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All of the following would be said by a medical student who is learning medical values EXCEPT:

"I won't prescribe that drug because the research shows it's not effective."

Of the following figures, which is the LEAST misleading?


Based on the Health Belief Model, which of the following individuals is most likely to make a healthy change?

A 68-year-old woman believes she is at risk for Alzheimer's disease. She is scared of not remembering her children and grandchildren and is scared of death. Her doctor tells her that engaging in memory activities will help reduce her risk. Her children live nearby and are happy to come over daily to help.

Which is LEAST consistent with the sociological model of disability?

A man has diabetes, which requires him to eat at regular intervals to control his blood sugar. He works at a factory that requires 12 hour shifts with two half-hour breaks.

Which of the following scenarios exemplifies Freud's theories?

A person attends psychotherapy to cure his mental illness.

Whether an individual will seek diagnosis once symptoms appear depends on

ALL ARE CORRECT the frequency of the symptoms. the visibility of the symptoms. the severity of the symptoms. the presence of alternative explanations for the symptoms.

Clarice has a very stressful job and has been having anxiety. Her doctor prescribed Xanax. She heard from a friend that acupuncture helps reduce anxiety, so she also made an appointment with an acupuncturist. Clarice's treatments are considered


Which of the following reframes this "personal trouble" into a "public issue" that a critical sociologist studying health, illness, and health care would be likely to study? "Debora was a 38-year-old Black woman who gave birth to a healthy baby girl. After the delivery, Debora experienced excessive blood loss, and died 2 hours later."

Black women are 3-4 times more likely to die during childbirth, and some scholars believe it is because they have higher rates of poverty and less access to health care/pre-natal care, which leads to a variety of health problems that increase risk during childbirth.

Which of the following statements is true?

Chronically ill persons sometimes attempt in their minds to separate their selves from their bodies.

How we define "normal" and "deviant " behavior can lead to definitions of mental disorder. This process is part of what is termed the social ______________ of mental illness.


A deaf mother gives birth to a child who is also deaf. When a doctor suggests that she have her child undergo surgery to restore hearing, she refuses. Which of the following would explain the mother's refusal to have her child undergo the surgery from a sociological model of illness perspective?

Deafness has been defined as an illness because it is a deviation from "normal" by doctors; however, this ignores the deaf community as culturally distinct and their definition of deafness as a normal experience.

The American Psychiatric Association's standard manual of mental disorders is the _________________.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

T/F Annual income is the most important indicator for social class.


T/F BEcause racial categories are biologically fixed, they have not changed in any meaningful way over the past several hundred years.


T/F Most medical professionals are educated on the needs of transgender patients.


T/F The increased use of vaccinations usually precedes the epidemiological transition and explains why deaths caused by acute diseases decrease in nations that are post-transition.


T/F Because illness is a social construct, meaning it has no objective condition and exists because it has been defined as existing, there are no real consequences of illness.


T/F Medicalization always leads to reduced stigma.


T/F Moral treatment refers to the treatment of mentally ill persons by clergy.


T/F The shift from supernatural explanations of illness to more scientific explanations happened quickly.


The low status of women in many developing nations increases the rate of infant mortality. Is this an example of how sex effects infant mortality or an example of how gender effects infant mortality? Why?

Gender: The low status of women in a society is a social value placed on women, which decrease women's agency over their lives.

A woman works in a retail store and has been experience extreme tiredness for months. When she goes to her doctor, he diagnoses her with chronic fatigue syndrome. Her doctor has prescribed her anti-depressants, exercise, and therapy, all of which she engages in. She continues to go to work; however, because she does not complete tasks quickly enough, her boss fires her. At her exit interview, her boss explains that all of his employees are tired and that not sleeping is no excuse to not do her job well. Which of the elements of the sick role did she violate?

Her boss did not believe she had a legitimate illness nor a legitimate reason to not accomplish her tasks more quickly.

Which of the following diseases would be better measured by an incidence rate than a prevalence rate?


According to Goffman, persons who are treated in large mental hospitals typically experience a change in their self-concept, leading to a loss of self and eventually identifying as a "mental patient." This is called


________________ is/are (a) factor(s) in the declining number of people treated in mental hospitals.

New ideas and ways (e.g., medication) of treating people with mental illness in the community. ALL OF THE ABOVE Increased concern over the rights of people with mental illness. State budget cuts for mental health.

Which of the following can be important supporters of medicalization?

None of these are correct. lay groups ALL ARE CORRECT pharmaceutical companies doctors

Which of the following best describes the Hispanic Paradox?

On average, Hispanic individuals in the US have lower SES, but worse life expectancy than White individuals.

Two individuals have identical annual incomes but are in different social classes. Which of the following would NOT help to explain this difference?

One individual smokes cigarettes, but the other individual does not.

Which is an example of how globalization can influence health?

