Social Psych Chap. 10 Reading Quiz
People become aggressive when...
All of the above (their inhibitions are broken down; they have more testosterone; they become hot)
Which of the following has NOT been linked with aggressive behavior according to your text?
An unexpected request
In a revision of the frustration-aggression theory, Berkowitz emphasized the importance of...
Anger, an emotional readiness to aggress
If you allow your children to watch a lot of violent TV, movies, and to play a lot of violent video games, they will likely...
Be more aggressive as an adult
According to the text, one reason that TV viewing affects behavior is that it..
Evokes imitation
Some of the ways we can reduce aggression were listed in the text summary. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways?
Expressing aggression by catharsis tends to decrease aggression.
_______ aggression springs from anger, and its only goal is to injure.
Anderson's (2010) research on the effects of video games has reported that there is a _______ relationship between playing violent games and the frequency of arguments with teachers.
Research suggests that the sight of a weapon can...
Prime aggressive thoughts
Bandura (1973) had children watch an adult interact with an inflated clown called Bobo. In one condition, the adult acted violently toward Bobo. In the other condition, the adult did not act violently. Bandura found that children acted more violently toward Bobo when the adult acted violently. This study supports which theory of aggression?
Social Learning Theory