Sociology 1000 Final Study Guide- test questions

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________ is a form of legitimate power that has widespread social approval and is obeyed because people believe that those who exercise it have a right to do so.


Symbolic Interactionists view gender inequality as______________________________.

a learned process of socialization where gender inequalities are reproduced through daily interactions with family, peers, schools and the media

The conflict perspective does not view schools as responsible for creating social inequality; rather, it views the educational institution as a reflection and perpetuation of ___________________________.

a means of control of sexual developments and normative social behavior

Robert Merton, borrowing heavily from Emile Durkheim's work on anomie, devised what he termed as strain theory. Merton argued that the real problem is not created by a sudden social change but, rather, by ______________________.

a social structure that holds the same goals to all its members without giving them equal means to achieve those goals

Sociologist Arnold Rose, a structural functionalist, theorized that while racial prejudice and discrimination may serve the interests of the dominate group, he recognized four dysfunctions associate with racism. One of those dysfunctions is:

a society that practices discrimination fails to use the resources of all individuals, limiting the search for talent to the dominant group

If sociology can be defined as both a systematic and scientific study of human society and social behavior, what level of social structure might sociologists examine?

almost any level, from interactions between two people to large-scale institutions

Karl Marx, a proponent of ____________ perspective of sociology, was concerned with the ongoing struggle between classes and, in particular, the effects of social class exploitation and the resulting differential access to wealth, power and prestige


The underlying assumptions of ______________are: religion is irrational, people who believe are irrational and as the world becomes more rational, guided by scientific knowledge rather than superstition, religion is destined to disappear.

Secularization theory

_______ work is the dominant form of employment in the postindustrial economy.


_____ refers to biological distinction between females and males, while _____refers to the socially constructed understanding of what constitutes masculinity and femininity.

Sex; gender

______ is an understanding, internalization and emotional response to the acknowledgement of self as an innately physical and sexual being. An individual is aware of his/her own physical presence is usually more aware of how to interact with a partner.


A wide-spread belief about the poor is that most do not have jobs. This is not true. Statistics highlight that many poor people in the USA are engaged in the labor market. They are referred to as _________.

the working poor

With over 93% of US media in the hands of 5-6 major corporations, one loss that can be experienced by society is the lack of a ______________.

fourth estate

The following list contains three of the six ____________________ needed in order to survive and thrive: all societies must organize the activities of their members in order to obtain the basic goods and services for survival; protect their members from internal/external harm; and, replace members lost because of death or emigration are three of the six.

functional imperatives of societies

________ is the manner in which a person outwardly represents their gender, regardless of the physical characteristics that might typically define them as male or female

gender expression

__________ can be defined as acknowledging ones' sense of being masculine or feminine both or neither, the internal identity may or may not be expressed outwardly and not correspond to one's physical characteristics.

gender identity

A one-dimensional view of power is one where ___________________________________________________.

group A has superior resources over group B and wins open conflicts

A Third Dimensional example of the powerlessness of group B versus group A is when _______________.

group B begins to believe in group A's ideas even when it is not in the best interests of group B

The means of social stratification are:

hierarchy, inequality, purpose, power, system and outcomes.

The estate (feudal) system of social stratification is based on ______ while the caste system is based on _______

land ownership; religious beliefs

Functionalists posit that deviance can create positive social change. Two ways in which this can occur are: a)

lead to innovation and social change and reaffirm norms if deviant acts are punished.

Assimilation is a process in which minority groups ____________________________________________.

lose their distinctive identities and conform to cultural patterns of dominant groups

The following statement is an example of ___________: If I do the same task as a woman, and if the measurement is at all subjective, chances are people will think I did a better job.

male privilege

Structural Functionalism views the purposes of social structures as having either ________ functions, the anticipated of intended consequences, or ___________ functions, the unintended or unrecognized consequences.

manifest; latent

Prejudice operates mainly through the use of stereotyping. Stereotype(s) is/are ______________.

oversimplified ideas about a group or a social category; generalization or assumptions about the characteristics of a group or an individual

To the extent that men have more power (everything is normed on the male) than women in politics, the economy and the family, the gender system is called _________.


