Soc 315 Ch 12, Sociology Chapter 12 & 13, Chapter 12 Family Violence and Abuse, Marriage & Family Chp. 11-12

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What is the rising old age dependency ration in 2020

3 workers for every 1 older person

Kyle and Lorena are married with two children. What is one reason that sociologists might not expect Kyle to stay home with their children? A. Kyle, like most other men his age, is employed. B. Kyle, like most other men his age, is a misogynist. C. Lorena, like most other women her age, is unemployed. D. Lorena, like most other women her age, enjoys care work more than her husband.


One of the advantages of time-use studies, in which researchers investigate how people fill their days with activities, is that they A. take account of care work that often seems invisible. B. see how much men lie about the amount of work they do in the home. C. help mothers speed up their care-giving tasks. D. encourage parents to spend more time with their children.


The gender division of labor means that A. women do the lion's share of housework and care work, and they are concentrated in certain paid occupational areas. B. men and women tend to split labor equally, whether at home or at work. C. women are naturally more capable of performing housework and care work, and they enter those occupations in which they are naturally more talented. D. women have learned to perform tasks traditionally done by men in the workplace, but they continue to perform most housework and care work.


The most rapid period of change in the gender composition of the workforce occurred in the three decades after 1960 as the proportion of women in the labor force A. increased from about one-third to three-quarters. B. decreased from about one-half to one-third. C. increased from about one-fourth to nine-tenths. D. decreased from about five-eighths to three-eighths.


The phenomenon in which women have seemingly endless housework and child care on top of hours of paid work is referred to by sociologist Arlie Hochschild as A. second shift B. occupational segregation C. multitasking D. feminism


The sociological perspective on work and family is different from common notions in that it A. pays attention to both the content and social context of work. B. looks primarily at gender and work. C. sees rich people as the enemy. D. attempts to understand the workplace from a functionalist framework.


The three institutional arenas in which we feed and care for children include A. the family, the market, and the state. B. the church, the school, and the home. C. the government, the mall, and the Internet D. the media, the nonprofits, and the banks.


The work to maintain a household's function is A. housework C. care work B. market work D. women's work


What trend in child care does the American Time Use Survey find in the last half-century? A. Men and women have both increased their time with children. B. Men and women have not changed their time with children. C. Men have increased their time with children while women have decreased their time with children. D. Men have decreased their time with children while women have increased their time with children.


Protestant Ethnic

A belief that hard work, diligence, self-denial, frugality, and economic success will lead to salvation in the afterlife.

Child Maltreatment

A broad range of behaviors that place a child at serious risk or result in serious harm, including physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional mistreatment.

Premarital Cohabitation

A couple lives together before getting married.

Dating Cohabitation

A couple that spends a great deal of time together decides to move in together.

married and chobaitating adults

A decline in the number of married or cohabitating adults may have reduced violence simply by reducing the number of people exposed to potentially violent partners

Age Cohorts

A group of people with similar age


A large established religious group that has strong ties to mainstream society.


A man or woman has two or more spouses.

Neolocal Residence Pattern

A newly married couple sets up its own residence.


A process in which religion loses its social and cultural influence.


A religious group that has broken away from an established religion.


A religious group that is devoted to beliefs and practices that are outside of those accepted in mainstream society.


A social institution that involves shared beliefs, values, and practices related to the supernatural.


A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills.


A subgroup within a religion that shares its name and traditions and is generally on good terms with the main group.


A system that rewards people because of their individual accomplishments.


A that people see as awe-inspiring, supernatural, holy, and not part of the natural world.

family violence: Intimacy

A type of relationship in which people love or at least know each other very well and interact in private --Two elements are usually present in the relationship between victims of violence and perpetrators of violence: Intimacy a care relationship

The steep decline in the rate of family violence since the 1990s may be explained in part by which of the following? Choose all that apply. A. An increase in shelters and hotlines made it easier for women to gain protection from abuse. B. Women's increased economic independence made it easier for them to leave an abuser. C. The greater acceptance of divorce has made it easier for women to leave abusers. D. There are fewer cohabitating and married adults, which has reduced the number of people exposed to abusers.

