Social Psych 2

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One external factor that can lead to aggressive behaviors is ________, which occurs when goal-directed behaviors are blocked. A good example of this would be getting stuck in traffic on your way to a class or an important meeting. a. taking naps b. conflict c. eustress d. frustration


There are three friends - Katarina, Caitlyn, Lux- who notice that their classmate Darius looks very sad one morning and is holding back tears. Each of the girls thinks the others will ask him what is wrong and be supportive and so none of them say a word. This failure to act because they thought others would is called ________. a. prosocial paralysis b. not giving a crap c. bystander apathy d. diffusion of responsibility


What is Discrimination?

Discrimination: Negative behavior towards an individual solely because of membership in a group But, attitude does not always guide behavior

What is Right Wing Authoritarianism?

Endorses respect for obedience and authority in the service of group conformity, and focuses on group unity over individual rights.

Expand on Allports "threats to ones world view"

Ethnocentrism: viewing the world through one's cultural value to judge right and wrong

What are examples of moral disengagement?

Euphemistic language Diffusion of responsibility Dehumanization Advantageous Comparison Moral Superiority Minimize adverse effects

External aggression factors:

Frustration and Other Unpleasant Events Weapons Social Rejection Alcohol and Drugs Income Inequality

Is there a difference between men and women and who is more likely to help in a societal situation?



SDO= "they" are trying to beat "us" RWA= "they" have bad ideas

CORE BELIEFS: Social Dominance Theory vs. Right wing authoritarianism

SDO= groups compete for economic resources RWA= group values dominate all else


SDO= hierarchies are inevitable RWA= groups must follow authority


SDO= in-group must be tough RWA=in group must unite

What is the Social Penetration theory?

The degree to which people reveal important aspects of themselves. Most effective it disclosure is mutual

What is stereotype threat?

The fear of conforming to an ingroup's negative stereotypes

Prisoner's Dilemma

a particular "game" between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial

What is pluralistic ignorance?

a situation in which a majority of group members privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most others accept it, and therefore go along with it

Honor cultures vs institutionalized culture

honor culture: no law enforcement institutionalized culture: has law enforcement, discourage free riding

People with high right wing authoritarianism believe the world is what?

inherently dangerous and unpredictable and it focuses on value conflict

What is Prejudice?

negative attitude/emotion towards an individual based solely on presumed membership in a group -ignores differences in groups

What are Stereotypes?

overgeneralized beliefs about the traits of members in a group (e.g. Asians are good at math and are bad drivers).

tradgedy of the commons

the tendency of a shared, limited resource to become depleted because people act from self-interest for short-term gain

Expand on Allports "hostile feeling toward a group"

- Group membership can be more salient than individual traits -Realistic group conflict theory: initial feelings between groups are based on conflict due to scarce resources (e.g. immigrants)

Stereotype content model: ENVY

- high in competence, low in warmth -ex. rich, professionals

Stereotype content model: PRIDE

- high in warmth, high in competence - ex. student, American

Stereotype content model: DISGUST

- low in warmth, low in competence -ex. homeless, addict

Expand on Allports "ingroup bias"

-Compensate bad feelings by thinking harshly about outgroups -Scapegoating

Reducing prejudice hypothesis: Contact Hypothesis

-Equal status between groups -Superordinate goal - common in-group identity

What does Social Dominance Theory predict?

-World is competitive, limited resources -Less Empathy and altruism -Support Meritocracy -Nationalism -Authoritarianism

Stereotype Content model: PITY

-high in warmth, low in competence -ex. elderly people and disabled

Why do people help? and who do they help?

-similar characteristics -rural places help more often -cost-benefit analysis

Internal Aggression Factors: Age and Gender

-young children are most aggressive -men=physical -women=relational

What are Allport's three root causes of prejudice?

1- Hostile feelings toward a group 2- Ingroup bias 3- Threats to ones world view

What are two ambivalent stereotypes?

1- competent and cold = envy 2-incompetent and warm= pity

What are the three attachment styles?

1-secure 2- Avoidant 3- anxious

Daphne and Velma used to be best friends, but Daphne got angry when Velma didn't come to her birthday party. Since then, Daphne has been spreading rumors about Velma. Daphne is engaging in ________ aggression. a. relational b. Scooby Doo c. physical d. internet


Ezreal knows that his roommate Gragas has a financial problem, but he really does not want to pay Gragas' rent this month. He does so, however, so that he won't feel guilty and sad for declining to offer help. Ezreal's decision to pay Gragas' rent is based on the ________ model. a. negative state relief b. arousal: cost-reward c. cost-benefit analysis d. kin selection


Sometimes a person looks to others to determine whether help needs to be offered in an ambiguous situation. When this person incorrectly concludes that no help is necessary, this is called ________ ignorance. a. pluralistic b. collective c. deindividuated d. countersocial


According to the stereotype content model, what would be a person's most likely response to a person who is perceived as being low in warmth and high in competence? a. contempt b. envy c. paternalism d. admiration


Bruce is outraged when he finds out that his girlfriend Selina cheated on him. To take revenge, Bruce put laxatives in Selina's morning coffee, which caused her to miss her flight because she was "busy with the laxative." When Selina confronts Bruce, he says "you should feel lucky. I could've poisoned you instead". Which mechanism of moral disengagement was Bruce demonstrating? a-Dehumanization b-Advantageous comparison c-Moral superiority d-Euphemistic language


Morpheus is on the subway when he notices that a man in a suit sitting across from him is looking at him. Morpheus immediately think the other man wants to have a fight and says, "what are you looking at?" The man responds by saying he was admiring Morpheus' glasses, and Morpheus feels embarrassed. Morpheus is demonstrating the ________ attribution bias in the way he interpreted the other man's gaze. a. matrix b. hostile c. fundamental d. self-serving


People who have a high social dominance orientation (SDO) are likely to agree with which of the following statements? a. Inequality is a socially constructed situation that should be changed. b. Hierarchies are natural, some groups are simply better than others. c. Even with strong work ethic some people don't have the opportunity to advance. d. With limited resources we should share economic capital to maintain stability.


What is the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination? a. Stereotypes are based on emotions, prejudice is based on beliefs, and discrimination is based on behavior. b. Stereotypes are based on beliefs, prejudice is based on emotions, and discrimination is based on behavior. c. Stereotypes are based on beliefs, prejudice is based on behavior, and discrimination is based on emotions. d. Stereotypes are based on behavior, prejudice is based on beliefs, and discrimination is based on emotions.


What is Social Dominance Theory?

Belief that group hierarchies are inevitable in all societies and even a good idea to maintain order and stability. (priests - warriors - peasants)

Adrienne, a hardworking doctor who saves lives, orders her patient Shane to cut down on alcohol consumption because he has a tendency to be a "huge troll" when inebriated. When Shane refuses and argues that he is free to troll as he pleases even if it means annoying his colleagues, they shout at each other and Shane ends up beating Adrienne in a street fight. He justifies his actions with "I had to make her understand that my views are correct and that her views are wrong". Which mechanism of moral disengagement was Shane demonstrating? a-Dehumanization b-Advantageous comparison c-Moral superiority d-Euphemistic language


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