Sociology FINAL

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Discuss the role of bureaucracy in modern society.

A bureaucracy is simply a large hierarchical organization that is governed by formal rules and regulations and that has a clear specification of work tasks. There is a division of labor, a hierarchy of authority, and an impersonal sense.

In the United States, which ethnoracial group has the lowest life expectancy, the highest rate of infant mortality, and the highest rates of death from treatable illnesses?

African Americans

Understand the strategies used when our identities are not presented the way we would like, including aligning action, accounts, disclaimers, cooling out, and stigmas.

Aligning action is giving explanation for bad behavior. Disclaimers happen before, accounts happen after. Cooling out is gently persuading someone who has lost face to accept a less desirable but still reasonable alternative identity.

Which age group is most vulnerable to family violence?


Which of the following statements about divorce in the United States is true?

Compared to other industrialized nations, the United States has a high divorce rate.

Understand the importance of group behavior, including conformity, respect for authority, and the bystander effect.

Conformity refers to the idea that members of a group will often times change their behavior in order to match the behavior of the group, to "fit in."

Explain some of the problems that occur in families and some of the benefits of marriage.

Divorce, Single parenting, family violence, Child abuse and neglect Married couples report more sexual satisfaction. Married women have better physical and psychological health than unmarried women. Marriage leads to less depression and less alcoholism. Married men make more money Married people also have a decreased mortality risk and live longer than those who are not married.

Differences in standardized test scores between rich and poor students have disappeared over the past 50 years.


Be able to explain implicit bias, discrimination, quiet discrimination, colorism, and racial transparency.

Implicit bias is prejudice that occurs on a subconscious level, prejudice that we are not even aware of. Prejudice and discrimination based on skin color may also occur within a particular ethnoracial group. Some think this phenomenon, known as colorism, is just as bad a problem as racial hatred expressed toward the group by outsiders (Tharps, 2016). For instance, skin tone has been associated with social advantage among Blacks since the days of slavery, when light-skinned slaves were often allowed to work in the main house but dark-skinned slaves were relegated to the fields (

The U.S. women's movement in the 1970s is an example of a ______.

Reform movement

Understand how families are changing and how they are different among different cultures.

They rely more on income they make from outside the home, children go to school instead of learning values in the home, there were bigger families in the past because they had multi generational homes and extended family in the home. Divorce rates for young people is declining, but people over 35 are divorcing much more.

In the United States, rape is the only serious crime that requires that the victim prove lack of consent.


The process by which large numbers of people leave rural areas and move to big cities is called urbanization.


Which of the following countries has the shortest school year?

United States

Understand the methods we use for impression management.

We go through a series of social interactions where we try to sell ourselves to other people. To do so, we can strategically furnish or conceal information. At times, we may need to advertise, exaggerate, or even fabricate our positive qualities; at other times, we conceal or camouflage behaviors or attributes that we believe others will find unappealing.

A family unit made up of at least one parent and one child is known as a(n) ______.

nuclear family

In the United States, which group experiences racial transparency?

whites, because they dont think about their own race

Understand how families influence and are influenced by other institutions.

Deployment causes single parent families. Marriage is a legal contract.

According to Marx, under capitalism, the ______ work with the means of production to earn wages.


Understand the types of social movements, how they occur, and what is necessary for their success.

A reform movement attempts to change limited aspects of a society but does not seek to alter or replace major social institutions. Countermovements are designed to prevent or reverse the changes sought or accomplished by an earlier movement. In contrast, revolutionary movements attempt to overthrow the entire system itself, whether it is the government or the existing social structure, in order to replace it with another. resource mobilization theory, the key ingredient is effective organization. No social movement can exist unless it has an organized system for acquiring needed resources: money, labor, participants, legal aid, access to the media, and so on

Know some of the terms associated with demography, including birth cohorts, age structure, population pyramids, migration, and urbanization.

Birth cohorts: These are groups of people born during the same time period. Birth cohorts are important because they share some similar characteristics due to what happens in the world during their life course. Age Structure: the balance between old and young people in a society. Population Pyramids: These graphs, from the textbook show the age structure of various regions of the world. The graphs are called population pyramids. Urbanization: is the movement of people toward cities.

