social deviance

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Which of the following theories posits that the more attached we are to conventional society, the less likely we are to violate its norms and values?

social control

Which of the following is not one of the primary methods of doing qualitative studies of social deviance?


Two factors that are most important in explaining homelessness in the US today are

the economy and mental illness

As a general rule, the "best" method to use to study social deviance is

the most feasible and compatible for the research question that the researcher wants to be answered or understood.

Sociologically, beliefs are deviant to the extent that

their believers are treated as socially unacceptable by relevant audiences

Findings suggest that in accounting for white collar deviance, participants "do gender" meaning that notions of what masculinity means in business impacts rationalizations and justifications offered to explain.


One final point from the Crosgrove et al. study is that there are still employers who fail to understand the gravity of how strong women have decided to be in their opposition to sexual harassment in the workplace of today.


The more inequality and hence stigma in a society, the shorter the average life span.


The ABCs of deviance are: __________, behaviors, and __________.

attitudes; conditions

The perspective of deviance that argues social deviance is "arrived at" and dependent on time, place, society, culture, observer, and enactor is


Critical race theory is a perspective whose proponents hold that basic social institutions maintain

) white supremacy

Although many critics of Merton's theory of anomie/strain argue it is biased against the lower class and is vague in terms of what deviance is explained, the theory remains useful to some sociologists who wish to study A) Homelessness B) Drug dealing C) Becoming a marijuana smoker D) Mental illness E) All of the above F) A and B only

F) A and B only

Pager's study presents strong evidence that

There is a causal relationship between criminal record and hiring outcomes, particularly when considering the race of the applicant.

As the study of race and ethnic discrimination points out, social deviance is neither trivial nor marginal for understanding the social order.


Which of the following is a question (or are questions) a constructionist might ask about deviance?

A and C A) How have we come to define atheism as a belief no longer worthy of being burned at the stake? C) Why do we as a society notice and condemn certain physical features?

Conspiracy theories almost always include an evil-indicating feature. Give one current example of a conspiracy theory and who or what is the "evil" or "demon."

A current conspiracy theory is that the United States army brought the coronavirus to Wuhan, china and that it is an American disease. The Who would be the United States army and the what would be the coronavirus.

Which is the best description of a tribe, according to Goode?

A group which shares a common identity

Qualitative methods of researching social deviance emphasize detailed and in-depth understanding of meanings and consequences in social interaction.

A) True

Power, like _______________, qualifies or contextualizes sociological definitions of deviance


Historically and to some extent in current theory/research, the depiction of women is A) A problem of omission B) A problem of specialization C) A problem of underplaying women's victimization

All of the above

Bradshaw argues in respect to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that a) The desire for royalty collection superseded government regulation b) The MMS's (minerals management service) mission included catering to industry interests c) As the theory of social control suggests, absence of an objective and capable guardian led to industry surveillance and failure there of d) All of the above are conclusions

All of the above are conclusions

The biggest attitudinal change over time and perhaps one of the most important measures of real progress in combatting racism and discrimination is

All racial and ethnic groups are marrying each other more often than they did in the past.

Which of the following is a statement a positivist might use to underscore their desire to explain deviance?

Although there is no essence of deviance to be observed in a given act or situation, an objective core or common thread holds deviance and crime together.

Adler and Adler referred to deviance as the ABCs. Give one example of a high-consensus C.

An example of a high consensus c would be doing something that people around you are doing, and It being acceptable even if it is seen as deviant. An example of this would be being naked in a nudist community.

Research suggests that accounting for white-collar crime in an attempt to avoid stigmatization included

Answer: ALL BUT D a) Making a claim that "I did this for my son/daughter" b) Making a claim that "I was only borrowing the money and therefore no harm was done." c) Making a claim that "everyone is doing this to get ahead." d) The fact that women more than men made "medical" claims that allowed them use of the sick role as an excuse. e) The fact that men more than women condemned the hypocrisy of the government for leading them to be "deviant" -- the government's fault not their's. f) a, b, and c g) all but d

For the "nones", deviance neutralization consists of

Arguments of intellectual and moral superiority of freethinkers over those with religious conviction

The labeling perspective notion of the "self-fulfilling prophecy" is that one

Becomes what he or she is accused of being

Marx argued that the function of belief systems can be analyzed from the perspective of both the

Believers and their condemner

In the sexual harassment excerpt you were expected to read, which theory has the most relevance to how we might explain and understand this as deviance, or not?