Symbolic Interactionists' view of deviance is considered ______ and _______ with the focus on the ______.

relative; precise; audience

In scientific research, _______ refers to the extent to which a measure produces consistent results and ________ refers to the degree to which a measure of scale truly reflects the phenomenon under study.

reliability; validity

A ____________ is a society which is no longer based primarily on the production of material goods but based instead on the production of knowledge. Its emergence has been linked to the development of a broad base of consumers who are technologically literate and have made new advances in computing, entertainment and telecommunications parts of their lives.

knowledge economy

The ___________ view of religion posits that competition among religious groups and the challenges of secularization force religions to work harder to win followers, thereby strengthening the various group and countering any trend toward secularization

religious economy

What are the social processes that lead to large numbers of people being marginalized in a society? The idea of __________ refers to new sources of inequality. It is a broader concept than that of the underclass.

social exclusion

An individual whose internal sense of self matches their biological self is identified as ________


. In Stage ___ of the Demographic Transition Theory, families often had 12-13 children because there was little economic cost in raising them, children were considered to be an economic boost, and less than ½ of them would live to adulthood. During this stage there are ____ birth rates and ____ death rates.

1(one); high; high

______ is a state where norms are confused, unclear or not present. It refers to a breakdown of social norms or a condition where norms no longer control the activities of members of a society. It is also referred to as ____________.

Anomie; normlessness

_______ is a state where norms are confused, unclear or not present. It refers to a breakdown of social norms or a condition where norms no longer control the activities of members of a society. It is also referred to as ____________.

Anomie; normlessness

_____________ is considered the founder or "father" of sociology.

Auguste Comte

The Pentagon Papers, released in 1971, are an example of _________ form of influence


____________ is/are a form of influence where information is withheld or altered, and includes the concepts off _________ and ___________.

Censorship; disinformation, misinformation

The ___________ age cohort is the fastest growing age bracket in the United States and that there will be one million people in this group by 2050.


__________, a symbolic interactionist, wrote, "Society is an interweaving and interworking of mental selves. I imagine your mind and especially what your mind thinks about my mind, and what your mind things about what my mind thinks about your mind... Cooley called this process, in which individuals use others like mirrors, and base their conceptions of themselves on what is reflected back to them during social interaction as ________.

Charles Cooley; the Looking Glass Self

__________ is a process whereby individuals ignore each other to an appropriate degree although noticing that the

Civil inattention

A _____ perspective of education points out that although mass education is emphasized, and has the potential to promote equality in both capitalist and socialist societies, the institution of education actually promotes and perpetuates inequality.


Health care disparity is defined as:

Differences between groups in health coverage, access to care and quality of care.

___________ is the institutionalized process of systematically teaching certain cognitive skills and knowledge, and transmitting them from one generation to the next.


___________ posited that criminal behavior is learned in the same way as all other behaviors and is learned within most personal and intimate relationships. These relationships are viewed through the lenses of ______,______, ______ and _________.

Edwin Sutherland; frequency, priority, duration and intensity

Recognizing the social origin of religion, Structional Functionalist theorists, __________, argue that religion acted as a source of solidarity and identification for the individuals within a society.

Emile Durkheim

______________ is concerned with preserving the integrity of the physical environment in the face of the impact of modern industry and technology.

Environmental ecology

____________: racial discrimination in environmental policy-making, enforcement of sanctions and laws, targeting of hazardous waste sites in racially minority communities to a disproportionate degree as when compared to location of dumping grounds and waste sites in other areas.

Environmental racism

________________ refers to the change of a population from health conditions primarily involving infectious disease to health conditions primarily involving chronic disease.

Epidemiological transition

__________ is both a movement and an ideology that promotes equality for women and men politically, socially and economically.


__________can be defined as an economic trend showing that women and children are disproportionately more likely than men to live in poverty.

Feminization of poverty

A sociologist wanted to examine if there was any correlation between the region of the United States wherein an individual lived and the number of individuals who owned guns. In this hypothesis, what is the dependent variable?