Talking with friends, Chase remembers a joke about lesbians that he read online. He thinks his friends might find it funny but is also afraid of being known as someone who finds humor in hurtful stereotypes. Before retelling the joke, he says, "You know I don't have anything against gay people, but . . . ." Chase's statement is called a(n) ______.


State the trends of divorce and causes of divorce.

Divorce is more common in developed countries. In slight decline, but still high. Higher in conservative states. Its become more acceptable to escape and the women are able to support themselves economically.

Understand how exogamy and endogamy influence who we marry.

Exogamy means you have to marry someone OUTSIDE of a particular group, like your family or your workplace. Endogamy means you have to marry someone INSIDE of a particular group, like religion or race, similar beliefs or socioeconomic status.

Explain the negatives and positives of a two-party political system, the pitfalls of the red-and-blue political map, and why the US has a low voter turnout.

Faciliates a smooth transfer of power back and forth. Helps recruit new political leaders, based on people that are successful in smaller elections. Practice for higher positions. Simplifies the field and voters choices. They dont have to do their homework. There is a possibility of corruption. But less necessity for compromise. Low voter turnout because people feel indifference. No need for change, or belief that their vote doesnt matter. There is mistrust in the government.

All stigmas are voluntary in the sense that the stigmatized individual has committed some act that causes him to be deemed incompetent or unworthy of trust.


On a given day, men are more likely than women to spend time engaged in which household activity?

Lawn and garden care

Explain the concept of dramaturgy and how impression management is similar to a theatrical performance.

Life is like a stage. Front stage is appropriate for the audience. The back stage is where we can violate the impression management that we do. We use scripts, props, and costumes.

Describe the functional and conflict theories of stratification.

From a structural-functionalist perspective, the cause of stratification lies in a society's inevitable need for order. Because social inequality is found in some form in all societies and thus is apparently unavoidable, inequality must somehow be necessary for societies to run smoothly. The efficient functioning of society requires that various tasks be allocated through a strictly defined division of labor. If the tasks associated with all social positions in a society were equally pleasant and equally important and required the same talents, it wouldn't make a difference who occupied which position. But structural functionalists argue that it does make a difference. Some occupations, such as teaching and medicine, are more important for the well-being of society than others and require greater talent and training. In contrast, conflict theorists argue that social inequality is neither a societal necessity nor a source of social order. They see it as a primary source of conflict, coercion, and unhappiness. Stratification ultimately rests on the unequal distribution of resources—some people have them, others don't. Important resources include money, land, information, education, health care, safety, and adequate housing. Those high in the stratification system can control these resources because they are the ones who set the rules. The conflict perspective takes it as a fundamental truth that stratification systems serve the interests of those at the top and not the survival needs of the entire society.

Between 1991 and 2011, the proportion of Latin American and black students who attended schools where most of the students were minorities ______.


Understand institutional racism and give examples in economic, health-care, and educational systems in the US.

Institutional racism consists of established laws, customs, and practices that systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in society, whether or not the individuals maintaining these practices have racist intentions (J. M. Jones, 1986). Thus, a society can be racist even if only a small proportion of its members harbor personally racist beliefs. Because African Americans, Latino/as, Asian Americans, Muslim Americans, Native Americans, and other groups have historically been excluded from key positions of authority in social institutions, they often find themselves victimized by the routine workings of such structures. People of color are also less likely than Whites to have access to health insurance.

Three fourths of the pictures in Adam's sixth-grade science textbook that show children engaging in scientific activities are of boys and the remaining one fourth of the pictures are of girls. The difference in the depiction of boys and girls in this textbook is an example of ______.

Institutionalized sexism

Understand the issues involved in poverty in the United States.

More likely to have health problems, less experienced teachers, homelessness

Define family and understand the difference between nuclear and extended family.

Nuclear is parents and children Extended family is grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, etc.

Understand how organizations work and interact with each other and how globalization plays a role in this.