A, B, C, D Rates of violence have been declining steeply since the 1990s in the United States and other wealthy countries. Some reasons we may be able to attribute this to in regard to family violence are the larger amount of shelters and hotlines available providing protection from abuse; women's increased economic independence and the greater acceptance of divorce, which have made it easier for women to leave abusers; and the lower number of cohabiting relationships and marriages has also reduced the number of people exposed to abusers.

According to Sunita Krishnan, the sex slavery industry trades for females as low as 3 years old. A. True B. False


If George's parents fail to take him to school on a consistent basis, they A. may be guilty of neglect. B. may be guilty of abuse. C. may be bad parents, but not legally so. D. may be within their rights as parents.


With the fight against sex slavery, activist Sunita Krishnan has successfully rescued more than three thousand victims sold in sex slavery market. A. True B. False


Emilio and Ramona have been in a relationship for four years. During most of the time they have been together they have had arguments that escalate to physical violence, mostly against Ramona, as Emilio tries to control much of her life. During the last year the fights have gotten more severe and there have been a few serious injuries to Ramona as a result of this violence. Emilio belittles Ramona and threatens to hurt her if she dares leave him. This situation illustrates which of the four principle patterns of violence? A. intimate terrorism B. common couple violence C. mutual violent control D. violent resistance

A. Intimate terrorism occurs when intimate partner violence is part of a campaign for control or domination within a relationship. This type is more likely to involve escalating violence and serious injury as well as psychological abuse.

Which of the following is the most common reason why intimate partner violent crime is not reported to the police? A. The victim fears reprisal or getting the offender in trouble B. The victim does not believe the police would or could actually help. C. The victim would rather deal with the issue personally and not involve the police. D. The victim does not feel it is important enough to report to the police.

A. The most common reasons why victims do not report intimate partner violence to the police is that they either fear reprisal from the person who attacked them or fear that they will get the offender in trouble.

Young Old

Ages 65-74 (baby boomers) are known as what?

Old Old

Ages 75-84 (silent generation) are known as what?

False Consciousness

An acceptance of a system of beliefs that prevents people from protesting oppression.


An emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that people have certain skills, educational attainment levels, or job qualifications.

Elder Abuse

Any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or other person that causes harm to people age 65 or older.

The LEAST likely victim of family violence is a woman of _____________ race/ethnicity. A. American Indian B. Asians C. Hispanics D. Whites



Assigning students to specific educational programs and classes on the basis of test scores, previous grades, or perceived ability.

Care work is defined as A. the labor of attempting to make people feel better about themselves. B. work that is performed face-to-face for the purpose of enhancing the capabilities of another person. C. work that people do that they really care about. D. the act of caring for someone less fortunate than oneself.


In recent decades, the most important sociological change to families has been A. the growing rates of divorce. B. the movement of women's work from their families to the paid labor market. C. children receiving the majority of their parenting from the media rather than their parents. D. the shrinking role of religion on family life.


In the late 1970s, only one-third of Americans thought that mothers' employment was not harmful for their preschool-aged children; 30 years later, that proportion rose to two-thirds, illustrating A. that women have become better mothers, able to juggle both paid work and child rearing. B. that popular attitudes toward the appropriate divisions between men and women have gradually shifted. C. that Americans tend to value the Protestant work ethic, encouraging everyone, despite their social status, to engage in paid labor. D. the limits of the feminist movement, which failed to make care work a waged occupation.


In what order did women historically enter the workplace? A. first women under 20 years old, then women between 20 and 40 years old, then women over 40 years old B. first single women, then married women without children, and eventually most married women with young children C. first married women who were only children, then women with one sibling, then women with two or more siblings D. first women in the northeastern United States, then women in the southern United States, then women in the midwestern United States


One decision that modern families must face is how to divide the housework and care work within the family. This is often a contentious issue for couples, showing that A. most couples establish clear communication about who performs which task. B. it is not really "families" that make decisions, but individuals within them. C. both men and women are taking on more and more care work. D. men and women tend to split care work evenly.


One reason that gender difference in housework has eroded over the last half-century is because A. the balance between men and women has not shifted. B. the total amount of time spent on housework has declined. C. technology has reduced the time it takes to perform household tasks. D. children have taken on more housework tasks.


The greater number of hours of paid work for men are, on average, balanced out by A. men paying for more things at home. B. the greater hours of unpaid work for women. C. men having more decision-making power at home. D. women having more free time.


