soc 134 exam 1 uw madison pedriana

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What is "hypodescent" (and who was Phipps)?

- The "affiliation with the subordinate rather than the superordinate group in order to avoid the ambiguity of intermediate identity". The idea is that even if a person has even just a little bit of Black ancestry, then they are Black. - Phipps was the descendant of a white planter and a black slave in the state of Louisiana, and she was classified as black. This was because according to a 1970 Lousiana law, anyone with at least 1/32 of black ancestry was to be considered black. She tried to go to court to be classified instead as white, but she lost.

Is Race Biological?

- evidence from genetic analysis indicates that most physical variation lies within so-called racial groups - there's greater variation within racial groups than between them No, social construction: An idea or way of viewing people based not on biological differences but on social perceptions ; biological racism: The idea that whites are genetically superior to non-whites.

Difference between majority and minority group

A minority group is a race or ethnic group that receives (on average) significantly less of society's values resources and outcome

What is a model-minority?

A non-white group that achieves more socioeconomic and educational success than other minority groups. This term is commonly attributed to Asian Americans.

Define Racial Formation

A sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhibited, transformed, and destroyed.

Define "social integration"

As a result of hostilities torwards minority groups, for example, on college campuses, these minority groups may affirm affinity groups, or find solace in hanging out with students who belong to their racial or ethnic group. This is necessary for identity development, and plays a key role in successful college completion.

Example of Colorblindness?

Believing that America is a Meritocracy

What is the "3/5ths compromise"?

Black slaves count as 3/5 of a person for apportioning members for Congress

What happened in the Civil Rights Era, according to Dr. Oliver's lecture?

Both segregation & civil rights movements in both the North and South; white people in the North and South militantly resisted integration; majority of whites opposed integration; MLK was seen as radical and dangerous by most whites; disciplined non-violent protest was coercive; riots & turmoil led to pressure for social change, yet also made oppression harsher

What is Colorblindness vs White Supremacy?

Color blindness: 2 meanings (prescriptive & descriptive)-it's possible to act without acknowledging skin color and the belief that race doesn't determine life chances in modern times White Supremacy:

What is the myth of meritocracy?

Concept that merit alone will determine success despite race, poverty, etc. - not the case obviously People have what they have because they worked hard to receive it, based on their own merit--doesn't account for others privileges

Define deindustrialization. What has been the result of this?

Deindustrailization reduced the number of jobs which required less education and less skills, which disproportionately affected people of color

What are the three degrees of racism?

First degree: overt and obvious racist actions (ie. hate speech). Second degree: turning a blind eye to acts of racism (aiding & abetting). Third degree: institutions continuing practices that systemically disadvantage people of color.

What is the definition of culture?

Group of people who share a set of values or beliefs and/or practices. Society's share beliefs, values, and behavioral expectations (norms)

What are the 4 structural explanations of racial inequality?

Historical legacy Government. policies Deindustrialization Employment practices

What is the impact of housing discrimination?

Housing discrimination prevented Black Americans from purchasing homes, which in America homeownership is the majority of most family's wealth.

What's the difference between indentured servitude and slavery?

Indentured servitude bound a laborer to an employer for a period of time before being set free Slavery textbook pg. 47

What is the difference between institutional and interpersonal racism?

Institutional: is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization Interpersonal: an individual's racist assumptions, beliefs or behaviors

What's the link between the Mexican American War and "Manifest Destiny"?

It has to do with how Americans at the time believed it was their right to expand westward and the Mexican-American War was a product of this westward expansion

What was the 1790 Immigration Act About?

It limited access to U.S. citizenship to white immigrants—in effect, to people from Western Europe—who had resided in the U.S. at least two years and their children under 21 years of age. It also granted citizenship to children born abroad to U.S. citizens.

What was the issue in the New York Times article about the UW-M Homecoming Video featuring campus where "almost everyone was White"?

It was a wake up call as to who was actually represented in the university since no students of color were shown in a video about diversity. Ignores the racial incidents and discrimination that still occurs on campus today in addition to the low population of black students.

What is "pan" ethnicity?

Many broad ethnic categories encompasses and subsume specific ethnic groups

Did the Fair Housing Act improve the situation for minorities?

No because only the legal code changed but racist housing practices continued were not actively targetted.

What is the attribution error?

Overemphasizing personal traits and under emphasizing situations as causes of other people's behavior The tendency to emphasize personality traits/characteristics rather than the situations they are in

Define Age of Discovery - White Claim

Period in European history in which extensive overseas exploration, led by the Portuguese, emerged as a powerful factor in European culture, most notably the European rediscovery of the Americas

What happened to Native Americans under Andrew Jackson?

Permitted the forcible removal of Native Americans occupying fertile lands east of the Mississippi River through the Indian Removal Act of 1830 (this occured in response to manifest destiny and US desire for more land)

What is the definition of "post-racial" and why does it matter?