Organizations themselves exist within a larger structural context, acting as a sort of liaison between people and major social institutions such as the economic system, government, religion, health care, and education. We have to compete in business, economics, and education with other countries. Islam is now the fastest growing global religion. By 2050, the number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians worldwide. When taking migration into account, the Muslim population in Europe will nearly double in the next three decades. And despite some efforts to limit their migration to this country, Muslims will soon be the largest non-Christian religion in the United States

Understand personal racism, including the interplay between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

Personal racism is the expression of racist attitudes or behaviors by individual people. When stereotypes form the basis of a set of rigidly held, unfavorable attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about members of a racial or ethnic group, they constitute prejudice

Discomfort, fear, and avoidance are associated with which type of discrimination?


Goffman's back stage is comparable to a ______.

Restaurant kitchen

Understand the role of social change in society, how it occurs, and the concepts of anomie and cultural diffusion.

Role of social change: Anomie: The 19th-century sociologist Émile Durkheim (1897/1951) argued that rapid social change creates a vacuum in norms, which he called anomie, where the old cultural rules no longer apply. When things change quickly—through sudden economic shifts, wars, natural disasters, population explosions, or rapid transitions from a traditional to a modern society—people become disoriented and experience anomie as they search for new guidelines to govern their lives. Cultural diffusion: Another cause of social change is cultural diffusion, the process by which beliefs, technology, customs, and other cultural items spread from one group or society to another.

Differentiate between sex and gender.

Sex is biological. Gender is defined as "the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of maleness and femaleness"

Discuss the effects of sexism at a personal level, including objectification, violence against women, and discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Sexism refers to a system of beliefs that assert the inferiority of one sex and that justify discrimination based on gender—that is, on feminine or masculine roles and behaviors. At the personal level, sexism refers to attitudes and behaviors communicated in everyday interaction.

A ______ is a group of people who share a similar economic position in society based on their wealth and income.

Social class

Which of the following statements summarizes the relationship between the political opportunity structure and the likelihood a social movement will be successful?

Social movements are more likely to develop when political systems appear vulnerable.

Understand some of the ways in which social structure influences our everyday lives.

Social structure is the framework of society that exists above the level of individuals and provides the social setting in which individuals interact with one another to form relationships.

Understand what stratification is, the different systems of stratification, and how our class system works.

Stratification is the ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and life chances in a society. Just as geologists talk about strata of rock, which are layered one on top of another, the "social strata" of people are arranged from low to high. social class is a group of people who share a similar economic position in society based on their wealth and income. Class is essentially, therefore, an economic stratification system.

What is the feudal system?

The estate system, or feudal system, which develops when high-status groups own land and have power based on their noble birth (Kerbo, 1991). Estate systems were most commonly found in preindustrial societies. In medieval Europe, the highest "estate" in society was occupied by the aristocracy, who derived their wealth and power from extensive landholdings.

Understand social dilemmas, including: the tragedy of the commons and the free-rider problems

The free rider problem means people refuse to contribute to a common resource when the resource is free. However, the tragedy of the commons model can be applied to any situation in which indispensable but finite resources are available to everyone. When they run out, then everyone will suffer.

Which of the following statements about age structures is true?

They vary from one society to the next

Understand the process of impression formation, including the role of stereotypes in impression formation.

When we meet a person for the first time, we subconsciously form an opinion of them based on stereotypes and symbols of dress and body language.

Durkheim observed that rapid social change can lead to a condition of norm "vacuum": Old cultural rules no longer apply and new rules have not emerged to replace them. Durkheim's term for this is ______.


Choosing a marriage partner from within a social group to which one belongs is known as ______.


Black people in the United States are more likely to have a favorable opinion of police in the United States than white people.


Differentiate between race and ethnicity and understand the social component of race.

race is a category of individuals labeled and treated as similar because of common physical traits, such as skin color; skeletal structure; color and texture of hair; and shape of eyes, nose, or head ethnicity to refer to the nonbiological traits—such as shared culture, history, language, patterns of behavior, and beliefs—that provide members of a group with a sense of common identity. Whereas ethnicity is thought to be something that we learn from other people, race is commonly portrayed as an inherited and permanent biological characteristic that can be used to divide people into mutually exclusive groups.

What is the most frequently committed but infrequently reported violent crime in the United States?


The McCalls are a family of five living in a rented, two-bedroom house. They have enough to eat and adequate clothing and furnishings, though most of what they have was purchased secondhand. Most families in their community own their own homes and can afford to shop at an upscale mall. The McCalls's condition is an example of ______.

relative poverty

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