling initially occupy which region?


Symbolic Interaction

Blumer Symbols are culturally derived social objects having shared meanings that are created and maintained through social interaction. Ex. Science can not explain the meaning or significance of the "high five"

Trying (6)

Both initiator and partners engage in this stage, but at different points in time. The partner may try to get the initiator to examine the relationship with him/her or may try to reinvigorate the relationship with different strategies like dieting or becoming interested in the initiator's hobbies

According to the article, "The Gay Bar: Why the Gay Rights Movement was Born in One," all of these factors contributed to the Stonewall Riots garnering more attention than other bar raids EXCEPT: a. Willingness to challenge authority due to the other social movements occurring b. Writers from the Village Voice happened upon the riots and the spread the story c. The raid was significantly different from others in terms of the level of violence and number of arrests d. The club was located in a pedestrian-friendly area where many homeless gay youths lived


According to the article, "The Gay Bar: Why the Gay Rights Movement was Born in One," all of these factors contributed to the Stonewall riots garnering more attention than other bar raids EXCEPT: a. The club was located in a pedestrian-friendly area where many homeless gay youths lived b. Writers from the Village Voice happened upon the riots and spread the story c. The raid was significantly different from others in terms of the level of violence and number of arrests d. Willingness to challenge authority due to the other social movements occurring


After the Stonewall Inn episode... a. The number of mafia-run gay bars multiplied in the city of New York b. The Congress passed the famous "bottle bar" law to avoid hepatitis and AIDS c. Gay rights activists were able to transform the protest into a political case d. Politicians immediately saw the gay movement as a potential source of votes


All of the following are examples of the glass ceiling except for: a. There are very few female CEO's b. Female lawyers rarely make partner at elite law firms c. Hilary Clinton runs for President of the United States d. Few female executives become board members of Fortune 500 companies


From a dramaturgical perspective, the secrets that Vaughan talks about in Uncoupling initially occupy which region? a. Front Stage b. The Audience c. Back Stage d. The Orchestra Pit


Hochschild argues that it is not just the household budgets, class position, or socialization of the couples that explains the household division of labor, but it is also couples? a. gender constructionism b. resentment they bring into the marriage c. choices, decision-making, and rational actions d. biology and history


In chapter 17 of The Second Shift, Hochschild notes that all of these economic shifts contribute to changing gender norms EXCEPT: a. The decline in a malea blue-collar jobs b. The rise in 'female' jobs in the service sector c. The outsourcing of jobs to other countries d. The decline in the purchasing power of the male wage. c. The outsourcing of jobs to other countries


Socialization is a. Marx's ideal society b. A set of organizations and social systems c. Social learning d. "Rule by the father"


Socialization is: a. Marx's ideal society b. A set of organizations and social systems c. Social learning d. "Rule by the father"


Symbolic Interactionists like Herbert Blumer fought against the ideas of what sociological movement? a. Optimism b. Negativism c. Positivism d. Socialism


The belief that difference between men and women stem from in-born physiological and genetic distinctions. a. Sexism b. Constructionism c. Essentialism d. Feminism


Two application are submitted for an IT position, these applications are identical except one is said to be from Robert, and the other from Ruth. Robert is hired because men are seen to be better with computers in general. This is an example of... a. Gender Displacement b. Sexual Ambiguity c. Institutional Discrimination d. Anomie c. Institutional Discrimination


Which best describes Hochschild's conclusion in Chapter 17 of The Second Shift? a. Parenting should be left to mothers; fathers should be focusing on their jobs. b. All women need to become "supermoms." c. The gender revolution is primarily caused by changes in the economy, but people felt it in marriage d. The stalled revolution has been achieved and it was a success


Which of the following would be a sociological critique of the essentialism perspective of gender? a. Essentialism does not account for biological and evolutionary distinction between men and women b. Essentialism is reliant on medical science c. Essentialism is ahistorical and underestimate culture d. Essentialism cannot explain the psychological drives that influence men and women to act differently c. Essentialism is ahistorical and underestimate culture


Two acquaintances are walking toward each other in a hallway, but don't know each other well enough to have a conversation. They nod to each other and then look at their phones to avoid further communication. This is an example of what microsociological concept?

