Social Studies Praxis 2

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Cesar Chavez

civil rights activist; led the United Farm Workers, who advocated for Hispanic farm workers who faced racial discrimination, poor treatment, and low pay

Malcolm X

civil rights leader who championed better living standards for blacks in northern cities and the empowerment of African American communities


climate located in the low latitudes north and south of the rainforest; dry in the winter and wet in the summer, experiencing an average of 10 to 30 inches of rain

Thomas Jefferson

colonial leader; architect of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US president; Jefferson was antifederalist and disapproved of a strong US constitution.

George Washington

colonial military leader, general of the Continental Army, 1st US President; his able military leadership helped the colonies eventually secure independence, and his political leadership helped keep the young country united.

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

colonial rebel protest group that carried out violent acts against tax collectors

Committees of Correspondence

colonial rebel protest group that distributed anti-British propaganda

multinational corporation (MNCs)

companies based in one country with operations in one or more other countries; the primary driving forces of globalization.

Arms Race

competitive weapons development between the US and the USSR during the 1980s; the US intended to outspend the USSR, thereby weakening it

White Man's Burden

concept that drove 19th century European imperialism; idea that white European where justified in oppressing other peoples to "improve" them as European culture was "superior".

Songhai Empire

west-central African empire; succeeded the Mali Empire; rich in salt

The Celts/Invasion of the Saxons

controlled Britain and Ireland until the invasion of the Saxons, around 600 C.E., the Saxons conquered Britain while the Celts were pushed to Ireland, Scotland, and Brittany in northwest France. While the church was gaining power, it was insecure in Italy as the Germanic tribes vied for control in Germany and England retained and protected classical learning in the wake of the fall of Rome and insecurity in Italy. The Germanic tribes themselves were threatened by Asian invaders like the Huns, increasing instability in central and eastern parts of Europe, where Slavs also fought for supremacy north of Byzantium.

Tea Act

controversial 1773 tax on colonial tea that triggered the Boston Tea Party

What at the three major forms of sociological interactions?

cooperation, exchange, and conflict.


costly financial compensation charged of Germany by the victors of WW1 to cover the cost of the war.

primary socialization

when a child learns the values, actions, and attitudes that are appropriate for members of his or her particular culture. Ex. If a family eats dinner together every night, that child will likely assume that he or she must regularly communicate with the closest and most important people in their life.

oppurtunity cost

when a consumer makes a choice at the cost of another choice for the value of an opportunity.

relative location

where a place is located in relation to another place

Columbian Exchange

describes the broad exchange of people, ideas, organisms, and technology across the Atlantic (encompassing triangular trade). Enabled mercantilism to flourish. Conflict and illness brought by the Europeans-especially smallpox- decimated the Native Americans, and the Europeans were left without labor to mine the silver and gold or to work the land. African slavery was their solution.

Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky

developed Marxism-Leninism. They embraced socialist ideas and believed in revolution; however they felt that communism could not be maintained under a democratic governing structure. Lenin supported dictatorship, more precisely the dictatorship of the proletariat, paving the way for the political and economic organization of the Soviet Union.

assembly line

developed by Henry Ford and enabled mass production. Factors that contributed to this boom included the invention of new products (e.g., the automobile, the telephone, and the electric light), improvement of production methods, an abundance of natural resources and infrastructure (railways opened the West further and connected factories and markets to raw materials), and banking (more people wanted to invest in booming businesses, and banks were financing them).


device used during the Reign of Terror to execute thousands by beheading Thousands of people were executed, including the King and Marie Antoinette.

Checks and Balances

each branch of government has certain powers that limit the power of the other branches.


economic system in which the colonizing country took raw materials from colonies for its own benefit, amassing wealth through protectionism and increasing exports at the expense of other rising colonial powers.

Local Governments

elected officials and generally follow characters that state constitutions have adopted. As they do with federal government, the people vote for their state and local government representatives.

Ancient Egyptians

emerged as early as 5000 BCE in the Nile Valley; known for their pyramids, art, use of papyrus as paper, and pictorial writing (hieroglyphs); united under one monarch, or pharaoh

Treaty of Paris

ended the revolution in September 1783.

Physical Geography

explores the natural processes of the earth.


extensions of core social values created in response to varying individual and group needs; include government, private enterprise, religious institutions, academic institutions, local communities, and the family unit. At the macro level they include government, private enterprise, religious institutions, and academic institutions. At the micro level they include local communities and the family unit. They are composed of a usually formal, often top-down structure with a small governing body in charge.

Primary Sources

eyewitness accounts of history. They include letters, diaries, speeches, and interviews.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 when a force of 1,200 Cuban exiles, backed by the United States, landed at the Bay of Pigs.

Song Dynasty China

featured complex administrative rule, including the difficult competitive written examinations required to obtain prestigious bureaucratic positions in government. China engaged not only in overland trade along the Silk Road, exporting silk, tea, ceramics, jade, and other goods, but also sea trade with Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and even East Africa.

Mehmed the Conqueror

fifteenth-century Ottoman caliph who expanded the empire from Hungary through Mesopotamia.

Barack Obama

first African American president, elected in 2008; ended wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; halted the Great Recession; developed programs to provide healthcare to uninsured Americans

What led to the French Revolution?

food shortages, heavy taxation of the peasants and bourgeoisie, and Enlightenment thought. The peasants the bourgeoisie were dissatisfied with bearing the brunt of a heavy tax burden; meanwhile poor harvests led to food shortages and panic in rural areas. The factors, along with Enlightenment thought and recent revolutions elsewhere, spurred the French Revolution.

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

women's right activist and leader in women's suffrage movement; leader at 1848 Seneca Falls Convention

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

women's rights activist; founded the National Woman Suffrage Association and led the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention on women's rights

Great Wall of China

world's longest man made structure built to keep invaders from the north out of China, started by the Qin Dynasty, expanded by the Han Dynasty,


•After the war, rebuilding the south (political, economic, and social) •GA under military and Republican control

Concentration Camps

forced labor and death camps where the Nazis imprisoned and killed Jews, Roma, Slavic people, homosexuals, disabled people, people of color, prisoners of war, communists, and others as part of the Holocaust

First Admendment

freedom of speech

natural resources

fresh waters, arable land, fuel, livestock, and game. *They can also affect climate patterns. Ex. The Hoover Dam manages the Colorado River, a natural resource, in order to provide water and electricity to certain parts of the southwestern United States

Vice President

fulfills the duties of the president when he or she is unable; becomes president in the event of the president's death; also serves as president of the Senate

Sate Governments

generally modeled after these three branches, with the executive branch headed by the governor, the legislative branch headed by elected representatives, and the judicial branch headed by the state supreme court.

Kingdom of Ghana

gold-rich kingdom in West Africa; important trading partner of North African Muslims on the Trans-Saharan trade routes

Government Regulation

government involvement in the economy to effect an economic or social outcome


government ruled by the people

Classical Civilizations

have had a lasting influence on human history. Elementary level students should be aware of the ancient civilizations in the Fertile Crescent (including ancient Egypt), Ancient Greece, and ancient China.


having to do with doubt or uncertainty

Forbidden City

home of the emperor in Beijing, helped consolidate imperial rule. The ming also recharged international trade; demand for ceramics in particular. In addition to silk and team was high abroad, and contrast with seafaring traders like the Portuguese and the Dutch in the 16th century was strong. China itself explored the seas.


how much of a product the market can actually offer

spatial relationships

how one place is located in relation to another place. Ex. Distance between residential areas and transportation stops.

steam engine

important machine for Industrial Revolution; powered factories allowing them to be built anywhere. Efficiently powered mills and ironworks; factories no longer had to be built near running water to access power.

Bourgeoisie (French Revolution)

in eighteenth-century France, the emergent middle class growing powerful thanks to early capitalism, but not traditionally nobles or landowners under the feudal system; along with peasants, bore the brunt of taxation Chafed under the rule of the nobility, which had generally inherited land and wealth (while the bourgeoisie earned their wealth in business). In France, the problem was most acute as France has the largest population in Europe at the time. At the same time, France had one of the most centralized monarchies in Europe and entrenched nobilities. With a growing bourgeoisie and peasant class paying increasingly higher taxes to the nobility, resentment was brewing.

Economic Regulation

indirect or direct price control by the government

The Molasses Act of 1733 was intended to

inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies


insufficient supply to meet demand.

First Crusade

invasion of the Holy Land and capture of Jerusalem by European Christians in 1099 in an effort to take the region from Islamic control The crusades continued over several centuries While they never resulted in permanent European control over the Holy Land, they did open up trade routes between Europe and the Middle East, stretching all the way along the Silk Road to China. This increasing interdependence helped lead to the European Renaissance.

According to Confucianism, an ideal society...

is based on respect for authority and wisdom, making harmonious interaction a priority. Confucius taught others to respect authority and encouraged group harmony.


is increasing economic, political, and cultural independence and interaction.

Declaration of Independence

issued on July 4, 1776, this document, written in great part by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the leaders of the Second Continental Congress; asserted US Independence from Britain.


king or queen

Mass Production

large-scale product manufacturing usually done by machinery

High latitudes

latitudes from 66.5 degrees north and south to the poles

Civil Rights Act in 1866

law that established federal guarantees of civil rights for all citizens

American Indian Movement

led by Dennis Banks and Russell Means; purpose was to obtain equal rights for Native Americans; protested at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre

Ninety-Five Theses

letter of protest written in 1517 to the pope by the monk Martin Luther; expressed dissatisfaction with the state of the Catholic Church; ideas at the heart of the Protestant Reformation


lived toward the end of the Zhou Dynasty (c. 551-479 BCE). His teachings would be the basis for Confucianism, the foundational Chinese philosophy emphasizing harmony and respect for hierarchy.

Civic Groups

lobby government for legislation that works in their interest or that carry out public service in their communities.

Creek, Chicksaw, and Choctaw

major Muskogean-speaking southeastern Native American civilizations; descendants of the Mississippi Mound Builders

Urban Planning

managing the development and use of cities

Second Continental Congress

meeting of colonial leaders in Philadelphia in 1775 when colonial leaders agreed on declaring independence and forming the United States of America

tropical rainforests

moist forests exhibiting high biodiversity, located mainly in the equatorial lowlands in Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Amazon basin


money paid by the people, organizations and companies to the government. This money covers government expenses like federal employee salaries and retirement programs, and the military. It also helps fuel the economy.


movement to reform the Catholic Church; resulted in new fractions of Christianity in Europe

Friedrich Engels

nineteenth-century German economist and philosopher who, with Karl Marx, developed socialism


northeastern Native American civilization in New York and southern Ontario/Quebec; a confederation of six tribes

Second Industrial Revolution

occurred in the 19th century and early 20th century; based on heavy industry, railroads, and weapons.

secondary socialization

occurs when an individual learns the appropriate values, actions, attitudes, and behaviors as a member of a smaller group within a larger society. Secondary socialization generally occurs in adolescence or young adulthood, and influences will be teachers, employers, and other authority figures.

United Farm Workers

organization of migrant workers formed to win better wages and working conditions led by Cesar Chevez

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin


parts of the world with definable and identifiable characteristics


pattern of movement from one place to another, with the intention of settling permanently at the new location.

Triangular Trade

pattern of trade in the Atlantic world: Europeans purchased or kidnapped Africans in West Africa to be enslaved, taken to the Americans, and traded for raw materials like sugar; these materials were taken to Europe and traded for consumer goods; and these goods were exchanged in Africa for slaves (and also sometimes in the colonies).


peasants who remained on fiefs ("tied to the land") under feudalism; farmed for lords and granted small plots of land for personal use; where entitled to the lords' protection but not obligated to fight; not slaves, but not truly free persons. Tied to the and, they worked for the lord in exchange for protection; however they were not obligated to fight. Usually they were also granted some land for their own use. While not slaves, their lives were effectively controlled by the lord.


percentage of earnings (10%) owed as taxed to the nobility by peasants in Pre-Revolutionary France.

Meija Restoration

period of technological and military modernization in Japan beginning in 1868; helped Japan became an important military power.

Geographic Features

physical features of place like continents, bodies of water, plains, plateaus, mountains, and valleys. *Raised elevations and bodies of waters are indicated through shading or coloring; they are also labeled.

Woodrow Wilson

played an important role in negotiating the peace; his Fourteen Points laid out an idealistic international vision, including an international security organization.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

precursor to the revolutionary french constitution assuring liberty and equality; written in the model of the Enlightenment thought.

Fourth Admendment

protects citizens from searches and seizures without a warrant.

John Brown

racial abolitionist who led violent protests against slavery.

Samuel Adams

radical colonial American rebel; leader of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and Committees of Correspondence

Secondary Sources

records that explain or interpret primary sources

Fifth Admendment

says no one can punish anyone without due process law. this proctects people from being forced to testify in their own criminal trial

Napoleonic Wars

series of early-nineteenth-century wars between Napoleonic France and various European powers; ultimately resulting in new balance of power in Europe

Maroon Communities

settlements of escaped slaves in the Western Hemisphere

African Union

similiar to the EU, is a forum for African countries to organize and cooperate politically, militarily, and economically.

Civil Rights Movement

social and political movement for the rights of African Americans and other disenfranchised people in the 1960s.


sovereign territory ruled by an ethnic majority, in contrast to pervious models of imperial rule in which one ethic group governed many others. Under the concept of a nation-state, individuals with shared experience (including ethnicity, language, religion, and cultural practices) should be unified under one government.

Ninth Amendment

states that people's rights are not limited to just those listed in the Constitution.


stresses liberties and rights as central values, opposes corruption, rejects inherited political power, and encourages citizens to be civic minded and independent.


study of government and its policies as affected by physical geography


ten out of 12 are known as the bill of rights.

Holy Land

term to describe the Levant, location of holy cities and sites important to the three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam); often used in reference to the Crusades

Silk Road

term to describe trade routes stretching from Europe to China through Central Asia; spurred global exchange of goods and information.


territory granted by lords to their vassals in exchange for loyalty under the feudal system

Mali Empire

(1235-1500) , based farther south in Timbuktu, eventually expanded beyond the original Ghanian boundaries all the way to the West African coast, and controlled the valuable gold and salt trades.

Shang Dynasty (China)

(1650 - 1027 BCE) Considered to be the earliest dynasty in China. A major contribution to Chinese culture was an advanced system of writing, by using pictographs, or drawings of objects, and ideographs, or drawings that expressed a thought or idea. Like other early civilizations, the Shang Dynasty featured the use of bronze technology, horses, wheeled technology, walled cities, and other advances.

French Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

French and Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

Valley Forge

(1777-1778) Encampment where George Washington's poorly equipped army spent a wretched, freezing winter. Hundreds of men died and more than a thousand deserted. The plight of the starving, shivering soldiers reflected the main weakness of the American army - a lack of stable supplies and munitions.

Frederick Douglass

(1817-1895) American abolitionist and writer, he escaped slavery and became a leading African American spokesman and writer. He published his biography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and founded the abolitionist newspaper, the North Star.

Gettysburg Address

(1863) a speech given by Abraham Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg, in which he praised the bravery of Union soldiers and renewed his commitment to winning the Civil War; supported the ideals of self-government and human rights

Cuban Missle Crisis (1962)

(1962), Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba, and military crisis were narrowly averted thanks to the diplomacy of the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and the popular US president John F. Kennedy. The two countries also supported opposing sides in wars against the world-The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Soviet-Afghan War, and many more.

Qin Dynasty

(221-206 BCE) was characterized by a centralized administration, expanded infrastructure, standardization in weights and measures, writing, currency, and strict imperial control


(274 CE - 337 CE) Roman Emperor between 306 CE and 337 CE. He issued the Edict of Milan which outlawed the persecution of Christians. He also founded the city of Constantinople, the future capital of the Byzantine Empire.


(Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938, when mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews.

Glasnot and Perestroika

(for openness and transparency).

Middle Ages

(or Dark Ages) Time period from the fall of Rome to around the 10th century in Europe. It was chaotic, unstable, and unsafe time. What protection and stability existed were represented and maintained by the Catholic Church and the feudal system.

Qin Shihuangdi

(r.221-210 BCE) The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who believed strongly in Legalism and sought to strengthen the centralized China through public works.

Exclusive Federal Government Powers

*Coin Money *Declare War *Establish lower federal courts *Sign Foreign Treaties *Expand territories and admit new states *Regulate Immigration *Regulate interstate commerce

Push and Pull Factors cause people to migrate:

*Economic *Cultural *Sociopolitical *Environmental Pull factors like job opportunities or better living standards attract people to new locations. Push factors like famine, drought, war, lack of economic opportunities and political persecution drive people to leave their homes in search of relief.

Exclusive Government Powers

*Establish local government *Hold and regulate elections *Implement welfare and benefit programs *Create and oversea public education *Establish licensing requirements *Regulate state corportations *Regulate commerce within the state

Three Theories of Geopolitical Power

*Heartland Theory *Rimland Theory *Organic Theory

concurrent powers (shared)

*Levy taxes *Borrow Money *Charter corporations

The middle latitudes, have three climates:

*Mediterranean Climate *Humid Subtropical Climate *Marine Climate


*The world's 20 most important economic and political powers, including many former colonies and non-European countries.

The low latitudes, have three distinct climates:

*Tropical Rainforests *Savannah *Desert

The high latitudes have two climates:

*Tundra *Taiga

Great Fear

terror among French peasants in 1789 over food shortages and a suspected conspiracy against the Third Estate. The Third Estate triggered the Great Fear among the peasants in July 1789. Suspicion turned to action when the king sent troops to Paris, and on July 16th, the people stormed the Bastille prison in an event that is still celebrated in France symbolic overthrow of tyranny.

How many people in the senate?

100 (2 per state)

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

14 points that justified the enormous military struggle that that been waged. Made steps to create peace. Inc a desire to make league of nations.

English Civil War

1642 conflict between the Royalists, who supported the monarchy, and the Parliamentarians, who wanted a republic. Eventually the Royalists succumbed to the Parliamentarians.

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865). Was the 1st Republican President.

King Henry VIII

16th century English Monarch; rejected Catholicism; Founder of the Church of England. Further consolidating his own power, famously allowing divorce and marrying several times himself. He reign initiated a chain of events leading to the consolidation of Protestantism in England, and eventually civil war and the empowerment of Parliament.

Suleiman the Magnificent

16th century Ottoman caliph who consolidated Ottoman rule throughout the Mediterranean world (Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa) and would hols that land until the 19th century.