Post racial is the belief that race does not matter in America anymore after the civil rights movement. It is directly related to the colorblind ideaology.

What was the Fair Housing Act of 1968?

Prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin or sex. The Fair Housing Act stands as the final great legislative achievement of the civil rights era.

Explain the Continuum of Racism

Racism exists along a continuum from "more" evil to (arguable) "less" evil It can be understood by reference to bad intent/motivation and by reference to unequal structural outcomes/consequences.Regardless of intent or motivationRacism can be a consequence of how we organize social life - even without bad intent

Example of Tiger Woods

Shows relationship between ancestry and phenotype textbook pg. 28

Structural vs Symbolic?

Structural: Inter-institutional interactions across time and space that reproduce racial inequality Symbolic: coherent belief system that reflects an underlying one-dimensional prejudice towards any ethnicity. These beliefs include the stereotype that black people are morally inferior to white people, that white people are racist, etc.

What do Harris and McClure say about student experiences of race on campus?

The college system often causes students to think more deeply about race. Schools are built around whites, as reflected through the dining food, music, and even parties, which all tie into white privilege. Due to this, many minority students often seek out other diverse students to feel safe and valued.

Define Racialization

The extension of racial meaning to a previously racially unclassified relationship, social practice, or group

What was Reconstruction?

The period following the end of the civil war in which slaves, who had no experience living free in American society, are thrown into it. After Union soldiers leave the south, Jim Crow laws arise.

According to Jones, inter-generational wealth transfers are: a. A mechanism by which past inequalities create contemporary inequalities. b. Irrelevant to life outcomes. c. Balancing out after the Great Recession. d. Equal across racial groups

a. A mechanism by which past inequalities create contemporary inequalities.

According to Fayyad, what was the second part of the Fair Housing Act? a. A requirement to affirmatively further fair housing b. A ban on the construction of multi-family apartment buildings in white neighborhoods to appease Southern Democrats c. A clause that excluded Northern cities from the first part of the Act d. The creation of the Federal Housing Administration, which went on to engage in redlining and other explicitly discriminatory practices

a. A requirement to affirmatively further fair housing

________ is best described as the argument that social and economic differences between races are the result of immutable, inherited, and inborn distinctions. a. Biological determinism b. Social constructivism c. Institutional racism d. Interpersonal racism

a. Biological determinism

In what ways did housing segregation help reinforce racial inequality in the middle of the twentieth century? a. Blacks had lower wages than whites but higher average rent, making it difficult to accumulate wealth. b. Blacks had lower average rent and lower wages than whites, which stigmatized them. c. Blacks were isolated out in the suburbs, making it difficult to get to work. d. Whites were in the suburbs with a higher cost of living but access to much better-paying jobs.

a. Blacks had lower wages than whites but higher average rent, making it difficult to accumulate wealth.

Civil rights advocates promoted "open housing" and an end to legalized housing discrimination. Which of the following pieces of legislation put this into law? a. Civil Rights Act of 1968 b. Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Voting Rights Act of 1965 d. Civil Rights Act of 1960

a. Civil Rights Act of 1968

Which two countries are most responsible for the racial classification system we know today? a. England and Spain b. United States and Mexico c. France and South Africa d. Netherlands and Germany

a. England and Spain

Which of the following best describes the foundation of racial classifications in Brazil (based on the podcast)? a. How dark a shade of color a person is b. The race of an indivdiual's mother automatically becomes the race of her children c. They use the same racial classification system set up orginally by Portugese who orginally colonized Brazil d. Brazil has no racial classification system

a. How dark a shade of color a person is

What is an example of the symbolic consequences of racial segregation? a. Increased distance and limited interactions between different racial/ethnic groups can increase people's distrust, fear and hatred of each other. b. Schools in predominantly minority communities receive less money from property taxes and then have poorer educational records. c. People may lose their distinctive cultural identities and practices as they see and interact more with people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. d. Crime increases in more segregated places because poor, minority communities have less access to the resources they need to survive.

a. Increased distance and limited interactions between different racial/ethnic groups can increase people's distrust, fear and hatred of each other.

Color blindness is a concept that cannot be seen as being racially neutral, because: a. It ignores the structural inequalities that continue to exist in our society that disadvantage people of color. b. It is an overtly hateful ideology. c. Only some people in society are color blind. d. It disadvantages White people.

a. It ignores the structural inequalities that continue to exist in our society that disadvantage people of color.

Throughout the early 1900s, the racial and economic landscape of American cities and towns gradually changed. Which of the following best describes how neighborhoods were distinguished from one another in the 1920s as compared to the earlier part of the century? a. Neighborhood distinctions shifted from ethnic divisions to race and class distinctions. b. Neighborhood distinctions shifted from racial distinctions to ethnic distinctions. c. Neighborhoods were generally less ethnically distinct in the early 1900s than they were in the 1920s. d. Neighborhoods were far more racially segregated in 1900 than they were in 1920.

a. Neighborhood distinctions shifted from ethnic divisions to race and class distinctions.

