SOC 152- Chapter 3

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Material culture includes which of the following?

buildings paper and spoons

Which of the following describes an aspect of the social construction of reality illuminated by "No Pants Subway Ride" days and similar events?

We are socialized to obey certain rules of behavior.

Which of the following demonstrate the fundamentally social nature of language?

When learning a new language, we test our fluency through interactions with other speakers. Shared perception matters more than the actual sound or symbol used.

Human ________ consists of everything humans create in establishing our relationships to nature and with each other.


Nonmaterial culture includes

customs, beliefs, and values.

According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, our perception of reality is shaped by


One major sociological reason behind the fact that few invented languages have succeeded is that

language is a community endeavor built up over generations of shared experiences.

New terms such as Latinx and hangry illustrate how

language is often modified to suit our needs.

The most basic component of cognitive culture is


Cultural diffusion can occur through which of the following means?

tourism international business mass media

Which of the following influence people's behavior, serve as criteria for evaluating the actions of others, and form a culture's shared ideas of what is good?


Tattoos in the early 1900s were not as common among educated, middle-class Americans as they are today. Tattoos are also more common among certain subcultures than others. This illustrates the fact that culture

varies across time and place.

Which of the following are clear examples of exceptions to basic norms in our culture?

killing another person in self-defense taping a telephone conversation with a court order

Which of the following job titles reveal gender stereotyping?

mailman policeman stewardess

The culture we create is broken down into which general categories?

material culture cognitive culture normative culture

Negative results of the growing divide between political subcultures in the United States include

misperceptions in one subculture about another. reduced faith in a common culture shared by all.

If you think someone next door is in trouble and you are contemplating intervening, this may be an example of a conflict between helping your neighbor and minding your own business. This would be an example of a conflict of


Cognitive culture consists of

our mental and symbolic representations of reality. values, beliefs, knowledge, and other ideas.

Countercultures are primarily composed of

people whose lifestyles are outside of mainstream standards.

Cultural lag can be defined as the

principle that technological change occurs more quickly than our capacity to interpret and respond to it.

One of the most successful invented languages is Esperanto, whose creator, Ludwik Zamenhof, believed that its spread would help to

promote world peace.

In the United States during the 1960s, a large counterculture developed that questioned materialistic values and did which of the following?

promoted such humanistic values as love, peace, and coexistence with nature opposed U.S. military involvement in Vietnam

Understanding others from their perspective can be a challenge because

it is easy to judge differences as inferior. most people are inclined to prefer their own culture.

Ethnocentrism can be expressed in many ways. Which statements best express an ethnocentric perspective?

"My culture and way of life are better than all others." "Everyone practices the same culture and way of life as I do, and if they do not, they should." "You do not practice my culture and way of life, so you are not normal."

In the "nature versus nurture" debate,

"nurture" refers to the way human behavior is affected by other people. "nature" refers to the way human behavior is affected by biology.

Which of the following are true of following norms?

The following of norms results in a perpetuation of the status quo. Following norms provides order in our lives.

How are informal norms different from formal norms?

They are understood but not precisely recorded.

True or false: If a company's accountants improve the company's financial standing using questionable techniques, the accountants may be adhering to standards even if they are violating society's norms.


Mores are norms that

are considered necessary to the welfare of a society.

Countercultures typically thrive among younger members of a society because young people

are less invested in the existing culture.

A list of cultural universals would include such practices as division of labor, funeral rites, and

athletic sports.

Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and


A society creates norms to establish standards of


Within the scientific community there has been growing support for the idea of gene-culture


The model of world construction suggested by Berger and Luckmann includes which elements?

constructing society constructing culture constructing the self

Society consists of the structure of relationships that

create and share culture through social interaction.

To the extent that Esperanto has succeeded, it has done so on much the same terms as a naturally evolved language, by

creating a community of shared participants.

When we attempt to understand another society's culture rather than dismissing it as weird or exotic, we are practicing

cultural relativism.

In the United States, people tend to share a deep, intense belief in concepts such as freedom, equality, morality, democracy, and humanitarianism. These beliefs are called

cultural values.

Which of the following serves to distinguish one society from another despite the existence of cultural universals?

cultural variation

Based on the list offered by sociologist Robin Williams (1970), which of the following are generally considered to be basic values in the United States?

democracy material comfort progress

Among high school students, based on a recent study, 86 percent agree that cheating hurts one's character; but over 50 percent admit to cheating. This suggests that

despite dominant school values, cheating is a normal part of student culture.

Applying cultural relativism means recognizing that

different social contexts give rise to different norms and values.

Nonverbal communication behavior, including the meaning of hand signals and various body movements,

differs from culture to culture.

Human cultures expand and generational change occurs due to innovation and


Today the popularity of sushi in the United States and of Ford cars in China illustrates the rapidly expanding trend of globalization, a form of cultural


Decoding the human genome is an example of which type of cultural innovation?


The two main forms of innovation are ______ and ______.

discovery; invention

Whereas ______ involves revealing the existence of an aspect of reality, ______ results when existing cultural items are combined into a form that did not exist before.

discovery; invention

When U.S. leaders assumed that Iraqis would adapt to democratic reforms following the U.S. invasion in 2003, they did not take into account how Iraqi cultural values differed from U.S. values. What was the basis of the U.S. thought process in this case?


