soc 3

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"The Woman Movement" (feminism) in 1848

A group of women gathered in Seneca Falls to discuss social, civil, and religious rights of women. The group issued a Declaration of Sentiments proclaiming that all men and women are created equal

Random-assignment experiment

A study using a method of assigning participants or groups to receive different treatments that ensures that any posttreatment differences result from the different treatments they received

Second shift

A term created and popularized by Arlie Hochschild to refer to housework, childcare, and elder care disproportionately done by women. The first shift refers to one's paid job, whereas the second shift refers to the labor needed to keep households going

Nuclear family

A term used to describe a family consisting of a husband and wife and their children

Signs that secularization IS occurring? Belief in God, Views of Bible, "unaffiliated" rate

At an institutional level, however, secularization is always occurring How a "sect" turns into a church

Occupational sex segregation

When women and men are distributed differently across occupations, such that some jobs filled mostly by men and others mostly by women

What men and women want in a marriage (1939 vs. 2008)

Women Top 5 Emotional stability to Mutual attraction/love Dependable character Ambition to emotional stability Pleasing disposition to desire for home/children Mutual attraction/love to education/intelligence Men Top 5 Dependable character to mutual attraction/love Emotional stability to dependable character Pleasing disposition to emotional stability Mutual attraction/love to education/intelligence Good health to pleasing disposition

Trends on premarital sex; how does religion influence the age at which people start having sex.

Youths brought up in religious households that discourage early sex are less likely to engage in such behavior Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians, the most conservative of Protestants in their teachings on this subject, often have strong beliefs against premarital sex, and some even take virginity pledges. More religious youth, from almost any denomination or faith tradition, tend to start sex later

Which denominations are growing? Which are declining? What do the growing and declining have in common?

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are growing at fast rate more conservative groups (baptist, mormon) are growing Christian, more protestant/ liberal religions shrinking

Be aware of the two transitions in the meaning of marriage... companionate marriage and individualized marriage?

Companionate marriage: emphasis on emotional satisfaction and romantic love Individualized marriage: promotes self development

Concerted cultivation vs natural growth p. 369

Concerted cultivation Middle class form of intense parenting that involves a high degree of scheduled activities, a stress on the acquisition of language skills, and a sense of entitlement when interacting with social institutions such as schools Natural growth Working class form of parenting which involves unstructured play and leisure activities, more informal approach in conversations, and more deference to authority figures such as teachers and doctors


Refers to the way in which social forces structure how being male or female affects what is expected of you, how you are treated, what opportunities you have, and the results for individual men and women. A person's gender is a result of how society shapes differences and inequalities between men and women

Where would we expect to find the most cults?

Religious innovation is far more common and successful in the Far West Church membership was comparatively low in the Far West and cult membership was very high

Correll et al study

Resume experiment Mom with more experience (officer in PTA) Woman as officer in Community club POINT: mother resumes received less call backs

Free Exercise Clause

Right to freely exercise one's religion

% children born outside of marriage

⅓ children born outside marriage

Religion as an opiate; contributes to a "false consciousness"

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Ultimate reward of religion??? What assurance do I have that religion can provide it?

"Ultimate" rewards that are unavailable in the here and now AKA Heaven and eternal life

What % of American adults have sexual intercourse before marriage? Christians very different?

-90% of people have premarital sex -Christians not significantly lower (right under 80%)

Women's suffrage


Sex ratios at Pepperdine

40% Male, 60% Female

Incarceration rates... especially for African Americans... and compared to Europe

5% of the World population, US holds 20% of world's prisoners Whites self-report more use, blacks go to prison for it Our averages about rate 7x higher than Europe 60% of US Black who do not graduate HS will spend time in prison

Women with children in the workforce


Sparta: Too few men

All able-bodied male Spartans went off for twelve years of full time military service, after which they remained liable for recall until age sixty. Because all male Spartans took up the same occupation - soldier - their society depended on outsiders to grow the food and perform the other needed domestic tasks Sparta practiced infanticide but without sexual preference.. only healthy well-formed babies were allowed to live. Males were more subject to birth defects Although men could marry at age 20, they could not live with their wives until they left the army after 30 Spartan men who did not marry were ridiculed and suffered legal penalties Sparta offered girls as much education as it did boys. They spent much less time than Athenian women learning traditional women's work and received a substantial amount of physical education and gymnastic training A Spartan women took all of her own property and half of what the household had produced if she divorced her husband. If the husband was at fault, he was fined. Women were scarce, they were treated as precious property, but did not have rights of their own

How do most Americans feel about the institution of marriage?