Pontiac's Rebellion

1763 - An Indian uprising after the French and Indian War, led by an Ottowa chief named Pontiac. They opposed British expansion into the western Ohio Valley and began destroying British forts in the area. The attacks ended when Pontiac was killed.

Boston Massacre

1770 event in which British Troops fired on a crowd of American Protestors.

Boston Tea Party

1773 protest of the Tea Act in which American colonial protestors disguised as Native Americans tossed tea off a ship in Boston Harbor.

Intolerable Acts

1774; laws meant to punish Boston after the Tea Party; closed the harbor, created a police state, Quebec Act, and had to quarter troops in civilian homes Closing Boston Harbor and bringing Massachusetts back under direct royal control.

Battle of Yorktown

1781 defeat of British forces by the Continental Army with support from France, ending the Revolutionary War

When was the Consitution written?


Constitution Convention

1787 meeting of the states to resolve problems arising from limitations on federal power. A decision was made to completely throw out the old Articles and write a new governing document from scratch- The Constitution.

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from France. Made by Jefferson, this doubled the size of the US.

Adam-Onis Treaty

1819 agreement between the United States and Spain where Spain sold Florida to the United States, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams secured the deal

Missouri Compromise

1820 Legislation that allowed Missouri to join the union as a slave state but provided that any other six states north of the 36 parallel would be free.

Indian Removal Act

1830 law that forced Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and others from their lands in the Southeast to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

Scott vs. Sanford

1857 dredd Scott was a slave who was taken to Wisconson to live freely for two years. He argued that the two years he lived on free soil made him a freedmen. Sued for his freedom. SC decided that he was a slave.

Battle of Fort Sumter

1861 attack on Union troops in Sumter, South Carolina, by Confederate forces shortly after South Carolina seceded from the Union; this battle sparked the Civil War

Reconstruction Acts

1867 - Pushed through congress over Johnson's veto, it gave radical Republicans complete military control over the South and divided the South into five military zones, each headed by a general with absolute power over his district.

Early China

the Shang Dynasty, the first known dynasty, emerged around the second millennium BCE and developed the earliest known Chinese writing, which helped unite Chinese-speaking people through the region.

Franco-Prussian War

1870 conflict when Prussia began to assert its military power and took control of mineral-rich Alsace-Lorraine from France; outcome helped fuel Prussian industrial development During which Prussia took control of Alsace-Lorraine, mineral rich and later essential for industrial development.

Gilded Age

1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor

Queen Victoria

18th century British Monarch who oversaw imperial expansion throughout India, Australia, and large parts of Africa. (1837-1901).

Second World War

1939-1945. Hitler sought to restore Germany's power and expand its reach by annexing and invading various countries. Germany's 1939 invasion of Poland is commonly considered the beginning of the Second World War. In 1940, Germany took Paris.

Korematsu v. United States

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 to each survivor.

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Karl Marx

19TH century German economist and philosopher who, with Friedrich Engels, developed socialism.

Industrial Revolution

19th century economic revolution beginning in Europe marked by mechanization in agriculture and transportation and the emergence of factories. This textile production in Britain, fueled by cotton from its overseas territories in North American, and later India and Egypt. The first factories were in Manchester, where urbanization began as poor people from rural areas flocked to cities in search of higher-payer unskilled jobs in factories.

Napoleon Bonaparte

19th century emperor who conquered much of Europe, changing political balance of power on the continent. Proceeded to conquer much of Europe through the Napoleonic Wars, changing the face of Europe. Napoleon's movement eastward also triggered the collapse of the Roman Empire. However, the powerful state of Prussia emerged in its wake, and a strong sense of militarism and Germanic nationalism took root in the face of opposition to seemingly unstoppable France. He finally defeated Russia in 1812, and was forced by the European powers to abdicate in 1813. He escaped from prison on the Mediterranean Island of Elba and raised an army again, overthrowing the restored monarch Louis XVIII. Defeated at Waterloo y the British, he was once again exiled, this time to St. Helena in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

Communist Manifesto

19th century pamphlet written by Marx and Engels about socialism; called for revolution against the capitalist system; inspired the formation of socialist groups worldwide.

Simon Bolivar

19th century revolutionary latin American leader. Led or influenced independence movements in Venezuela, Colombia (including what is today Panama), Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia in the early part of the 19th century.

The Greeks established colonies for over?

300 years across the Black Sea, Southern Italy, Sicily and the eastern Mediterranean, Spreading Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean world; it was eventually conquered by the rising Mediterranean Power, Rome.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd US President - He began New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression, and he was the nation's leader during most of WWII

How many people in the house of representatives?

435 people

How many people in congress?

535 people

Berlin Conference

A 1884 conference in Berlin where Africa was divided up into colonies controlled by European powers as part of the scramble for Africa, without regard for Africans. In the early 20th century Britain also gained control of South Africa, and white would rule the country until the end of Apartheid in the early 1990s. France controlled West Africa and eventually North Africa; Belgium controlled the resource-rich Congo.

Russo-Japanese War

A 1904-1905 conflict between Russia and Japan, sparked by the two countries' efforts to dominate Manchuria and Korea and would play a central role in 20th century conflict.

The Battle of the Somme

A 1916 WWI (1914-1918) battle between German and British forces. Ending in a stalemate, the bitter three-month conflict is notable for the high number of casualties- 1.25 million men killed or wounded - and the first use of tanks in warfare. Became part of the allied effort to repel Germany using artillery to end the stalemate on the Western Front; after four months, however, the front moved only five minutes.

Charles Martel

A Frankish leader who rallied warriors to push Muslims out of France. Defeated the Moors at the Battle of Tours (or Poitiers) in 732 CE, effectively stopping any further Islamic incursion into Europe from the south. After Martel's death, Charlemagne, the son of a court official, eventually took over the kingdom.


A battle that took place in New York where the Continental Army defeated the British. It proved to be the turning point of the war. This battle ultimately had France to openly support the colonies with military forces in addition to the supplies and money already being sent.


A climate located in the low latitudes north and south of the savannah; the hottest and driest parts of the earth; receives less than 10 inches of rainfall a year. Famous Deserts Include: *Sahara Desert *The Australian Outback *Arabian Desert

What type of factor might contribute to inflation?

A decrease is supply and a large amount of printed currency.


A factor that can change

Harriet Tubman (1821-1913)

A former escaped slave, she was one of the shrewdest conductors of the Underground Railroad, leading 300 slaves to freedom. She made 19 trips into slave territory to lead fellow blacks to freedom. Her successes caused her to be referred to as "the Moses of her people."

Absolute Monarchy

A government in which the king or queen has absolute power.

Coast Salish

A group of ethnically and linguistically related Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, living in British Columbia, Canada and the states of Washington and Oregon in the United States.

League of Nations

A largely toothless international organization established after WW2 and designed to prevent future outbreaks of international war; the basis for the later United Nations.

The Battle of Verdun (1916)

A long-lasting battle between the Germans and the French. The French won, but lost a lot of soldiers.


A member of a British political party, founded in 1689, that was the opposition party to the Whigs and has been known as the Conservative Party since about 1832


A movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions. The basis for reinvigorated European cultures and political thought and that would drive its development for the next several centuries-and inspire revolution.


A navigational instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars

The Meiji Restoration was...

A period of modernization and westernization in Japan.

Pax Romana

A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire. Rome controlled the entire Mediterranean region, Europe, and much of the Middle East and North Africa. Latin literature flourished, as did art, architecture, philosophy, mathematics, science, and international trade throughout Rome and beyond into Asia and Africa.

New Deal

A plan by President Franklin Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the Great Depression.

Marshall Plan (1947)

A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe on condition they wouldn't go communist. Helped contain communism in Europe and helped our economy as Europe bought from US businesses to rebuild.

Vietnam War

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States.

Underground Railroad

A secret network of safe houses and connections to help slaves Escape to the North and to Canada in the 19th century. Helped enslaved people escape the South. Done by Harriet Tubman


A smaller and more maneuverable ship first used by the Portuguese to explore West Africa.


A supporter of women's claims to the same rights and treatment as men

checks and balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Zimmerman Telegram

A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S.

Golden Age

A time in a culture of high achievement in arts, literature, and science. Generally occurs in times of peace. Much of the Hellenic art, architecture, and philosophy known today emerged. The Greeks practiced the Olympic Games to honor their gods, a diverse panoply of deities with a detailed mythology.

Berlin Wall

A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West

Which of the following would be the most useful for studying population patterns within the state of Texas over a period of time? A. A bar graph detailing population numbers over a period of 30 years. B. A map with the number of people living in different parts of Texas in the year 2000. C. A photograph showing how many people were at a sate fair. D. A bar graph detailing population percentages compared with other states.

A. A bar graph detailing population numbers over a period of 30 years.

The Truman Doctrine justified which of the following United States policies? A. Aiding Greece and Turkey after the Second World War B. Participating in the United Nations C. Selling of arms to Iran D. Intervening in Nicaragua

A. Aiding Greece and Turkey after the Second World War The Truman Doctrine provided political, military, and economic assistance to democratic nations threatened by authoritarian forces and governments, including Greece and Turkey.

A student completes a research project on significant events of the American Revolution. Which of the following is an appropriate method to determine the credibility of the resources he or she has used to conduct research... A. Checking the author and date of research B. Reviewing website design and writing style C. Assuming all online resources are not credible D. Reviewing website design and domain name

A. Checking the author and date of research

All of the following contributed to the destruction of Native American populations in North American except: A. Colonists overuse of natural resources such as bison and timber. B. Transfer of smallpox from Europeans to Native Americans. C. Violent conflict over land and resources between Europeans and Native Americans D. Geographical displacement by colonist.

A. Colonists overuse of natural resources such as bison and timber. Colonists use of natural resources had little impact of the size of the Native American Population.

Which of the following was a method people used to prevent risk of discovery when helping slaves through the Underground Railroad? A. Escape routes were usually indirect in order to confuse pursers. B. Escape routes were usually direct to get slaves to freedom more quickly. C. Children stayed with their mothers. D. Information about routes was passed along by small notes.

A. Escape routes were usually indirect in order to confuse pursers.

Which of the following inventors is most associated with the use of the assembly line? A. Henry Ford B. Thomas Alva Edison C. Alexander Graham Bell D. Nikola Tesla

A. Henry Ford The question would encourage the student to think about who is credited with the development of the assembly line and that it was Henry Ford.

Which of the following are major major physical regions in the continental United States? A. Humid continental, humid subtropical, Mediterranean, marine, desert. B. Humid continental, humid subtropical, taiga, tundra, Mediterranean. C. Humid continental, Mediterranean, marine, taiga, tropical rainforest. D. The Sun Belt, the Bible Belts and the Coasts.

A. Humid continental, humid subtropical, Mediterranean, marine, desert. These are all major physical regions in North American.

Which of the following was a major effect of the New Deal in the United States? A. Increased federal government spending B. Decreased involvement in foreign affairs C. Decreased wages for government workers D. Increased privatization of industries

A. Increased federal government spending The question would encourage the student to think about the effects of the New Deal program and that one effect was increased government spending to fund the programs.

Which of the following describes the effect of the interstate highway system on life in the United States? A. Increased suburban development B. Increased education funding C. Decreased use of airline transportation D. Decreased demand for overseas goods

A. Increased suburban development The question would encourage the candidate to think about the effects of the interstate highway system and that one effect was increased suburban development.

Which of the following describes the use of a natural resource in the development of early Mesopotamian society? A. Irrigating crops with river water B. Hunting animals on plateaus C. Farming crops on terraced hillsides D. Navigating ships on oceans

A. Irrigating crops with river water Ancient Mesopotamia emerged as one of the early river valley civilizations in history. They used the water from the nearby river to irrigate their crops.

Which of the following is considered a negative consequence of the Civil War? A. Sharecropping in the South B. The South was forgiven for leaving the Union. C. Adding amendments to the Constitution to address equal protection for people under the law. D. The Union helped the South rebuild roads and farms.

A. Sharecropping in the South

Which of the following is an event that successfully ended the Cold War? A. The August Coup B. The Fall of the Berlin Wall C. The Cuban Missile Crisis D. The success of the Sputnik program

A. The August Coup This 1991 event in which members of the Soviet government attempted to take control from Mikhail Gorbachev contributed to the dissolution of the USSR, effectively ending the Cold War.

Which of the following most contributed to the fall of the ancient Egyptians? A. The death of Cleopatra B. Alexander the Great conquering their land C. Severe droughts D. Canaanite settlers entering Egypt

A. The death of Cleopatra

Which of the following events was the context for the Gettysburg Address? A. The dedication of a national cemetery during the American Civil War B. The opening of an immigrant processing center during the Gilded Age C. The attack on a battleship at the start of the Spanish-American War D. The annexation of new territory during the era of western expansion

A. The dedication of a national cemetery during the American Civil War The question would encourage the student to think about when Abraham Lincoln made the Gettysburg Address and that the speech was made at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery during the Civil War.

Which of the following is most responsible for changing the cultural landscape of the American West in the late nineteenth century? A. The expansion of the railroad B. The growth of Indian settlements C. The relocation of Mexican citizens D. The establishment of slave states

A. The expansion of the railroad The question would encourage students to understand how the expansion of the railroad brought diverse groups to the western territories who created cities and town along the railways.

Which of the following events most contributed to Southern states seceding from the Union? A. The inauguration of Abraham Lincoln B. The occurrence of Nat Turner's Rebellion C. The ratification of the Civil Rights Act D. The signing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

A. The inauguration of Abraham Lincoln The question would encourage students to understand that Southerners opposed Lincoln gaining the presidency because he favored the Northern delegates regulating trade and expressed views against slavery.

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the scarcity of oil that led to the energy crisis in the 1970s? A. The president urged US citizens to heat only one room in their homes in the winter. B. The automative industry suffered as Japan created more fuel-efficient vehicles. C. Political leaders asked gas stations to close for one day a week. D. Oil Prices were high for most of the decade.

A. The president urged US citizens to heat only one room in their homes in the winter. The British Prime Minister asked people to do this; the US president did not.

Which of the following were considered geographical features on a map? A. plains, plateaus, valleys, and mountains. B. continents, plateaus, cardinal directions, and mountains. C. Bodies of water, plains, plateaus, and countries. D. Plains, plateaus, areas depicting agricultural products, and mountains

A. plains, plateaus, valleys, and mountains.

Which of the following maps would most likely be used in distinguishing cultural regions? A.A world map of languages B.A North American topographical map C.A world map of natural resources D.A precipitation map of Europe

A.A world map of languages The question encourages students to understand that language is a cultural component.

Which of the following is one characteristic of a democracy? A.Citizens participate in the fair election of government officials. B.Government power is controlled by a few individuals. C.Government power is controlled by a single monarch. D.Citizens are punished for criticizing government officials.

A.Citizens participate in the fair election of government officials. The question encourages the student to understand that free and fair elections are an aspect of a democracy.

Which of the following describes the compromise over slavery that the delegates agreed upon during the Constitutional Convention? A.Delegates agreed on how slaves would be counted in the census. B.People in a territory could vote on whether slavery would be permitted. C.Once a territory became a state, slavery would not be permitted. D.The government agreed to use federal troops to capture escaped slaves.

A.Delegates agreed on how slaves would be counted in the census. During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the northern and southern states debated how slaves should be counted when determining a state's total population. A state's population determined the number of representatives per state. A compromise was reached where each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person. This measure was called the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Held the first Olympics Polytheistic Practiced direct democracy Which of the following ancient civilizations is described? A.Greece B.Egypt C.Rome D.China

A.Greece The Greeks developed the Olympics. They also believed in many gods. In addition, they had a form of direct democracy.

A local clothing store offers customers fifty percent off the price of all inventory items. Which of the following economic terms best describes this example? A.Incentive B.Production C.Consumption D.Scarcity

A.Incentive This is an example of an incentive because the consumer is being motivated to shop at the store.

Which of the following countries received its independence from Great Britain in 1947? A.India B.Argentina C.The Philippines D.Peru

A.India India was a colony of Great Britain and received its independence in 1947.

Which of the following countries have territorial claims in Kashmir? A.India, Pakistan, and China B.Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran C.Iran, Iraq, and Russia D.Russia, China, and India

A.India, Pakistan, and China The countries of India, Pakistan, and China are in a triangular conflict in Kashmir because all three countries make territorial claims in Kashmir.

Which of the following is accurate about the geography of Peru? A.Its coastal region is comprised of desert. B.The majority of the country is made up of grasslands. C.The country has mostly rolling hills and very few mountains. D.It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and has few water features.

A.Its coastal region is comprised of desert. The coast of Peru is comprised of close to 3,000 kilometers of desert.

Which of the following best describes the prime meridian? A.Longitude line that divides Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres B.Line of latitude that divides Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres C.Longitude line that demarcates the change of the calendar day D.Line of latitude that marks the most northerly point on a map

A.Longitude line that divides Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres The question encourages students to understand that the prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude and divides the earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres.

Which of the following actions would a government most likely take to encourage economic growth? A.Lowering interest rates B.Raising income taxes C.Increasing federal regulations D.Decreasing federal spending

A.Lowering interest rates The question encourages students to understand that lowering interest rates encourages borrowing and economic development.

Which of the following countries did the United States come into conflict with as a result of the annexation of the Republic of Texas? A.Mexico B.France C.Canada D.Spain

A.Mexico The question encourages students to understand that the Republic of Texas was the territory of the Mexican government before Texas declared its independence in 1836. When the United States annexed Texas in 1845 this led to a conflict between the U.S. and Mexico.

Which of the following is best described as the study of individual economic behavior? A.Microeconomics B.Macroeconomics C.Social economics D.Institutional economics

A.Microeconomics The question encourages students to understand that microeconomics focuses on individual economic decisions.

"With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." United States president, 1823 Which of the following is most associated with this speech? A.Monroe Doctrine B.Roosevelt Corollary C.Louisiana Purchase D.Missouri Compromise

A.Monroe Doctrine The question encourages students to understand that President James Monroe delivered this speech in 1823 as part of the Monroe Doctrine.

Which of the following time zones is located between California and Texas? A.Mountain B.Central C.Eastern D.Pacific

A.Mountain California is located in the Pacific time zone and Texas is in the Central time zone. The Mountain time zone is located between the Pacific and Central time zones.

n which of the following regions is Islam the predominant religion? A.Northern Africa B.Western Europe C.Northern South America D.Eastern Asia

A.Northern Africa A large portion of the population in the northern region of Africa is Muslim.

"Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law, for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group. . . . Any language in contrary to this finding is rejected. We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Earl Warren, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court Which of the following court cases did this ruling overturn? A.Plessy vversus. Ferguson B.Regents of the University of California vversus. Bakke C.Dred Scott vversus. Sandford D.Korematsu vversus.United States

A.Plessy vversus. Ferguson The Brown vversus. Board of Education ruling overturned the Plessy vversus. Ferguson ruling, declaring "separate but equal" to be unconstitutional.

In which of the following nations did the conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi take place? A.Rwanda B.South Africa C.Ethiopia D.Uganda

A.Rwanda The conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi took place in the country of Rwanda.

The following excerpt is a portion of a letter from George Washington to Henry Knox in February, 1787. "If three years ago, any person had of told me that at this day, I should see such a formidable rebellion against the laws and constitutions of our own making as now appears, I should have thought him a bedlamite (insane person)—fit subject for a madhouse..." Which of the following rebellions is discussed in this excerpt? A.Shays' Rebellion B.Nat Turner's Rebellion C.The Whiskey Rebellion D.Stono Rebellion

A.Shays' Rebellion The question encourages students to understand that Daniel Shays led a rebellion against the Massachusetts courts over grievances concerning the seizure of farms for failure to pay state taxes.

Which of the following European nations was the first to colonize the southwestern United States? A.Spain B.Portugal C.France D.England

A.Spain Spain was the first European nation to explore and colonize the Southwestern United States as early as the mid 1500s fifteen hundreds.

The destruction of the USSU S S Maine led to the start of which of the following events? A.Spanish-American War B.First World War C.Mexican-American War D.War of 1812

A.Spanish-American War The sinking of the USSU S S Maine in Havana, Cuba, in February 1898 prompted the United States to declare war on Spain, beginning the Spanish-American War.

Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution was used to justify segregation? A.Tenth B.Sixth C.Fifth D.Third

A.Tenth The question encourages the student to understand that during the early years of the modern Civil Rights movement, segregationists argued that the power to separate groups within society was a reserved power of the states according to the Tenth Amendment.

Which of the following events most contributed to the start of the American Revolution? A.The British taxing the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War B.The blockade of the American colonies by the British navy C.The drafting of the Constitution by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia D.The commissioning of George Washington as commander of the Continental army

A.The British taxing the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War At the conclusion of the French and Indian War, the British imposed taxes to help pay debts from the war. As a result of these taxes, American colonists began resisting British rule.

Which of the following actions contained a controversial fugitive slave provision? A.The Compromise of 1850 B.The Missouri Compromise C.The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 D.The Three-Fifths Compromise

A.The Compromise of 1850 Part of the Compromise of 1850 was the provision that any runaway slave found in a non-slave state had to be sent back to the South.

"I am of the opinion that when once these rebels have felt a smart blow, they will submit; and no situation can ever change my fixed resolution...." King George III Which of the following is most related to the topic discussed in this excerpt? A.The Declaration of Independence B.The Louisiana Purchase C.The Constitution of the United States D.The Treaty of Paris of 1763

A.The Declaration of Independence The question encourages students to understand that the quote is a response by King George regarding the colonies in the Americas wanting their independence from Great Britain.

Which of the following best explains how intensive agriculture, poor irrigation practices, and overgrazing have affected the environment? A.They have contributed to the desertification of areas. B.They have increased the potential for droughts to occur. C.They have prevented deforestation from occurring in tropical regions. D.They have caused carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to decline.

A.They have contributed to the desertification of areas. Human activities that contribute to desertification include the expansion and intensive use of agricultural lands, poor irrigation practices, deforestation, and overgrazing. These practices place enormous pressure on the land by changing its soil chemistry and hydrology. Overexploited lands suffer from erosion, soil salinization, loss of productivity, and decreased resilience to climatic variations.

Which of the following statements best describes indentured servants during the American colonial period? A.They obtained their freedom once their contract was completed. B.They consisted primarily of young women and children. C.The majority served in wealthy homes in the northern colonies. D.They paid higher taxes to offset the cost of their trip to the Americas.

A.They obtained their freedom once their contract was completed. Indentured servants in the American colonies typically served for seven years and received their freedom and a plot of land when their service was complete.

Which of the following best explains why Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan used deficit spending? A.To stimulate weak economies B.To regulate financial markets C.To promote territorial expansion D.To prevent racial inequality

A.To stimulate weak economies The question encourages the student to understand that both Presidents needed to revitalize poor economies during their administrations and they did this through deficit spending.

Which of the following best describes a reasonable application of how geography can be used to interpret the past? A.To understand how the discovery of gold affected the development of California B.To analyze the potential hazards of overcrowding in urban areas C.To determine the longitude and latitude of the capital of Nebraska D.To calculate the topographical features of a specific region

A.To understand how the discovery of gold affected the development of California The question encourages the student to understand how physical and human geography can be applied to interpret the history of California during the gold rush.

Which of the following countries is known as the breadbasket of Europe? A.Ukraine B.France C.Ireland D.Poland

A.Ukraine The rich dark soil and the vast fields of wheat and other food products have earned Ukraine the nickname "breadbasket of Europe."

Following the Civil War, poll taxes were primarily used in the South to deny access to which of the following? A.Voting B.Public education C.Employment D.Military service

A.Voting Poll taxes were passed to deny many African Americans the right to vote.

Which of the following helped many homesteaders to establish farms on the Great Plains during the 1800seighteen hundreds? A.Windmills to pump water for irrigation B.Levees to control flooding C.Steel to construct cities to withstand earthquakes D.Cars to transport crops to markets

A.Windmills to pump water for irrigation Homesteaders utilized windmills to pump water for irrigation on the Great Plains.

Which of the following best describes one result of the introduction of robotics into manufacturing centers? A.Workers will need to be retrained to perform different jobs. B.Additional assembly-line workers will be needed to work in automated factories. C.The price of goods created through automation will increase. D.Additional management personnel will be needed to make decisions about production levels.

A.Workers will need to be retrained to perform different jobs. The introduction of robotics in factories has reduced the need for human laborers, which has resulted in the need to retrain workers to perform different jobs.

Gettysburg Address (1863)

Abraham Lincoln referred to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, asserting that the Civil War was a test of the survival of the Union as established in 1776. Declaring that people must ensure that the "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". He claimed that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate expression of the original democratic intentions for the US. Using the founding document as a basis for his speech, his pointed out that the Civil War was a "new birth of freedom," bringing equality to US citizens.

Quartering Act of 1765

Act forcing colonists to house and supply British forces in the colonies; created more resentment; seen as assault on liberties.

Revolutionary actors

Actors drew on the philosophies of enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Montequieu, whose beliefs, such as republicanism, the social contract, the separation of powers, and the rights of man would drive the Age of Revolutions.

Triple Alliance

Alliance of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy in the First World War (against Russia, The UK, and France) Germany declared war on Russia. Russia's ally France prepared for war; as Germany traversed Belgium to invade France, Belgium pleaded for aid from other European countries, and so Britain declared war on Germany.

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws


American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won

Sugar Act of 1764

An act that raised tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. It also increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies.

Proportional Representation (PR)

An electoral system in which political parties compete in multimember districts; voters choose between parties, and the seats in the district are awarded proportionally according to the results of the vote

United Nations

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation. Was formed to prevent around world war. It was based off the league of nations, and its mission is to champion human rights and uphold international security.


Andean civilization dominant in western South America before European contact; constructed mountain transportation and agricultural infrastructure

Republican Party

Antislavery political party that formed in the 1850's.

When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?

April 14, 1865


Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam. Was born in Mecca around 570 CE; he began receiving messages from God (Allah), preaching them around 613 as the last affirmations of the monotheistic religions and writing them as the Qur'an, the Islamic holy book. Driven from Mecca to Medina in 622, Muhammed and his followers were able to recapture the city and other major Arabian towns by the time of his death, establishing Islam and Arab rule in the region. After Muhammad's death is 632, his followers went to the conquer land beyond Arabia north into the weakening Byzantine Empire.

Athens Revolutionary Democracy

Around 460 BCE, controlled by the poor and working classes. It was participated rather than representative; officials were chosen by groups rather than elected. Athenian ideals have influenced politics and governance throughout history.

Florence Italy (European Renaissance)

Art, considered not just a form of expression but also a science in itself, flourished in the 15th century Italy. Major figures who explored anatomy in sculpture, design, and perspective, and innovation in architecture included Leonardo Da Vince, Botticelli, and Michelangelo. Leonardo is particularly known for his scientific pursuits in addition to artistic achievement.

Schlieffen Plan

Attack plan by Germans, proposed by Schliffen, lightning quick attack against France. Proposed to go through Belgium then attack France, Belgium resisted, other countries took up their aid, long fight, used trench warfare.

Battle of the Marne

August 1914 when Paris was defended from German capture at the Marne River Between Germany and French and British forces defending France resulted in trench warfare that would continue for years, marking the Western Front.

Gallipoli in 1915

Australian and New Zealander troops fought the Ottoman Empire, allies of Germany, near Istanbul. Later that year, a German submarine, or U-boat, sank the Lusitania, a passenger ship in the Atlantic, killing many American civilians.

Montezuma II

Aztec leader when Europeans arrived in Mesoamerica; captured by Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes

Which TWO of the following locations are the best examples of how human interaction can affect the environment? A.The Grand Canyon B.The Hoover Dam C.Niagara Falls D.Grand Teton E.Mount Rushmore

B and E The question encourages the student to understand that the Hoover Dam was man-made that altered the landscape of the region. Mount Rushmore was also man-made and was constructed from 1927 to 1941 by Gutzon Borglum and over 400 workers in the Haney National Forest in South Dakota.

Which of the following best exemplifies a global marketplace? A. A US freelancer goes on vacation in Paris and does remote work for a US client. B. A business in the US orders part from Taiwan, India, and Mexico then assembles the final product in Germany. C. A commercial website purchases inventory from China. D. Appliances share a standardized electrical system.

B. A business in the US orders part from Taiwan, India, and Mexico then assembles the final product in Germany. A global marketplace involved the exchange of goods and labor around the world.

Which resource would be most useful to a researcher who is studying the significance of the Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Strait of Gibraltar? A. A table with currency exchange rates between the United States and European countries B. A map of the countries located between the North Atlantic and the Arabian Sea C. A bar graph showing the number of democratic nations in the Middle East D. A diary entry describing a traveler's encounters along the Silk Road

B. A map of the countries located between the North Atlantic and the Arabian Sea The Suez Canal is located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, the Strait of Hormuz is located between Iran and Oman, and the Strait of Gibraltar is located between Spain and Northwest Africa.

Which of the follow emerged during World War 1? A. Penicillin B. Aircraft Carriers C. Radar D. Nuclear Power

B. Aircraft Carriers The first aircraft carrier flew off a boat in 1912

In which of the following types of economies do the government and central planners play the largest part in deciding how resources are used and distributed to the people? A. Capitalist B. Command C. Free market D. Traditional

B. Command In command economies, the government makes all of the decisions regarding the production and distribution of goods and services.

Which of the following were part of the New England Colonies? A. New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts B. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire C. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and New Jersey D. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware

B. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire

Antitrust law strengthens market forced to prevent monopolies. Which of the following terms best describes the implementation of antitrust law? A. Social regulation B. Economic regulation C. Health regulation D. Social security

B. Economic regulation

Which of the following examples describes an action performed by the federal government? A. Collecting property taxes to fund public schools B. Establishing trade agreements with other nations C. Determining zoning guidelines for urban development D. Raising sales taxes on major goods

B. Establishing trade agreements with other nations Forming trade agreements with other nations is a government action restricted to the federal government.

Which of the following most contributed to Japan's rise as an industrial power in the late nineteenth century? A. Acquiring natural resources from China B. Establishing trade with the United States C. Joining a military alliance with Germany D. Annexing territories from Russia

B. Establishing trade with the United States The arrival of Commodore Perry and the opening of trade with the United States and other countries was one of the greatest factors in the industrial development of Japan.

Which of the following terms describes the economic principle of allowing industry to grow without any government intervention? A. Interdependence B. Free-Market Economy C. Communism D. Monopoly

B. Free-Market Economy

Which of the following best defines opportunity cost? A. Allocating federal taxes to improve the economy B. Gaining one item out of two by giving up the second item C. Having limited resources to produce goods for market D. Allocating funds for the manufacture of a specific product

B. Gaining one item out of two by giving up the second item The question would encourage students to think about how opportunity cost is the next best alternative when making an economic choice.

Which of the following statements best describes gender role? A. Gender role is the sex group (male or female) to which the individual belongs. B. Gender role consists of the set of behaviors society considers appropriate for each sex group. C. Gender role consists of actions taken by individuals to eliminate gender stereotypes. D. Gender role consists of fixed, culturally invariant expectations for each sex group.

B. Gender role consists of the set of behaviors society considers appropriate for each sex group. Gender roles are social and behavioral norms that determine how males and females speak, think, dress, and interact within society.

Which of the following best describes the motivational for the reformer Martin Luther? A. He originally sought to develop a new reform of Christianity separate from the Catholic Church. B. He tried to reform the Catholic Church because he was unhappy with its teachings and its corruption. C. He was influenced by European political leaders, who used him to limit the powers of the Church. D. He tried to topple the Catholic Church, believing it to have become too corrupt.

B. He tried to reform the Catholic Church because he was unhappy with its teachings and its corruption. Martin Luther and his followers opposed corruption in the Church and wanted changes.

Which of the following issues did the Three-Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 resolve? A. How to determine the number of senators granted each state in the Congress B. How to account for slaves for both the purposes of representation of states in the House of Representatives and of taxation of states by the national government C. How to determine federal compensation to states that forfeited western land claims D. How to determine how the revenue from tariffs on imported goods would be distributed between the federal government and the states

B. How to account for slaves for both the purposes of representation of states in the House of Representatives and of taxation of states by the national government The 3/5 Compromise was a result of a debate within the Continental Congress about apportioning taxes based on population or land value. 3/5 of a state's slaves were counted in terms of congressional representation, presidential electors, and direct taxes.

Which of the following most contributed to the growth of factory production in the United States during the early 1800s? A. Rise in labor union membership B. Introduction of new technologies C. Creation of vocational programs D. Increase in government regulations

B. Introduction of new technologies The question would encourage the candidate to think about the reason for the rise in factory production during the 1800s and a major reason for this was the introduction of new industrial machinery.

The correspondence between which of the following couples, in which the wife urged her husband, "Remember the ladies," is viewed by historians as an early illustration of the interest and activism of women in national policy? A. George and Martha Washington B. John and Abigail Adams C. James and Dolley Madison D. Andrew and Rachel Jackson

B. John and Abigail Adams In 1776, Abigail Adams wrote the now-famous "Remember the Ladies" letter to her husband, John, who was serving as the Massachusetts representative to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the executive branch? A. Approving Laws B. Making Laws C. Implementing Laws D. Enforcing Laws

B. Making Laws This is done my congress.

Which of the following established the concept of the judicial review? A. The John Peter Zenger Trial B. Marbury vs. Madison C. the Dred Scott case D. the Scopes Monkey Trial

B. Marbury vs. Madison

Question: Which of the following colonies was established as a haven for English Catholics? A. Massachusetts B. Maryland C. South Carolina D. New Hampshire

B. Maryland The question would encourage students to think about why each of the thirteen colonies were founded and that Maryland was founded as a haven for English Catholics.

Which colony had the highest proportion of German settlers during the colonial period? A. Massachusetts B. Pennsylvania C. New York D. Virginia

B. Pennsylvania The question encourages students to think about the population characteristics of the American colonies. Pennsylvania had the highest proportion of German settlers during the colonial period.

Which of the following ideas from Thomas Hobbes influenced the US Constitution? A. Individual rights should take priority over collective rights. B. People should give up some of their rights and form a government to ensure order in society. C. Communism is the only way to govern people. D. People should create a utopia to avoid the evils of government.

B. People should give up some of their rights and form a government to ensure order in society.

While the Crusades enriched Europe in many ways, they did not: A. Bring new knowledge to the West. B. Result in lasting land gains. C. Providing religious indulgences for crusades. D. Offer the opportunity to gain personal wealth.

B. Result in lasting land gains. European powers controlled some areas in the Levant, but only temporary.

Which of the following protects freedom of religion in the US? A. Separation of Powers. B. The 1st Amendment C. Power of eminent domain D. Popular Sovereignty

B. The 1st Amendment

Which of the following physical features provided a natural barrier against the growth of British colonies in North America? A. The Gulf of Mexico B. The Appalachian Mountains C. The Mississippi River D. The Rocky Mountains

B. The Appalachian Mountains The British did not establish colonies west of the Appalachian Mountains. In addition, the British tried to discourage settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains by issuing the Royal Proclamation of 1763.

Which of the following events is recognized as the beginning of the American Civil War? A. The Battle of Palmito Ranch B. The Battle of Fort Sumter C. The Missouri Compromise D. The Battle of Yorktown

B. The Battle of Fort Sumter

Which of the following is one governmental power established by the Articles of Confederation? A. The creation of an equitable system of taxation B. The ability to negotiate with foreign governments C. The establishment of a powerful executive branch D. The establishment of a system of national courts

B. The ability to negotiate with foreign governments The question would encourage the student to think about the features of the Articles of Confederation and that one strength was that it allowed the federal government to negotiate with foreign governments.

Which of the following factors most increased cultural diversity within the United States during the early nineteenth century? A. The relocation of American Indians in western territories B. The arrival of European immigrants in urban areas C. The migration of African Americans to northern cities D. The arrival of Asian workers to build railroads

B. The arrival of European immigrants in urban areas The immigration of people from various European countries to urban areas in the United States contributed to an increase in the cultural diversity of those areas.

Which of the following major events in US history led to a decline in immigration? A. The immigration act of 1965. B. The immigration act of 1924 and the great depression. C. World War 1, the Great Depression, and the Immigration Act of 1924. D. The Great Depression only.

B. The immigration act of 1924 and the great depression.

Which of the following lands was acquired during the Louisiana Purchase? A. The land roughly bordered by the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, and the Rio Grande River. B. The land roughly bordered by the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, and the northern-border of modern-day Texas. C. The land between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River, and modern-day Georgia. D. The land roughly bordered by the Rocky Mountains, and the Mississippi River, and including modern-day New Mexico.

