Sociology 111 Final

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Intragenerational social mobility

A change in social postion occurring during a persons lifetime (intra means within)


A highly centralized political system that extensively regulates peoples lives

Modernization Theory

A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations Modernization theory explains global inequality by looking at the differences in technology and culture between countries. It is based on a structural-functional approach. This theory explains that affluence came to countries because of the Industrial Revolution and an increase in technology. The countries that experienced the Industrial Revolution in the 1700-1800s are the high-income countries today. It also argues that tradition and an unwillingness to change and adopt new technologies has held many countries back and kept them poor. This theory argues that all countries can and will eventually modernize and become more affluent, especially with the help of rich nations. There are some criticisms of this theory, though, including the fact that it blames poor countries for not modernizing and ignores the role rich countries may play in keeping them down.


A political system that denies the people to participation in government


A rigid and unfair generalization about the entire category of people. Can be good or bad. Unfair because all people in a certain category are described as the same Often take the form of stereo types

Status Consistency

A situation in which an individual's status is similar across several categories such as education, income and occupation. Example: A highly esteemed professor at a prestigious institution that is paid well has status consistency; a highly esteemed professor at a prestigious school that is not paid well has status inconsistency.


A socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important Skin color, facial features, hair texture and body shape

Welfare state

A system of government agencies and programs that provides benefits to the population

Matrilineal Descent

A system tracing kinship through women. Most common in horticultural societies where women are main food producers

Working Class

About one third of the population Sometimes called lower middle class Blue collar 48,000-27,000. Vulnerable to financial problems caused by unemployment and illness College is a reality for about one third of these kids

Is American a Meritocracy

America has both characteristics of a meritocracy and characteristics that prove that false. Many of the things in which we achieve are based on our socioeconomic status but there are also aspects

How does the Graying of America effect Health Care

Americans can survive longer but this comes at a cost. One study found that one half of lifetime expenditures on health care are incurred during the senior years.1 Getting access to and paying for healthcare for an aging population will continue to be an issue Some people even argue that we are spending too much on end-of-life care and we need to change our culture, allowing people to die naturally when they get older, instead of trying to keep them alive as long as possible

Marxist Politcal Economy Model

An analysis that explains in terms of the operation of a society economic system Linked to social conflict theory


An elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth. Social Stratification based on personal merit

Political action comittee

An organization formed by a special interests group independent of political parties to raised and spend money in support of political goals

Eating disorders and obesity

Anorexia and bullimia are tied to cultural expectation of thinness, 95% of people who suffer from eating disorders are women 63% of adults are overweight, social causes of obesity include an inactive lifestyle and a diet heavy in salt and fatty foods


Are religious organization based on new and unconventional beliefs and practices

Conflict Theory Viewpoint of Aging

Argues that different groups in society compete for scarce resources. An age based hierarchy is created. Mildly deviant because the elderly don't work

Argument of euthanasia

As of 2014, five states in the United States—Montana, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and New Mexico—allow physician-assisted suicide, which means that doctors can prescribe drugs that will end the life of people suffering from a terminal illness. Support for physician-assisted suicide is growing, but it varies based on how the question is worded. In 2013, 70% of respondents said that doctors should be able to "end the patient's life by some painless means." However, only 51% said that doctors should be able to "assist the patient to commit suicide.2 This shows first of all the importance of wording questions in surveys (see lesson 4), but it also reflects the complexity of the issue.

Institutional Prejudice

Bias built into the operation of a society institutions such as schools hospitals or the police


Christian denominations such as baptist and lutheran. Categories of Judaism or islam

What are the six main world religions

Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism

Pluralist model

Closely linked to functional theory An analysis of politics that sees power as spread among many competing interest groups. Claim that politics is an area of negations

Blended families

Composed of children and some combination of biological parent and a step parent or half sibling

Conflict theory view point on gender stratification

Conflict theory asserts that social problems occur when dominant groups mistreat subordinate ones, and thus advocates for a balance of power between genders. Frederich Engels compared the family structure to the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, suggesting that women had less power than men in the household because they were dependent on them for wages. Men, like any other group with a power or wealth advantage in Conflict Theory, fought to maintain their control over resources (in this case, political and economic power). Conflict between the two groups caused things like the Women's Suffrage Movement and was responsible for social change.