The term "system of care" is used to describe what? A. the central coordinating system for completing housework B. how a society accomplishes the necessary care work and housework C. the master plan that families create in order to accomplish all of their care work D. state-implemented Social Security and elder-care programs


. ______ employ a specially trained staff that take a problem-solving approach to family violence as opposed to a more punitive one. A. Responsibility frames B. Domestic violence courts C. Court-ordered treatment programs D. Civil protection orders

B Discussion: Domestic violence courts in the justice system are specialized courts that use specially trained staff, including judges and advocates for victims, who take a problem-solving approach rather than a more punitive on.

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey, _____________ percent of women are raped or experience an attempted rape while in college. A. 25-30 B. 20-25 C. 15-20 D. 10-15


The effects of child abuse are often first noted A. when the child becomes an abuser B. in their behavior C. by a teacher D. as signs of PTSD


Why was forcible sex between husband and wife not considered to be rape until very recently? A. It would have been too difficult to find a jury that would believe a wife had been raped. B. Wives were presumed to have consented to sex for their entire lives at the moment of their marriage. C. Marital rape was so rare the legal infrastructure to prosecute it was not in place yet. D. No wife had been willing to file charges against her husband until recently.

B. Martial rape was not against the law until recently because it was believed that wives did not have a legal right to protection from their husbands. Wives were instead presumed to have consented to sex for their entire lives at the moment of their marriage. In the United States this law did not change until the 1970s or even later in some places (for example, North Carolina).

Dominique is a recently divorced woman in her 30s who experienced some intimate partner violence during her previous marriage. According to research, what might Dominique's experiences with future intimate relationships be like after experiencing intimate partner violence? A. Research does not show it impacting future relationships so we cannot predict what will happen. B. After experiencing abuse, her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are lower. C. It is highly likely she will experience the same type of abuse again in her next relationship. D. After experiencing abuse, her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are higher.

B. Research shows that the experience of abuse clearly reduces the odds of establishing future long-term stable relationships. Therefore, while we cannot predict that Dominique will experience abuse again, we do know that the odds of her establishing a long-term stable relationship are now lower.

Data on child abuse and neglect cases show that the majority of cases, the perpetrator is A. the victim's father. B. the victim's mother. C. a male relative. D. a female relative.

B. The most common perpetrator relationship to the victim cited in a child abuse and neglect cases is that of the child's mother and the father is the second most common. This partly reflects the likelihood that children will spend more time with their mothers and single-parent families are likely to be headed by mothers. Together mothers and fathers account for 80 percent of child abuse and neglect cases.

Theresa and Bill have been married for seven years. During their marriage they have had some occasional arguments that have resulted in physical violence. This situation illustrates which of the four principal patterns of violence? A. intimate terrorism B. common couple violence C. mutual violent control D. violent resistance

B. --Common couple violence is the most common form of intimate partner violence; it results from specific arguments within a couple but does not involve a pattern of escalating violence over time.


Believe parent group too secular Literal interpretation of scripture Clergy called Most are small Believe they possess truth Missional

Egalitarian Family

Both partners share power and authority fairly equally.


Bureaucratically organized Large Formal worship services Trained clergy Influence with other institutions Mainstream/Open Most members by birth

Although some people enjoy housework and child care, most prefer to avoid at least the more onerous aspects of those responsibilities. Therefore, when couples negotiate over who does what work, the partner who has a higher-paying job A. sometimes has more decision-making power and sometimes has less. B. has the same amount of decision-making power as their partner. C. has more decision-making power. D. has less decision-making power.


Care work and housework are increasingly performed as what? A. unpaid work C. market work B. overpaid work D. illegal work


In most couples, the partner with greater obligations away from home tends to do less housework and child care because that person A. thinks they are better than the other person. B. is able to pay for others to perform housework for them. C. has less time available. D. is naturally less capable of doing housework and child care.


Mr. Johnson works a paid job and Mrs. Johnson primarily performs unpaid labor, such as taking care of the home and the children. What is one consequence of this situation? A. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have an egalitarian relationship. B. Mr. Johnson is more likely to help out at home. C. Mrs. Johnson's work is not recognized because it has no direct dollar value. D. Mrs. Johnson gains the skills to take care of herself in the case of divorce.