B. The land roughly bordered by the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, and the northern-border of modern-day Texas.

Which of the following is NOT one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights: A. Citizens have the rights to bear arms B. The senate must have equal representation C. Citizens have the power of eminent domain. D. The government cannot quarter troops in private homes.

B. The senate must have equal representation

Which of the following does NOT describe gender roles? A. Gender roles features behavior considered appropriate for each sex by society, which generally acknowledges only male and female. B. There is a consensus that gender roles are socially constructed. C. Gender roles center on the idea of masculinity and femininity. D. Prevailing gender roles have been challenged.

B. There is a consensus that gender roles are socially constructed.

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the ancient Greek civilization? A. Men and women lived in different parts of a house. B. They built aqueducts to carry water to public toilets. C. Greek cities had an agora. D. Socrates was a famous Greek philosopher.

B. They built aqueducts to carry water to public toilets. This was done by the Romans

During the era of classical civilizations, which of the following primarily drove interaction between the Roman and Han empires? A. Religious conversion B. Trade in luxury goods C. Common interest in Daoism D. Geopolitical rivalry

B. Trade in luxury goods The Silk Road was a system of trade routes established during the Han Dynasty that stretched from China through India to Egypt, and eventually to the Roman Empire.

Which of the following is not a responsibility of the President of the US? A. Setting foreign policy. B. Writing legislations C. Delivering the State of the Union address D. Pardoning felons

B. Writing legislations

The Russian people's interest in acquiring and wearing American blue jeans is an example of A. cultural diversity B. cultural diffusion C. cultural adaptation D. acculturation

B. cultural diffusion Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural items (ideas, fashion, technology, etc.) from one central point to another.

Which of the following is an example of human geography? A. studying climate B. studying the spread of Christianity across the world C. studying the effect of land features on animals and plants D. studying continental movement over a period of time.

B. studying the spread of Christianity across the world

Which of the following most contributes to the cultural cohesion of a community? A.Diverse climate B.Common language C.Natural resources D.Market economy

B.Common language The question encourages students to understand that a common language is a major factor that helps provide cultural cohesion in communities. Language is an important cultural component because it facilitates communication. This furthers cultural interactions, passing of oral traditions, etc.

Which of the following demonstrates one way the government can promote competition? A.Implementing a tariff on foreign products B.Enacting and enforcing antitrust legislation C.Providing tax breaks for consumers D.Creating a national minimum wage

B.Enacting and enforcing antitrust legislation In order to promote competition, the government must ensure that one company does not have an unfair advantage over its competitors.

Which of the following best protects the security of citizens in a democracy? A.Limiting the number of potential candidates in elections B.Ensuring that voters are well-informed about elections C.Compensating candidates for money spent in elections D.Mandating that voters participate in elections

B.Ensuring that voters are well-informed about elections The question encourages students to understand that one of the responsibilities of citizens is to be an informed voter. It is important for voters to be well-informed so they can choose candidates who will represent their beliefs and concerns.

Which of the following rights did Thomas Jefferson believe John Adams violated when he signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law? A.The right to bear arms B.Freedom of the press C.The right to assemble peacefully D.Unreasonable searches and seizures

B.Freedom of the press Thomas Jefferson argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the freedom of speech and press.

Which of the following officials is the chief executive at the state level of government? A.Ambassador B.Governor C.Senator D.Mayor

B.Governor The question encourages the student to understand that the governor is the chief of the executive branch at the state level.

The Ring of Fire region is best known for which of the following characteristics? A.Slash-and-burn agriculture B.High levels of seismic activity C.Severe drought conditions D.High number of wildfires

B.High levels of seismic activity The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

Which of the following did Thomas Malthus theorize? A.An increase in population will stimulate society to increase food production. B.If left unchecked, a population will exhaust its available resources, resulting in naturally occurring checks on the population, such as famine, disease, and war. C.Overpopulation can lead to unsuitable farming practices that may degrade the land. D.Optimum population is achieved when the number of people working with available resources produces the highest economic return, resulting in the highest standard of living.

B.If left unchecked, a population will exhaust its available resources, resulting in naturally occurring checks on the population, such as famine, disease, and war. According to Malthus, if allowed to grow unchecked, a population would outstrip its available resources, resulting in what came to be known as Malthusian catastrophes: naturally occurring checks on population growth such as famine, disease, and war.

Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution extended the right to vote to women? A.Eighteenth Amendment B.Nineteenth Amendment C.Twentieth Amendment D.Twenty-First Amendment

B.Nineteenth Amendment The question encourages students to understand that the 19th amendment, passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, guaranteed all American women the right to vote.

Which of the following organizations was most responsible for the increased tensions over the shortage of a natural resource during the 1970s? A.World Customs Organization B.Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries C.World Trade Organization D.North Atlantic Treaty Organization

B.Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries The question encourages the student to understand that America's highly advanced industrial and technologically driven economy is fueled by petroleum, which our nation, then a net importer of oil, needed import from OPEC and foreign exporters.

Which of the following actions is considered primarily a duty of local governments? A.Negotiating with foreign leaders B.Organizing school systems C.Printing paper currency D.Establishing border security

B.Organizing school systems The question encourages the student to understand that the organization of schools is primarily the local government's responsibility.

Which of the following objectives is expressly stated in the preamble to the Constitution? A.Providing for the common defense and establishing political parties B.Providing for the common defense and establishing justice C.Insuring domestic tranquility and establishing voting procedures D.Promoting the general welfare and establishing political parties

B.Providing for the common defense and establishing justice The question encourages the student to understand that the Preamble expressly states that providing for the common defense and establish justice are two of the goals of the Constitution.

Government Regulations

the act of controlling business behavior through a set of rules or laws

An agricultural town experiences a drought and is not able to produce as many crops as it typically does. As a result, the farmers are unable to provide grocery stores the amount of products they had promised. Which of the following economic situations does the scenario create? A.Competition B.Scarcity C.Opportunity cost D.Absolute advantage

B.Scarcity Scarcity is a situation where resources are limited. In this example, the crops are limited because of the drought.

Which of the following regions is the vast, cold, dry region of eastern Russia? A.Beringia B.Siberia C.The Ural Mountains D.The Baltic coast

B.Siberia Siberia is the vast Russian province encompassing most of Northern Asia with extremely cold winters and low precipitation.

Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre Intolerable Acts The actions listed contributed to which of the following events? A.The French and Indian War B.The American Revolution C.The Proclamation of 1763 D.The War of 1812

B.The American Revolution The three actions listed contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War.

Which of the following documents was the initial attempt by the American colonists to establish an independent government? A.The Bill of Rights B.The Articles of Confederation C.The Declaration of Independence D.The Constitution of the United States

B.The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation were the first attempt by the colonists to create a government. They were ratified in 1781 and created a confederation of states and a weak central government. The states held the majority of the governmental power.

"...a Firm League of Friendship with each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them..." (1781) Which of the following documents outlines the objectives referred to in this excerpt? A.The Declaration of Independence B.The Articles of Confederation C.The Mayflower Compact D.The Bill of Rights

B.The Articles of Confederation The question encourages students to understand that the Articles of Confederation (1781-1789) provided the United States' first written framework for a national government.


the ancient Egyptian writing system that used picture symbols

Which of the following reasons explains why Russia withdrew from the First World War? A.The Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. B.The Bolshevik Revolution started. C.Nicolas II was crowned czar. D.Warsaw was captured by Germany.

B.The Bolshevik Revolution started. The Bolshevik uprising caused the Russian government to pull out of the war in 1917.

Which of the following events had the greatest impact on the size of the United States? A.The Gadsden Purchase B.The Louisiana Purchase C.The Oregon Treaty D.The annexation of Texas

B.The Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 for $15 million increased the size of the United States by adding 828,000 square miles.

Which of the following doubled the size of the United States? A.The Gadsden Purchase B.The Louisiana Purchase C.The annexation of Texas D.The cession of Florida

B.The Louisiana Purchase The question encourages students to understand that the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 nearly doubled the geographic size of the United States.

Which of the following accurately compares two ancient civilizations? A.The Egyptians and Aztecs both practiced monotheistic religions. B.The Sumerian civilization used cuneiform, and the Egyptians used hieroglyphics. C.The Phoenicians traded mostly by land routes, and the Chinese traded mostly by sea routes. D.The Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations lacked reliable sources of water.

B.The Sumerian civilization used cuneiform, and the Egyptians used hieroglyphics. The form of writing used by the Sumerians was cuneiform, and the Egyptians used hieroglyphics.

Which of the following statements best describes the historical settlement of the present-day United States? A.European powers cooperated with one another to colonize new territories. B.The area was primarily populated from the East Coast to the West Coast. C.Internal migration was discouraged by local government officials. D.Large groups of Native Americans were assimilated into European settlements.

B.The area was primarily populated from the East Coast to the West Coast. The question encourages students to understand that the United States was colonized geographically along the East Coast. Settlers eventually moved westward, settling the regions which would eventually be annexed as states in the Union.

Which of the following best describes how the increasing popularity of automobiles transformed the United States during the early twentieth century? A.The percentage of people who lived in rural areas increased. B.The number of roads that were paved increased. C.The percentage of minorities who voted increased. D.The number of mass transit systems that were built increased.

B.The number of roads that were paved increased. The question encourages students to understand that the increase in automobiles being utilized required local, state, and federal governments to expand their mileage of paved roads and highways to accommodate this increase.

Which of the following is a key component in determining the economic growth of a country? A.The landmass of the country B.The per capita national output C.The amount of natural resources D.The size of the country's population

B.The per capita national output Economic growth is directly related to percentage increase in GNP of a country.

Which of the following best describes President Woodrow Wilson's main justification for the entry of the United States into World War I? A.The threat of communism around the world needed to be eliminated. B.The world needed to be made safe for democracy. C.The Allied Powers demanded that war reparations be paid by Germany. D.The Central Powers launched an attack against a United States naval base.

B.The world needed to be made safe for democracy. The question encourages students to understand that in Wilson's Speech to Congress on April 2nd, 1917 asking to declare war he is directly quoted as saying, "The world must be made safe for democracy." This was in response to unrestricted German submarine warfare.

Harry Truman (1945-1953)

Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb


Before 1880, most immigrants were English and Irish, but from 1880 to 1920, more than 20 million immigrants came from Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe.


Began teaching philosophy, influencing later philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, establishing the basis for modern Western philosophical and political thought. Mathematical advances including the Pythagorean Theorem, Euclidean Geometry, and the calculation of the circumference of the earth.

Sophocles and Euripides

Best known writers of Greek tragedies during the Golden Age. Their work influenced later Western literature.

Alexander the Great

Between 334 and 323 B.C.E. he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East.

Ivan the Great

Bought Moscow from Mongol under Slavic Russia control, achieving Moscow's independence in 1480. He consolidated a Russia that was the foundation for an empire and a sovereign nation that sought diplomatic relations with Europe.

Segregation was found unconstitutional by what Supreme Court Decisions?

Brown vs. Board of Education

Which TWO of the following natural resources were European explorers trying to acquire during the early exploration of North America? A.Platinum B.Zinc C.Gold D.Iron E.Silver F.Ivory

C and E The question encourages students to understand that gold was one reason De Leon was in Florida. The question also encourages the student to understand that silver was another precious metal that European explorers were searching for.

Which TWO factors contributed to the failure of the Articles of Confederation? A.Congress abused its power to tax. B.Congress overregulated foreign trade. C.States printed local currencies. D.The executive branch abused its power to negotiate treaties. E.The federal government was unable to enforce laws.

C and E The question encourages students to understand that states printing local currencies interfered with interstate trade. Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. The question also encourages the student to understand that the government had no authority to enforce federal laws under the Articles of Confederation.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolution? A. The Boston Tea Party, in which colonists threw 298 chests of tea into the sea. B. Britain banning further westward expansion with the Proclamation of 1763. C. General Thomas Gage ordered troops to capture Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams. D. Charles Townshend taxing glass, oil, lead, and paint.

C. General Thomas Gage ordered troops to capture Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams. While troops were ordered to capture Samuel Adams, they were not asked to capture Thomas Jefferson.


the ancient Greek word for "city-state" or "community". Most of Greece became unified under Athens following the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta.

Which of the following is an important provision of the Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of the First World War? A. Germany maintained control of Alsace-Lorraine. B. Germany's colonial territories achieved independence and were admitted to the League of Nations. C. Germany had to take responsibility for Allied war losses by accepting a "war guilt" clause. D. Russia and the United States agreed to participate in peacekeeping operations under the control of the League of Nations.

C. Germany had to take responsibility for Allied war losses by accepting a "war guilt" clause.

Which of the following is a major contribution of Ancient China? A. Mahjong B. Toothbrushes C. Gunpowder D. The Animal Zodiac

C. Gunpowder

Which of the following describes a significant effect on the depletion of the ozone layer? A. People get darker skin B. More UV rays enter the earth C. Increased skin cancer rates, build up of greenhouse gases, and increased UV rays. D. Increased build up of greenhouse gases.

C. Increased skin cancer rates, build up of greenhouse gases, and increased UV rays.

Which of the following is most associated with the Boston Tea Party? A. Impressment of sailors B. Quartering of troops in homes C. Increased taxes on commodities D. Restrictions on due process

C. Increased taxes on commodities The question would encourage the student to think about the issues surrounding the Boston Tea Party and that "taxation without representation" was a major cause of the event.

Which of the following describes a significant effect of deforestation in South America? A. Reduction of transportation hubs B. Decreased demand for arable land C. Increased threats to wildlife habitats D. Decrease in foreign trade

C. Increased threats to wildlife habitats The question would encourage the candidate to understand a significant effect of deforestation and one such effect is a threat to wildlife habitats.

Which of the following historical figures was a major architect of the US constitution? A. Thomas Jefferson B. George Washington C. James Madison D. Patrick Henry

C. James Madison Madison not only advocated the ratification of the Constitution; he had also helped to write the Federalist Papers

Which of the following presidents expanded the United States space program by establishing the goal of landing astronauts on the Moon? A. Harry S. Truman B. Dwight Eisenhower C. John F. Kennedy D. Gerald Ford

C. John F. Kennedy President John F. Kennedy announced this goal in 1960, the first year of his presidency.

Which of the following statements best describes Reconstruction in the US after the Civil War? A. Debates over legalizing slavery in the US were ongoing. B. During its military occupation of the South, the Union developed Black Codes to appease disaffected Southern aristocrats who had lost slaves. C. Northern troops occupied the South to ensure that laws were being followed and to help reunite the country after the Civil War. D. President Lincoln led Reconstruction effects.

C. Northern troops occupied the South to ensure that laws were being followed and to help reunite the country after the Civil War.


the basis for reinvigorated European culture and political thought beginning around the 18th century that would drive its development.

Which of the following contributed to a decline in the prices of farm goods in the late-nineteenth-century United States? A. Shortages of agricultural machinery caused by labor strikes B. Shortages of arable land C. Overproduction of agricultural products D. The aftermath of the Civil War

C. Overproduction of agricultural products Improved farming methods and increases in farmland acreage resulted in overproduction of agricultural goods. Supply surpassed consumer demand resulting in a sharp decline in prices.

Which of the following characteristics best describes the New England colonies? A. Rich farmland and humid climate B. Good harbors and moderate climate C. Rocky terrain and cold winters D. Coastal lowlands and moderate winters

C. Rocky terrain and cold winters he question would encourage students to understand that New England has rocky terrain and cold winters.

What did the United States Supreme Court conclude in its 1857 ruling on the Dred Scott case? A. The importation of slaves from Africa was illegal. B. Slaves were free once their owners took them to free states. C. Slaves had no legal right to sue for their freedom. D. Slaves could be freed once their owners died.

C. Slaves had no legal right to sue for their freedom. Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that all blacks - slaves as well as free blacks - were not and could never become citizens of the United States; therefore, they had no legal right to sue in federal courts.

Which of the following is NOT an example of human geography?' A. Studying the importance of trade among Central American countries. B. Examining regional differences in cuisine around the world. C. Studying the distribution of fauna and flora in North America. D. Deciding whether to build retail outlets based on local population.

C. Studying the distribution of fauna and flora in North America. Studying only flora and fauna is physical geography; the geography is not studying human interactions with or impact on the earth.

The Intolerable Acts included all of the following except? A. The Boston Port Act. B. The Quartering Act. C. The Alien and Sedition Acts. D. The Massachusetts Government Act.

C. The Alien and Sedition Acts. This was implemented during John Adams' administration.

Which of the following is associated with the relocation of Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma? A. The Dawes Act B. The Adams-Onis Treaty C. The Trail of Tears D. The Great Migration

C. The Trail of Tears The question would encourage students to identify the Trail of Tears with the forced relocation of the Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma.

Which of the following is most likely a lasting influence ancient Romans had on modern society? A. The development of direct democracy B. The usage of columns in architecture C. The development of republic democracy D. Literacy

C. The development of republic democracy

Which of the following changes would most likely occur in a community with high rates of immigration? A. The reduction of small business revenues B. A decline in religious observances C. The establishment of new cultural festivals D. An increase in zoning regulations

C. The establishment of new cultural festivals The question would encourage the student to think about ways immigrants affect the communities that they move into and that one way would be to celebrate festivals of their native country.

Which of the following constitutional amendments is NOT considered part of the Bill of Rights? A. The right to bear arms. B. The right to address witness arranged by the government when on trial. C. The right to equal protection under the law. D. Freedom of speech.

C. The right to equal protection under the law. 14th amendment

Which of the following is true of the effect of high tariffs on an economy in the long run? A. They increase the market for exports. B. They decrease employment in the industries protected by the tariff. C. They benefit some groups at the expense of others. D. They encourage industries protected by the tariff to be more efficient and competitive.

C. They benefit some groups at the expense of others. Tariffs are usually implemented to protect domestic manufacturing, but they may result in a weakening of related economies as those countries affected by the tariff purchase fewer goods. For example, the Tariff of 1828, while designed to protect northern manufacturing, reduced British imports of cotton from the southern United States thereby damaging the southern economy.

Which of the following is considered a right of United States citizenship? A. To obey laws B. To serve on a jury C. To worship freely D. To pay income taxes

C. To worship freely The question would encourage the student to think about the rights of U.S. citizens and realize that one right is to worship freely.