Constructionism and how SH is or is not considered social deviance, and by whom.

The constructionist approach permits inquiry into false accusations because they are interested in how rules arise as well as to whom they are applied.


Which of the following are not likely to be factors or elements in a sociological definition of deviance? a) the number of people who define something as wrong, undesirable or threatening b) the relative power of the people doing the defining of deviance c) the degree of condemnation something generates d) all are likely factors to be considered


The three fundamental assumptions of positivism are A) The world works in a cause and effect fashion that can be understood. B) There is a material reality to crime/deviance. C) Phenomenon are either directly or indirectly observable through the five senses. D) All of the above E) None of the above

D all of the above

Which of the following might be a prediction of routine-activities theory? A) Cheating on an exam is more likely to occur if a professor, GTA, or honest fellow student is absent. B) Crime is likely to rise if residents are not willing to intervene on behalf of the common community good. C) Lack of economic opportunity produces a high predatory crime rate. D) A and B E) B and C

D) A and B

As sociologists often attempt to understand ideographically the beliefs of cult members, they may end up

Defending the beliefs as one version of an acceptable truth

One of the interesting features of harmful or exploitive behaviors committed by corporate leaders, a feature also very important in understanding the meaning of social deviance, is

That it is often committed without meaningful response of condemnation.

The struggle between creationists and materialist evolutionists is a) One of truth vs. immortality b) One of defending a particular body of knowledge as valid and another as deviant c) An example of cognitive deviance labeling d) Correlated with education, geographic residence, and political stance e) All but a

E) all but A

With which of the following statements would a constructionist most likely agree?

Definitions of mental illness as deviance are culturally-based and made meaningful within cultural contexts.

Considering the definition of social deviance that we have discussed, how is it that the furries are deviant, or are they? Discuss

Deviance is defined as a violation of agreed upon social norms or actions that might be perceived to challenge existing folkways, mores or laws. Furries would be considered deviant because they do go against the social norm.

Which of the following theories assumes that deviance is learned through face-to face interaction?

Differential association

Pager wished to study many things about race and employment, which of the following is NOT one of her research questions or interests?

Does the effect of a criminal record differ for men and women applicants?

On the whole, sociologists view deviance as A) non-pejorative B) descriptive C) immoral D) All of the above E) A and B only


Accounts are linguistic devices that offer explanation for questioned behavior that are _____________ within a given culture. a) Unique to subgroups b) Situated and standardized c) Drawn from "acceptable" excuses and justifications d) Defensible e) b and c

E) B and C

What makes organizational deviance unique is that its a) Setting, motivation, and enactment are individual b) Setting, motivation, and enactment are organizational c) Occurrence is usually most dependent on a single individual d) Corporate or Institutional climate in which it exists is crucial to understanding the extent to which it occurs. e) a and c f) b and d


What is regarded as deviant is a matter of intrinsic harm not a matter of political or ideological issues.


Why was the stranger is Twain's War Prayer considered a lunatic and thus a deviant?

His words threatened the normalcy of their religious and patriotic senses of what is to be considered right.

Constructionist theories of deviance begin with the issue of

How audiences construct categories of wrongdoing.

denial of injury

I never hurt him or meant to hurt him, just embarrassed him a little."

Which of the following is NOT one of the correlative features of corporate crime?

Most often the harm to a victim is intentional and considered the cost of doing business

Give one clear example of informal social control as it relates to social deviance.