Gun ownership

In education, __________includes the transference of the values of the dominant group acts as a form of social control by promoting conformity and obedience to authority, and passive consumption of the existing social structure ( a continuation of the status quo).

Hidden Curriculum

_____societies follow migrating herds, use seasonal plants as food/medicine and live in groups of 25-50


There are six types of human societies that exist, or have existed, within all of human history. They are:

Hunter-gatherers, pastoral, horticultural, agricultural, industrial and postindustrial.

__________________ can be defined as the over-emphasis on sex in all forms of media, and the continuing pattern of over-sexualized images of girls, woman and, now, men. This over-emphasis on what is sexy has been extended into markets for children.


____________ is racism expressed by individuals or small groups of people. It is an indication of bigotry or prejudice against those deemed "racially" inferior and may take such forms as espousing stereotypes based on alleged racial differences, using racial slurs and engaging in discriminatory treatment, harassment, and even threats or acts of violence.

Individual racism

________ racism has been defined as those established laws, customs, and practices which systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in society. If racist consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs or practices, the institution is racist whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have racial intentions.


______ termed religion "the opiate of the masses".

Karl Marx

____________ is/are the cornerstone of all known human societies.


_____ functions of education include: preschool and kindergarten are the largest day care facilities in the country; middle and high schools reinforce norms related to adolescence; college and university campuses also service as large dating and marriage markets.


The ______ class includes the largest percentage of the nation's population (per 2008 figures) and the income level ranges from $30-$75K. This group is also considered overworked and overspent.

Lower middle class

The definition of power used in class lecture is credited to sociologist, _________________.

Max Weber

One of __________'s contributions to sociology was the introduction of a process by which an outside observer of a culture relates to an indigenous population on _______________________. This process is called________.

Max Weber; that population's own terms rather than interpreting that population by the observer's own culture; verstehen

W.E.B. Dubois founded the _________and was the first African American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard University


A college instructor was lecturing in class about how different groups in a society are affected by social stratification, and, in this incident, how race and sex were used to determine where an individual within a group would have as a starting point in the race for "society goals". When the instructor pointed to the furthest possible starting point from the finish line, one student in the class whispered to another student, "Muslim terrorist" and then laughed. How would you determine the actions of the first student?


How did physicians, a group mocked and ridicule for much of the 19th century as incompetent, emerge for the early 20th century as among the most powerful professions in the United States?

Physicians were required to be licensed to practice medicine, must graduate from an approved medical school and physicians created a professional association.

________ is the ability to realize one's will even against the resistance and opposition of others.


In the Robert Denton, Jr., article, "Language, Symbols and Media", the reader is introduced to the work of Alex Schmid and Janny deGraaf who present arguments that "terrorists' acts of violence are really acts of communication... and should be viewed as 'violent language'." What are three results the terrorists are hoping to achieve with their "communication"?

Produce fear in the society targeted, disrupt normal everyday life for the people and promote their organization with propaganda.

The __________ effect occurs when teachers who expect students to succeed and excel are motivated to work with the students to ensure that they do.

Pygmalion effect

_______ research methods uses large surveys, questionnaires, secondary research and reporting data primarily in numerical form.


______________ is a scope of behaviors considered acceptable and defined as conformity, although may involve a violation of a norm.

Range of tolerance

What is a health disparity?

Refers to a higher burden of illness, injury, disability or mortality experienced by one population group relative to another group.

While health and health care disparities are commonly viewed through the lens of race and ethnicity, they occur across many dimensions, including:

SES, age, location, gender, disability status and sexual orientation.

__________ is a ranking process which not only reflects social differences but also creates and maintains those differences by socializing individuals/groups into a structure of inequality.

Social stratification

Structural Functionalism is based around three key concepts. Two of those concepts are:

Social structures exist because they serve a function; if they fail to serve those functions, they will cease to exist.

Structural Functionalism is based around three key concepts. Two of those concepts are:

Society is viewed as a system - a collection of interdependent parts, with a tendency toward equilibrium; and, Social structures exist because they serve a function (to meet a functional imperative).

_________ is defined as the people who live in a specific geographic territory and share elements of a common culture while _______ is the social heritage of a people, including learned sets of beliefs, values, norms and material goods shard by group members.