Which of the following is the most effective method for a farmer to use to minimize the effects of a drought? A. Using greenhouses B. Building terraces C. Using drip irrigation D. Flooding fields

C. Using drip irrigation The question would encourage the student to think about what farmers can do in response to drought conditions and that drip irrigation would be an effective way to conserve water.

Which of the following is required for an individual to cast a ballot in any federal election in the United States? A. Membership in a political party B. A valid driver's license C. Voter registration D. Payment of a poll tax

C. Voter registration Prospective voters must register with the state voter registrar in order to vote in federal elections.

Which of the following periods contributed to advancements of mathematics in ancient Greece? A. the Classical Period (500-336 BC) B. the Early Bronze Age (2900-2000 BC) C. the Hellenistic Period (226-146 BC) D. the Archaic Period (750-500 BC)

C. the Hellenistic Period (226-146 BC)

Which of the following is a responsibility of a citizen of the US? A. to treat others with kindness. B. to join after-school clubs. C. to suffer the consequences of breaking a law. D. to start a business

C. to suffer the consequences of breaking a law.

Which of the following scenarios would most directly increase a nation's gross domestic product? A.A rise in unemployment rates B.A rapid growth in population C.A rise in the price of exported goods D.A decision to implement economic sanctions

C.A rise in the price of exported goods The question encourages students to understand that a rise in the price of a nation's exported goods would have a direct effect on the estimated value of that nation's goods and services produced for that given year (GDP).

Which of the following developments prompted the United States Congress to pass the USA PATRIOT Act? A.A Middle East oil embargo in 1973 B.The start of the Iran-Iraq War C.An attack by terrorists in 2001 D.The outbreak of the Cuban missile crisis

C.An attack by terrorists in 2001 The question encourages students to understand that the USA Patriot Act of 2001 was passed following the terrorist attacks on September 11th of 2001. This Act gave the federal government the authority to direct physical and electronic surveillance of individuals suspected of being a threat to national security.

Which of the following American Civil War battles immediately preceded the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation? A.Battle of Gettysburg B.Battle of Bull Run C.Battle of Antietam D.Battle of Vicksburg

C.Battle of Antietam Lincoln was advised to wait for a decisive Union victory before issuing the Emancipation Proclamation to show that the Union could enforce the Proclamation. The Battle of Antietam ended with the Confederates being driven out of Maryland. Lincoln felt comfortable enough with this to issue the Proclamation five days after the battle.

The following narrative is from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa (1789). "I remember, in the vessel in which I was brought over, in the men's apartment, there were several brothers . . . sold in different lots; and it was very moving on this occasion, to see and hear their cries at parting." Which of the following eighteenth-century practices is described by this narrative? A.Imperialism B.Mercantilism C.Chattel slavery D.Indentured servitude

C.Chattel slavery The question encourages students to understand that the author describes being forcibly brought over in vessels, being sold in different lots, and hearing the cries of parting.

In which of the following types of economies does the government have the most control of the country's resources? A.Traditional B.Free market C.Command D.Mixed

C.Command In a command economy the means of production and resources are owned by the government.

Which of the following forms of government consists of a union of several countries with some or most power shared between them? A.Dictatorship B.Republic C.Confederation D.Monarchy

C.Confederation A confederation consists of a union of several states or countries, united for a common purpose. Confederations occasionally have a central authority, but the majority of the power lies with the states or countries.

Which of the following rulers was most responsible for ending the persecution of Christians in Ancient Rome? A.Alexander the Great B.Julius Caesar C.Constantine D.Nero

C.Constantine Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, and he also ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire through the Edict of Milan in 313.

Which of the following ancient civilizations used hieroglyphics as a way to communicate? A.Greece B.Rome C.Egypt D.China

C.Egypt The Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their form of writing.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." Which of the following amendments to the Constitution contains this text? A.Thirteenth B.Fourteenth C.Fifteenth D.Nineteenth

C.Fifteenth The Fifteenth Amendment granted the right to vote to all male citizens.

Rich soil Abundant fishing grounds Access to freshwater Which of the following actions by European colonists was most affected by these factors? A.Creation of new maps B.Trading with Native Americans C.Founding of settlements D.Development of plantations

C.Founding of settlements The question encourages students to understand that the factors listed in the stimuli are important geographical features that would impact the selection of settlement locations.

Which of the following conflicts contributed to an agreement between British colonies known as the Albany Plan? A.American Revolution B.King Philip's War C.French and Indian War D.War of 1812

C.French and Indian War The question encourages students to understand that the Albany Plan of Union was an agreement by the British colonies in America of mutual defense during the French and Indian War.

Which of the following are the main religions in Nepal? A.Sikhism and Buddhism B.Buddhism and Confucianism C.Hinduism and Buddhism D.Christianity and Judaism

C.Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism are the two main religions practiced in Nepal.

Which of the following architectural innovations is attributed to classical Greece? A.Aqueduct B.Minaret C.Ionic column D.Flying buttress

C.Ionic column The question would encourage students to think about how Ionic columns were a major Greek contribution to architecture and how one of the classical orders of architecture is the Ionic style.

Which of the following is recognized by three of the world's major religions as a holy city? A.Mecca B.Cairo C.Jerusalem D.Tehran

C.Jerusalem The question encourages students to understand that Jerusalem is a holy city for the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Founded by people who escaped religious persecution in England Engaged in farming, fishing, and whaling Led by John Winthrop Which of the following American colonies does the information describe? A.Georgia B.Virginia C.Massachusetts D.Pennsylvania

C.Massachusetts Led by John Winthrop, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by colonists who were escaping religious persecution in England and whose livelihoods in the new colony primarily consisted of farming, fishing, and whaling.

Which of the following individuals helped end the system of apartheid in South Africa? A.Mohandas Gandhi B.Mother Teresa C.Nelson Mandela D.The Dalai Lama

C.Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He was elected after the system of apartheid was abolished

Ramon can spend his time creating calligraphy cards or baking muffins. He chooses to bake muffins. Which of the following economic terms best describes the calligraphy cards in this scenario? A.Scarce resource B.Production cost C.Opportunity cost D.Factor of production

C.Opportunity cost The question encourages the student to understand that the opportunity cost is the value of the next-highest-valued alternative, which in this case would be the cards.

Which of the following is a shared power between state and federal governments? A.Making treaties with nations B.Appointing local judges C.Raising taxes D.Passing city ordinances

C.Raising taxes Both the federal government and state government can levy and raise taxes.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the executive branch? A.Ratifying proposed amendments to the Constitution B.Declaring war on countries that threaten national security C.Signing proposed bills into law D.Declaring laws that infringe on personal freedoms unconstitutional

C.Signing proposed bills into law It is a responsibility of the president to sign bills into law.

Which of the following best describes how the farming techniques used by the Inca developed? A.Vast plains resulted in pastoral farming. B.Annual flooding resulted in the development of commercial farms. C.Steep mountains resulted in the development of terrace farms. D.Lack of rainfall resulted in dry farming.

C.Steep mountains resulted in the development of terrace farms. The question encourages students to understand that the Inca used the technique of terrace farming to grow crops in areas that had limited flat arable land.

Which of the following is the best example of how humans impact topography? A.Using technology to predict earthquakes B.Mapping a local river system C.Strip-mining an area for minerals D.Migrating from rural to urban areas

C.Strip-mining an area for minerals Strip-mining removes large sections of land from an area. It can remove the tops from mountains, altering their elevation and the way precipitation runoff sculpts the remainder of the landscape.

Availability of abundant natural resources Federal laws enacted to protect property rights Extensive patent laws passed Which of the following developments was made possible as a result of the factors listed above? A.The Great Depression B.The Great Awakening C.The Industrial Revolution D.The Great Recession

C.The Industrial Revolution The question encourages students to understand that the conditions described in the stimulus were important factors that contributed to the rapid industrialization of the United States.

Which of the following statements is correct about the Battles of Lexington and Concord? A.The battles convinced the French to aid the Continental army. B.General Washington crossed the Potomac to engage in the battles. C.The battles marked the start of the war with Great Britain. D.General Cornwallis agreed to surrender after the battles.

C.The battles marked the start of the war with Great Britain. Although the Americans had not yet declared independence, the Battles of Lexington and Concord are known as the first battles of the war.

Which of the following was a reaction by the American public to tensions created by the Cold War? A.A decline in entrepreneurship B.The mass migration of minorities to rural areas C.The construction of private bomb shelters D.A reduction in consumer spending

C.The construction of private bomb shelters During the 1950snineteen fifties and 1960snineteen sixties people in the United States built private bomb shelters because of the fear of a nuclear attack during the Cold War.

Which of the following best characterizes a resource as scarce? A.The production of the resource exceeds the demand for it. B.The resource is renewable. C.The consumer demand for the resource exceeds the amount available. D.The government subsidizes the resource.

C.The consumer demand for the resource exceeds the amount available. The question encourages the student to understand that scarcity is defined by limited availability.

Which of the following elements is contained in the United States Constitution but not in the Articles of Confederation? A.A process to propose and approve amendments B.The power for Congress to declare war C.The establishment of an executive branch D.A unicameral legislative structure

C.The establishment of an executive branch Under the Articles of Confederation there was no executive branch. There was a president, but he had a primarily ceremonial role within Congress.

Which of the following regions has the greatest frequency of tornadoes? A.The Middle East B.The east coast of Australia C.The midwestern United States D.The Far East

C.The midwestern United States The midwestern United States has the greatest frequency of tornadoes.

Which of the following rights is most characteristic of a democracy? A.The right to achieve financial security B.The right to worship in a government church C.The right to participate in the electoral process D.The right to a publicly funded education

C.The right to participate in the electoral process The question encourages the student to understand that participation in the electoral process is a key element of a democracy.

The following excerpt was written on July 4, 1776. "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another . . . " Which of the following individuals was the author of this document? A.Patrick Henry B.James Madison C.Thomas Jefferson D.George Washington

C.Thomas Jefferson The question encourages the student to understand that Thomas Jefferson of Virginia is one of the three authors of the Declaration of Independence.

Which of the following describes the primary purpose of cross-cultural comparisons? A.To determine which culture is superior B.To establish the land rights of a cultural group C.To identify traits shared between cultures D.To predict cultural migration patterns

C.To identify traits shared between cultures The question encourages students to understand that one aspect of a cross-cultural comparison is to examine two cultures to determine what traits are shared between them.


the body of lawmakers in Congress with equal representation- two senators are elected to represent each state (the upper house of Congress); governing body of republican ancient Rome as of 509 CE

Which of the following describes the primary reason for the establishment of time zones in the United States? A.To create uniform borders between states B.To align all cities with the prime meridian C.To improve the efficiency of transportation D.To maintain physical national boundaries

C.To improve the efficiency of transportation The question encourages the student to understand that time zones are regions regulated by the Department of Transportation for the primary purpose of the convenience of commerce.

Which of the following are the most common geological threats to the country of Mexico? A.Hurricanes and tsunamis B.Tornadoes and blizzards C.Volcanoes and earthquakes D.Tsunamis and landslides

C.Volcanoes and earthquakes The biggest geological threats Mexico faces are volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.


Capital of Aztec Empire near Modern Mexico City

Martin Luther

Catholic priest who questioned the church with his 95 Theses, outlining ways he believed the church should reform; his ideas gained support, especially among rulers who wanted more power from the church. Triggering the reformation, or movement for reform of the church, Luther's ideas led to offshoots of new versions of Christianity in Western Europe, separate from the Orthodox churches in Russia and Greece.

Mongol Empire

Central Asian empire that dominated most of Eurasia thanks to the Mongols' equestrian and archery skills and lack of a dominant regional power

Executive Branch

the branch of government that carries out laws

Judicial Branch

the branch of government that interprets laws


Chinook people include several groups of Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, along the lower and middle Columbia river in present-day Oregon and Washington. The Chinook tribes were encountered by the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805, particularly the Clatsop Tribe along the coast.


the branch of government that makes the laws (the legislative branch); technically, it has the most power in government.

bourgeoisie (communism and socialism)

the class that owns the means of production and profits from the labor of the workers (proletariat); in communism, the proletariat are encouraged to overthrow the bourgeoisie


Christian raids of Islamic Spain; expulsion of Islamic Powers from Iberia; and unification of Christian Kingdoms in Space into one Christian Kingdom. Did not end until 1492 when Christian powers took Grenada. From the zenith of Muslim rule, Christians raids continued. The marriage of Castilla and Isabella of Aragon in 1479 connected those two kingdoms, and the monarchs were able complete the Reconquista by taking Grenada and uniting Spain.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil Rights leader who fought for equal rights for African Americans; embraced peaceful protests as a means to achieve legislative and social change to end segregation between black and white Americans.

John Adams

Colonial leader, member of the continental congress, federalist, second US president, cousin to the radical Sam Adams; Adams supported a strong federal government and expanded executive power.

Cross-Cultural Comparisions

Comparison of various psychological, sociological, or cultural factors in order to assess the similarities or diversities occurring in two or more different cultures or societies.

System of Alliances

the complicated diplomatic and military alliances among European powers that led to the outbreak and magnitude of WWI

Mughal Empire

Composed of small kingdoms in Indian Subcontinent from the 16th century until the British Rule; influential in Indian Ocean Trade Routes. Functioned until the 7th century. The ocean acted as a unifying force throughout the region, and the monsoon winds permitted Arab, Persian, Indian, and Chinese merchants to travel to East Africa in search of goods such as ivory, gold, and slaves.

Popular Sovereignty

the concept that people are the source of political power. These ideas helped to form not only the Declaration of Independence but also the Constitution.

War of 1812

Conflict between the US, Britain, and the British-allied Northwest Confederacy (led by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh). The US maintained its territorial integrity despite British incursion from Canada; meanwhile, the US gained power in the Northwest (present-day Ohio Valley Region), facilitating westward expansion despite resistance from the Shawnee and other tribes allied with the Confederacy.


Considered to be the Shawnee grandfathers and thus accorded respect.

The Kingdom of Mai developed due to its...

Control over gold and salt resources.

Stamp Act

Controversial 1765 tax on all published documentation in the colonies; the first direct tax on the colonists.

Which of the following continents is located in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres? A. Europe B. Africa C. North America D. A and B

D. A and B Europe and Africa

Fred wants to write a paper on Benjamin Franklin and his influence on science. He wants to include Franklin's theories about electricity. Which of the following resources should he use? A. A chart depicting what devices should electricity after the invention of the lightbulb. B. An essay about the effects of lightning. C. A newspaper report on Franklin's many inventions. D. A draft scientific report Franklin wrote on electricity.

D. A draft scientific report Franklin wrote on electricity. It's a primary source

September 11, 2001

the date that the United States was attacked by terrorists, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties and major land wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


the development of cities; become a feature of human development at the advent of the 19th century Industrial Revolution, when unskilled jobs in factories attracted rural workers to cities, offering them higher wages than agricultural lifestyle did.

Which of the following was a result of the rise of the Ottoman Turks? A. Christian Byzantines left Constantinople for Western Europe, bringing classical learning with them. B. The Ottomans were able to conquer larger areas, establishing a vast Islamic Empire. C. The Ottomans represented Islamic Threat to European Christendom. D. All of the Above.

D. All of the Above. All the answers are true. Byzantine scholars did leave Constantinople and bring classical learning to Europe, especially Rome. As its height under Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire stretched from Morocco through Anatolia and the Levant to Persia. The Ottomans represented a serious threat to Europe for centuries, as they controlled the Balkans.

Which of the following is an example of the separation of powers? A. No members of Congress can serve in another branch of government. B. The president cannot vote of legislation. C. Checks and balances. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Which of the following happened to Jewish people under the Nazi Regime? A. Their homes and businesses were attacked and destroyed. B. They were forced to live in ghettos, overcrowded neighborhoods, with poor living conditions. C. They were sent to concentration camps and murdered. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above. Under the Nazis, Jewish People were forced to live in ghettoes; their businesses and homes were destroyed; and they suffered other persecution. Jews, communists, Roma, homosexuals, and others were also forced into slave labor in concentration camps, and millions were murdered.

Which of the following Native American cultures is known for its complex temples and pyramids and its cultivation of maize? A. Mohican B. Pequot C. Hopi D. Aztec

D. Aztec Stone temples and pyramids are associated with the Aztec Indians of central Mexico, specifically the great pyramid of Tenochtitlan in present-day Mexico City.

Which of the following items are both human wants? A. Shelter and clothing B. Food and cars C. Clothing and video games D. Computers and sports equipment

D. Computers and sports equipment The question would encourage the student to think about the difference between wants and needs to determine that computers and sports equipment are examples of wants.

Intermediate directions

the directions between the cardinal directions

The relative scarcity of arable land in China led to which of the following patterns in Chinese social life? A. Extensive low-intensity agriculture with an emphasis on grazing animals B. Equal population density across all zones and assignment of the right to inherit land to the first-born child C. Limited agricultural surplus and difficulty in sustaining large-scale states D. Early development of intensive agricultural cultivation techniques

D. Early development of intensive agricultural cultivation techniques In order to compensate for a scarcity of land, farmers in China used cast iron tools, animals to pull plows, irrigation, and water conservation projects to increase efficiency in farm production.

Which of the following groups was declared free by the Emancipation Proclamation? A. Enslaved people who had escaped to western territories B. Enslaved people who lived in border states C. Enslaved people who served in the federal army D. Enslaved people who lived in areas still in rebellion

D. Enslaved people who lived in areas still in rebellion The question would encourage the student to think about the effects of the Emancipation Proclamation and that it declared slaves living in states still in rebellion to be free.

Which of the following examples could be used to describe the theme of respect to elementary school students? A. Defending one's belief even when they are unpopular. B. Paying a parking ticket. C. Returning a library book on time. D. Foregoing an opportunity to cut a line.

D. Foregoing an opportunity to cut a line.

Which of the following best explains the economic depression Germany experienced following the First World War? A. The number of labor union members increased across the country. B. Banks offered low-interest loans to help rebuild homes. C. The government implemented regulations to help improve worker safety. D. Mandatory reparations caused massive inflation in the country.

D. Mandatory reparations caused massive inflation in the country. The Allies demanded that Germany be held financially responsible for the war and pay $31.5 billion dollars to the Allies in reparations. Germany's inability to repay this debt resulted in massive inflation throughout the country, causing an economic depression.


the dispossession, imprisonment, and murder of at least six million Jews, Roma, Slavic People, homosexuals, disabled people, people of color, prisoners of war, communists, and others by the Nazis.