All these changes in the revolutions have deinstitutionalized marriage by creating a wide array of alternatives to traditional marriage, including cohabitation, serial relationships (where people enter and exit), gay partnerships, and permanent singlehood. Americans today can cohabit prior to marriage, engage in sexual activity, and bear children without marrying, and leave a marriage if it seems unworkable Marriage is now a highly valued bond that adults may decide whether or not to make. Marriage is now both optional and reversible

Economic Restructuring

Argues that the basic social and economic forces, not a decline in family values, has inevitably eroded the foundations of the breadwinner-homemaker family and required new family arrangements Changes in men's job opportunities, such as the decline in both unionized blue-collar work and secure white-collar career paths, have left fewer men with the ability to earn enough money to support a family on their own

What are the 5 dimensions of religious commitment

Belief Behavior Experience Knowledge Consequences


Biological matter (male or female)

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

What is a cult? Examples

Cults are religious movements that represent a new or different religious tradition, whereas churches and sects represent the prevailing tradition in a society All religions begin as cult movements I.g., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (MORMONS)

Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

Declaration of Sentiments, Elizabeth Stanton

Normal Conception

Deviance is a behavior that violates a norm Focuses on norms and behaviors Focus is on consensus More consistent with functionalism

What is deviance? "Immoral" act?

Deviance is behavior deemed wrong by society

Reactivist Conception

Deviance is behavior that is successfully labeled deviant Focuses on societal reactions Focus is on power and conflict Consistent with conflict theory

Can you change homosexuals in therapy?

Efforts to change one's sexual orientation usually fail

What is a family?

Family is a core institution in all societies. It provides the first and most immediate context for our physical, emotional, and social development. A set of people living together who are connected by biological or legal ties and distinguishes these family households from nonfamily households, which consist of two or more individuals living together who are not linked by biological ties - such as a group of college roommates or young singles sharing an apartment

The "Breakdown of the family" debate

Family values... family decline / Is the family "breaking down"?

Policy... how is the US different from Northern Europe? .... Specifically Sweden?

France allows any two people to form a civil union that bestows all the legal rights and responsibilities of a married couple. Scandinavian countries provide universal child-care and guarantee paid parental leave Sweden, Iceland, and Norway encourage fathers' parental involvement by specifying that a father cannot transfer his leave time but must use it or lose it.

Why are women at risk in these settings?

Fraternity culture (some fraternities... not most) Upper-class guys, lower-class women Alcohol, transportation... Combined with gendered role of partier

Rate of homosexuality?

Homosexuals are a small minority - roughly 2 to 3% of the population - and their numbers appear not to have grown with their coming out or with the passage of gay rights laws

Sex ratios in India and China. Why the shortage of girls?

In China, 1 child policy complicated and hardly uniform (phased out 2015) Typically allows for second child if the first child is a female 108 M to 100 F in first order births 143 M to 100 F in second order births... why is there this difference? They want a boy, but if they don't get a boy, they seem to abort the child until they get a boy Rural areas... 160 M to 100 F (Zhu and Hesketh, 2009) In India, dowry, patriarchy, etc... 1991 Census, 105 M to 100 F 2011 Census, 109 M to 100 F

Why have men out-numbered women historically?

In societies around the world, women are clearly much more subject to the limits of traditional sex roles where there is an excess of men. In nations where men outnumber women, females lack power. They are also less likely to be employed outside the home, and the abortion rate is low

Why is the mixing of other worldly and this worldly rewards problematic at places like Pepperdine

Inevitably church-affiliated colleges reward religious behavior. Rational choice theory suggests that there may be potential consequences of material reward structures

Double standard of sexuality

Judging women more harshly than men for having sex outside of marriage or outside of relationships

Male vs. female differences in SAT... why the difference (no clear answer to this question, by the way)?

