Sociology Exam 3

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read the following statements about minorities. Which is NOT correct?

"arab" and "muslim" mean the same thing

What are the two types of sexual harassment recognized by the US courts?

"quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment"

Thomas makes $10.00 per hour. What would that be annually if he were working full time?


if you wanted to recruit people to join a feminist organization, you would expect to have the most positive response from...

African Americans

What supreme court decision established the foundation for the civil rights struggles of the 1950s through the 1970s

Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

The majority of immigrants to the United States in 1900 were from _____; in 1990 the majority were from ______

Europe; Latin American and Asia

Which of the following best captures the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables?

Independent variables produce effects on dependent variables

Which ethnic group in the US was forcibly removed to relocation centers in World War II?

Japanese Americans

In which country is the distinction greatest between richest and poorest citizens?

United States

What is the famous last line of The Communist Manifesto?

Working Men of all Countries, Unite!

How does the United Nations World Food Hunger Program define hunger?

a diet of 1800 or fewer calories a day

read the following four statements about social stratification. Which statement is NOT correct?

a familys social standing typically changes a great deal from generation to generation

The concept "absolute poverty" refers to...

a lack of resources that is life threatening

which of the following situations is NOT an example of institutional discrimination?

a mother wants her child to stay away from schoolmates of a different race

The concept "race" refers to

a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important

The theory of the Communists can be summed up in what single sentence?

abolition of private property

The condition in which people do not have adequate resources to maintain their health is called...

absolute poverty

According to the Creaming Principle...

actors with the greatest appropriate resources are best able to take advantage of opportunities

most low-income nations are found in

africa and asia

in general, societies that have a caste system have an economy based on


read all of the following statements about minorities. Which is NOT correct?

all people in a minority category are socially disadvantaged

read the following statements about minorities. Which is NOT correct?

all people in a minority category are socially disadvantaged

Which of the following statements about gender and housework is CORRECT?

among employed people, married or not, with or without children, women do most of the housework

When Ali moved to the US from Iraq, he changes his wardrobe by shopping at the local mall, began watching American movies, and indulged in sweets and fast food like the rest of the teenagers around him. Ali's process of abandoning his original customs and adopting those of the majority is called


while prejudice is a matter of ______, discrimination is a matter of ______

attitudes ; action

race refers to ______ considered important by a society, and ethnicity refers to _____.

biological traits; cultural traits

while being in the upper-upper class is usually the result of _____, being in the lower-upper class is more often a matter of _____.

birth ; achievement

with regard to the role of rich nations, dependency theory

claims that rich nations are to blame for global poverty

Talcott Parsons described gender in terms of


Which is the earliest of Piaget's stages in which the child should be competent and comfortable with taking the role of the other?

concrete operational

The superstructure of society, as describes by Marx...

consists essentially of everything that is not part of the economic system

Jill buys a very expensive car to impress her friends. her purchase is an example of

conspicuous consumption

the concept "ideology" refers to

cultural beliefs that justify social stratification

How does Merton's structural strain theory explain the existence of deviance?

deviance is the result of the tension between socially approved goals and an individual's ability to meet those goals through socially approved means

which factor accounts for the largest share of difference in the earning of working men and women in the US?

difference in the type of work men and women do

Mexicans and Puerto Ricans have immigrated to the United States primarily for what kinds of reasons?


in the US, the costs of sexism for men include

engaging in many high-risk behaviors

Although social honor is involved in all systems of stratification, in which system does Backman argue it is the most fundamental issue?

estate system

Stereotypes refer to

exaggerated descriptions applied to everyone in some category

True or False According to Marx, great leaders have been the primary driving force of human social history


True or False According to The Communist Manifesto, work had lost "all charm" for the workman. Scientific management (Taylorism), developed some 50 years after The Communist Manifesto, probably would have returned charm to factory labor had it been invented at the time and had it been tried


True or False According to the Communist Manifesto the two great classes society is (in 1848) splitting into are the bourgeoisie (factory owners) and rentiers (agricultural land owners)


True or False Income inequality is probably greater in Australia, which is industrialized, than in Bolivia, which is largely agricultural


True or False a majority of American children live in a household with a husband who works for pay and a wife who stays home to take care of the children and the household


True or False according to Goffman, there is a social principle that someone who shows that he has certain social characteristics does not actually have to have them because no one believes him anyway


True or False according to symbolic interactionists like George Herbert Mead, all children are born with an innate sense of self


True or False in the international survey reported in the textbook, respondents from the US were more likely to agree than respondents from most other countries with the statement that, "success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside our control."


True or False since about 1980, income inequality in the United States has steadily decreased


True or False the ways that people around the world "do gender" are universal


True or False today it is possible for women to marry each other in Canada, but there are no states in the United states that would allow such a marriage


Based on the scapegoat theory, you would conclude that prejudice is cased by...

frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged

Which was NOT one of the findings of the British Columbia study of the results of the introduction of television

gender stereotyping declined

which of the following concepts refers to an invisible, yet real, barrier that prevents many women from rising behind middle-management positions?

glass ceiling

What term describes the worldwide network of labor and production processes that extends from the acquisition of raw materials to the sale of finished products?

global commodity chain

As world hunger has grown, global food production

has actually continued to increase more rapidly than population growth

Looking back over US history, we see a general trend by which women

have gained both power and economic opportunities

Which of the following is probably not one of the differences between people in higher and lower social classes in the US? (hint: Plumbers law)

higher class members are more likely to suffer from psychological disturbances

Patrick is an upper class intellectual. He married Jessica, a Yale graduate who has a considerable inheritance. Which term best describes this scenario?