Civil Inattention

Sociologists use which of the following terms to refer to the practice of politely nodding to refer to the practice of politely nodding to a strange as you pass them on the street:

Civil inattention


Could be only a second

Blumer and Symbolic Interactionism

Critiques positivism - Positivism leaves out the elements of human agency

How do sociologists define "gender?"

Cultural definition of masculinity and femininity


Cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity; achieved status - Social Construct - Social agreements, not ontological facts

Social construction of gender #6

Culture constructs gender Watching movies and wanting to be as thin as Kristen Stewart or as muscular as Taylor Lautner; advertising that associates femininity with thinness

According to Chapter 17 in The Second Shift , roughly what percentage of men felt they should share in the responsibility and work at home (that is to say, what percentage of men had egalitarian ideology)? a. 80% b. 90% c. 0% d. 20%


According to the article, "Escaping the Boxes, Living in the Gray," which best describes the author's argument? a. Transgendered people have a wide selection of role models. b. Gender is never socially constructed and can totally be determined by genetics. c. Cisgendered people have disrespected and abused transgendered people. d. Gender, like sexuality, isn't as simple as being placed in one of two easily-identified boxes (like being a man or a woman).


According to the article, "The Gay Bar: Why the Gay Rights Movement was Born in One," what was the name of the iconic establishment where riots sparked the gay protest movement? a. The Black Cat b. 82 Club c. Dixies Bar of Music d. The Stonewall Inn d. The Stonewall Inn


According to the family myth, Seth Stein was... a. A family-oriented guy b. Doing 90% of the household chores c. A success-oriented always tender husband d. A hard-driving type-A guy


All of the following are examples of the representation of gay and lesbians in the media since 1990, except for: a. Normalcy b. Model minority c. Punch lines d.Isolated


All of the following are true about the Stonewall riot, except for a. The riot occurred in June 1969 b. The riot is considered the beginning of modern Gay Lesbian movement c. The protests lasted several nights and inspired other gays and lesbians to stand up for themselves. d. It was the first time a gay bar had been raided


All of the following pertain to the concept of the wage gap, except for a. The wage gap is an example of how social structure can shape gender inequality b. the wage gap is expressed as a percentage of men's earnings c. decreases in the wage gap have slowed considerably in the last 10 or 15 years d. Women currently earn 88 cents to every dollar a man earns


At what phase of uncoupling does the initiator find a transitional person? a. Trying b. Secrets c. Mid-transition d. The display of discontent


Evan agrees to cook dinner every other day of the week in order to share the work load with Nancy. However, when it is his day to cook, he often forgets. This is an example of what? a. An egalitarian gender ideology b. Joey's Problem c. The upstairs-downstairs myth d. A gender strategy


Stonewall Riots

Defining moment in gay rights. Riot at a gay bar in NYC where drag queens stuck up for themselves for the first time. Inspired people and created political groups.

Hochschild's research points out all of the following except for: a. Gender ideologies can be measured in terms of the second shift b. Gender ideologies equate femininity with domesticity c. Gender inequality can be measured in terms of the leisure gap d. Gender inequality is measured only in terms of wages and income d. Gender inequality is measured only in terms of wages and income


In Chapter 3 of Uncoupling, Vaughn argued that several things may occur during the mid-transition period of a break-up. According to Vaughn, which of these does not occur during this time? a. The initiator engages in "exploratory socialization" b. Alienation from friends and family due to violation of religious ideologies c. Rearrangement of the couple's friends to reflect their growing separation d. The couple engages in repeated cycles of trying to salvage their relationship


Regarding the study of gender, sex, and sexuality, what do sociologists typically focus on? a. Difference in the ways that men and women are predisposed to act based on evolutionary composition. b. Difference in power that are devised from distant physical and mental abilities that vary by gender c. The essential difference between men and women that arise during gestation. d. Inequality and power differences between men and women d. Inequality and power differences between men and women


Seth Stein's gender strategy dictates... a. To give at home and to give at work b. To give at home and to receive at work c. To receive at home and to receive at work d. To receive at home and to give at work