Which of the following represents a symbolic cost of segregation? a. Segregation creates the appearance that racial divisions are real, natural, and unchanging. b. Politicians neglect nonwhite neighborhoods more when segregation is legal. c. Nonwhite areas are often far from normal institutions such as hospitals, banks, and grocery stores. d. Segregated, low-income communities have much smaller education budgets.

a. Segregation creates the appearance that racial divisions are real, natural, and unchanging.

What is blockbusting? a. Stoking fears of racial change and declining property values to encourage white people to sell their homes at a below market price to increase a real estate broker's profits. b. A phenomenon where minority-owned businesses frequently fail to keep up with technological advances and go out of business. c. The process of drawing political boundaries to "bust" racial minority communities and separate them into different electoral districts in order to dilute their votes. d. A policing practice of stopping and questioning everyone on a predominantly Black neighborhood block to prevent crime.

a. Stoking fears of racial change and declining property values to encourage white people to sell their homes at a below market price to increase a real estate broker's profits.

After the recent economic recession of 2008, many Tea Party Republican politicians proposed cutting taxes for the wealthy as a way to boost the economy. In doing so, which policy approach were they following? a. Taft-Hartley Act b. New Deal c. War on Poverty d. Reaganomics

a. Taft-Hartley Act

The textbook authors point out that asking "Why did Africans sell fellow Africans into slavery?" is an inaccurate question. Why? a. The question assumes there were such things as "Africa" and "Africans" during the slave trade. b. The question ignores the ways in which African communities were connected to one another. c. The question ignores the different ways in which money motivated both Europeans and Africans. d. The question assumes the slave trade was concentrated in the continent of Africa.

a. The question assumes there were such things as "Africa" and "Africans" during the slave trade.

What is one reason Native Americans weren't permanently enslaved alongside blacks? a. They were relied on as guides and trappers in the fur trade. b. They were unfamiliar with the land and therefore would not make good agricultural laborers. c. Their skin was light enough that they could blend in with the white population. d. Their numbers were increasing rapidly.

a. They were relied on as guides and trappers in the fur trade.

According to Buffington's article "The Myth of a Biological Basis for Race," a person's observable physical characteristics (body size, skin color, hair, fingerprint patterns, etc.) is referred to that person's"phenotype." a. True b. False

a. True

Based on lecture (including the short documentary) and readings, there is no biological or genetic foundation/justification for differentiating people according to racial categories. a. True b. False

a. True

Which explanation do researchers provide for why whites are less likely than people of color to identify themselves in racial terms? a. Whites often do not think of themselves as belonging to a racial category. b. Whites are less concerned with racism than other groups. c. Whites think of race in biological, not cultural, terms. d. Whites worry that drawing attention to race is impolite.

a. Whites often do not think of themselves as belonging to a racial category. ?

One of the fundamental tenets of the ________ fallacy is that racial legacies such as slavery and colonialism do not structure our experiences with race and racism today. a. ahistorical b. legalistic c. tokenistic d. individualistic

a. ahistorical fallacy

In order to determine if and how discrimination affects hiring decisions, sociologists conduct studies in which they send paired actors to apply for real jobs. The actors are equal in every way aside from race. What are these studies called? a. audit studies b. ethnography c. split labor studies d. conversation analysis

a. audit studies

Which factor(s) led to the creation of the Chinese Exclusion Act? a. concerns of fewer job opportunities for white men b. Americans not liking the Chinese food and culture c. a desire for more Japanese immigrants d. overpopulated California cities

a. concerns of fewer job opportunities for white men

Racial taxonomies are bound to their specific social and ________ contexts. a. economic b. historical c. tribal d. familial

a. economic

A white man currently works as an executive in a high-tech company. There are four equally qualified candidates for the job, and they include a white female, a Hispanic male, a black female, and a white male. The executive hires the white male candidate. As a result, whites hold almost all upper-level jobs at this workplace. Which of the following concepts does this represent? a. homosocial reproduction b. affirmative action for whites c. a split labor market d. the spatial mismatch hypothesis

a. homosocial reproduction

In modern times, the H-2A guest worker program brings tens of thousands of people to the United States to work in manual labor sectors. But because these workers are bound to the companies that request them, some critics have called this practice an example of modern-day ________. a. indentured servitude b. homesteading c. black codes d. immigration acts

a. indentured servitude

What is one way the Federal Housing Administration contributed to the exclusion of nonwhites from the private housing market? a. loan denial to nonwhites b. increased rent in city apartments c. property deeds d. urban renewal projects

a. loan denial to nonwhites

Banks are often more likely to lend money to whites than to nonwhites, and to charge higher mortgage interest rates to nonwhites than whites. These patterns are examples of a. present-day institutional racism. b. the wealth-to-income gap. c. the split banking system. d. the effects of past and present-day wage inequalities.

a. present-day institutional racism.