Conflict Theory View Point

Conflict theory sees inequality as neither inevitable nor beneficial. In fact, conflict theorists see that inequality and poverty are caused by major flaws in society. Conflict theorists see society as made up of various groups (such as social class, race, and gender). These groups compete for access to scarce resources like money, power, and prestige. The groups who have the most power are able to use coercion, exploitation, and inheritance to gain more resources. They are the ones who are able to organize society and set up the rules, institutions, and ideologies in such a way that society protects their resources and keeps them from other, more disadvantaged groups. Because society is set up this way, people in society often feel that this inequality is natural and inevitable, but it isn't. It is that way simply because that is how the powerful people want it to be, because it is an advantage to them.

Functional Approach to medicine

Considers illness to be dysfunctional because it reduces peoples ability to preform they roles. Society gives sick people roles Sick role excuses the ill person from routine social responsibilities Physicians roles is to use specialized knowledge to take charge of the patient recovery

Drop out rate

Currently at 8.1% leaves many young people unprepared for the world of work and a high risk of poverty Drop out rate for those in the bottom 25 is six times higher


Denial followed by anger, then negation and then resignation and finally acceptance

Gay and lesbian Couples

Denmark first country to legitimize this.

What are the three theories of aging?

Disengagment Theory Activity Theory Conflict Theory Viewpoint


Divorce rate has more than tripled in the past century. Fourth highest divorce rate in the world. Young spouses are at greatest risk for divorce. Those who aren't as religious. More disadvantaged member of society get divorced more often

Racial Experiences of the Native Americans

Earliest human inhabitants of the americas, have endured genocide, segregation and forced assimilation. Today the social standing of Native Americans is well below the national average


Earnings from work or investments. Richest 20 percent of families receive half the wealth while the bottom 20 percent only receive 3.9

Racial Experience of the African Americans

Experienced more than two centuries of slavery, emancipation in 1865 gave way to the Jim crow segregation laws. National civil rights movement resulted in legislation that outlawed segregation in schools, and in employment. Despite legal equality african americans are still disadvantaged.

absolute poverty

Extreme poverty, absolute poverty, destitution or penury, was originally defined by the United Nations in 1995 as "a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.

Upper Class

Five percent of the US Population Earn at least 200,00 a year General rule, the more a family's income comes from inherited wealth in the form of stocks, and bonds, real estate, and other investments, the stronger a family claim to being upper class

Economic Issues

Focus on economic inequality

Social Conflict Approach to Medicine

Focus on the unequal distribution of health and medical care. They criticize the US medical establishment for its overreliance on drugs and surgery, dominance of the profit motive, overemphasis on the biological rather thatn the social causes of illness.

Functional Theory View Point

Functional theory, based on the Davis-Moore hypothesis, sees that inequality is beneficial to society. On a basic level, they argue that some positions in society are more important than others and require special skills that only a few individuals have. The major problem for society is making sure that the best people fill those most important positions. The answer to that problem is that society offers rewards, in the form of money, power, and prestige, to those most important positions. In doing that, the most qualified people are attracted to those jobs. According to this theory, inequality is inevitable and beneficial to society. It makes society function better.

Cigarette smoking

Greatest preventable cause of death, more 440,000 every year prematurely. Most do it to release stress more common among men and people with high stress. 90 billion dollar industry

Arab Americans

Growing US minority, Come from so many different nations. Cultural diverse population. Represent in all social classes. They have been a target of hate crimes in recent years because of their link with terrorism


Has 15 million followers, mainly in israel and the US Jewish belief rests on the covenant between God and his chosen people, embodied in the Ten commandments and the old testament of the bible


Has about 1.6 billion followers, who are known as muslims. Follow the word of god as reveled to the prophet muhammad and written in the Quran the sacred text of islam

High Income Countries

High income nations cover roughly 47 percent of earths land mass and they lie mostly in the northern hemisphere They hold 23 percent of the worlds population Range from 45,000-12,000 of per capita income. Even the low income people have better quality of life than half the worlds population In short the rich nations are very productive because of their advance technology and because they control the global economy

Conflict theory viewpoint of religion

Highlights religions support of social inequality. Karl marx said religion justifies the status quo, and diverse peoples attention away from social injustice, religion discourages change toward a more just and equal society, religion is also linked to gender inequality, most of the major religions are patriarchal.

