SOC Final Exam Study Guide

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Concept the refers to a social category based on perceived biological differences that are given a social meaning. a. Culture b. Race c. Ethnicity d. Ancestry


From which of the following social categories are Americans MOST likely to object to their child marrying a person, according to data presented by Professor Munson? a. Muslims b. Atheists c. Evangelical Christians d. African Americans


In the Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills describes a sociological imagination as understanding the intersection of... a. ...psychological dispositions and sociological traits b. context and individual experiences c. ...biography and history d. ...cultures and subcultures


In the article "A Matter of Degrees," what does the term "defensive credentialing" mean? a. A screening technique used by employers b. Minorities being prevented from acquiring job skills that will provide them jobs c. Students attending college to keep from losing employment ground to degree holders d. A form of inequality also known as the "hidden curriculum".


Jane, a middle school student, is frequently referred to as an 'outcast' and 'weirdo' because of her habit of sitting along at lunch. As Jane grows older, she becomes more distant from others and begins exhibiting anti-social behaviors. Now an adult, Jane is a recluse and only leaves her house to go to work. This is an example of what? a. Deviance b. Functionalist theory c. Labeling theory d. The social construction of reality


Social scientists have discovered that many college students turn to ADHD medications, without a prescription, in order to smooth the transition from high school to college, or to manage stress during their college years. Why, according to this research? a. College students need more medications b. College students seek out deviant behavior c. ADHD is a social construct d. ADHD is not a real mental disorder


Term referring to the social and legal principle that any person with even one ancestor who was black is considered black himself or herself. a. Ethnicity b. Separate but equal c. One-drop rule d. Segregation


The search for the motivation of Stephen Paddock, the man believed to have killed 58 people at a music concert in Las Vegas earlier this year, is a most closely associated with which sociological concept? a. Norms b. Labeling theory c. Psychologism d. Conformity


What concept has been characterized as "the water in which we swim"? a. Religion b. Roles c. Culture d. Society


What is a social role? a. The complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life in a society b. Specific cultural expectations that govern behavior in different situations c. The expected behavior associated with a certain position in society d. Behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules


What is the primary cause for the black-white test score gap, according to George Farkas? a. Genetic differences b. Cultural discrimination c. Family structure and child rearing behavior d. Racial bias


Fill in the blank: There is ________ between alcoholism and smoking. a. Empirical evidence b. Reverse causation c. A causal relationship d. A correlation


If Lehigh's Board of Trustees decided to implement a curfew of 10pm across campus, this would be an example of what? a. the first face of power b. the third face of power c. a norm d. the second face of power


Mark Granovetter identified the importance of which concept to job markets? a. Culture b. Power c. Norms d. Social networks


Physical objects produced by society are examples of which of the following? a. Non-material culture b. Ideas c. Symbols d. Material culture


State power is a necessary prerequisite for the free markets to accomplish which of the following? a. Create monopolies b. Create public-private partnerships c. Punish sources of market failure d. Enforce contracts


Consider the following scenario: You see your assignment grade on Coursesite and think that you deserve a better grade. You approach your TA after recitation to make your case that you should get a better grade. The two of you get into a heated discussion. What dimension of power is most operative here? a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth


Heroin overdoses have occurred in the United States for a long time, but it has become a prominent social issue only recently. What is a sociological explanation for this, as presented in the Frontline documentary "Chasing Heroin"? a. it became a social issue only when large numbers of white people in urban neighborhoods started overdosing b. the social construction of drugs has finally caught the attention of the national media c. an increasing number of methadone clinics have made the longstanding problem more visible d. the pilot project LEAD in Seattle led to the issue being added to the political agenda


How has income and wealth inequality changed in the United States over the last quarter century? a. They have increased substantially b. They have increased slightly c. They have stayed about the same d. They have decreased slightly e. They have decreased substantially


In "As American an Apple Pie: Poverty and Welfare," which of the following is NOT identified as an important contributing factor to poverty? a. Lack of financial competency b. Unanticipated life events c. Lack of government assistance d. Lack of well paying jobs


In "Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture" (1996), which of the following solutions do the authors NOT suggest to alleviate some of the dangers for women at fraternity houses? a. Shut down of all fraternity parties b. Lower the music at fraternity parties c. Holding fraternity parties in neutral spaces, outside of fraternity houses d. Make space available at fraternity parties to sit and talk


In a city of 100,000 people, one man is unemployed. This is an example of... a. ...a personal trouble. b. ...anomie. c. ...a social issue. d. ...a social fact.


