SOC ch 6

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Positive deviance

Actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic.


He suggests it's useful to conceive of deviance as a __________ rather than as an isolated behavior that violates a single norm.


This is a person who accepts both cultural goals and institutionalized means of achieving them.

Conflict theory

Theory: Why are punishments distributed unequally?

Edwin Sutherland

Creator of the Differential Association Theory

self-fulfilling prophecy

Merton argued that _________ can be used to explain some racial and ethnic issues in the United States.


This is a person who rejects cultural goals, but accepts institutionalized means of achieving them anyway. (Example: someone living paycheck to paycheck.)

Physical stigma

This type of stigma includes physical or mental impairments.

Moral stigma

This type of stigma includes signs of a flawed character.

Property crime

Crimes that do not involve violence, including burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

Violent crime

Crimes which violence is either the objective or the means to an end, including murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery.

Function of deviance

Deviance can help a society clarify its moral boundaries.


This is a person who rejects both cultural goals and the institutionalized means of achieving them. Instead they create their own goals and means.

foreground of deviance

This is what Jack Katz studied. The personal decision of someone choosing to break the rules, as opposed to the person's background.


This person/theory views social deviance as a way of clarifying society's moral boundaries.

Structural strain theory

This theory believes that an individual's position in society determines whether she has the means to achieve her goals or must otherwise turn to deviance.

Symbolic interactionism

This theory focuses on the way that interpersonal relationships and everyday interactions shape definitions of deviance.

Labeling theory

This theory is concerned with how individuals think of themselves once a deviant label has been applied.

Structural strain theory

This theory on social deviance uses the terms innovator, rebel, retreatist, ritualist, and conformist.

Functional structuralism

This theory says deviance clarifies moral boundaries and promotes social cohesion.

Conflict theory

This theory states both society's rules and the punishments for breaking those rules are applied unequally.

Structural strain theory

This theory states that social inequality creates tension between society's goals and the means an individual has to achieve these goals. (Goals= societal goals)

Structural strain theory

This theory states that there are goals in our society that people want to achieve, but they cannot always reach these goals.

Tribal stigma

This type of stigma is membership in a discredited or oppressed group.


Those labeled deviant and subsequently segregated from 'normal' society.

Differential association/labeling

Two theories within the symbolic interactionist perspective:

Stereotype threat/promise

Two types of self-fulfilling prophecy.

spoiled identity

When someone is labeled a deviant and experiences stigma, they acquire a _____________.

Jack Katz

He coined the term "foreground."

Erving Goffman

He coined the term "spoiled identity."

Ralph Turner

He coined the term deviance avowal.

Howard Becker

He coined the term outsiders.

Robert Merton

He coined the term self-fulfilling prophecy.

Erving Goffman

He coined the term stigma.

John Kitsuse

He coined the term tertiary deviance.

Robert Merton

He developed strain theory as a functionalist account of social deviance.


This is a person who rejects both cultural goals and the institutionalized means of achieving them.

C Wright Mills

He acknowledged that norms change over time.

Differential association theory

A symbolic interactionist prespective developed by Edwin Sutherland. It is similar to the Social Learning Theory.

Erving Goffman

He applied social interactionist theory to the dynamics of total institutions.


A behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction.

Stereotype promise

A kind of self-fulfilling prophecy in which positive stereotypes lead to positive performance outcomes.

Stereotype threat

A kind of self-fulfilling prophecy in which the fear of performing poorly- and confirming stereotypes about their social groups-causes students to perform poorly.


A term for any physical or social attribute that devalues a person or group's identity and that may exclude those who are devalued from normal social interaction.


A translation of the English word for shunning.


A violation of a norm that has been codified into law.

In-group orientation

Among stigmatized individuals, the rejection of prevailing judgments or prejudice and the development of new standards that value their group identity.


An approach to punishment that attempts to reform criminals as part of their penalty.


An approach to punishment that emphasizes retaliation or revenge for the crime as the appropriate goal.


An approach to punishment that relies on the threat of harsh penalties to discourage people from committing crimes.


An approach to punishment that seeks to protect society from criminals by imprisoning or executing them.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

An inaccurate statement or belief that, by altering the situation, becomes accurate; a prediction that causes itself to come true.

Uniform crime report

An official measure of crime in the United States, produced by the FBI's official tabulation of every crime reported by law enforcement agencies.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Becker suggests that "labeling" can lead to a _______________.

Social conflict

Conflict theory believes that deviance is a result of __________.

Howard Becker

Creator of the Labeling theory.

White collar crime

Crime committed by a high-status individual in the course of his occupation.

different norms

For this reason, something considered deviant in the USA may not be considered so in Japan.

Erving Goffman

He analyzed and elaborated on the central concept of deviance.


He analyzed this strategy of dealing with stigmatization.

Howard Becker

He applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance begins.

Robert Merton

He created a bridge between functionalist and conflict theories of deviance.

Howard Becker

He recognized that labels will vary depending on the culture, time period,and situation.

Jack Katz

He studied how emotionally seductive crime can be.

Primary deviance

In labeling theory, the initial act or attitude that causes one to be labeled a deviant.

Secondary deviance

In labeling theory, the subsequent deviant identity or career that develops as a result of being labeled a deviant.


Individuals who accept society's approved goals but not society's approved means to achieve them.


Individuals who have given up hope of achieving society's approved goals but still operate according to society's approved means.


Individuals who reject society's approved goals and means and instead create and work toward their own goals using new means.


Individuals who renounce society's approved goals and means entirely and live outside conventional norms altogether.


Presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group you belong to.

Tertiary deviance

Redefining the stigma associated with a deviant label as a positive phenomenon.

Thomas theorem

The concept of self-fulfilling prophecy was derived from ___________.

Social control

The formal and informal mechanisms used to elicit conformity to values and norms and thus promote social cohesion.

Differential association theory

The hypothesis that we learn to be deviant through our associations with deviant peers.

Labeling theory

The idea that deviance is a consequence of external judgments, or labels, that modify the individual's self-concept and change the way others respond to the labeled person.


The idea that scientists should set aside their preconceived notions in order to understand deviant phenomena on their own terms.

Deviance avowal

The process by which an individual self-identifies as deviant and initiates her own labeling process.


The three main types of stigma according to Erving Goffman:

Symbolic interactionism

Theory: How do certain acts come to be defined as deviant?

Structural functionalism

Theory: How does deviance clarify norms and expectations?

Conflict theory

Theory: Inequality is reproduced in the way deviance is defined.

Symbolic interactionism

This approach believes the definition of deviance is relative and depends on the culture, time period, and situation.


This is a person who accepts cultural goals, but looks for new ways of means of achieving them.

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