Males had a higher average than females on the SAT. The male mean is a bit higher than the female mean but the two distributions show very small differences. On a characteristic where one sex has a higher average, there will be many members of the sex with the higher average who are below the average of the sex with the lower average

Why do many disagree with the U.S. Census Bureau's definition of which households constitute families? 354

Many people prefer instead subjective measures. A recent survey found that Americans offered a variety of criteria for deciding when a household is a family. Being married and having children is are cited most often, with 99% agreeing that a married couple with children makes a family

Why does a sect tend to become a church over time?

Max Weber: "success" = bureaucracy Routinization of Charisma - to become "routine" Charismatic leadership becomes bureaucratic leadership Buildings, budgets, committees, fundraisers Protecting the institution becomes important Accepted = mainstream... low tension Secularize little by little until it becomes a social club with a steeple!

What is the "Gendered role of the Partier?"

Men derive status from securing sex Women derive status from getting attention


Men have more power than women in politics, the economy, the family, and the gender system

Why did violent crime drop so dramatically beginning in 1990?

More cops Increased incarceration rates Legalization of abortion

Effect on divorce and single parenting on children p. 364-365

Most of the negative consequences of divorce can be traced to the high conflict and emotional estrangement preceding a breakup, along with the hostility and loss of economic support that often follows in its aftermath The effects of parental breakups - both negative and positive - vary with and depend on the circumstances that surround the divorce before and after it takes place

2 conceptions of deviance?

Normal Conception & Reactivist Conception

The wage gap

On average, women earn about 80 cents on the dollar compared to men

Why do women earn less than men?

One explanation is that employers pay people more when they have more years of experience, and women are more likely than men to have dropped out for a time to take care of children. A second reason is that women are concentrated in lower paying occupations. Some of this is because women choose occupations that pay less than other jobs requiring the same amount of education

Structural Power

Organized activities by gender groups Dependent members in dyadic relationships may seek to improve their bargaining positions such when there is a short supply in men or women. The gender in excess supply may attempt to reduce their reliance on dyadic relations with the opposite sex, spending more of their time in same-sex dyads. Or they may withdraw from dyadic relationships. Historically, men have usually lacked dyadic power, so they have been motivated to shape the rules governing status to favor them As men seek to offset the greater power of women at the dyadic level, their organized efforts lead to the elaborate culture of traditional sex roles... men have combined to create social structures based on norms governing appropriate sex-role behavior

Trends in drug use

Over 50% now support legalization of Marijuana Drug use is going down

Text states the "social stigma of doing anything that makes a male seem feminine is much greater than any parallel stigma" for women begin masculine. Be aware of the various way this is illustrated in the text

Parents' socialization practices have changed in that girls are now encouraged to take part in a broader range of activities including sports and playing with legos/cars... however, not many parents have started to give their boys dolls

Signs it is NOT occurring? Growth of conservative religion? Old institutions ("Churches") being replaced by New institutions ("Sects")

Rodney Stark argues that at a societal level, secularization is not occuring

Be familiar with statistical trends that demonstrate just how dramatically things have changed (women in the workforce, college, earnings of women)

Secretaries earn same salary as a janitor although it requires more education to become a secretary

What does it mean to say that a sect is revival and cult is innovation?

Sect is a revival Secularization should occur in all religious economies but we must also expect the trend toward secularization to produce religious reactions: the formation of sects. As secularization weakens some organizations, new ones split off to revive less worldly versions of faith Cultural innovation New faiths in a society Hinduism in the US and Christianity in India

Traits of sect and church

Sects: stress emotionalism and individual mystical experiences and tend toward fundamentalism, rather than intellectualism in their teachings They present their gods as close at hand, taking an active interest and role in the lives of individuals Tend to consist of intense local networks Churches: Intellectualize religious teachings and restrain emotionalism in their services They offer an image of the Gods as somewhat remote from daily life and the individual Tend to be based on cosmopolitan networks

What does it mean to say that sociologist use the word cult without prejudice?

Sociologists use the term cult without prejudice to distinguish new religions from sects arising out of old religions

What factors impact ratios?

Sex roles and relationships have long been immensely influenced by the ratio of males to females

Trends and consequence of births outside of marriage

Since the 1960s, the average age at marriage has increased and premarital sex has become more common, births outside of marriage have become more common.

What is religion

Socially organized patterns of belief and practices that concern ultimate meaning and assume the existence of the supernatural

Church-sect theory

Suggests that many religious bodies are always in the process of becoming very worldly

Costs in the early church

Tangible costs like time invested (on Sunday mornings, in Bible studies, in personal devotion) and financial contributions to religious institutions

How does the United States compare with other countries in terms of social policies that support family forms?