Society; culture

In _______ of the Demographic Transition theory, death rates fall because of improvement in food supply and sanitation that increase life spans and reduce disease.

Stage 2

______ deviance can be defined as policy and actions carried out by governments and government employees in their official capacities.


The first college level course in Sociology was taught at __________________

The University of Chicago

A _____________ view of health care is that good health and effective medical care are essential for the smooth functioning of society. Patients must be willing to perform the "sick role" in order to be perceived as legitimately ill and to be exempt from their normal obligations.

Structural Functionalism

Emile Durkheim is most closely associated with the ___________ theoretical perspective of sociology and Max Weber is most closely associated with the ___________ theoretical perspective of sociology.

Structural Functionalist; Symbolic Interactionism

_________________ view education as serving both the manifest and latent functions of an institution, which include cultural transmission, socialization and integration.

Structural functionalists

______________ is the notion that economic growth should proceed only insofar as natural resources are recycled rather than depleted; biodiversity is maintained; and clear air, water and land are protected.

Sustainable development

_____________ is the theoretical perspective that examines how individuals and groups interact, focusing on the creation of personal identity through day-to-day interaction with others.

Symbolic Interactionism

______________ is the theoretical perspective that examines how individuals and groups interact, focusing on the creation of personal identity through day-to-day interaction with others.

Symbolic Interactionism

"Health and illness for the individual are social constructions: physical and mental conditions have little or no objective reality but instead are considered healthy or ill only if they are defined as such by a society", is a statement that reflects the ______ views of healthcare.

Symbolic interactionism

Why do sociologists study environmental problems?

The sociological perspective focuses on how social institutions and cultural practices influence behavior rather than attributing behavior to the characteristics of the individual. Sociologists recognize the essentially social nature of environmental issues. Sociologists analyze the social causes and consequences of technological choices. Sociologists analyze the consequences of policy decisions and economic production process affecting resource scarcity and environmental degradation.

. Sociology is _______________________________________________________________.

The systematic and scientific study of individuals (interactions), social groups and society

According to Robert E. Denton, Jr., in 'Language, Symbols and Media," what were three ways that U.S. society was changed when President Bush referred to the terrorist attacks as "war"?

Unified the citizens behind a known cause/enemy, silenced critics of the administration, and produced increases in military recruitment.

The _______ class is made up of approximately 1% of the nation's population but this group wields disproportionate power in business, politics and religious organizations.

Upper, Upper Class (Elite)

_________ crime focuses on criminal activities carried out by those in professional jobs.


In class lecture, your instructor stated that one of the following questions is a "better" question because it is unbiased. That question is:

Why study sociology?

Complementary and alternative medicine encompasses ___________________________________________.

a diverse set of approaches and therapies for treating illness and promoting well-being that generally fall outside standard medical practices and are not taught in medical schools

Structural Functionalists see deviance as being ____ and _____. They believe the focus is always on the ___.

absolute; objective; act

In the medical model, deviance is seen as

analogous to illness and uses terminology typically associated with disease

Emile Durkheim explains _______ as a state where people have lost their sense of purpose or direction, often during a time of profound social change, and cannot depend on their social structures to dictate their actions.


In the 1960s, Harvard professor, Timothy Leary, famously advised everyone to "turn on, tune in, and drop out," and, although he insisted that it meant more, most people assumed he was telling them to "get stoned and abandon all constructive activity." How would Robert Merton's structural strain theory classify someone who took this advice?

as a retreatist

The social imperative states:

as humans, our very survival depends on developing social bonds that result in a common culture and the creation of societies.

An/A ___________ status is one that is assigned to a person by society while an/a _________ status is one that is earned through the personal efforts or achievements of the individual.

ascribed; achieved

Cesare Lombroso posited that much criminality was the result of _________, which is a package of genetic traits that distinguished violent and habitual criminals from the normal population.