The increasing discussion of "young adults" as a category, as discussed by Furstenberg and his colleagues in the article "Growing Up is Harder to Do" (chapter 41 in the Reader), is an example of what sociological concept? a. The social construction of reality b. The sociological imagination c. Reflexivity d. Deviance


What are the "weak ties," according to Mark Granovetter? a. Relationships to people that you do not know well b. Relationships to society that have been eroded by social change c. Relationships to people that you know well d. Relationships between social roles that are very different from one another


Which approach is most commonly used in discussions and debates about prostitution? a. The Oppression Model b. The Norm Deviance Model c. The Sociological Imagination d. The Reflexivity Model


Which of the following is NOT a reason why autism can be studied as a social phenomena? a. There are no biological factors contributing to autism b. Autism diagnoses are based on social behaviors that are measured differently by doctors c. Rates of autism vary across time and space d. Increased medicalization of society has led to an increase in identified mental disorders


Which of the following is an observation made with a sociological imagination that can help understand why a person is a vegetarian? a. The availability of vegetarian food in the person's community makes it easier to be a vegetarian b. The person believes killing animals for food is wrong c. The person dislikes the taste of meat d. The person got very sick eating meat several years ago


Which of the following rationales did Purdue Pharma use to promote the use of Oxycontin, according to the Frontline documentary "Chasing Heroin"? a. the drug included a time release mechanism that delayed its effects b. the drug was cheaper to manufacture than most other pain drugs c. the drug would revolutionize pain treatment d. the drug would help patients with a wide variety of ailments


Who described religion as "the opiate of the masses"? a. Karl Marx b. Emile Durkheim c. C. Wright Mills d. Auguste Comte


How do sociologists differentiate the concept of sex and the concept of gender? a. Sex and gender are both social constructions whose differences are determined by each individual person depending on their own identity b. Sex refers to physical differences of the body, while gender refers to the psychological, social, and cultural differences between males and females c. Sex refers to the psychological, social, and cultural differences between males and females, while gender refers to psychical differences of the body d. Sex and gender are both social constructions whose differences depend on the changing social divisions in society


Over the last several decades, how as the rate of serious crime change in the United States? a. It has increased substantially b. It has decreased substantially c. It has decreased slightly d. It has stayed remarkably constant e. It has increased slightly


The capacity to shape the behavior and views of others is a. Culture b. Power c. Norms d. Social networks


Which of the following concepts refers to the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct social groups in society? a. Subcultures b. Pluralism c. Democracy d. Secularism


Which of the following does NOT define culture? a. It is a complex system of meaning b. Everyone is born with it c. It includes what members consider to be normal d. People learn it through socialization


Which of the following is LEAST important in determining the success of a social movement? a. Sustaining mobilization of activists over time b. Having a charismatic, inspiring leader c. Exerting cultural power d. Having organizations that plan strategy and mobilize activists


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the common American cultural idea that Asian Americans are a 'model minority," according to the article "Are Asian Americans Becoming White"? a. It channels Asian Americans to specific career paths, like science and engineering It makes Asian Americans more likely to be considered b. white c. Asian Americans are held to higher standards than other minority groups d. It reinforces the myth that the United States treats all people equally


Which of the following is NOT an explanation for the prison boom, according to the article "Beyond Crime and Punishment"? A.The war on drugs and the shift in drug policy B. The increasing crime rate in the US. C. Young, black males commit a disproportionate number of crimes and are arrested for them. D. The female inmate population is growing at a faster rate than the male inmate population