The quintessential care work, which is usually hands-on, intimate work to provide children with the material, intellectual, and emotional support they need, is A. teaching C. child care B. pediatrics D. counseling


When Shawna picks up her kids from soccer practice, sociologists would say she is engaging in what? A. housework C. care work B. market work D. women's work


Which of the following examples illustrates how the state redistributes much of the product of our labor? A. Apple outsourcing much of its labor to non-U.S. countries B. private hospitals hiring low-wage immigrant workers C. income taxes used to pay for Social Security plans D. student groups sending care packages to disaster areas overseas


Women's employment rapidly became acceptable within the cultural mainstream, in part because of the kinds of paid work women did. Sociologists call this A. the glass ceiling C. occupational gender segregation B. pink-collar work D. second-wave feminism


Violence within families is complicated by the relationship between victims and perpetrators. These are ______ relationships in which one person is responsible for another's ______. A. vulnerable; control B. romantic; happiness C. intimate; care D. public; neglect

C Discussion: The two elements generally present in the relationship between victims of family violence and perpetrators are intimacy, meaning the people involved love or know each other very well, and a care relationship, in which one person is responsible for another person's care. This also means that what happens within the family may be viewed as private and may be invisible to those outside the family.

Rape occurs primarily A. by strangers attacking women B. among acquaintances, with physical violence C. among acquaintances, with mild or threatened violence D. in committed relationship


Risk factors for children being abused include all of the following EXCEPT A. poverty B. mental health issues C. single parenthood D. lack of social network


Sandwich Generation

Caring for teens/children and elderly

Losing members Fewer

Churches and Denominations are what? ______ believers attend services

Incest Taboo

Cultural norms and laws that forbid sexual intercourse between close blood relatives

According to data collected from the American Time Use Survey in 2010, men and women spend an average of how much time working per day? A. 8 hours and 20 minutes for men; 3 hours and 35 minutes for women B. 7 hours and 30 minutes for men; 10 hours and 50 minutes for women C. 3 hours and 50 minutes for men; 2 hours and 30 minutes for women D. 6 hours and 40 minutes for men; 6 hours and 51 minutes for women


In historical terms, women's employment patterns have evolved extremely quickly—so quickly that A. women have faced no struggles in the workplace. B. there is a growing crisis around lack of child care. C. women are earning more than men. D. the expectations people have for work and family are unclear.


In the 25- to 54-year-old age range, employment for men has remained at or above A. 10 percent C. 70 percent B. 30 percent D. 90 percent


In the last half-century or so, the main story in the realm of work and family has been A. women opting out of paid work to stay at home with their children. B. the growth of the organized labor movement. C. men's loss of power both at work and at home. D. the growth of market work in the system of care.


There are three main factors within couples' relationships that seem to account for the fact that women perform so much more unpaid work in the home A. food, entertainment, and health B. sexuality, race, and class C. age, sex, and location D. time, resources, and gender


Time-use data show that married women have cut their housework time roughly in half over the last half-century, while men have A. reduced theirs by two hours B. remained about the same C. added about an hour D. doubled theirs


According to the text, family violence is usually characterized by A. individuals with personality disorders. B. power differentials between abuser and victim. C. religious convictions on the role of men and women. D. intimacy where the individuals interact in private.


The state is becoming increasingly involved in the role of the family, as illustrated by all of the following EXCEPT A. the public school system. B. the provision of food stamps and public housing to poor families. C. legal requirements for parents to discipline their children. D. decreasing family reliance on religious authorities.


What does research suggest about the lifetime experience of intimate partner violence for gay men and lesbians compared to heterosexuals? A. Gays and lesbians are more likely to experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same-sex partners than are people in heterosexual couples. B. Gays and lesbians are less likely to experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same-sex partners than are people in straight couples. Incorrect Response C. Lesbians in same-sex relationships experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same sex partners at about the same rate compared to straight couples but gay men in same-sex couples experience much lower rates compared to people in heterosexual couples. Correct Answer D. Lesbian and heterosexual women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence compared to both gay and straight men, though about one-third of lesbians report the abuse was perpetrated by a male partner.

