Sociology Exam 3

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The land, commercial enterprises, factories, and wealth that combine to form the economic foundation of a class-based society are referred to as the ______. A. means of production B. bourgeois C. proletariat D. untouchables


The proportion of young girls who are concerned about their weight has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. A sociological explanation for this phenomenon is ______. A. the prevalence of images of women with bodies that are unattainable or unrealistic for most females B. the lack of exercise among America's youth C. increasing public awareness of anorexia and other eating disorders D. the movement of women into the paid labor force


What is the underlying assumption of welfare reform? A. Requiring aid recipients to work will improve their values and habits. B. Jobs should pay a living wage. C. Families do not want to be dependent on aid. D. Marriage is essential to the well-being of children.


he United States has ______ social mobility than comparable nations. A. less B. more C. about the same D. indifferent


All of the following are criticisms of the functionalist perspective on stratification except ______. A. it is difficult to assess differences in the importance of occupations B. the perspective ignores how much conflict is caused by stratification C. stratification leads to improved efficiency and productivity D. rewards are not always consistent with the importance of occupations


A common tactic used in advertising involves posing an attractive female model next to, leaning against, or holding a product. These women usually say nothing, but are simply there as an attractive background for the product. This use of women in advertising is an example of ______. A. objectification B. personal sexism C. matriarchy D. sexual harassment


According to the ______ perspective, multinational corporations perpetuate global stratification. A. conflict B. symbolic interactionist C. dramaturgy D. structural-functionalist


Although stereotyping may be a natural way to efficiently categorize information, the content of stereotypes is ______. A. inherent B. genetically programmed C. learned D. universally accepted


In what year were all Native Americans born in the United States considered U.S. citizens? A. 1776 B. 1884 C. 1940 D. 1962


Men who assume that women are helpless and need assistance are displaying ______ attitudes. A. egalitarian B. matriarchal C. sexist D. subordinate


Most working-class individuals earn ______. A. a salary B. a pension C. an hourly wage D. below the minimum wage


On a given day, men are more likely than women to spend time engaged in which household activity? A. food preparation B. telephone calls, mail, and e-mail C. lawn and garden care D. purchasing goods and services


Several researchers studying the division of labor in families have found that mothers in two-parent households continue to be the primary caretakers of children and that both parents express a preference for this arrangement. Which of the following sociological concepts explains these findings? A. gender identity B. gender needs C. gender roles D. gender harassment


When an individual expresses racist attitudes, we refer to this as ______. A. institutional racism B. quiet discrimination C. personal racism D. stereotyping


The 1964 Civil Rights Act does which of the following? A. prohibits job discrimination based on sex, race, religion, and national origin B. obligates the federal government to provide financial assistance to poor women who are pregnant C. prohibits job and housing discrimination based on sexual orientation D. prohibits job discrimination based on gender identity


The McCalls are a family of five living in a rented, two-bedroom house. They have enough to eat and adequate clothing and furnishings, though most of what they have was purchased secondhand. Most families in their community own their own homes and can afford to shop at an upscale mall. The McCalls's condition is an example of ______. A. relative poverty B. absolute poverty C. absolute deprivation D. the culture of poverty


Which class suffers disproportionately from downturns in the U.S. economy? A. the upper class B. the upper-middle class C. the working class D. the middle class


What are "corrective" rapes? A. the rape of lesbian women by men who believe that they can "cure" women of their lesbian sexual orientation B. a method of intimidating women during wartime C. the terrorizing of women by their husbands in South Africa D. a type of gang rape in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


What is the definition of competitive individualism? A. the belief that those who succeed in society are those who work the hardest and have the best abilities B. the process of expanding economic markets by invading and establishing control over a weaker country and its people C. the inability to afford the minimal requirements for sustaining a reasonably healthy existence D. the belief that poor people develop a unique value structure to deal with their lack of success


Jim Crow laws were a form of ______ that established rigid lines between African Americans and Whites, mandating unequal access to services such as public transportation, public schools, and drinking fountains. A. colorism B. discrimination C. stereotypes D. affirmative action


