SOC exam #3

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Democratic Socialism is Not The Same As Regular Socialism

- Democratic socialists have historically rejected the belief that the economy should be centrally planned - believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned - Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

how can policy change in the future to improve conditions?

- Determine whether more attention should be paid to managing the siting process. - if disparities are inevitable because poor people and people of color tend to relocate to areas where such sites are located, perhaps more attention should be paid to disparity in the housing market.

conduct in war (jus in bello)

- Discrimination, attack on military objectives, not civilians - Proportionality, foreseen unintended harm must be proportionate to military advantage achieved - Necessity, use least harmful means

How are the children of flint effected? How much did it end up costing the state?

- Exposed nearly 30,000 schoolchildren to a neurotoxin known to have detrimental effects - a lawsuit over this made the state spend 3 million on a Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence

Two approaches to the problem of transformation as metamorphosis:


Democratic Socialism Is Not Communism

- In Karl Marx's writing, he often used the terms "socialism" and "communism" interchangeably - USSR and China are much closer to Marxist communism than democratic socialism

concepts of jus ad bellum

- Just cause, attempt to avert injury? - Legitimate authority - Right intention, achieve just cause - Reasonable prospects of success - Proportionality, weighted good greater that weighed the bad - Last resort, no less harmful way

revisionists in the context of war

- Question moral standing of states to declare war - prefer humanitarian intervention - individuals should follow conscience not law, lay down their arms

What is the main idea of restorative justice

- Repairing the harm that committing crimes causes -Deciding what the best form of encounter is for each of the parties involved in order to repair that harm - Repairing this harm can cause transformation in people and their relationships with others, as well as in the community

what is a newer example of interstitial transformation?

- The preamble of the constitution of the Industrial Workers of the World proclaimed: "By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of a new society within the shell of the old." -IWW formed in the early 20th century in the United States.

Van Ness reading

- When restorative justice emerged, faults within the criminal justice system were evident - The system focused on punishing offenders for the crime(s) they committed & left out the victims, "the parties most affected" - Critiques of the criminal justice system include "societal responses to crime" reflecting values of "control and punishment"

What four reasons makes rupture transformation worth talking about

- appeals to young activists - helps us understand the different between revolution and reform - the logic of rupture transformations to address power, privilege and inequality need not be restricted to "total" rupture of all social systems. - We need to understand them because we do not know what the future holds and that this concept might be a reality.

Erik Olin Wright

- believed in the importance of imagining alternatives to capitalism - believe capitalism is responsible for social problems, ranging from poverty to climate change

What has happened to the city's students who quality for special education?

- it has nearly doubled from 28 percent from 15 - about 70 percent of students evaluated have required assistant for mild intellectual impairment

Democratic Socialism Is Not Marxism

- not in the favor of workers owning production

What are the ways that offenders can make amends

- offering a real apology - restitution: repaying the victim through financial means, retuning property or providing services to the victim - community service work

Ruptural transformation

- people who speak of "revolution" and "burning it all down" are speaking of ruptural transformation. - big dramatic overthrow

who is Dominic Duren?

- served 12 years in prison - became a part of the re entry program and was later hired to coordinate it - was able to learn data entry and earn his associates degree in business administration while in prison

Overall, is social justice getting worse or better?

- social justice is receding, both as an object of government and a feature of societies.

who is Tyra Patterson

- spent 23 years wrongfully incarcerated - achieved all of her 5 years goals in 1 year of being released - learned to write, got her GED, earned a steam engineer license - applied for Soros Justic Fellowship program that would provide more people coming out of prison with reentry mentors

the distribution of assets is increasingly skewed towards those at top of socio-economic ladder, what helps strengthen it?

- the evolution of a tax system that benefit the owners of capital.

Democratic Socialism is Not A Replacement For Capitalism

- true socialism would replace the capitalist economy peacefully - this is not the plan under democratic socialism. Democratic socialism would instead put more restrictions on corporations and owners.