The concept of sociological imagination involves the intersection of________, _________ and ________; and, was coined by _________.

biography; history; the times in which we live; C. Wright mills

The __________ defines diseases objectively, in accordance with the presence of recognized symptoms, and holds that the health body can be restored through scientifically based medical treatment.

biomedical model of health

Strain Theory, by Robert Merton, posits that there are five adaptive typologies individuals can use. They are:

conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion

One symbolic interactionist perspective on race/racism is __________________. It states that interracial contact between people of equal status who are engaged in a cooperative tasks will become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotypes.

contact hypothesis

Anthony and Penny have recently arrived in China to begin a one-year internship at a university. They are both expressing feelings of confusion and disorientation. They could be experiencing _____________

culture shock

Sociologist, Max Weber, placed a great deal of emphasis on the importance of leadership in democracy, which is why his view is referred to as __________, wherein that rule by elites is inevitable and the best we can hope for is that those elites effectively, represent our interests and that they do so in an innovative and insightful fashion.

democratic elite

Emile Durkheim provided important contributions to the study of suicide. Two of those contributions were:

demonstrated that suicide, considered a private act, can be explained as from a sociological viewpoint and linked suicide to social integration.

Four important factors related to environmental inequality are:

depressed land values which are redlined by banks; lack of mobility; lack of political/economical access; and, the promise of jobs.

There are countless numbers of laws that have been place on the books that have nothing to do with the distribution of wealth. These laws relate to behaviors of all kind, such as smoking, drug consumption, dressing styles, same-sex liaisons, etc. These types of rules and laws have been described as _______________ punishment.


C. Wright Mills, in the Power Elite, argues that during the course of the 20th century a process of institutional centralization occurred in the _______, _________, and ________.

economy(industries), politics (government), military

There are five institutions functioning, in some form, within all human societies. They are:

economics, family, religion, government and education

In completing an assignment for his sociology class, Alex inferred that the social customs of the indigenous populations of Africa and Asia were inferior to the cultural values of his own society. Alex is exhibiting a/an _____________________ point of view.


Three of the main methods used in sociological research are:

ethnography, surveys and experiments.

Cultural relativism is defined as:

evaluation a culture according to its own standards.

The legal-rational form of authority is based on __________________________________.

explicit rules, regulations, and procedures

Identify the independent variable in the following: does exposure to TV violence increase aggression in children?

exposure to TV violence

Social classes are:

fluid, partially achieved, economically based, large scale and impersonal.

Conflict Theory is a sociological perspective which:

focuses on social class exploitation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat with emphasis on unequal distribution of wealth and differential access to the means to achieve wealth, power and prestige

Conflict Theory is a sociological perspective which:

focuses on social class exploitation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat with emphasis on unequal distribution of wealth and differential access to the means to achieve wealth, power and prestige.

Sociologists have discovered that black and white children of the same age and birth weight, whose parents have the same education, occupation and income, whose mothers were the same age when they had their first child, who have the same number of children's books in their homes, and who were equally likely to receive support from the U.S. government's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, obtained statistically similar scores on their reading and number tests. However, the unfortunate reality is that black and white children are not equally likely to share these measures of life chances. Racial differences in educational achievement can be explained by ____________________. Racial differences in achievement are due to ______________________.

historical and current systems of racial inequality, including neighborhood, families, schools and peer groups; social inequalities rather than to genetic differences

The Dorothy and W.I. Thomas Theorem states:

if a situation is defined as real, the consequences are of that definition are quite real, whether the definition is accurate or not.

Research ethics requires sociologists to disclose their identity as researchers to obtain ________________ from subjects by making their participation voluntary and based on a full understanding of possible risks and benefits that we will not reveal the true identities of subjects.

informed consent

A/An ________ group is any organization which attempts to influence elected officials to consider its aims when deciding on legislation.


According to course lecture, ______ punishment is about the protection of wealth and private property, especially for those within the privileged groups and classes.


According to Emile Durkheim, _______ solidarity can be found in simple rural societies based on tradition and unity and _______ solidarity can be found in urban societies and was based more on a complex division of labor and formal organizations.

mechanical and organic

According to Emile Durkheim there are two forms of social solidarity. They are:

mechanical and organic.

In Stage 3 of the Demographic Transition Theory, there are lower birth rates. This is due to:

moblization, more jobs for women, use of contraception

Folkways, mores and law are three subcategories of _______________.