Stratification refers to ______. A. a specific form of inequality in which some people are the legal property of others B. the ranking of groups according to race, gender, or class C. hereditary determination of one's lifestyle, prestige, and occupational choices D. a specific system of authority based on noble birth and land ownership


The Green family lives in a home that does not provide adequate protection from the weather. They are often unable to eat more than twice a day and suffer from chronic malnutrition. The Greens live in ______ poverty. A. relative B. absolute C. near D. common


A caste system is one in which ______. A. members can be divided into the bourgeoisie and proletariat B. education is the most important determinant of one's position C. status is based on heredity, with little movement allowed across strata D. some people are the legal property of others


According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, those who own the means of production are called the ______. A. workers B. entrepreneurs C. capitalists D. proletariat


According to conflict theorists, why has rape traditionally been seen as a crime against men? A. Men were often victims of rape. B. Women often falsely accused men of rape. C. Rape was considered a crime against men's property. D. Men were often physically injured during the attack.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, which of the following statements about rape is true? A. Nearly 80% of American women have been raped. B. Men and women are equally subject to sexual harassment. C. Almost 20% of American women have been raped in their lifetime. D. Fewer than 10% of American women have been raped.


According to the culture-of-poverty thesis, the principal cause of poverty is ______. A. immediate lack of material resources (e.g., wealth and income) B. capitalism C. a mind-set that is "present oriented" and so unconcerned with the future D. urbanization


According to the text, homelessness in the United States can be traced to ______ problems. A. individual B. linguistic C. institutional D. self-imposed


According to the textbook, what is the definition of racism? A. the belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of a group B. the belief that humans have both RNA and DNA C. the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that can be ranked as superior or inferior D. the tendency for the race of a society's majority to be normative and unremarkable


In the United States, which group experiences racial transparency? A. African Americans B. Mexican Americans C. Asian Americans D. Whites


Jerry is a working-class Black man with good credit. He needs to take out a loan to pay for some improvements to his house. Several banks denied his request for a loan because the neighborhood he lives in is considered risky for real-estate investments. Jerry is the victim of ______. A. overt discrimination B. personal discrimination C. quiet discrimination D. institutional racism


Medicine during the 19th and early 20th century focused on women as products and prisoners of ______. A. their socioeconomic status B. their role in the family C. their environment D. their anatomy


Men dominate in fields such as business management, engineering, and medicine because ______. A. women continue to be uninterested in such fields of work B. sexism is waning in almost every aspect of American work life C. men continue to be better suited for leadership positions D. sex segregation persists in the workforce


Sociology points out that individuals in a particular racial group are tied together by their shared ______. A. physical characteristics B. mitochondrial DNA C. history of discrimination D. experience of identifying as, and being identified by others as, members of a group


This term is used to describe a situation wherein an individual occupies a position that places him or her between two classes and so may find it tough to identify with one class or the other. A. relative poverty B. affluenza C. culture of poverty thesis D. contradictory class location


What is "racial transparency?" A. the belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of a group B. racism expressed subtly through feelings of discomfort, which result in avoidance C. the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that can be ranked as superior or inferior D. the tendency for the race of a society's majority to be normative and unremarkable


Which Latino ethnic group is most financially successful in the United States today? A. Mexicans B. Puerto Ricans C. Guatemalans D. Cubans


Which of the following statements about reactions to a woman who openly displays her knowledge and expertise is true? A. Others may question her femininity. B. She is likely to meet with negative reactions. C. She risks being deemed unlikable. D. all of these


The Scott Act and the Geary Act were laws barring ______ immigrants from entering the country and stripping those already here of their legal rights. A. Chinese B. Irish C. Cuban D. Polish


The greater the proportion of Black residents in a community, the more likely it is that there will be ______. A. air pollution B. manufacturing jobs C. public recreational facilities D. 24-hr supermarkets


According to the textbook, what is the definition of a stereotype? A. the belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of a group B. rigidly held, unfavorable attitudes about members of a different group C. the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that can be ranked as superior or inferior D. unfair treatment of people based on some social characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, or sex


Although female sexism exists, male sexism has more serious consequences because ______. A. men still hold most positions of power B. women rarely consider men inferior C. males are not sexually objectified D. most men identify as sexist


