Sociology 101 FINAL REVIEW weeks 4-7

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appearance standards

Dress Code

Emotionally expressive

Of the four couple styles described by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, the style that yields the richest emotional experience and the least security is the ______ couple style.

Work Space

space used or required for one's work, as in an office or home.


"------" is the replacement of workers with technology in a workplace.


"-------" refers to the process by which previously normal aspects of life are re-defined as deviant and in need of medical attention of society.


"--------" is the contracting of a job or set of jobs to an outside source


"_______" is mate selection on the basis of similarity to oneself in regard to social characteristics and perceived attractiveness.


.Among the couple styles described by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, the most popular style is the _____ style.

Students of color

.As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, in K-12 schools, trans students and ____ are the ones who experience the most discrimination.


.As explained by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, in the ____ stage of love, your life has become so intertwined with your mate's life that you can't imagine life without her/him.


.On the basis of the responses received by faculty of the University of Indiana to their 2010 survey, it appears that ____ is/are the key indicator in establishing "family" status.


.______ view the family as a group of role players or 'actors' who come together to act out their parts in an effort to construct a family.

Conflict Theory

._______ highlights the role of power in family life and contends that the family is often not a haven but rather an arena where power struggles can occur.

Establish fixed reactions to authority

23.According to "Against School," the "adaptive" or "adjustive" function of public education is to: _________________.

determine each students social rule

25.According to "Against School," the "diagnostic" or "directive" function of public education is to ___________.

sort children into roles and train and train them only as far as their destinations merits

26.According to "Against School," the "differentiating" function of public education is to __________.

tag the unfit so that so that others consider them inferior and keep them from reproducing

27.According to "Against School," the "selective" function of public education is to ___________.

teach kids how to continue this cycle

28.According to "Against School," the "propaedeutic" function of public education is to ________.

Frank sent this

40.In the video "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", Ken Robinson related an anecdote about a kids' school play, where the children reenacted the Nativity, in particular the scene wherein the three wise men bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus. During the play performance, the kids playing the wise men each approached Mary with their gifts. The child playing the first wise man told Mary, "I bring you gold." The child playing the second wise man told her, "I bring you myrrh". The child playing the third wise man approached Mary and said, "____".

Make students as similar as possible

According to "Against School," the "integrating" function of public education is to make students ________________.

1. Degree of emotional intensity 2. stringency of standards of conduct 3. Degree of exclusivity

According to Dr. Whitaker in one of her video lectures for this week, friendships differ from romantic relationships in ________.

accept the problems

According to John Gottman in the video "Love, Lust, and Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", the way for couples to make their marriages last is to

There's no contempt.

According to John and Julie Gottman in the video "love, Lust, & Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", under what circumstances is it healthy for a couple to have a "loud, screaming" fight?

introducing students to useful social networks

According to the Functionalists, one of the latent functions of the U.S. education system is ------.


According to the author of "Against School," the two groups of people who can be convinced to buy stuff they don't really need are children and ------.

come to terms and learn to accept

According to the video "Love, Lust & Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", in order to make your relationship last, you must ------- the little things your partner does that irritate you and aren't going to go away.


According to the video "Love, Lust & Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" are: criticism, contempt, ---------- and emotional withdrawal.

We regulate them

According to the video "Love, Lust & Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", the "appetites" of humans and animals differ in that --------

Social Capital

According to the video "Love, Lust, & Marriage: Why We Stay & Why We Stray", a baby constitutes "----" for a family because the baby is connected to society through both sets of kinsmen - the mother's side and the father's side - who all have a stake in that child.

Strict Dichotomy of gay or straight

Alfred Kinsey was among the first to conceptualize sexuality as a/an _____.

Status Hierarchy

Are all employees the same level or are there on different levels.

Client- Relationship norms

Are you allowed/ expected to be friends with your clients

friendship norms

Are you expected to socialize? Disclose information about life? find out what the "rules" are.


As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, "____" refers a person who is "questioning" (uncertain) about what his/her gender is, or is an adjective of self-description for individuals who have reclaimed the word as a source of pride and/or identity, to proclaim who they are _________.