The Holts consider their poor sex life as a result of their son not going to bed ontime, or "Joey's Problem." Hochschild argues, instead, that their poor sex life is a result of ______ a. Joey is overly attached to his mom. b. Evan working too hard to be romantic with his wife. c. Nancy does not love Evan anymore and wants a divorce d. Nancy is exhausted from working the second shift and resents Evan for not sharing the second shift equally d. Nancy is exhausted from working the second shift and resents Evan for not sharing the second shift equally


We learn all of the following from Chauncey's research, except for: a. Sexuality must be looked at historically. b. There was more gay liberation in the early 1900s than in the 1950s. c. In the early 1900s, male sexuality was defined by gendered behavior. d. The trichotomy of gay, bi, and straight adequately captures the sexual diversity in the U.S.


What is Hochschild's argument about structural implications for gender inequality? a. The nation and government already organize a structure conduit to equality, men and women just don't take advantage of it. b. There are no structural implications for gender inequality. c. The nation and government don't have a role to play in organizing gender equality. d. How a nation and government organizes the workforce through policies affects the roles of women and men.


What is a gender strategy? a. A way to play a game b. How one chooses to marry another person c. The way a couple decides the division of labor in the home d. A plan of action through which a person tried to solve problems at hand, given the cultural notions of gender at play


Which of the following does Hochschild argue forms a new basis of power and identity for women today? a. Influence over children or kin b. Attractiveness to men c. The number of children a woman has d. Wages and authority on the job


Which of the following is a gender strategy used by Frank Delacorte to reaffirm his gender ideology? a. Frank encourages his wife to work outside the home and goes as far as to help her find a job b. Frank blames his lack of participation in the family on his demanding career. c. Frank acts as if he does not know how to do things around the house so his wife will do them for him. d. Frank explains that his wife Carmen works, but that she works from home and looks after children. d. Frank explains that his wife Carmen works, but that she works from home and looks after children.


Which of the following statements best describes Carmen Delacorte's gender strategy? a. She was a self-identified feminist who asserted her independence from Frank b. She arranged to share the second shift; she agreed to clean the upstairs if he cleaned the downstairs c. She "went on strike" and refused to work the second shift until Frank did his share of the housework d. She played helpless in order to get Frank to help around the house


_______is about who you are attracted to and who you fall in love with. a. Sexual Partner b. Life Partner c. Significant Partner d. Sexual Orientatio


"I think basically I blame the facts that I became divorced on the early age that I was married...our value systems weren't formed at that time and later we just grew apart." This is an example of what action from Uncoupling, chapter 10?

Deciding that the separation was the result of an unavoidable external circumstance

Gender Ideology

Defines what spere most want to identify with (home or work). How much power one wants to have. 3 types

Hochschild's research

Despite all the talk of equality during the women's movement and despite real progress in the workforce, at home women experienced a stalled revolution. Between 1980 and 1988, interviewed 50 two job couples and did ethnographic field research on 12 of the couples.

Cooley and Goffman

Development of self through interactions between people

Social construction of gender #5

Different components of our society "construct" gender. Socialization constructs gender. A newborn girl is put in a pink blanket. Son given dinosaurs, daughter given play house. Math and education Future occupations

Institutional Discrimination

Discrimination that has been a part of the structure, processes, and procedures of organizations.


Don't identify with a single sphere. In between Not masculine nor feminine


Dramaturgy Impression management Front/back stage

Which of the following is TRUE according to Michael Kimmel's research on gender and sexuality (discussed in lecture)

During the 19th century, middle and upper-class men who formed intimate attachments with other men were viewed as more manly than men who did not

Uncoupling (10)

During this stage, both the partner and initiator now realizes they have a life separate from each other. During this stage, they also witness changes in themselves and begin learning who they are without the other person. Important to understand that uncoupling does not occur at the same moment for initiators and partners.