D. The evidence from research shows that the lifetime occurrence of intimate partner violence is similar for homosexuals and heterosexuals, specifically, lesbian and straight women are both more likely to experience violence than gay and straight men. This is complicated by the fact that about one-third of lesbians who report having been victims of intimate partner violence experienced this violence at the hands of male partners.


Discrimination against older people.


Families Promote social inequality because of social class differences. Many corporations view older workers as disposable.


Families are important in maintain societal stability and meeting family members' needs. Older people who are active and engaged are more satisfied with life.


Families both mirror and perpetuate patriarchy and gender inequality. Women have an unequal burden in caring for children as well as older family members and relatives.

Symbolic Interactionist

Families construct their everyday lives through interaction and subjective interpretations of family roles. Many older family members adapt to aging and often maintain previous activities.

Conflict Theory

Family creates and perpetuates social inequality, achievement gap

What is family violence

Family violence and abuse include several kinds of harm caused by family members against other family members. Includes both indirect and direct violence Indirect violence and abuse may include threats of force or intimidation and neglect. Violence and abuse can be different but are not always mutually exclusive (for example, sexual assault is both violent and abusive). Family violence can be defined by the relationship between victims and perpetrators. We can classify victims of family violence into three categories (next three slides): intimate partners children elders

future intimate relationships

Family violence can create a cycle of continued violence, suffering, and unhappiness. The experience of abuse has an impact on future relationships. Survivors of abuse have a higher rate of risky sexual behavior and reduced likelihood of establishing healthy, long-lasting relationships. Sexual abuse survivors are less likely to marry and more likely to cohabitate. However, women are now more likely to end abusive relationships than in the past. There is an increasing acceptance of divorce . Families are a source of both pain and suffering, but also a source of strength and resilience.

consequences of family violence

Family violence is usually intimate or sexual and may be repeated in patterns over a long period of time. It is also often initiated in childhood. Family violence can contribute to shame and stigma in addition to physical injury. The effects of abuse are often first observed through an individual's behavior (Woodruff & Lee). Children of abuse are at risk for later behavioral problems and difficulties. Consequences can include (but are not limited to) drug abuse, depression, weight or sleep problems, and so on (S. P. Thomas & Hall, 2008). In general, family violence can contribute to long-term mental health consequences for everyone in the family.

Family Violence: An Institutional Perspective

Family violence often involves secrecy and isolation. Many family members feel as if they are alone in their experience. Family violence is often invisible to outsiders. Not just an individual problem but a systemic one


Forced vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or attempted penetration of a person without his or her consent


Formal training and instruction provided in a classroom setting.

Feminist Theories

Gender gap in education Under represented in high paying majors Earning lag behind men's

Conflict Theory

Hidden curriculum and credentialism are a part of what?

domestic violence courts

In recent times, special domestic violence courts have been created in an attempt to prevent domestic violence. These courts employ specially trained staff, including judges. They advocate a problem-solving approach, as opposed to a punitive one (Mirchandani, 2005).

John and Martha are in love and have a sexual relationship. Martha is also John's aunt. In most states, this meets the legal definition of: A. Rape B. Sexual Assault C. Incest D. Family Violence


Serial Monogamy

Individuals married couples live with the husband's family.

Civil Religion

Integrating religious beliefs into secular life.

The current term used by the federal government for violence between partners who are in, or were in, a romantic relationship is A. Domestic Violence B. Violence Against Women C. Intimate Partner Violence D. Family Violence

Intimate Partner Violence

Erica is experiencing psychological abuse and fears her husband's violent outbursts are becoming more dangerous. Erica is most likely experiencing A. mutual violent control B. violent resistance C. intimate terrorism D. common couple violence

Intimate Terrorism

Bernadette Powell case

Introduction with the case of Bernadette Powell (African American woman in her 20s) In 1978 Powell killed her husband, who had been abusing her for several years. She was prosecuted by a White male, convicted by an all-White jury, and sentenced to prison. Growing awareness in 1970s of domestic violence Powell's conviction (and subsequent appeal and activism) raised issues that would become important later. The cultural and political environment have changed social attitudes about the issues of violence in families.