As it relates to racial domination, symbolic power is best described as a. the power to define and classify groups as normal or abnormal. b. the power to legally withhold basic rights from certain groups. c. the power to privilege whites over others in terms of access to employment and the accumulation of wealth. d. the power to deny people of color membership in desirable associations.

a. the power to define and classify groups as normal or abnormal.

In the early to mid-twentieth century, federal law encouraged racial segregation because a. they feared that integrated neighborhoods would drive down property values. b. integrated neighborhoods would create complexities for law enforcement. c. segregated areas have lower political conflict and less racial tension. d. segregated areas have lower rates of marriage between whites and nonwhites.

a. they feared that integrated neighborhoods would drive down property values.

Which of the following was a catalyst for Europe's emerging racial worldview? a. trade routes b. evolving attitudes about gender roles c. the continued influence of political monarchies d. agricultural advancements such as the invention of the cotton gin

a. trade routes ?

What was the significance of Bacon's Rebellion in 1676? a. The collective struggle immediately preceded the Emancipation Proclamation and the abolition of slavery. b. Because of strategic differences, the rebellion solidified divisions between whites and blacks. c. Enslaved whites struggled hand in hand with enslaved blacks. d. Women across racial lines bonded, instigating the first modern women's movement.

b. Because of strategic differences, the rebellion solidified divisions between whites and blacks.

Ioanide argued meritocracy is a myth. Which of the following policies did she NOT blame for interracial wealth inequalities? a. GI Bill. b. Civil Rights Act of 1964. c. Homestead Act of 1862. d. FHA

b. Civil Rights Act of 1964.

According to lecture, what structural factor has contributed to interracial wealth inequalities? a. Education integration b. Government polices c. The Stock Market d. Voter enfranchisement

b. Government polices

What evidence does Ted Thornhill provide in "Silencing the Myth of a Color Blind Society" to prove that we do not live in a post-racial or color blind society? a. He points out overt manifestations of racism that still exist in our society, like racial profiling and police brutality. b. He offers examples of different outcomes for people of color in education and the labor market. c. He proves that people in contemporary society still do "see color". d. He does not offer evidence that we do not live in a post-racial society.

b. He offers examples of different outcomes for people of color in education and the labor market.

What distinguishes institutional racism from interpersonal racism? a. Institutional racism covertly and overtly manifests in everyday interactions and practices, whereas interpersonal racism is embedded in the systemic oppression of people of color within social collectives. b. Institutional racism is embedded in the systemic oppression of people of color within social collectives, whereas interpersonal racism covertly and overtly manifests in everyday interactions and practices. c. Institutional racism is racism found in the everyday interactions, whereas interpersonal racism manifest in the everyday operations of corporations, police departments, and political institutions. d. Both institutional and interpersonal racism result in systemic oppression, but only institutional racism is consistently present in everyday life.

b. Institutional racism is embedded in the systemic oppression of people of color within social collectives, whereas interpersonal racism covertly and overtly manifests in everyday interactions and practices.

Aliya Saperstein and Andrew Penner used longitudinal survey data that followed 12,000 Americans for nineteen years, beginning when they were teenagers. Which of the following did they find? a. Nobody "changed races." b. Interviewers were more likely to see someone as black when the respondents' situations fit the stereotype of black people. c. Unemployed respondents were more likely to be classified as white. d. People who were initially classified as "multiracial" on the Census drifted toward a single category by the end of the nineteen-year period.

b. Interviewers were more likely to see someone as black when the respondents' situations fit the stereotype of black people.

How did urban development projects immediately following World War II affect housing opportunities for nonwhites? a. It gave them the opportunity to live in new, quality housing in the urban center. b. It evicted many from their homes, forcing them into overcrowded slums. c. It pushed them to the suburbs, but without access to public transportation. d. It pushed them into white neighborhoods, resulting in integration.

b. It evicted many from their homes, forcing them into overcrowded slums.

Which of the following best describes racial domination? a. Racial domination is characterized by overt coercion and violence. b. Racial domination is an organizing force in society that disproportionately offers benefits to some groups and not to others. c. Racial domination is often the conscious intention of those who benefit from it. d. Racial domination is used to subjugate and control majority groups in society.

b. Racial domination is an organizing force in society that disproportionately offers benefits to some groups and not to others.

What is one reason most rebellions aboard slave ships were unsuccessful? a. Passengers had little reason to rebel. b. Slaves were often too undernourished to fight. c. Slaves were often from different regions of Africa. d. Sailors outnumbered slaves.

b. Slaves were often too undernourished to fight.