Which of the following events is recognized as the end of the American Civil War? A. The second Battle of Bull Run B. The election of Abraham Lincoln C. The secession of South Carolina D. The Battle of Appomattox Court House

D. The Battle of Appomattox Court House The question would encourage the student to think about which event is associated with the end of the Civil War and that the main event was Robert E. Lee's surrender at the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse.


the document that provides the framework for the US government. (1789)

Which of the following is true about the Trail of Tears? A. The Trial of Tears drove Native Americans to Indian Territory (later, Oklahoma) because white settlers no longer required their assistance in agricultural production. B. Removal treaties were enacted fairly and peacefully. C. The Indian Removal Act of 1831 began the forced relocation of Native Americans that year. D. The Cherokee Nation was forced to give up land east of the Mississippi River during Andrew Jackson's presidency.

D. The Cherokee Nation was forced to give up land east of the Mississippi River during Andrew Jackson's presidency.

Which of the following exemplifies the Constitution's federalist structure? A. The separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches B. The Full Faith and Credit clause of Article IV of the Constitution C. The Supremacy clause of Article VI of the Constitution D. The Tenth Amendment's division of power between national and state governments

D. The Tenth Amendment's division of power between national and state governments Federalism is the division of power between the national and state governments The U.S. Constitution establishes this federalist structure through the Tenth Amendment.

Which of the following is an effect of the Gulf Stream? A. North America is significantly dryer and colder than it otherwise would be. B. The North Atlantic has the most unstable weather of any ocean on Earth. C. Travel time for ships and aircraft is much shorter from Europe to North America than from North America to Europe. D. The climate of Western Europe is significantly warmer and milder than it otherwise would be.

D. The climate of Western Europe is significantly warmer and milder than it otherwise would be. The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that flows in the western North Atlantic, originating at the tip of Florida, traveling along the American coastline and splitting into the North Atlantic Drift that crosses to Northern Europe.

Which of the following most contributed to the expansion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus? A. The collection of taxes from conquered areas B. The appointment of public officials to the government C. The toleration of monotheism in conquered lands D. The establishment of an organized military system

D. The establishment of an organized military system The efficiency and structure of the Roman military enabled the Roman Empire to expand through conquest.

Which of the following contributed to the development of both ancient China and Rome? A. The building of large universities B. The printing of paper currency C. The practice of representative government D. The establishment of trade centers

D. The establishment of trade centers Both ancient China and Rome developed due to extensive trade networks, increasing the power of their individual civilizations.

Which of the following actions led to Unites States involvement in the First World War? A. The bombing of naval bases in the Pacific B. The surrender of military forces from Russia C. The invasion of neutral territories by Germany D. The use of submarine warfare in the Atlantic

D. The use of submarine warfare in the Atlantic The practice of unrestricted submarine warfare against civilian vessels like the Lusitania was a major reason behind the United States entering the First World War.

During the late nineteenth century, in which of the following ways did churches in the United States respond to the social problems resulting from the industrialism of the previous decades? A. They aligned themselves with and financed the political agendas of organized labor. B. They lobbied Congress to pass laws guaranteeing social security for all citizens. C. They subsidized efforts to build small homes for the working poor. D. They built and maintained mission schools, orphanages, and homes for the aged.

D. They built and maintained mission schools, orphanages, and homes for the aged. Activists within the Social Gospel movement helped alleviate social issues by providing social services during the late nineteenth century.

During the Pax Romana, The Mediterranean region was all of the following except: A. Experiencing a period of relative stability under Roman Rule. B. A center of commercial activity. C. Ruled by Augustus Caesar D. Under the control of a powerful Senate

D. Under the control of a powerful Senate This is false; after Julius Caesar took power from the Senate, Rome was ruled by a powerful emperor.

Which of the following is a responsibility of a citizen of the United States? A. Participating in a protest B. Starting a business C. Attending a university D. Volunteering in a community

D. Volunteering in a community The question encourages students to think about what the responsibilities of a United States citizen are and that one way of participating in those responsibilities is by volunteering in the community.

Slaves were originally brought to the Americans as part of the triangular trade in order to do all of the following except: A. Work on cotton plantations B. Work on sugar plantations C. Work in colonists' home D. Work in textile factors

D. Work in textile factors Factories developed during the Industrial revolution, and so were not present in the colones while the slave trade was active.

In 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed in order to A. establish the right to a trial by jury B. abolish slavery C. guarantee freedom of speech D. guarantee women the right to vote

D. guarantee women the right to vote The Nineteenth Amendment states that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied. . . on account of sex."

Which of the following is a positive effect of urbanization? A. increased tenement housing B. sanitary conditions C. political machines D. increased employment opportunities

D. increased employment opportunities

Which of the following actions would be taken by the Federal Reserve? A.Printing money to introduce into circulation B.Restricting the buying and selling of stocks on Wall Street C.Creating a national budget to present to Congress D.Adjusting interest rates to prevent inflation

D.Adjusting interest rates to prevent inflation Adjusting interest rates to limit inflation is a responsibility of the Federal Reserve Bank.

A.A decrease in the demand of a product will result in an increase in supply. B.An increase in the demand for one product leads to a fall in the demand for another. C.A decrease in the value of a currency will cause the value of another currency to decline. D.An increase in the price of a product will result in an increase in supply.

D.An increase in the price of a product will result in an increase in supply. Based on the law of supply, if the price of a product increases, then it is advantageous for the providers of that product to increase production.

Which of the following describes a physical characteristic that a developer would use when planning a residential community? A.Evaluating the quality of local schools B.Assessing the median income of the surrounding communities C.Calculating the potential growth of neighboring businesses D.Analyzing the proximity to flood zones

D.Analyzing the proximity to flood zones The question encourages the student to understand that flood zones are a physical geographical feature of an area.

Sixteenth-century European explorers sought to discover alternative trade routes to which of the following? A.Australia B.North Africa C.South America D.Asia

D.Asia The question encourages the student to understand that early European explorers were searching for western routes across the Atlantic to reach the spice markets of China and India.

Which of the following individuals is most known for his contributions to aviation? A.Henry Ford B.Andrew Carnegie C.Mark Twain D.Charles Lindbergh

D.Charles Lindbergh Charles Lindbergh contributed to aviation by making the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.

Which of the following has occurred as a result of China's rapid economic growth? A.China is no longer one of the world's largest miners of natural resources. B.China has become the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. C.China has become the world's largest importer of consumer goods. D.China has become one of the world's largest emitters of carbon dioxide.

D.China has become one of the world's largest emitters of carbon dioxide. China's industrial expansion has increased its use of fossil fuels, and consequently increased its carbon dioxide emissions.

Which of the following actions is the direct result of how humans impact the environment? A.Erosion B.Earthquake C.Mudslide D.Deforestation

D.Deforestation The question encourages the student to understand that deforestation is the intentional clearing of forested areas by people usually to grow crops or raise livestock.

Which of the following best explains the significance of the Suez Canal? A.It is an important shipping gateway in Europe linking the North Sea to the Black Sea. B.It connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, expediting trade between North America, South America, and Asia. C.It is an important shipping route connecting the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. D.It connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas, expediting trade between Europe and Asia.

D.It connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas, expediting trade between Europe and Asia. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas, providing the shortest maritime route between Europe and the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean

Which of the following statements describes a characteristic of Turkey's largest city? A.It has a very high altitude. B.It has a tropical climate. C.It is the country's largest manufacturing center. D.It is considered part of Europe and Asia.

D.It is considered part of Europe and Asia. Turkey is geographically and politically part of Europe and Asia. Part of Turkey lies in Europe and the remainder of the landmass, including Anatolia, lies in Asia. Istanbul is the only city in the world that is considered part of two continents.

Which of the following would most contribute to an entrepreneur's success? A.Tariffs and exports B.Labor and exports C.Capital and tariffs D.Labor and capital

D.Labor and capital The question encourages the student to understand that labor and capital would be the greatest contributors to starting a business.

Which of the following topics is most related to the Roman "Twelve Tables"? A.Art B.Architecture C.Philosophy D.Law

D.Law The question encourages students to understand that the Twelve Tables were the Roman foundation for early codified law.

Which of the following events took place as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 ? A.Members of the Seminole tribe peaceably relocated to Florida. B.The United States Army relocated members of the Creek Nation to Georgia. C.The Sioux were the only remaining tribes in the southeastern United States. D.Members of the Cherokee Nation were forced to move to the western United States.

D.Members of the Cherokee Nation were forced to move to the western United States. The Cherokee refused to leave their land, even suing for their rights. However, they were eventually forced to relocate in 1838 and 1839 in a migration that is known as the Trail of Tears.

Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote? A.Thirteenth B.Fifteenth C.Seventeenth D.Nineteenth

D.Nineteenth The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, giving women the right to vote in the United States.

Which of the following best describes why the Amazon Basin is considered a region? A.The tributaries of the Amazon River drain into the Atlantic Ocean. B.The indigenous people living in the Amazon rain forest speak the same language. C.Seasonal rainfall in the Amazon rain forest is consistent throughout the year. D.Physical characteristics are influenced by the tributaries of the Amazon River.

D.Physical characteristics are influenced by the tributaries of the Amazon River. The question encourages the student to understand that a region is defined as an area with one or more significant characteristics that make it stand out from surrounding areas. The Amazon Basin has several defining characteristics that distinguish it from the surrounding areas, such as an extensive tributary system and a variety of trees and precipitation levels.

Which of the following events resulted in the United States gaining control of the Philippines? A.The Vietnam War B.World War I C.The Korean War D.Spanish-American War

D.Spanish-American War The question encourages students to understand that the United States gained control of the Philippine Islands in 1898 following the Spanish-American War.

Which of the following describes one outcome of the Battle of Saratoga? A.The British government gave the colonists equal representation in Parliament. B.The colonists formed a military alliance with Mexico against the British. C.The battle immediately led to the surrender of all British forces in the American colonies. D.The American victory convinced France to form a military alliance with the colonists.

D.The American victory convinced France to form a military alliance with the colonists. The question encourages students to understand that the American victory at Saratoga in October 1777 showed the French that a military alliance with the American colonists against the British could achieve success.

Which of the following events of the American Revolution occurred last? A.The passage of the Intolerable Acts B.The dumping of tea into Boston Harbor C.The signing of the Declaration of Independence D.The Battle of Yorktown

D.The Battle of Yorktown In 1781, General George Washington and the Continental army attacked and captured the British fort at Yorktown, Virginia. This victory led to the surrender of British General Cornwallis and peace negotiations to end the American Revolution began soon after.

"The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added." (1789) Which of the following documents resolved the issue described by this excerpt? A.The Federalist papers B.The Articles of Confederation C.The Annals of Congress D.The Bill of Rights

D.The Bill of Rights The question encourages students to understand that the quote is from the Preamble to the Bill of Rights.

Nile Valley

the fertile land on the banks of the Nile River conducive to agriculture and irrigation

Which of the following was written to raise public support for the ratification of the United States Constitution? A.The South Carolina Exposition B.The Articles of Confederation C.The Virginia Declaration of Rights D.The Federalist Papers

D.The Federalist Papers The question encourages students to understand that The Federalist papers were series of 85 essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay urging the citizens of New York to ratify the new United States Constitution. They were published anonymously in New York newspapers in 1787 and 1788 under the name "Publius." The Federalist papers became an important source for interpreting and understanding the intent of the United States Constitution.

Which of the following best explains why the expansion of the American colonies was limited under British rule? A.The Spanish held the territory west of the Appalachian Mountains. B.Bad weather and poor soil prevented crops from growing south of the colonies. C.Most of the American colonists were fishermen and lived along the eastern shoreline. D.The Proclamation of 1763 prevented the colonists from migrating west.

D.The Proclamation of 1763 prevented the colonists from migrating west. The Proclamation of 1763 forbade any settlement by English colonists west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British refused to provide protection to colonists settling in this area.

Which of the following events contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? A.Interception of the Zimmermann telegram B.Bombing of a United States naval base C.A naval confrontation in the Gulf of Tonkin D.The sinking of a United States battleship

D.The sinking of a United States battleship The question encourages students to understand that the direct cause of the Spanish-American War was the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba, in February 1898.

Which of the following statements describes an advantage the South had over the North during the Civil War? A.They had a larger population to provide troops for their army. B.They had greater access to railroads to move their troops. C.They had more manufacturing centers to produce munitions. D.They had more experienced generals to lead their troops.

D.They had more experienced generals to lead their troops. The South had commanders which included Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Their military leaders had more experience than the Northern military leaders.

Which of the following best describes why a democratic government regulates the economy? A.To guarantee fair elections B.To protect civil rights C.To provide federal jobs D.To ensure financial stability

D.To ensure financial stability The question encourages students to understand that governments attempt to provide financial stability through economic regulations. Economic arguments for government intervention are based on the idea that the marketplace cannot provide public goods or handle externalities.

When was the bill of rights written?

December 15, 1791

When did the US declare war (WW1)?

December 7, 1917

United States vs. Windsor

Determined Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional

three-fifths compromise (1787)

Determined that each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of apportioning taxes and representation. The compromise granted disproportionate political power to Southern slave states.

During the 1884 Berlin Conference, European imperial powers...

Determined which parts of Africa would be controlled by which European Powers. The 1884 Berlin Conference determined the division of Africa among the European imperial powers. This was done without regard for or consultation with Africans.

Printing Press

Device enabled the rapid production and distribution of writing manuscripts, thereby spreading information more widely. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg. People had information now beyond what their leaders told them. Combined with humanism and increased emphasis on secular through, the power of the church and of monarchs who ruled by divine right was under threat.


Dominated the Yucatan Peninsula around 300 CE; had a complex spiritual belief system; detailed calendar; written language; and pyramidal temples; studied astronomy and mathematics.

What is the term used to best describe a situation in which the federal government prevents the only internet service company in a local community from raising its prices?

Economic Regulation


Egyptians built these structures to protect the bodies of dead pharaohs. These structures also contained items the pharaohs might need in the afterlife.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Emperor of Germany during World War I Sought expanded territories in Europe and overseas for Germany. Germany was a militarized state and important European power in its own right.

Mansa Musa

Emperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.

Treaty of Westphalia

Ended Thirty Years War in 1648; granted right to individual rulers within the Holy Roman Empire to choose their own religion-either Protestant or Catholic The European powers agreed to recognize state sovereignty and practice non-interference in each other's matters-at the expense of family and religious allegiances. 1648 marked a transition into modern international relations when politics and religion would no longer be inexorably intertwined.

Magna Carta

English document from 1215 that limited the power of the king and provided basic rights for citizens. It protected their property and rights from the king and was basis for today's parliamentary system in that country.

John Locke

Enlightenment thinker who believed in the social contract; in exchange for protection and to enjoy social benefits, people relinquish some sovereignty to a republican government; influenced the American Revolution.

Thirty Years War

European conflict (1618-1684) based on rifts between Protestant and Catholic Christianities and related alliances; outcome reinforced concept of state sovereignty in Europe. Began in Central Europe between Protestant nobles in the Holy Roman Empire who disagreed with the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II. The end of the 30 Years War represented the end of domination of the Catholic Church over Europe and the concept of religious regional dominance, rather than ethnic state divisions. Over the next several centuries, the church and religious empires like the Ottomans would eventually lose control over ethnic groups and their lands, later giving away to smaller nation-states.

Ivan the Terrible

Expanded Russian Territory farther into Europe. Ivan reformed government, the military, and strengthened Russian Orthodox Christianity; however, his despotic reputation gave him his name.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Explored the northern half of Louisiana Purchase for President Jefferson. Were dispatched to explore the western frontier of the territory; Jefferson hoped to find an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean (via the Missouri River). While this route didn't exist, Lewis and Clark returned with a deeper knowledge of the territory the US had come to control.

Quebec Act (1774)

Extended Quebec's boundary to the Ohio River, recognized Catholicism as its official religion, and established a non-representative government for its citizens. *Historical Significance:* Colonists feared a precedent had been established in regards to the type of government that had been established in Quebec and resented the expansion of its borders into territory to which they had been denied access by the Proclamation of 1763.

Seven Years War

First true global conflict (1756-1763); conflict among Europeans over control of Hapsburg territories; conflict between England and France in North American and Asia for Colonial Power. In Europe, this war furthered cemented concepts of state sovereignty and delineated rivalries between European powers engaged in colonial adventure and overseas imperialism-especially Britain and France. It would kick-start British dominance in Asia and also lead to Britain's loss of its North American colonies.

In feudal Europe, serfs were...

Forced to fight for the lords. Serfs were bonded to the land-they had to work it for the lord-however, the lord was obligated to protect them.

What president was responsible for the New Deal?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Four Freedoms

Freedom of Speech, Religion, Want, from Fear; used by FDR to justify a loan for Britain, if the loan was made, the protection of these freedoms would be ensured


French Enlightenment thinker who introduced the idea of the separation of powers, and important element of the American democracy.

Joan of Arc

French leader in the 1429 Battle of Orleans; inspired French resistance to English incursions


French philosopher from 1712-1778 who believed that people are naturally good, but are corrupted by society

Social Regulation

Government regulations that encourages businesses to behave responsibly and prohibits harmful behavior.

The Encomienda System

Granted European landowners the "right" to hold lands in the Americas and demand labor and tribute from the local inhabitants.

Freedom Riders

Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation

Congress Advantages

Has two other advantages. The House of Representatives would also be directly elected by the people, and the Senate by the state legislatives. This supposed by the federal system of the government: one house would serve the needs of the people directly, and the other would serve the needs of the states.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Horrified by conditions suffered by industrial workers, developed socialism, the philosophy that works, or the proletariat, should own the means of production an reap the profits, rather than the bourgeoisie, who had no interest in the rights of workers at the expense of profit and who did not experience the same conditions. Marx argued for the abolition of the class system, wages, and private property. He argued instead for collective ownership of both the means of production and products, with equal distribution of income to satisfy the needs of all. Later, they wrote the Communist Manifesto

Battle of Brooklyn/Long Island

Howe and British destroy Americans but Washington retreats and gets the British to chase him through NY/NJ/PA for weeks in little battles

The Reconstruction Acts...

Imposed Northern military control over the South.

Ghettos (WWII)

In 1939, Jews were forced from their homes into ghettos, isolated and overcrowded urban neighborhoods.

Yellow Starts (WWII)

In 1941, they were forced to wear yellow stars identifying them as Jewish.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.