Between 1991 and 2011, the proportion of Latino/a and Black students who attended schools where most of the students were minorities ______. A. increased B. remained the same C. decreased D. declined


Discomfort, fear, and avoidance are associated with which type of discrimination? A. quiet B. institutional C. cultural D. blanket


Discrimination is defined as ______. A. unfair treatment of people based on some social characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, or sex B. the physical and emotional abuse of those who appear different than oneself C. illegally defending the rights of a majority population D. the belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of a group


In a caste system, one's place in the stratification system is ______. A. ascribed B. achieved C. assumed D. ambiguous


In the United States, the majority of public school teachers are ______. A. White B. panethnic C. Black D. Hispanic


Majority social acceptance of African American, Asian, Hispanic, and other ethnoracial groups has not proceeded at the same pace as it has for many European immigrant groups--such as the Germans, Irish, and Poles who arrived in the late 1800s and early 1900s. What is one explanation for this? A. European immigrant groups had the same skin color as the majority group. B. European immigrant groups were more willing to assimilate to American customs. C. European immigrant groups maintained their own ethnic enclaves. D. In the early 20th century, southern European immigrants were considered a "model minority."


Men have traditionally used rape and the threat of rape to control women. For example, rape deters women from going out late at night and may cause women to avoid job opportunities. Which perspective draws attention to rape as a means of social control? A. conflict B. dramaturgy C. masochism thesis D. structural-functionalist


Absolute poverty is defined as ______. A. the process of expanding economic markets by invading and establishing control over a weaker country and its people B. the inability to afford the basic necessities of life C. the belief that poor people develop a unique value structure to deal with their lack of success D. one's economic position as compared with the majority of one's society


According to Marx, under capitalism, the ______ work with the means of production to earn wages. A. bourgeoisie B. proletariat C. serfs D. landowners


13. Research on race and education demonstrates that ______. A. U.S. public schools today are more integrated than they were 30 years ago B. U.S. public schools remain racially segregated C. members of all racial groups are now equally likely to attend college D. members of all racial groups are now equally likely to graduate from high school


A female business executive noisily enters a meeting room full of male executives and vigorously shakes hands with everyone. During the meeting, she frequently interrupts the men to give her own opinion on the subject. According to prevailing norms of social interaction between men and women, the men in the meeting room will most likely ______. A. admire the woman's ability to be an effective leader B. question the woman's femininity C. begin telling dirty jokes D. walk out of the room


A feudal system is synonymous with a(n) ______ system. A. caste B. estate C. slave D. social class


A survey of women at a large university shows that women who are raped rarely report the incident because they blame themselves. A survey of male students at the same university shows that men believe forced sex is acceptable in certain instances, such as when a woman "leads him on." To reduce these problems, the university's strategy should focus on ______. A. reminding women to not wear provocative clothing B. teaching all students that forced sex is rape C. encouraging students to walk in groups late at night D. publishing pamphlets that list "dangerous situations" women should avoid


Compared to other ethnoracial groups in the United States, the experience of African Americans is unique for which reason? A. their genetic differences B. the institution of slavery C. They are the only group included in affirmative action laws. D. They have lobbied for "stand your ground" laws.


In 31 states, if a rape leads to a baby, the rapist is ______. A. automatically convicted of the crime B. entitled to visitation rights C. assumed to know the victim D. given a shorter jail sentence


In countries such as Brazil, one's racial category is defined by ______. A. skin color B. economic standing C. facial features D. place of birth


In the United States, which group has what sociologists refer to as "racial transparency?" A. African Americans B. Whites C. Asian Americans D. Native American Indians


Most sociologists view race as meaningful in the sense that it is a ______ category. A. innate B. social C. biological D. economic


Research indicates that men who have been recently laid off tend to ______. A. take on more household work B. take on less household work C. continue performing the same amount of household work as before they were laid off D. get hooked on daytime cooking shows


Research shows that, on average ______. A. dark-skinned African Americans are paid more than light-skinned African Americans B. light-skinned African Americans are paid more than dark-skinned African Americans C. light-skinned Whites are paid more than dark-skinned Whites D. skin color is not related to income