Eddie was a character on the 1950s show Leave it to Beaver. Wikipedia describes Eddie Haskell as: "...known for his grooming hiding his shallow and sneaky character. Typically, Eddie wood greet his friends' parents with overdone good manners and often compliment such as "That's a lovely dress you're wearing, Mrs. Cleaver.' Eddie's two-faced style was typified by his efforts to curry favor by trying to talk to adults at the level he though they would respect, such as referring to their children as Theodore and Wally, even though their parents called them Beaver and Wally. Using the specialized vocabulary of microsociology, what's Eddie Haskell doing when he tells Mrs. Cleaver that she's wearing a lovely dress?

Eddie is engaging in "impression management" to convey to Mrs. Cleaver that he's responsible and respectful teen

Erving Goffman

Elements of Dramaturgy

Upstairs/Downstairs Myth

Evan does downstairs, Nancy does upstairs. Evan does this for a week and then Nancy has to constantly remind him. Nancy does 80%

Jessica Lynn

Experiences with identifying as a female despite having been born a boy (childhood up to transition) Coping mechanisms

Leisure Gap

Fathers have more leisure time than mothers because mothers are doing housework. Greater worth of male work makes his time more valuable.

Gay Activist Alliance

Founded after the Stonewall riots

Mattachie Society

Founded in 1950, post-Stonewall decline, disbanded 1987


Front and back stages Shot from doctor is okay in the office but not on the bus

Cultural Essentialism

Gender differences are due to NURTURE, gender identity is learned - Dr. John Money - Socilogists disagree

Biological Essentialism

Gender differences due to NATURE, gender identity is inborn - Sociologists disagree

Second Shift

Gender ideology - Identity - Power Gender Strategy - Plan of action Fractures in gender ideologies

Gender Constructionism

Gender is purely built up based on culture of society you are in.

Social construction of gender #4

Gender socialization, learning to fulfill the cultural expectations of manhood and womanhood, typically starts immediately after birth. Sociologists show how gender socialization contributes to sex inequality through the creation of self-fulfilling prophecies for so-called "men's work" and "women's work"

In the concluding chapters, Hochschild makes some recommendation for the future second shifts. Which of these does she recommend?

Government policies should accommodate families by offering incentives to help citizens balance work and family


Groups of people who work together in complimentary roles to maintain the definition of the situation.

The Social Construction of Sexuality

Has a history- the categories and ways of thinking have changed over time. History is not inevitably progressive- there was arguably more gay liberation in the 1910s and 1950s American sexualities are diverse- the "gay-bi-straight" trichotomy fails to capture the U.S. sexual diversity both in the past and recent.

Hook-Up Culture

Having a causal sexual encounter without strings attached. Started in late 1800s and early 1900s due to automobile. Moralists believe it's bad. Liberationists believe it's good. Sociologists are in between.

Which of the following was NOT an indirect strategy used to initiate conflict with the partner:

Having a third party (friend or child) confront the partner with the news that the initiator wants out

Which of the following statements describe Seth Stein?

He is addicted to work and had little time for wife/children

Social construction of gender #8

Hegemonic masculinity and hegemonic femininity refer to the dominant or prevailing definitions of manhood and womanhood. Hegemonic masculinity and femininity are social constructs. They change overtime and vary cross culturally.

Which sociologist first used ethnography to demonstrate the framework of symbolic interactionism?

Herbert Blumer

Elements that contribute to the construction of gender

History, biology, social structure, socialization

Microsociology is possible because _____.

Human behavior is patterned.


Implies desire, intention and creativity. Ability to make own choices in life.

In Uncoupling, Vaughan has a chapter on "going public" where she discusses how a couple presents their separation to family and friends, Vaughan explains how the initiator and the partner each try to present the separation in a certain way to different people by controlling what they say and how the act towards them. Which of Goffman's dramaturgical concepts does this behavior show?

Impression Management

Erving Goffman would likely say that romantic partners who collaborate in public to keep private matters and disagreements secret are engaged in

Impression management

Elements of Dramaturgy (Goffman)

Impression management Definition of the situation Roles and teams Regions (Hochschild) Goffman's society might as well be called the society of the forgotten. Embarrassment, uneasiness, self-conciseness, awkward situations, faux pas, scandal, mental illness, these are his subjects. "Society is ordered by norms that are usually unnoticed because they're taken for granted, the sociologist should concentrate on cases where the norms are broken in order to see clearly what they are and what forces act to uphold them"

Display of Discontent (2)

In the presence of others, the initiator reacts to the partner in ways that reflect dislike Transitional person initiator finds someone whom they can confide their discontent in

Paradox of contemporary gay visibility

Increasing awareness of LGBTQ issues in the media yet... - Punch lines - Tokens - Model minorities - Humans Violence against LGBT remains a real problem


Individuals who have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identities.