My boyfriend getting a mean, disapproving stare for dipping while in the car with his mom, because she believes it is bad for your teeth and health and he tells him that he needs to stop.

denial of victim

Nice girls don't get raped

Give one reason why we might stigmatize others. Your response should be drawn from the readings and notes, and be something beyond "because they are deviant."

Our society has stigmatized people forever. It is normal to stigmatize. We are taught to stigmatize others through our society by seeing other people do it.

Simi and Futrell found that _____ is a common strategy to manage stigma for the white supremacists.

Passing as "normal" as an act of resistance

Which of the following are the best examples of two ethical concerns confronted when studying deviance?

Privacy and Bias

Parapsychologists demonstrate a prime example of "deviance" because most scientists argue that

Proponents are unable to offer testable evidence of how the mind can influence material phenomena.

One of the strengths of __________ approaches to the study of social deviance is that these methods tend to produce knowledge that is reproducible and the patterns generalizable.


Pager's audit methodology as a way to study social deviance and employment decisions combines

Real-life contexts and experimental controls

Which of the following is the "best" understanding of relativity as it relates to the study of deviance?

Relativism implies that our personal view of what is or is not deviant may be irrelevant to how ABCs are put into practice and how they are received or responded to by differing audiences.

appeal to higher loyalties

Shopliftin' be a little thing. Not a crime really. I do it to help my family who I care about and who needs this mo' than that store."

When considering poverty and its relationship to social deviance, what is the concept or consequences that Goode argues is obvious yet rarely discussed?

Stigma and disrepute

The central issue for all conflict-oriented criminologists is(are)

The emergence and enforcement of norms and laws

According to Lemert, a secondary deviant is a person whose life and identity are organized around

The facts of deviance and the consequent management of the negative response from others .

Thinking about what is considered deviance and what is stigmatizing, briefly explain how the "nones" and the white power activists might be similar. There are many directions you might take in answering, so think broadly rather than simply that they are both deviant?

The nones and white power activists may be similar because they both go against the norms of society. The nones are people who are unaffiliated with religion. White power activists are people who believe white people superior to all other races. Most people see both of these groups as deviant because they are not as accepted into society.

Drawing from the posts on same-sex marriage and/or gun control, what two institutions seemed to be regarded as the most powerful in defining the narratives? Be specific to what and how!

The two institutions that seemed to be most powerful would be religion and the media. Religion is against same-sex marriage, and religion influences many American's on their decisions to whether a behavior is deviant or not. The media is also a big influencer because they have a lot of power. The media is used everyday by billions of people, and is the biggest spreader of information. The media puts out information that influences someone decision on certain topics such as same-sex marriage and gun control for this reason.

The goal of sociologists in studying belief systems and hence cognitive deviance is

To understand the social conditions that generate or encourage particular beliefs

Racism and hatred of different groups within the US and the world, illustrates how

Tribal stigma transforms the "other" into deviants

condemnation of condemners

Why do parents, politicians, and police feed guilt into children who are sexually active? Guilt and shame do more harm than a consensual intergenerational sexual experience."

Which of the following is a typical or characteristic of a positivistic question?

Why do they do it- that is, why do specific categories of people come to enact deviance?

Much of what social deviance is about is

a "struggle over whose rules will prevail"

In her study of low-income families, Hamilton found

a) a paradox -- low-income families seek consumer normalcy but by doing this they face the very stigmatization they sought to avoid. b) a paradox -- marketing techniques increase competitive consumption and social comparison c) a paradox -- perceived success at coping created greater self-esteem among single mothers, yet taking benefits which allowed the coping success was at the time deemed being non-productive and therefore, stigmatizing. -all of the above- ANSWER

When a conspiracy theorist is challenged about the "deviancy" of her/his claims, she/he will give a(n) __________that seeks to justify the arguments and reject the label of deviant.