Labeling theory, a symbolic interactionist theory of deviance, posits that deviance and conformity result ________________________________________________________.

not from what people do but from how others respond to those actions.

Prejudice is defined as ___________________ and is considered a/an _________________.

preconceived notions about a category of people; attitude

. A conflict theory view of racial prejudice and discrimination and its intended harm is the exploitation theory wherein

racism keeps members of subordinate groups in low-paying jobs, supplying the capitalist ruling class with a pool cheap labor, which then restricts the wages of all members of the working class

A conflict theory view of racial prejudice and discrimination and its intended harm is the exploitation theory wherein

racism keeps members of subordinate groups in low-paying jobs, supplying the capitalist ruling class with a pool of cheap labor, which then restricts the wages of all members of the working class

The term "white flight" brings to minds issues surrounding racial conflict and tension within America's cities. What is frequently overlooked are the ways the federal government facilitated, and in fact subsidized, the exodus of whites from central cities. One such subsidy was the federal government's guarantee of mortgages for home ownership. The practice of ___________ emerged from the system used to determine areas ineligible for loans.


The ____________ is a systematic, organized series of steps that ensure maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem or concept.

scientific method

Edwin Lemert posited that ___________ deviance is the adoption and internalization of societal labels based on application of social and/or legal sanctions.


. Race as construed in the United States is based on __________ and is considered to be _________________

skin color; socially constructed

Secondary deviance marks the start of what Erving Goffman called a deviant career, which results in the acquisition of a ____________.


A ____________ view of gender states that there are not only two distinct categories of people based on continuing improvement in DNA studies. In this theory, sexual dimorphism is a claim, not the truth.

strong social constructionism

In postindustrial societies, some nations are facing ______ fertility rates due to an aging population and lack of immigration.


British sociologist, Harriet Martineau, compared ____________________________while American sociologist, ____________, was concerned with issues of poverty and homelessness in Chicago, founding the Hull House.

the positions of women to that of American slaves in society; Jane Addams

A random sample is a sample in which every member of an entire population being studied has ________________.

the same chance of being selected

Gerontology is _____________________________________________.

the scientific study of aging and the elderly

Sexual Orientation (Sexual Identity) refers to ______________________________________________.

the sex of the people an individual tends to be emotionally, physically and sexually attracted to

Social capital refers to:

the social knowledge and connections that enable people to accomplish their goals and extend their influence.

In considering the idea of divorce in a society, examining the effects on individuals and families, understanding how and why divorce rates have increased or decreased, and understanding the social and cultural history of divorce and marriage, one method to do so sociologically would be ___________.

the sociological imagination

Sociologists use the term ________ to refer to all of the formal political institutions of any society. In the United States these include the three branches of government, _________, _________ and ________; along with the _____________ that support the work of each branch.

the state; executive; legislative; judicial; bureaucracies

During the Age of Enlightenment (Age of Reason), western European culture shifted from a ___________ basis of thought to a ______ one. The center of knowledge and learning changed from the _______ to the _______.

theological/scientific; church/university

The four forms of authority are ____________, ____________, _____________ and ______________.

traditional, legal/rational, charismatic and expertise

One of the remaining puzzles for sociologists studying gender and sexuality is to:

understand which things change, why equalizing changes sometimes reverse and why somethings are so resistant to change

As the industrial revolution spread from Western Europe to the United States, three processes were set in place. They are ____________, _______________ and ____________________.

urbanization, industrialization and mass immigration

Comte penned Positive Philosophy which was the first systematic sociological approach to the study of society. He emphasized "Positivism" which included the concepts of: ________________

use of observation, comparisons, experimentation and looking at history to analyze society.

Deviance is defined sociologically as

violation of cultural norms

Rape culture, a social context where attitudes and norms perpetuate the treatment of women as sexual objects and instill in men sense of sexual entitlement, is one explanation for the continuing rise in ________________.

violence against women

Peggy McIntosh, in writing about ________________, wrote "it is like an invisible, weightless knapsack of special weightless provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes tools and blank checks.

white privilege

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