Agents of Socialization

Individuals, groups, and other elements of the environment that impart values, norms, and ideology to individuals. Teachers, parents, media, peers. Gendered toys and costumes. Begins at a young age.

According to Vaughan, why does the going public stage often shock and alarm initiators?

Initiators are often shocked by the difficult task of informing distant friends

Mid- Transition (3)

Initiators unfamiliar with the process of uncoupling turn to the world around them to learn more about the process. Vaughan speaks of the initiator being in two worlds- not ready to completely relinquish the old but not quite ready to plunge into the new

Feminist Masculinity

Integrity, self-love, emotional awareness, assertiveness, and relational skill, including the capacity to be empathetic, autonomous, and connected.

Glass Ceiling

Invisible and unbreakable barriers to economic advantages by otherwise qualified women and racial/ethnic minorities.


Is important because it's the pivotal mechanism whereby societies reproduce themselves. If a person is socialized they've accepted and internalized the norms/values of their society. "Feral" unsocialized children. Ex. Genie

Liberationist writes, such as Hannah Rosin, Amanda Marcotte and Jessica Valenti, have argued that hookup culture is good for young people because:

It allows them to try out sexual roles and identities without being locked into a committed relationship.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex

Back Stage

Let guard down and do things that are unexpected.

Macro =

Long term Structral


Looking glass self

Responding to how we imagine others are seeing us during social exchanges describes

Looking-Glass Self


Looking-Glass Self We learn or develop our self from when impression of how others perceive us The self is the product of our social interaction Imagination is key the self-results from and individuals imagination how others view him or her

Patriarchal Masculinity

Male difference as being always and only about superior rights of males to dominate, be their subordinate females or any group deemed weaker; by any means necessary.


Men who acted feminine, assumed the passive role in sex and day to day life, same sex preferences. Based on sexual preferences, not sexual practices.

"I now see my break with religion as part of my developing individuality. At the time I was close friends with priests and nuns, most of whom have since left the church...I felt constrained toward a types of marriage that was not best for me." What stage of uncoupling does this quote refer to?


Traditional Marxist Model of Culture- Base

Mode of production

Jessica's hired help included:

Nanny, housekeeper, extra driver, gardener, and father substitute.

Vaughan stresses that uncoupling is complete when the two people in the relationship

No longer identify themselves as part of a couple.


Perceived biological distinctions - Social Constructs

Passive Resistance

Nonviolent opposition to authority. Evan doesn't follow Nancy's rules and guidelines.

How much more housework do women do each year compared to men?

One month Society devalues work at home and see women as inferior because of housework perception of devaluated.


Otherwise straight acting men but would on occasion have sex with fairies Can be married to a woman and his desire to have sex with fairies didn't jeopardize their masculinity, it actually asserts their masculinity Based on sexual preferences, not sexual practices.

Oedipal Phase

Part of Joey's problem Always attached to Nancy and disconnected from Evan

Which of the following phrases best describe Evan Holt's gender strategy?

Passive Resistance

Implications of Uncoupling

Patterns from chaos Couples as micro-organizations-- coupling and uncoupling is a social process Sociology as therapy and self-help


People fall into distinct and complementary genders with natural roles in life. Asserts heterosexuality is the norm.