Following World War II, suburban America exploded due to—in large part—new homebuilding funded by which legislation? a. Social Security b. Taft-Hartley Act c. GI Bill of Rights d. Reaganomics

b. Taft-Hartley Act

What were the aims of U.S. government relocation programs targeted at Native Americans following World War II? a. The government wanted to move Native Americans back to tribal lands because whites felt economically threatened. b. The government wanted to move Native Americans to urban centers to advance assimilation and tribal dissolution. c. The government wanted to move Native Americans off tribal lands and onto rural farmland to stimulate agricultural production. d. The government wanted to move Native Americans back to tribal lands to allow them to reclaim their tribal traditions and identity.

b. The government wanted to move Native Americans to urban centers to advance assimilation and tribal dissolution.

What did the audit study discussed in lecture find about how race and criminal records affect hiring practices? a. There is very little evidence of racial discrimination in hiring today, but discrimination against people with a criminal record persists. b. White people with a criminal record were more likely to be called back for a job than Black people without a criminal record. c. There was no difference between the rate at which Black people with a criminal record and Black people without a criminal record were called back for a job. d. Black people with a criminal record were more likely to be hired than White people with a criminal record.

b. White people with a criminal record were more likely to be called back for a job than Black people without a criminal record.

The two methods by which white Americans attempted to solve the "Indian problem" and further acquire tribal land were a. homogenization and differentiation. b. assimilation and removal. c. legal and illegal. d. subtle and overt.

b. assimilation and removal.

In the United States, whiteness is the ________ racial category, that with which all other categories are compared and contrasted. a. fixed b. dominant c. social d. cultural

b. dominant

In the United States, ________ often creates distinctions and identities within ________. For instance, four people may be considered white, yet they may each have ancestry and cultural traditions originating from different countries, including Poland, Ireland, England, and Norway. a. racial identity; ethnic groups b. ethnicity; racial groups c. culture; ethnic groups d. racial groups; cultures

b. ethnicity; racial groups

Many Irish people were forcibly taken to North America, where they worked for three or four years before being granted their freedom. Which of the following concepts reflects this example? a. colonization b. indentured servitude c. chattel slavery d. miscegenation

b. indentured servitude

Which of the following best summarizes the process by which systemic white domination of people of color occurs? a. biological determinism b. institutional racism c. white privilege d. symbolic violence

b. institutional racism

Your friend does not believe that racial segregation in schools is a problem today. After all, she argues, the courts ruled segregated education unconstitutional many decades ago. Which of the five fallacies or misconceptions about racism best describes this example? a. tokenistic fallacy b. legalistic fallacy c. ahistorical fallacy d. individualistic fallacy

b. legalistic fallacy

Janet believes that it is "God's will" that lands out west in North America were for the United States to use, claim, and develop. Scholars refer to this type of statement as having roots in a. capitalism. b. manifest destiny. c. modernity. d. segregationism.

b. manifest destiny.

Institutional racism is facilitated by different types of power. Which of the following is one of these modes of power? a. personal power b. political power c. military power d. physical power

b. political power

Race as we know it today came to exist in the ________ century. a. fourteenth b. sixteenth c. eighteenth d. twentieth

b. sixteenth

Sociologists believe that race is a(n) a. biological reality. b. social construction. c. ahistorical fallacy. d. ethnicity.

b. social construction.

A nonwhite community that was destroyed by city planners in order to make room for the construction of a highway is an example of how ________ affected housing opportunities in the mid-twentieth century. a. deindustrialization b. urban renewal c. redlining d. racialization of neighborhoods

b. urban renewal

Patricia, a young white woman, and Daniel, a young black man, are both struggling to get by. However, Patricia was able to pay off her student loans when she inherited money from her grandmother. This is an example of racial disparities in a. income. b. wealth. c. life expectancy. d. credit.

b. wealth.

Which group prospered most following World War II? a. African Americans b. white Americans c. Latino Americans d. Native Americans

b. white Americans

When discussing race, it is common to focus on the experiences of nonwhite groups and their various disadvantages. However, this textbook emphasizes the role of whiteness and its various privileges. Which is significant about this shift in focus? a.It shows us that a group's disadvantages don't correspond to its privileges. b.It emphasizes the racial reality of whiteness, which is often the unnamed race. c.It reminds us that all whites are inherently racist because of their cultural socialization. d.It encourages us to downplay the experiences of racial minorities because they are disadvantaged.

b.It emphasizes the racial reality of whiteness, which is often the unnamed race. ?

How do you define the term "minority group"? a. A racial or ethnic group that is discriminated against. b. A racial or ethnic group that has societal stereotypes attached to it. c. A racial or ethnic group that receives (on average) significantly less of society's valued resources and outcomes d. A racial or ethnic group that is a minority percentage of the population.

c. A racial or ethnic group that receives (on average) significantly less of society's valued resources and outcomes

The 1875 Page Law, which intended to bar Chinese prostitutes from the United States, had what effect? a. It virtually eradicated prostitution throughout the country. b. It allowed Chinese families to flourish. c. It barred virtually all Chinese women from American shores. d. It increased rates of marriage between Chinese men and white American women.

c. It barred virtually all Chinese women from American shores.