Which of the following is NOT an explanation for why large numbers of poor women remain unmarried given by the article "Unmarried with Children"? a. The women do not want to marry if there is a clear possibility of divorce b. The women believe their lives will be better if they remained single c. The women want to be financially stable d. The women want to first get their own lives in order before marrying e. The women want to first trust their would-be spouse


Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the "model minority" image of Asian Americans? It's used on Asian Americans who score remarkable economic and educational achievements a. It pits minority groups against each other b. They are no longer perceived as foreigners c. It refers to immigrants with high economic and educational achievements d. It reinforces the myth that there are equal opportunities for all in the United States


Which of the following is NOT true of all social institutions? a. They include a system of social behavior b. They facilitate family life c. They have a recognized purpose d. They reproduce themselves


Which of the following is NOT true regarding suicide bombing, according to the article on the subject by Brym a. Religious justifications become more important to suicide bombing in places where secular ideologies have failed. b. Showing sympathy for suicide bombers increases its use c. Suicide bombers are often motivated by the desire for revenge and retaliation d. Virtually all suicide bombers are psychologically stable e. Political conflict over territory is the main reason for suicide bombing


Which of the following is the best explanation for data Professor Munson presented to class showing that the frequency of sexual activity is related to a person's income level? a. Differences in the social roles of men and women b. Sexual behaviors is socially patterned c. Natural variation in individual sex drive d. Differences in the availability of contraception


Why did students in class use so many of the same words to describe themselves as individuals, in the activity in Week 2? a. They have a limited vocabulary as college students b. Their individuality originated in the larger society c. Lehigh tends to admit students who are more similar to each other than different from one another d. They have similar sociological imaginations


Which of the following best describes the main argument in the article "Is Hookup Culture Bad for Young Women?" a. Relationships are good for young women because it creates stability in their lives b. The risk of violence is less prominent for women who are in relationships c. The sexual double standard in our society often leads to negative stigma for young women d. Hookup sex is generally better for women than sex in relationships e. Relationships nowadays is no longer marked by inequalities


Which of the following concepts best helps explain why people who are considered deviant in society are more likely to engage in deviant behavior? a. Roles b. False consciousness c. Labeling theory d. Norms


Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the sociological functions of religion? a. It is an agent for social control b. It helps define group boundaries and identity c. It is necessary in establishing values d. It is an important institution of civil society


Which of the following is NOT true of ethnographic data? a. It can be time consuming to collect b. Bias can affect ethnographic research c. It can be accurately converted to numeric form d. Research subjects might be affected by the sociologist conducting the ethnography


Which of the following is true of the comparison of race with ethnicity? a. Only one of them is socially constructed b. Race is a social category while ethnicity is not c. Only one of them is defined in part by the "one drop rule" d. Though different in theory, they are primarily the same in practice


Which of the following phrases does Mills use to describe the sociological imagination? a. A momentary occupation b. A state of being c. A quality of mind d. An imaginative state


Which of the following statements is NOT correct? a. There has been a large increase in church membership in the U.S. over the last century b. There are approximately 300,000 religious congregations in the United States. c. The percentage of people in the U.S. who consider themselves religious is about the same as the percentage in many European countries. d. The vast majority of Americans who consider themselves religious are Christian e. Both A & C f. Both B & D


Which of the following was NOT a major argument made in "The Joys of Parenthood, Reconsidered"? a. Parents derive more purpose and meaning in life compared to non-parents b. Research finds that single parents report higher levels of depression and emotional distress than married and cohabiting parents c. Reducing our culture's unrealistic expectation surrounding parenthood has proven to drastically improve American parents' emotional lives d. Contrary to popular thought, parenthood does not have a positive emotional effect on parents e. Both A & C f. Both B & D