Managing the stigma tied to social movement activism is a veiled, identity-based resistance that occurs

across many everyday contexts but is rarely studied

According to Kitsuse, tertiary labels are those "deviant" labels that people embrace as their own to lessen the power of stigma. Which of the following examples would fit this understanding of labels and the attempt to control their power? a) Fat is beautiful. b) Being Pro-Ana is a lifestyle choice. c) "I am woman, hear me roar." d) All of the above

all of the above

Compounded deprivation refers to the aggregated impact of a) being poor b) living in a poor neighborhood c) racism d) all of the above

all of the above

Pfohl's "image of deviance" is particularly helpful in analyzing A) How alcohol is a legal drug and marijuana is often not. B) The everyday struggle in defining what is and is not sexual harassment C) Why we might fear being robbed but are indifferent to corporate fraud D) Our concern with genital circumcision of girls and women, yet support male circumcision E) All of the above

all of the above

The sociological principle of beliefs is that they a) Arise through social interaction b) Are determined by our social existence c) Serve functions that transcend their uniqueness and empirical validity d) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are strategies kids used in managing the stigma of homelessness? a) strategies of inclusion b) strategies of exclusion c) passing d) physical and sexual posturing e) all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are ways in which one or a group might respond to attempts to stigmatize? a) withdraw or hide from others b) educate others c) claim the stigma -- tertiary deviance d) control information shared e) all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions of stigma that impact whether the "deviant" or self is discredited or discreditable. a) is it concealable b) to what degree does the stigma impact everyday life c) is the stigma by choice or by consequence of behavior d) what is the life course of the stigmatizing "mark" e) all of the above

all of the above

Heiner argues that the "nones" and those who claim religious beliefs

all of the above Are similar in that intolerance of others is not so uncommon are similar in that freethinkers also play a prominent role in the religious indoctrination of others in the community Serve functions of boundary maintenance

As a note of comparison in the study of social deviance, qualitative approaches more commonly employ ____________ methods while quantitative approaches more commonly employ ___________ methods.

all of the above- A) ideographic/nomothetic B) constructionist/positivist C) observational/statistical D) analytic induction/probabilistic

An important step in the constructionist approach to studying deviance is an investigation of _____________; the action taken toward something considered to be deviant


Sociologically, deviance takes place or exists:

everywhere and anywhere people engage in behavior, hold and express beliefs, and possess traits that others regard as unacceptable or reprehensible

Goode argues that which of the following are crucial factors in the likelihood that any ABC will be considered deviant within society? a) how many people condemn the AB or C b) the social power of the people who condemn the AB or C c) the intrinsic nature of the AB or C d) the transhistorical nature of the AB or C e) all of the above f) a and b only g) b and d only

f) a and b only

Beliefs are deviant solely based in their content that challenges hegemonic beliefs.


Interestingly, the sexual harassment study by Crosgrove et al., implied that older workers are generally less tolerant of sexual harassment in the workplace than younger workers, even though younger workers are less tolerant than in the past.


Race is an essentialist, fixed reality, therefore racism is not a social construct but a fixed reality as well.


Sociologists exclusively emphasize the importance of social, cultural and historical factors in understanding deviance because biological, genetic and neurological factors are irrelevant and inconsequential to that explanation.


Feminists argue that prior to the emergence of feminism as a major perspective, sociologists of deviance typically

had a skewed view of women's deviance looking almost exclusively at particular, female stereotyped behavior.

According to Goode, societal deviance is that which is likely to be


The transformation of someone into a deviant

is a socially patterned process

The key elements in becoming deviant are

labeling and stigma

One of the arguments feminists made about pre-feminism theories of deviance is that for the most part these theories ignored the deviance of women but when they did occasionally discuss it, they also tended to focus on a very narrow range of types of deviance. Two of these types were prostitution and shoplifting. A third was

mental illness

To the extent that social audiences define the actions of corporate offenders as acceptable and characterize their prosecution as "witchhunts" then, for those audiences, such actions are

not deviant

___________ is a scientific approach to studying deviance that is concerned with explaining the causes of deviant behaviors, beliefs, or conditions themselves.


Labeling theory is fundamentally based on the concept that "we see ourselves through the eyes of others." This concept is referred to as


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