Research suggests that gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth are ______ times more likely than heterosexuals to attempt suicide. A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15


The National Institutes of Health recently took which step with regard to sex and medical research? A. levied fines against Bayer for not reporting that aspirin affects men and women differently B. developed policies making it mandatory for all applicants for government grants to provide assurance that women are being included in their study design C. levied fines against Bayer for singling out women for inclusion in high-risk studies D. ordered the pharmaceutical company Breunwick-Meyer to cease deceptive marketing practices for its PMS (premenstrual syndrome) drugs


The contemporary understanding of stereotypes is that they ______. A. are irrational beliefs held by individuals B. are categories that our brains use to understand the world C. must be condemned by society to overcome racism D. always lead to discrimination


The problem with depicting masculinity and femininity as natural, biological phenomena is that it confuses ______. A. men with women B. sex with gender C. males with females D. sexual orientation with sexual identity


Three fourths of the pictures in Adam's sixth-grade science textbook that show children engaging in scientific activities are of boys and the remaining one fourth of the pictures are of girls. The difference in the depiction of boys and girls in this textbook is an example of ______. A. personal sexism B. institutionalized sexism C. comparable worth D. objectification


Unwanted advances and inappropriate touching are examples of ______ harassment. A. gender B. sexual C. personal D. binomial


What is "quiet discrimination?" A. the belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of a group B. racism expressed subtly through feelings of discomfort, which result in avoidance C. the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that can be ranked as superior or inferior D. the tendency for the race of a society's majority to be normative and unremarkable


What is false consciousness? A. a belief system that protects the lower classes from unemployment and exploitation B. a flawed belief system that harms the lower classes and protects the powerful classes from protest and revolution C. beliefs that are considered irrational or deviant in one's society D. the belief that "birth is destiny"


What is sexism? A. a female-dominated society that gives higher prestige and value to women than to men B. a system of beliefs that asserts the inferiority of one sex C. a society that gives higher prestige and value to men than to women D. subordination of women that is part of the everyday workings of social institutions


What is the definition of a panethnic label? A. a derogatory term referring to an ethnic group B. a broad term referring to a variety of subgroups presumed to have something in common C. a non-offensive term preferred by members of an ethnic group D. a term used to refer to all human beings


What is the most frequently committed but infrequently reported violent crime in the United States? A. sexual harassment B. rape C. robbery D. aggravated assault


What problem arises when the poverty line is set too low? A. Many families with incomes that put them just below poverty line may have a lower standard of living because a certain amount of earned income is required in order to receive any form of assistance. B. Many families with incomes that put them just above the poverty line may have a lower standard of living than those with incomes that place them below the poverty line because the former do not qualify for the assistance (e.g., health care, housing) they need. C. The median annual income for those in the middle class declines. D. Internal migration stagnates.


What was the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka? A. Before questioning suspects, police must inform them of their rights. B. Racially segregated schools were unconstitutional because they were inherently unequal. C. Prosecutors were prevented from using illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial. D. States have the power to regulate sexual relations between consenting adults.


Which of the following statements is true about the near poor? A. They are the focus of much public attention. B. They defy stereotypes of poor people. C. They are clearly identifiable in our culture. D. They are exclusive to rural areas.


Which statement about income distribution in the United States is true? A. The income gap between the richest and the poorest segments of the population has declined over the past 20 years. B. The income gap between the richest and poorest segments of the population has increased over the past 20 years. C. The income distribution gap has not been measured. D. The income gap had been increasing but has declined over the past decade.


Why is the psychiatric diagnosis for premenstrual dysphoric disorder so controversial? A. Most women do not suffer premenstrual symptoms. B. The diagnosis reinforces sexist beliefs that women are emotionally unstable. C. It is a clear physical ailment and not a psychological disorder. D. Some medical researchers are receiving large grants to research it.