Pathogens can easily cross boarders by way of trade and international travel. Air pollution from China is cuasing heard disease in the western US. Manufacturers of diseases market to populations all over the world, influencing diets and lifestyles. Some US companies establish factories in other countries to exploit cheap labor and lack of environmental regulations of those countries, putting workers at risk. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following is NOT a step in the process of medicalization?

Professionals agree on a diagnosis.

Which of the following is true?

Psychiatrists typically believe that mental illness stems from biological causes.

According to Sociologists, a profession has which characteristics?

Specialized knowledge, the autonomy to set its own educational standards, public confidence

Which of the following is NOT a social problem related to physical health in least developed countries?

Sread of infectious diseases*

In which stage of the demographic transition is the US?

Stage 4***

which of the following is NOT true about stigma?

Stigma refers to the social disgrace of having a deeply discrediting attribute. Stigma can be internalized. Stigmatization involves labelling and stereotyping individuals. Stigmatization is more common when the illness is feared or believed to the the fault of the affected individual. ALL OF THE ABOVE

T/F A person with an invisible disability may experience just as much pain and stigma as someone with a visible disability.


T/F In every country, for every racial/ethnic group, for every age, and across gender and sex lines, individuals with higher social class have better health outcomes.


T/F The article we read on racism and health argues that racism is a fundamental cause of health inequality.


T/F "Allopaths" is another term for "regular doctors."


T/F Advanced Practice Nurses have the highest status in the nursing profession.


T/F Cultural competence is the ability of health care providers to understand at least basic elements of others' cultures and recognize the impact of their own cultural identity and biases on their interactions with clients.


T/F The WHO has advised that people should avoid mosquitos and unprotected sex in order to reduce Zika exposure and infection. However, poor individuals who live in rural areas of affected countries are unable to follow these recommendations, which suggests that those who have the greatest risk of exposure and are the most vulnerable to the disease have been given little help on how to avoid infection.


Erving Goffman referred to mental hospitals as ______________.


Which of the following is NOT a tenant of the Theory of Fundamental Causes?

The primary way SES influences health is through social stress.***

According to the Health Belief Model, which of the following is necessary before individuals will comply with medical advice?

They must believe they are susceptible to a particular health problem.

Which of the following would be in line with the findings of the Rosenhan study?

Virtually any behavior can be seen as a symptom of mental illness in a mental hospital.

Which of the following is NOT an example of structural violence?

When a husband physical abuses his wife.

Which sociodemographic groups have the the highest prevalence of disability?

Women, older adults, and Black adults

Which of the following is/are true?

Working class people more often than middle-class people accept pain as an expected consequence of hard work.( all of the above)

Across history, people have most commonly believed that illness was

a deserved punishment for bad behavior.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a manufacturer of illness?

a multi-billion pharmaceutical company that produces an annual flu vaccine

Imagine that you are trying to research whether having a female doctor leads to better health outcomes for women. You are interested in trends in the whole population. You find the following five sources. Which of the following sources do you believe is best for your purposes?

a peer-reviewed journal article in the New England Journal of Medicine that used big data in order to combine datasets on all doctors in a particular state, all women in a particular state, which doctor each woman saw, and health outcomes

According to sociologists, technology is

a tool adopted for a variety of cultural and medical reasons.

Which of the following explains how SES is associated with health?

access to health care neighborhood conditions exposure to social stressors work conditions ALL OF THE ABOVE

Fundamental-cause theory argues that

across societies, those with the fewest resources are most likely to fall ill.

In general, rates better measure how common an illness is than do raw numbers because rates

allow us to reasonably compare populations of different sizes.

Health lifestyles

are based on both life chances and life choices.

US physicians

are especially likely to undertreat chronic pain among minorities.

Once an individual seeks treatment for psychiatric problems, doctors typically

assume that the individual has a mental illness.

The health belief model

assumes noncompliance with medical occurs solely because of patients' attitudes and beliefs.

The sociological model of mental illness assumes that

behavior becomes labeled as mental illness when powerful persons consider it both unacceptable and incomprehensible.

Florence Nightingale

beleived that men and women should occupy "separate spheres." believed that nursing needed a hierarchical structure.

Social stress

can cause mental as well as physical illness.

A woman who has a disability wears a "Crip Pride" button. She is engaging in

challenging stigma.

According to most scholars, life expectancy in the United States increased dramatically after 1900 because of

changes in nutrition and living conditions.

Because living in poverty adds a myriad of stresses that are not present for people in higher social classes, it is a primary cause of poor health. According to ____, these stresses accumulate over time, which increases _____. The relationship between poverty and poor health is so well established that _____ argues that this relationship is consistent across time, location, and race/ethnicity.

cumulative inequality theory; cumulative stress burden; fundamental-cause theory.

During the first half of the 20th century, the number of people treated in mental hospitals increased by a large amount. Today, this trend has been reversed by a countertrend toward ______________.