What was the context in which the concept of ethnicity was invented? a. It was invented by the British empire to differentiate between British people who stayed or left the country. b. It was invented after World War II to define Jewish people in terms other than "race." c. It was created by Americans to make sense of the new immigration from southern and eastern Europe. d. It was created to reflect the movement of people from various African countries around the world.

c. It was created by Americans to make sense of the new immigration from southern and eastern Europe. ?

In the early twentieth century, why did some recent immigrants, such as Germans and Irish, leave the slum and assimilate into the American mainstream but others, such as the Chinese, did not? a. Chinese immigrants had their own businesses near the slums and could not leave. b. Chinese immigrants were more likely to work in businesses that were concentrated in slums. c. Laws and customs, based on the "racial uniform" of otherness, did not allow the Chinese to live anywhere else. d. Chinese immigrants had to stay in the slums in order to continue living with their extended families.

c. Laws and customs, based on the "racial uniform" of otherness, did not allow the Chinese to live anywhere else.

What statement best distinguishes the definitions of institutional racism and interpersonal racism? a. Institutional racism is overt, while interpersonal racism is embedded in the social practices in schools, politics, and law enforcement. b. Institutional racism often quietly privileges some groups (for example, by highlighting the accomplishments of the dominant group in school curricula), while interpersonal racism is more overt. c. Neither institutional nor interpersonal racism is necessarily overt; both forms of racism often operate in the habitual commonsense and largely unconscious practices of daily life. d. Both institutional and interpersonal racism are consciously chosen ways of acting in social settings and in creating social order.

c. Neither institutional nor interpersonal racism is necessarily overt; both forms of racism often operate in the habitual commonsense and largely unconscious practices of daily life.

A Paiute spiritual leader, Wovoka, developed the Ghost Dance, which spread across other Native American tribes. Why were whites fearful of the Ghost Dance movement? a. Wovoka encouraged the Paiute to take up arms against the whites. b. The Ghost Dance predicted the uprising of deceased Native Americans buried under white settlements. c. The Lakotas used the Ghost Dance to inspire the massacre of whites at Wounded Knee. d. Other tribes interpreted Wovoka's prophesies as foretelling the destruction of the whites.

c. The Lakotas used the Ghost Dance to inspire the massacre of whites at Wounded Knee.

In this week's first lecture, Professor Pedriana spoke briefly about his personal biography. This was a good example of a. Institutional racism b. Individualism c. The Sociological Perspective d. Biological determinism

c. The Sociological Perspective

What does Dr. Pedriana say about the relationship between the federal government and redlining in lecture? a. Federal regulators were instrumental to ending redlining in the 1940s, enabling the growth of Black suburban communities. b. Redlining was championed by state and city governments, but the federal government passively allowed it. c. The federal government actively encouraged and sponsored this kind of explicit discriminatory lending. d. The federal government began redlining during the Obama administration to encourage residential integration in middle class communities.

c. The federal government actively encouraged and sponsored this kind of explicit discriminatory lending.

How did the United States acquire the land that today is known as New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, parts of Arizona, and disputed areas of Texas? a. Monroe Doctrine b. Manifest Destiny c. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo d. Thirteenth Amendment

c. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What are the two dominant racial ideologies in American history? a. Slavery and Emancipation b. Segregation and Integration c. White Supremacy and Colorblindness d. Equality and Equity

c. White Supremacy and Colorblindness

What was the professor's point in lecture about "zoning"? a. Zoning is when you fall asleep while binge watching "The Twilight Zone" and have a related nightmare b. The best way to prepare for the exam is to get "in the zone" and cut out all distractions like Tiktok and Netflix c. Zoning ordinances can be a mechanism for colorblind discrimination d. Redlining zones created racial inequality that persists to this day

c. Zoning ordinances can be a mechanism for colorblind discrimination

The General Allotment Act dealt with American Indians by doing which of the following? a. redistributing Native American land to free blacks b. removing their collective societies and individualizing them c. allotting additional lands to Native Americans in areas that were undesirable to whites d. taking away voting rights for Native Americans

c. allotting additional lands to Native Americans in areas that were undesirable to whites