Sociological research shows that when married, heterosexual women work outside the home, ______. A. housework becomes much more equally distributed between husbands and wives B. food preparation in particular becomes the domain of the husband C. women continue to do the majority of the housework D. many families choose to hire a housekeeper from outside the family


The "brown bag test" that was used by some African American churches, social groups, and organizations to determine an individual's suitability for membership is an example of ______. A. interracism B. ethnoracism C. colorism D. ethnicism


The poverty rate is defined as ______. A. individuals or families whose earnings are between 100% and 125% of the poverty line B. an individual's economic position compared with the living standards of the majority in the society C. the percentage of people whose income falls below the official poverty line D. the amount of yearly income a family requires to meet its basic needs


What does the World Trade Organization do? A. It funds reconstruction and development in poor countries through investments and loans. B. It fosters economic growth in poor countries through financial and technical assistance. C. It is involved with making and enforcing rules for the international movement of goods and services. D. It inspects nuclear facilities.


What is the structural-functionalist view of stratification? A. The working class and the capitalist class struggle over resources. B. Society would work better if resources were equally distributed. C. Society works better when people compete for desirable positions. D. Multinational corporations shift jobs from high-wage societies to low-wage societies.


When researchers studied the weights of Miss America pageant winners from 1922 to 1999, they found that the weights of pageant winners ______. A. fluctuated from year to year B. had increased over time C. had decreased over time D. had increased until about 1960 and then started to decrease


Which country has yet to sign the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women? A. Germany B. France C. the United States D. Sweden


Yellow peril was a term used in the late 19th century that referred to the fear that White Americans would lose jobs to ______ workers. A. African Americans B. Latino/a C. Chinese D. Native American


______ refers to the shared culture, history, language, behavior, and beliefs that provide members of a group with a sense of common identity. A. Race B. Traits C. Ethnicity D. Values


A stratification system based on slavery is one in which ______. A. extra-generational social mobility is supported by religious doctrine B. high-status groups own land and have power based on noble birth C. status is based on achievement, with little movement allowed across strata D. some people are the legal property of others


According to some economists, it often takes ______ generations to erase the advantages or disadvantages of a person's economic origins. A. two to three B. three to four C. four to five D. five to six


According to the "myth of the model minority," the story of Asian American success has been so widely celebrated because it ______. A. draws attention to unique Asian values that differ from American ones B. brings about a sense of jealousy among non-Asians C. engenders nervousness among groups that are not as successful D. provides evidence that in the United States, all who play by the rules and work hard can achieve success


After analyzing a random sample of television news shows that aired in Los Angeles and Orange counties in California, researchers came to this conclusion ______. A. Asian Americans smile more than Whites when they are on camera B. Latinos smile more than Whites when they are on camera C. Blacks and Latinos are more likely than Whites to be portrayed as victims of crime D. Whites are more likely than Blacks and Latinos to be portrayed as victims of crime


All of the following are true about institutional racism except that it ______. A. is built into social arrangements B. consists of established laws, customs, and practices that produce racial inequality C. is difficult to change because there is often no identifiable "bad guy" D. is relatively easy to eliminate


At a dinner party, a married woman and mother of two children who does not work outside the home apologetically describes herself as "just a housewife." Each of the following contributes to this woman's devalued definition of her role except ______. A. the public-private dichotomization of work after industrialization B. the different values placed on the kinds of work men and women are expected to do C. women's presence in the paid labor force D. traditional expectations for responsibilities of husbands and wives


Cross-cultural research indicates that ______. A. there is variation across societies with regard to females' interests in the math and science B. in many Asian and Eastern European countries, females display strong mathematical abilities C. cultural beliefs and expectations play a role in shaping the ways masculinity and femininity are valued D. all of these


In the United States, which ethnoracial group has the lowest life expectancy, the highest rate of infant mortality, and the highest rates of death from treatable illnesses? A. Native Americans B. Asian Americans C. Latinas D. African Americans


Which of the following best describes what has happened to the "wage gap"--the disparity between men's and women's earnings--in the United States? A. It has been widening by roughly 2% each year since 1997. B. It is a myth. C. It was eliminated by affirmative action programs. D. While it has declined over the years, it is still present.


Which of the following statements about rape is not true? A. It is often used by men to exert control over women. B. In most cases, the victim knows the rapist. C. It is the only serious crime where the victim must prove he or she did not consent. D. It is illegal in every known society.


Which term refers to treating another as an object rather than a human being? A. patrimony B. relativism C. androgyny D. objectification


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