The following is a brief description of a sociological research project. Read it over, and then indicate which type of research approach is being used: Dr. Chang studies student culture, and is beginning a new research project on underage drinking on college campuses. While this is a well studied topic already, there is very little existing research that focuses on the "in the moment" conversations, interactions, and decisions that college students make at parties and elsewhere when alcohol is being served. In order to determine what role, if any, these kinds of factors have in decisions to drink, Dr. Chang and her graduate students regularly observe college parties, both on campus and off campus, talking to the students at the parties and keeping a careful journal of what they observe. She then analyzes her journal notes for patterns that might point to the causes of underage students choosing to drink in such circumstances. a. figurative b. deductive c. reactive d. inductive


The lack of voting rights for convicted felons in the United States is an example of what face of power, as the issue is presented in the scholarly article by Uggen and Manza, "Democratic Contraction? Political Consequences of Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States."? a. the fourth face of power b. the first face of power c. the third face of power d. the second face of power


W.I. Thomas once summarized the main effect of what concept as "situations defined as real are real in their effects"? a. The sociological imagination b. Cultures and subcultures c. Conformity and deviance d. The social construction of reality


What do we call inequality that is built into and reproduced by institutions and social relationships? a. Cultural conflict b. Cultural strain c. Organic inequality d. Structural inequality


What is "the second shift"? a. The shift in cultural dogmas regarding parenthood b. A shift in socioeconomic status after childbirth c. The unrealistic cultural expectations of the amount of happiness that children bring d. Having to juggle being a parent and an employee


What is role strain? a. Conflict between the expectations of two different roles b. Expected behavior associated with a given status in society c. Sanctions imposed by others to enforce expected role behavior d. Incompatible expectations associated with a single role


Which of the following does NOT reinforce a rape culture on campus, according to Boswell and Spade's article? a. Peer pressure b. Skewed gender ratio c. Social context d. High sense of urgency


Which of the following fears does Loe NOT note impacts college Ritalin users in her article "The Prescription of a New Generation"? a. fears of dependency b. fears of impacts on future career c. fears of a loss of 'authentic' identity d. fears of being ostracized


Which of the following is an argument made by Schuman in his article "Sense and Nonsense about Surveys"? a. Surveys do not produce numerical data, making them difficult to analyze b. Fake news often uses fake survey results to convince the reader c. Surveys conducted by sociologists are more reliable than those done by news organizations d. The exact words used in question will often change the answer people provide on a survey


Which of the following relationships are utilized MOST OFTEN by Americans to get jobs? a. Close friends b. Members of the same social category c. Family members d. Acquaintances


What sociological concept is defined as behavior recognized as violating expected rules and norms?


The following is a brief discussion of a sociological research project. Read it over, and then indicate which of the five __ of evidence is being utilized in the study: Dr. Chang studies student culture, and is beginning a new research project on underage drinking on college campuses. While this is a well studied topic already, there is very little existing research that focuses on the "in the moment" conversations, interactions, and decisions that college students make at parties and elsewhere when alcohol is being served. In order to determine what role, if any, these kinds of factors have in decisions to drink, Dr. Chang and her graduate students regularly observe college parties, both on campus and off campus, talking to the students at the parties and keeping a careful journal of what they observe. She then analyzes her journal notes for patterns that might point to the causes of underage students choosing to drink in such circumstances. a. archival research b. interviewing c. survey d. experiment e. ethnography


What was the main point of the article "Chess, Cheerleading, Chopin: What Gets You Into College"? a. Extracurricular activities are expensive b. Extracurricular activities significantly increase students'' likelihood of attending college c. Extracurricular activities are not as important as family background when it comes to predicting admission to elite schools d. Family background is the most important factor when it comes to predicting attendance of college e. Both B & C f. Both A & D


In lecture, we discussed a study which showed people were are a greater risk of becoming obese if a close friend is obese. Which of the following was presented as possible explanations for this? a. Norm: The norm in American society to be a little bigger b. Culture: American culture entails eating a lot of fast food so people are more likely to not be healthy and get big c. Homiphily: People who are alike tend to attract one another d. Suasion: Because being around people who are a certain way results in modeling of behavior e. Both A & B f. Both C & D


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