As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, ____ individuals are those who don't experience sexual attraction at all, or who experience limited feelings of sexual attraction, or who experience romantic feelings for others without also experiencing a physical-attraction component.

Queer, as in identity

As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, _______ persons are individuals whose gender identity - the gender they feel they are - matches the gender they were assigned at birth.

1. peers 2. Parents of peers 3. their own parents

As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, in the K-12 schools, LGBTQIA students are discriminated against by _______.

Transwomen of color

As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, in the general population, _____ are the individuals who experience the most discrimination.

Asexual GSLEN

As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, the acronym "_____" stands for Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network.

Eradicate, Discrimination, and harassment from HS

As Sean explained in his interview with Dr. Whitaker, the primary objective of his organization's work in K-12 schools, in particular their work in high schools, is to ______.


As explained by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, _____ is defined as a "voluntary, personal relationship; typically providing intimacy and assistance, in which the two parties like each other and seek each other's company".

conflict minimizing

As explained by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, couples who 'do' their relationship using the "_____" couple style often follow traditional religious or gender norms so that there is less conflict, less need for negotiation and more stability in the relationship.

1. Availability 2. Degree of shyness/ outgoingness of the individuals involved 3. Residual Proximity

As explained by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, first-year college students form friendships on the basis of ________.


As explained by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures, the term "_____" refers to selecting a mate within your own social (religious, ethnic, socioeconomic, etc.) group.

Grow up transgender adolescents as adults

As explained in the video "Growing Up Trans", most gender-dysphoric children will not -------.

are irreversible

As explained in the video "Growing Up Trans", there is a growing consensus among professionals in the field that the more intense gender dysphoria is in childhood,

Go through puberty of their biological sex

As explained in the video "Growing Up Trans", through the use of hormone blockers it's now possible for gender-nonconforming kids to never have to _______.


As noted by "Saifa" in the video "Intersex Children", "...gender is not in the genitalia; it's in the _____."


As noted in the video "Intersex Children", each year, roughly one in every ____ babies is born intersex.

Is it a boy or a girl?

As noted in the video "Intersex Children", the first question parents tend to ask once their baby is born is, "__________?"

Eager to have their child "fixed" as soon as possible

As noted in the video "Intersex Children", when interviewed for this video, pediatric urologist Terry Hensle stated that new parents of an intersex baby are often _________.


As you can see from Kinda Abujbarah's description of her life experiences in "life on wheels" , stigmatization of a person because he/she is 'different' is a -----------.

conflict theorists

Believe the U.S. education system reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities that arise from differences in class, gender, race, and ethnicity.

two or three

Cross-cultural studies reveal that children are aware of gender roles by age

conflict theorists

For ______, there are both ideological and economic dimensions to the debate over same-sex marriage.


Functionalists believe that _____ would be dysfunctional for a society if it was the orientation of most of its members.


How much of the work is done in teams, the usual makeup of the teams, how decisions are made.

Body Language

In The Video, "Consent On Campus: A Nightline Event", a participant in the discussion noted that according to a recent study, most men look for signs of consent in a woman's ---------, but few women actually give consent that way.


In the video "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", Ken Robinson asserted that ____ is as important as literacy and we should treat it as such.

A Tomboy

In the video "Growing Up Trans", Daniel's (formerly "Naima's") parents related that when they noticed their daughter did not look comfortable wearing a dress, initially they thought their daughter was ________.

Freshman year

In the video, "Consent On Campus: A Night line Event", a participant in the discussion noted that according to a recent survey, 15% of female college students were raped while incapacitated by drugs or alcohol during ------.


In the video, "Consent On Campus: A Night line Event", a participant in the discussion noted that many women -------- during a rape, as survival tactic.

Is not capable of giving consent

In the video, "Consent on Campus: A Night line event", when talking about alcohol consumption and consent to have sex, Participants in the discussion noted that if a women is tipsy, she ----------- (can she give consent?).