In the 19th century, medical textbooks generally described masturbation as a sign of illness. Modern textbooks, however, do not. This is an example of


A man has Down syndrome and works for a grocery store. Despite broad protections from the Americans With Disabilities Act, a loophole in the law results in him being paid at $4.15 an hour, instead of at the $7.25 federal minimum wage all of his coworkers get. Which of the following is this an example of?


Even though there have been several threats to medical dominance, doctors have maintained their status and prestige by

egulating education, licensing, and standards regulating other allied health professions managing corporations that doctors work for adopting alternative therapies ALL OF THE ABOVE

Corporate decisions to locate polluting industries in minority neighborhoods are referred to as

environmental racism.

In Germany, infectious and parasitic diseases are relatively rare, chronic and degenerative diseases are relatively common, and life expectancy is high. From these facts, we can conclude that Germany has experienced the

epidemiological transition.

Fill in the blanks: "In order to limit society's exposure to HIV, some scholars (such as public health workers) study where HIV cases are most likely to be diagnosed, which is also known as the _______ of HIV. These scholars would likely refer to HIV as ______ because they are most concerned with the potential deadliness of HIV. Alternatively, a sociologist that is studying why African Americans contract HIV at higher rates than White Americans is said to be engaging in _____ and would likely refer to HIV as ______."

epidemiology; a disease; social epidemiology; an illness

John is suffering from depression since the loss of his wife. He goes to work every day on time, and every morning he meditates. John is using which strategy to deal with his mental illness?

feeling work

Which of the following is a contested illness?


Which of the following models/theories of health emphasizes individual choices?

health belief model****

Which of the following research projects best reflects a sociological perspective?

how prejudice against Native Americans can foster high rates of alcoholism among Native Americans

A student is classifying countries by their stage of epidemiological transition. Country A has the following characteristics: the average per capita income is approximately $14,000, almost $6,000 more than it was 10 years ago; there are above average numbers of deaths from the flu and measles each year than in other countries; however, because these deaths have been decreasing in recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in life expectancy from 44 to 56 in the last 15 years. In addition, heart disease is now the primary cause of death for individuals in the middle and upper classes. Which transition stage best fits? Why?

in transition: Although there are many more deaths from acute diseases than in other nations, those are decreasing, whereas chronic conditions are increasing; these large changes suggest that Country A is currently experiencing the epidemiological transition.

Before 1900, the most common causes of death in the United States were

infectious diseases.

The infant mortality rate among African Americans

is higher than among whites even if we look only at the middle and upper classes.

In which way does racism/discrimination influence health?

it can create (un)conscious biases about bodies that can lead to different treatment outcomes it is embedded in laws and policies that influence A ALL OF THE ABOVE

Disability is more common among

lower income than upper income persons.

Fill in the blanks: Through the process of _____, pregnancy has shifted from a normal life experience for women into a medical condition. In doing so, the medical ____, which is comprised of doctors, hospitals, and the cultural acceptance of the _____to explain illness as ONLY a biological reality that is not affected by society, has extended its ____ over pregnant women, using both formal and informal methods to coerce these women to change their lifestyles in order to ensure a "healthy" pregnancy.

medicalization; institution; medical model of illness; social control.

Research suggests that

men's higher mortality rate in part reflects their traditional gender role.

From the reading "Transforming Normality into Pathology", Allan Horwitz argues that ____________ is a reaction to social stressors whereas _____________ is a dysfunction that indicates psychological mechanisms are not functioning properly.

mental distress, mental disorder

The medical model of mental illness assumes all of the following EXCEPT that

mental illness is influenced by social factors.

According to the sociological model of illness, illness is a

moral status. subjectively defined condition. form of deviance. social construction. ALL OF THESE ARE CORRECT

Which of the following is not a component of the Health Belief Model?

perceived discrimination

The primary cause of low life expectancy in the less developed nations is


Women have lower rates of heart disease in part because their bodies produce more estrogen than do men's bodies. This is an example of

sex differences

According to sociologists, doctors are

social control agents.

The "conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life" are referred to as

social determinants of health

A woman is in a wheel chair and asks a man out on a date. The man refuses, and says: "I just don't think I could date someone who doesn't experience sexual desire like I do." Which of the following is this an example of?


Defining disability in terms of impairments

suggests that disability is inherent in the individual.

Why do sociologists argue that illness is (at least partly) socially constructed?

the meanings of illness vary across time and place

The percentage of persons living in the United States who have epilepsy is best referred to as

the prevalence of epilepsy.

Medicalization refers to

the process of defining a condition or behavior as an illness.

Chronic malnutrition in the less developed nations can best be explained by

the social distribution of food and other resources.

Someone who points out that persons with polio would be far less disabled if sidewalks were constructed with wheelchair users in mind is

using a sociological model of disability.

Medical culture stresses that doctors should

value clinical experience more than scientific knowledge

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