High income countries health

In the nineteenth century industrialization improved health care dramatically in western Europe and north America. Century ago infectious disease were leading killers, today most people in the US die on old age of chronic illness such as heart disease, cancer or stroke.

Death and Dying

In the past death was a familiar part of everyday life and was accepted as a natural event at any age. Medical advancement has set an unwillingness to accept death


Income is only part of a person or families wealth. The total value of money and other assets, minus the outstanding debts. Including stocks, bonds and real estate

Six reasons for Divorce

Individualism on the rise Romantic love fades Women are less dependent on men Many of todays marriages are stressful Divorce has become socially acceptable Legally a divorce is easier to get

Income and Education

Industrial societies have expanded opportunities for education but some people still receive more education than others. More than 85 percent complete high school but only 29 percent of men and 30 percent of women compete a four year college degree Schooling affects both occupation and income since most of the better paying white collar jobs require a college degree or other advanced studying


Informal and unpaid care provided to a dependent person by family members, other relatives and friends.

Symbolic Approach to Medicine

Investigates how health and medical care are socially constructed by people in everyday interaction Our response to illness is not always based on medical facts How people define a medical situation may affect how they feel

Social Issues

Involve moral questions about how people should live


Largest US minority, Many enthinicties including a Spanish heritage. Largest minority is concentrated in southwest region and are the poorest. Cubans are the most affluent and contracted in miami.

Types of Feminism

Liberal Feminism Socialist Feminism Radical Feminsim

Middle Class

Made up of 40-45 percent if the US population, the large middle class has a tremendous influence on our culture. TV programs and movies usually show middle class people and most commercial advertising is directed at these averages consumers. Far more racial diverse than the upper class

Charismatic Authority

Max Weber. Weber defined charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him."

Dependency Theory

Model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich ones; Dependency theory explains global inequality by examining how rich countries exploit poor countries. It is based on a social-conflict theory approach. It argues that economic prosperity in rich countries and poverty in poor countries are linked together. The prosperity of rich countries came at the expense of poor countries. Poor countries are dependent on rich countries and will never be able to rise out of poverty as long as current economic systems are in place. Critics of this theory argue, among other things, that it puts too much blame on wealthy countries and ignores the ways in which wealthy countries help poorer ones. As with most other issues in which structural-functional theory and conflict theory clash on their explanations, the true answer as to the cause of global poverty probably lies in combining the two theories.

Social integration

Molding a diverse population into one society by teaching cultural norms and values

Gender Discrimination in Education

More girls learn secretarial skills in high school while boys do class such as wood working and auto mechanics Women have become a majority on college campuses 57% AS their numbers increase they become more well represented in all fields of study. Men still dominate most fields of men studies while women tend to move towards the preforming arts and the visual arts

Abuse of Elderly

Most likely to occur if the caregiver works full time, cares for young children, is poor, fells little affection for the old person, finds the elder difficult and gets no support or help from others


Most widespread religion with 2 billion followers Began as a cult built on the personal charisma of Jesus of nazareth. Christians believe Jesus is the son of god and follow his teachings.

Downward Mobility

Movement from one social level to a lower one (downward mobility) as by changing jobs or marrying. cultural diffusion from one social level to another, as the adoption by one economic class of the fashions current or formerly current in a higher class.


Number about 380 million Similar to hindu beliefs but buddhism is based on the life of one person siddhartha gautama who taught the us of meditation as a way to move beyond selfish desires to achieve nirvana a state of enlightenment and peace.

Occupational Prestige

Occupational prestige (also known as job prestige) is a way for sociologists to describe the relative social class positions people have. It refers to the consensual nature of rating a job based on the belief of its worthiness. In our society high prestige occupations go to privileged categories of people, some jobs we give more prestige than others and thus give the people who do them more respect

How does Graying of America affected finances

One issue that the United States will face with an aging society is how to financially take care of these seniors. Medicare and Social Security will definitely both feel the strain as more people get old enough to receive benefits, leaving fewer workers per recipient. Social Security has done a great job of keeping the elderly population out of poverty, but it will be a challenge in the future to maintain this success at its current rate.