Wage Gap

Persists because of (1) occupational segregation (2) within the same occupation- women and men's earning diverge

Construction of Femininity

Pink, thinness, vary historically and cross-culturally, social construct

Herbert Blumer developed his theory of symbolic interactionism in the 1930's as a response to:



Preexisting roles, identities, and norms are changed in a new environment.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage or strength of qualitative research methods (the methods used by microsociologist)

Qualitative methods generate results that can be used to talk about large populations of humans

Sociological Methods (3)

Quantitative Qualitative Document analysis

Sexuality as a Social Construct

Saying gay and lesbian is a social construct is not the sam thing as saying it's a choice


Scoiology of genders addresses issues that both men and women face

Goffman and Dramaturgy

Self = a product of a scene that comes off Self= a performed character, rising out of performances Impression management Front and back stages


Set of expectations that we attatch to a social posititon.

A woman walks into a fancy restaurant and starts to sing a song very loudly, causing people to stare at her. This is an example of what kind of interaction problem?

She has the wrong definition of the situation.

If Erving Goffman were watching Seinfeld he would say that George Costanza pretending to be a marine biologist is understandable because

Similar to George, we continually encourage in impression management to encourage other people to have certain images of us

George Chauncey- Gay NY (1994)

Slumming and the Myth of Invisibility Invention of the Closet Myth of invisibility His research makes us rethink linear view of gay history. His research disrupts the divide between heterosexuality and homosexuality.

The Steins

Social Structure: Upper middle class, both highly educated, traditional upbringing Gender Ideologies: Mrs. Egalitarian, Mr. Transitional Gender Strategies: hired help, emotional absenteeism, hard driving type A work ethic

The Holts

Social Structure: middle class, employment opportunities for Nancy Gender Ideologies: Mrs. Egalitarian, Mr. Transitional Gender Strategies: upstairs/downstairs myth, passive resistance, dog care, withholding sex Broader social forces affect ideologies.

The Delacortes

Social Structure: working class, traditional upbringing, she needs to work Gender Ideologies: Mrs. and Mr. both Traditional Gender Strategies: calculated incompetence, myth of "Frank does little around the house"

Social construction of gender #7

Social structure constructs gender Ratio of men in Congress Wage gap and women at a higher risk of falling below poverty line.


Social structure is a configuration of durable social processes that produce rules, norms, and expectations. Your social surroundings.

Social construction of gender #9

Sociologist and social critics show how hegemonic masculinity and hegemonic femininity produce harmful outcomes Women's ideal of beauty = high rates of eating disorders High crime rates of men = aggressiveness inherent in hegemonic masculinity

Symbolic Interactionism

Sociology is the interpretation of social meanings.


Sociology is the science of society.

According to George Chauncey's research, what best describes the category "trade"?

Straight-acting men who, although they don't think of themselves as a gay, have sex with other men.

Stalled Revolution

Strain between change in women and the absence in change in much else. Acceptable and encouraged for women to work. At home women experience stalled revolution. Even though there is more equality in the public sphere there is still inequality in the private sphere.


Symbolic interaction Critiques Positivism

Which state of the uncoupling process is most likely to have the highest incidents of confrontation and relationship "drama?"

The breakdown of cover - up

In chapter 3 of uncoupling, Vaughn argued that several things that may occur during the mid-transition period of a break-up. According to Vaughn, which of these does NOT occur during this time?

The couple engages in repeated cycles of trying to salvage their relationship

Which of the following would NOT be considered part of the early "Secrets" phrase of a marital breakup or partner separation, according to Uncoupling

The initiator engages in deep emotional labor in an effort to re-frame the partner more positively.

Initiators Advantage (7)

The initiator has had the advantage of time- i.e. more time to deal with the idea of a life separate from their partner and more time to deal with the uncoupling process

Charles Horton Cooley

The looking-glass self.

6. Trying

The partner may try to change his or her appearance by dieting or taking greater care with clothing and hair. The partner may eliminate habits that annoy the initiator, or interject creativity and passion into the couple's sex life. Courtship patterns are reinstated with a newfound intensity. There is a desperation and hence an unnaturalness about them.

Which of the following statements MOST ACCURATELY describes the film clips included in the YouTube video: 'Elements of sexuality: 20th century Depictions of Gay Men"

The relative tolerance toward gays in the early firm clips changes to depictions of gay men as sexual predators by the middle of the 20th century

Going Public (8)

The separation forces the partner to acknowledge the relationship is troubled and to explain self and to others why.

