Sociology: Ch. 8 & 12

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Second shift

The unpaid housework and childcare often expected of women after they return home from doing paid labor in the workforce


Marrying only one individual at a time, is still considered the only legal form of marriage in modern Western culture


Marrying someone from within the same social group

Institutional discrimination

occurs when institutions (government, schools, families) practice dscrimitory policies that affect whole groups of individuals.


"Prejudgement" or having racist thoughts about other race


- a more common form of Polygamy, where a man is married to multiple


- a woman has multiple husbands


A culture pattern of intergroup relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation and acceptance within a society.


An action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of individuals because of their membership in a certain racial or ethnic group

Situational ethnicity

An ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation. Ex: Dr. Ferris has a Lebanese ancestry. When she lived in California, her ethnicity didn't matter much so she downplayed it, but when she moved to Illinois and found out that a large population of people living there are Lebanese so she shows her identity and her ethnicity becomes more valuable.

Symbolic Ethnicity

Enactments of ethnic identity that occur only on special occasions. Ex: Irish people don't show and celebrate their culture and identity everyday or a daily basis, but on Saint Patrick's day, they dress up and celebrate it.

Heritage tourism

Global Travel or a journey to a geographical location of significance to ones' religion.


Having multiple spouses, may be practices among some subcultures around the world but is not widely acknowledged as a legitimate form of marriage


In-group marriage (same race marriage)

Cultural Assimilation

Members learn the cultural practices of the dominant group

Golden girl effect

People at retirement tend to be very traditional about issues of sexuality, bit in terms of what they count as family, they are more likely to accept housemates as a sort of family unit.

Minority group

People who are recognized as belonging to a social category and suffer from unequal treatment as a result of that status


Physical and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity

Incest -

Sexual contact bwt family members; a form of child abuse when it occurs bwt a child and a caregiver


Social category that is applied to a group with shared ancestry or cultural heritage Based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor Ex: Amish is a distinct ethnic in America.


Social category, based on real or perceived biological differences bwt groups of people


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national, or cultural group, taken place in the past, it continues today in certain parts of the globe


The ideology or sets of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group over another.

Double Consciousness

W.E.B. Dubois's term for the divided identity experienced by blacks in America

Cycle of violence

a common behavior pattern in abusive relationships; the cycle begins happily, then the relationship grows tense, and the tension explodes in abuse, followed by a period of contribution allows the cycle to repeat

Neglect -

a form of child abuse in which the caregiver fails to provide adequate nutrition, sufficient clothing or shelter, or hygiene, and safe living conditions


a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group


a social group whose members are bound by some type of tie - legal, biological, emotional, or a combination of all three.

Intentional communities

an inclusive term for a variety of different groups who form communal living arrangements that include ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, communes, monasteries, and ashrams, farming collectives ect.

Fictive kin

close relations with people we consider "like family" but who are not related to us by blood or marriage

Population transfer

forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied. Ex: The treatment of Native Americans from the past.

Instrumental tasks

generally achieve by tangible goal (washing dishes, fixing the gutters)

Expressive tasks

generally achieve emotional or relational goals (remembering relatives birthdays)

Extended family

in the Industrial revolution, this means a large group of kin, or relatives, which could include grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins living in one household.

Domestic violence

is an umbrella term for the behaviors abusers use to gain and maintain control over their victims.


like marries like" we tend to choose mates who are similar to us in class, race, ethnicity, age, religion, education, and even levels of attractiveness.

Racial passing

living as if one is a member of a different racial category. Ex: some lightskin african american will live as whites


marrying someone from within a different social group

Individual discrimination

occurs when one person treats others unfairly because of their race or ethnicity. Ex: Racist teacher discriminates Hispanic students


or living together, among unmarried couples


refers to geographic proximity: we tend to choose people who live nearby


relatives or relations, usually, including at least three generations living either in one household or in close proximity


romantic, sexual, or marital relationships bwt people of different races at some point in history


the physical and legal responsibility for the everyday life and routines of children; assigned by a court for divorced or unmarried parents


the prohibition of interracial marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction

Internal Colonialism

The economic and political subjugation of the minority group by the dominant group within a nation. Colonialism refers to a policy whereby a stronger nation takes control of a weaker foreign nation in order to extend the stronger nation's territory.

Racial Assimilation

The process by which racial minority groups are absorbed into the dominant group through intermarriage. (marrying different race/ethnic) -having children with the dominant group until the different races completely mixed

Embodied Identity

Those elements of identity that are generated though others' perceptions of our physical traits


a type of multiple-person partnership in which each individual, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, is in a relationship with each other individual

Nuclear family

after the industrial revolution, this means a hetersexual couple in their own household raising children

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