SOC 170 Quiz Answers
What is the demographic transition?
A sequence of population change: mortality declines first, followed by fertility decline
Which of the following is not an official use of Census data?
Determination of tax rates
True or False: According to the inequality critique of Malthus, population growth and environmental decline cause hunger and poverty.
True or False: Demographers are primarily concerned with the consequences of individual-level behavior for individuals.
True or False: Thomas Malthus believed that poverty was the greatest threat to the environment.
Which of the following is NOT consistent with the technological critique of Malthus?
Social inequality interferes with the implementation of technological innovations
What is population momentum?
The number of births may continue to increase—even if fertility levels are lower—if the number of reproductive-aged adults continues to grow
What is a cohort?
The population sub-unit that experiences a demographic event during a specific time interval
What was the primary concern about adding a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census?
There were concerns that immigrant families--with and without documentation--would avoid the Census or respond inaccurately.
What is an undercount?
When certain sub-populations are more likely to be left out of the Census count than other groups
A population with slow population growth will have a population pyramid with...
a smaller proportion of the population in younger ages