Social construction of gender #2

The social constructionist framework does not see gender as the simple/inevitable fulfillment of biological/genetic/evolutionary drives. Instead, different components of our society produce and come to an agreement about what it means to act and live as a real man or woman.

Social construction of gender #10

The sociological approach to understanding gender and sex differences differs from the gender essentialism. Gender essentialism explains sex and gender as a product of evolutionary drives, genetics and brain chemistry

Breakdown of Cover-Up (5)

The stage of relationship drama and direct confrontation. Sometimes initiator may use indirect methods: fatal mistake, decreased interaction, rule violation, playing detective

Social construction of gender #3

The term "socialization" describes the process of social learning. Humans learn how to behave and act through socialization. Socialization occurs throughout the course of a human's life, but early infancy is a critical period of socialization. All humans (except for so-called "feral children") experience socialization.

In chapter 10 of uncoupling, Vaughan finds that respondents realized they no longer had someone to blame (a scapegoat) after uncoupling. How did the respondents come to realize this?

The things that annoyed them most about their partner kept happening in their partners absence.

Impression Management

The ways where we try to shape another's perception of us.

Emotional Work

The work of trying to feel the right feeling, the feeling Nancy wanted to feel.

Social construction of gender #1

There are multiple approaches to study gender, sex, and sexuality. Sociologist focus on inequality/power differences between men and women. Sociologist often study these inequalities with a social constructionist framework.

According to Vaughan, an initiator's use of indirect methods to incite confrontation is a problem because

These methods shift the burden of responsibility for confrontation, and therefore the blame for the break-up, to the partner

Structure and Agency in the Second Shift

They make choices and decisions as autonomous and free adults- but their choices are constrained and enabled by their ideology, material reality, and broader social forces such as socialization and culture.

Structure vs Agency

Things changed, back in the day women were only supposed to ware dresses. However, ow most women ware pants because social norms have changed. Individuals can exercise agency and can change social structure.

The Partners Transition (9)

Time for partner's transition to their life apart from the initiator. Partner finds transitional person during this stage. Spends time rearranging their physical space to represent being on their own.


Umbrella term- mismatch between gender identity and assigned sex

Which of the following is NOT one of the implications of uncoupling discussed in class?

Uncoupling shows how social structural forces, like the economy and gender inequality, strongly shape the uncoupling process


Use of interviews, field research (ethnography) and participant observation to say something about social life. "How do heroin addicts experience social inequality in the US?" Micro Depth


Use of surveys or datasets to find patterns in social life. Use of statistical techniques like regression analysis to make sense of quantitative data. "What are the relationships among heroin addicts rates, social class, and sex?" Macro Breadth

Document Analysis

Use of written material to say something about social life. Can be quantitative or qualitative. Historical sociology- a major area of sociology- uses document analyses. "How have representations of heroin addiction changed from the 1920s to the present?"

In the postscript of Uncoupling, Vaughan discusses all of the following methodological issues with her research EXCEPT:

Vaughan was happily married and had trouble understanding the experiences of those who went through uncoupling

Family Myths

Versions of reality that obscure a core truth in order to manage a family tension. Ex. "Frank does not do anything around the house" - in order to follow traditional lifestyle


When a ruling class worldview is imposed and accepted by the cultural norm. A sneaky kind of power that works by getting people to buy into criteria of their own oppression. - Gramsci Ex. Getting 3 year old to bed Implies dominance.

Front Stage

Where people feel compelled to present themselves in expected ways.

TED Talk- Michael Kimmel

Why gender equality is good for everyone- men included.

Traditional Ideology

Wife identifies with home and is okay with having less power. Husband identifies with work and expects to have more power.

Egalitarian Ideology

Wife wants to be equal to husband. Can share and balance work and home.

Transitional Ideology

Women wants to identify with both work and home while still seeing her husbands career more important. Husband is okay with wife working but expects her to do majority of the work around the house.

Hochschild found that all of the following were common gender strategies for men, except

Working fewer hours at their paid jobs

Secrets (1)

a. Uncoupling begins with a secret where one person in the relationship becomes dissatisfied and keeps this from the other person b. Two roles: initiator and partner

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