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents white women

1 in 111

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents white men

1 in 17

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents black women

1 in 18

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents black men

1 in 3

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents latina women

1 in 45

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents women

1 in 56

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents latino men

1 in 6

What is the lifetime likelihood of imprisonment of U.S residents men

1 in 9

How does restorative justice work?

1. victim offender meditation 2. conferencing 3. circles

Across the globe, except in some Asian countries, the gap in earnings between the top ___ percent and the bottom ____ percent has increased

10, 10 - the rise in income for the wealthy has been accompanied by some reduction in extreme poverty.

What was sent to the Bahamas from Philadelphia?

15,000 tons of toxic incinerator ash was sent there - it was turned about and spent moths at sea in 1988, 4,00 tons were dumped on a beach in Hati

When did Environmental racism become an issue


Air pollution rules rolled back sine 2017

25 - loosened rules limiting toxic emission from major industrial polluters - revised a permit program protecting communities from power plants - changed rules about how refineries are monitored - stoped enforcing rule that prohibited hydrofluorocarbons in conditioner and fridges.

of the EPRA rules that trump rolled back, how many of were in these categories? ____ air pollution and emissions ____ drilling and extraction, including fracking. ____ protected drinking water from pollution. ____ were rolled back

25, 29, 10 10 were reinstated by the court after lawsuits

How many people in flint live under the poverty level?

41% of its residents live below the poverty level, according to the U.S. Census.

What is the demographic of Flint, Michigan? ____% black ____% white ____% latino ____% mixed

57% black 37% white 4% latino 4% mixed

According to studies by the Environment and Social Development Organization more than _____% of child workers are exposed to toxic substances related to e-waste recycling in Bangladesh. As a result, over ____% of these children die each year.

83, 15

Is restorative justice effective?

85% victim satisfaction 14% reduction in reoffenders

How many EPA rules did Trump roll back?

95 rolls

what is emancipatory social science

An area of study that seeks to generate knowledge relevant to the collective project of challenging human oppression and creating the conditions in which people can live flourishing lives.

in 2004, average student loan debt in the US was 18,650. What is it now?

Average student loan debt in the US has grown from $18,650

What state has a reputation for being a dumping ground for everything from plastic waste and asbestos to defective steel, waste oil, lead waste and used batteries from different countries?


socialism pessimistic path

Disruption of capitalism causes economic collapse, system never recovers, standard of living below capitalism, socialism simply undesirable.

What is the EPA?

Environmental Protection Agency

How does the EPA define Environmental Justice?

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

What is an old example of interstitial transformation?

Feudal system transformation

what do the INTERACTIONALIST think about war

Focuses first on moral reasoning, telling groups or institutions to act on moral reasons; the focus is not on institutions that govern interactions but on interactions themselves.

Who was Benjamin Chavis

He lead the United Church of Christ's Commission for Racial Justice and called out the deliberate waste targeting

what are the two approaches to the morality of war

INSTITUTIONALIST: Philosophers' primary goal is to establish what the institutions regulating war should be. INTERACTIONAL: Focuses first on moral reasoning, telling groups or institutions to act on moral reasons; focus is not on institutions that govern interactions but on interactions themselves.

What four things is restorative justice built upon (IEMR)

Inclusion encountering making amends reintigration


Largely bypass the state (government) while pursuing social change.

What was in the water in flint?

Lead and acid from the old pipe system

opportunity vs. work

Opportunity consists of higher paying jobs, worker rights and advancement. Work is often powerless.

Where does waste from big countries go?

Pakistan, Vietnam, Somalia, Ghana, Nigeria, even India and China.

what do the INSTITUTIONALIST think about war

Philosophers' primary goal is to establish what the institutions regulating war should be.

From the United Nations welfare works:

Redistribution is the Way to Create Less Violent, Less Unequal Societies

what are the two categories of restorative justice

Restrictive- process based Expansive- justice based Definition combining the two: "a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed revealed by crimes that is best accomplished through inclusive & cooperative processes"


Socialism is an economic structure within which the means of production are socially owned and the allocation and use of resources for different social purposes is accomplished through the exercise of "social power."