Statistics on violence in same-sex partnerships are limited but indicate that A. lesbian and straight women are equally likely to be victims. B. lesbian women are less likely to be victims than straight women. C. gay men are more likely to be victims than straight men. D. lesbian women are more likely to be victims than straight women.

Lesbian and Straight Women are Equally Likely to be Victims

court ordered treatment

Many courts require perpetrators to undergo court-ordered psychological counseling or other treatment as part of or in addition to their punishment. These programs are often low quality and have a low success rate. This can lead to greater violence.

violence in gay and lesbian relationships

Most family violence categories may also apply to lesbian and gay couples (McClennen, 2005.) But there are several unique aspects of same-sex relationships as well. The problem of same-sex violence may remain hidden, because relationships are often hidden. The federal government has begun collecting data on violence in same-sex relationships (Walters, Chen, & Breiding, 2013). Intimate partner violence is similar for homosexuals and heterosexuals. Both lesbian and straight women are both more likely to experience violence than either gay or straight men. However, legal protections and social services may not be as widely available to homosexual victims as they are to heterosexual victims.

More cases of child abuse are perpetrated by _____________ than any other group. A. Mothers B. Fathers C. Other family members D. Strangers


Patrilocal Residence Pattern

Newly married couples live with the husband's family.

Matrilocal Residence Pattern

Newly married couples live with the wife's family.


One person is married exclusively to another person.

Mandatory arrest or pro-arrest rules

Police often leave the scene of a domestic violence incident without making an arrest Mandatory arrest and pro-arrest rules require law enforcement to separate couples, convince the victim to press charges or make an arrest.

Continuity Theory

Posits that older adults can substitute satisfying new roles for those they've lost.

Exchange Theory

Posits that people seek through their social interactions to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs.

Secularization Debate

Process in which religion loses social influence

Activity Theory

Proposes that many older people remain engaged in numerous roles and activities, including work.

Latent Functions

Provide childcare Matchmaking institutions Decreases job competition Create social networks Good for business (support businesses)

marital Rape

Rape involves the issue of consent. There is social and legal ambiguity around the idea of consent. Before the 1970s most cases of marital rape were not even covered by rape laws. Married women used to be governed under the legal standard of coverture (Chapter 2). In regard to intimate partner violence, women had no legal protection from rape by their husbands.


Remains on good terms with the main group Trained clergy View other groups as valid Accommodate society Most members by birth

Hidden Curriculum

School practices that transmit nonacademic knowledge, values, attitudes, norms, and beliefs.

Charismatic Leader

Someone that followers see as having exceptional or superhuman powers and qualities.

context of violence: violent resistance

Sometimes when an intimate partner is the victim of violence or a pattern of violence, she or he may lash out in response. It may involve self-defense, but it also may not meet the legal definition of self-defense (which requires an immediate threat). It should be seen as a part of an overall defensive pattern where one partner defends him- herself or prepares to leave the relationship

male domination

Systematic Abuse Religious Authority -Some feminists argue that the experience of sexual violence is common enough that it constitutes a structural part of male domination. The sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church revealed that individual priests committed crimes against boys and young men, while the religious institution covered up the crimes to protect its own interests.

New Religious Movement (NRM)

Term used instead of cult by most sociologists.

declining violence

The United States has experienced sharp decreases in violent crimes since the 1990s. Family violence has seen a similar decreased The reasons for this are not clear but it is a dramatic decreased

Child Abuse and Neglect

The act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in (or puts children at imminent risk for) physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation

Life Expectancy

The average expected number of years of life remaining at a given age.


The belief in the literal meaning of a sacred text.

Achievement Gap

The difference in academic performance that shows up in grades, standardized test scores, and college completion rates.

services for domestic violence victims

The feminist movement has created a variety of services to help women prevent or cope with family violence These include hotlines, shelters, legal counseling, and so on (Dugan, Naginb & Rosenfeld, 2003).. There is no one solution. A variety of services and policies may be necessary. And despite the decline of family violence and abuse, these problems remain widespread and systemic.


The following slides outline five of the more popular programs and policies used to eradicate or alleviate domestic violence in recent years (next five slides): civil protection orders mandatory arrest or pro-arrest rules court-ordered treatment domestic violence courts services for domestic violence victims

shelters and hotlines

The increase of shelters and hotlines for abused women and children and in domestic violence legal services may have made it easier for women to gain protection or distance from their abusive partners

Old-Age Dependency Ratio

The number of people age 65 and older who aren't in the labor force relative to the number of working-age adults ages 18 to 64.