Structural Functional Approach to Religion

People clever ate the power of society through religion. Unites people promoting social cohesion, Encourages people to obey cultural norms promoting conformity, give meaning and purpose to life

Special Interest group

People organized to address some economic or social issues

Middle Income Countries

Per capita income 12,000-2,500. About 52 percent of these people live in or near cities and industrial jobs are common, the remaining 48 percent live in rural areas with limited access to schools, medical care, adequate housing and even safe drinking water. 70 nations fall into this category 36 percent of the land 61 percent of humanity

Violence in Modern Education

Permeates many schools, especially in poor neighborhoods Critics charge that schools today fall short in their attempts to teach personal discipline


Personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being male or female


Politcal system in which a single family rules from generation to generation Legitimized by tradition


Political system that gives power to the people as a whole. Representative democracy is electing officials to speak in our interest.

Health in low income countries

Poor nations suffer from inadequate sanitation, hunger and other problems linked to poverty Life expectancy in low income nations is about twenty years less than the US 10 percent die before 1 and 25 die before 20


Process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture. Can involve changing modes of dress, values, religion, language and friends

Cultraul innovation

Proving the opportunity for academic research that leads to important discoveries

Civil religion

Quasi religion patriotism that ties people to their society

Ethical Issues surronding death

Questions about the use of medical technology have added an ethical dimension to health and illness Supporters of a right to die argue that individuals should be able to decide for themselves when to use or refuse medical treatment to prolong their lives

Radical Feminism

Radical feminism is a movement that believes sexism is so deeply rooted in society that the only cure is to eliminate the concept of gender completely. How would this be possible? Radical feminists suggest changes, such as finding technology that will allow babies to be grown outside of a woman's body, to promote more equality between men and women. This will allow women to avoid missing work for maternity leave, which radical feminists argue is one reason women aren't promoted as quickly as men. In fact, radical feminists would argue that the entire traditional family system is sexist. Men are expected to work outside the home while women are expected to care for children and clean the house. Radical feminists note that this traditional dichotomy maintains men as economically in power over women, and therefore, the traditional family structure should be rejected.

Upper middle class

Range from 200,000-112,500$ Comfortable homes Most graduate from college

Rational Legal Authority

Rational-legal authority (also known as rational authority, legal authority, rational domination, legal domination, or bureaucratic authority) is a form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy.

Social Placement

Reinforcing meritocracy and providing a path for upward social mobility

Relative Poverty

Relative poverty is the condition in which people lack the minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live. Relative poverty is considered the easiest way to measure the level of poverty in an individual country

Declining academic standards

Relfected in todays lower average scores on achievement test, the functional illiteracy rate of a significant proportion of high school graduates and a grade inflation


Religions organization well integrated into their society. fall into two categories state churches and denominations

Lower Class

Remaining 20 percent Lives insecure and difficult Two thirds graduate high school but one in three go to college Low income and low quality of life

Upward Mobility

Rising from a lower to a higher social class or status.

Liberal Feminism

Rooted in the classic liberal thinking that indivuals should be free to develop their own tales and pursue their own interests. Accept the basic organization of society but want to expand the rights and opportunities of women Liberal feminism is an individualistic form of feminist theory, which focuses on women's ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices. ... They strive for sexual equality via political and legal reform.


STDs became a matter of nation concern during the sexual revolution of th 60s. Biggest danger is AIDS, Specific behaviors that put people at risk of aids include anal sex, sharing needles and use of drugs

Symbolic Theory View point on gender stratification

Scholars of interactionism study how individuals act within society and believe that meaning is produced through interactions. According to interactionists, gender stratification exists because people act toward each other on the basis of the meanings they have for each other, and that these meanings are derived from social interaction. According to Cooley's concept of the "looking-glass self," an individual's understanding of their gender role is based on how society perceives them. Thus, if society views a man as masculine, he will also perceive himself to be masculine. "Doing gender" is the notion that masculinity and feminity are performed gender identities. Gender is something we do or perform, not something we are.

Function of school

School contributes to the order operation of society Key functions of school are socialization, cultural innovation, social integration, social placement, latent functions

Student Passivity

Schools are evolving into places that demand rigid uniformity, define success in terms of numerical ratings, hold rigid expectations of students, require too much specialization, until little individual responsibility in students.