The fact that the same action under different circumstances can cause one to be viewed either as a hero or a villain illustrates the reality that

even if norms do not conflict, there are exceptions to any norm.

Norms are categorized as ideal or real on the basis of

expected adherence.

Informal norms that govern everyday behavior are called


One example of changing norms in U.S. culture is the

formal recognition of marriage as a right for same-sex couples.

Critics often point to the fact that people in developing nations might lose their traditional values, forms of dress, and native language and begin to identify with the culture of more dominant nations due to


Because it is easy to take for granted the cultural practices of the society into which we are born, we are often surprised to find that other cultures

have a different sense of what is right or wrong. view our mores and folkways as odd. have strange customs that seem normal to them.

Dominant ideology is best described as a set of cultural beliefs and practices that

help maintain powerful interests.

Marriage ceremonies, educational programs, and religious doctrines are among the aspects of culture transmitted within a society through

human interaction.

Based on the "World Construction" process outlined in the text, the first stage of the social construction of reality consists of

individuals creating and reproducing the material, cognitive, and normative culture needed to survive.

In the past, biologically based claims were used to justify which of the following?

inequality among social classes

Sociologists recognize discovery and invention as two forms of cultural


Researchers argue that an ______ type of relationship exists between genes and the environment.


Suppose a boy considers stealing a few dollars from his mother's purse. Realizing that he would feel unbearably guilty afterward, he decides not to do it. The boy has policed himself because he

internalized society's norms.

A formal norm that is enforced by the state is called a


On what basis have sociologists come to prioritize the significance of nurture?

Research has revealed significant variation in how humans think and act.

Which of the following are true of how language shapes perceptions?

Language can transmit stereotypes related to race. Gender-related language can imply that certain occupations can only be filled by males.

Which of the following statements about the concept of cultural universals is correct?

All cultures worldwide have certain types of practices in common.

Which of the following are true of violating norms?

It is likely to result in negative sanctions. It results in social disruption. It can lead to positive social change.

When critics describe Walt Disney's work as an example of "American cultural imperialism," they are referring to the fact that

Disney movies often replace native cultural myths with modern fabricated versions.

Which of the following are true of the three general categories or elements of culture?

Each enables us to interact more effectively with the world around us. All three are socially constructed.

True or false: Cultural values include positive conceptions, such as what is good or desirable, but not negative conceptions, such as what is undesirable or improper.


______ norms are guidelines for behavior that people agree should be followed, while ______ norms are rules generated from actual behavior.

Ideal; real

How has the top value among first-year college students in the United States changed over the past five decades?

It has flipped, from an emphasis on personal philosophy to an emphasis on personal finances.

Which of the following is true of our shared culture?

It is developed through interactions with others. Over time, we take it for granted.

A pay raise for an employee who is doing a good job is an example of

a positive sanction.

The difference between the heavy fur clothing of Inuit tribes in northern Canada and the light clothing of rice farmers in Southeast Asia illustrates

cultural variation.

People are not born knowing how to hug or how to wink. These types of actions are learned from people who share the same


Language helps build culture because it

is the basis of all communication and cooperation.

Which of the following are examples of nonverbal communication behavior?

glaring at someone giving someone the silent treatment winking at someone

After spending time in a foreign country, a person could return to his or her home country and view things differently. This experience is a sort of

reverse culture shock.

Terrorist groups operating in a counterculture within their own culture often

seek to bring an end to what they view as their repression. strongly disagree with the values and norms of the dominant culture.

Shared culture influences human behavior through a "tool kit" of which of the following?

skills styles habits

Sociobiology is the systematic study of how biology affects human

social behavori

Some linguists, both professional and amateur, have attempted to create new languages based on the fact that language is

socially constructed.

Changing state and federal laws demonstrate a change of long-standing

societal norms.

Practitioners of which discipline, in particular, have a responsibility to understand others from their perspective?


In the text messaging and social media world, a person might use abbreviations such as lol and smh. This is an example of speaking a specialized language because the person is part of a


Indian call center workers who deal with Western customers and who adopt the dress, language, holidays, and other customs of Westerners are an example of a


From a feminist perspective, which best describes how women are viewed and treated in a male-dominated society?

subservient and inferior to male counterparts

What aspect of Iraqi culture has been criticized by Westerners as nepotism but is actually an acceptable, even admirable, practice to the people of Iraq?

the practice of favoring one's own kin in government and business dealings

Which of the following describe technology?

the result of converting natural resources into tools to accomplish practical ends a form of material culture

The phrase coined to describe how individuals both create society through our actions and become products of that society is

the social construction of reality.

When sociologists speak of norms, they are referring to

the standards of behavior that are established and maintained by a society.

According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,

the structure and vocabulary of the language we speak affects both our perception and our actions.

On which of the following matters do Republicans and Democrats in the United States commonly differ?

whether policing is fair to all groups whether or not immigration is good

Which of the following are components of language?

written characters speech nonverbal gestures

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