In exchange for protection, vassals would pledge featly, or pay homage to lords, landowners would reward their vassals' loyalty with land, or fiefs.

Machu Picchu

Incan city,built of stone not from the mountain it's on,crossbeam at the entrance weighs several tons,still standing Inca engineers build the citadel of Machu Picchu and imperial infrastructure, including roads, throughout the Andes. In order to subdue local people, they moved conquered groups elsewhere in the empire and repopulated conquered areas with Incas.

Plain Tribes

Included the Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache, Comanche. and Arapaho, who lived in the Great Plains Area; nomadic peoples; depended mainly on the Buffalo for sustenance.

A project in which students research and explore significant contributions made by their community is an example of...

Inquiry-based learning

A map of France shows a small box around Nice. Nice is portrayed in greater detail in a box at the bottom. What term describes this box?

Inset An inset features details that are considered important on a map.

humid subtropical climate

Is located on coastal areas north and south of the tropics. The climate receives warm ocean currents and warm winds year round, leading to a climate that is moist and warm. Japan, southeastern China, northeastern India, southeastern South Africa, the southeastern United States, and parts of South America all have subtropical climates.

What did the Missouri Compromise accomplish?

It banned slavery north of the 36 parallel.

What did Spain take over?

It took over the silver- and gold-rich Mesoamerican and Andean territories, and the Caribbean islands where sugar became an important cash crop. Thus, developed mercantilism, whereby the colonizing or mother country took over raw materials from the territories they controlled for the colonizers' own benefit. Governments amassed wealth through protectionalism and increasing exports of the expense of other rising colonial powers. This eventually developing goods and then selling them back to the colonized lands at an inflated price.

Who wrote the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

Who wrote the Constitution?

James Madison

Who killed Abraham Lincoln?

John Booth

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford's theater

King George III

King of England during the American Revolution and signed the Proclamation of 1763

Ancient Egypt

Known for their pyramids, art, use of papyrus as paper, and pictorial writing. The ancient Egyptians emerged as early as 5000 BCE and were united under one monarch, or pharaoh. Around 2500 BCE, Egypt's civilization institutions, administrative structure, written language, art, and architecture were becoming well developed, with a complex mythology of various gods. The ancient Egyptian also developed astronomy and the 24 hour system of measuring time. It was during this period that the famous pyramids were erected at Giza; these structures were actually burial tombs for pharaohs.

Ferdinand (1619)

Leader of the 1619 Counter-Reformation, attempts at reinforcing Catholic dominance throughout Europe during and after the Reformation in the wake of the Renaissance and related social change. Ferdinand was also closely allied with the Catholic Hapsburg Dynasty, which ruled Austria and Spain.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Leader of the Haitian Revolution, ultimately winning Haitian independence from France in 1791.


Led the Aztecs duri

Who shot John F. Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald

seperation of powers

Limits the powers within the federal government by dividing power among three branches: The legislative, the executive, and judicial.

Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache, Comanche, and Arapaho

Lived farther west. These tribes depended on the buffalo for food and materials to create clothing, tools, and domestic items; therefore they followed the herds. While widely known for their equestrian skills, horses were introduced by the Europeans and so Native Americans tribes living on the Great Plains did not access them until after European contact. Horseback riding facilitated the hunt; hunters surrounded buffalo or frightened them off of cliffs;

humid suptropical climate

Located in the middle latitudes, a warm and moist climate on coastal area north and south of the tropics that receive warm ocean currents and warm winds year round.

Humid Contiental Climate

Located in the middle latitudes, the agriculturally productive, true four-season climate. This climate can be found in the northeastern and central United States, south-central and southeastern Canada, northern China, and the western and southeastern parts of the former Soviet bloc.


Loyalty to a region

Constitutional Convention

Meeting in 1787 of the elected representatives of the thirteen original states to write the Constitution of the United States.

First Constitutional Congress

Meeting of colonial leaders in Philadelphia in 1774, organized in response to the Intolerable Acts; colonial leaders later presented concerns to the king and were rebuffed.

What is an example of a primary source?

Memoirs, original photographs, first-hand newspaper reports, and diary entries.

Mississippi Mound Builders

Mississippian cultures, societies, which built mounds from 2100 to 1800 years ago as burial tombs or the bases for temples. Sharing similar languages, all the tribes would later participate in an alliance-the Muscogee Confederacy-to engage the US>

Yuan Dynasty

Mongol dynasty in China; upended local hierarchy, but maintained some traditional administrative and other functions. Maintained most of the administrative policy of their preceding Song Dynasty. The Yuan did, however, upend Chinese social hierarchy; placing Mongols at the top, followed by non-ethic Han Chinese and then Han Chinese. Yet attempts at imperial expansion, threats from the Black Plaque, financial problems, and flooding led to the decline of the Yuan Dynasty and the rise of the ethic Chinese Ming Dynasty in 1368.

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Necessary requirements for the former Confederate States to be readmitted to the Union

Who were the only presidents to be impeached?

Nixon, Johnson, Clinton

Eighth Amendment

No cruel and unusual punishment

Third Admendment

No quartering of troops

William the Conqueror

Norman leader who invaded England in 1066, bringing more organization and feudal economy. Left Normandy in northwest France. The Normans established organization in England, including a more consolidated economy and kingdom support by feudalism. They are consolidated Christianity as the local religion. English possessions included parts of France. However, conflict between Britain and France would continue for several centuries, which rulers in Scandinavia and Northwest Europe consolidated power.


North African Muslims who invaded and settled Iberia (al Andalus). Had entered Iberia and were a threat to Christian Europe.

Cardial Direction

North, South, East, and West

Battle of the Bulge (1944)

On December 16, 1944, Hitler ordered the last of his reserves, 250,000 troops to attack the American position in the Forest of Ardennes. The Germans drove a bulge deep into the Allied line; however, the Allies stopped the Germans last ditch counterattack and advanced to the Rhine.

The framers instituted a system of checks and balances because they were concerned about...

One branch of government gaining too much power.

Hundred Years War

Ongoing conflict in Europe during the 14th and 15th century, particularly between England and France; periods of political disorganization. France was in political chaos during the mid-14th century, decentralized and at times without a king, suffering from the effects of the Black Plaque, and periodically under English Rule, While conflict would continue, England lost its last territory in France, Bordeaux, in 1453

Luther and Barbara wanted to start a business in the engineering field. They were trying to decide between hiring one staff members and using the leftover money to purchase new inventory, or hiring two staff members to increase their marketing reach. These choices would be an example of:

Oppurtunity Cost


Originally from the Great Lakes Region and moved west.

Russian built its empire by...

Overland expansion, moving eastward into Asia and Siberia, and westward into Europe. Russia expanded to the east, taking control of Siberia. Russia also moved westward, controlling parts of Eastern Europe.

Two areas of Geography

Physical and Human


Pilgrimage to Mecca, also spurred cultural interaction. Islam had spread from Spain throughout North Africa, the Sahel, the Middle East, Persia, Central Asia, India, and China; peoples from these regions traveled and met in Arabia as part of their religious pilgrimage.

Julius Caesar

Popular Roman general who conquered Gaul (France) and later declared himself "ruler for life" over all the republic. Members of the senate felt threatened and assassinated Caesar in 44 B.C.E.

Mali Empure

Powerful African Islamic empire based at Timbuktu; rich is gold and salt.

Monroe Doctrine

President James Monroe's policy that the Western Hemisphere was "closed" to any further European colonization or exploration, asserted US power in the region. 1823

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America, a senator from Mississippi.

John F. Kennedy

President of the US during the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis

What cannot shift a demand curve?

Production Costs.


Promises that knights who fought in the Crusades would be forgiven for any sins committed and go to heaven

1689 English Bill of Rights

Provided rights to individuals, influenced our Bill of Rights. Established constitutional monarchy, in the spirit of the Magna Carta.

Otto von Bismarck

Prussian leader who consolidated the linguistically and culturally and culturally Germanic, Central European States of Prussia into the German Empire in 1871.

Ming Dynasty

Reestablished ethnic Han Chinese control in 14th century China following the Yuan period; oversaw expansion of Chinese power; fostered cultural development.

A sign on the freeway indicates that you are 150 miles from the city of Pittsburg. This shows your...

Relative Location

Asking citizens to be civil minded and independent and making the people as a whole sovereign is a characteristic of:

Republicanism It also stressed natural rights as central values.


Revival of learning, art, architecture, and philosophy in Europe, especially influenced by work from Ancient Greece and Rome; triggered social change and backlash against the church and later monarchical governments. Inspired new learning and prosperity in Europe, enabling exploration, colonization, profit, and later imperialism, but it also led to scientific and religious questioning and rebellion against the Catholic Church and, later, monarchical governments.

Vladimir Lenin

Revolutionary Russian Socialist; believed in the dictatorship of the proletariat, or that socialism could not be maintained dramatically; developed Marxism-Leninism; led the Russian Revolution; founder of the Soviet Uninion.

Leon Trotsky

Revolutionary Russian socialist; ally of Lenin; a founder of the Soviet Union and leader of the Russian Revolution.


Revolutionary concept of socialism developed by Vladimir Lenin and inspiration for the Soviet Union.

Sixth Admendment

Right to a speedy trial

Second Amendment

Right to bear arms

Seventh Admendment

Right to trial by jury


Scandinavian seafaring civilization that explored the North Atlantic and northern Europe; evidence indicates the Vikings traveled as far as the eastern Mediterranean. From the end of the 8th century until around 1100, the Vikings expanded their influence from Scandinavia, ranging from their extraordinary seafaring skills and technology. The Vikings traded with the Byzantine Empire and European powers. They traveled to and sometimes raided parts of Britain, Ireland, France, and Russia.

Major influences in the European Renaissance included...

Scientific Knowledge from the Islamic empires. Science and technology imported from the Middle East during the Crusades helped inspire the Renaissance.

Arabic Language did what..

Scientific and medical texts from varying civilizations-Green, Persian, Indian, could be translated into Arabic and shared throughout the Islamic World. Arab thinkers studied Greek and Persian astronomy and engaged in further research. Arabs studied mathematics from around the world and developed algebra, enabling engineering, technological, and architectural achievements. Finally, Islamic art is well known for its geometric design.

Manifest Destiny

Sense that is was the fate of the US to expand westward and settle the continent, pervaded.


Sentiment of loyalty to one's own culture or ethnic group above others; premise for independence movements among ethnic groups under imperial control in Europe during Age of Revolutions. Is a sentiment of loyalty to one's own culture or ethnic group above others. This was a new concept in Europe that had been previously dominated by religious affiliation (Catholic and Protestant) and empires, where a ruler may have been from a different linguistic or a cultural group. It triggered a sense of local identify; people did not identify with a power based in a faraway capital. Likewise, nationalism could be a unifying factor; numerous smaller German speaking states in Central Europe connected with Prussia, empowering that country.

Benghazi Attack

September 11, 2012, when Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound in Libya, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Hillary took blame for security.

Alien and Sedition Acts

Series of four laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants

After the end of slavery, African Americans in the rural South still suffered due to...

Sharecropping, which kept them in heavy debt, often to their former "masters".

USS Maine

Ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War in 1898. President McKinley declared war on Spain.

Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

Site of the first modern women's rights convention, and the start of the organized fight for women's rights in US history. At the gathering, Elizabeth Cady Stanton read a Declaration of Sentiments modeled on the Declaration of Independence listing the many injustices against women, and adopted eleven resolutions, one of which called for women's suffrage.

Columbian Exchange and Slavery

Slavery was an ancient institution in many societies worldwide; however, the Columbian Exchange came to be practiced on a mass scale the likes of which the world had never seen. Throughout Africa and especially on the West African Coast, Europeans traded for slaves with some African kingdoms and also raided the land, kidnapping people. European slavers took captured Africans in horrific conditions to the Americans; those who survived were enslaved and forced to work in mining or agriculture for the benefit of expanding European imperial powers.

During FDR's terms in office, what was created?

Social Security

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

Some politicians were afraid he had gained too much power and wanted to be king.

The study of Geography is the study of __

Spatial Distribution

What advantage did the colonists have over the British in the American Revolution?

Strong leadership and knowledge of the terrain.

What was Sumer Like?

Sumer featured city-states, the potter's wheel, early astronomy and mathematics, early education, literacy, artistic developments, and religious thought.


Summing up of an argument or text

What is an example of a cross-cultural comparison?

Thai husband learns different holiday traditions from his wife, who is Chinese.

Rome weakened and split into two:

The Eastern Roman Empire later became the Byzantine Empire, a strong civilization and a place of learning based in Constantinople, a strategically-located commercial center connecting Asian trade routes with Europe. The Western Roman Empire eventually collapsed; the Christian Church remained important politically and culturally, but different rules took power throughout Europe.

In South America, how was the Inca Empire able to consolidate its power?

The Inca used their mastery of high altitude transportation to extend their empire. Advanced transportation in high altitude terrain enabled the Inca military to range widely throughout the Andes.

While the beginning of the Second World War is usually understood to be Hitler's invasion of Poland, some scholars date it even earlier. What event so scholars identify as the beginning of the World War II?

The Japanese Invasion of Manchuria. Given Japan's role as an Axis power and the conflict in East Asia, some historians believe that WWII began with Japan's invasion of Manchuria in 1931.

Which of the following effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act This act allowed slavery north of the 36 parallel throughout the plains and the Western territories which the Missouri Compromise had previously forbidden.

What is the preamble to the Declaration of Independence?

The Preamble outlines the general beliefs of government that justifies a rebellion. This section begins with one of the most popular phrases of the document: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.' The remainder of the preamble defines the political beliefs of the writers. Government is there for the people. When the government becomes too destructive, the people have the right to abolish it and create a new government. The decision to end the current government is not an easy one, and there should be clear reasons why. But when there is a long history of abuse of power, it is the peoples' right and duty to essentially fire the government.

King Louis XIV

The Sun King (1643-1715). 17th century French monarch who consolidated the monarchy and disempowered the nobility. Had consolidated the monarchy in France, taking true political and military power from the nobility. Meanwhile, French Enlightenment thinkers like Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire criticized absolute monarchy and the repression of freedom of speech and thought; in 1789, the French Revolution broke out.

Post World War II

The US, Britain, and the USSR had originally agreed to divide Germany and to hold free elections in Eastern Europe, but by 1945, things had changed. The USSR felt betrayed by the Soviet Union, which had occupied Eastern Europe and prevented democratic elections in order to establish a buffer zone following its extraordinary heavy casualties in WWII-around 20 million.

World War 1 (1917)

The United States discovered that Germany secretly proposed an alliance with Mexico to attack the US. This finally spurred US intervention in the war; despite Russian withdrawal after the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917, Germany was forced to surrender in the face of invasion by the US-supported allies.

The US entered World War 1 largely because of what?

The Zimmerman Telegram

What event contributed to the US's entry into WW2?

The attack on Pearl Harbor


The birthplace of Muhammad, and thus the holiest city for Muslims.


The capital city of the Incan Empire, Located in present-day Peru. The Incas has consolidated their power and strengthened in the area, likely due to the surplus of their staple crop maize, around 1300.

Space Exploration

The cold war extended to the space exploration, also known as the space race. The Soviets launched the first artificial satellite on October 4th, 1957, know as Sputnik. The US launched its own satellite called Explorer 1 the following year. While the US created NASA to further space exploration, in April 1961 the Soviets launched the first person, Yuri Gargarin, into space, However, the American Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon during NASA's Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969. `

Manifest Dynasty

The concept that it was the mission and fate of the US to expand westward and settle the continent.

What assets did the Confederacy have during the Civil War?

The confederacy benefitted from a strong military leadership and high morale among the population. The confederacy had excellent military leaders, and much of the population strongly believed in the right of states to make decisions without federal inference.

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.


The control of a market for a good or service for one company or group.

The power of the Catholic Church was diminished during the Reformation due to...

The discoveries of the Scientific Revolution. The Scientific Revolution, humanism, and logic brought into questions Church teachings long regarded as fact, undermining Church power.

What best describes an independent variable?

The dosage and time of an anti-inflammatory drug to test its impact

Arab-Islamic Empires/Caliphates

The first caliphate, The Umayyad, was overthrown by the Arab-Muslim Abbasid family, which established a new capital in Baghdad. Building on the Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid administration was highly organized, allowed efficient taxation. The administration and stability provided by the caliphates fostered is Arabic literacy culture. Stability permitted open trade routes, economic development, and cultural development, and cultural interaction throughout Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe, while other parts of Europe remained relatively unstable following the collapse of Rome.

Indutrial Revolution

The first one exploded in the US during the war of 1812, as more American industrialists adopted British textile innovations. The second one began after the Civil War and lasted until WW1. Technology again drove the economic changes, particularly in factory machinery and steel production. The innovations in transportation like railways, canals, and steamboats, further connected the economy. The second revolution caused crises in political corruption, working conditions, and wealth inequality.

According to Adam Smith, in a free market...

The government does not interfere with the economy.


The holy book of Islam

technological innovation

The inventing of tools used to produce goods or to do work

What is an example of social liberal policy enacted during the Presidency of Barack Obama?

The legalization of same-sex marriage throughout the US.

Trail of Tears

the forced migration by the Cherokee and other Native American groups from their southeastern homelands to territories west of the Mississippi River to make way for white settlers following the Indian Removal Act; the term describes the suffering, poor conditions, and death suffered by many during the migration.

13 colonies

The original states : Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia.


The possession and exploitation of land overseas.

Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices

What amendments prevents the government from quartering troops in private homes?

The third Amendment

Egyptian architecture also influenced many civilizations in the Western World. How?

The use of columns in Pharaoh Hatshepsut's temple in Luxor is an example. It influenced Greek Architectural design, which was copied by the Romans and many civilizations since.

First Hundred Days

This term refers to March 4 to June 16, 1933. During this period of dramatic legislative productivity, FDR laid out the programs that constituted the New Deal. Today, presidents are often measured by their actions in the same period of time

Why did Congress pass the Neutrality Act?

To prevent direct and indirect US involvement in foreign conflict.

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty that ended WW1, held Germany accountable for the entirety of the war, and brought economic hardship to the country by forcing it to pay reparations to the other powers.

Ottoman Empire

Turkic empire that controlled Anatolia, The Balkans, and eventually the Middle East and much of the Mediterranean world; Ottomans captured Istanbul, capital of the Ottoman Empire, in 1453.

Battle of Gettysburg

Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.

