social studies lesson 1-4 study guide

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22. How did Spanish settlers in Florida depend on the Timucuas to meet their needs?

The Spaniards depended on the Timucuas to provide food and labor.

1. Which statement best describes the relationship between the Spaniards and the American Indians?

The Spaniards forced the American Indians to work for them and to accept the Spanish way of life, which led to conflict.

20. How did contact with Spaniards impact American Indians?

The Spaniards passed European diseases to the American Indians. As a result, many American Indians died.

23. Spanish settlers were supposed to protect and care for native people in New Spain. The native people were expected to repay the settlers with free labor, gold, silver, and other goods. Which of the following is an inference that can be drawn from the text excerpt?

The Spanish settled the Americas in search of wealth and power.

25. Which of the following was a key reason why the English colony at Jamestown survived?

The Virginia Company began to earn profits when John Rolfe started to grow a new type of tobacco in Jamestown.

18. The Dutch colony of New Netherland included -

nearly all of the Hudson River valley and present-day New York City

2. In which of these locations did the Spaniards set up missions?

Texas and California

39. Summarize the role of American Indians in the economy of New Spain

The American Indians were slaves and did all the work for the Spanish. Had no control over their lives.

7. Which of the following events led to several years of peace between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatans?

The English colonist John Rolfe married Pocahontas, the daughter of the Powhatan leader.

24. Which of the following is the best reason why the English wanted to start a colony in North America?

The English wanted a North American colony that could compete with Spain.

35. Think about the English, French, and Dutch colonies in North America. Which of the following best summarizes their North American colonial histories?

The English, French, and Dutch had different reasons for starting colonies, but economic motives were important for each group.

9. Which of the following statements about the representatives in the House of Burgesses is true?

The House of Burgesses consisted of representatives who were chosen by voters.

41. Describe the beginning of representative government in Virginia?

The House of Burgesses was made up of 22 representatives, or people chosen by voters to speak and act for them.

14. Which of the following summarizes the events surrounding the first Thanksgiving?

The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag had a three-day feast that celebrated the good harvest.

11. Which of the following statements is true about both the Pilgrims and the Puritans?

Both groups left England to be free to practice their religion.

42. Summarize how the Virginia Company worked

1. Investors paid for shares in the Virginia Company. 2. The company financed three ships to take settlers to Virginia. 3. The settlers built the colony at Jamestown. 4. Lumber, tobacco, glass, and tar were exported to England. 5. After products were sold, investors shared in profits.

21. Which of the following best explains why the location of the St. Augustine settlement was important to the Spanish?

1. St. Augustine was the geographical location in North American nearest to Spain. 2. St. Augustine provided protection for the Spanish ships that took gold and silver from the Americas to Spain.

5. Which of the following is true about the mestizos in New Spain?

1. The mestizos were of mixed of Spanish and American Indian background. 2. The mestizos were in a higher class than enslaved Africans. 3. The mestizos were the largest class.

15. Which of the following is true about the role of religion in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Colonists who disobeyed church teachings could be forced to leave the colony.

16. Which of the following general statements about the colony of New France is true?

French fur traders and fisherman traded with American Indians from the earliest days of the colony.

36. Which of the following was a similarity between the French and Dutch colonies in North America?

Fur trading was a key economic activity in both colonies.

17. Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between Dutch colonists in New Netherland and the American Indians?

In the north of the colony, the two groups cooperated through the fur trade; in the south of the colony, many conflicts took place over land ownership.

6. Which of the following statements about the Jamestown settlement is true?

It had a location from which the colonists could defend themselves.

26. Which of the following statements about the geography of the Jamestown colony is true?

Jamestown was located near swamps that bred disease-carrying mosquitoes.

27. Sir Walter Raleigh sent another 150 settlers to Roanoke Island in 1587. The settlers sought help from American Indians. However, arguments between the two groups led to more food shortages. The colony's leader decided to go back to England. Which of the following events takes place after the event described in the text excerpt?

John White arrives at Roanoke, finding no settlers.

3. Which two activities were important in New Spain's economy?

Mining and Ranching

37. The land Henry Hudson explored for the Dutch in the early 1600s today includes -

New York City

30. Which of the following best compares the role of religion in the lives of Pilgrims and Puritans?

Religion was very important to both groups. Religious activities were a central part of their lives.

17. The French explorer who led a team of French and American Indians down the Mississippi River was -

Robert de La Salle

38. Which of the following best completes the graphic organizer? Cause: Hudson claimed the Hudson River valley for the Dutch Effect: ??

Settlers arrived to establish the colony of New Netherland.

19. Which of the following is a main reason why Spanish settlements spread in North America?

Spanish missionaries set up numerous villages called missions.

32. "He directed them how to set their corn, where to take fish, and procure (get) other commodities (materials), and was also their pilot to bring them to unknown places." Whom is William Bradford referring to in this quote?


4. Which of the following was true about St Augustine's geographical setting?

St Augustine was on the coast of Florida. From there, Spain was able to protect its ships that passed nearby.

10. Which of the following best summarizes why the Jamestown Colony took several years before it began to prosper?

The first efforts were to set up businesses. Finally, the introduction of a new type of tobacco gave the colony a source of profit.

28. What political right did the Virginia Company give to Jamestown landholders?

The right to take part in government

31. The Pilgrims cooperated with the American Indians, and both groups benefited. The Puritans tried to force Christianity on the American Indians. That led to conflict between the two groups. Which of the following is true about these statements?

The statements are correct about both the Pilgrims and the Puritans.

40. Why do people leave their homelands?

To start a new life and to be prosperous somewhere else and to be free for religion.

8. Which of the following became an important cash crop in Jamestown?


33. Which of the following describes a contribution by the Pilgrims to America's national identity that endures today?

Town meetings are still a part of self-government in many New England communities.

12. The governor of Plymouth who led the pilgrims through their first, difficult year was --

William Bradford

29. Which of the following did the Pilgrims promise to do in the Mayflower Compact?

Work together to make "just and equal laws"

13. The Mayflower Compact was -

an agreement about how the Pilgrims would govern themselves.

16. Life in New Netherland was based mainly on -


34. As in Jamestown in the English colonies, life in the Dutch colony of New Netherland was based on -


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