Systematically try to use (work with) the state to advance the process of emancipatory social empowerment

What was the issue in Warren County?

The people did not want to government to drop 120 million pounds of soil contaminated with PCPs in that county - PCP is toxic and creates many health issues

True or false, governments increasingly see the role as maintaining law and order?

True - Increasing power of corporate structure. Escalating violence worldwide that prevents political and civic participation in the necessary peaceful environment.

Water rule rolled back... Withdrew a proposed rule requiring groundwater protections for certain _______ mines


Final point: Ruptural Transformation

Wright: "... (seems) implausible in the world in which we currently live. ... If we wish to work for such a transformation, we need to think about some broadly different approach to the problem. ... Is it possible to expand the pace for new forms of social empowerment within capitalism? What are the limits on this process?


a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Military Drones

aircraft without a pilot, can be used to monitor or bomb areas - first carried out on November 4, 2002 in yemen

Traditionalists in the context of war

also called legalists, who see that war can be moral in the context of international law


an analytic framework for assessing how factors such as race, gender, and class interact to shape individual life chances and societal patterns of stratification


an ideal society

Ruptural transformation assumption #3 Socialism cannot be sustainable for the long run if the material ______and material ______ of life for the majority of the people are worse than under capitalism.

conditions, interestes

in 1983, the General Accounting Office (GAO) documented that black communities in the U.S. South were home to...

disproportionately high numbers of waste sites

the price of war

drones are cheaper than soldiers


economic system where private individuals own and control means of production with very little government interference

There are THREE paths of material condition, what are they?

fantasy path, optimistic path, pessimistic path


forming, or occupying interstices ... adjective

Has education become harder or easier to access?

harder - Education is increasingly being treated as merchandise and pupils as customers


is a challenge to exploitation and dominance, inequality and privilege, and thus emancipatory change requires struggles over power and confrontations with dominant classes and elites.

Social Security: Systems worldwide are under duress. In U.S. Republican lawmakers call it an "entitlement." What is it really?

it's something workers pay into as retirement fund or to provide income for survivors or the disabled.

Water rule rolled back... Revoked a rule that prevented coal companies from dumping mining debris into ________

local streams.


making a bunch of small transformations that together, shift the way society functions

Democratic socialism is NOT....

marxism, communism, the same as regular socialism, a replacement for capitalism

Water rule rolled back... Scaled back ________ protections for certain tributaries and wetlands that were regulated under the _________by the Obama administration.

pollution, Clean Water Act

What does the system usually focus on?

punishing offenders

a study was done that found that in 6 of 9 studies....

race was a more important predictor of dump sites

socialism optimistic path

recognizes rupture with capitalism would entail significant economic disruption and thus personal sacrifice.

Water rule rolled back... Withdrew a proposed rule aimed at _________ _________, including air pollution, at sewage treatment plants.

reducing pollutants

what is the meaning of jus ad bellum

resort to war


small space

Ruptural transformation assumption #2 It would have to be supported by a _________ ________ of the population.

substantial majority


the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities

How did the crisis generally happen

the state took over the city budget, moved them to a different water source to save money

operational values

the way that restorative programmers should function - includes amends, assistance, collaboration, empowerment, encounter, inclusion, moral education, protection, and resolution

Ruptural transformation depends on _____ underlying assumptions


which has a stronger influence on wages, unemployment or underemployment?


normative values

values that are set forth as norms or ideals or what ought to be

If INTERSTITIAL TRANSFORMATION is to occur, it will be a trajectory of...

victories and defeats, not simply of compromise and cooperation between differing interests and classes.

Ruptural transformation assumption #1 If at all feasible, ruptural transformation will not take the form of an insurrection and ________overthrown. It will work through the existing, ______ state machinery.

violent, imperfect

changes in income inequalities _____ in the last quarter of the 20th century

widened - trends in 6 major areas

socialism fantasy path

would bring immediate improvement in material conditions for the median person. Redistribution is so large it would overwhelm short-term economic decline in transition.

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