The U.S. is very slow at adopting social policies that support new family forms France allows any two people to form a civil union that bestows all the legal rights and responsibilities of a married couple. Scandinavian countries provide universal child-care and guarantee paid parental leave Sweden, Iceland, and Norway encourage fathers' parental involvement by specifying that a father cannot transfer his leave time but must use it or lose it


The act of an unmarried straight or gay couple living together

When and where does the Suffrage movement begin

The elaborate sex-role culture by which women are prevented from fully exercising their options was created by organized male efforts to remedy the lack of dyadic power inherent in the oversupply of men

What do we mean when we say that gender is a social construction?

The entire system of social processes that create and sustain gender differences and gender inequality is often referred to as the social construction of gender

Lightdale and Prentice research and what it tells us about men "needing to seem masculine"

The group that was told they were being watched, the men dropped significantly more bombs than the women but the group that was given the impression that no one would be monitoring their games, the men did not drop any more bombs than the women. Gender-stereotypical behavior is more likely to happen when people believe that they are being watched

Female Infanticide

The major cause of imbalanced sex ratios is female infanticide. Most human societies have systematically killed a substantial proportion of female infants (China and India)

Family values

The orientations people have toward family responsibilities A term generally associated with views and ideas about the family that highlight the virtues of heterosexual marriage and childbearing in a traditional nuclear family with defined gender roles. Family values can also be applied to other kinds of nontraditional unions

What is secularization?

The process by which religion will disappear... the turning away from religious and toward secular explanations of life Self-limiting process that leads not to irreligion but to a shift in the sources of religion Secularization prompts two reactions that restore religion: revival and innovation

Relationship between the "sexual revolution" and the family (p. 359)

The sexual revolution has undermined the sexual double standard, destigmatized premarital sex, and allowed gay and other previously hidden relationships to move out of the closet

Is one "born homosexual"?

There is no known parental or psychological influence on sexual orientation. There is nothing you can do to influence the sexual orientation of a newborn

Gender Restructuring

Third perspective on family change. Highlights the growing mismatch between the structure of jobs and the caretaking needs of families

This-worldly vs. other-worldly rewards in the early church

This worldly rewards: Includes friendships, happiness, solidarity, community Also includes material rewards Other-worldly rewards: "Ultimate" rewards that are unavailable in the here and now Rewards that satisfy the most intense desires of the human heart, rewards only the supernatural can provide


Too few women Had a great excess of males because of female infanticide - practiced by rich and poor families It was rare for large families to raise more than one daughter Girls received little to no education and were raised to be quiet and submissive Females were married at puberty, mostly to older men Women were classified as children, regardless of age, whereas males legally obtained adult standing at age 18 "respectable" women were isolated by extremely protective sexual norms and were excluded from the sight of all men other than close relatives. They wore clothing designed to conceal Unmarried women who were not virgins were sold to slavery. If a woman was seduced/raped, her husband was compelled to divorce her while also having the legal right to kill the man who had violated his property rights

Twin studies on homosexuality leads to the conclusion that biology matters, but does not perfectly predict homosexuality


Dyadic Power

Two-person relationship in which they are exchanging affection, among other things When women are in short supply, they can select from among several suitors who must vie for their favor. When men are in short supply, they can pick and choose from among several available women. The concepts of power and of dependence allow us to isolate the key elements in dyadic relationships. If one member of a dyad has superior power, he or she will be more successful in achieving personal goals within a relationship. A member of a dyad with inferior power can be identified as the dependent member

Homicide rates in the US vs. other countries

US rate is 5 per 100,000 people South Africa is 31 per 100,000 people Russia 20 per 100,000

Geographic Mobility

Unbalanced sex ratios often are caused by periods of rapid migration/immigration. Young men depart in pursuit of economic opportunity, leaving the woman behind. As a consequence, there is an excess of women in the place from which the men are moving and a shortage of women in the place they are moving to

Establishment Clause

the clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress


those who were assigned one sex category at birth, based on the usual anatomical criteria, but feel strongly they belong in the other sex category... sometimes the word refers to a broader group of people who change or challenge sex or gender categories

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