Which of the following groups of workers might company executives refer to as "strike insurance"? a. workers who never initiate strikes because they receive high pay and good benefits b. women workers who are too passive to initiate strikes c. black workers who replace striking white workers d. managers who strong-arm their employees into not striking

c. black workers who replace striking white workers

Which of the following terms is used to describe real estate agents who preyed upon whites' fears of integration by hiring people of color to appear as if they had moved into a traditionally white neighborhood, in an attempt to get white families to sell their homes for under-market value? a. marginality agents b. redlining agents c. blockbusting agents d. covenant agents

c. blockbusting agents

How did plantation owners strive to convince poor whites to overlook how they were exploited by the slave economy? a. by allowing all whites to have equal ownership over black slaves b. by giving poor whites opportunity for equal political participation c. by convincing poor white families to take pride in their whiteness d. by paying all white workers a fair and livable wage

c. by convincing poor white families to take pride in their whiteness

Michelle, Jennifer, and Amber are all friends. However, Michelle and Jennifer are not as close to each other as they are to Amber. When Amber asks Michelle if she does not hang out with Jennifer as much as her because she is African American, Michelle quickly responds, "No, I don't see color. I like her, but we just do not see the world the same way." This is an example of which concept? a. white privilege b. symbolic violence c. color-blindness d. institutional racism

c. color-blindness

Your textbook notes that some banks refuse to do business with well-qualified nonwhite home buyers, which is actually against a bank's economic interest. This demonstrates that a. racist practices widen the income gap more than the wealth gap. b. economic policy should focus on racism rather than classism. c. economic policies are not separate from what is going on in society, including racism. d. a free market will organically eradicate the economic gaps by race.

c. economic policies are not separate from what is going on in society, including racism. ?

Those that believe racial inequalities in the labor force are due to persistent racial discrimination would favor which of the following policy recommendations to address the issue? a. improving inner-city education b. providing blacks and Latinos with skill training c. emphasizing diversity education in the workplace d. abolishing affirmative action programs

c. emphasizing diversity education in the workplace

Over the last few decades, racial disparities in wealth between white and nonwhite families have a. narrowed. b. remained stable. c. grown. d. completely disappeared.

c. grown.

What are two key forms of racial domination? a. institutional racism and white privilege b. institutional racism and political domination c. institutional racism and interpersonal racism d. interpersonal racism and white privilege

c. institutional racism and interpersonal racism

When racial categories are considered natural and immutable, they have become ________ in a society. a. legal b. undermined c. naturalized d. erased

c. naturalized

A person's ________ is their physical appearance, including skeletal structure, height, hair texture, eye color, and skin tone. a. race b. ethnicity c. phenotype d. ancestry

c. phenotype

Race, ethnicity, and nationality are overlapping ________ that are mutually reinforcing and cannot be understood in isolation from one another. a. racial categories b. legal categories c. symbolic categories d. cultural categories

c. symbolic categories

A large number of whites moving from New York City into the whites-only suburb of Levittown on Long Island following World War II is an example of a. deurbanization. b. urban sprawl. c. white flight. d. deindustrialization.

c. white flight.

What are two reasons that black urban neighborhoods were more decayed than white neighborhoods? a.There were often lower standards for care in the neighborhood, and homeowners had a lack of resources. b.Residents often had less knowledge about homeownership, and they had less access to home maintenance businesses. c.Black neighborhoods often had the oldest housing stock in need of most repair, and homeowners could not receive loans to improve their properties. d. Homeowners could receive loans to improve their properties, and they had less access to home maintenance businesses.

c.Black neighborhoods often had the oldest housing stock in need of most repair, and homeowners could not receive loans to improve their properties.

According to lecture, the existence of durable racial/ethnic hierarchies is most emphasized by which perspective on race/ethnicity? a. "Symbolic" b. "Functional' c. "Economic" d. "Structural"

d. "Structural"

How many Cherokees died along the Trail of Tears, the 1,200-mile forced journey from Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama to Oklahoma and Arkansas? a. 50 b. 700 c. 2,000 d. 4,000

d. 4,000

In lecture, Prof. Pedriana argued reverse racism is: a. A serious yet unacknowledged problem in American society b. Fixed by colorblindness. c. A byproduct of color consciousness. d. A false equivalence that neglects where a group is located in the wider race/ethnic hierarchy

d. A false equivalence that neglects where a group is located in the wider race/ethnic hierarchy

What is an "index of dissimilarity"? a. The name of the professor's favorite band, named for their use of dissimilar instruments b. A measure of how much the size of houses in the same neighborhood varies c. The law that defined the acceptable amount of skin color variation for someone to move into a white neighborhood in the 1950s d. A measure of how segregated or integrated a place is

d. A measure of how segregated or integrated a place is

"Can people of color be racist?" is a popular question in the public imagination. How do the authors of this textbook respond to this question? a. People of color can only be racist toward white people. b. Because of white domination, only white people can be racist. c. Everyone can be racist in the same ways. d. All racial groups can commit interpersonal racism, but institutional racism can only be carried out by whites.

d. All racial groups can commit interpersonal racism, but institutional racism can only be carried out by whites.