Sex is defined in your textbook as "the biological distinction between females and males"

Sex Vs Gender

Sex refers to the biological distinction between males and females; by contrast, gender concerns the social differences between males and females. Research in sociology focuses on gender rather than sex; sociologists distinguish between sex and gender to study differences between human males and females with greater precision. Whereas sex is based on physical differences, gender is based on social factors such as values, perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. For example, men and women have different genitalia; this is a difference of sex. Men and woman also face different social expectations, as when women are expected to be more nurturing than men; this is a difference of gender. Gender varies across time and culture, as different groups have different beliefs about appropriate behavior for males and females.


Share cultural heritage Common ancestry religion or language

Schooling and Social Inequality

Social conflict approach links schooling to inequality, formal education serves as a means of generating conformity, standardized tests have been as culturally biased, tracking has been challenged by critics as a program the gives a better education to privileged youngsters, Most attend public schools and the affluent attend private.

Power Elite model

Social conflict theory An analysis of politics that sees power as concentrated among the rich


Social institution found in all societies that unties people in cooperative groups to care for one another including any children

Social Mobility

Social mobility is shifting from one social status to another, commonly to a status that is either higher or lower. For example, a child of day laborers who becomes a professor achieves upward social mobility. In sociology, social mobility explains changes (or lack thereof) in social status.

Socialist Feminism

Socialist feminism is a movement that calls for an end to capitalism through a socialist reformation of our economy. Basically, socialist feminism argues that capitalism strengthens and supports the sexist status quo because men are the ones who currently have power and money. Those men are more willing to share their power and money with other men, which means that women are continually given fewer opportunities and resources. This keeps women under the control of men. In short, socialist feminism focuses on economics and politics. They might point out the fact that in the United States women are typically paid only $0.70 for the exact same job that a man would be paid a dollar for. Why are women paid less than men for the same work? Socialist feminists point out that this difference is based on a capitalist system.

Paying for medical care

Socialist societies define medical care as a right, governments offer basic care equally to everyone Captialist societies view medical care as a commodity to be purchased although most capitalist governments say for medical care through socialized medicine or national health insurance.


State church of china until the communist revolution Strongly linked to chinese culture Teaches Jen or humaneness being that people must place moral principles above self interest layers of moral obligations site society as a whole


State in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing. In other words people who differ in appearance or social heritage all are resources roughly equally

Status Inconsistency

Status inconsistency is a situation where an individual's social positions have both positive and negative influences on his or her social status. For example, a teacher may have a positive societal image (respect, prestige) which increases their status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases their status.

Asian Americans

Suffered both racial and ethnic hosltitly. Although some still continues now most have above average income and schooling. Asian immigrants now account for one third of all immigrations


Support of social equality for women and men in opposition to patriarchy and sexism

Symbolic Interaction theory

Take a micro level view of society focusing on fave to face interactions in everyday life


Teaching the skills that young people need to succeed in life as well as cultural values and norms

Activity Theory Of Aging

The activity theory of aging proposes that older adults are happiest when they stay active and maintain social interactions. The theory was developed by Robert J. Havighurst as a response to the disengagement theory of aging. Symbolic Interaction theory


The decline in the importune of supernatural and sacred. Un the US membership in mainstream church has gone down but up in sects.

Disengagement Theory of Aging

The disengagement theory of aging states that "aging is an inevitable, mutual withdrawal or disengagement, resulting in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system he belongs to". The theory claims that it is natural and acceptable for older adults to withdraw from society. Functional Theory

Functional Theory View Point on Gender Stratification

The functionalist perspective sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation and broadly focuses on the social structures that shape society as a whole. This theory suggests that gender inequalities exist as an efficient way to create a division of labor, or as a social system in which a particular segment of the population is clearly responsible for certain acts of labor and another segment is clearly responsible for other labor acts. The feminist movement takes the position that functionalism neglects the suppression of women within the family structure.

Patrilineal descent

The more common pattern of tracing kinship through men


The physical and social separation of categories of people. Some like amish segregate themselves voluntarily. However majorities usually segregate minorities by excluding them

Graying of America

The population of America is getting older.