Freight Trains

In the video, "Consent on Campus: A Night-line Event", participants in the discussion note the idea in our culture that "male sexuality is like ------- - it just doesn't stop."

Get consent verbally

In the video, "Consent on Campus: A Nightline Event", a participant in the discussion noted that the clearest, easiest way to get consent is to ---------.

Doing Gender

Interactionists use the phrase "______" to refer to an individual's performance of tasks and/or display of characteristics that are consistent with the gender role that has been assigned to her/him.

Are born with both male and female genitalia

Intersex children are children who (what is their distinguishing characteristic?) __________.

The sex of someones desired partner

Queer theorist Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick argues against U.S. society's reduction of sexuality to a single factor, i.e.,


Some medical conditions are "-----------," meaning there is a disagreement within the medical profession about whether or not certain conditions are "illness".

working poor

The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines the "--------" as those who have spent at least 27 weeks working or looking for work but still remain below the poverty line.


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports _____ who experience high levels of social rejection are eight times more likely to have attempted suicide.


The _______ perspective suggests there are four universal residual functions of the family: sexual, reproductive, educational and economic functions.

Three people and a wheelchair

The incident at a restaurant that Kinda Abujbarah describes in "Life on Wheels", in which she goes to a restaurant with her family and the hostess who seats them refers to her as "-------," shows how stigmatized individuals are sometimes treated as non-human objects, as if they did not exist at all.


The term "-------" refers to the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum.

Cultural Capital

The term "--------" refers to cultural knowledge that serves as a sort of currency, figuratively speaking, which helps those who have it to navigate the culture they are in and attain upward social mobility.

hidden curriculum

The term "---------" refers to the type of non-academic knowledge that students in the U.S education system learn informally and through cultural transmission.

communication style

The way information travels top down, email, by appointment or casual.

Own property

There is a long history of gender stratification in the U.S. For example, women could not _____ until 1840.

Think critically and independently

To prevent your own kids from being turned into mindless automatons by the U.S. public school system, the author or "Against School" recommends you teach your kids to:

Institutionalized Sexism

We can see an example of _____ in the way that women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with certain kinds of mental disorders.

Leadership Style

What is the bosses leadership style, does it conflict with what you need?


When studying the U.S. education system, interactionists use the term "credential ism" to refer to the emphasis placed on academic certificates and degrees, which serve as symbols of what a person has achieved, and which allow for the labeling of that individual.


Which of the following is NOT one of the universal rules of friendship mentioned by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures?

Volunteering to help, respecting privacy, trusting, don't criticizing

Which of the following is NOT one of the universal rules of friendship mentioned by Dr. Whitaker in one of this week's video lectures?


Who study the sociology of health and illness base their studies on the assumption that healthy people have the most to contribute to the stability of the society.

Conflict Theorists

Who study the sociology of health and illness might focus on disparities in the quality of or access to healthcare as varies by race, ethnicity, gender, and/or age.


Who study the sociology of health and illness might focus on the way that other people treat an individual once she or he has been labeled as being "ill" in some way.

structural unemployment

With respect to U.S. employment statistics, the term "---------" refers to the disconnect between the number of people looking for jobs and the number of jobs actually available


With respect to the job market, "-----" refers to the situation where most employment opportunities are at the highest and lowest skill levels, with mid- level skills and education.

Queer Theory

focuses on mismatches between anatomical sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.


form(s) the basis of sexism.

sexual orientation

is the person's her/his physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex.

Illness AKA the social construction of illness

is/are a major research topic within medical sociology.


note(s) that public schools in the U.S teach students important values such as individualism, competitiveness and patriotism


refers to a person's capacity for sexual feelings


refers to behaviors, personal traits and social positions that society attributes ti being male or female.


refers to physical or physiological differences between females and males

Feminist Theory

uses the conflict approach to examine the maintenance of traditional gender roles and inequalities.


view the family as the most integral component of society.


words or phrases unique to each workplace. Slang, Tech Jargon, Level of profanity

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