In lecture, Prof. Pedriana indicated ____ have the highest median income. a. Hispanics b. Blacks c. Whites d. Asians

d. Asians

Blaming the low educational or economic attainment on an individual's personal failing and decisions rather than on structural barriers to success is a form of what? a. Homosocial Reproduction b. Steering c. Social Construction d. Attribution Error

d. Attribution Error

What were the findings of audit studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about racial discrimination in housing? a. The mechanisms of housing discrimination that existed before the Fair Housing Act of 1968 are still the overt mechanisms used today. b. Black home buyers were informed about far more properties than their white counterparts, though they were always in poorer neighborhoods. c. Banks supported racial integration by distributing high levels of loans to racially mixed areas. d. High levels of housing discrimination are still experienced by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans.

d. High levels of housing discrimination are still experienced by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans.

According to Zhou, what makes new immigrants from Asia different from earlier immigrants from Asia or Europe at the turn of the 20th century? a. New immigrants from all Asian ethnic groups tend to be highly skilled middle class professionals b. Zhou's argument is actually that new immigrants from Asia are equivalent to those earlier immigrants c. Due to new immigration restrictions, new immigrants from Asia are mostly refugees from lower class backgrounds d. New immigrants from Asia tend to consist of a combination of high skilled professionals and low-skilled workers

d. New immigrants from Asia tend to consist of a combination of high skilled professionals and low-skilled workers

What did Charles Darwin determine about racial differences in biology? a. Racial differences can be traced to DNA. b. Racial differences can be traced to phenotype. c. Race can be traced to genetic variation. d. Race has no biological grounding.

d. Race has no biological grounding.

The GI Bill of Rights was legislation designed to help veterans who returned home from World War II. In the three decades that followed the war, the United States spent more than $95 billion on the GI Bill—equivalent to almost $270 billion today—making it the single most comprehensive set of social benefits ever issued by the federal government under a unified initiative. a. Administration of the bill was granted to state and local authorities. b. Nonwhites were disqualified from enlisting for the military, and, thus, could not become veterans. c. The bill explicitly stated that benefits were only guaranteed for whites. d. The bill stated that only certain occupations and neighborhoods were eligible for benefits.

d. The bill stated that only certain occupations and neighborhoods were eligible for benefits. ?

According to John Rice in "The Three Degrees of Racism", what sort of behavior constitutes third-degree racism? a. Microagressions. b. Turning a blind eye to the efforts of anti-racist activists. c. Police violence against people of color. d. When employers, educational institutions, and governmental entities refuse to abandon practices that systematically disadvantage people of color who are in competition with whites for economic and career mobility.

d. When employers, educational institutions, and governmental entities refuse to abandon practices that systematically disadvantage people of color who are in competition with whites for economic and career mobility.

Which is NOT a critique of the concept of model minority emphasized in lecture? a. It implies that Asian Americans don't experience prejudice or discrimination b. Common cultural explanations for socioeconomic outcomes among Asian Americans are problematic c. It ignores the high amount of ethnic diversity among Asian Americans d. While Asian Americans do have higher average incomes and education than whites, they have lower average wealth

d. While Asian Americans do have higher average incomes and education than whites, they have lower average wealth

What is the key difference in homosocial reproduction between blacks and whites? a. White supervisors engage in more homosocial reproduction than nonwhite supervisors. b. White male supervisors engage in more homosocial reproduction than white female supervisors. c. Gender is not really a factor in homosocial reproduction compared to the influence of race. d. White males have more opportunities to practice homosocial reproduction because they are more likely to be supervisors.

d. White males have more opportunities to practice homosocial reproduction because they are more likely to be supervisors.

A national homebuilder developing a new home community needs to hire framers, plumbers, painters, electricians, and other construction workers. There are plenty of qualified, unionized, nonimmigrant job applicants, but the builder chooses to hire mostly Mexican immigrants in order to cut costs. According to sociologist Edna Bonacich, this choice reflects the existence of a. community college training programs. b. a tight labor market. c. equal opportunity employment laws. d. a split labor market.

d. a split labor market.

A person's ________ is their family lineage, which often includes tribal, regional, or national affiliation. a. race b. ethnicity c. phenotype d. ancestry

d. ancestry

Although many people think of Tiger Woods as African American, he considers himself multiracial and as a child invented the term "Cablinasian" to describe himself. This example helps us understand the complex relationship between ________. a. ancestry and culture b. culture and tribal membership c. phenotype and culture d. ancestry and phenotype

d. ancestry and phenotype

Race is often described with reference to ________, but there is much more genetic variation within ________ than between them. a. genomes; cultures b. biological markers; genomes c. cultures; traditionally defined racial groups d. biological markers; traditionally defined racial groups

d. biological markers; traditionally defined racial groups

The current ________ in the United States delineates five major groups. a. homogenizing heading b. institutional racism c. intersectionality d. racial taxonomy

d. racial taxonomy

Sometimes speakers invoke examples of individuals—say, Madam C. J. Walker, Oprah Winfrey, or Barack Obama—to suggest that if they were able to triumph over racial barriers, the path is clear for everyone. What type of fallacy best describes such thinking? a. fixed fallacy b. legalistic fallacy c. ahistorical fallacy d. tokenistic fallacy

d. tokenistic fallacy

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