sociology ch 5 quiz

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A group that one identifies with and feels loyalty toward is called a/an: A. reference group. B. out-group. C. in-group. D. cohesive group.


A larger and more impersonal group that is usually organized around a specific goal and is often temporary is called a/an: A. primary group. B. category. C. secondary group. D. aggregate.


An employee who adheres to a dress code at work even though he or she would rather not is an example of conformity due to: A. identification. B. peer pressure. C. compliance. D. internalization.


Leadership concerned with maintaining emotional and relational harmony within the group is called: A. instrumental leadership. B. legal-rational leadership. C. expressive leadership. D. charismatic leadership.


According to the text, what are the two major sources of inefficiency in the group process? A. organization and social loafing B. social identification and organization C. authority and social identification D. influence and social loafing


The CEO who only cares about profits, regardless of the employees personal well-being or morale, is using: A. instrumental leadership. B. legal-rational leadership. C. expressive leadership. D. charismatic leadership.


The patterns of interaction between groups and individuals are called: A. group dynamics. B. anomie. C. social ties. D. group cohesion.


The sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel toward a group to which they belong is called: A. group cohesion. B. anomie. C. group dynamics. D. groupthink.


Which of the following is true about conformity? A. We conform because we want to gain acceptance and avoid disapproval. B. Only weak-minded individuals are susceptible to pressures to conform. C. We follow proscriptions, which are the things that we are supposed to do. D.We avoid prescriptions, which are the things we are not supposed to do.


Which of the following is true concerning gender and networks? A. Women who are part of networks that include more men than women are more likely to hear about good job leads. B. Women who hear about job leads are less likely to pass that information along to men. C. Men are more likely to get quality information about job opportunities from men than from women in their social networks. D. Women who are part of networks that include more women than men are more likely to hear about good job leads.


Which of the following would be considered an example of a primary group? A. your group of close friends B. a high school football team C. all students at your college D. your sociology class


Power that is backed by the threat of force is called: A. traditional power. B. coercive power. C. legal-rational power. D. influential power.


The Asch experiment, which found that most people gave incorrect answers to factual questions when a group of people endorsed those answers beforehand, illustrates the concept of: A. obedience to authority. B. group conformity. C. McDonaldization. D. out-group avoidance.


What is Durkheim's term for a state of normlessness? A. dynamics B. anomie C. atroph D. proscription


Which of the following would probably be considered an out-group by your city police force? A. local school children B. a motorcycle gang C. the state police force D. local attorneys


Which of the following is true concerning primary and secondary groups? A. Interaction in primary groups tends to be more formal and impersonal than in secondary groups. B. Secondary group membership never generates primary group ties. C. Membership in secondary groups usually does not carry the same potential for emotional satisfaction as primary-group membership. D. Primary groups tend to be larger than secondary groups.


Which of the following would be considered a social group, according to sociologists? A. people standing in line at a bank B. people at a rock concert C. your sociology class D. everyone who is a football fan


You and your family, friends, peers, colleagues, teachers, and co-workers constitute a: A. secondary group. B. primary group. C. social network. D. social tie.


A collection of people who share a physical location but do not have lasting social relations is called a/an: A. social network. B. category. C. social group. D. aggregate.


A monarchy is be an example of: A. charismatic authority. B. legal-rational authority. C. influential authority. D. traditional authority.


Generally, as the size of a social group increases, __________ also increase. A. friendship and anomie B. personal ties and instability C. personal ties and stability D. stability and regulations


The tendency to enforce a high degree of conformity among members that creates a demand for unanimous agreement is called: A. group cohesion. B. anomie. C. group dynamics. D. groupthink.


Which of the following is the strongest type of conformity? A. identification B. peer pressure C. compliance D. internalization


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