President Truman

US President who agreed to assist France rather than Vietnam because they were allies in previous wars Succeeded Roosevelt, elected the use of the nuclear bomb on Japan to force its surrender rather than invade that country. In 1945, the war ended with Japanese surrender after the US bombed the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That year in China, The Chinese Civil War recommenced; by 1949 the communists had emerged victorious.

Pearl Harbor

US military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan on December 7, 1941, bringing the United States into World War II.

Mandate of Heaven

Under the Zhou Dynasty, in which the emperor had a divine mandate to rule, based on an understanding that land was divinely inherited.

The study of institutions also includes:

Understanding how they are maintained and changed, as well as how they exert influence among individuals.

Superpowers after WWII

United States and Soviet Union

Rosa Parks

United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)

Marie Antoinette

Unpopular French queen during the French Revolution; symbolic of the nobility's disconnection with and abuse of her people; came under suspicion for her Austrian origins; ultimately arrested and assassinated. The people imprisoned the royal family and the republic was established later that year. The monarchy was abolished.

Chinese Civil War

War between communist Mao Zse Tong and nationalist Chaing-Kai Shek. The communists took over and forced the nationalists to retreat to Taiwan. Interrupted when Japan invaded China past Manchuria. In response, the Chinese factions joined forced against Japan; the communists became powerful.

Gary Powers

Was the U-2 Spy Plane pilot that was captured by the Soviet Union

What is the Preamble to the Constitution?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Quartering Act

a 1765 law that forced American colonists to provide shelter, even in their homes, to British troops stationed in the region

Miami Indians

a Native American tribe living in southern Ohio; they were independent and powerful. Took part in fur trade as it was developed during European colonial times. They formed settled societies and farming maize. These tribes later formed the Northwest Confederacy to fight US westward expansion.

Trench Warfare

a bloody, long-term fighting in fortified trenches on the Western Front During WW1.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

a case that was brought to supreme court by black lawsuits to challenge the legality of segregation. The court ruled that segregation was legal as long as it was "equal"


a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.

Mediterranean climate

a climate located in the middle latitudes between latitudes 30 degrees and 40 degrees north and south characterized by wet, mild winters and dry, warm summers *Include land bordering the Mediterranean Sea, a small part of southwestern Africa, southern and southwestern Australia, a small part of the Ukraine near the Black Sea, Central Chile, and Southern California.

steppes or prairie

a climate located in the middle latitudes far from the ocean, characterized by flatlands and minimal rainfall


a cold climate located in the high latitudes north of taiga; with extremely cold and long winters, the ground is frozen most of the year and becomes mushing during the short summer. *With no arable land, it is home to few people.


a cold climate located in the high latitudes south of the tundra; contains the world's largest forestlands, extreme mineral wealth, and many swamps and marches. *The Taiga can be found south of the tundra in Northern Russia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, and Alaska. *Home to world's largest forestlands, the taiga also exhibits many swamps and marshes; importantly, it contains extreme mineral wealth. While there is a growing season, it is so short that meaningful agriculture is impossible; this, the taiga is sparsely populated.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

a group of 28 countries that has agreed to protect each other in case of attack; founded in 1949


a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political leader. Famous Pharaohs include Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Akhenaten, and Ramesses II

Iron curtain

a metaphor for the concept of a post ww2 Europe divided between the east (with communist governments generally aligned with the USSR) and west (with democratic capitalist governments generally aligned with the US)


a pastoral people that controlled territory in present-day Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah; descendants of the Ancestral Pueblo or Anasazi, who built cliff dwellings Practiced three sisters agriculture and some construction, building cliff dwellings.


a philosophy based on the idea that the benefits of economic activity should be fairly distributed

Anaconda Plan

a plan to "squeeze" the Confederacy, including a naval blockade and taking control of the Mississippi River. Since the South depended on international trade in cotton for much of its income, a naval blockade would have serious economic ramifications for the Confederacy.


the head of state and head of the executive branch; has the power to appoint federal officials and judges, sign or veto laws (approve or deny them), and make foreign policy; he or she is also the commander in chief of the US armed forces.

Julies Caesar

a popular military leader widely supported by the people. Forced the corrupt Senate to give him control, Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE; however, in that short time he had been able to consolidate and centralize imperial control. His nephew Octavian eventually gained control of Rome in 27 BCE, taking the name Augustus Caesar and becoming the first Roman Emperor.

Domino Theory

the idea that if one country turned communist, so would neighboring countries.

Legislative Branch

the lawmaking branch of government


the leader of the Catholic Church; in medieval Europe, also a powerful political power.


the limited nature of society's resources

House of Representatives

the lower house of Congress, consisting of a different number of representatives from each state, depending on population

Third Estate

the middle class (bourgeoisie) and peasants (commoners) of pre-revolutionary France; those who bore the brunt of taxation. The burden of taxation traditionally fell on the Third Estate. In fact, peasants had to tithe, paying 10% of their earnings to the nobles. The Third Estate eventually declared itself the National Constituent Assembly. At the same time, panic over dwindling food supplies and suspicion over a conspiracy against the Third Estate triggered the Great Fear.


the mode of thought emphasizing human nature, creativity, and an overarching concept of truth; emerged during the European Renaissance.


the movement of urban dwellers from cities to live in growing suburbs, semi-rural areas at the outskirts of cities

Social Structures

the organization of a society and how social events relate to and affect places. Ex. How immigration affected urban populations in the US during the 19th century.

Cold War

the period of political tension and conflict between the US and the USSR, the post-WW2 global superpowers; remained "cold" because the two countries never engaged in direct military confrontation.


a request for information


a term meaning transparency, referring to the Soviet reform.

Scramble for Africa

a term used to describe rapid 19th century European colonization of Africa; African colonization symbolized power and prestige among European countries.


the process of disagreement; usually resolved when one of the parties receives either the entirety or satisfactory amount of the desired goal.


the process of giving one thing and receiving another (usually with similar value) in return.

Industrialization (Geography)

the process of manufacturing, creates byproducts that affect and can harm the environment.


the process of manufacturing; the process of an economy transforming from dependence on agricultural to industrial production; replacement of hand labor by machines as the main way of manufacturing, exponentially increasing production capacities.


the process of working together to achieve similar goals; often leads to positive outcomes


the process whereby a culture teaches its members about its beliefs, customs, habits, and language Ex. Family roles differ depending on age and gender, and there are norms that dictate how certain family members should act.

In the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln declared an end to slavery in...

the rebel states. The emancipation proclamation freed the slaves in the confederacy.

Middle latitudes

the region located from latitudes 23.5 to 66.5 north and south. They have a greater variety of climates, determined more by proximity of water than by the exact latitude. Three climates in the middle latitudes receive the most rain and therefore are the most fertile.

low latitudes

the region located from the equator to latitudes 23.5 degrees north and south


the ship in which the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to Massachusetts in 1620


the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861


the study of groups, institutions, and society.

Human Geography

the study of the impact of the people on the physical world.


the value of assets owned

Marine Climate

the warm and rainy climate located in the middle latitudes in areas that are near or surrounded by water Marine climates are warm and rainy, resulting in part from the warm ocean winds. Western Europe, The British Isles, the US and Canadian Pacific Northwest, Southern Chile, Southern New Zealand, and southeastern Australia all have marine climates.

Data interpretation

accessing whether their sources are valid or appropriate.

Fact vs Opinion

actual versus what one thinks

Great Compromise

agreement providing a dual system of congressional representation


an Algonquin-speaking people based in the Ohio Valley; Shawnee leader Tecumseh led the Northwest Confederacy against the United States in 1812

Proclmation of 1763

an agreement not to settle land west of the Appalachians, in an effort to make peace, however much settlement continued in practice.

Supply and Demand

an economic concept that states that the price of a good rises and falls depending on how many people want it (demand) and depending on how much of the good is available (supply)


an instrument used by navigators to determine the position of a ship


ancient Greek city-state that became a revolutionary democracy controlled by the poor and working classes around 460 BCE; the first known democracy


ancient Greek military city-state


ancient Greek word meaning "people power"


ancient Near Eastern people who emerged around 2500 BCE in the Near East (eventually expanding into parts of Mesopotamia); developed irrigation, agriculture, education, math, astronomy, religion, art and literature, city-states, governance, and administration


the weak representation governing assembly under the French King; included the clergy, the mobility, and the Third Estate (the middle class and the poor peasants); convened in an unsuccessful effort to resolve fiscal crisis prior to the outbreak of the French Revolution. The French government was struggling financially and proposed taxing the nobility. In 1787, an unwilling council of nobles instead called for the Estates-General to be convened. This weak representative assembly reflected French society; the clergy, the nobility, and the Third Estate

Terracota Figurines

are a mode of artistic and religious expression frequently found in ancient Greece. These figurines abound and provide an invaluable testimony to the everyday life and religion of the ancient Greeks.

Implied powers are powers that...

are not specifically listed but are needed to perform other listed duties.


attempts at reinforcing Catholic dominance throughout Europe during and after the Reformation in the wake of the Renaissance and related social change

Ancient Rome

the world's first republic in 509 BCE. Romans elected lawmakers (senators) to the Senate. The Romans developed highly advanced infrastructure, including aqueducts and roads, some still in use today. Economically powerful, Rome began conquering things around the Mediterranean with its increasingly powerful military, including Greece, expanding westward to North Africa. With conquest of territory and expansion of trade came increased slavery, and working-class Romans were displaced; at the same time, the wealthy ruling class became more powerful and corrupt.

Bubonic (Black) Plague

bacterial infection with global effects that killed a third of Europeans in the fourteenth century; led to broader social change 1347-1351. The plaque had a worldwide impact; empires fell in its wake.

Battle of Britian (1940)

began in July of that year, however, Germany suffered its first defeat and was unable to take Britain.

Battle of Lexington and Concord

beginning of violent conflict between American rebel militiamen (minutemen) and the British in 1775

Scientific Revolution

time of science exploration and discoveries in Islamic and Ancient Greek and Roman scholarship; threatened the power of the Catholic Church. Scholars like Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Copernicus made discoveries. Rooted in the scientific knowledge of Islamic empires, which had been imported through economic and social contact initiated centuries prior in the Crusades. Scientific study and discovery threatened the power of the church, whose theological teachings were often at odds with scientific findings and logical reasoning.

Battle of Bunker Hill

took place on June 17, 1775; caused King George III to declare that the colonies were in rebellion

Political Features

towns and cities, and country, state, or national borders. They may also include significant bodies of water.

Politcal Features

towns and cities; country, state, or national boarders.

How did Martin Luther King and other activists achieve civil rights for black Americans?

using nonviolence.

Nuclear Weapons

very powerful weapons that can destroy entire cities; possessed by only a few world powers; first developed by the United States and the Soviet Union

Populare (People of Rome)

wanted a more democratic republic. As the Senate weakened due to its own corruption, Julies Caesar emerged.


warriors who fought for the lords; were usually rewarded with land and often became lords themselves. The Catholic Church itself was . major landowner and politcal power.

Holy Roman Empire

was formed in Central Europe, a confederation of small states which remained an important power until its dissolution in 1806.

Assembly Line

A labor-intensive method of production developed by Henry Ford in which workers repetitively execute separate key tasks in production, expediting the product's completion.


The study of humans and their cultures.


Killing people based on their ethnicity.


The alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during WW2


ending slavery

East African Slave Trade

Arabs, Asians, and other Africans kidnapped African people and enslaved them throughout the Arab world and South Asia; later, Europeans did the same in African, Asian, and Indian Ocean colonies The major East African port was Zanzibar, from which slaves, gold, coconut oil, ivory, and other African exports made their way to Asia and the Middle East. Enslaved people from Sub-Saharan Africa were also forced north overland to markets in Cairo, where they were sold and dispersed throughout the Arab-Islamic, Fatimid, and Ottoman Empires.


Holy war launched by Christian Europeans against Muslims in the Holy Land following decline of Christian Byzantine Empire; several crusades occurred for varying political reasons.

Adam Smith

Economic Theorist who espoused (adopted or supported) capitalism. Believed that an invisible hand should guide the marketplace-that government should stay out of the economy, as the market would eventually automatically correct for inequalities, price problems, and any other problematic issues.

Frankin Roosevelt

Elected to the presidency in 1932; developed the New Deal, rescuing the United States from the Great Depression, and led the country through WW2.

English Bill of Rights

Established constitutional monarchy in England in 1689.

Absolute Location

Exact location of a place on the earth described by global coordinates Ex. Addresses

Christopher Columbus

Explorer who arrived in the Americans while seeking a sea route west from Europe to Asia. Sent from Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on a sponsor trip. Exploratory voyage in 1492 to find a sea route to Asia, in order to speed up commercial trade there. Instead, he stumbled upon the Western Hemisphere, which was unknown to Europeans, Asians, and Africans to this point. Columbus landed in the Caribbean, he and later explorers would claim the Caribbean islands and eventually Central and South American for Spain and Portugal. However, these areas were already populated by major American civilizations.

Congress of Vienna

Following Napoleon's exile, this meeting of European rulers in Austria established a system by which the balance of power would be maintained, liberal revolutions would be repressed, as would imperial expansion, and the creation of new countries in Europe. In 1815, European powers including the unified Prussia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia, and Britain agreed on a balance of power in Europe. Despite Napoleon's brief reemergence, the Congress of Vienna was the first international peace conference and set the precedent for European political organization.


Frankish (French) leader who united much of Western Europe in the Middle Ages following a chaotic period after the fall of the Roman Empire, leading to more organization, strengthening of the feudal system; crowned emperor in the 800 CE. Was able to maintain Frankish unity and extend his rule into Central Europe, even defending the Papal States in Central Italy. In what is considered the reemergence of centralized power in Europe, parts of Western and Central Europe were organized under Charlemagne, who was crowned emperor of the Roman Empire by the pope in 800CE. While in retrospect this seems long after the end of Rome, at the time many Europeans still perceived themselves as somehow still part of a Roman Empire. It was also under Charlemagne that the feudal system became truly organized more stability to a Western Europe.


Free Market theory of economics in which government can not interfere with trade; problems in the market like monopolies would lead to inefficiencies and thus correct themselves.


Maintain their government by voting for public officials at the local, state, and national levels.


Marxist theory that revolution (class war) is needed to achieve a socialist society.

Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863, declaration by President Lincoln abolishing slavery in the US rebel states.

Augustus Caesar

Julius Caesar's nephew Octavian who gained control of Rome in 27 BCE and became the first Roman emperor


June 6, 1944, when the US led the invasion of Normandy, invading Europe during WW2


Militaristic Mesoamerican civilization that dominated Mexico and Central American before European Contact. Their military power and militaristic culture allowed the Aztecs to dominate the region and regional trade.

Genghis Khan

Mongol leader who led expansion of the Mongol Empire in the 12th and 20th centuries. The mongols expanded through Asia thanks to their abilities in horsemanship and archery. Despite the rich history of transnational activity across Asia, the continent was vulnerable. Central Asia lacked one dominant culture or imperial power; Southwest Asia fragmented following the decline of the Abbasids. The weaknesses allowed the Mongols to take over most of Eurasial


Native Americans found living over a large area from the Atlantic coast to the Great Lakes.

cardinal drections

North, South, East, West


Oppressive social system in South Africa that separated people by race in public places; led to structural inequalities and lowered standard of living for people of color; lasted for most of the 20th Century.


Paris prison stormed on July 16, 1789, when the king sent troops to Paris; symbolic of tyranny. The peasantry then revolted in the countryside; consequently the National Constituent Assembly officially abolished the feudal system and tithing.

Hapsburg Dynasty

powerful Catholic European ruling family that controlled Austria and Spain throughout Thirty Years' War and beyond

Church of England

Protestant church founded by King Henry VIII; after years of conflict, would become the dominant religion in England


Socio-Economic organization in medieval Europe; a hierarchy where land and protection where offered in exchange for loyalty.


Southeastern Native American civilization thought to be descended from the Iroquois; emerged in present-day Georgia; forced during the Trail of Tears to leave their land and migrate to Indian Territory (Oklahoma). They were also hunters and farmers like other tribes in the region and would later come into contact-and conflict-with European colonizers and the US.


Soviet reform meaning "openness"

Fransisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Inca King Atahuallpa, effectively beginning Spanish rule in the Andean Region. Installed a puppet ruler, marking the decline of the Inca Empire. While the empire remained nominally intact for several years, the Spanish installed Christianity and took over the region.

Hernan Cortes

Spanish explorer who captured Aztec Ruler Montezuma 2 and invaded Mexico. Explorer who met with Montezuma II (first encounter with Spain) in Tenochtitlan after invading other areas of Mexico in 1519. Spain was especially interested in subduing the Aztec religion, which included ceremonies with human blood and human sacrifice, and in controlling Mexican and Mesoamerican gold. Cortes arrested Montezuma; Spain then began the process of colonizing Mexico and Central American, and the Aztec Empire collapsed.


Spanish political and economic system in which the king granted European landowners the "right" to hold lands in the Americas and demand labor and tribute from the local inhabitants.


Sumerian writing, earliest known example if writing to use characters to form words. Also allowed advanced governance and administration.


Sumerian-based civilization in Mesopotamia; developed courts and an early codified rule of law - the Code of Hammurabi - "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"


Sumerian-based civilization in the Near East; established military dominance and played an important role in the regional trade. The Assyrians had based much of their culture on Sumer, contributing unique sculpture and jewelry, establishing military dominance, and playing an important role in regional trade.

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the US constitution; a set of guarantees of certain rights enjoyed by Americans.

Great Depression

The global economic collapse that resulted in widespread poverty and unemployment in the US and the world. Happened between the First and Second World Wars. Growing nationalism in Germany, Italy, and Japan, added to political uncertainty. 1929 the stock market crashed. Millions of investors saw their fortunes disappear and consumer spending and investing continued to drop, which led to large unemployment rates. Half the banks closed and 15 million people unemployed.

Atahuallpa (Atawallpa)

The last independent Inca emperor, defeated by Francisco Pizzaro in 1533.

Articles of Confederation

The original framework of the US government, designed to create a loose confederation between the colonies (now states) while allowing them to retain much of their individual sovereignty; created an intentionally weak, democratic government.

Battle of Tours/Poitiers

Victory by Charles Martel in 732 CE that stopped islamic incursions into Europe


a common currency shared by some European countries

European Union

a forum for European countries to organize and cooperate politically, militarily, and economically; formed after the Cold War to promote European unity


how much desire there is for a product or service.

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