The results of religious devision. They are marked by the charismatic leadership and members suspicion of the larger society


The sharing of household by an unmarried couple. Most popular in scandinavia and Europe. Actually discourages marriages. Almost half of all people 25-44 cohabit at one point in their lives


The system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations


The systematic killing of one category of people by another. Deadly form of racism and ethnocentrism Common in history between europeans and original inhabits of native america

Graying of America and Elderly Care

The textbook explains that over 80% of caregiving to elders is provided by family and that 86% of caregivers spend more than 20 hours per week providing care (p. 438). As the population continues to age, even more people will be faced with becoming a caregiver to their aging relatives. The other option for elderly care is some type of nursing home or care facility, but this option is expensive and sometimes lonely.

Gender stratification

The unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women


The worlds oldest religion and today has about 870 million followers See god as a universal moral force, rather than a specific being and believe in the principles of dharma (morals) and karma (spiritual process of the human soul)

Gender in families

There are many gender stereotypes within the family, dad is the worker, high job owner, taller, older. Bachelor is glory and spinster is bad.

Race in Families

These fluid families can start to form because of a common race among two people they associate. Like poly always say cousin, brother, sister

One parent families

Thirty percent of US families are one parent. More than doubled in the last generation. Increases women poverty. Most common among african American families. Children are at a disadvantage


Three out of four who divorce remarry. Men who benefit from wedlock are more likely to marry again. Remarriage creates blended families.

Social conflict and health inequality

Ties medicine to the operation of capitalism Three main issues Access to Care- Making people pay gives the rich the best access to health care, rich get excellent care and poor get screwed Profit Motive-Everyone becomes money hungry, recommend unnecessary tests for more money. Medicine should motivated by concern for patients not money Medicine as Politics- Medicine takes sides of the political agenda that best serve them, for instance against government assistance

What are the three types of Weber Authority

Traditional Authority Rational legal Authority Charismatic Authority

Traditional Authority

Traditional authority is a type of leadership in which the authority of a ruling regime is largely tied to tradition or custom. In sociology, the concept of traditional authority comes from Max Weber's tripartite classification of authority.

Bilateral Descent

Two sided descent, a system tracing kinship through both men and women.

Three reasons women earn less

Type of work perfomed Family Responsibilites Discrimination (glass ceiling)

Average Middles

Typically work at less prestigious white collar jobs Between 112,500 and 48,000$ Likely to be high school grads but 50/50 on college


Unequal treatment of various categories of people. Prejudice refers to attitude but discrimination is a matter of action

Latent functions

Unintended and have a positive effect on society

Intergenerational Social Mobility

Upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents. Can reveal long term changes in society (inter means between)

Low Income Countries

Very poor, mostly agrarian societies with some industry. cover 17 percent of the nations land and 17 percent of the population. Most inhabit villages and and farms as their ancestors have done for centuries. Hunger disease and unsafe housing are very prevalent

Functional Theory View point

Views cities as a complex system of many separate but integrated parts

Basic Feminism Ideas

WOrking to increase equality Expanding human choice Eliminating Gender Stratification Ending sexual violence Promoting sexual freedom

Income vs Wealth

Wealth refers to the stock of assets held by a person or household at a single point in time. These assets may include financial holdings and saving, but commonly also include the family home. Income refers to money received by a person or household over some period of time. Income includes wages, salaries, and cash assistance from the government. In some ways, wealth is more important for understanding social inequality because wealth generates income, so income inequality depends in part on wealth inequality. Research on racial inequality argues, that a large part of inequality between African Americans and whites is due to differences in wealth and discrimination against African Americans in the acquisition of wealth, particularly housing.

Gender Discrimination in the work place

Women are employed mostly in office jobs and service industries In any field the higher the prestige and the greater income it is mostly likely to be held by a man Prejudices are attached to some jobs that label women as loose or lesbians (mining) Glass ceiling, blocks women advancement but hard to see, the prejudice that women don't belong at the top of a company Main reason for the wage gap is that women do different jobs than men do. Parenting and pregnancy can keep women out of the workplace longer and can make their appearance at work periodic. Also they can't take as demanding nights and weekends because of the kids

Class Distinction

a characteristic that is observed to differ based on social class

US politics


Horizontal Mobility

movement from one position to another within the same social level, as changing jobs without altering occupational status, or moving between social groups having the same social status.

Voter Apathy

politics, voter apathy is perceived apathy (lack of caring) among voters in an election. Voter apathy or lack of interest is often cited as a cause of low turnout among eligible voters in jurisdictions where voting is optional and the donkey vote where voting is compulsory.

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