in the US, most people

identify with one or more ethnic category

critics claim that modernization theory

ignores how rich nations can block the economic development of poor nations

Friedrich Engels claimed that capitalism

increases men's domination of women

Which is not one of the types of sisal bonds that link people to society and law-abiding behavior according to Travic Hirschi and control theory?

interdependencies - our reliance on others for protection from crime and from other deviant behaviors

Japanese immigrants differed from earlier Chinese immigrants by

knowing more about the US before they got here

Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of US society, but seeks to expand the rights and opportunities of women?

liberal feminism

Becoming an adult is an example of...

long-term status passage

a college professor who has advanced degrees, moderate salary, and little power can be described as having

low status consistency

Theories about economic development that assume that the best possible economic consequences will result if individuals are free to make their own economic decisions, uninhibited by governmental restraint, are called...

market-oriented theories

in theory, which of the following involves the greatest amount of social mobility?


Which of the following is NOT a way to ameliorate the problems of groupthink?

mind guards

compared to poverty in the US, poverty in low-income nations is

more widespread and severe

in the US schools, courses in sociology typically enroll

more women than men

Which of the following is an essential of estate systems of stratification?

most of the land if owned by a small number of people

What is an example of "neocolonialism"?

multinational corporations dominate the economy of a poor country

Institutional isomorphism refers to the idea that...

over time organizations in the same line of work tend to become structurally and otherwise very similar to each other

Male dominance in a society is called


which of the following concepts refers to social organization in which males dominate females?


What type of group provides most of our emotional satisfactions?

primary groups

The social hierarchy of obligations helps ameliorate problems of role conflict by

providing a widely agreed upon priority list of expectations, so other people will agree that the role you chose to perform was more important than the roles you neglected

In her study in Milwaukee of black and white job applicants with or without criminal records, Devah Pager found that in terms of which candidate employers seemed to prefer...

race mattered (whites were preferred) and a criminal record mattered (applicants without one were preferred.) White applicants with a record were just as much preferred as black applicants with no criminal record

the US is not truly pluralistic because

racial and ethnic categories today do not have equal social standing

which type of feminism seeks to end patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself?

radical feminism

In organizations following the principles of the administrative science school,...

regular required reports from the lower- and middle-level managers keep upper management knowledgeable about what is going on in the organization

Max Wever argued that, in agrarian societies, the dimension of social inequality that has the greatest importance is

social prestige, honor

Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies supports the conclusion that

societies may define both "masculine" and "feminine" differently

the davis-moore thesis states that

society must attach enough rewards to important jobs to attract the talent needed to perform these jobs well

Because of social stratification in the US

some people have more privileges and opportunities than others do

What kind of "capital" is a celebrity using when the celebrity uses his or her fame to obtain special treatment?

symbolic capital

Sociologists use surveys a great deal. Probably the most important survey today (with the possible exception of some surveys from the Census Bureau) is...

the General Social Survey

Mead's term for an individual's understanding of society's norms and usual procedures is

the generalized other

The "problem with no name" in Betty Frinednan's 1963 book the feminist Mystique, was

the oppressive nature of a wifely life bound bound up with child care, domestic drudgery, and a husband who only occasionally put in an appearance and with whom little emotional communication was possible

gender refers to

the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being male and female

While modernization theory focuses on _____, dependency theory focuses on _____.

the production of wealth; the distribution of wealth

Best example of using the concept of operant conditioning to explain the behavior of a group or of the members of a group?

the reason for the success of the Auburn swim team under coach Hawke is that every swimmer is taught exactly what he or she is supposed to do (expectations are very clear), and swimmers are consistently rewarded or punished on the basis of the extent to which they meet their expectations

When a woman who works a full time job must also prepare the meals for the family and care for the children at night, she is experiencing what sociologists call

the second shift

In the YouTube video of Hans Rosling's TED talk about poverty (and more) that we saw, what does Rosling say is his main message?

the seemingly impossible is possible; we can have a good world

Which theoretical approach is linked to dependency theory?

the social conflict approach

Which of Marx's ideas is most in line with symbolic interactionism?

the transition from a class in itself to a class for itself

the text gives several reasons that a socialist revolution did not take place as Karl Marx predicted. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the reasons given in the text?

there is not longer and concentration of wealth in our society

According to Perry, college generally tends to help students develop the capacity for metathought. What is metathought?

thinking about thinking

multiculturalists oppose the goal of assimilation because..

this suggests that minorities are the ones that need to do all the changing

Who are the working poor?

those who work but earn too little to escape poverty status

True or False "structural mobility" refers to mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinds of jobs available in a society


True or False Over one billion people in the world live on the equivalent of $1.25 a day or less


True or False according to Goffman, it is in the interest of actors to control the conduct of others


True or False compared to many other societies the US has high rates of both marriage and divorce. Part of why we have such high divorce rates is because we have high standards for marriage


True or False in the United States, the large majority of people who have "made money" did so on the basis of inheriting or being given at least a modest amount initially -- which they then used to make more


True or False groups of individuals tend to resist giving up their competitive advantages


Which of the following statements accurately describes the political status of women in the United States?

using the United Nations gender power rankings, the US ranks behind mothers European countries like Sweden and Finland

Dependency theory claims that poor nations...

were "underdeveloped" by the colonial practices of rich nations

Read over the following four statements about social mobility in the US. which statement is NOT correct?

within a single generation, most social mobility involved jumping from one class level to another rather than making small movements within one class

the "beauty myth" refers to the idea that

women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical apperance

In general people in the _____ tend to be less tolerant of controversial behavior such as homosexuality

working class

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