Social Psychology Chapter 5: Attitudes

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advanced knowledge that one is about to become a target for an attempt of persuasion

systematic processing is being used

argument strength only affects persuasion when

fear appeals

attempting to change people's behaviors by use of message that induces fear

observational learning

basic form of learning in which individuals acquire new forms of behavior as a result of observing others

classical conditioning

basic form of learning in which one stimulus, initially neutral, acquires the capacity to evoke reactions through repeated pairings with another stimulus. the second stimulus becomes a signal for the occurrence of the other

instrumental conditioning

basic form of learning in which responses that lead to positive outcomes or permit avoidance of negative outcomes are strengthened

mere exposure

by having seen before, but not necessarily remembering having done so, attitudes toward an object can be formed

reduce dissonance

changing attitudes, or changing behavior by using "in the future", acquiring new information or justification; trivialization, alcohol (making themselves feel good), and self-affirmation

pluralistic ignorance

collectively misunderstand what attitudes others hold and believe erroneously that others have different attitudes than us

social networks

composed of individuals with whom we have interpersonal relationship and interact with on a regular basis

explicit attitudes

consciously accessible attitudes that are controllable and easy to report


efforts to change others' attitudes through the use of various kinds of messages

reference groups

groups of people with who we identify and whose opinions we value

strength of an attitude

how strong the emotional reaction is

cognitive dissonance

internal state that results when individuals notice inconsistency between two or more attitudes or between their attitude and their behavior


negative reactions to threats to one's personal freedom; increases resistance to persuasion and can produce a negative attitude change opposite of what was intended


repeatedly performing a specific behavior so response become relatively automatic whenever the situation is encountered again

heuristic processing

processing of information in a persuasive message that involves the use of simple mental shortcuts

Implicit Association Test

a covert measure of unconscious attitudes derived from the speed at which people respond to pairings of concepts--such as black or white with good or bad

central route to persuasion

attitude change result from systematic process of information presented in persuasive messages

peripheral route to persuasion

attitude change that occurs in response to peripheral persuasion cues which is based on information concerning the expertise or status of the persuader

subliminal conditioning

classical conditioning of attitudes by exposure to stimuli that are below the individuals' threshold of conscious awareness


evaluation of various aspects of the social world

attitude to behavior process model

how attitudes guide behavior that emphasized the influence of attitudes and stored knowledge of what is appropriate in a give situation on an individual's definition of the present situation

attitudes towards the behavior and subjective norms

intentions are formed by two things

self regulation

limited capacity to engage our willpower and control our own thinking and emotions

less leads to more effect

offering individuals small rewards for engaging in counter attitudinal behavior often producers more dissonance so attitudes change more than the ones offered larger rewards

electronic word of mouth

persuasion depends on communicator credibility and consistency among recommendations and with the message

implementation plan

plan for how to implement our intentions to carry out some action


publicly advocating some attitudes or behavior and then acting in a way that is incongruent with these attitudes and behaviors

conditioned stimulus

stimulus that comes to stand for or signal a period unconditioned stimulus

unconditioned stimulus

stimulus that evokes a positive or negative response without substantial learning

selective avoidance

tendency to direct attention away from information that challenges existing attitudes

illusion of truth effect

the mere repetition of information creates a sense of familiarity and more positive attitudes

social learning

the process through which we acquire new information, forms of behavior, or attitudes about other people

social comparison

the process through which we compare ourselves to others to determine whether our view of social reality is correct or not.

certainty of an attitude

the sense that you know what your attitude is and the feeling that it is the correct position to hold

elaboration likelihood model

theory suggesting that persuasion can occur in either two distinct ways differing in the amount of cognitive effort the message receives

theory of reasoned action

theory suggesting that the decision to engage in a particular behavior is the result of a rational process in which behavioral options are considered, consequences are evaluated, and a decision is reached to act or not. the decision is then reflected in behavioral intentions which influences overt behavior.

strength, certainty, and personal experience

three factors that effect accessibility of attitudes

implicit attitudes

unconscious associations between objects and evaluative responses


when our capacity to self regulate has been reduced because of prior expenditures of limited resources

systematic processing

processing of information in a persuasive message that involves careful consideration of message content and ideas

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