Matriarchal Family System

The oldest females control cultural, political, and economic resources and, consequently, have power over males.

Patriarchal Family System

The oldest males control cultural, political, and economic resources and, consequently, have power over females.


The ordinary and everyday elements of life that aren't related to religion.

Elder Abuse

The physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of old people by someone with whom they share an intimate or caring relationship elder abuse

Increasing Growing

The secularization debate is what? Non-believers and non-religious are what?

how common are rape and sexual assault

The survey found that 18 percent of women and 1 percent of men in the United States have been raped at some point in their life (Black et al., 2011). The rates in college are higher (Armstrong, Hamilton, & Sweeney, 2006). Rape for men exists, but is rare. Rape for men is most likely to occur to boys within families.


The ways people demonstrate their religious beliefs.


This category includes: biological children, stepchildren, foster children, and adopted children. Any child who relies on an adult for intimate care, generally in the home


This category includes: older family members, usually parents or in-laws. These family members may or may not rely on their children for support.

intimate partners

This category includes: spouses, cohabitating partners, romantic or sexual partners, former partners after a breakup, and so on.

context of violence: intimate terrorism

This is a less common pattern. Violence is a part of a campaign for control or domination within a relationship. This is more likely to involve escalating violence and serious injury. It also is likely to involve psychological abuse. Johnson (1995) termed this patriarchal terrorism because is most commonly involved violence by men against women.

Context of Violence: common couple violence

This is the most common form of violence (as indicated in the name). It results from specific arguments within a couple. It does not involve a pattern of escalating violence over time. For the most part, it does not involve frequent attacks or severe injuries.

context of violence: mutual violent control

This type of intimate partner violence is rare. It involves both partners fighting (usually violently) for control and domination of the relationship. There is little research on this type of violence.

Patterns of abuse or neglect

Those who live with parents who have their own mental health problems, poor impulse control and low self-esteem, or a history of violence Those in households where domestic violence occurs between adults Those in poor families or poor neighborhoods Those in families with weak support networks

Manifest Functions

Train for adult roles Teach culture and values Promote cultural innovation Provide opportunity to move up Produce adults who contribute to society


Two unrelated people aren't married but live together and are in a sexual relationship.

Civil protection orders

Under certain conditions (usually very strict), after a spouse or partner is physically abused by the other partner, she or he may be able to obtain a legal order from a judge prohibiting contact between the abused and the abuser or imposing harsher sentences if more violence occurs. Research has shown that these measures need to be adequately applied and enforced if they are to be effective (Klein, 2009)

Sexual assault

Unwanted penetration or touch by force or threat of force, without consent


Usually organize around a *charismatic leader*, some become established religions, some are fragmentary, loosely organized, and *temporary* but others develop into lasting and highly bureaucratic international organizations

Intimate partner violence

Violence between partners who are (or were) involved in a sexual or romantic relationship

Lorena shot her husband after years of physical abuse at his hands. Her behavior is best classified as A. Mutual Violent Control B. Violent Resistance C. Intimate Terrorism D. Common Couple Violence

Violent Resistance

Sexual Activity Procreation and Socialization Economic Security Emotional Support Social Class Placement

What are the universal functions of family?

Men - 29 Women - 27

What is the average age of marriage in the U.S?

Polygyny (one man married to 2+ women)

What is the most common marriage rule?


What race has the longest life expectancy?

Sects & Fundamentalist

Which groups are growing?


Who earn more HS, bachelors, masters - women or men?


Who have a longer life expectancy - women or men?

who is at greatest risk

Women are at much greater risk of rape and of violence that causes serious injury Women with less income and education report experiencing greater levels of violence Relationships that involve drug or alcohol abuse are more likely to be violent Women in cohabitating relationships are more likely to experience violence than those who are married For serious violence, women face higher risks shortly after they have left their abusers


Women's increased economic independence and the greater acceptance of divorce have made it easier for many women to leave abusive relationships, which could reduce the risk of violence

Boomerang Generation

Young adults who move back into their parents' home or never leave it in the first place.


sex between close relatives

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